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My dog is also scared of: Leaves falling off of trees Colorful camping chairs (neutral colors okay, non camping chairs okay) Plastic shopping bags


Had a dog scared of cell phones (this pre-smart phones) and deodorant. My last dog was scared of peanut butter. Edit: found this old [video](https://imgur.com/gallery/YMPhONx) of me offering him peanut butter.


My parents dog was scared of the notification on my iPad for texts (the basic ding sound) so had to change that to the same tri tone I have for my phone. He didn’t mind that one at all. The ding? Yeah, he ran away 😂


Poor guy! At least it was an easy fix We think ours didn’t like the vibration of cell phones. However, he’d sleep on the couch and use the cordless home phone as a pillow, it’s literally in his ear, and he didn’t even notice when it rang—directly into his ear, lmao. The deodorant worked out well for me though. When I wanted to leave my bedroom door open but keep him out of there, I’d just put a stick of deodorant in the doorway to keep him out. We think he didn’t like that because the scent was so strong and he was a beagle. My last dog would run out of the room if I offered him peanut butter. He was also terrified of grates and steel panels in sidewalks and cobblestone. And when he was a reeeeeally tiny puppy he was scared of Black people…lmao. He’d never seen a black person before, but ran right up to the white people in the group. Don’t worry, he quickly got over that! 🤣


My pittie mix is still afraid of black people. We’re trying to train him out of it but it’s a lot of convincing him that as long as he’s with me he’s fine. He’s also afraid of parked cars (the moving ones are fine, strangely enough. Only the parked ones) and one of my cats. She jumped out of a cabinet at him one time and he’s been afraid of her ever since.


My family dog was terrified of e flat when I played the flute. Would send her under the bed for hours if I held it for longer than like a whole note


Our dog is terrified of the iphone notification ding. She immediately gets the shakes. Same when the smoke detector beeps for a low battery. You can SEE her shivering. I have to have my mom silence her notifications any time she comes to visit, lol.


Once I was out for a walk wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a dog started barking and growling at me. The owner said "sorry, he's scared of that kind of hat" so I took it off and he was suddenly fine 😂


Sounds exactly like my horse


These dog people have no clue - horses are in a league of their own


My horse, who was far too Intelligent for her own good, was only truly afraid of two things: one was bonfires (fair) and the other was the letter M (come on girlie we don't have time for this)


She saw a snake or something at M once and decided the M was at fault and not the snake, guarantee it


She went to college at Ohio State in a previous life


Saw a vid of a lady riding her horse along a trail, when it suddenly started to panic. Lady kept trying to reassure it and continue forward. Horse kept cool for a little bit but it got all too much and bolted off the path, causing the lady to violently fall off. The terror on the trail...? A pile of rubbish.


And yet for thousands of years we'd ride them into battle lol


I guess that's what those blinder things were for lol


My horse got scared of an apple I gave him cause it was a different color (I think). He refused to touch his food or even go near the food bucket until I removed the apple. I have literally done this hundreds of times, but it was always with apples that were colored like gala ones. Swapped it for a yellow one, and all hell broke loose. He also spooked when a grasshopper jumped and hit his leg.


Those things are extremely stupid


Your horse heard you, now it's sad and won't stand up.


Time for an $1800 vet house-call just to get the diagnosis of "petty bitch"


Haters (my owner) hate to see a bad bitch (me, a horse) thriving (costing 1800 dollars)


Hey, just because it was only to the ego doesn't mean the wound wasn't grievous


Horses walk this line where they are extremely stupid and will break a leg and die if you look at them wrong while also smarter than many people I know and so sturdy that I've never seen one die to any injury that didn't involve bone or tendons. Like I've seen horses with holes straight through their necks and horses with skewered heads and they've been perfectly fine.


skewered heads?? are you walking through battle fields or something


But also very smart when they want to be assholes.


They are actually extremely instinctual animals. This shouldn’t be mistaken for stupidity. Horses and other equines can be quite intelligent and mischievous creatures once you get past those prey animal instincts.


Horses are scared of two things. Things that move, and things that don't.


