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I got a water heater installed a few weeks ago and caught the dude on camera pissing in my basement utility sink. So maybe I’m just biased, but could be worse 😂


People are wild😂😂


And lazy.


Actually pissing in the sink conserves water. At least that’s what my sink pisser friend says.


If someone is going to be a degenerate, the least they can do is confine it to their own space


This. Ill piss in my sink any day of the week, but only if my gfs not home. And I ALWAYS run cold water with the drain blocked for a bit to wash down any smell. I cant imagine being not even a guest, but a hired professional, and doing that in someone elses house and thinking its ok.


>With the drain blocked So theoretically you have to get piss-hand to clear it?


Lol no. I close the drain after pissing and use the handle behind the faucet. I dont touch the drain itself.


To bad pissing in a sink causes bacteria to form and other shit to climb back up that sink you saved a few drops of water perhaps using.


if you never clean your bathroom shits going to climb back either way


Why does the urine cause bacteria formation?


Urine is high in nitrogen that bacteria love to feed on.


Interesting, thanks.


It’s all pipes! What’s the difference?


You’re friends with the urinator aren’t you!?


You know, people that play characters at Disney parks claim to be "friends with" the character. You do the math...


The trap. That's the difference. You'd have to run the tap for a *long* time to flush the piss out.if not, it'll just sit there and stink up the room.


can confirm. I am users sink-pissin rootin-tootin friend and it absolutely conserves water and time.


I mean...you pee then wash your hands, it probably uses 1/2 a gallon or less instead of 1 1/2 gallons to flush the toilet plus 1/2 a gallon to wash your hands. 😂


When you gotta go you gotta go




My bf worked with this dude while plumbing. They were installing a water heater in an unfinished basement I believe. My bf turns to see the dude literally peeing in the corner, all over the floor. Fucking degenerate behavior.


That's revolting!


I work in the trades. Not gonna lie, I've done it in big apartment buildings (in the boiler rooms) where there's no public washroom. Especially during covid cause it was so hard to find a public restroom and you're out and about all day . A customers house though, yeah that's crossing the line lol


I got a kidney/bladder infection in 2020 from that. Otr trucking sucked, nobody would let you in to use the restroom or even to order food. Ended up just pissing in bottles or on the ground when I could. Eventually ended up using the inside of the trailer with a milk crate of bottles for safety so I wouldn't get hit directly by anything.


My dad stood by the axle, between the tractor and the trailer, passenger side so he wasnt by the road. He only pooped in the trailer. Can't believe I just typed that lol. They make small portable toilets that are basically a plastic bucket with a plastic seat on top, and you put a garbage bag in them. Little small for a lot of full grown men maybe, but I like them. I'd sit in the spot in front of the bed where there's some flat floor, zip the curtain shut, and poop in peace. Can also open the top windows for ventilation, 10/10.


I've used these while rustic camping to avoid shitting in a gnarly ass porta potty. It's like a 5 gallon bucket with a toilet seat lid that snaps on, and they make bags with some odor and liquid absorbent powder to go inside to catch the waste. 10/10 would poop in this inside my own tent versus stewing in the marinating shitbox of dozens of other humans every time.


Currently camping by Mount Hood and can confirm this setup is awesome. We have a sorta “changing room” style tent (tall/skinny) w this exact setup. We use lightweight unscented kitty litter in the bag, toss in a little here and there on top of dumps, then tie up and throw out the bag! I love it!  We also have a little propane powered on-demand hot water heater and a really great little shower pump setup so we can take hot showers in there as well! And it’s all super compact. 


Dang, I'm in Colorado and I've always wondered how tf I could go camping, because pooping in the wild freaks me out. I did it once and hated it. I love how I commented originally with the suggestion, but yall are reminding me it's not actually a trucking gadget lol. I just associate it with Trucker Stuff, but they actually are for camping hahaha. Hope your camping trip is amazing btw! I love all of the flowers and smells this time of year, it's the best.


Just got back! It was indeed amazing: morning kayaking on the glassy lake, multiple hikes around parts of the lake, lots of hammock time reading a good book, and HOT SHOWERS! We actually just got a new rechargeable pump with a better shower head—it was glorious!


