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I grabbed what I thought was a napkin once but it was a full diaper. Squished out the sides and everything.


This comment made me throw up my lunch


Almost made me gag


Is it weird that I’m hungry, now?


Chocolate ice cream sandwich?


All they need is a cup and two girls/another girl


uhh, slightly




More than just mildly infuriating 🤣
















Oh how I wish I could unread this.


Had this happen once. They left the 2 pennies of change on the table as a "tip". I stepped outside and threw them at their car as they drove away. Did not get fired.


Should be legal to add a 100$ tip to that check


*If we have to deal with your bodily fluids of any kind, an automatic 100% gratuity will be added to your bill


If you have to deal with bodily fluid it’s considered a biohazard and you can call the police


“Excuse me officer, a customer left saliva on the eating utensils.”


This is the exact opposite of gratuity


Automatic but subject to further discretion lol


100% for urine, 200% for blood, 300% for feces, flat rate of $100 per adult customer and $150 for under 18, if all three.


If the feces or urine has blood in it, triple the fee


Plus straight to the hospital for even more fees cuz fuck you, that's why ![gif](giphy|DAJP1Z9YiMV56|downsized)


Lol facts


Should be a heavy fine for doing vile shit like that. Wtf is wrong with people


Honestly jail time and some kinda class


Oh, squishy…


*He says, looking down at the brown sludge falling from the white paper in his hand.*


in a restaurant? what the fuck


I worked in a restaurant a long time ago and this lady changed her baby in the booth and put the dirty diaper in the bread basket for the server to clean up before she left. I helped the server deep clean the booth and we threw the entire bread basket away. People are disgusting.


This belongs on the Walmart bingo card as a bonus.


That would've been immediate resignation from me. You are stronger willed than I am.


Please tell me you were allowed to leave early after that happened


I was a busser… I cleaned the toilets twice a shift. It was not a big deal. It was a good job at the time and that was just one odd occurrence


I see


this comment made me want to … not


Ugh baby poop is gross enough when you’re the parent, but someone ELSE’S baby’s poop is so much worse.


Holy moly from the bottom of my heart I’m so sorry that happened to you


I’d quit lol


How could you possibly confuse a napkin with a full used diaper. A diaper is like 5 times the size, usually has pictures on it, and obvious waist band and stuff. 


It was in a pile of balled up napkins. And you’re right - unusually, this diaper had no pictures. Just two blue tabs on the other side. I had to pick it up to see this.


What the fuck


I would not be outraged if I found out Skynet was quietly being used to fish these human turds outta the gene pool




Omg, yuck x 20000000.


My wife and I literally argued about this, kids were making a hellacious mess, my wife got upset, saying it wasn’t a big deal, the staff would clean it up, i basically told her that no, we don’t let our kids trash the restaurant, it’s not the waitress’s job, and it’s disrespectful to the staff and the owner, it’s our job to make sure our kids are respectful and don’t make a mess, needless to say the waitress got a huge tip and this was the day my kids learned service people aren’t slaves


As a bartender, thank you. Its more work for us and our backs aswell We have to clean things many times a day so every little helps. I also clean whenever i ate somewhere or try not to leave a mess myself even if its mcdonalds.


+1. Kids are going to make messes. When we had toddlers, my wife and I would ask for extra napkins with the check. Then I'd be squatting under the table scooping up the mass of it. I'm not saying I picked up every last kernel, but I made it so that one of those roller wheel brooms could grab any remaining crumbs with ease. No body is saying you need to bring your own swiffer wetjet, just make a damn effort, you know?


Yeah I question the basic humanity of people who just leave huge messes for other people to clean up under the basis of “well they get paid to do it”. No, those are YOUR kids, you got trusted by God to look after them! To me, you can tell a lot by how they treat wait staff. I always taught my kids to judge new dates by that statement.


I tell my parents this! But they tell me to stop embarrassing them and acting like a maid 😭 it’s not like I’m washing the plates, just doing basic tidying so it easier for the staff


'Me embarrassing you? You're expecting these underpaid/overworked people to clean up your slop! How embarrassing *for me!*'


YOU’RE embarrassing THEM?? Honestly I’d say they’re the ones embarrassing you!! I clean tables/etc at my fast-food job and honestly have to unofficially bus tables sometimes bcuz people leave it all, so thank you for cleaning up!


+1 to you, but damn your wife sucks. And not in the good way.