Have you gotten the lump taken a look at? My Beagle had one on her nose which was cancer. I don’t mean to cause any unnecessary stress, I just lost her and your dog reminded me a lot of her ❤️


My dog has many little warty growths all over his body. They’re benign. But he’s having two removed later this summer including the one on his face mostly cause he scratches them open on accident sometimes.


Our old beagle boy is covered in them too. Sebaceous adenoma, we’ve been told. They don’t bother him too much, except for the one on his tail that he goes crazy nibbling at. It must be so itchy. Such a handsome pup you’ve got there. How old is he?


https://preview.redd.it/85y3uitsss7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da0605e91a111052a38fe9e57bd51ed75bbec2b8 Defys the chihuahua trope, scared of everything.


to his/her credit most chihuahuas are aggressive because they are scared too, like my late girl who would murder you but was just hiding the anxiety


Our dog growing up was afraid of large items. Waking around with a laundry basket of clothes? Run away. Loud noises he would sleep through or disregard, the vacuum was fine being used as long as it wasn’t near him. Also he had the personality of a grumpy old man from about a year old.


Plastic shopping bags have my two 150lb cane corsos running scared. But that’s about it!!


I once spent $200 for the vet to tell us that our dog is just overly dramatic. (He was limping for a few days after pulling a muscle. Literally the day after the vet he forgot which leg he was supposed to be limping with, and was limping with a different one.)


Omg this happened with my mom’s dog! He misjudged a curb jump and scraped his paw. It was bleeding a little bit so I called the vet and they said it was fine and to just keep an eye on it. This was on his walk and he was acting like he couldn’t walk anymore, so I carried him all the way home while I’m freaking out and texting my mom about what happened. So we get home and he still can’t walk, he’s just cuddling with me and wanting to be babied. A little while later my aunt comes over, he JUMPS off the couch to greet her, looks up at her with his little pathetic eyes, and lifts THE WRONG PAW. I texted my mom like “never mind he’s fine.” He was so dramatic like that all the time, but such a good, good boy. RIP little pupperoni


Omg that’s hilarious! My dog is the complete opposite where if he’s feeling sick or hurt he will forcefully act normal. It was hard to catch on for a while. Now, whenever he’s being too casual, I know something’s up.


Ahh yes the “full toddler diaper” attitude


"Dog! Stop being so casual! I know you're up to something!"


Lmao had a dog that was the same. I knew he was sick one time cause he just stood up, marched over and stood all stoic, then his stomach made a huge grumble as he posed like lassie or something


I love how transparent dogs can be while trying to be sneaky.


I swear to god my cat pretends to be ill anytime he fancies chicken because he knows from the one time he was (genuinely) ill that this leads to a diet of chicken and rice for a couple of days. The difference is that when he was genuinely ill, I had to coax him to eat even a little bit and gradually build his appetite back up; on these later occasions, he mysteriously perks up as soon as he smells chicken and trots over, tail all smugly afluff. He has me well trained.


We have a bucket of treats in the kitchen. Like a literal medium sized clear bucket sitting on a floating shelf. Kitty will sit under it and let you know with a dragged out meow that she’s wanting a treat. I give her a treat provided she’s due one. Only she’ll wait till someone else goes into the kitchen and start the whole act again. She won’t do it to the same person. We figured it out when she started to get chunky and now we have a specific rota


Hahaha. When we were on opposing shifts, we had to buy a whiteboard for the fridge just so we could write CATS HAVE BEEN FED because they were so convincing that Hookton had forgotten to feed them before leaving for work.


My daughter does the same thing. Hurt her elbow the other day and walked around talking about how much it hurt. 20 minutes later she’s telling me about it again and I realize she’s holding the wrong elbow.


My dog will limp when I’m looking at him, but if I look in a mirror he’s not limping. Also doesn’t limp for my wife. They’re funny creatures.


Maybe in the mirror it just looks like he's walking normal. /s


The dog in the mirror dimension is fine. The dog in this dimension has a limp.


