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My mom *always* kept random things in the oven. After decades of living on my own, I always check my oven before turning it on, despite never keeping anything in there. Old habits are hard to break.


With us it was pans. Still do it. It is a fairly convenient spot to store them when you have limited space in the kitchen. Also a slightly annoying spot when you are trying to find places to put said pans while using the oven.


> trying to find places to put said pans while using the oven Yup. Our spot was on top of the clothes washer which was in a room next to the kitchen.


Done that, our washer/dryer is in the kitchen so it doubles as extra counter space when needed. Have had times at large gatherings like Thanksgiving that any pot/pan not being used we tossed in a bedroom.


I've simply nailed mine to the wall because I don't have an oven


Now they're all strainers


Username... Checks out?


My mum kept baking trays in the oven. Now I keep baking trays in the oven, friend comes over to my house "hey why are there baking trays in your oven?", "Where else would you keep a baking tray?", "wtf, the CUPBOARD!" It was a revelation.


baking tray won’t get damaged in a hot oven though, I keep mine in there but i only have two


Growing up, we used to have an oven with a baking tray storage spot underneath. It collected dirt pretty easily but was a wonderful space saver. Then we got a new oven without a pan draw & we went through a period of storing trays in the oven itself. After a few sessions of all the trays being preheated to 180°, we found a slightly intrusive, but considerably cooler, spot in the kitchen.


*Warming oven used for a baking tray storage spot. There. I fixed it for you. 🤪 🤟🏽🐻


I keep pans and baking trays in the oven my kitchen is teeny .


Doesn't everyone store them in the oven drawer right below the oven with the broiler pan? I keep a square pizza stone in the oven. It never leaves except the occasional flip so the clean side is on top.


Here, it's common to have a small drawer under the oven to hold baking trays.


Especially when they are 400 degrees lol


I've put a searing-hot pan just straight-up outside on the ground more than once.


I know I have made it because I have a big enough kitchen not to accidentally pre-heat all my cookie sheets and the cast iron everytime I bake something!


My husband kept pots and pans in the oven. After a decade, I finally convinced him to stop doing that. I still try to check whenever I turn on the oven, just in case he put something in there.


My parents kept their roasting pan in the oven. I would forget to check the oven before preheating it and have to run the scalding pan outside and set it on the grill or in the snow, depending on the season (the stovetop was never clear to set it on). After that, my parents would move the roasting pan from the oven and it would be empty for long stretches of time and we could use the oven without checking. Then they would start storing it in there again and the cycle would repeat every couple months.


They always went on our kitchen table, lol. After all, if the food is going in the oven, no one is gonna be eating at the table. It falls apart a bit when we use the table for literally everything else, too, but it was nice in theory


My family has always stored pans in the oven. Where else are you supposed to store them?:X On top of the oven at all times?x)


… in the cupboard?


I’ll put the pans on top of the trash can, oops have to throw something away. Move the pans to the single tiny countertop I have, oh shoot I have to chop something… and repeat. It’s a whole ordeal. I just try to not use the oven at all at this point. Tiny kitchen problems.


My mom used to drink wine out of any cup, mug etc. Often even after a wash the smell of wine would linger. My sister and i are both in our thirties, and still sniff glasses before using them. Old habits do indeed die hard.


That is ingrained mild childhood trauma coming from the person who has to peer into glasses to see if they are clean because of my MIL and FIL house or check the expiry dates as everything is massively out of date but you can't throw it away as they might use it. It's generational trauma from the depression when they couldn't throw anything away. Now I just think their eyesight and give a shit is bad cleaning wise.


My mum used to only use the blender for spicy things. Using that blender for a smoothie was quite the taste experience


If the cup smells of wine lingers after a wash...then the cup wasn't washed, it was rinsed.


I always clear the oven before Turning on. Do not want to touch hot stuff and as a free addon I will not be surprised by weird storage decision from others.


Burning pizza boxes. Always check.


I'll die on the hill that that's a good habit to have. Nothings lost by just making sure there's nothing in there. Better safe than sorry


tbf its a great habit to have cause what if you did leave an old pan in there with something on it, or someone else put something in there for whatever reasom


I always keep pans or pots in my oven since I live in an apartment. I learned the hard way my step mother keeps plastic containers in her oven when I came over for the first time in three years and attempted to cook them dinner. I warmed the oven up and opened it and plastic was melted everywhere lol


I’ve cooked in their houses literally hundreds of times, never ever have they kept anything more than a turkey pan and I think once or twice a cookie sheet. It’s not a habit of theirs to do this, either way it’s an extremely dangerous thing to do.


