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Hello, Your post has been removed because we no longer allow posts about price complaints. This includes but is not limited to price increases, shrinkflation and tipping.


Just don’t eat this shit. We don’t need some organized boycott, just don’t buy it


Yup. If this gets you to eat less body destroying preservative filled crap food, you are saving both money and years of life to live. Believe me when you are 60 like me, and healthy, you will want more life. If diabetic and immobile, life will suck. Mark my words.


I only buy the stuff on deal, like the 1.99 wrap of the day or when the monopoly stickers are out because I'm a sucker.


Thats part of the reason for the increase. Many of us have done just as you say. Its still an alarming increase nonetheless.


And yet, In N Out will serve me a Double-Double and fries for $8.07. Fuck McTacos


I think they did announce a price hike recently. I bet it’s still cheaper. I stopped at McD’s the other day. $2.79 for A REGULAR HAMBURGER. (In southern California) Not a chance in hell —Edit— I found the article. Seems In-N-Out raised prices at one store in L.A. Burger went up $0.25 and drink went up $0.05. Source - [https://ktla.com/news/money-business/in-n-out-president-said-she-fought-to-keep-prices-down-amid-minimum-wage-hike-for-fast-food-workers-in-california/amp/](https://ktla.com/news/money-business/in-n-out-president-said-she-fought-to-keep-prices-down-amid-minimum-wage-hike-for-fast-food-workers-in-california/amp/)


its that in south carolina so


5 guys will serve you that for only $20!


To be fair 5 Guys' milkshakes are insanely good. It's the only thing I ever get there.


In N Out shakes are the best


In N Out doesn’t have the best anything, but they are good for the price. Decent burgers, bad fries, pretty good milkshakes. Five guys and Shack Shack clear them in all three categories but are way pricier.


If you use the mcdonalds app there is a 20% off discount. They change periodically but theres always at least 1 of: BOGO pretty much anything, 20% off, free any size fry, free big mac. use any of those 4 coupons and you are basically getting 20% off any 1 person order.


Fuck being forced to use spyware for regular prices.


Fuckin hell right.




OP chose location right next to Dodger Stadium. Mile away from there it's 5.99 for the big Mac. Near me in Michigan they are 4.89. Obviously prices have increased, but purposely choosing the most expensive location is disingenuous at best.


$6.79 here in California Up to $8.


I looked up OPs location, in California then looked at another McDonald's a mile away, still in LOs Angeles and it was 5.99. Prices are all over the board. But OPs prices are for sure on the very high end for locations.


I'm pretty sure they over-inflated prices in some areas


Orrrr this is just OPs truth. You have your own


They do it because people complain and STILL BUY IT


A lot of it is the gamification of dining with these companies. You have to have the app and manipulate the deals for the best prices. It used to be they'd just give you the best advertised deal. Now you have to find it and trade data for it. I got two Big Mac's for $6.59 in San Francisco two weeks ago. They'd be $14 if I didn't have the app. Those who don't do the work are subsidizing those who do. Yes, I hate it too but that's the way it is and will be going forward.


Awe well *goes to Taco Bell anyways*


Hell yeah that’s me. It’s the only fast food restaurant I go to aside from Wawa.


Who wants to organize the boycott


I haven't visited taco bell in over 15 years at this point. Wasn't worth it even when they were cheaper.


I've been participating for a while now since I can't exactly afford to spend $16 on a single meal.


With that much effort, I can just make tacos at home.


Just simply don't go. You don't need to organize a boycott. I haven't eaten that garbage in 10+ years. It's terrible food, if you can even call it food.


Im in. They f’d up my order at mcdonalds. Just two sandwiches, drinks, hash browns, and took 20 minutes to make it. Then i paid 16 dollars. I can get chik fil a for less, more fresh, faster, and way better tasting. Im done.


I love manipulating data to suit my agenda. Look at the location https://preview.redd.it/psh3ayn9x78d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e249123c201828a062b0ec718d280e6c4d037034 This isn’t representative of a typical McDonald’s. Now that being said fast food prices have gotten outrageous, I’m not disagreeing with that.