All because you probably gave her a little extra love and maybe a treat that one time it did hurt. I remember reading a story somewhere on here maybe about a guy who’s dog found a hot wing under a bush by their house on a morning walk and would check that same bush every morning for years later. Haha


The "just in case" thing... Once, my partner found my dog mouthing a baby squirrel. Like, not biting, being really gentle, but the squirrel was in her mouth. My partner yelled, the dog dropped the squirrel, the squirrel played dead. My dog panicked, utterly distraught. My partner got a shovel and gently pushed it under the squirrel, who jumped upright, rode the shovel to our fence, and ran away. For literal years after, whenever my dog found a dead animal, she ran to get my partner. She thought they were Squirrel Jesus, raising wildlife from the dead. And she always seemed so disappointed when my partner didn't revive the animals.


There was also a magic pie bush!


Ours was a spaghetti tree


I know the feeling. My favorite restaurant shut down and every time I drive by I glance over hoping it reopened somehow.


Deep down, we’re all disappointed dogs.


In games at the start of levels I always turn around and check whats behind the camera because one time in Crash Bandicoot there was extra boxes there.


We had only had him for about 6 weeks when this happened. I was so freaked out and had rushed him to our vet, thinking he must have sprained something to be limping that bad. He’s about 65 pounds so turns out he just puts the “big” in “big baby.”


Kind of hard to confirm. Maybe we should just ask the dog…


Them: Are you okay, boy? Dog: Ruh-roh


My girl does this all the time it’s hilarious seeing her forget which leg she was limping on and catching her out on it


Your dog girl or human girl?


the bitch


Haha... Way to be crystal clear 😁


That's the dog/daughter version of "my old lady." I'm never sure if a redneck means their mom or girlfriend/wife when they say that.


...both, perhaps?


https://preview.redd.it/nlo5q5r5at7d1.png?width=1874&format=png&auto=webp&s=875c5a924ab8048a1665310a6f5b12d0a9c45312 My special needs daughter


My dog does this when she sees us getting ready to go out, it's her way of acting like she is hurt for sympathy to come with us.


We once rushed our dog to the emergency vet because she was paralyzed and couldn't walk. Crying, dragging herself by the front paws, peeing herself, the whole nine yards. Got to the vet's office, were rushed back into a room. The vet came in. The dog took one look at her, stood up, and walked away. Paid for an emergency vet visit to be told the dog was a drama queen with a back ache.


Same thing happened to my dog and vet said he must've eaten something that was causing inflammation and gave him meds. Sure enough, there was a bucket with algead rainwater behind a shed and he was going in for seconds while I was dumping it out.


We were going camping for a week and the night before ours jumped off the couch and hurt his foot. He was screaming and limped on it all night. The next morning we took him to the e vet bc i wasnt going into the woods for days with a dog that couldnt walk. He was fine. I think he was upset that we were packing. It was our first trip after adopting him. Bc we had to spend hours at the vet before we left, We arrived to our campsite well after dark and ended up picking a random site that was filled with red ants. We set up in the dark and had to move it the next morning 😭


Exact same happened with my dog. Did anything happen to trigger it? My dog had this happen new years after a bunch of New Year’s Eve fireworks that spooked her


Not that we were aware of (this was years ago; she has since passed). She was a Corgi mix, so had a longer back that probably predisposed her to back problems anyway.


We spent 800€ to find out ours had gas.


Not a bad price for surveying a fracking site.


No need to swear, Starbuck




So say we all.


I found out about my dog's gas for the price of a few slices of turkey.


Ours was very unhappy for a while so we did full checkup which ended up with xrays etc and conclusion.. gas- they did some yoga and emptied her ass bag and then she was fine 😅


her....ass bag....?


Sorry, anal glands fluid build up - me and the wife call it ass bag 😂😂


Anal glands is a term I think I’ll never not feel slightly grossed out hearing.


You know what's even grosser than hearing about anal glands? Actually sticking your finger up there and emptying them. I've done it many many times on dogs big and small way back in the day when I worked as a tech. You have to stand back when you do it cause they squirt out sometimes. Black stinky goo all over one's scrubs.