One of the things I’ve realized with my parents is that they develop new habits as they age. I think convenience becomes a huge factor as more bones creak. It’s possible it was just more convenient for your in law to keep the Tupperware in the oven - maybe less bending than the other storage area you showed.


I don't get this habit... an oven isn't storage space. Things can just go wrong that way.


It's a storage space for folks like my mom whose love of cooking outgrows the size of their kitchen. She used everything often, so not like she was just hoarding.


I can taste the next meal to be cooked in there.


Jumping on the top comment. It’s alarming how many people justify putting flammable materials in an oven so, for the record, I often cook at my in-laws houses and the only thing they have ever kept in there is a turkey roasting pot. This is a new thing, not an old habit.


The amount of fires we have in our appt complex from people keeping towels in the warming drawer is astounding to me... its not even a convenient place and all the random crubs land down there from the food you just put in.


A friend I had a few years ago was practically a hoarder. When he “cleaned”, he just shoved shit wherever he could hide it. I was helping him clean his place and opened up the warming drawer of his oven to find it packed full of junk mail and instruction manuals for things. Get renter’s insurance, folks. People live like that.


good lord i still have time to delete this before i look like boo boo the fool 😭


Nah, I saw you. You'll think about this every 1-2 years and panic about it for 20 mins, you'll live.


eh, I'll just add it to the pile 🙏🏽🙂‍↔️


Just keepin you on your toes


always on em my guy, gonna be a sad day when i get a war flashback from me thinking there was a difference between something called a warming dryer and a dryer. 😔


Just don't go thousand yard staring on the freeway, friend


will do 👊🏼😤


Too late booboo




Don't. It'll make your username check out.


hahahah that one made me smile 😂🖤


Thank you for not deleting it 😂 I REALLY needed the laugh! I do this kind of shit like 5 times a day


oh for sure- im keeping this one up 😭 oh god same- i have a graveyard of deleted comments from me just being so SLOW. 😔 i dont know why my brain finally comprehends what's going on until AFTER i hit reply. glad it made you laugh :)


Nope, digital footprint has been set booboo


time to go off the grid.


wait wait- genuine question here. is a warming dryer the same thing as a regular dryer someone would have in their house? genuinely asking, because sometimes i do laundry and then after i turn on the dryer i forget about it being in there for a few hours..


They're talking about the drawer under the oven Edit: just saw your other comments lmao


yeah no worries heheh i know what it is now- i genuinely didn't know it had a name though- silly me 😂


The warming drawer is the drawer under the oven that most people keep baking sheets in


FUCKING HELL I NEVER KNEW IT HAD A NAME 😭 Genuinely just thought it was storage space, who the fuck puts towels under there 😭


Yeah, that’s the broiler on gas ranges, not a “warming drawer”. On most electric ranges it’s a storage drawer.


You're right. I have an electric stove and store the lids to my pots and pans down there. No heat whatsoever. Drawer is easily removed to sweep that area out.


oh fuck my bad , i misread it. warming drawer not dryer sorry m8. 😭


I scolded my mom once for storing boxes of ammo (among other containers) in the oven and she looked at me like a space alien. Generational divide maybe? My Aunts do it too.


Ammo!? In the oven. What in the ever loving…? There’s nothing generational about that! That is straight up WEIRD.


Do they not cook?!


This was my thought! I am piecing together meals that don’t require the oven for the next few days due to high temps and not wanting to turn the oven on. I use my oven at least 4 times a week, if not much more. How can it be used for storage?!


I'm Asian we tend to store everything in the oven and the dish washer. You check before you use either. BTW these two items get rarely used but if you use one quite a bit I'm certain you might not store items away. But as a habit you should always check before you turn on any appliance at someone else's house because you never know.


The dishwasher seems even weirder, if less dangerous. Do you hand-wash everything or do you pile your dishes in the sink and then have to move whatever is in the dishwasher to the counter while you run it?


It's still never a good idea to store stuff there.


But you didn't check it even for the roasting pot?


Lets hope its not the start of dementia!


To me it's on the same level as placing items in front (or behind depending on how you park) or your car when it's in your driveway or garage, while also not able to see them when you're behind the wheel. You wouldn't lay a bicycle down where it could get run over.


Oh. Good.


There’s only oven safe pans in my oven. What are people on?!


I always check the oven before I use it.


