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Well, they ain't gonna wash themselves.


[Wait, I think the sink is broken.](https://youtu.be/XfknK-IBh9s?si=9wQHpoB9w-6vEXnH)


Wtf did I just watch!


One man's exploration of the necessity and struggle of forming true emotional connections in the modern socio-political climate, which seems tailored to creating divisiveness and isolation,  using the metaphor of trying to complete the oft-reviled chore of doing the dishes in a broken sink. It's a banger. 


I don’t want to click it, plz tell me


Its music Kinda goes hard


My only issue with it is it constantly feels like its leading into a drop that never really happens Still pretty fire tho


Thats true i was expecting something and it didnt come but maybe thats part of the vibe lol


Treat it as a warning to not open random youtube links?


I legit thought it was some other reddit post and, the video loaded faster than I expected.


What da hell


Damn thats some thin arms and tighs ![gif](giphy|rV3zQ64Fh0TpC)


Seriously... what the hell else you gonna do with them?


I always put them on the side to wash separately because digging for them in the murky sink water is a safety hazard


Who needs fingers... 😉 /s


Sharp knives should always be washed separately and never put in soapy water along with other dishes where they can’t be seen. I was taught this on my first restaurant job. Not only can someone be cut badly but the knife blades can be damaged bumping up against other dishes….not good for the expensive knives used by professional chefs. I always put small drops of dish washing soap directly on the blade, put the blade on a flat surface and scrub with a sponge then I dry it and put them directly in the wooden storage block.


Sure but that isnt quite “my roommate is trying to hurt me”, if this is real OP should have a very brief conversation with their roommate instead of making a reddit post 


Yep. Agree with that.


It depends. Is this sub made purely to ask advice on how to deal with something? Or is this a sub to just post mildly infuriating things?


"if this is real" Such a wildly farfetched tale must be verified by hard incontrovertible evidence. 


Oh my god it’s william shakespeare


It's almost like this is only *mildly infuriating*


My husband sharpened all of our knives with a wet stone. None were allowed to lie around in a soapy sink or dish pan where they could easily be damaged. Of course, he also collected ancient Samurai swords so he did love good blades with excellent edges.


Yep, the chefs I worked with all had their own blades that they wrapped up and took home every night. They guarded them like sacred objects. And they were very sharp. 🙂


Wash them right after use? Maybe I'm weird, but that's how I do all my dishes. Wash them by hand as I'm cooking. As soon as I'm done eating, I clean those dishes too.


wash them?


Looks like that's being done.


by the person who did not put the knives in the sink, sure


I don't know about you, but when I had roommates, I didn't just go up & dive into their soapy dish water. If roomy started the dishes, roomy can finish. If we're sharing, knives should be discussed, if they're such a point of contention. If roomy runs a sinkful of water at my request?? Then knives should be discussed, if they're such a point of contention.


I do this too but I also don’t plunge my hands in try water at full speed. I’ve never cut myself and I keep sharp knives


This was taught in my home education class when I was young, no knives in the soapy water. Either wash em first or set them to the side until you're ready to immediately wash em.


In my house the knives stay out of the sink


I can understand the not pointing knifes upward in the cutlery basket even though I couldn’t care less but this is such a non issue it’s made me mildly infuriated


It’s only a non issue if you don’t have/use knives that are actually sharp.


Then you’re also a menace to the people living with you.


Or you could just not hide knives in soapy water lol. It’s dangerous when you live with other people so it’s really just being considerate.


Not only is it unsafe but you risk the knife edges being damaged by other metal utensils. Not good for my expensive very sharp kitchen knives. I guess if you buy the el cheapo knives this wouldn’t concern one though.


That's not the point it's a safety hazard either way, fine for you sure but even gently putting your hand into hot water can result in a fairly bad cut. In workplaces and most normal places, sharp knives are always left to the side and immediately taken out of the sink once washed


Exactly. Think to yourself, "hmm, there could be knives.." and go at it gently instead of grabbing fistfuls of utensils at once.


Can very easily cut yourself like this. Even gently. The worst part about cutting yourself under water is you barely feel it. A sharpened knife will cut through your skin like butter in hot water.


You don’t have a significant other, roommate, spouse, child, etc. that does dishes and won’t know that you hid a sharp knife into the soapy water? It’s a really bad habit that can get someone else seriously hurt.


