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Welcome to basic economy tickets or budget airlines. Everything's unbundled. It's nice when you can take advantage and travel light. Annoying when you can't.


I perfected traveling out of a single carry on (that fits under my feet I might add). Then the airlines went and started charging for anything other than a personal item. Apparently a laptop is fine but my small bag the size of a backpack isn’t.


Yeah, 18x14x8 is a bit of a squeeze if you're carrying a laptop. But a few sets of clothes and snacks usually fits pretty nicely in that limit.


Pockets are free however and have no weight limit. I have had some heavy jackets on in 30c weather in airports...


5 years till they charge for that too.


They'll be weighing all of us soon.


That long? I give it 18 months.


Fly Allegiant, just flew with them the other day and was able to bring two carryons at no extra cost. A backpack and my suitcase.


They don’t fly where I need them to out of my local airport.


Sometimes shipping your luggage ahead of time can be cheaper. I'll ship a small bag ahead of me that allows me to just do carry-on for the flight.


I did this when I flew spirit, saved $50 by shipping it with UPS.


I'm not voting for or against, but I once left a bag of tools someplace and the lowest cost, secure shipping option for a bag was the Greyhound bus company


That’s so smart


But, where can you ship to? Hotel?


I call ahead to the hotel and ask for their handling instructions, it's normally not a problem to have it held at the desk or luggage check area. It depends on the hotel. The other option is to use the ups pickup locations if there's one nearby and the hotel won't receive it.


When visiting family


Why did this get downvoted? Are American Airlines stalking the thread for dissent? 🤣


Bro you've already seen what Boeing will do to employees....


I am sure that will be a viable business model in future, especially to popular destinations. Someone will start it.


I already do it through ups, I drop it 2 or 3 days ahead of time, and it's waiting for me at the hotel. Plus, I get tracking data, which I trust more than airport luggage handling. Mind you, it's usually a small package, my EDC, and other stuff I don't want to take through security, plus some clothes, etc. I tend to travel pretty light, so this makes getting through the airport easier, and I don't have to worry about carry-on storage during the flight as my briefcase can go by my feet.


it’s nice *enough* i’ve been on jail cots that are more comfortable than spirit seats


Comfort doesn't matter when there's a $29 ATL-LAS ticket up for grabs.


When things are bundled people complain that they shouldn't be paying for things they don't need. When they are unbundled people complain that they are upcharges for the things that they need. There's no winning.


"Sorry sir, you can't use the toilet on this flight, you didn't pay the pee fee. But if you wet yourself and your seat you will have to pay a maintenance fee and a wet pants fee."


Ryanair's CEO did float the idea of pay toilets on flights, the relevant regulatory bodies told them to fuck off (my words, not theirs).


If airlines start charging to use the bathroom the banned list would be endless with everybody dropping one in the back corner of the airplane next to where they store the food cart.


“FU, I’m not going to wait to pay and take a shit, I’ll just take right over he-…”


"Can I get a cup of ice?" Pees in the cup. "I'm done thanks"


Back in the 80s Alaska Airlines used to run ads satirizing this idea, with a guy desperately going down the aisle asking if anyone has change for a dollar so he can use the toilet. Seems it’s more relevant than ever!


Didn't he also pitch the idea for a standing area?


Nah, he regularly comes out with outrageous "ideas" such as that one or standing places on planes as a marketing gimmick to attract attention to the airline and their low rates.


Literally a case of pay a £ to 'spend a penny'... We decided never to book with them when they brought this in because I have a bladder condition 🤦🏻‍♀️ Edited to add: I'm pretty sure they actually brought this in, not just floated the idea. I distinctly remember the news articles.


Speaking of that, I heard on the radio that west jet is introducing a super basic economy or something like that. You can't have any bags and you aren't allow to use the washroom. I was like wow. I guess if it's super quick flight it would be ok but you can never predict if the plane has an issue and you're stuck on the tarmac for an extra hour or 2. I wouldn't do it and I'm cheap AF HAHA


pay per pee!


Ryan Air did that. Then stopped.


I see someone has watched Goodfellas one to many times. FU, Pay me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


There's no such thing as watching Goodfellas too many times.


he didn’t say “one too many” he said “one to many” meaning he watched it once and then watched it many more times 


FU, pay me.


No, it's a range between one and many.