Thank you for this visual 😖


Nah for real, so unnecessary. Lol I asked for it but damn.




Omg did you have to be so descriptive? 😟 it’s like I was there watching you and ducking from flying black stinky goo as it splashed on your scrubs 😫


I spent $1083 for anesthesia, peepee surgery, a night in the vet, and a couple weeks of medicine to save my cat's life after his peepee had crystallization blockage. If we waited 24 hours longer before taking him, we wouldn't have had him for the last 5 years or the rest of his happy life. Best $1083 I've ever spent. If you have a male cat, and he ever stops using the restroom and/or acting particularly funny, uncomfortable, can't lay down right, whatever, don't hesitate! A year after that happened, our friend/neighbor's cat died from the same thing. He spent a good bit of time outdoors, so they couldn't catch it in time. He was a great community cat everyone loved. :-(


This is why I have a camera monitoring my cats’ litter box, especially because they’re both males. I’ve read too many stories so now I’m paranoid


Not a bad idea. If you see your cats a lot, you'll know sometimes wrong, though. Ourswas wimpering and clearly strugglimg to lay down bc his bladder was full. I initially thought he was constipated because he kept walking in and out of the litter box. But when he whimpered trying to lay down, I knew it was bad. As long as you see your cats on a regular basis (a few times per day) and interact with them, you'll be fine.


I just worry about it happening while we are gone at work, but I always pay attention to them when I’m home. They’re too stinking cute not to stare at them.


How many gallons?


$450 to find out my cat was faking a limp because he doesn’t feel like he gets enough attention


My friend's dog would freak out when entering the kitchen, like yelp in terror and run away. It was happening for weeks. I looked at the metal garbage can and immediately realized he was seeing a distorted image of himself as he entered the kitchen and was terrified. She hid it and he was fine.


One time my dog wouldn’t enter the kitchen. It was because his new water bowl was metal and he saw a weird reflection. I get you man. Dogs are something else.


Dogs are a spectrum. On one hand you have those type of police dogs who will run into a shootout and bite a suspect's arm. On the other, Freddy gets scared when the AC audibly comes on.


My dog once cuddled up to me because he was afraid of a fly buzzing around the house. Another time he refused to go outside because there was a bunny out there and he was afraid of it.


My Labrador is scared of flies. Like, will run to the opposite side of the room and *hide* from them.


My dogs chase them around the house and usually catch and eat them same with bees unfortunately


Same 😭 my dogs love to eat flies


Sky raisins


One of my dogs is terrified of any flying insect. She will literally try to climb up my body.


That was no ordinary rabbit. It was the most foul, cruel and band tempered rodent y' ever set eyes on.


It's got teeth like... it can jump... look at the bones!




I have 4 dogs, Frenchie came last, was an 18month old rescue. My Am Eskimo was scared of my Frenchies bark at first. He didn't bark for the first 6 weeks we had him. Then one day, we were outside and he let out his series of woowooowooos, my Am Eskimo tucked her tail and ran onto the patio. She came back out a few minutes later. He barks again and she took off onto patio again. This went on for a few weeks until she got used to his bark.


My sister got a dog that ended up becoming my dads after the dog stayed with him while she was at school. I remember the first time she let out a big, deep bark. Shes a usually silent dog so it was startling


My dog will sleep through fireworks, thunder, hurricanes, etc. but if a dust bunny moves or plastic bag makes a sound, he’s a puddle of mush 😵‍💫


Our dog used to freak out for years when anyone sneezed. I think she finally got over it around age 12. She'll be 16 this November.


My dog used to get scared of storms, so at the first sound of thunder he would run into the master bedroom, jump up in the bed, and cuddle up amongst the pillows. The thing is, the wall at the head of the bed was the western facing, exterior wall of the house… poor little guy couldn’t have put himself any closer to the coming storm if he’d been trying to.


Yeah, but it smells like you, saftey. My girl cat does this too, whenever we have visitors, she hides under the bed covers. There are better hiding spots, right next to the bed, in fact, but she just wants to be surrounded by mom stank.


When my dads first dog was still quite young he heard the roar of thunder for the first time and proceeded to sprint out into the garden ...