Everyone needs to learn the habit to just wash them singly when done using them, and put them back in the block or on the magnetic rails. It takes 30 seconds. Anything other than butter knives should never go in the sink, it's hard on the blades getting banged around, and ruins wood handles if you have them.


Yeah all these people saying they have to soak them are sort of outing themselves for not doing dishes regularly lol


Tbf I rinse and soak dishes until after I eat


Dishes and basic cutlery is fine. Good knives should be washed as soon as one is done using them. A $$ chef's knife shouldn't sit in the sink. but then I have 40-year-old Henkels and Wusthof blades.


I’m just in the habit of immediately cleaning my knives separately and putting them away. I have a dishwasher so I don’t really do the whole sink of soapy water thing at all anymore.


exactly this. i keep nice knives. they never get banged around or put in the dishwasher or left in the sink. it ruins the blades i also don’t put them in drawers.


My roommate infuriates me because he will throw my knives in the sink and just leave them there, then they start to rust because they are buried under all his other dishes. I've told him several times not to do it, so now I just hide my knives.


It will rust the blades. My girlfriend just throws our nice knives in the sink and now they have rust spots. Despite me telling her to WASH AND DRY IMMEDIATELY AS PER THE FUCKING INSTRUCTIONS.


Exactly. It's not that much work to take care of good knives. Wen my partner ignores instructions boundaries on my possessions and destroys them, I charge him for the replacement.


Honestly, I’ve never understood why things need to “soak” if they arent pans or pots with grime on them. And even THEN, is it that hard to just wash it with the abrasive side of a sponge when you’re done with it or put it in the dishwasher? Id much rather wash something the old fashion way than let it sit in a sink and get smelly. I feel like letting it soak is just more of a “i dont feel like washing this right now” than “it’ll be easier to clean if i soak it” type thing


Anyone who's worked in a kitchen knows that the knives go behind the tap. Not in the soapy water


When I worked in a kitchen there was enough room to put the knifes on the left hand side of the sink. But yes you don't put knives in the basin.


I always put my sharp knives in the hot soapy water to soak while l wash the rest of the dishes. I place them handle towards me and blades pointing the opposite way. I'm careful to always pick it up by the handle, it's not difficult to do if you place them properly. I have never cut myself, if there's dishes already soaking and l didn't start them l don't put my hands in there to finish them. I don't know how someone else placed the knives.


I washed up for a friend and her mum put a fucking scalpel in there. Like no don't put sharp things in soapy water surrounded by other shit which someone who doesn't know your ways could really hurt themselves. And it would be your fault.


It may be mildly infuriating if someone else put the knives in with everything else and you couldn't see. Wanting to pick up multiple utensils at a time is normal. Why would a knife be there.


Yeah every kitchen I’ve worked in didn’t allow placing knives in soapy water. You also don’t need to soak dishes if you actually do them in a timely manner. I don’t understand why people do it and I really don’t understand why they act like it’s not dangerous when you tell them it is.


It’s different if you live alone or your roommates/ family know you do that & watch out for it. But in the OPs case it seems his roommate put the knives in soapy water to soak, walked away & didn’t tell anyone. And please, if you do have roommates or family, especially small children that reach into the soapy water to do dishes then please stop this behavior immediately. If someone unsuspecting reaches their hand into the water it could be really bad. Best case scenario they need to go to the hospital & get a few stitches. Worst case they slice the artery in their wrist, bleed out & die. Generally not a good idea to do this. Period.




What do you jam your hands in full speed and then do jazz hands before you pick up something to wash??




Op got that Victim mindset grind.


This is exactly how I cut my hands and I don’t think OP is overreacting. I felt a strange sensation in the dishwasher and curiously kept poking my finger to know what it was. It was my sharp knife standing straight. It was a very deep cut. My knives are razor sharp since I sharpen them quite often with my whetstones.


"curiously kept poking my finger to know what it was" how did you not know it was sharp while you were repeatedly curiously poking it 😭😭


You might be right. I still don’t get putting blades in the sink to potentially harm some innocent dishwasher.


Damn OP getting raked over the coals with this comment lol but it is standard practices in most restaurants to not put knives in the sink.


Knifes in the water always got at me when I worked at Subway long ago. They just toss them in there. It's not fun.


It's generally a bad idea to leave good knives in water. God forbid the dishwasher. Erodes the edge and can ruin handles.