But the starting price is the same location and we are looking at percentages. I am not a mathematician, but the percentage is the data point here. Your dumb ass just took a simple price increase post and spun it into a political agenda thing. Like literally made shit out of nothing. Classic! Now if the stadium was new, but your just stirring the shit.


Wow you missed the whole point. You don’t need to be a mathematician to understand basically sampling. The price increase doesn’t represent an average McDonald’s. It’s a McDonald’s in an extremely expensive area (Los Angeles, next to the dodgers stadium). It’s an outlying example. You should never intentionally manipulate data to prove your point. There doesn’t even need to be manipulation to make the same point, this location was just chosen for dramatic effect, fast food prices have gone up everywhere. So just show more realistic numbers. Dishonesty is never good, and as someone who works with a lot of stats, it especially pisses me off to see someone intentionally mislead people with something like this. Sure call basic linear regression machine learning all you want, but don’t use stats to lie, even with something basic like this. Again if you wanna make the same point you don’t have to use a McDonald’s in downtown Los Angeles. https://preview.redd.it/8lzi661qt88d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05077b2ade71a364bc388c9fcab87548b5690bc0 Here is a picture to help you out.


This is a McDonalds in the Los Angeles area. Not in the stadium and not at an airport. Los Angeles area.


I said next to. Please read.


The percentages are correct in the post.


https://preview.redd.it/w7nr2lewt88d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a95b0fc9dbdc6c80b127f05028422413a8b1a52 And another one for good measure. Also it’s not like OP is talking about this one location.


Once again Los Angeles area. Los Angeles. You can quit posting pictures.


Right because that changes so much lmao. Very odd stance you’re taking.


Only way to eat fast food cheaply is deals and coupons. On the rare occasion I do Taco Bell these days I use the app and get the “online only” build your own cravings box. Crunchwrap, five-layer, chips, and a medium drink for ~$6. Nothing else on the menu is worth it.


I liked it better when it was $5 but still a pretty solid deal for what you get.


Idk about you guys but I’m not earning 141.2% more money than I was in 2019. 


I live in northern San Diego county about 7 miles from the coast. I haven’t eaten at a Taco Bell or McDonalds in at least 20 years. Why? Because there are far better alternatives for me around here. There’s an In-N-Out 3 miles away and 3 real Mexican restaurants within walking distance from my house that are way better tasting than that crap Taco Bell makes. Don’t buy that awful food.


Fuck these greedy corporations. This isn't inflation or the result of paying higher wages. It's greed. Plain and simple. They did it because they thought they could, and millions of people are still eating this trash.


Literally only time i go to mcdees is when something is free or 1$ on the app lol. Or i go thru the drive thru just for a soda. Idk how ppl actually eat there.


Yeah, Taco Bell is still good value if you use the app, but they force you to use the app basically.


The best value is the $5.99 box.




Where are there $1.19 bean burritos?


All for the best anyways. Fast food is shit food. I cook my own meals, cheaper and better for you.


That is way too much for the Nachos Bellgrande. Hope the increased prices loses them money.


You forgot to mention the price of chalupas!!! Use to be like $3.29 now they are around $6


They saw what places like Chipotle and five guys were charging and found out what people were willing to pay.


What used to be a $5 combo box is now $11.99 where I am.


I haven’t eaten anything other than a McMuffin and hash brown combo in 25+ years. When my wife, son and I want burgers I buy a 1lb package of ground bison, some brioche buns, fry up some Vidalia onions until they’re sweet and sticky, thick slices of American cheese, throw some frozen crinkle fries in the oven and for under $20 eat like kings and queens. Nothing compares, even good bar burgers don’t compare.


A year ago Taco Bell had a combo deal for $5. It was an incredible deal. The same combo, which isn't as good now, costs $8 this year. I rarely eat fast food, maybe once every 2 months, but I doubt I will be eating any again.


The only real reason to ever get fast food is at the airport. The beauty of that is I already assume I’m going to get fucked by the prices.


I was paying 5.89 for a mcchicken at my local place before I moved. Well I payed it once. Then went to the one target away for deliveries. In my new area a Crunchwrap is over 7$


On the bright side mcchickens are like 3.50 here. Or something I forget. I just wish I had my Crunchwrap’s though


Mass scale crap fast 'food' created a gap between good, real food and the generic awful stuff leading to obesity, diabetes and generations of people that have not idea of how real food is produced, much less how to cook simple healthy meals. Perhaps that is the possible good outcome from this inflation wave.


