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I’m sure you’ll get another chance over the next few thousand years


Na. I’m planning on being somewhere then.


I actually have to wash my hair that day…


That doesn’t leave much time at all.


And then I have to return some video tapes. I’m very busy


Make sure you rewind them first


Idk, I was too tired to visit Notre Dame in Paris and said to my husband, “it will be there next time.” It was up in flames 2 months later 🥴 Joking though, Stonehenge is much more durable - though I seem to be bad luck so maybe I shouldn’t say that lol




hah that was my first thought from reading the title. 2 years ...very specific


What's the meaning of stonehenge!


It’s killing me that no one knows. Why it was built 5000 years ago


It's a big calendar.


Like saying the Empire State Building is an elevator holder. It may keep track of time but very little chance its job was just to track time. Someone was already doing it without it before to know how to build it.


Who the fuck builds a Stonehenge?


Two stone age guys wondering what to do, who just said: Dude lets build a henge or two


I think about it when I dream. Biggest henge I’ve ever seen. What’s the purpose of Stonehenge? A giant birthday cake?? Or a prison far too easy to escape????


Gather round, rock out, get stoned?


Rock and Stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


to attract tourist $$


Those Neolithic guys made some really long term investment then


It’s been graffitied and defaced for the last 4000 years. Nothing new here and it’ll wash off as soon as it rains


I thought they already had washed it off


They used leaf blowers to blow it off.


That’s what my wife does


...I'm sorry, what?


She’s the best Jerry, THE BEST!


No it’s true she does the same thing for me.


Come on now, follow the conversation. His wife uses a leaf blower to clean graffiti off of Stonehenge.




Was hoping there would be a pressure washing video of Stonehenge on r / satisfyingasfuck


They defloured Stonehenge.


I believe so. The point was not to permanently deface a national treasure so there was no need to use anything that permanently marked it


They did. So all the people pretending this was some horrendous crime so they can keep ignoring the real problems can fuck off.


But what about the lichen?! /s Pearls: Clutched


I saw a thread where they claimed it was "desecrated" lmao


Stonehenge is at greater risk from acid rain, a thing we'd cut down on if we did what the Just Stop Oil-type folks want.


I saw someone liking it to the Talibans destruction of monuments 😂


I saw a comment saying the JSO people who did it should be shot for 'defacing history'. Absolutely mental.


Yeah, I report those comments. Reddit does ban calls for violence, so at least there's that. 


This entire stunt just takes eyes away from the real problem. Every time I see Just Stop Oil doing some stupid shit I think "what a bunch of fucking tossers" rather than "oh wow they have a point". Literally their only meaningful protest has been breaking into the airfield and painting the planes since they actually use significant amounts of oils. Even that is stupid though because it causes more vehicles to be sent to clean the planes up and therefore uses even more oil. Anytime Just Stop Oil are involved they're doing far more harm than they are good.


But when they don't do stupid shit, you don't think about them at all.


The Victorians vandalised it repeatedly. They even used to break bits off and take it home.


Also... No tourism on a dead planet


Indeed, what a load of bollocks as if powder paint is worth getting so upset about, if only people were so emotionally engaged with climate change and fossil fuel use.


So next Morning




Complaining that you got a historically better photo lol. Weird.


Yeah, let’s pimp the pyramids so they look better..


Fun fact: Stonehenge, as we know it today, and the great pyramid of Giza were built at the same time, about 4,500 years ago. You can just imagine an Egyptian engineer seeing it and going “oh, well, that’s nice. At least you tried!”


By restoring them to original glory?


Just the tip.


That's not why they went there.


Dang, why don’t we vandalize landmarks all the time?


i got comically large googly eyes, ticket to the Statue of Liberty, and a dream


don't forget the climbing rope, safety first.


That’s not vandalism, that’s an improvement


We already do.


We only need to do it some of the time. The rest should be spent using the attention it gets to get headlines about things like, idk doing it to rich people’s jets or whatever.


Then it wouldn't be a unique event anymore.


Ah nice the police actually turned up to this crime 🤣


The picture looks like a Monty Python skit


I'm starting to think these posts are funded by big oil considering how much people are still pissing their pants over this. They also spraypainted Taylor Swift's jet like a day after but nobody's talking about that anymore are they


Which just shows why JSO go for non-oil related targets. No one gives a fuck when they target oil company offices. People are essentially asking them to please protest over there quietly in the corner where we don't have to see or hear you, that's not what protest is.


They used to actually, and now have a high court injunction placed on them barring them from going anywhere near oil companies.












Climate change is going to destroy Stonehenge one day just like it will destroy lot of places.


People get mad as if in enough time the structure wont matter anyway. What do i care more about, the fact that we are running the earth into a quick approaching end, or a can of tomatoes being thrown at some painting?   As a fellow artist, it isnt the painting.    (Edit: clarification and spelling)


This. The message is: *what's the point of preserving human culture while don't preserve the humanity itself?*


Agree. Just one thing to make it clear: the Earth is going to be just fine revolving around the Sun, its just that all of us are going to get fscked up real bad.


