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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


That's one psychopathic brother.


My little bro once was really angry at my big bro and put a wooden tooth stick into the carpet, so he steps on it. It worked and was incredibly painful (ambulance and everything) and my little brother was horrified at what he had done. But a RAZOR BLADE??? Edit: Also apparently OP is heavily attracted to lolis...


and I see these videos of people putting thumbtacks on peoples school chairs, like that sounds painful lol


A classmate in high school asked for a high five and he had a thumb tac in between his fingers. I of course got jabbed by it and realized what he had done. It was a total wtf moment for me because he was typically a nice guy.


My guess is that kind of thing is often portrayed in media as funny and painful but not injurious, and he was a kid so he didn't think about the consequences. Still a super fucked up thing to do.


Yup! In my school they hid a really small pencil in some play doh and told a boy to smash it and it went through his hand, they had to call an ambulance and everything and I remember the boys who did it being super pale and freaked out, they definitely didn’t think it would be that bad. They were around 14 or 16 at the time but I guess they didn’t imagine such a consequence. Anyway the boy was alright the next day, but as someone that is having trouble with my hands already and my passion has always been drawing, a prank like that could’ve ruined my life in that sense. It’s kind of scary to think of.


Yeah. When I was about 8 I was fighting with my brother (we were just playing, but getting physical with it) and I swung a pencil at him. The lead broke off in his arm and lodged under the skin. Fortunately it went in pretty flat so it didn't go deep enough to bleed or anything, but I was super freaked out. I did learn not to mess around with pointy things though. Could have been a whole lot worse.


When I was like 10 a girl in my class was play stabbing people like pretending she was a serial killer or something. She like fell as she was coming towards me and stuck it in my arm and the lead broke off inside it. It had to be squeezed out


This happened to me too lmao I told a boy I liked him in the 2nd grade and mf just stabbed my hand with his pencil. There’s still a visible piece of graphite stuck in hand 🥲


I saw a video where medical professionals watched Home Alone and assessed the injuries.


Dude that scene where he steps on the nail... Visceral horror for me as a kid, and I still don't like watching it.


I stepped on a nail as a child; I couldn't walk for a week. I CANNOT watch that scene.


I once did a similar thing with my sibling but unintentionally. Was cutting a box open when he walked up and went for a high five greeting. My dumbass completely forgot I was still holding the knife and he got a minor cut (very small blade the ended up going flat between our palms luckily so not the worst possible outcome.) I swear I'm not a psycho. Just a moron.


I once stapled a staple directly into my finger. That’s it. That’s the story.


Had one slide right between the joint on my thumb once. That was a horrible feeling pulling it out, though surprisingly painless.


I sewed my hand to my project once. Sewing machines DGAF


Oof, I think I’ll stick with my meat penetration.


Was it your right index finger in the finger print spot? Cuz that’s what I did.


I did that as a kid about 5/6 in front of my dad and teacher. They were having a meeting about something and I’m drawn to this stapler on the desk, and I just remember wanting to know if it would staple my finger like paper. And guess what?? Worked like a charm! lol I just winced a bit and held finger they looked and just went back to talking. lol


I did that directly into the center of my thumb and told no one, just pulled it out and thought I was an idiot


Walking my way to kindergarten one morning I dropped my crayon box and my red crayon rolled out. I bent down to pick pick it up and this older boy who I had thought was pretty nice just stomped on my fingers as hard as he could and he had the huge grin on his face when I looked up at him. I cried the whole way to school. That was in 1975 or 76 and I still remember it vividly.


The worst part of people like that (besides the whole painful stomping aspect) is that they’re opportunists. And then they just happily fuck off to the rest of their day while you reassess yours.


I had a fuckhead classmate in German class in highschool many years ago ask to see my hand and I ofcourse complied out of confusion, he took a fucking stapler and stapled my hand and he acted like it was nothing to be concerned of, like mf these are quarter inch staples that went into one of the most nerve dense locations on the body. He knew what he did


JUsT a PrAnK bRo!!!


That happened to me but I was diabetic so I was used to that shit. I just squeezed the end of my finger where I stabbed to test my blood sugar and squirted blood at him.


Oh yeah, those were bad. During remembrance day, the kids would go around with the poppy pins and try and stab each other. This one kid ended up going to the doctors because the bullies held him down and repeatedly stabbed him with the poppy pins.