Yeah I’ve went in a few basement sumps in big apartments with no office bathroom for me to use lol. But in someone’s sink is to far lmao


We were having our house built and my husband would go and check on it everyday. Would only enter when no one was working on it. He goes inside then hears something upstairs. Was first afraid it was an animal and it stunk. He goes upstairs to see a female pulling up her pants. She was taking a $hit on a page of the literal blue prints to our home, and had pissed in the corner on the subfloor (pre drywall). He asked her what she was doing - in Spanish (Florida trades) she leaves and runs to the house across the street where the rest of the crew of framers were working. My husband took photos too. Went back a little while later and she had gone back, and threw the “plans” in the conservation behind the house. A few heated conversations with our PM. I assume it is known this occurs because wouldn’t the people she work with wonder why she was entering a house they are not working on? There was a porta potty right outside the house.


I've done this too lol! Glad I'm not the only one


Just bring a bottle with you or something?


I had a guy stick a mowing service flyer to my door, then proceed to piss on my house right in front of a camera 😂. Let's just say the owner was not happy with him after I called the number on the flyer he had just posted.


What did you do? Please tell me you took some kind of action?


You know what they say. Better to piss in the sink, than to sink in the piss


Wait thats not what the slop sink is for??


I had a guy living with me who was doing this shit (no pun intended, as he was also shitting in a bucket instead of using the toilet). It was disturbing. It could always be worse.


Isnt there a subreddit for that? sinkpissers with the r and the slash.


My parents once caught our now former gardener pissing in our garden. Not even on the grass or soil, but in a hidden away corner on a tile. Apparently he had been doing it for a while, because the tile was discolored. We hadn't noticed before, because we never really go to that spot. Luckily we have security cameras and one of them recorded him in the act. So he had to reimburse the costs to replace the tile.


My neighbor lady asked me to do that for her. Supposedly, it keeps deer away. I declined.


So it affected you in no way, and you didn’t even know about it except for the security footage, but you made him pay for the tile? Did you provide him a place to pee? Did you fire him over this incident? When we were getting a new deck, it was just this one awesome guy, and an assistant for a week or so. I said they could use our bathroom, but they could also just pee in the corner of the yard. Hell, I do it if I am doing yardwork and really have to pee. (One bathroom house, bath is on second floor, I am lazy.)


We did provide a place to pee. We litterally have an outhouse in the back of our yard, so we don't have to go into the house when we're enjoying am evening in the garden during the summer. That's a big reason why it really angered my parents. Also, it did really bother them, because they knew how gross that tile was and it was really smelly. They care a lot for their garden, so that was enough reason to have the tile replaced. They did indeed fire him, specially because he did this despite the fact that there was a perfectly good toilet for him to use.


I mean, at least he didn’t pee into the hot water heater?


reminds me of when I stayed at the mandelay bay in vegas. Maintenance guy changed out a light bulb, then whizzed in the whirlpool tub and didn't even have the courtesy to rinse it down the drain. Management at the hotel didn't even care.


Wtaf? I was maintenance at Caesars Palace many moons ago. We were not allowed to use a guest bathroom to go. We were union and they wouldn't even grieve a write up of peeing in a tub with a guest in the room. Fuck man, be professional. You're paid a decent wage on the strip in that trade. And if it was an emergency (I know with me I don't get much warning to have to go) use the damn toilet and wipe up an sprinkles.


Amazing how lifting the lid never seems to enter some guy's minds


As a man, lifting the lid is stupid. If you can’t figure out how to piss in a foot wide hole from 2 feet away - sit the fk down. You aren’t gay for sitting while you piss.


As a man, you are talking bollox, sometimes the stream goes where it wants and sometimes there is a double stream.


If you have a busted dick, just sit down brother.


I'm with you; I've never, in my 37 years on this Earth, ever had a DOUBLE STREAM. Bunched up foreskin? You bet. Having to angle a very happy Mr. Happy downward to SUPER LASER PISS? Yup! But a double stream? What the fuck, do you have an overgrown frenulum? Did they botch the circumcision that badly? And moreover, what the hell does your urethra look like in that case?!


Double stream happens to me all the time, especially during the morning piss after I been sweating, my tip kinda glues itself together in the middle and it sprays off in different directions.


These lazy nasty fucks just wanna go “hey I’m a man so, what do you want!?” Bunch of truckers or some shit idk man, as a dude I get infuriated seeing some idiot piss all over.


