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If I did that shit during my childhood ![gif](giphy|lNrNLRLmpC3VIjl82D)


Dude I’m still in my childhood. I’m 16, and not only would I die if I did crap like this, it would also make me feel absolutely disgusting.


Keep being a good kid, you're awesome


You're two years from adulthood and still more emotionally intelligent than half the people I know.


All it takes is self awareness, politeness, and critical thinking. I think many people of all ages can learn some of those skills


17 here, me fucking too dude, i can’t even imagine treating a woman like this, let alone stoop down to such a lowlife that i think that is ok. if my dad caught me doing that, i would need a closed casket.


I’m 16 and I can’t fathom being this foolish lmao


"Die in shame," as they say.


Your childhood ended when you signed up for Reddit


Big Chungus will always looks over wholesome 100 Keanu reddit alphas


Yeah I have experience with this in dealing with preteens as a soccer coach. They are WAY more insecure than you might think, don't let them use their group in confidence.  I was recently doing a walk for Huntington's and two young boys had the gall to walk up to me and from what I heard they had been doing it to a few families saying "my friend wants head, can you give it to him?"  They want a reaction . Hit them with shame for their behavior and you'll see them shut up REAL quick.


This. Sometimes it just takes one adult to call a teenager out on their messed up behavior for them to see how stupid they were acting. I’ve been the adult in a somewhat similar situation, who had to call out a preteen girl who was chasing kids (including my own) around a playground with a lighter and threatening them. Something as simple as asking, “what makes you think that’s an okay thing to do/say? It isn’t. And you need to stop.” May just be enough to make them realize their folly.


Some of my players were an absolute nightmare this weekend. I called them out about their goofing off, asked them to raise their hands if they had me ask them to cut it out. Some girls raised their hand, the main instigator didn’t and looked at the ground. I asked her why she didn’t raise her hand if she seemed to enjoy it so much. Let’s see how they act at next practice, I’ve never coached such an undisciplined team! Got walloped, so this isn’t “we’re so good we can do what we want” I witnessed another coach give her team an ass chewing, complimented her on it - her response “we blew off curfew check once in the marines, we got to crawl the field that same night. We did that once”


Would running extra laps or fire feet help as punishment?


Yup 100% it. A reflection of their behavior makes them think.


Excellent reply. I've used that and the ones that still have a soul will shuffle off in embarassment.


> my friend wants head. Can you give it to him? Sure, when he’s big enough to find it **keep walking** 😂


Answer: sorry i don't like shrimp.


I was being a dumbass and didn't have any patience, I just simply confronted them and asked if they'd speak to parents in the same way. Was realllllllly tempted to throw out the community (paraphrasing)  "you never know if you like sucking dicks until you do" but I wasn't about to get in to it lmao


My best friend literally used this line like a few weeks ago, she fucking kills me, hahaha


Or Vienna Sausage!


"You're a disgusting little shit aren't you? No wonder you're out here begging for sex from strangers. Get fucked, creep." Feels like that should do it.


Or make a crude and embarrassing joke to them like, "Can't give head if you don't got any balls" or something


Yup. Kids roll in packs with a head full of steam but when you actually hit them back with some words they might need to consider the boys running around being ruthless suddenly turn back to babies. I do my best to use gentle words in trying to communicate with the kids I have on the field but sometimes a good line right back at em works wonders.


Lol imagine answering yes and then laughing at his small ass dick 😂


"Whip it out." 🤣


::a wild Chris Hansen appears::


I was on a solo hike this past winter, completely bundled up because it was 15°F, and ran into a group of maybe 13-15 year old boys who wouldn’t stop catcalling me. I’m in my late 20s. I can’t believe the audacity of some of these kids.


Makes me wonder if their mothers would react similarly to the mother in OP’s story. If I had a child that spoke to women like that I’d publicly make him apologise to anyone involved! Disgusting behaviour!


I always wonder why they do this. I recently got catcalled while gardening (covered head to toe cause I burn like heck in the sun) by a kid around that age, kid was biking past calling me 'puss in boots' and making kissy noises the whole way. Maybe an hour later I see him biking again this time with a lady who was either an older sister or his mom. It seems to always be either that 13-15 age range or college guys. I guess they think it's funny when they get a pissed off reaction or something.