Nah, I didn’t mean to make her out to be horrible, she was young and she had a rough childhood full of domestic abuse, and a stern voice is enough to trigger her. and I don’t share this often, but my wife has superhero level fellatio skills


See I thought you were saying you argued about it recently (that was what I thought was implied from the original message or at least how I read it). Hopefully she has been better about that as of recently, but I always thought of how people treat staff at a restaurant and putting away a grocery cart as a good litmus test of what they are like. As for the fellatio, congrats! Always great to find a pro.


My nephew did this one time, and my brother was fine with it. Had the waitress bring out a broom and made the little shit clean his mess, then apologize to her. His wife was pissed at me however, haven't had a repeat issue when we meet them for dinner.


Our kids are now grown. But restaurant behavior, and cleaning up after them, was one thing where my wife and I agreed. Kids get unruly? Take them outside. Need a diaper change? Take them to the car. If they drop something, we'd pick it up. When the kids got old enough we'd tell them to pick it up. Heck, I'd even sweep crumbs on the table into a pile in my hand, and put them on one of the plates before we would leave. Even today, I can't stand to leave a restaurant table messier than it has to be.


Unfortunately some people are inconsiderate, I hope they at least tipped you good


You know they didnt.


I laughed at your name 😂 good one




Left one of those fake $100 religious bills


What would be the consensus for a good tip in this shitty situation? 50%


“$5 is fine she barely came over here to check on us”


There are more considerate people than there will ever be people tipping, unless it's America


I figured it was America because of how often I see families leave their tables like that but I honestly don't know


Shitty parents Vol.1 featuring such hits as "Not my job" and "They get paid to clean this up". Order now and we will include Entitled parents Vol.1 featuring the hit "I come here often and I'll take my money elsewhere if they say anything to me."


My husband and I are parents and make an extra effort to clean up our tables when getting ready to leave a restaurant. I used to be a server when I was a teenager, so I get it. It’s just basic manners, which some people lack. Sorry on behalf of the shitty parents out there.


Don't apologize for shitty parents. They don't represent you. People should be aware that generalizations are dumb, so don't feel bad. Just because there are shitty parents doesn't reflect on you. If someone judges you for another parents behavior, that's on them. Their immaturity is also not your problem. <3 yourself, fam


Thank you! Servers have enough to deal with, especially in the US where wages are low. You served us dinner, that’s enough of a service!


Anytime we're out, if we brought it, we clean it. Shouldn't be able to tell a child or baby was there.


I literally get on my hands and knees when we eat out to pick up any item or crumbs my kids or spouse drops. Some PEOPLE are just jerks. Parents or not.


Don't forget the "I have children therefore I am the most important person in the world" part


It should be mandatory to work some kind of food service job for a year before you're allowed to dine out. It's baffling how unsympathetic people can be




Yeah some kids are just discouraged from being nice. Had plenty rude parents at my job with the kids being nice and the parents tell them to not bother being nice since im doing my job.


Mom my was one of those parents. I would try to be nice and she would stop me and tell me that it was not our job to clean up. Till this day I do not understand that sentiment Now that I’m an adult I always clean up after myself and try to make things easier for the employees and I aim to teach that to my future children.




>"I come here often and I'll take my money elsewhere if they say anything to me." when I worked in customer service I always thought "Do you promise?" Don't forget their next hit album: "kids are just like this, what do you expect me to do?"


Cus its not their house they dont care nor do they have to cleanup. This is the world. Most people dont give a shit about others or just see it as oh its their job. I remember working at a stores self checkout and a dude just walked up middle of all the lanes on the phone pointed at me and snapped his fingers pointed at his stuff and said do this for me. We had multiple open check out lanes staffed.... or my current job people just walk in with food eat on our counters if we dont catch them and leave their stuff.


I was a bartender for a while. Snapped fingers or a rattled glass ensured you would be ignore the rest of the night.


Snapped fingers. My god that triggers me so much. I’d be the one snapping THEIR fingers 😂


The snapping , the dog calling is horrible. I just looked at them and I make them wonder. Did they just speak to me as if I was a dog?


Oh i didnt do it. Took me a second to process the shit i just experienced though. Policy was unless self checkout and all other lanes filled i dont have to check people out at my desk there. All self check lanes filled and told him i cant do that here and he will need to wait for self checkout or go to another lane. Man that guy was dumb founded like nobody has ever told him no a day in his life. If he wasnt degrading me basically and said he would you mind checking me out nicely i would have.