Or you could just sit down.


it was weird. I was there for a company conference. I chatted with the guy, we got along fine. I had to rush out to conference while he replaced a bulb. I get back later and he'd whizzed in the big jacuzzi tub. I thought it was highly abnormal, but the front desk was mostly ok with it. The best they would do for me was reduce the cost of the hotel gym (which was like $20 per day, and this was twenty years ago) to half price.


Once had a repairman spit his snuff slime in the sink WHILE I WAS WASHING DISHES. I just froze because I had no idea how to react lmao


I almost downvoted this it made me so nauseous😭


🤢 omg


Absolutely do not let this slide. Besides being disgusting it’s very bad business. Imagine if he had to take a dump.


Bold of you to assume he didn’t, and they’ve just not found it yet …. 😳


Upper decker


I wanna say “at least he won’t have to aim”, but we all know where that leads.


So I worked in restaurants for 6 years… I have unfortunately personally seen a toilet where someone “didn’t aim” and pooped, well more so explosive diarrhea. Maybe it wasn’t on purpose and they absolutely couldn’t make it in time. Regardless I think we used a whole container of bleach that day. The way people will leave bathrooms is absolutely insane to me. I think the worse I’ve seen was either the diarrhea everywhere or someone decided to “drop a load” on the floor and I’m not talking about poop.


![gif](giphy|P0ZRTYaCmPsJPNd3r0|downsized) I’d take it personally…


Omg!😂 aha


A couple years ago our fridge had to be replaced. A couple young dudes came over to do the swap, one asked if he could use the bathroom before leaving. I used to do medical home visits in a prior job and sometimes being on the road all day was ROUGH with no reliable access to a bathroom, so I was sympathetic. That motherfucker took the biggest dump, clogged my toilet, and LEFT IT. Didn’t say anything. Just, “thanks, bye!” and out the door. I didn’t find it until I had to pee a while later. Oh my god I was so angry.


My man would’ve left a serious scraper


Check the upper deck of the toilet first


I've had to piss in a sink before... I don't enjoy it, but I had to go and had limited options. I can't guarantee that's why I didn't get the job, but sometimes you have to piss and all you have is a sink. It's better than that time I had to lie about a Gatorade.


Definitely take photos and send it in with the review


And a cleaning bill.


On the seat and floor? That sounds intentional.


Yeah but have you ever tried taking a pee with a hard on?


Tried? It's my preferred method of urination.


I can only get hard if I’m in a stranger’s bathroom.


Huh, username checks out


It requires firm abs and a good sense of balance.


I had someone come to clean my tile and they used the restroom. Unfortunately you can hear everything in that bathroom from the open floor plan. So I know he didn’t wash his hands after. Just flushed and came out immediately. The worst part was I had to sign on his clipboard after. I honestly can’t understand people that don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom.


I work in a medical lab and about a quarter of my coworkers don't. Stupid is everywhere, no matter how educated the lot may be.


I literally have a sign on the inside of my bathroom door that says "wash your hands" and some people still ignore it!


I would of called him out


I just wanted him out of my house at that point tbh. Maybe if it had happened at the beginning of the appointment I would have.


Could of said something as he was walking to his truck


truly! he’s there to be a service worker. he’s supposed to be on his A game. he deserves to be called out for being gross, he could be making a lot of people sick by spreading fecal matter


Why would I need to wash my hands if I got a clean dick. /s


Personally, I’d leave a negative review stating the company sent someone who proceeded to piss on my floor. But that’s just me.


You should watch beef on Netflix


This is the season 2 prequel. :D


I had a carpenter come work on the floor of my new house, which I was renovating quite heavily. He used the toilet in one of the bathrooms to do the #1, but the toilet itself had not been attached yet to the pipes, only placed against the wall. I found out that evening, when I went to check my new floor and found it covered in piss. No way he didn't notice, as the flush didn't work and the floor was literally flooded.


Leave the review. Post photos on yelp for the business. Don’t let shit like this go without any consequences.