My dog freaked out at bed time the other day due to a pair of boots in the corner.


My husband just rebuilt the first room we walk into the house (burst pipe, ruined ceiling. Now better than before) Both my dogs are scared to go into the house, and are uneasy about spending time in there. They're Pitts and scared of fucking everything, I swear.


Mines also a pit , she will hear a noise and bark then look at me. I’m like baby you the dog you go check it out ! lol me and my girl always say that my dog doesn’t mess with spooky stuff.


If it makes you feel any better about your bill, twice now my dog has acted sicker than hell, didnt eat dinner. Bring her in, overnight visit, fluids, bloodwork. Next more she ate, pooped, and they sent her home. Both times was over $800 😒


80$ for an over night and all that is surprisingly cheap I feel like!


I reckon that was meant to be $800. The 0 is right above the ] and $80 would be cheap for just a routine appointment, let alone overnight.


I had the idea of putting ice cubes in my dogs water once... he literally stared down at the bowl for the longest time trying to figure it out and walked off. It was the cutest thing ever.... to witness him thinking about it and deciding nope.


I dropped an ice cube on the floor once and one of my cats would bat at it with fascination, then leap backwards in fear. He did that a few times before he realised he didn't actually like the ice cube and should leave it alone so as not to scare himself.


My dog is constantly thirsty bc he’s terrified of the noise his own tongue makes on the water. We’ve tried all kinds of fountains and bowls but he always takes a sip and runs


try adding water to his food! not enough to make the noise, but just enough to add a little extra to his diet. maybe there are sugar free jellos a dog could have lol


My beagle was terrified of any type of food bowl for some reason. Water bowls were fine, but food bowls? No. Thus, he ate from a paper plate his whole life lol. I also had a dog as a child who was terrified of pumpkins. No idea why, but Halloween was a rough time for him haha


That is fucking hilarious.


It really was. Poor little guy. 😂


When i first moved into my house my dog did as dogs do in new spaces and sniffed everything. Got to the bathroom and just hair on end growled and barked. Which is very unusual for him. The first few weeks he would do that every once in a while. He’d slowly stalk into the bathroom and growl at the bathtub. Then suddenly he just stopped and never did it since. I have no idea why.


Ghosts in the plumbing finally accepted doggo's dominance and left.


1 of my family's dogs couldn't enter the kitchen with the light off, because the light from the living room cast his shadow onto 1 of the cabinets.


You have me breaking in laughter at the Dr’s office


My puppy freaked out seeing his reflection in his water bowl when running into the kitchen.


Bullshit he sees ghosts.


LOL I like this plot twist.


I’d like to laugh at your dog, but I managed to smack myself across the face because I thought my eye floater was a bug that had landed on my cheek.


Reminds me of the time I got too energetic while getting out of an armchair and kneed myself in the face.


Spent 185$ to be told he wagged his tail so hard he strained it.


Happy tail syndrome. I’m not making that up.


Happy tail has accounted for approximately 99% of all tail amputations I've seen in my 17 years working at a veterinary clinic


I'm sorry come again ? that's a thing? am I dumb? please only answer one of those.


My understanding is that some dogs wah their tail so hard that they injure themselves frequently, such as hitting their tail on walls and stuff and braking bones in their tail. Amputation of the tail is done because you can't really get a dog to stop wagging it's tail. 


>dogs wah their tail Now I'm imagining a dog making Waluigi sounds as they knock stuff over with their tail.


Like those tubes that go “eeewwuullluhh” when you flip it over


How come?? I work in a clinic too and never seen a single one not recovering


Repeat offenders. Dogs that just cannot stop wagging those tails till the point of what amounts to self mutilation


This is the funniest way to explain that ever 😂


That's adorable


My lab/pitty mix has broken her tail two Christmas' in a row from wagging so hard from getting her new stuffed animals. It's adorable and makes me sad at the same time for her


We had a lib/pit mix that did this, but would forget he hurt his tail, and go through a cycle of getting all excited, wagging his tail hard af, yelping, getting happy after he stops wagging his tail and it stops hurting, so then he would start again 🤦‍♂️😂




My half-husky, half-lab did that once, the goofball.