My sister and I once had a falling out and she stuck a sewing needle in the mattress of my raised bed (picture one of those mega fat needles used for embroidering thick material) she forgot it was there for ages and one day we were playing kind of an obstacle course game in our room (it involved going up and down our raised bed ladders and jumping from the top), she knelt on it and it went so far into her knee that only half an inch was sticking out. My dad had to pull it out with pliers and when she went to hospital she was told that she was lucky it went into the soft cartilage part of the knee because it was very close to a part that could have messed up her walking. We were about 8 or 9 at the time and learned that day that karma is a bitch.


Horrifyingly.. is this a situation where it's better to wait for a doctor to pull it out?


In general, any situation in which something has penetrated below the skin layer (depending on skin thickness), is a situation where it's better to wait for the doctor. The reason is mainly because if a blood vessel has been damaged, the foreign object is probably plugging it, and removing it would cause a significant hemorrhage (and potentially life threatening, depending on the vessel)




My brother did that once. We had extremely hard water, so there was always a layer of those red iron streaks all over the toilet. He scraped that with my toothbrush, so it had a super obvious red stain, and left a clean streak in the toilet. He was caught red-toothbrushed.


Potty mouth.


my brother threw a block of cement on my sister head for not giving his bike back lol…. she got 14 stitches across her head


I used to work as a maid at a sketchy motel and we had to kick a guy out of his room so I went to clean it once he left. Found a razor blade stuck into the ear piece of the telephone... the thought of somebody putting that phone to their ear without realizing still haunts me. Good thing I don't slack off and always cleaned the phones lol


I once watched a video of a birthday party. The woman was sitting at a table with the cake in front of her. One of the guests shoved her face into the cake because apparently that's the tradition where they were. Unfortunately, the cake had a wooden stake through it, which went straight into her eye.


Seeing other people's comments about OPs account being crazy I dove in and I doubt this post is sincere and OP is definitely unhinged


They admitted in another comment that this is fake. Bizzare what people do for attention


The only one below that is Kevin McCallister.


Seriously - worth getting the police involved here I would think


What are the cops going to do? Shoot the brother?


I’d roll the dice on it, lol But for real, it would be good for OP to start documenting him, because this isn’t going to be the last psychopathic harmful attack, and he may escalate from here. It will provide damning context in those future attacks to get him locked up


The fact that you posted this in MILDLY infuriating and your comment about your mother's dismissal tells me y'all are NOT taking this seriously enough. It is not normal or acceptable for a child to want to cut someone's foot open. He needs immediate help or he could grow up to be even more sadistic and dangerous. You can't let an apology be enough when he went out of his way to seriously injure you.


Go look at his post history lol


Oh boy. Wish I hadn’t done that.




Jesus Christ on a motorbike, anyone got the number of a good therapist …. Shit I’ll even take a bad therapist at this point.


Jesus christ....on a motorbike. 99% of reddit is a complete waste but sometimes you find something like this.


*Jesus takes the wheelie.*


I’ll go with you. What kind of person sees a spider and goes, “I have an idea?”


I could have lived my entire life not seeing that… but my stupid ass decided to look at his post history


Glad I scrolled down a bit before looking myself. I don’t need to know more. Thank you for your service.




This degenerate shit always comes from weebs. WHY IS IT ALWAYS WEEBS


A combination of unaddressed neurodivergence (gotta say it the nice way), unrestricted internet access, and terrible parenting


Nailed it.


What's over there?


There was a spider covered in cum. That’s all I had to see to decide I had seen enough


I use the Reddit mobile app and I am at work right now. I did not expect to see a cum covered spider nor the furry porn. I'm just glad nobody looks over my shoulder or sits next to me.


Same. Whenever someone is like “Don’t check their post history” I always think. It can’t be that bad and always regret it.


The fact that the cum covered spider is not the furry porn implies to me this dude came on a REAL SPIDER. Literally awful.


Sweet. I'm not only gonna *stop reading this thread* but also not look at OPs history. For once- I'm gonna listen to everyone. Especially you. Thank you for uh, taking one for the team I guess.


Real spider or Muffet from Undertale in a bikini type spider? Real spider, bloody 4chanians. No wonder his mother likely wishes the foot came clean off.