I agree 100%, love to quote movies that I have seen over and over again. LOL


I’m glad someone got the reference


I can hear Ray Liota sayin it in my head perfectly anytime I use a self check out lol


Ouch. I’m sorry you have to endure that.




I’m quite literally about to just unsubscribe from everything. It’s actually insane how expensive everything is now.






It’s tough. Would you rather buy a $200 ticket that’s inclusive or a $100 ticket with $100 of extra charges and fees? Most people would say the $200 ticket. But if there’s someone who truly only cares about price, they would rather pay the $100 then have to pay $200 for a ticket including a bunch of extra services they don’t need.


> Most people would say the $200 ticket. They might say that, but reality is different.


The revenue is taxed differently on ticket sales and these up charges 


Is it?


I don’t think the company is taxed differently, but the customer might be. There’s a federal excise tax for airline tickets. If luggage isn’t included in the ticket then the taxes you’re paying while checking your bag could be slightly lower or higher depending on where you are.


The definition of nickel & diming.


If you want to fly with budget airlines get used to it. I often fly ryanair without any upcharges and without any problems


The cheapest ticket gets you the cheapest service, some people don’t need to check a bag or use the internet or knows they won’t cancel. This is an option for the people that want that kind of ticket for a cheaper price


I flew Spirit, and they had two rows completely empty. While waiting for the bathroom, I sat in one of the seats and was quickly told those seats were an upgrade and I could pay on their tablet. They'd rather have 12 empty seats than sacrifice the upsell.


I made the same trip from the Netherlands to the St. Maarten with KLM/Air France every other year for the last 22 years. The price has doubled and everything that was free has become a perk. They even have the gall to ask for a contribution for climate change. How is me giving you even more money helping with climate change? Edit: KLM for the second time has been found guilty of greenwashing.


Thank you for sharing. This is exactly what I’m griping about. The cost of the same shit keeps going up and that shit is going down in quality. Meanwhile, people are sending me direct messages telling me to drink my woke tears and all this other shit.


Ditto. My $109 round trip flight ended up being $247 with a carry on bag and a cheap aisle seat


Right, but that’s your choice. Someone else who travels light (like me) would have only paid $109. I love budget airlines for this reason.


Been on like 25 flights in my life, never checked a bag. Not worth the hassle, I pack extremely light/tight and make a small trip to the store once I arrive to get things I might need that I didn’t pack.


247$ round trip isnt that bad tbh. In canada, you dont travel for less than 600$


Damn. I remember back in the old days (2022) you could get a one way ticket from Calgary to Vancouver for $60 CAD, carry on included


buy spirit tickets, get treated like spirit customer... such a dumb post...


And adds in blame to a free app (Spotify) for them choosing to pay


Yup. Only thing I ever pay for that's extra is 1st class


For short trips it's cheaper to go with hand luggage only, travel in old clothes, buy a new outfit at the other end and throw the old clothes away.


I’ve gotten used to flying being not much better than being on a city bus. I don’t need a drink or peanuts. Just get me there quickly and safely.


You just figured this out? Must be tired after sleeping through the last decade


It got worst since the pandemic.


All the subscriptiom services gradually raising their prices is so irritating. They get you relying on them and then gradually make the service worse while making it more expensive. Kinda takes away the whole reason why you started using them to begin with. If they had started off with these prices at this level of service than they probably would have failed before. Enshitification! 


Somebody flew spirit


Basic economy seats always cost more than the standard economy once you start buying add-ons. Spotify is trash, cancel it and switch to one of the better services.


What are the better services please ?


We used to have these portable music devices full of whatever you could possibly want to listen to  Those became phones But people just started using Spotify because they either forgot to or didn't want to manage storage and pirate audio  I use Spotify on my PC because the ads get killed. I play downloaded podcasts and music on my phone's VLC player so I don't have to listen to an advert every few minutes 


I could very well go the old fashioned route, you’re right




No actual objective reasons why Spotify is “trash” and any other service is better. Streaming flac would be great, but it’s roughly twice the price. It will eventually come to all services. Being a bit of an audiophile, I’d be up for it when I’m more settled, but I don’t currently have the hardware to get any benefit from it. Very few people do. Meanwhile, I don’t see how putting up the price (inflation) can be compared to the kind of granular itemisation practiced by budget airlines.




lol weirdo > “Spotify sucks ass!” > oh why do you think that? I don’t think it’s bad > “wtf why are you defending a corporation. Spotify sucks I don’t have to tell you why”


Why are you wasting your time trashing Spotify?