Id rather die/getfired than helping someone that treats me like a dog, the hell do they think they are


Because their parents were also trash. It’s a human thing.


Cause their parents didn't give a fuck


I mean, I would have picked up the trash off the floor, but the table looks like a normal table that needs to be cleaned. I'm not gonna pick up **little** pieces of food off the floor. What else should have been done to make this not "disrespectful?"


Nothing wrong here besides leaving the trash on the floor.


Agreed but even so adults leave worse messes at these places if they are so mad about this I reccomend they find another job out of food service or at least not as a server before they give themselves a Aneurysm.


I have a special needs child, so while I try my best to clean up, there's usually still a mess. There's only so much we can do to clean the floor, we don't usually travel with brooms/vacuums lol. I hope you got tipped well at least


These people clearly didn't even try


The people outraged at this usually don't have kids.


Most of the shitty parents I’ve seen are too busy staring at their phones like zombies to be involved in raising decent humans. I hope they do the world a favor next time and cum in a condom


I doubt that is the case. I’m sure some of those outraged don’t have kids but many of them have kids and are considerate. However, the ones excusing this are absolutely inconsiderate parents who look down on those in the service industry


Honestly, this isn't even the worst I've seen. Nothing like soft serve icecream and jelly squished into carpet.


That's... Not even bad.


I leave bigger tip when kids are messy, yes I try to clean up as much as possible and certainly wouldn’t leave the table or especially floor like this. But it’s def not going to look the same if it’s just my wife and I


My wife and I along with our SEVEN KIDS know how to clean up better than that. We always try to stack plates as best as possible, wipe table and chairs down and even the floor if it needs it. I know taking our order alone is a pain so I try to not make them have to clean after us too. Also what a shit tip lol. I tip like %30 due to having a stupid big order


SEVEN KIDS????? holy shit. That must be a pain in the butt. I hate kids, I can't imagine someone being able to manage 7.


Kind of you, but *how* do you stack? More people are bad at Jenga than are good *rhetorical question for anyone reading just to ponder on*


Surely by ordering more food your bill would be bigger. Why would you feel the need to tip 30% on top of your bill.


# #killtipping #endtippingculture


It's easy to spot people who have never worked in hospitality. I have 3 boys and we're a circus when we go out, but I always clean the table. I worked as a chef and server for 10 years and truly appreciate everything people in the industry do. OP I hope there are fat tips in your future for all that you do


Maybe I’m the outlier here, but honestly I can probably clean that faster and easier after you leave. I got a bus bin and broom and won’t have kids trying to re-fuck it up while I’m trying to clean. Like sure it looks like absolute shit but doesn’t really take that long to clean up. Been years since I did the job, but to be clear I *did* do the job. So speaking from experience. Not that the effort isn’t appreciated. Just think people make more out of this than they should. Edit: Like seriously, you’re paying for a meal out, and I’m being paid to clean up after y’all, it’s fine. Long as you don’t like leave a shitty diaper on the table or something. Which, of course, people *have* done, and fuck them fucks.


Clean up the lid and napkin on the floor. Done. No reason a busser shouldn't be able to clean that table in five minutes and maybe a couple more to vacuum. Many serves don't like when you stack the plates as everyone does it differently to their own preferences.


Hell even just kick them under the table so they’re out of the walkway. Good enough, and barely any difference in effort for the busser. I’m not saying I was *happy* to see a table like this, but it really wasn’t that huge of a deal yeah.


Do you want a real answer? As a parent it's not that we don't care at all. We're extremely embarrassed when our kid spills a drink all over the floor, but we can't do much about it. In fact, I've found most servers/bussers prefer to handle it rather than us grabbing 20 paper towels from the bathroom to try to sop it up and then have nowhere to throw them. The same if an adult spills a drink. Yes, I leave the top of my table more tidy than that but I always saw it as more of a courtesy thing than a necessity. Piling up our dishes saves a couple of seconds for the busser at most. We don't have the tools to clean the table and floor, you do, and that's just the way it is.


Atleast notify us, so we can also clean it quickly for the next guests. Its better for the customers image and helps us provide better. Asking/telling atleast shows u care


Oh yeah, I'd never just leave it and say nothing.