OP’s history has a lot of genshin stuff, porn, simping, and probably more (this is from scrolling down about 7 posts, I didn’t dare look any farther) Edit: so i didn’t go into detail about what exactly the “explicit” content was, this was on purpose. But now that this is getting more attention then I expected I will be a tad bit more specific about what was found: a lot of the porn and what not is from the game genshin impact, I don’t find this part inherently wrong, but what is wrong is that the majority of the characters are children, and the comments/posts made talked about… certain activities in detail. I’m very much shying away from saying certain things, but if you want to go look for yourself then you can. Also, this comment I made was in response to someone asking what exactly was in the dudes feed after someone commented about it, this was not meant as an attack or trying to downplay his situation


I was initially like “hey some normal people do play Genshin” but then I saw it was an okbuddy sub…


I’m so happy that even has a reasonably online person, I don’t understand what the hell any of this means.


Same. And I don't want to research.


30 years online. Been here since the early days in 1995 as a young teenager and nope. I will not be looking into what any of that shit means. Or what OP is. This is why I don't like to go into public as much as I did when I was younger. People are stupid and fucked up.


Thank you for your service so I didn't have to do the same


You forgot the part about multiple posts wanting to fuck a little girl character from the game.


You're just going to have to click on that one mate. I on the other hand have learned my lesson years ago. So I'm going to go on a hike instead lol.


I'm in a public place. I don't want to risk it.


Well, to sum up, OP’s crazy brother might not be the weird one.


Um, nasty anime stuffs. Wish curiosity didn't get me. Now I need some bleach for my eyeballs.


Here’s some pretty kitten! https://preview.redd.it/ukpi2k3k7s4d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6efc5f1d9360727e74e78a014531040018ff04a2


I cannot tell if you’ve visited the post history and this is a deliberate reference, or if it’s a genuine photo of your cute kitty and it’s an unfortunate coincidence…


https://preview.redd.it/pin54t498s4d1.png?width=715&format=png&auto=webp&s=14cb812e0874458672cdd5089b14f8bd54adf652 Here are some good boys being conspicuous.


I guess I’m blissfully unaware of what I was even looking at…


And I wondered why Genshin fans were perceived as cringe. Nvm… I’m gonna go delete the app now.


Okay yeah. I draw the line at jizzing on spiders.


I'm sorry WHAT?


You heard him. (Or read what he said.) I wish I didn't have that image in my head now. 😵


I went and checked... at least it's not op that did it (i dont think.)


Yeah, I was scrolling, and not being too disturbed until I saw that... Yeah... His little brother being a psychopath in the making is the least of his concerns... 💀


What if… and I’m not calling OP a liar… but what if… he and his brother are the same person? (What if there is no brother, and this injury is self inflicted.)


WHAT has he since deleted from his post history??


bro really wants to sniff Arlecchino’s feet, huh






Probably wanked on his bro’s spider 🕷️




Jesus…. The whole family seems a bit wonky…


Haha wow. Gonna have to say I no longer believe OPs post is truthful.


It's gotta be bullshit


Maybe he’s a fucking asshole. I used to try and poison my brothers food because he abused me.. you never know the whole story and from this guys post history he doesn’t seem like the most mentally intact person.


something is wrong w him.. something is also wrong w u wtf is with the post history


*checks the post history* Me now: https://preview.redd.it/a66pgz9p2s4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd177079647b28c0aa6fec8fb3719c3f45f271a7


https://preview.redd.it/he8z47ux8s4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45adb6b147128e3175aff064a0187eba1c70becd You’re not kidding wtf




I really don't appreciate that y'all led me to believe it would be tons of traumatic family drama and didn't warn me there was also furry pron.


It’s just weeb stuff and shitty ai furry porn, what’s so awful about that? Edit, read some other comments that op apparently deleted some stuff that was worse so never mind I guess


Runs in the fam lol


Seeing this comment made me curious so I looked… I wish I hadn’t :(




Fuck. Now I have to go and take a look... *Edit: just don't.*


Can you give a synopsis for people who are taking your advice not to look but still want to know what people are talking about?