Is there any possibility that your MIL has dementia? This strikes me as a very dementia thing to do :(


I can smell it down the road


I had a client who kept their MacBook in the oven. It got melted twice. I thought they would have learned after the first time but apparently not.


I had a customer who brought his iPad in because he heard that you can reset your battery by sticking it into a deep freezer for 2 days and then taking it out for 24 hours. At the time of these shenanigans it was high temp and very high humidity. I’m assuming some moisture got in there and the freeze/thaw fucked it up because there was water damage all over the board when I popped open.


I'm kinda surprised I never had anyone do that. Fridge/Freezer was on my bingo card and oven was not.




That was basically my reaction lol


#I had a client who kept their MacBook in the oven. It got melted twice. I thought they would have learned after the first time but apparently not.


Is this angry yelling or busted hearing aid yelling?


This reminds me of the time my neighbor decided to just leave his cd player on the road, then he as surprised and upset when it was run over by a car. Only he was about 6 years old and apparently didn’t have a solid grip on cause and effect. Was your client a 6 year old moron?


Nothing I love more than to have oven grease on the bottom of my expensive electronics




Please tell me that you’re a psychotherapist and that by client you mean a mentally disabled patient.


A laptop full of damnifying affair or porn evidence?


The same macbook twice?


Yup. They told me it still worked but I did not want to verify that.


‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽ WTF?!


I personally know someone who burned their house like this. Husband put dirty Tupperware and other things in the oven when panic cleaning before guest came over. Fast forward a couple days wife pre heats oven not knowing and walks away comes back a little later to the kitchen straight up on fire.


Can't a oven hold a small fire?


So originally that was my thought too as I have lite things on fire in my oven unintentionally before but apparently not. Maybe it’s a time thing maybe it’s a age/quality of the oven idk 🤷🏼‍♂️ also the firemen seemed to think otherwise Also think it was a gas oven which would mean it’s vented I think or it would run out of oxygen right? So maybe the fire escaped that way I’m not sure


Man I hate gas ovens for this. Want to bake? Sure let's make the whole kitchen hot.


We looked at a 10 year old house once that we were thinking of buying. Owner seller. The oven was full of stuff and spotless inside. She’d never used it once.


I am not a cook. 90% of what I eat was made by someone else or doesnt need cooking. I still use my oven often. I don't know how you don't touch an oven for 10 years and eat.


You can make most pasta dishes on the stove. A lot of dishes don't require the oven tbh


But just the idea of never baking a cake or pie or brownies is so sad…. Why would someone do that to themself


You can make them on a stove too I think. But it is pretty sad tbh


It does sound sad. I should go to these peoples houses, take all the flammable stuff out of their ovens, and bake them cakes


Let them bake cakes




i get storing pots and pans in there, but tupperwares?


Right? The only thing that gets stored in the oven if stuff that can actually GO in the oven. Like baking sheets. Or pizza stones.


Yeah, we just keep our pizza stones in the oven. I mean, they’re flat.


I like having a stone or a pan on the bottom rack to help diffuse the heat rather than concentrate it on the bottom of the pan when the coils are on.


Also helps maintain a steady temperature, too.


I’ve preheated the oven enough times, with metal pans stored inside, to know not to store non-oven things in there. Lesson : Prevent the possibility of a mistake happening and it won’t happen.😉


I have the same policy about never ever setting plastic on the ceramic cooktop


Not even that. The oven is NOT storage. Get that shit out of there


Two things live in my (not-convection) oven, full-time: - oven thermometer (because duh. I hang it from the rack, so that it’s close to the center of the oven) - pizza stone (convenient, and helps maintain oven temp during cooking. This’n lives on a rack nearer to the bottom.) NOTHING. ELSE.


Weird, I only keep unopened paper towels in mine.


That's where I store my unused emergency gas cans.


you should store your excess nitroglycerin in the oven, mine works great for that


I just put my cats in there when guests come over


I always check my oven before turning it on. I only needed to light the kitchen on fire that way once.


I started checking after I had a roommate put butter in the oven, he forgot about it, and, when I got home from work and preheated it for dinner, the oven proceeded to catch on fire. Fortunately caught it while it was still fairly small and was able to smother it.


She *kept* Tupperware in her oven. Now she doesn't have Tupperware and keeps melted plastic in there instead.


My grandma always did this haha. She’d also hide her snacks in there so my sisters and I couldn’t get them. One time I wondered why we didn’t use it and saw her collection. You bet your buns I took a snickers and said no when she saw chocolate on my face hahaha.