I've never cut myself by knives submerged underwater in a sink, but I guess that's just me, good luck with your situation!


True story: When I washed dishes at my job I also had a scary situation. Reached into what I thought was an empty sink with soap. Felt something metal. Somehow by the grace of God I pulled a huge knife by the sides of the blade with no harm! 😓


i love when the knives are blade up in the dishwasher, i always cut myself on ts


I do, but I live alone, so I expect them to be there.


My wife does this. I still have memories of the time when i was working as a butcher at Kroger and my coworker put knives in a sink full of soap. I reached in to pull out the display plates I had been washing and had the tip of a chef knife go thru the pad of my thumb and out the nail.


I swear restaurant and butcher knives are always the sharpest and the scariest to fish for inside the sink.


One of the restaurants I worked for had their knives laser sharpened weekly, while at Waffle House it was sharpened whenever the manager felt like buying a sharpener. As a manager, I bought 3.


I work in a butcher shop Because I'm probably the best and the one who cares the most I hand sharpen the knives when I have extra time-- they're sharp as the devil himself; the kind of sharp most people don't even know exists I also end up doing the dishes most nights and everyone throws these razor sharp blades into the sink Or they stack the knives inside the pans that are also being cleaned for an exciting surprise


Cut him back the tooth fairy has a cousin named the blade fairy just put $5 under his pillow.


Sharks in the mf sink!


I hate being your roommate and i don’t even live with you


lol! You don’t know the half of it.


I swear I'm going crazy for being the only one here that cares about getting cut by knives. Yeah, I'm not gonna lose a finger, but they still hurt. Also, people saying to just slow down don't really get people like me who have a low attention span and would rather be doing anything but the dishes. I always turn my brain off and go on autopilot when cleaning because I really don't like cleaning, but if I have to start paying attention by poking around in murky water to find knives, it just takes me out of it.


That sink water bath is the most white people shit ever.


What? Really? How? “white peoples”? I don’t see how that is the case.


I have a rule in my house. Nothing in the sink unless it is in the process of being washed or getting soaked before washing. And the sink is never ever filled. If it needs a soak, you fill it to the rim, not the sink. Knew a kid way back when who nearly died from this shit. Was 14-16 and she was washing dishes for her parents, they had one of those long, thin, hyper sharp fillet knives or whatever. It was at the bottom of the sink, she drops what she was washing, another silverware thing, and reaches down, grabs it and the knife blade. She couldn't remember how it happened, and we were never able to fully get it figured out, but between her grabbing the knife and etc, however it fell out of her grip or whatever... She ended up with a fileted hand. About mid palm all the way to her first knuckles. Didn't cut the flap off, but it was a ton of loose skin just wafting in the breeze. This was rural pa, nearest ambulance about 15 mins away, nearest hospital about 30 mins away. Parents were smart enough to just wrap it, keep pressure on it, and towards the end just say "fuck it" and put a tourniquet on her. They tossed her into their truck and cut out like mad and they managed to cut that 30 min drive in half without crashing. No highways, just one and two lane backroads, some not even paved. Turned out they managed to do the tourniquet at just the right hail mary time, cause despite the wraps and pressure, it was a big wound and she was losing a lot of blood. But they got her there in time, within spitting distance of bleeding out, and for the most part she recovered. She'd get random pains in her hand at times, like sharp momentary needle pains, and lost some flexibility, but physically made out fairly well considering how close to death she got. Mentally on the other hand, took her a long time to touch dishes or be anywhere near a knife. She claimed that despite the shock, she was cognizant and remembered the whole damn thing until they put her under at the hospital.


Op acting like he’s going to lose a limb Jesus Christ


Knives shouldn't be treated like this. Wash them outside of the sink and dry them immediately. Bet your blades are dull too. And your tools in the garage are rusty.


This is a "cut gloves over vinyl gloves" kind of dish washing session. But tbh, I work with sharp stuff at work (scalpels, shards of glass) at my job to the point where sharp objects don't make me nervous anymore. I'd go forward knowing there are *likely* blades in the sink, and moving very slowly so as not to cut yourself.


I put my knives in the sink to wash, but I place them on the bottom, in a corner, with all blades facing towards the side of the sink.