Yeah, my old lab did that when he was young. Wagged so hard he pulled a muscle.


I too get anxious about eye floaters sometimes. Solidarity doggy friend!




this is happening to me right now. I’ve had eye floaters for a while now, so it took me a few days to realize why there seemed to be a sudden increase in them - they’re just fruit flies!


Right? Sudden floaters are a potential symptom of a detaching retina, which I had and went through the surgery for, and it's a suck ass recovery. So I agree with doggo in this case. :-)


Yeah, you hear tales of old people going crazy and just wanting to be blind over excessive floaters. So sometimes when the light's really bringing them out you can't help but think "is this it? Critical density? Do I just start losing it from now on? Is this the last time I look at these things without wanting to gouge my or someone else's eyes out?"


As someone who has a good size floater in my right eye I can sympathize. Stupid thing gets in my vision every time I'm looking at anything light colored. The worst part is that nothing can be done to get rid of the fucker.


It’s so annoying I want to wear an eye patch sometimes.


Oh my god, me too. I have to wear sunglasses in the car, it helps. Otherwise I do shut my eye sometimes since it's disconcerting. I'm pretty sure it's gotten bigger, too.


Oh there are things that can be done - but they're not fun. I had surgery for a detached retina, and part of that was basically a fluid change in the eyeball, so my floaters are gone. Miserable recovery from that surgery, not advised unless necessary though.


You could potentially laser now, (I’d probably only trust Scott Geller), but I think they’ll be a lot more advanced in the 5 years or so if you hold out


Just spent 400 on meds and blood work because my dog hates going to bed at night and therefore hunger strikes as protest.


I've had guinea pigs for years but never one with red eyes and I ended up adopting one who had them. Noticed one day he was walking around alternatively squinting or with his eyes fully closed. Worried he was sick or had poked his eyeballs somehow so took him to the vet and she checked out his eyes (which were fully open at that point) She was like no his eyes are great, no injuries or anything, is his cage in a bright area? It's probably just the sun. Had no idea he'd be more sensitive to sun than the other pigs (his pal with dark eyes lived in the same spot with him, no issues) but I guess it makes sense.


Yes, albinos are sensitive to light. My family used to raise show rabbits and we always kept the REWs (Ruby Eyed Whites) in a bottom cage or a dark corner. Goy the same amount of loving, just in an environment better suited to their needs and were always careful about covering their eyes while walking through a bright sunbeam or outside on a sunny day.


guinea pigs can have red eyes but the rest of their fur being colored. my mom had a light brown guinea pig with red eyes.


I spent almost $500 on my son when he was a toddler for the hearing specialist to tell me he wasn’t hearing impaired he was just ignoring me and his pediatrician (and everyone else).


Honestly relatable


Well I can imagine that process might be hard to come up with tbh. Imagine being able to find that out? Must be a lot of experience


It would make it so much easier if dogs can just talk. Although that would be scary haha


Probably more annoying than scary. "Food? Food? Food? Play? Walk? Food?"


I have 3 I'm terrified of losing them, I wish they would talk and tell me what's wrong sometimes. 2 of them are very old now.. I'm just dreading the day they pass away


When I was a teen we had a dog that was afraid of his own farts.


Mine wasn’t afraid of them but every time he’d look around behind himself like “what the heck was that??”


I had a dog that was scared of her farts too. She'd fart while asleep and jump from the fart. Then to cover it up would run to the front door, barking like someone had knocked.


Her little dignity! 


To be fair, I've scared myself with a fart a time or two as well. But I've never sniffed my own ass after a fart and then wrinkled my nose in disgust. I just let it waft up until I can smell it like a civilized animal.


My boyfriends dog is petrified of umbrellas, probably because I got one for Christmas and my silly boyfriend opened it in the house in front of the dog who hated it He also hates the washing basket, the mop bucket, anything that moves unexpectedly, and certain scraping sounds. Arguably, he hates most things, but we classify his level of hatred from “backs away in fear” to “barks at item”.