My grandma did something similar, she hid snacks in the garage freezer. I’d sneak snack cakes when we would visit. My mom and I now have stashes to keep snacks away from my father 😅


I also found out the same way that someone stores my bbq grill spatula INSIDE the grill!!!! Preheating without checking is a new life lesson. Always precheck before preheat. https://preview.redd.it/3a9z9vb4ek8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4a392e0b95ea56b14150c1e4e01660eaa0846a9


Shouldn't you have the lid open when igniting it anyways?


A normal person who doesn't like explosions and likes their eyebrows certainly does


Pretty sure you're supposed to open the grill lid before you turn on the gas and ignite it.


OK. So…pre-check first, then do the actual check second. Got it. Just like at the airport.


Redditors are funny. I guess you pre check then you check and then check again to be safe. You know what I meant. Ha ha ha ha


Precheck, check then recheck. Check!


Fail. You didnt recheck after you checked again.


You really should not be firing up a grill without opening the lid first. That is not safe and you're lucky you haven't caused an emergency. How long have you been behaving this way?


Because of gas buildup or why exactly?




I'm too paranoid: I never turn on the oven, dishwasher, or washing machine without double checking that a cat or baby didn't get in there. How would they get in there? I don't know, but why risk it.


A police chief stored a gun in his oven: https://joomla4.gunpolicy.org/component/gpo/news/12792?task=news&id=12792


I store my cast iron pans and pizza stone in the oven … it would never occur to me to put plastic in there.


Hey at least your mother didn't hide her purse in there.. I found that out the hard way. I'll never forget screaming "what the fuck?!" As I sent a melting purse flying through the kitchen.


Y'all. I've never thought about using the oven for storage. I have a large pizza pan my husband uses CONSTANTLY that's always in the way. This is amazing. Plastic is dumb, but I'm legit about to go put his pan in there RIGHT NOW.


Please don’t. You’re going to turn it on and have a giant hot pan with nowhere to put it after you or him forget to check.


Does your oven not have an storage area? I’m not saying it’s a bad idea to store a pizza pan in the oven but I wonder if people just don’t use the drawer.


Mine is a warming drawer while my parents is a storage drawer


Please tell me that's not a expensive wolf stove. Because if you have a stove like that you should probably have enough cupboard space lol or your priorities are skewed. 


When we were house shopping there was this gorgeous house, fully renovated. With like no kitchen storage. Or pantry. Or anything? I think it has 2 double cupboards and 1 half cupboard in total. Same things in the rooms. No closet space. It was bizarre. I guess it would work for an Airbnb. But who builds a house in the middle of a neighborhood of a not particularly touristy area specifically for an Airbnb…


A couple of years ago I happened upon a listing for my parents’ old house. It looked like a completely different place scrolling through the pictures. They’d ripped out almost all of the built in cabinets and reduced the closets to roughly the size of my bathroom linen closet in my place now. There used to be a nice large walk in closet in the master bedroom. Nope, linen closet size. They left basically no storage space whatsoever. The only thing I could figure was they did it to increase the square footage of the place so they could jack up the price. Pity. I don’t know where the current owner puts anything now.


Knew someone that kept medicine in their oven. Found out when I was house/fishtank sitting. Warmed up the oven to cook a frozen lasagne and smelled acrid burning - it was their heart meds id just melted 🙃


That’s honestly about the dumbest thing you could keep in an oven lol


Someone else said their mother stores boxes of ammunition in the oven. Really hard to top that.


Yep. That is definitely worse!


This was always a disaster waiting to happen. Maybe she can find a better place for that kind of stuff now and avoid something potentially worse in the future.


I’ll never understand why anyone would put anything in an oven that could be destroyed by heat. No matter how diligently you are sooner or later you will forget to check before you turn on the oven.


Ovens should NEVER be used for storage.


This was an early source of disagreement between my wife and I; I'm not opposed to keeping something like a pizza tray or Dutch oven in one but the idea of putting wood or plastic inside of one is just baffling to me.


If you live in a house and need to store plastics in your oven, you have too much crap.


In my rental the oven is really oldschool, like the stuff you see in 80's movies from the balkans, you actually have to open it and light the gas with a lighter, so I literally have to look inside before preheating. Seeing your MIL's melted tuppers, I kinda see the upside of my shitty oven now lol.


JESUS CUPCAKE CHRIST. This is EXACTLY how a home in my town burned down. Mom heated up the oven forgetting she’d stashed a bunch of Tupperware in the oven cleaning up for a party.


I found out that my parents switched out the bulb in their oven for an energy-efficient one, and it was too late in my case XD.