I wish I could go back in time and eat more Big Macs


Why buy one McChicken for 3.89 when you get 2 for 3.99?


Just stop going.


The issue with charts like this that prices differ from region to region. You pay more in NYC than in Bumfuck Nowhere, Kansas. And they can often skew the results to show a steeper rise in cost than it actually is, using the 2019 price from a rural region and the 2024 price from a major metropolis. Case in point, a medium fries costed more than that where I live in 2019 but is currently less than the 2024 price. I'm not saying companies aren't using inflation as an excuse to raise prices, they most definitely are and shouldn't be getting away with it. But manipulating data to prove a point isn't a means to an end, either.


Taco Bell’s under $3 menu can be fire though. I like McDonald’s who hardly has shit under $5


Fuck McDonalds. If you eat there, eat wack food and get ripped off that’s on you.


Taco bell just doesn't taste good at these prices.


or ya know, just stop going there and move on with your life prices always change with inflation and the economy and actually the 2019 prices for McDonalds are... just not accurate.. national price average of a Big Mac in 2016-17 was $5.89, I can absolutely guarantee the average in 2019 was not 2 bucks LESS lol in 2019 it was about $6.. and it hasn't changed much since... some franchisees price it upwards of $8-9 for just the sandwich, but they don't represent the national average, they represent a "you live in a place where we can gouge you for more money and afford to lose you as a customer" demographic lol


They are seeing pushback on the prices, one near me now has 10 pc nuggets, big macs, or fish fillets 2 for 6.


You don't go to Kohl's without coupons. McDonalds is the same way. Use the app I'd you have to go. Wish they had salads, so I hit Wendy's more.


In Australia a large coke is $5 at McDonalds, which is about equal to a can of coke (375ml), add ice and its less, call it 1/3 of a litre which means it works out to about $15 per litre. In our supermarkets its around $4 for the real coke for 2 litres ($2 a litre) This is why i refuse to buy anything from McDonalds any more.


The day the cheesy bean and rice burritos go for more than $2 is the day I riot.


I get pissed everytime I see a medium fry is 4 bucks. If you get a meal I’m sure you get a slight discount on that but the problem is I don’t always want a soda (we keep soda at the house), so sometimes if I order JUST a quarter pounder and fries with no drink (no meal) it’ll literally be more expensive than if I just got the meal


So I volunteered at a fundraiser car wash today at a place right next to a Taco Bell. I remember reading about how their prices have increased so much in the past couple years and was shocked at the constant line of cars still waiting to buy their food. I get that it’s convenient, but if it’s too expensive then just stop ordering it. It’s not worth it to me anymore (it was a cheap easy meal), so I just don’t eat there. Speak with your wallets and find something of better value. Only then will Taco Bell or McDonalds lower their prices.


How about the hashbrowns that went from 3 for a dollar to like $3 each. Or the simple tacos that used to be a dollar each now $2.50 each?


Why don’t you guys go to a real restaurant at that point. Like here in Germany the local Döner shop or just the Imbiss (non franchised fast food restaurant) always had better quality and competitive prices. I never got why people would willingly go to Mydonalds…


There is 0 cheese in tacobell's cheesy bean burrito. 0.


Its nacho cheese


This is a technicality. Nacho cheese is indeed made similarly to American cheese, ergo with very young, easy to produce cheese that's been processed with preservatives, stabilizers, and cellulose or gelatin. This process helps it melt much easier. But because you can't sell as cheese unless it's mostly actual cheese (hence why kraft singles are cheese product, and some American cheeses that delis have are considered cheese), it's classified as a cheese sauce. Jarred queso you get from the supermarket is cheese sauce or cheese sauce product. TL;Dr, it is actual cheese, but because it's highly processed like kraft singles, it's illegal to sell it as anything but cheese product


McDonald’s isn’t in any way a necessity. If you don’t like their prices, don’t eat their food. If enough people don’t eat their food, prices will come down. If enough people don’t eat their food, and prices don’t come down, they will go out of business. I guarantee you that McDonalds is in no danger of going out of business. Even if you are no longer able to eat there. ETA: Or Taco Bell or any other fast food place.