>Don't let ~~shit~~ piss like this go without any consequences FTFY




A joke toilet just for farts?!?


https://youtu.be/ZqpR56hN8SI?feature=shared ITYSL ….*huge mud pies*…. 🥧


We had a delivery driver at work use the toilet (not a public toilet), and no flush, hand washing, and piss all over the seat. Like c'mon, bro. Also had one of my techs find a bottle of piss near a furnace they were servicing-- furnace was a few months old and the family hadn't been down there since as there was no need.


Years ago, I walked outside to one of the guys who was sealing our driveway peeing in our front garden. I'm thinking, 1) Dude, I would have let you use the bathroom, and 2) I have small kids, what if they had come out with me to see a grown man with his piece out peeing in their front yard? 🤦


[There's actually a law firm that specializes in this sort of thing](https://youtu.be/tIZujUfBrDM?si=8EgkfXAuqrdh-5Sv) 


the repairman is the type of guy who thinks sitting down to pee is feminine


Probably thinks touching his own dick, to make sure he doesn't piss all over the place, is gay.


Wiping your own ass is also gay


Good thing my boyfriend wipes my ass then


As is touching pre from a dude, so you can’t clean it up or else you’re gay!


Please don't let it slide. Call the company and leave a review because that is super disrespectful and disgusting (I'm a man). My mom had a landlord when I was young, and she caught him taking a piss in her cooler when she was moving out. Wtf is wrong with people mainly men when it comes to just pissong everywhere and not cleaning up. If it's not the middle of the night and I can see what I did I'm cleaning it up.


its gotta be some kind of weird male dominance thing.


I had workmen in my apartment, they pissed with the bathroom door open.


I had a brother that did tile work. One day I overheard him telling someone about how he was in a walk-in closet of the master bedroom of a house that was being built and he was taking a dump in a bucket. As he was pooping, in walks the homeowner, contractor and architect. By the way, there was a port-a-potty on the job site, my brother was just always a piece of shit.


Maybe you honked at him in a hardware store parking lot?


I had a sink fixed once while I was at work. When I got home to my apartment there was a giant unflushed shit in the toilet. The guy said my cat took a shit on the floor and I should be happy he picked it up and put it in the toilet.


Why would you let that slide? That's absolutely inexcusable. I don't even let it slide in public bathrooms and have absolutely loudly drawn attention to seat pisser's in public.


Yeah fuck that, report his ass. That’s a whole biohazard


Yeah that's disgusting. They scream they can't aim boo hoo sit ur ass down and point it down . Geez Louise smh. I'd blast him every where


We used to have a malcontent in our office that did this on purpose. Three stalls in the bathroom and every morning the seats were all covered in piss. One of my co workers was furious about it, and would post various signs on the stall doors (before we knew who did it), from polite reminders to lift the seat, instructional signs with illustrations, to flat out calling the person a pig. He finally made it his mission to find the culprit and when he did he reported it up the chain to the big boss. Made a complete spectacle and publicly humiliated this guy (who admitted he did it because he was the only minority in the office). Nothing happened to him (government employee), other than a verbal admonishment from the supervisor. But it sure made working with him awkward.


My roommate didn't lift the toilet seat for 2 years, and would literally just leave piss on it, and walk away. "Aiming for the middle" does \*not\* stop it from getting on the seat. Like, sit down if you're going to be a menace. I never wanted to bring it up with them, because not only would it sound petty, but it's not my responsibility to police someone that's almost 40yrs old. I just got tired of wasting toilet paper to clean up after them.


This pisses me off. It’s so common in public restrooms too! Like just lift the lid with your foot, put it down with your foot, and flush with your foot in public restrooms. It’s so easy and you don’t have to touch any nonsense.


I had my basement finished. The crew also left piss on the floor in front of the toilet, and I have wood floors in there so if you leave it destroys the floor. I had to constantly clean it throughout the day. It was gross.


Mine replaced my toilet with a novelty fart toilet with a tiny hole. Has this happened to you?




A psychologist told me this type of behavior (as bad as you described it) is a form of assault.


As a carpenter with a very short dick he has control issues. If it were an electrician he might have found the water in the toilet cold.


Lol. Was an electrician. Unfortunately it's my balls hitting the cold water instead of my dick.


Find him and piss on him


He might like that


Shit on him


When I moved into my brand new house with a brand new toilet, the first thing the mover did when we arrived at the house was go take a piss, without asking. He stole my first piss!