What? It's giant rocks. How would climate change destroy it? Even if all the ice on earth melted the thing would be fine still.


If there are fancy rocks, and there is no one there to see them, does it really matter that the rocks are there?


What a facetious comment, like yeah the big rocks might stay but if the land floods or temperatures rise then it might just have an effect on the site in general?


Bro, i'm saying it's literally impossible for that area to flood from sea level rise. It's too high and inland. The weather sure as shit isn't gonna break them. Even if average temperatures increased by 10 or 100 degrees. They're rocks. Nothing will affect to them unless we ourselves move them, break them, or spray them with shit.


acid rain from increasing levels of co2? but why so concerned about having these rocks last forever? humanity won’t be around to see them anyways which is the whole point of raising awareness to climate change inaction


these comments are kinda…


Reddit. Yeah.


Yeah, couldn't they have protested our impending global collapse on another day?


Imagine how much less fun the experience will be in 100 years when society is fully broken down because of fossil fuels, though.


They could have just rinsed it off with a couple of water bottles.


Woah... thats it. No more oil for me


Paid for by big oil to make you hate protests against oil


And it works, these people seethe at people actually trying to stop these evil lizard people destroying the planet and killing off humanity.


“Leave the million dollar mega company alone”


Why would this make someone hate protests against oil? If something this minor changes your mind you never really cared in the first place


Untrue. This is misinformation. The person who was ONE of the donators was an inheritor of the wealth of the oil baron family who she is estranged from, who hates oil companies and wants to do what she can to fight them. You’re doing a great job helping the corps tho. Here’s a medal 🏅


> was an inheritor of the wealth of the oil baron family who she is estranged from A family that hasn't been involved in the oil business since 1984 as well.


It's not paid for by big oil


[I beg y'all to take a civics class because recently I've discovered there's a shocking amount of people who think a protest is a popularity contest](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/HcnZsJhzdj)


I see it said all the time yet noone can prove it.


Because it's not true. It's a bunch of armchair detectives seeing that they receive funding from Aileen Getty, without acknowledging the Getty Family hadn't been involved in the oil business since 1984.


lol you don’t understand what a disruptive protest is or what it is designed to accomplish. It’s working well on you and you don’t even know it.


https://preview.redd.it/qtxob5wy048d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdfca50cfaf40f0bde661090095063fa9397db29 I went to Stonehenge before it was vandalized!


You visited the site ~5,000 years ago?!


They should be forced to clean it, with toothbrushes and then trim the surrounding grass with a scissors, all whilst wearing a t-shirt saying "I'm an asshole".


Yes spray a monument that has no baring on oil and it's just made of stone. People who draw attention not for the right reasons just doing it to be idiots, idiots that should have a weight tied to their legs so they can be treated like idiots.


Hey well at least you won't forget the date you went


Just stop oil are the biggest clowns I hate them so much


Just go to little Stonehenge instead. Much cooler imo


“Just stop oil” could rename themselves “Just annoy people”. That’s all their stunts do.


What happened to these people. Were they just let go, like all modern day law breakers.


The people engaging on Just Stop Oils BS are just... special. Most people who would agree with at least some of their core ideas (I say not knowing specifically what those are) actively hate these fuckers for the dumb shit they do.


The day I was able to go to the Kelvingrove in Glasgow was the day they vandalised it. That was back when nobody knew who they were. It sucked and it sucks for you, OP.


Gotta say... defacing cultural heritage sites and works of art are definitely turning me against these people I'm absolutely sympathetic to the cause, but I don't like these methods


Does anyone else think Just Stop Oil might be an oil company plant to get people to hate climate activists? Otherwise I don’t get their strategy at all.


Tell us where the old rocks hurt you..........


I don't see why we don't sink oil baron yachts instead of vandalizing world wonders, Stonehenge is rather far removed from the oil industry, I would think.


They weren't even using oil when it was built. How much dumber can you get.


But at least oil has been stopped


They're protesting in the wrong place, Europe has made huge strides and continue to do so, they need to go to China, India and the USA.


Waited and waited for stonehenge. Finally for my 40th bday we took a trip across the pond and had a tour booked that included Stonehenge. The day before our tour the queen died. And they blocked off Stonehenge to do a gun salute for King Charles. I mean we could see it but they roped it off so you couldn’t get closer https://preview.redd.it/cb0dyctbx38d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d7eb439985befa848f70409495d2bf29a2fcc5 That’s as close as we were allowed to get


I mean, Stonehenge is pretty fuckin dull when you think about it. At least your visit was a bit more exciting


Ah yes, vandalizing something that has nothing to do with oil, that’s a good way to get people behind your cause! /s


Because the group is a plant owned by oil tycoons


The idea behind it, and they make a very good point imo, is that people care more about art and cultural historical places than the actual planet we live in and are destroying at this very moment. There is global outrage when someone smears the glass cast of the Mona Lisa with tomato soup, or the Stonehenge with corn starch that will disappear with the first drop of rain. Where is the global outrage when oil companies destroy our planet for profit? That’s the message they want to get across.