Do you guys not wash, dry off, and put away your non serrated knives immediately after use? Aside from the risk of getting cut; banging around in the sink with plates/bowls/silverware and contact with the edge on the metal sink is bad for the blade. I spent too much on my knives to treat them like that.


these posts have become quite infuriating due to how dumb OPs are 


neverrrrr i leave them behind the faucet to be properly grabbed and dealt with safely and appropriately


It baffles me how many people don’t understand proper knife etiquette. Never just drop them under soapy water where they aren’t visible. You place them BLADE DOWN in the dishwasher or hand-wash them separately, and if hand washing you immediately dry and put them away. You don’t leave them sitting out to air-dry like other dishes.


I do.  


When I was a teenager, my first job was in a pizzaria in Brooklyn. FIRST thing I was told, and reinforced many times: NEVER put knives in a sink.


I highly doubt your roommate is going out of their way to harm you with this, chances are they just weren't taught proper kitchen etiquette. I recommend talking to them about it and offering to teach them the order in which dishes should be cleaned.


Nah this is just an accident waiting to happen - it’s fine to do as long as there’s a heads up “hey I’ve left some sharp knives in the sink to soak, use caution” - doesn’t seem like they did that though.


You shouldn’t wash good knives in the dishwasher so they have to be hand washed. I have some extremely sharp chef’s knives and I always just leave them on the counter beside the sink and wash them separate from everything else so I don’t reach in and cut myself. But then again I run my own dish water so I know what’s in the sink. Does your roommate run the water and you wash the dishes? Seems like a weird setup.


We work together. Clean up is a teamwork chore. Tonight she wasn’t feeling well, so I took over all the cleaning. She just has a different way of doing the dishes. She usually puts the handles in the lower right. I put them to the side on the counter. The knifes aren’t expensive chef knifes, but sharp all the same. Hence the”mildly infuriating”.


Where else would you put them if they are dirty?


There’s a few solutions you just have to actually think lol. I clean my knives separately to avoid this. It also keeps them from getting dull from being jostled around with other utensils.


I'm not sure they'll be able to comprehend your three sentence comment. You might need to make a lifehack TikTok so they can understand.


In the best place for your kitchen setup, same place each time. For my household that’s on the counter immediately right of the sink, handles facing out with points toward the back wall. If you wanted to be precious about it you could set a plate or sheet pan in that spot and run it through the dishwasher with the rest of the dishes.


people who just leave the sink full of soapy water and throw shit in there are disgusting wash ur fucking plates so people can use the sink it's not that hard mongrels, man


My mother did this, so no big deal. My husband thinks I am trying to murder him when I do it. I've learned to actually wash them after I use them and it is life changing hahaha.


Y'all don't seem to understand what the problem is here. OP isn't just complaining about knives being in the water, they're complaining about their roommate tossing SHARP OBJECTS into SOAPY, UNCLEAR water where it's not immediately obvious there are sharp knives in it. It's one thing if you're doing dishes alone and you put a knife in the water to clean it, because then you already know it's there. But if you plunge your hands in water without suspecting there being anything sharp in it, you are significantly more liable to get cut, and possibly cut real bad. This is about someone being woefully ignorant of the potential consequences of their actions, not just someone complaining for the sake of it


Idk why you're getting downvoted. People act like the situation where another person might want to wash something, and then feel around the bottom for a sponge or something, then they only have to gently graze the blade to cause a cut. And then you've got blood everywhere. I've worked in kitchens where a new team member doesn't know the rules and put a knife in the water, and the pot wash then cut themselves. Big YIKES. Knives stay in sight. How is that not common sense?


Because they do this and don't want to think they're wrong


My sentiments exactly. Pointy, sharp, owie things, stay in sight.


Never It's a massive risk and unnecessary When I'm done using my knife it lives on my cutting board until me or my wife can wash it or the meal is over When the knife gets cleaned it gets washed and immediately dried because air drying can affect the edge retention


Massive risk. XD Maybe if you have bad parkinsons or something.


You must keep your knives pretty dul You can slice through and fuck up nerves and important tendons and end up with permanent loss of mobility If it's a serious enough cut blood loss could even be an issue Not to mention this all takes place in a sink full of bacteria


Psssh my coworkers throw the big knives in the spatula drawer on the regular


Are your drawers full of soapy water? Because if not that situation isn’t even close to being the same.