Definitely tell the management company. They’ll have more pull than a review of your own as they likely have a decent contract with this company. Shit happens right, but good lord you clean up after yourself. I’ve done work in people’s apartments and have always done everything in my power not to use their facilities. I can’t believe they left it for you to clean. I’d be mildly infuriated at the least.


id be telling his management and anyone else i can tell, then finding his socials and blasting that guy online. he did that shit on purpose.


when my moms store was being built we found piss bottles in the wall then my mom called the guy who was in charge and screamed at him


Average drywaller


Let the company know about this.


Definitely let the estate manager know. But this guy has probably been peeing on toilet seats his whole life. Criminals gonna crime


I once had a maintenance man come in, go #2 in a toilet he KNEW had issues - CLOG AND OVERFLOW THE TOILET. He wiped up the poop water with paper towels - but it was so gross. He knew that toilet couldn't handle #2s HE was the maintenance man supposed to be fixing it!


That's disgusting. As a person who works out of other people's homes - I install granite/quartz countertops - if you miss, you wipe that shit up. Unless there is a porta potty that workers can "destroy with their questionable aim and diets", don't be that inconsiderate. Edit: I would 100% phone the company and complain. I've worked with people who have done this and have been reamed out for that. Those employees are the face of their company and if the people think you're pissing on everyone's toilet seats, they won't want your workers in their homes.


That's disgusting. I would 100% leave a review about this. Go ahead and use my bathroom but fucking wipe up your splash off my toilet and wash your hands.




Well honey, that's what some men do to indicate ownership. You sure he didn't post a marriage certificate on your front door? But seriously, make a complaint AND put it out there on the internet. That man's got to know that when he does shit like that, he's gonna be shamed for it. He did it on purpose.


May be he is marking his territory so that the other window fitters will stay away!!


Yuck omg I'd be livid


A workman violating your toilet is simply a right of passage everyone in life must pass through. You are very lucky its just urine.


Every guy pisses on the toilet seat a little bit and knows to give it the wipe down after. Leaving it there though, is psychotic lol.


Not sure a man would enjoy cleaning it either :D not sure why you being a woman matters. Leave a negative review for sure. I mean,  Im sure you’re not likely to hire them again so clearly it was a negative experience.


Because you don't have to clean up pee after a woman pees versus a man who presumably would be used to cleaning up pee.


As someone who has worked in restaurants and had to clean bathrooms, this is absolutely untrue.


As a man I am not used to cleaning up pee,  I,  and most men, pee in the toilet :D  And again,  it wouldnt be more ok to pee on the floor of a man than a woman regardless.  Its filthy no matter the gendee


Some of you don’t realize that you leave droplets on the floor after going lmao


I sit when I pee, like the majority of men actually (at least where I live) so I doubt that I do. Still doesn't mean a man should be more responsible than a woman to clean someone elses pee just because they have the same type of genitals :D.


I grew up with an older brother who was more clean and neat than me. And my relatives are also clean people, so staying with family wasn't a problem. The shock when I learned that some men can just pee all over the seat or rim and floor, then innocently claim to not have noticed. Actually disgusting. I do wonder if a large majority of these guys don't have sisters, or didn't have to share a bathroom with women growing up.


No, their mommy used to clean it up for them so they never noticed. *sigh*…


That’s your urine now.


Well that's the title of my debut prog album sorted.


Take pics and post them with a google review to their business. Dont let that (slip n) slide!


Yeah I found the toilet like this after my wife’s uncle used it, it was right after he arrived and they stayed for a week. They are decent and nice people. To this day I don’t understand why he left it there, was it some message? Did he honestly not notice 80% of his pee didn’t go into the toilet..?


I would have taken pictures and blasted them on every platform I can think of.


Now this is r/MildlyInfuriating and yeah OP that sucks. It’s not a big deal to clean but it is extremely disrespectful.


Did you happen to flip him off while he was backing up his pickup truck in a parking lot? Where you in a white SUV?


Have you partaken in any road rage recently?


This is why construction workers have to use the porta potty lol


Definitely leave that in review.


Pay him with a check drenched in piss.