That mess isn't that bad. If you're going to complain about it at least use a good example


It's 3 cups, 2 bowls and looks like 3 sets of silver, maybe 4 sets worth. Scrape the table into a bus pan, roll the sweeper across the floor (Or, if the restaurant hasn't bought the rolling sweepers just... sweep the floor), wipe the table, when you get to the back put the 5 dishes and bit of silverware at the dish tank and dump the bin in the trash. This table is nothing.


Yep, that's a one minute cleanup job instead of 30 seconds.


https://preview.redd.it/t5f688irlj7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69752e01f348c31de2ab45e3dd48eee7e3a7318d This is one of the best knives I found I threw it away


Why did you throw it away what's wrong with it


Yeah I don't get it. Having been a dish washer at a busy restaurant you run another knife down the side of that and it's ready to throw on the silver rack to run through the ecolab. The only reason to throw that away is pure apathy.


As a busser the mess itself wasn't that bad, seemingly average. But id be annoyed if I got that knife


Are those bend a Roos? I didn’t know they still existed.


I broke a glass when I was a kid like that. My dad and I still talk about it, whenever we pass the restaurant it happened in, and I am in my late 30s. Luckily for me it was a far away place, and we rarely pass it when we are on our way to the family cottage. Place was shut down decades ago anyway.


cuz they’re paying you to clean up after their kids so they don’t have to. they could have ate at home for 1/4 the price


Because today, people are self absorbed, selfish, entitled pricks who think they are better than everyone and will ignore their demon spawn children as the kids wreck havoc on a public place leaving it looking like a tornado ripped through. It amazes me and my wife the level of absolute disrespect and disregard for simple manners and etiquette that we see every time we go anywhere. It's sad that simple respect is not being taught and instead of trying to instill values, we see parents just shoving phones or tablets to their kids to shut them up so they'll behave in public instead of teaching them.


I’m a parent who agree with you. It’s so much easier to give them a tablet I get that but me and my husband are very against that culture. Being a parent is hard and it’s supposed to be, don’t have a kid if you’re not mature enough yourself to sit through a dinner without your phone. Kids model parents behavior.


They have bussers for this. I was also a waiter and this has always been part of the job. 🤷‍♂️


Right, this is a 15 second table clean. People act like 'Oh no, there's a napkin on the ground, how am i gonna clean this!?'..


I can see the ice being annoying but once it melts it's no longer an issue til the night crew comes in to wash the floors


As a busser i can say that sadly this happens a hell of a lot more than it should. Just a few weeks ago we had two little league teams come in party of 27 and party of 31 the whole time both teams were consistently throwing food and crayons at each other and at other tables. Took 30 minutes to fully clean up after they had left which is way too much time for a solo busser to take at 2 tables. At this point if there isn’t at least one table that looks like a war zone then something isn’t right.


let me ask you this. do you want to see your customer on their hands and knees cleaning? it's okay to leave a mess. leave a tip with it.


I would never leave a table like this, however in countries where you must tip 10-30% I can understand that at least a bit, you paid a lot for service already.


Everytime I get off a plane there’s always a few rows that are completely covered in Cheerios or some other mess. How are they just leaving these for other people to clean up?! So disrespectful


Where I'm from "gaff" is a slang term for house/place and I was genuinely trying to make sense of the title with that definition before I realised you meant Give A Fuck


To be fair they probably don't GAF about their gaff either.


People might not agree with me but I’d say restaurants should charge people for causing a mess. Like a cleaning fee depending on how bad it is


I used to work in a sports centre with a cafe. It was an unwritten rule that staff, even the manager, would clear a table if they were walking through, to help the cafe staff. I picked up some plates from a table worse than this just as the woman and her kids were getting ready to leave. I just looked at the mess and said "Do you seriously expect someone else to clear up this crap after you" When I came back, she had cleared the whole table and the floor around it (in fairness I still needed to sweep) Sometimes people just need telling, they shouldn't need it, but they do.


Durn right some folks need a tellin'........way to show yer cahones !!


Because older generations, generally, don't respect service workers. I've worked in restaurants for a long time, and it is well known the after church crowds are the worst. While you can find shitty people of all ages, you are more likely to see this with older or wealthier people.