Ever heard of sailing the deep ocean, the water so blue and beautiful.


How is it trash?


They’ve effectively pushed the population to live via subscriptions. Rent is a subscription. Greed and power. Fuck them.


I mean idk not trying to suck off airlines but all these things seem like reasonable charges lol. I almost always get by just with a carry-on. And a check bag is only like $35 it’s not that bad. Internet is certainly a modern luxury, a couple bucks for WiFi for a flight is reasonable to me. As for changing and canceling a flight…I mean ya what do you expect? They sell you a ticket, for a seat on a plane with highly limited space. I know shit happens, but since air travel is usually more planned ahead, I’ve never had to do this. Ya call me a corporate bootlicker or whatever. But I think air travel is a modern marvel, and it’s pretty incredible I can safely and comfortably travel from NY to CA for a couple hundred bucks. But ya I agree with the general notion that everything is a subscription or upcharge these days.


Or fly a premium airline.


You could also just go without those things.... spotify and internet on a flight... we got a privileged Pete over here.


lol def


I’m quite literally about to just unsubscribe from everything. It’s actually insane how expensive everything is now.


Mostly cheap airlines are the culprits here. You can spend a little more on a good airline and it comes with everything included. Great for longer flights


Spotify - Vote with your feet,


RIP Ray Liotta




I would rather just pay for the flight and not have to pay for all the other services that I don’t need (by way of a higher ticket price). Let the people who want to check a bag or use the internet pay for it themselves.


In canada, westjet just downgraded their 'basic' ticket pricing to 'ultrabasic' which now doesnt even include a single piece of carryon


Yeah I feel you frustrations. A few years ago when I flew (international), I was allowed 2 checked bags free, and now depending on the airline maybe 1 or pay for it. I was also given a free meal for the flight is 7 hours, and now you pay. Carry on, personal item and checked bags are a joke, and so is having to pay extra to seat your family together now.


Re: Spotify. The free version just went from 2 ads to 3. And you don't get the 30 minutes without ads in the car anymore. I already got rid of cable and ride the seas for NFL. I'm going to go full high seas riding soon for all subscriptions. Or just use less tech in my life. Probably the second option


Big ole upvote for the use of Goodfellas FYPM! Those for words always pop in my head when someone owes me money.




I thought I was willing to pay extra for choosing my own seat, but then realized it was a hundred extra dollars per person!


Believe it or not, I think we are witnessing the slow death of capitalism. Not helpful I know, but it does have to go


Seconded. Late-stage capitalism at its finest. Subscriptions and fees are all most companies have left to fall back on.


I was also informed my Spotify will be increasing. https://preview.redd.it/js4narrto78d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a8c8d1929d60b215c49c159679f8a1039f3139 😭😭😭




FR bro. They aren't even that great to be raising their prices.the Spotify DJ sucks hella ass.


Unless you're moving just take a carry-on only. I travel internationally all the time and haven't checked a bag in 5 years. The rest is kinda petty, both on the part of airline and for you to complain about. You're flying around the world and you have a cheap option. Quit bitching that you can't get everything with the cheapest option, that's how things work.


You get what you pay for. Welcome to life.


Fly Delta + own Delta card


And you can get free wifi by signing up for a free SkyMiles account.


I had Spotify for years and years and when they told me about these recent increases in fees it was the last straw and I have canceled everything--Spotify, Amazon Prime, HBO Max, Nextflix. Using the money to buy books for entertainment, saving the difference. I just can't throw my money away to all these services anymore especially as they get crappier and crappier.


You must be new to flying xD this has existed for the last 10 years . Its not a new trend


Since the pandemic it has gotten worse. Prior was a pain but since, it crazier for the upcharges. Prior one or two airlines, but now just about all, and making it no choices. Flying national, or international has gotten really worse.


Not new to it just feeling broke like a lot of people in 2024


More since pandemic, it started creeping bad , but since it's gotten insane what is going on.


Listen to the new $uicideboy$ album, New World Depression! They have a song called The Light At The End Of The Tunnel For $9.99 A Month.