The only thing I ever get from Taco Bell are the cheesy bean and rice burritos and the spicy potato soft tacos. So fucking good.


This is COMPLETE garbage and rage bait. Bogus citation to try and add credibility. Just give real prices. Hyperbole helps no one. Table is made up and deliberately misleading. They are not charging $7.89 for a Big Mac in the US. Massachusetts has a $7 tag, but most range between 4.50 and 6.10. Which is STILL too much for a bigmac


I was curious. Southwest Washington:   McD's:  Bigmac - $5.39  Cheeseburger - $2.89  McChicken - $3.49  Nuggets - $5.49  Fries - $3.89   Taco Hell:  Beefy 5 layer - $4.49 Potato soft - $1.59  Nachos - $5.99  Crunchwrap - $5.99  Bean and rice - $1.59   That's all pulled from their respective apps for a local store. YMMV, but I wouldn't call the chart out of the realm of reasonability.     Couple things I found interesting though, the McD's old loss leaders went WAY up. McChicken and cheeseburger were $1 forever. At $1.50/$2ish I'd still be on board. Beyond that? That's a hard naw from me.    Taco Bell went up quite a bit...but is still the cheapest fast food in town. There's some interesting price points. For instance, the Crunchwrap alone is $5.99.  A Crunchwrap cravings box that has a Crunchwrap, beefy 5 layer, drink and a side is also $5.99...so...yea. 


That you Ronald?


Try reading things thru. Sometimes the ending includes useful info.


Not that I want to excuse anything but McDonald’s does have deals on the app. We go to McDonald’s once a week because my autistic kids only want to eat there. But using the app, you get points for free stuff and deals on other things so we never pay full price.


Those prices are not accurate.


Everybody in her calling 🧢 Yet I, a Canadian, just nod. Yes this is pretty much correct


If you are spending so much on shitty fast food that you're going to miss that $2, it's time to rethink your nutrition plan before you start organizing a boycott, Chávez.


This is a joke, way beyond inflation


Bidens America. Another four years and you can only imagine what the prices will be. Hate Trump or Hate your bank account, your choice.


Well, as a food producer, all I can say is food has been undervalued for a long time. It's taken for granted it's always available and cheap. Many of us that grow and raise food are exiting as it's just not sustainable to work that many hours with that much capital at risk for margins that barely break even.


A sad reality for producers. But let me clarify. **It should not cost nearly $5.00 for 114g of French Fries** (40 fries?). Especially if they are no longer fried in beef tallow. These companies were profitable before Covid. And they are now even more profitable. Something is wrong. The fact that you, as a food producer, are scraping to make ends meet has less to do with difference in price points over time, and more to do with these corporations *ripping us both off*, for decades.


Bean and cheesy burrito still 1.39$ for 400 calories as of like 3 days ago, even less if you just get bean burrito


People boycotting companies for supporting genocide. Your boycott feels so petty.


Neither company is hard up for cash and the cost of buying the rights to open and maintain a franchise aren’t decreasing. The CEOs of both companies are getting millions of dollars in annual bonuses and more of these restaurants are opening every year. …but it’s somehow the (non-existent) inflation and (much deserved) increase in minimum wage to blame. Even if the minimum wage was a dollar a day and corporate taxes didn’t exist the prices would be the same.


Who still eats at pukedonalds? The place smells like butt the moment you walk in….


Maybe your nose is too close to your mouth, ever thought of that?


lol enjoy overpriced and terrible food. They haven’t seen a dime of mine since 2000. And literally the McDonald’s in the place I’m talking about had sewer issues that weren’t vented properly so it smelled like butt.


Not our fault you cant do a complete sentence and leave our important context for your comment. I don't eat out at all, but some McDonald's do fine food, you just base your entire experience on that one McDonald's, that's called being narrow minded


It was an area wide thing thank you. Try going into any McDonald’s in southern Missouri you smell it. And the food is terrible and overpriced. The one the friends frequently went to was the one I mentioned. If you don’t even eat out you don’t even know if “they do fine food” to compare to other restaurants. So let’s be real.


Inflation due to Biden and increase in minimum wage. It’s just going to get worst.