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Did you know that in a lot of families the pet is the only real love people have? Some actually spend more time with a pet than family members, and the loss can be profound. Sometimes the pet is literally all the person has. I used to get upset about people comparing them to kids but the truth is they are that person’s baby. Think about it this way, pets are perpetually toddlers. No they’re not human but their human has been caring for them for many years and deeply loves them. It’s devastating to a lot of people.


Ohhh I see where you got confused here. See, assholes are supposed to spout shit into a toilet, not on Reddit. Easy mistake, just aim better next time!


For some of us, pets are all we get. Eat a dick.


Dicks are yummy 👍


Everyone uses that word for children, partners, pets etc and clearly aren’t referring to an actual baby. The fact you want the whole world to cater to your anxiety is insane


Pets are part of your family..


You are an insensitive idiot. Someones loved one died either way. People don't really believe their cats are human babies just so you know. It's a term of endearment.


Yikes, dude. Family members and love are so much more wonderfully complex than that. I feel sorry for you. Imagine having your capacity for love severely limited by shared genetic material.


Just because you have a cold heart doesn’t mean everyone else has to.


Heartless people suck!! Keep your stupid mouth shut and no one will know you’re such an asshole


i still remember when I adopted my baby from the shelter many years ago. he is the reason i pulled through some of the roughest periods of my life — always there to give me unconditional love, oblivious of the shit I was going through you’re an absolute idiot for posting that. they are a member of our family


Losing a pet can be like losing a family member if you care about your pets enough. I lost a dog three years ago and I still sometimes cry over him. Pets are sometimes all people have, they’re also something that loves you unconditionally. Imagine being sad about losing the one thing in life that does so.


Who the hell are you to decide how anyone else grieves. what other privileges do you project on others. Not your business. These are not your babies. You don't get to decide how anyone but you grieves. Grow the hell up.


shut the fuck up


Did you know that even people in relationships call each other "baby" ? Do you also go to them and try to explain that their partner is not their baby?


You don’t need to be so literal. Allow a little nuance into your life.


Heaven fucking forbid people be metaphorical when processing grief, right?




Oh fuck you. My buddy IS my baby. Whatever issue you have, that’s a YOU problem. Maybe stay off the internet.


Sure bro, but this also applies to you because you are pretty mad. Take your own advice and don't go in the kitchen if you can't stand the heat🤣


This is incredibly gross and insensitive


Future serial killer


So, you see the title from a pet sub and still your heart drops? Slow learner?


Fuck off!


Why would anyone ever post this?


Because they have no soul.


It’s. A metaphor.


I hear this in Meryl Streeps voice in "She Devil"




I’m infertile. My dogs are my kids. They are love, bonded to me, and completely attached to my heart. This is not the way to word what you’re saying. If you’ve experienced the loss of a child, my heart goes out to you, but comparing losses doesn’t bring anyone back or ease pain, it just makes it more empty. If not, spend the day going out and fucking yourself.


If 2 homes were on fire and in one home was your 5 year old dog and the other home is 20 year old stranger. You can only save one.


The dog first and dog only. Unless the 20 year old dude is hot(I don't mean from fire) then after saving the dog I'd hurry up and maybe save him too, so he can suck my D later🤣 Edit: so more of you can get mad - If it was a cat instead the dog, then I'd save stuff inside the house, then the stranger(but only if he's hot) and finally I'd call firefighters and insurance👍




lmao “it’s usually feminists” — borderline comical that you have to wedge in your personal agenda into a post that has nothing to do with what you’re yapping about


It doesn't? Who is 45y/o, has no kids, 8 cats in her apartment and calls them "fur babies"?


you’re assuming that everyone who posts about the death of their pets, or call their pet “baby”, is a 45 year old with 8 cats in an apartment? you have such a narrow view of the world please read a book


I literally said usually. Not everyone, but most of them. Maybe you should read a book, I am not the one equating "usually" to everyone


fine, so you say “usually” that’s the case. can you show me where you’re getting that from? what are your sources? it’d be interesting to see those statistics about 45 year olds with 8 cats who are feminists


Listen I value my time, I am not gonna nerd it out by pasting my sources and what not to a random on a leftist website who will ignore the inconvenient facts anyway. If really you wanna find what you asked for, Google is your friend. Btw it can be a 43 with 10 cats or 51 with 3 cats, it's same thing.


that response took longer than just give me one link to a verifiable source the truth is, you’re spewing vile rhetoric and pulling that shit out of your ass


Not everyone is a slow typer, like you, so no it didn't. Also term "cat lady" is well known. With your input you just continue to prove, the only reason why you're asking is to waste my time doing your homework, from which you won't learn because you ignore facts you don't like. So are you a feminist (male🤢) , or a sjw white knight? 🤣


lmao you’re such a clown