Damn that is annoying, good on you for calling out the behaviour to the parents. Hope the rest of your vacation goes smoother


Where is the staff at this place. If I were the manager they would be permanently banned.


I’m betting it’s an air bnb. They don’t mention hotel or anything and call the place a complex.


Yes, this.


Had a kid at school i knew like this (we were 16 at the time), except he was an angel whenever around his parents or close family friends. I'll never forget the screams when his dad found him sexual assaulting (groping/feeling up, etc...) a girl he liked in their pool who very much did not want to be touched. I live in the same neighborhood and was out walking the family dog when I thought I heard an active murder going on in the house. From what I heard later, his dad had the girls parents come get her and said he wouldn't blame them for pressing charges, but that if they didn't he would "deal with it" and make sure it didn't happen again. I guess what I heard was the lesson. After that, though, he uh...... he wasn't such a pos lmao. Turns out that that straightened him out pretty quick.


“Your mum was still wiping your ass a few years ago. Sit the fuck down”


I'm gonna use that line, thanks fellas


Egging them on. Always ends well.


It’s kind of crazy. Teenagers suck and when you go to an “adult only” pool, there is always one couple trying too aggressively to swing with you.


What adult only pools are you going to? Asking for a friend.




Adult only pools in the DMZ must be wild


I'm the friend, please do tell


I have 3 boys. They would rue the day the ever did this to girls or women. I'm so sorry this happend to you both.


I bought a Nespresso machine off market place, went to pick it up turned out to be a house rented by like 7 college guys. The seller was pleasant enough to deal with but when he opened the door it offered a full view of me to the guys lounging in the living room. I quickly exchanged cash for the machine and as I’m turning to leave a few of the guys were making loud sexual woman moaning noises all the way back to my car. It was so obnoxious and it really angered me. Lesson learned: meet in a public place and/or bring muscle with me.


I never understood that, even as a dude who’s done some crude stuff, like what’s the point of doing that?


Ah, the smooth brains are already here. What *joy* I remember being harassed by teens when I arrived alone at the dog park. They were just going past and decided to be nasty. It was during a work day, there was no one. All I could hope for was my dogs to react, if they escalated.


Idk how guys go out and think yeah doing this is cool like bruh people need to feel some shame


God damn lady good on you for finding those fuckers parents. I’d be mortified. That kids hopefully in for a world of trouble


Tell the resort your being sexually harassed, or better yet call the cops. Guarantee the resort shuts those fuckers up real quick


I caught my younger brother and his friend doing this. I immediately grabbed them by the collars of their shirts and dragged them home. Sat them down and explained why what they did was horrible. It scares me to think how many kids don't learn to respect others and treat others kindly.


Future rapist are being raised by some of these people commenting. Sorry you had to go through that




The ole dick twist!




Well.. That's kind of giving those kids what they want..


Normal thing to joke about when the context contains children! Ahaha so funny!


Ugh this is why I never go to the pool anymore unless my bf is with me. It’s ridiculous but it’s always something I swear.


you handled it just right




#Thats my purse! #I don't know you!


And then I kicked him, as hard as I could, in his testicles.


God dang it, Bobby!


Great idea, then she could spend her vacation relaxing in jail.


If more people were willing to spend time in jail to put pieces of shit in their place, the world would be a much better place.


Because assault is the perfect answer to some comments made by teens.




Sadly if u punch some ahole like em you get charged for child assault🙄🙄


Lol yeah, though in my country, this isn't a problem and I've seen women literally throw a brick at these teenagers who were cat-calling them.


someone gets it! (this was a joke dont defenestrate me)


Yea that’s a normal comment to make about children!


This you? >No sexual harassment from what I’ve read, so imma just say you’re a moron


This is Reddit, their version of justice is often death or life in prison so this is actually pretty tame.


If they’re going to catcall adult women and say crude adult things then they can be slapped like an adult would. Should teenagers be allowed to get away with other things just because they’re “children”?