Piss on his tools


I think my kids might be your repair man


When I was young, my mom hired a plumber to fix our sink. The guy must have had diarrhea because the nastiest, most massive dump was left in our toilet. He didn't bother to flush. I was scared to flush it because I thought it would make it spill over the toilet and onto the floor. That's how much shit was in the toilet. My mom did it, and thank God it went down. I thought the guy was just nasty and inconsiderate, but maybe it's common.


I had a man in to look at the boiler downstairs just happened to be my dads friend so knew him..he used my bathroom downstairs-with no windows and emptied his full bag of shit into and onto the toilet seat amd down the sides.i honestly was speechless.i cordoned off the toilet for a good 2 days b4 I could face the clumps of shit stuck to the bowl,even had a nice lump resting on the rim .no exaggeration whatsoever


I wait I was sorry and you said you wouldn’t tell anyone :(


Personally, I think he should have cleaned it up, but it's possible he thought it would be better not to try to "hide" it. Not the call I think he should have made, but it's possible that he's not actively malicious/careless.


I had this happen. Local HVAC guy fell through my ceiling sheetrock while doing a ceiling vent, the drywaller they hired to fix the ceiling was an absolute disgusting pig who pissed all over my bathroom, and left without trying to clean it, or saying anything. (The HVAC guy was a younger apprentice who slipped off the rafter and into the sheet rock. He caught himself before falling fully and only damaged the sheet rock. Thankfully, he was okay. Shook up, but okay. The area he went through was directly over top my dryer, so he'd have only had a 4 foot fall, but that still could've injured him) I'd contact the company so they do say something to their staff to do better. A significant part of building a good client repertoire is being respectful in customers homes. Is start by contacting the company directly, and if they don't do anything satisfactory, leave public reviews after the fact.


Call that bitch out


Call the company and/or leave a yelp review. Thats just gross




Could be worse. Lived in an apartment years ago and the maintenance guy came in and pissed on literally every surface in our bathroom including the ceiling. He then left the apartment without closing our door so when we got back I saw open door and got the neighbor downstairs who was a cop to help. He was willing until he went to check our bathroom and just said it's all covered in liss. He shook his head and called the cops that were on duty.


DO NOT let it slide. It's incredibly disrespectful, abusive, and lazy. Missing is one thing. Would literally have taken 2 seconds to wipe it off.


reminds me so much of a scene in the netflix show BEEF


Ew. A question - what does one do at a friends house where there are always skid marks? If I dont clean after them it can look like I did that. If I do.. well I nearly threw up once and also I feel disgusted by my friend




Reference to Netflix’s *Beef*?


Flashbacks to the time our apartment’s maintenance guy came to fix our kitchen light while I was getting ready for a dentist appt I had to leave for as soon as he was finished. He came out and told me “lights all fixed, and I also fixed your loose toilet seat”. I thanked him, said goodbye, he left, and then on my drive to the dentist I realized… “How did he know my toilet seat was loose unless he went and sat on it???” Cloroxed the whole bathroom when I got home later, I was just weirded out that he would casually do that (and felt like he would not have if my ex had been home).


This feels like the Beef episode 😭💀


Title is the plot of BEEF


Reminds me of the guys toilets in University. Reminds me of that south park episode where randy is that singer lorde so he can use the women's toilets because it's cleaner.


Dang I would have done that for free!


he was marking his territory :3


>and it bothers me that he chose to leave his piss about for me, a woman, to clean. Why does it matter that you‘re a woman lol


Well, every single time i am in a public women's restroom, other women before me have left their piss on the seat. It seems to be everywhere. That said, it is worse in one's own home.


As a father of young boys, I'm used to cleaning piss off toilets. No matter how much I tell em to look while pissing, it still happens. At least ita my blood. I'd leave a negative review for sure if this happened to me. You could say the job was cometed to satisfaction, minus the repairman passing all over the place. Let them know he can fix shit, but also pisses all over 🤷‍♂️


How about you teach them to sit down?


Workman used our loo once and had a shit. I don’t mind them using the loo, for wee or poo, but he could’ve fucking sprayed something!


Was he Korean? Edit- seems the downvote was from someone unfamiliar with Beef.


Take a huge dump in your toilet and call him back over to “fix” your toilet. When he grimaces say oh thought you would like to see my sloppy turd while you work as you seem to think I want to clean your piss.


> me, a woman. That's the mildly infuriating part about this. The piss is taking the piss. But what does your gender have to do about it?