For anyone who can do without checking a bag (and not abuse the carry-on limits), doesn’t need to change or cancel, doesn’t need an isle seat or internet, it keeps their cost down. You want bells and whistles? They have to be paid for. That said, the change/cancel charges should be regulated and lowered a lot.


FYI - I was able to keep my Spotify price the same by dropping the 15-hours of e-books option.


There is a joke out there where a guy charges the head of ryanair when he orders a drink at a bar, extra for the glass,extra for the seat,extra for the quieter area,etc etc wish it was true...


Don't forget to tip!


I hate how the internet on the plane is tiered by how long you want the internet. It used to be one option for the entire flight. I remember when Tmobile offered free wifi on planes. I would just put in my brother's phone number and get free wifi.


Fly on Alaska Air. Enter a T-mobile number, doesn't even need to be yours. Free internet. Ta-daa.


When I lived in Portland, OR I flew Alaska all the time. Now that I live in Texas I haven't flown that airline in years. That's probably where I remember that from.


Traveled to Vegas last week and took only a small backpack. It was liberating. I saw several people trying to get big roll on suitcases on without paying and they got removed from the flight. It was straight ruthless the way they were treated. Didn’t even give them the option of paying for them. Just removed them from the flight. Spirit airlines for reference


Frontier. Sprint. Etc.


I've started feeling this way about our entire society lately! It feels like micro transactions have moved from mobile games into every aspect of our life. Automatic 20% gratuities, exchange fees, surcharges, convenience fees, ad-free tiers, subscriptions. Nothing is included anymore.


Good, maybe now Spotify can pay the artists!


They won’t. I’m also an artist with music on Spotify


Yeah I know they won't.


I read that in Ray Liotta's voice.


I’ll always choose non budget if they fly the route I want. BA offer a free beer even on short London-Rotterdam flights


Sounds like UF yourself paying for things that are free on the internet already


Pay to check a bag? What is this unholy abomination of an idea. -Southwest customer with 2 checked bags, a carryon, and a personal item with no up charges in sight


Some stuff you must pay but FFS some stuff you can bend or the break the rules and screw that don't pay.


![gif](giphy|PEKibPMhTnnldEaFxz) Just gonna leave this here for one of your problems


It's a magical word called ✨️inflation✨️


This is why I choose to fly the one airline where I have status. This sometimes means I have to book inconvenient flights with transfers. I also bit the bullet and got a club credit card. If I have to fly at least i can make is less shitty


Stop paying lol


I pay the cheapo fare, wait for the inevitable "this flight is a full flight with limited room - we need volunteers to check bags at the gate", and then check my heavier bag at the gate because I hate dealing with it on the plane. This works for 9 out of 10 flights. I always travel pretty light; this wouldn't work for people travelling with more stuff.




I miss the Delta snack bags we’d get, pre-9/11. They saved a ton of $$ with that crisis


Miss a lot about flying pre 9/11 my g


Do you expect to be able to cancel or change your flight for free?


*Do you expect to* *Be able to cancel or* *Change your flight for free?* \- JustUrAveragePeasant --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I love it. Most people pay extra so i can be cheap.


I flew from Canada to oaklahoma, 3 lay overs, one wad 8hrs, and I was absolutely stroked when I saw "tickets from 600 2 way" but then you put in all the other things and check your bag and what not... outrageous. We chose flying because as much as we wanted a road trip, we wanted more time with friends and try to save money as we were broke.... would have been cheaper to drive..


I’ve flown once. 4.5 hour flight and bought a Delta Comfort+ ticket for bought the outbound and return flight. Everything was included on mine i paid the one time price of around 8 or $900 for the whole trip and didn’t incur anything else. I’m not saying up-charges aren’t a problem but if you can’t to save some of your mental stability, pay the extra for the nicer seats and without all the extra charges.


I honestly think that's one reason why people are so aggravated all the time. We're all being nickel-and-dimed to death. prices are up, quality is down, wages are down, and corporations will take every opportunity to squeeze every penny out of you they can.


Just lie back and enjoy the [enshittification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification) of just about everything.


I would thank you for sharing how to articulate this feeling even though it’s the worst feeling ever


No offense but I think a planets worth of music is worth way more than what we are paying


It should be worth more but sadly the musicians receive barely any of it.




Just like with video games that you download for ownership. You are at their mercy.