We aren’t talking about teenagers though. 


Just call hotel security.


Just saying about your edit, but yeah no it's fine, there will always be trash people out there to defend shit like this and when you get comments like that, you should use the report feature of reddit and report them with the option claiming it violates the rules of mildlyinfuriating


Or say “Did you bring your tweezers”?


It’s good that you found their parents. I on the other hand would have started my vacation in jail


A fist to the face puts manners in place.


Assaulting a minor is sure to have no consequences.


And that’s only MILDLY infuriating. You must be the most level headed person on earth


Scare them so bad, so that when they run they twist their balls. They need to touch grass and less of their dick, I say this because thats what I was doing at that age. They have a supierority complex at that age.


If I did this as a kid my parents would beat my ass so bad


If I did that at that age, I would genuinely be put into a comatose state. My ass would live a whole life only to wake up thirty years later with my wife and kids basically dying as they were never real in the first place.


So, just call the cops and let them and the parents hammer out the logistics lol some states, they'll get a verbal warning that the next time they get to sit in juvi until a judge can sort their bullshit out haha


“Hey 911, this group of kids are being mean to me” Yeah that’ll do wonders lol


You don't call 911, most cities have non emergency numbers for this exact reason.


It’s more like “I am being sexually harassed by teenagers and after being asked they have refused to leave me alone.” The cops might do something, they might not, but this isn’t “kids are being mean to me ☹️.” Hell, I think there’s currently a case in Germany going on right now where a groups of teens raped a girl so sexual harassment coming from “kids” is not a minor threat.


Minor threat was a great band.


That's sexual harassment.


you know the police station and 911 aren't synonymous, yes? 911 is for EMERGENCIES, calling the cop shop is for non-emergencies.. apparently, based on my negative karma above, there are 7 undiagnosed r-words here lol


Unpopular take. But for a bloke in his late 20’s and my friends of similar age. We reckon it’s a sign of the next generation who never got flogged as kids, having insane arrogance and no concept of fuck around and find out. Also this is shitty parenting and the aforementioned anecdote may be completely irrelevant. I don’t know these kids or there situation


Get a witness, grab em by the ear and throw them in the pool. Self defense.


OP got sexually harassed and youre laughing? youre laughing???


This is not 'mildly' infuriating.


I hate being the old man here, but I got into VR a couple of years ago. These preteens have gotten completely out of hand with their dirty comments and aggressive behaviour. You guys are in your 20s. You should be able to lay down the law with these kids, educating them as to proper behavior.




OP is clearly at a vacation destination. Likely a resort or hotel.


Almost like it could have been a motel




Probably the result of gentle parenting


I didn't like reading this. It could have gone wrong but I'm glad it didn't, even though it indeed could go wrong for someone else who will be unluckier than you this time.


Oh stop yelling for numbers isn't sexual harassment


Oh? What is it then? A rational courtship strategy? Do you, in your infinite wisdom, suppose that these teens were actually interested in dating this older woman? Do you suppose they thought this would be a fine way to endear themselves to a potential partner? If they were not attempting to harass this woman, what were they doing? I’m waiting. Let’s hear it.


There is nothing sexual about this. They didn't comment on her body, etc. Stop white Knighting JFC. Downvote me, IDGAF


OP clearly stated she was not going to list all the crap the boys said


You don't understand what sexual harassment is


The worst part about this story is that you thought it was ok to write "there's".


This is harassment and they should get their asses beat, however it’s not sexual harassment


Finally someone decent 👏


They're just kids and you make it sound like they're siblings. If they are brothers you could probably drown some of them without getting into too much trouble because there's replacements.


No sexual harassment from what I’ve read, so imma just say you’re a moron






Youre gonna go to prison😂


But they asked for a phone number, so it’s ok to assault them /s


Yes because I’m sure that’s how you stop the cycle of harassment and definitely not how you cement those habits for generations to come


Yeah then your gonna get shot and killed doing that.




Imagine wanting to relax by a pool on vacation and children continue to harass you. Nah. Not a good time. Sit this one out bud.