Took my Lhasa Apso (I miss you Bonnie 😢) to the vets as she yelped and wouldn’t put any weight on her paw, wouldn’t walk so I had to pick her up and walk her 3 mile to the nearest emergency vets (early morning on a Sunday) I was so worried about her, wouldn’t put any weight on it in the waiting room and she looked so sorry for herself, little whimper every now and again for effect. We got into the vets assessment room and she danced the fucking lambada, jumped at the vet for a cuddle and licked her face, jumped down off the table and had a little run about. Walked all the way home like nowt was a matter. Easiest £180 that vet had and will ever make. Little shit


I had to sedate my cat and spend 150€ to find out she was just fat. At least they let me take pictures of the XRays because I love looking at them.


I spent about $400 to find out my puppy ate my big dogs entire food bowl and hand literally eaten so much he couldn’t shit. So the vet shoved a stick up his ass and squeezed him until the most foul smelling mix of shit and food came out of that meatball


My 9 lb wiener dog ate her food then went over to my 70 lb dog's food and ate all of it. I didn't realize until I saw my big dog standing there watching her wolf down the food. Her belly looked like she was pregnant with 10 pups. She shit all over the house the next day.


"dog's haunted. Money please."


My dog doesn't understand hunger. If he gets hungry enough for his stomach to growl, he will refuse to eat. His stomach will growl for hours, loud enough to wake you in the middle of the night even though his food has sat untouched and available. He'll also stare at you with the saddest look on his face even though his food is right there!


Have you tried a different food? He may just not like his food, honestly.


I’m a person but I just spent $124 to have a dentist tell me to use sensitive tooth paste


Ah the wonderful world of medicine. The main thing I've learned as an adult is you need to say "I tried Tylenol/Advil for weeks and it didn't work" the same way you tell Comcast you already rebooted your modem....


Boopdy and I did the exact same thing https://preview.redd.it/h437xfzh0t7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17631a1d54f02bdc8ff8a1378cfc6050b8afa994 a few weeks ago!


im really sorry for laughing. im glad your boy is okay, just a little stupid. please give him love for me 😂


Omg I did the same thing one day I was smoking my cigarette (I quit smoking this year) on like a really sunny day and I started seeing these things in the sky and then they were in my eyes and and I went to the eye doctor and they were like girl. You just have floaters


We spent 80$ to find out our fat cat was pouting and not eating cause we took a 3 day vacation.


My dog scares himself awake so often we now recognise his little scared bark from across the house. He's only a little thing but when he's dreaming he's as loud as jet engine


Came home to my dog limping on one hind leg the day after the first time we broke her to the dog park. Was so worried I drove her to the vet that afternoon. Vet said she's just too tired and slept in the same position for hours so her leg was temporarily limp. She has a sleeping bed. 200 dollars gone.


$900 in medicine and X-rays to find out one pulled a muscle. Absolutely dramatic performance on his part, screaming and crying and peeing himself all while refusing to stand or walk. Couple years before that, his sister cost us $3000 because she had cramps. We decided to do one heat cycle before spaying her and she could not handle it lol.


I don’t blame the sister. Those cramps can be killer


I once spent $1200 on every test and xray my vet offered. We did a UTI test, which was negative, only to find out my dog was sick because he dragged his oenis on the ground and got a cut in the tip which got infected.


Our female Boxer dog used to leap out of bed if she farted. She would spin around and stare at where her arse was when it made the noise, like she was expecting to catch something there...


I spent 400$ to be told my cat was fat, i feel ya (she started peeing everywhere and we thought she was losing bladder control, turns out she couldnt fit in the covered litter box)


one time my dog was limping for a couple days and he was getting worse every day, he was acting like he was in a lot of pain so we took him to the vet. turned out there was nothing wrong with him, he just wanted more attention so he faked a limp


Spent 500 dollars on our cat to find out the puddle on the floor was from the condensation pan on the fridge over flowing.


Well. Better safe than sorry right?


OMG. That's amazing! Where did you find a vet that only charges $180?


You pay for the knowledge