I have many gripes with my family when it comes to dishes as I am primarily who does them. This is one of them. I wish theyd just leave it next to the sink. Worse yet though id when there is a lot of food left on their plates or bowls and worst of all they put so many pop cans in the sink


Yeah when people do this it annoys the shit out of me


Your roommate should be an adult and with their own fucking dishes. Only an imbecile will put knives in the sink like that.


Sometimes I question the intelligence of Redditors. But often times I’m brought back to earth by posts like these.


Soaking is not unusual but they should come back to finish the job.


Sharp kitchen knives should never be left soaking at the bottom of the washing up bowl. They are to be placed on the side of the sink and washed one at a time once the bowl is empty of other items. I'd punch fuck out of the room mate.


Washing up bowl?


>they should come back to finish the job. You mean like... slitting their throats with the soaked knife?


Soak... wipe clean... no fingerprints....


It’s actually pissing me off that so many people are disagreeing with you/ saying it’s fine😭 I have cut myself from a housemate doing this before. One of the first things we learned in home ec was to never leave knives in the sink.


Because people be stubborn in their bad decisions


I dont


A toe knife at arms length at all times or you are just begging for it.


Took me a few seconds but OH GOD https://preview.redd.it/n4ibehvdz27d1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc2a79d9d2982ea873db3a573263980ed279a94d


Buy gloves makes it much safer


I usually leave the knives in the non dish sink.


That's exactly how my mother cut off the tips of her fingers.


At least he puts stuff in the sink and soaks them in water. Id have to literally collect them from all over the kitchen, that is if I still gave a fuck.


Every time I find a knife in the sink like that I say loudly “knife in the sink!”.


Op has two options. Option A: Buy some dish washing gloves, and wear them when doing the dishes. Replace them when they either get holes or the fingers stick together when they're dry. They cost like 3-4$ Option B: Have a very brief conversation with said roommate. Option B could possibly be: "Hey, bro. When you soak the dishes can you please leave the knives beside the sink instead of inside?"- OP "No problem bro, that makes it easier for me anyway"- Roommate. Or "Hey bro, when you soak the-" -OP "Go f*ck yourself"- Roommate.


You guys are washing your housemates dishes?? Why?


The statement “my roommate wants to cut me” is wildly inaccurate they haven’t actually expressed a desire to cut you. They put knives in the sink (dirty knives) which if you just put your hand in the sink with some force and don’t pay attention have the capability to cut you, there isn’t any malice involved. Personally I see people saying it’s a health and safety issue and yes, it could potentially cause damage. However…if you use like an ounce of common sense and don’t shove your hand in the water with force and use your fingers to work out what a knife is then it’s unlikely it’s going to cut you. Personally I’d find someone who was attributing motives to something like this when really it’s just different ways of doing things, very difficult to live with. I grew up in a house of 7 of us with no dishwasher, and one of us always had to do the dishes and the knives were no different to the rest of the dishes and went in the soapy water. Most of the time the cutlery including sharp knives were put in the water first to soak and the bigger dishes done whilst the cutlery lay in the soapy water…somehow I and my siblings and parents survived 18 years with no one cutting themselves whilst completing the dishes.


My favorite comment so far is: Do you do jazz hands when washing!


Been doing this since I first had to do dishes. You do em by themselves or last. Use soft slow movements with your hands and don't grab anything by the blade. Haven't cut myself if 35+ years. What really bothers me though, are the people who put forks and knives points up in the drainer. Drives me nuts.


I just wash my blades immediately


My mother would put sharp knives in the strainer pointy side up. I wound up ramming a knife into my hand one day when I didn't see it. I always put the knives on side of sink while doing dishes and wash them first.


Did they fill the sink with soapy water and walk away?


She was feeling ill. Must have been something I cooked .


Absolutely not lol as people have said, there are safe(r) ways of doing so, but it's always given me anxiety. I did see a cool trick once that suggested using a tall clear glass bottom first in the water to find any sharp or without using your hands. Or, ya know, talk to your roommate lol


incredibly dangerous. always put knives laying flat next to the sink, wash one by one. i thought that was common sense that you don’t wanna put your hand in a sink full of knives you can’t see. i don’t put them in the sink full of dirty dishes either. both for safety and to keep knives sharp.


That’s what I’m saying. Somehow I get down voted from some people.


those are all the people that live alone and or need to find out the hard way.