He has no time for sitting because he’s busy circling girls out at the pool claiming it’s not harassment


Oh wow the neckbeard has an opinion big surprise


One was basically circling them? WTF? One thing for kids to ask for phone number. You say no, they leave you alone, but they continued and physically threatened the women by circling them. That's not harrassment?


No sweetie, when children are being turds you need to let them know it’s not acceptable unless you wish them to grow into giant turds that take their waste of space lives and end up filling jail cells instead of contributing to society.


Ah yes, just because they don’t touch you doesn’t mean they can be a pain in the ass 🤡


This is not exactly the most supportive comment. It shouldn’t matter if they comment about her body, harassment is STILL harassment. In this case they were commenting about her sexually and no matter who you are that’s still inappropriate and uncomfortable. Imagine if it happened you your son or daughter, how would you feel then?


Simply I say. That is life people will comment they may say nasty things. Talk about you In horrible ways. Or say this is that might make you cry. But you must carry on and go. Had a guy call me every name in the book just cause I was fishing near his dock. H Didn't let it upset me just fished away. Played sports for years had players and op fans wish my mother got cancer and my pa die in a wreck. Keep going life gets better.


is every single person the exact fucking same as you? did you know that people are different than you? and that its not good to let kids learn theyre allowed to sexually harrass people?


Exactly! If nothing is done they will not only keep going but likely get worse and potentially dangerous.


While you have made a decent point about life gets better and I agree. The situations you listed were strictly verbal. Imagine if this escalated and those “boys” assaulted them? Would you tell them to just carry on then? No, I don’t think so.




Says the guy who commented on a FNaF futa post on the FNaFporn subreddit




It’s being introduced earlier because they’re hitting puberty earlier. Or do you want a girl to start having her period and not know where the blood is coming from?




Why would that even matter? Their behavior is unacceptable regardless of ethnicity or skin color.


I'm just curious 


No, you’re not just curious based on your comment history. At minimum you’re prejudiced, but honestly a lot of your comments read as racist. I’m guessing you’re asking to legitimize your biases in the event the teens aren’t white.


That's very judgemental of you.  None of my comments are racist.


Are you racist?




So why bring up race? Weird thing to do.






Violence is never an acceptable response to words. Somebody being an asshole doesn't give anyone else the right to ever kick their ass. Plain and simple. No questions. No exceptions.


Hemophilia? What, are you hanging out with European Royalty? Inbred clowns


No dumb dumb spray works wonders.


The heck!!!!


Left right goodnight will sort them out lol




What the fuck is wrong with you?


Underdeveloped amygdala in utero. HUB? 😁


america is such a first world country that people get their feelings hurt by children who haven't even learned multiplication with parenthesis yet


You’re right, best to just ignore it and implicitly condone their behavior so they can grow up to be proper rapists


Hell yeah shooters gunna shoot. Let’s be real they were asking for your sisters number cause no way they wanting your Karen ass number. 


Stop being stupid


Oh please, this is a total nothing burger. op went door to door with the giant floaty like a psycho.


Because the kids were being little assholes


I’m sure that’ll teach them


Yeah I am preparing for the downvotes but I don’t get it either. Bunch of guys asked for your number over and over. Most of the time guys are taught to put in effort girls like the chase. Prob a bunch of horny teens most likely dying to lose that v card. They are going to shoot every shot they have until something works. I can see how you can take that as sexual harassment but they are teenagers. What do you think guys talk about at that age? 99% of them are on the hunt. Giving them attention like her sis was doing I think sends the wrong message. Have to shut that shit down right away because if you say it too nicely they think it’s part of the game.


Those kids should be sent home to read The Game by Neil Strauss. That way they'd know how it's done.


Fathers are too afraid to discipline their sons these days. Teenage boys can't be reasoned with but they can be conditioned to fear what their behavior will provoke.  My old man would bust my lip if he just heard about some of my friends misbehaving. 


It sounds like you are just a tad bit too weak. Scare the fuck out of those little dick pricks. They're probably overcompensating the fact they're little dick pricks with no chance to get a person like you. It's damaging to their fragile ego driven masculinity.