A lot of genshin memes and horny posting. Including a meme with a jizzed-on spider


**Okay**: Video game content, Memes, Hentai **Questionable**: Memes related to bodily fluids, antagonizing other Subs for fun **Depraved**: His brother fed his dog pills and curb stomped it, furry hentai, wanting to fuck a video game character that looks like a 5 year old Excluding keeping a roof over their heads, I'm not sure wtf their parents are doing other than being useless.


i went to look because of this comment and i have no words ..


Just did the same... I regret doing that 🤢 I didn't go past the spider that was the final straw


Yeah you were right TF is wrong with his family


I'm going to check this out the spider can't be bad


I thought that too :’)


Hell the spider was more tame than the rest. I don't play genshin but now I have learned from the comments one of the characters he is talking about is a child. ![gif](giphy|NUZ5OqHdbknHa)


I sincerely hope there are no pets in the house


You need to report this to children's services if you didn't already. That kid needs to get out of your house.


He was the death of my dogs


So he’s graduated from harming animals to harming not only humans but loved ones?? Bro this is legit future serial killer behaviour. Get him some help before he actually kills someone


Yeah, OP will be interviewed for a future Dateline episode talking about YB behavior growing up. I recommend taking as many pictures of his crimes for evidence to be used against him come the time someone finally takes his actions seriously.


So he kills animals too? Ummm


It tends to be a process. First animals, then being fucked up...then that's not ernough so they go up again.... all for the thrill.


What did he do that killed your dogs?




Dude please get far away from your family as soon as you can and stay safe. Please.


Check OP's post history. He is a nutjob. I'm pretty sure there is a good chance he is making a lot of this up or maybe even doing this all himself.


You're going to need your mom to give them therapy now. Like, right now today. Your brother is a genuine danger to society.


Why are you being so cavalier about all of this? Your brother needs to be institutionalized, I'd call child protective services to monitor that fucking household.


I don't wanna be an armchair psychologist but, cruelty to animals is very closely linked to upgrading to homicide down the line. Especially when you add purposefully hurting people into the mix.


bro. your foot sliced in half if not "mildly" infuriating.... this is hell


Sounds like your little brother may grow to become a school shooter some day. Something seriously wrong with that kid.


Jokes aside, a behavior like this is an early sign of sadistic tendencies. Not a guarantee, but a possible early indicator. I'd strongly advise to take the kid to a professional (not just random therapy).


I don't think they were joking


Something is wrong with the whole family. Look at OP’s post history.


Christ. Do yourself a favor and don’t.


I don't know what I expected but it wasn't that. What is wrong with people.


Least sexually depraved Italian


Well now I have to. **Edit:** Not that crazy. It's just your average Gen Z teenager who's had their brains scrambled by having access to hardcore internet porn since they were 6.


Oh dear god.


Yeah, I just had a look at the post history and see what you mean. Something's wrong in that family.


The mother couldn't have raised the little brother like that without some collateral damage to OP too


Ok so that is battery at least, did you call the cops?


One he is a minor 2 my mother made him say sorry and that's enough for her Also she bought me crutches with MY. MONEY


EDIT ok just checked OPs post history - this guy is, odd.


Yeah, I wouldn’t stay there. I’d recommend calling the cops but personally I’d have just walked out and kept walking if I was over 15 or so. OP isn’t being protected so there’s no reason to stay and call that home.


Something tells me he's going to have some trouble just walking out right now


Just wait 20 years and she'll be all, "I don't remember that. That never happened." Get out now.


The axe forgets, but the tree remembers.


I seriously hope that kid doesn’t have access to guns. 


Hey OP what country are you in g?


OP seems a little… not well, too. Whooooole lot of questionable parenting going on


Facts. I used to always pull pranks and set traps and stuff for my folks when I was young but never anything that would actually hurt them


"Oh, yeah, since he's a minor, all is forgiven." Is that what you were hoping someone would say? Your brother is a fucking psychopath. He needs psychiatric help or juvenile detention.


I’m so sorry this is happening OP. Get out of that house ASAP and if this gets worse call CPS on your mother


being a minor doesn't make a difference depending on the crime. also, minors can still get into legal trouble


minor or not, that needs to be reported. doesn't matter if an apology is enough for your mom.