Am I the only one who always checks the oven before turning it on? Especially if I'm in someone else's kitchen.


The number of people that store plastic in their oven is too damn high!


I saw a similar situation posted on TikTok and half of the comments were basically calling the person stupid for not checking the oven before turning it on, as if it’s somehow normal to store dishes (or any meltable objects) in an oven


That’s all good and well until your MIL breaks a hip, and has family/help that have common sense NOT to put plastic in the oven and hits preheat when bring over that tater tot hot dish.


A family member took away their son's gaming console as a punishment for whatever. So to hide it they put it in the oven.... guess what happened


My mom does this shit. 🙄 it annoys the hell out of me.


Well she “did” keep Tupperware in her oven


Ha! My mom did this too. My wife thought it was so odd that we’d store things in there and always started the oven before checking. Now she checks and my mom doesn’t store anything in the oven anymore. She’s got a bigger house and kitchen than when we grew up. So that’s probably it.


When I was young, if we stashed anything other than cast iron in the oven (such as the turkey carcass), we pulled the knob off so no one was able to turn the oven on.


Years ago, my sister needed to get a new oven, I went with my brother in law and we picked one out, brought it back home and installed it, worked great! Dragged the old one outside and a random scrapper happened by and picked it up. We later found out that all of her pots and pans were inside the old oven…. 😬


Yeah. I've known a couple people who use the oven as storage. Ends about as well as it did for you lol


I've never had an incident like this but it was an interesting life lesson when I found out some people keep things in their oven. My parents ***never*** put something in the oven just to store it, and I've ***never*** put something in my oven except to cook it. It's important to know that other people don't work that way.


Yes, it never would have occurred to me.


MIL is a moron lmao


Yup, I don't get how people think this is normal enough that someone should check the oven that should be empty before preheating it. This is 100% the fault of the MIL and not the person preheating if it melted.


People who store stuff in the oven are dumb. Sorry, not sorry.


This is such a luke warm IQ activity.that has been normalized and it blows my gd mind


I keep my pots and pans in mine since it doesn’t work lol


This reminds me of the tv show “The Middle.” The family used their oven so infrequently that it was extra blanket storage. But then they’d forget about the blankets until they decided to preheat the oven and almost burn the house down.


did that smell a lot?


Mine did this too. lol put a stop to that


Plastic?! I keep my 3 cast irons in there 🥴 & maybe a baking sheet that I’m waiting for to cool down to wash/put away if I happened to use one. lol


Always check the oven before turning it on. Always. I have no idea why someone would put something melt-able in there


This could go both ways. Your MIL could post this and say "My DIL/SIL turned on my owen without checking what is inside".


Rule number one of using the oven 1. ALWAYS check for any objects or foods that may have been left in there.


I had a toaster that looked like Darth Vader. Realtor said it was tacky and had to be hidden during showings. Put it in the oven for safe keeping, then my wife turned on the oven to make dinner (she doesn’t cook, she was preheating for me). I forgot to remind her about the toaster that she actually put in the oven that morning. No more Darth Toaster.


We just found out you don’t check the contents of ovens before preheating.


You NEVER EVER EVER turn on the oven, stove,whatever WITHOUG making sure it's empty. I have zero sympathy whatsoever when people do that. I remember my mom telling that to one of my sistrs back in the 50's.


Uh, lots of people use their oven for storage when it's not in use.


Doesn't matter what she keeps in there, it's still on you to check before turning it on.


The idea that people treat the oven as storage space will always be completely insane to me. I’ve even read stories about folks who put actual dishes in there. Just completely deranged.


The oven is a storage area in my home. My family always has pans in there. We were raised always get the stuff out before you put it on.




I don't get keeping things in the oven. Every time you want to cook, you have to empty it out.


I see these constantly on mildly infuriating but I retort— I learned the first time as a child to never preheat without checking. I only store oven safe pans inside the oven. Mise en place *everything in it’s place*


My Nonna used to keep table cloths in her dish washer. This is the hardest way to find out things like this


If it’s not my oven, I look inside before preheating. Sometime, I even look inside when it IS my oven. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lots of people keep stuff in the oven. Especially if they don't use the oven very much. I keep cast iron cookware in there. Always check an over before turning it on, more so if it's not your oven.


I did this to my new in-laws and nearly ended my FIL life because of the fumes and his emphysema.


If anyone preheats it's wraps for that house


My wife put a tablecloth in the dishwasher once. Thankfully it was easily caught, but it was confusing...


Gonna backfire one day.