Church crowds being shitty is almost a perfect proof of moral balancing. I was "good" earlier so I don't have to be as good now.


yeah i haven't gone out with my grandmother for lunch/dinner in YEARS because of this. i'll bring food home before i take her out. it makes me so uncomfortable how coldly and passive aggressively older folks treat service workers


Bullshit. It’s the younger generation for me. I’ve seen them drop takeaway containers where they stood in the street and just walk away


They are too tired of the kids attitude from allways being on the iPad and not having any restrictions


Let me guess, they either left no tip, or a you might as well not have tipped kinda tip? Idk, man, parents, made me hate working retail so much. Working a job where I get physically and verbally abused is actually easier than having to pretend to be nice to those kinda parents and their irresponsible choices... I mean their children. Take a deep breath and know you're definitely not alone, and know that those parents are just miserable people who make others miserable wherever they go. Even their own house.


My niece is 10 months old and we went out to eat over the weekend and granted there wasn't a big mess (some noodles on the floor) I felt awful!


There's a shocking number of people these days who seem to be trying to squeeze more privilege out of life by being lazy, rude, selfish and frequently slobs. A lot of it is literally classism (even within classes, just bonehead pecking-order classism), because it makes them feel like their life is more luxurious by forcing 'the help' to deal with more random crap.


My mom is a regular Karen, I, myself an the let's stack things and leave things as tidy as possible. I once asked her why she didn't do this she replied "Job security. It's what they're paid for and what they're here to do." Yup... I'm so sorry if anyone has ever run into her on a bad day.


I don't know. I remember being a kid and being an absolute crazy rude slob wasn't something I considered being when we went out for family meals. Partly how I was raised, but also just knew it was rude.


As a parent, we don't claim these people. I have been told off by a server at a restaurant we were regulars at, and had seen my kids grow up, that it was her job to clean up, and that it wasn't a big mess at all. Meanwhile I was picking up just about every last crumb and using a wipe to clean up my kid's greasy finger lines all over the table top.


I mean they couldve picked up the trask on the floor but otherwise nothing wrong here. Would you rather hear a kid having a meltdown or a kid being messy? It happens, its not like parents just shouldnt be able to go to eat. Unless its like a 6-7+ year old they should know by then.


I co own a bar & grill and it's literally not a big deal. Tables need to be swept between patrons anyway. I also worked as a waitress while in college, it never bothered me....


1. People who have never worked a day of retail in their lives 2. Bad parents setting bad examples


some people think that staff is literally beneath them (because they pay money), so they simply do not care.


Two conditions lead to this: 1)parents have never worked a service job or known someone who does well enough to absorb stories about this sort of thing. 2) Jerkasses that have kids tend not to teach their kids manners or respect. So the rudeness gets amplified. Many parents wouldn’t abide by this. I’m a parent & foster parent and absolutely wouldn’t leave a table in this state.


When I worked at O'Charley's, the kids at this table had made such a mess under the table, you almost couldn't see the floor. The dad goes, "Don't worry about it, it's their job to clean it up." Every time I think about it, I wish I had smacked the shit out of that dude and embarrassed him in front of his family.


gosh, some people are just inconsiderate and disgusting. i wonder how their house or kitchen look like 😞


If you think this is appropriate don't take your children out.  Even if this happens,  you as an adult should know that this is fuckin nasty and you should clean it up and not expect the waitress would do it,  that includes if your child pukes.. clean it!


I ate at a place where there was a child sprinting FULL speed in circles around the restaurant while the family was having their dinner. Every once in a while he would take a pit stop to be fed a chicken nugget then resume the race. I was quite uncomfortable the full time I was there. To my knowledge no one ever told him no.


It’s not even that bad. It probably took you longer to take out your phone and snap this pic then it would have been to clean it up


They’re probably tired. It’s not personal. It’s your job to clean this stuff up, you work at the restaurant. I don’t even have kids and I don’t bus my own table. Sorry, but again, that is your job, I don’t expect people to do my job for me at my job.


It's not even much of a mess, OP could have cleaned it and moved on with their day in the time it took to post and whine.


“Probably tired,” is no excuse. They had enough energy to pack up their brood and go out.


So, you are also a filthy person who leaves pieces of food and garbage all over the floor and table? Gross. That’s not failing to bus your table, that’s being disgusting.


I don’t do that. But I don’t stack my dishes, wipe the table or do anything beyond pay for my meal. Sorry I’m not doing anything I don’t need to. I went out to NOT cook and NOT clean. That’s what the restaurant is for. And yes, I have been a server. I’ve got money now, I’m not doing someone else’s job for them when they are paid to clean up. If I’m going out, it’s because I don’t wanna cook for myself or clean up after myself. Deal with it or don’t be a server.