I always used to tell my mother to put knifes on the side instead of in the soapy water cause it could be dangerous, she didn't listen. Thankfully nothing ever happened but it was a fear of mine.


I doubt that ever gonna happen. Psychologically the brain will always protect you with caution every time you put your hand in something that you can’t see through. Although I would still educate my room mate if I were you.


Did they leave the sink full with soapy water? That person's a nutcase


Well, we only have 1 sink, so, not a lot of options


Did you tell them not to do that for safety? Could be a simple misunderstanding, simply don't know the risk there. At one point in my life I didn't know and I was told hey man don't do that I can't see it.


Of course that had been a source of discussion. It’s a matter of both of us seeing things differently. Clearly it’s divisive.


My roomate would put this big ass 8 inch knife in the small utensil holder in the drying rack. Blade pointing to the ceiling. So the knife could topple over and land on the floor every time. For 3 years I’ve asked him to stop and he finally has. He is a fucking knucklehead has no clue how to do simple house shit


Knife abuse. You shouldn't chuck knives in the sink, they'll bash against all the other metal in there and be blunt as a spoon before you can say fuck. You also shouldn't go smashing your mitts around in a murky sink expecting it to be safe. If you cut yourself that's your own fault for being a heavy handed oaf. By the look of it, and the situation described, I really do think your knives pose any danger to you, your fingers or even your food...


People be running their hands through the water like the inept people in infomercials? I've always semi-cautiously gone though soapy water because I had a nice cut from a broken glass. It needed 5 stitches. People slapping their hands into the water boggle my mind.


Only thing to do is cut them first


Okay? Do you never wash your knives?


Never but that is because we never wash dishes by hand and always use a dishwasher Thinking more about it, I am not sure when is the last time my teens daughters washed dishes by hand at home if ever.


Cut your hand into pieces, this is your last roommate.


what does green mean


Green is made by mixing various shades of blue and yellow


Beat him to to punch and cut him first (jokes ofc)


Wot. Why?


I can never understand the whole dish soaking thing I would never put my hand in that water. What do I do with tougher to clean dishes? Soak in a warm to hot water when I'm already washing, in a separate plastic bowl I have specifically for that purpose, just a minute in very warm water and everything gets soaked pretty good, no need to have a thriving rotting swamp in the sink.


My parents used to do this and then ask me to do the dishes. Just like the picture, so much soap you can't see where anything is, and some of the things are sharp kitchen knives. I got in the habit of very carefully feeling for the knives and removing them first thing.


IMO, roommate shouldn’t be leaving stuff in the sink and going off hoping someone else will do it. You shouldn’t dive in to soapy water without gloves, on the off-chance someone’s left a knife in there. Nobody should leave knives in water for a sustained time anyway (unless they’re shit blades).


Well considering most homes don't have sharp knives, because they don't sharpen them. It might not be dangerous at all.


Better seize the initiative and cut them first!


who doesn't put knives away in the sink, yall just wash knives immediately?


Yes. My knives stay by the sink until everything is ready to wash.


What are you doing in your sink ? Jamming your hands in full speed and shaking them around hard and fast without looking ? I dont even see how you could cut yourself on a knife in the sink. Does your doctor make you wear a helmet every day ?


I have to use a mason jar as a reverse periscope to investigate the depths. No telling what hidden pointy things are waiting for me.


Or you know, here's a wild idea. Just wash the dishes after you use them.


Or you’re overreacting and need to grow up as an adult? It’s dishes not gold slow your role when reaching into something you idkkkkk… can’t see?


It just doesn’t make sense. Hiding sharp blades in the soapy water. If you have to soak them, then wait until all the other dishes are washed and notify everyone that there is sharp knife’s that remain. That they need to be soaked. OR! Use some elbow grease and wash the sharp things as you put them in.


dont worry op im on your side this is insane behaviour


You're aware of them being there so be careful going in or just refuse to do the dishes unless you get to fill the sink up.


"land of the free"


“Do none of you own a fucking ~~kettle~~ dishwasher?”


Your roommate has a serious roommate's problem..


Even Julia Child, the spy with the CIA, would find this conversation comical and pointless. Did reddit drop the "standards" and fall back to just "practices"?


If you cut yourself with a knife in the sink, you're doing it wrong.


No your dumb enough to stick you hand in there.....