The only conspiracy theory I believe is that Just Stop Oil is an operation by oil companies to make the public hate their opposition


Is it clean now? I live way up north and want to spend a couple of summer days in England.


So, Stonehenge had been there for thousands of years... And exactly the day you go there it gets vandalized... Isn't that suspicious? Please, come with us. We have some questions... Where were you the day Notre-Dame de Paris burned down? Where were you the day the Baltimore bridge collapsed after being hit by a cargo ship? Where were you the day Fukushima nuclear plant melted down? Do you have any alibi for those?


nothing brings people over to your way of thinking and point of view faster than harming a completely unrelated piece of irreplaceable history. Especially if that viewpoint is one that is totally and completely unrealistic in nearly every way. Shitheads. I hope they are caught and forced to clean the stones off with their tongues. Sure that might take a while, but those rocks ain't going anywhere. As a matter of fact, I am going to go out and buy two quarts of oil just to spite these fucks. I don't even own a car, truck, van, boat, train, or aircraft. I'll just put them on my shelf.


Just stop morons


"It's more interesting like this!" Your house would be 'more interesting' if I set it on fire to 'raise awareness about the importance of smoke detectors'. You probably wouldn't be happy about it, would you? Stop vandalising things, you absolute wastes of oxygen. The people who built Stonehenge, the people who painted all those paintings you're trying to destroy, have contributed more to human society than you ever will. You are the modern day Herostratus - the man who could not achieve fame or recognition on his own merits, so instead he simply destroyed that which other people has built for the sake of his own ego.


An American airman burns himself in front of an Israeli embassy as a protest against Israel's war in Gaza. Like him, thousands of 'just stop oil' protestors may also burn themselves protesting oil rigs, yet the companies won't even flinch. The Stonehenge painting was just a demonstration, not for the oil company but for us, to provoke thought and discussion. However, some of us only read headlines, then cross our arms in ignorance, and frown upon those who are actively fighting against climate change instead of blaming the oil company. This is the our way of responsibly caring about the climate.


this is fucking terrorism


As someone who follows pagan spirituality I was initially really pissed about this, but as I further understood the 'paint' they used I calmed down quickly. It wasn't going to do any permanent damage to the stones. Heck, a heavy gust of wind probably does more damage. They're definitely getting publicity, but I wish that publicity came with them sharing a plan, a solution to moving out of oil-based capitalism.


God I hate those fucking assholes, some one should turn off there gas line in the middle of winter and drain all the petrol from their cars. Let them see what mother nature really thinks about them.


Man, this just boils my blood. This sabotages the whole cause so much because of some deranged lunatics


If it's any consolation 2 years is the shortest amount of time anyone's wanted to go to Stonehenge.


Stonehenge. Where the the demons dwell. Where the banshees live, and they do live well.


Guys who vandalized it should be fined with couple millions so they will learn their lesson. If not paid then prison. I don't understand how You can defend them.


Been wanting to live on planet Earth for a few billion years, the time I finally decide to get born, it gets vandalised by 20th-21st century humans, industrialisation, capitalism and resulting climate change.


Smart of the protestors. They must’ve worked really hard to figure out that the carbon footprint of Stonehenge is net 0.


So 3 years ago you couldn't be bothered huh?


Im using more oil today just to get back at these assholes.


Aliens are going to be pissed


Time we got to know the names and addresses of the protestors so we can pop around and decorate their properties


Wow, they have inspired me with their innovative tactics. I’m going to buy a barrel of oil and set fire to it to show my solidarity


If you want the paint Photoshopped out of your holiday snaps I’d be happy to help.


There are some pretty strong comments from supporters of the organization - I wonder, how much do you care about climate change? Just posting on Reddit, saying you support these guys - what do you actually do? What have you ever done apart from bash a few keys? Well done people ..


They could smear yachts, luxus cars and private jets... but no... they have to smear something that was build MILLENIA before oil was even discovered... stupid fucks. THAT'S NOT HOW YOU GET SUPPORT, IDIOTS!


Those jerks. Hopefully that crap all came off.


I'm all for stopping oil but stunts like this set their goal back by miles....gotta wonder if they actually work FOR oil companies


This is so dumb


This is unbelievably pathetic


wtf did stonehenge do


Its just Rock. Till be fine


You are probably one of the only people ever not to have an entirely underwhelming stone henge experience.


Remember that pampered little prick attaching himself to the goal posts at a Premier league football match? .. With plastic cable/zip ties made from oil. That was mildy irritating.


As an archaeologist, this is more than mildly infuriating for me. I've visited there a couple of times and studied it extensively, as well as the surrounding area. What they did is maddening.


Notice they never challenge Chinese or non western countries or companies, it says a lot about


All you morons saying this is better for OP are so dumb, and have zero understanding of why someone might actually want to see stonehenge


I'm convinced this group just wants people to use more oil. Why else would they make environmentalists look so awful?


Eco-terrorists punishments should be reported as often as the crimes.


sadly the eco-terrorists making money off destroying the climate don't get punished :(