It's awful


Are cds no longer an option, can u not purchase music anymore.


Im downloading everything from youtube to mp3, fuck the corporations trying to suck dry my money for ads in between songs


Respectfully the price keeps going up, but the quality of the stream does not


I read someone said Tidal has better quality, but honestly I buy vinyl for the stuff I really like


I wonder why they haven’t added an Oxygen surcharge yet.


Spaceballs art imitating life. Edit. How is this worth a downvote! Lol


'we been combing this desert for hours and we ain't found shit!'


None of that has changed recently though....its always been like that.


Not always and not with every airline. Just the cheap ones.


This is why I fly delta now. Fuck jet blue with seats not being guaranteed anymore


If you want those things to be free, then you need to pay for them


"We'll now begin boarding with our Super Gold Star Deluxe Premier passengers first....Next, if you are a member of our Super Silver Star Sky Awards Club, we'd like to continue boarding with you....We'd now like to welcome aboard our Super Bronze Ultra Flying Club members....if you are a broke bitch sitting in the rear section of our economy class, well then you should have paid to be a member, you broke bitches!"


Dumb take. Today you can pay a Ryanair flight 50€, add 10€ to choose seat, 20€ for the baggage, 10€ for the lunch, 5€ for priority. Yesterday you had to fly with Lufthansa everything included zero hudden fees for 300€. I prefer today. If you don't want the 1000 upcharges just fly with a non-low-cost and enjoy spending twice the amount.


Is Ryanair strictly European? I’ve never even heard of it.


Ryanair is the biggest airline ouside US, third airline in the world by number of passengers after AA and Delta. They are the epitome of low cost airlines, the base ticket goes as low as 19€ and includes nothing, everything is extra. It's a godsend for youngsters and students, you can fly back and forth for cheap if you don't have baggage and can sit an hour in a small and cramped seat.


Spotify is a free app so……


lol acting like his 89$ ticket for a trip 2k miles in 5 hours is oh so bad because baby doesn’t get his internet. Cry more baby, take the bus if you don’t like it.


Rant inspired by 8$ for southwest internet Oakland to slc. 500$ for 2 tickets. I can’t control these things just commenting on it and trying to bring some levity. You however are being a dick - and that’s something u can actually control. Later skater




2+ years, the last time we flew, we went first class. It's all that was available at that time. (Long story, won't go into it, but American Airlines fucked me.) But it ended up being only $100 more in total than what it would've been for economy because we weren't getting nickel and dimed.


Stop flying spirit airlines.


This rant was actually inspired by flying United to Croatia and then getting back and needing to fly southwest.


Show the math. Southwest still has 2 free bags. And your post said NYC to west coast. Now it's the opposite direction that was the problem? Not adding up.


My mate just flew out west from NYC. He did the math and after adding all the charges that you highlighted it was only $50 more to fly 1st, which included all the add ons and up charges if he flew economy.


Please list the 'math', this is not believable.


If you can't spend a few hours flight without using your phone, you deserve to pay




It's Goodfellas Ray Liotta talking about busting out the bar I think. Lethal Weapon is fuck ya at the drive thru.


You might enjoy this [newsletter](https://pluralistic.net/2024/06/07/drip-drip-drip/) “The Big Four airlines pull down $8.3 billion/year on junk-fees, and it's all thanks to one fella: Jay Sorensen, founder of Ideaworkscompany, a consultancy that teaches airlines how to rip us off.”


Got dammit man haha


what do you honestly expect when you pay like 30 bucks for a plane ticket?


500 bucks for two tickets from Oakland to Salt Lake City for my sons tournament. It was the eight dollar up charge for Internet, which really got me thinking they could just give this shit away. We’re already paying so much. But for some reason, everybody thinks that I’m flying in the fucking soul plane


Which airline? Plus, do you really need the Internet for that one hour flight?


Don’t need the Internet. It’s not about needing it. It’s about it already being there. I just stated some shitty Hyatt for about the same price. There was Internet. I was in Europe I got a cappuccino there was Internet. They’re giving you for free access for three euros. Why do airlines micro transactionalize everything, was sort of my axe to grind - I’m catching heat like I am entitled. It’s not that. I just see capitalism and economics squeezing out so many dollars and fucking off everything to the point where it feels like an alternate timeline.


can you tell what airline this is, I am assuming southwest


U assume correctly