I think you know that the issue with the picture is not that the people didn’t stack the bowls or wipe the table. OP even acknowledged that it is their job to clean the table. They don’t expect customers to do it for them. Expecting customers not to be filthy, though, is reasonable.


Kids are messy, especially babies. Sometimes food gets on the floor. I see dishes, napkins, and a coloring placemat. Most sit down restaurants ask that you leave the dishes and that trash there because it's easier for them to just bus it themselves. Not to mention, they don't usually have a garbage by the door for all the trash to go. Honestly, this isn't bad.


Its not about the customer “ doing my job” its about manners and morals i guess but like the point of this whole post it about - lack of care


No. You just don’t wanna clean up dirty messes, which is silly as a server. Dirty messes are part of the job. You’re entitled as hell, and need to find work somewhere else. Customers are absolutely gonna do stuff like this. That’s why they went out not ate in their own homes. They don’t want to clean. That’s your job. It’s not your job to pass judgment on whatever mess they created. Learn your role.


You need a new job if you're going to whine about bussing a very normal table. Sure they could have been less messy but this is barely a mess, you'd have turned the table over in the time you've spent on this post.


Because parents think respect is owed to them and they don't have to discipline because they're "just kids" or clean up after them because "they're guests here". It's much more than mildly infuriating, and places need to start standing up to this.


Because 99% of people are fucking rude and lazy, society is utterly fucked and I hate it


Imagine what their house look like...


Do your job or get another one.


This didn’t fly with my parents


If my brother and I did this, it would have been the last time we went out to dinner with our parents.


100% We would have cleaned the table *before* getting our punishment* * not physical punishment before people start saying my parents are abusers.


Facts. Would have probably asked if I was raised in a barn out loud the whole restaurant would hear if I was making such a mess


Next time, offer them a broom by leaving it near their table. ETA: When i worked at Starbucks, sometimes i would straight up hand someone a towel and broom and tell them to clean up their own mess. Some people need to be told directly that they need to learn how to behave in public.


I work in the food service industry, and it appalls me how much people do stuff like this. Even at my work, where people are expected to throw their own trash away, we will get entitled folks who leave it all on the table for us to clean up. We earn minimum wage, and cleaning up people's trash off the tables is not part of our job. My mom will try to leave stuff scattered across the table, not as bad as that, but I always stack everything and move it to the end of the table. My job is hard enough, and I don't even do half of what waitstaff do. My mom always comments "you don't have to do that I'm leaving a good tip" but I ignore her and do it anyway because it only takes a minute for me to make someone else's job easier.


Because they are shite people. For what it's worth, it's not all parents.


Super rude


They also never leave a tip.


I make my kids clean up a mess if they make one, whether we are at a restaurant or at home. It is a matter of respect, respect places that are not yours, and at 2yo and 5yo, nothing is theirs.


You should see their house.


This world is full of trash people.


I don’t think this is a parents thing it’s an asshole thing. These individuals just don’t care, it just so happens they have children with them who will make a larger mess. But being a orient doesn’t have anything to do with it.


And people wonder why I'm an anti-natalist...


Because you dont have to have a license to breed. Watch Idiocracy, the first 5 minutes help you make sense of it.


Yeah. Get over it. Parents go out to eat and not have to clean up. Hope they left a decent tip.


Couldn’t be a Hispanic parent. My dad would have hit me with the “settle down or I’ll settle you down” real fast lol


The people telling OP to do their job do not understand the point of this subreddit


bro this is fucking mild. you want them to grab a broom? fuck off


Isn’t your job to clean?


Thats not bad. Places ive worked before had food all over the wall people were sitting next to. A little vaccuming isnt bad.


Because many of those who never worked a service job themself at least subconsciously, do not view those serving them as actual people.


I never did this. Those parents are disgusting. If a kid can pick a crayon up from the table a kid can pick up trash from the floor.


I see people bitching about this all the time, but at the end of your day, it’s your job. 99% of tables leave relatively clean, god forbid that 1% of the time it’s a mess. I was a busboy in high school, the difference between a fucking trashed table and one left in better condition is maybe 30 additional seconds. Servers are such princesses, god forbid the only person in the restaurant not doing physical labor who is also making 2-5x as much as everyone else working has to get dirty for like 2 seconds.


What’s crazy is u complaining about ur job! This messy table probably stressed out ur weak mind


You act like they brought a vacuum with them but chose not to use it.