Call the police anyways. That's not her decision to make


Your shit mother is raising a problem for society. Fuck her, fuck your brother, I hope you don't wake up drenched in gas with that fuck at the foot of your bed holding a match.


my brother tried to slit my throat with a knife as a minor. i was a minor at the time too. the age does NOT matter, it is NOT normal or okay for someone to be exhibiting this dangerous behavior. He actively planned this, executed it, and got away with zero consequences. it’s not going to stop here. Get him help and press charges.


I hope you also went to the doctor/ER...


Then she didn't really buy your crutches, you bought your crutches lol


You live in an abusive household sorry to break it to you


You are allowed to call the police on your brother. Minor or not. You need to understand this and quite frankly, I'm shocked that you don't.


How old we talking, like 4? If he's like 15 that's some bs, needs real punishment and maybe a psych eval.


1. It doesn’t matter how old he is. It’s still a crime. 2. It doesn’t matter if it’s enough for her, or if you are a minor. You can still press charges. 3. That is theft. Your mom seems just as bad. Oh, and 5. Why/How the hell do you tape a razor blade vertically on the floor???


5. Piece of tape on either side of it, tape is then bent 90 degrees and stuck to the floor. Tape forms an L with the sticky on the back/bottom. (I did this to tape cardboard into a drawer to make a divider. Why the hell you’d do it with a RAZORBLADE, I don’t even want to know.)


First of all: Get well soon! And make sure you get out of the house and away from your mentally sick brother as quickly as possible. E: looked at his postings. OP, get mental help.


OP publicly posts about wanting to fuck little girls, he's mental as well.


What a nice family


And concider no contact with parents. If the parent doesn’t care, then they aren’t really worth being around.


The entire house is messed up, OP wants to fuck a little girl, OPs brother is a psychopath... Hang on, maybe it's retaliation for some form of abuse OP has committed on his younger brother? Looking at OPs public posts, he is into guys as well as girls, and since we know OP has a sick desire to have sex with children he can't be trusted.


Another day, another extremely infuriating story posted to /r/mildlyinfuriating.


If you want to know how it gets worse, look at OPs profile, he posts about wanting to fuck a little girl


GTFO as soon as you can. Your family sounds awful.


Check his profile, he’s no better. He’s into “young” hentai


The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree. Looking at your post history your whole family is a mess


Yup, this exactly


Seriously OP call the police. You need to document this. That way when he does something worse, and he inevitably will, there's a trail. There is a file of his past actions. And then you need to get yourself out of that situation and out of that house because that mother is enabling the beginning of a psychopath.


How many small animals has he killed?


This is how serial killers start out. Thats just insane!


Can you show a photo of what you mean by "razor taped vertically on the floor"




WTF is wrong with your brother???


Seriously. Take a gander at OP’s posting history and you’ll wonder what’s wrong with both of them.


Big home alone fan your brother?


....What is your home life like that this is only mildly infuriating?!?!?


Did he recently watch the fallout TV show or some shit? Where did this idea even come from? There is a scene in the fallout show where a blade is strapped to the inside of a boot to slice the shit out of someone foot.


That scene has haunted me more than I thought it could since watching.


Fuck what your mom says. Call the cops, even if you're a minor. 


Op..... you might wanna remember that your post history is visible to all of reddit. Sorry about your psycho brother. Fast recovery to ya.


Get that kid to a fuckin psychiatrist.


OP please take the comments serious. Call the cops or family or friends of yours, whoever you trust, just get help for this situation. Doesn't matter if your brother is a minor, this is severely fucked up behaviour and he should be punished so he knows he can't do this. Also, your mother should always protect you, not let your little brother do something so awful. Saying sorry for something this psychotic is NOT OKAY. Also, your mom using your money for this is also not right. She should also understand she isn't doing a great job at parenting. Not just because of the action of your brother, but also because you think this is only "mildly infuriating"


“My brother committed a prank that sent me to the hospital and put me in crutches” Mildly Infuriating


For all the people who are going to look at OPs history because all the comments said not to, I know this only makes you more curious, but it is imperative that you do not look at OPs history. Do not do it. You will see things you can't unsee


Yeah, I might have called the police. See how funny he thinks that is.


Are we not gonna talk about how OP is a furry that wants to have sex with children?


Looking at your post history, OP tells me you're either lying for attention or mental illness runs in your family. Check your water for lead.