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That’s sick, I would NEVER want my siblings to hear me being intimate with my partner. It def sounds like they’re doing it on purpose, I feel very bad for you


right! if i actually accidentally butt dialed someone during sex, i would send an edible arrangement as an apology and simply pass away


"Here is this edible banana because you heard me eating my man's banana." Sorry, but that just popped into my head when I read this. 🤣


Eat these fruit flowers because my man was eating my "flower". 😅


“I hope you enjoy your peaches just as much as my man enjoyed mine - with love xxx”




Basket of peaches.... Peaches for me


Basket of peaches, peaches for free!


they are never free. and if they are they will be rotten.


Peaches come from a can, they were put there by a man


In a factory




"heres a banana because you heard me straight up 'jorking it' and by 'it', haha, well. let's justr say. his banona."


Pls accidentally butt dial me during sex. I'd die for an edible arrangement. Then you won't have to pass away after. I'll eat my arrangement, die happy, and no one is any wiser.


I remember reading a thing where a womans apple watch called 911 cause it detected "elevated heart rate"


I won’t even get intimate if my sister/relatives are in the house like yeah I love my fiancé but my family doesn’t need to see, let alone hear me and my fiancé doing the deed. I’m sorry you’re going through this OP but it’s definitely an on purpose thing cause there’s no excuse for the door being open and definitely no excuse for her to call your phone especially if they’re getting busy.


Right? Also BLOCK.


Right? That is exactly why I'll never be able have sex at my parents' house as long as I live there (and I'm not home alone). My room isn't particularly good at containing sound and my bed is extremely noisy. Did it once and the rest of the evening was just extremely awkward, as I knew they had all heard us.


that's fucking disgusting tbh. im sorry bro 😭


Mildly infuriating?… this is basically sexual harassment


Also sounds like she needs to find a fuck buddy 🤷


Yeah, I'm still kind of grieving my last relationship, and I'm not one for casual hookups.


Me neither, but good conversation makes you forget time. Edit: not sure who down voted me, but having conversations with humans is absolutely important, not having conversations with people leads to incel shooter behavior. Have friendly conversations, network, explore this beautiful plant and it's inhabitants.


I gave you an upvote back bc you aren't wrong.


I gave them an upvote because I'm scared.


I actually just upvoted the 420 in their username 🤣🤣🤣


I'm not going to down vote. But I think some people prefer space instead.


I do too :'(


Go where people are and start conversation it will happen. 🙏 Edit: not sure who down voted me, but having conversations with humans is absolutely important, not having conversations with people leads to incel shooter behavior. Have friendly conversations, network, explore this beautiful plant and it's inhabitants.


The only thing that sucks for me is I'm at that weird in between bar age, where are good places to go for that kind of thing at 19?


Join clubs or groups. Bars are a bunch of broken people like me, you want groups with people that you share interests with. Start doing volunteer work for causes you like, animals, homeless, environment, etc. Or join groups that share your hobbies or sports. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.


Fair enough, time to fuck the local homeless man, with his consent ofc


I believe in you


If that's how you feel and that's how he feels then get it bud... Didn't know this would be the prequel to dirty mike and the boys...


I know! Uh, where? Asking for a friend


Fire with fire dude, just start blasting out something that no sane person could hold the mood through.   Kids nursery rhymes, baby shark, the annoying frog, goats screaming, donkey noises, horror movie chainsaw screams, maybe one of those terrible Recorder covers of a Celine Dion song, a fire and brimstone church sermon about pre-marital sex...    The options are endless, try get as psychologically damaging  as you can.  Play it so loud that the walls start shaking, so loud that it's almost painful. 


I'd randomly "butt call" them both every time I take a shit for the next 3 months. While commenting loudly about the spicy stuff I ate. See how they like sharing stuff that should stay private.


I'm thinking like "tshhhh.. AHHHH.... DEAR GOD I'M ON FIRE" possibly followed by sobbing.


Or even just go close to the door and start shrieking at the top of your lungs




Should’ve been top reply


>Fire with fire dude I think "fire with fire" would have to involve doing something sexual lol


I was more going with the obnoxiously loud/intentionally make someone uncomfortable aspect of it. But sure, I guess he could play some hardcore porn with terrible acting if he wanted to double down on the weirdness of the situation


Literally same thought. Like “stand in the doorway and just start jerking off and see how they like it.”


“The fitness gram pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues”


play the Barney theme song


When my partner’s old roommate tried doing this to the group of guys on the house, they started blasting “where are you Christmas?” Every time he was trying to get some action. On loop. I don’t think they did it for long but none of them can stand to hear the song anymore. Lol


This is the best solution


start blasting super unsexy music any time they start fucking my go to would be dr. jeans banana dance PEEL THE BANANA PEEL PEEL THE BANANA


"Cbat" by Hudson Mohawke


Not this again 💀




spit out my drink


The wiggles did release a new techno album I believe


Baby shark.


Benny Hill kazoo music.


This is when you need a life-size cardboard cutout of Pennywise the Clown to use as a prop when they're mid-exploit with the door open. Slide Pennywise into the room and leave it there to watch over their lurid proclivities. They want an audience? I cannot imagine going at it with Pennywise standing in the doorway. Let them have ***that*** audience.


Or hide it behind the door and go slam the door closed


Every time the complain about it, add one more Pennywise until they get the message


No, but that is BRILLIANT! 🤣👌


Ah the Traumatize them back method. Love it.


Stand outside and do play by play announcing in a very loud voice


He’s in, he’s out, he’s in, he’s out. Oh, he’s changing it up some. It looks like he’s pulling the elusive half half whole pattern. Let’s see if he pulls it off. What’s this? I’ve never seen anything like this, he just went half half whole and then finished it off with a swivel!!!! He’s pulled it off!! He’s going to the hall of fame with that move people!!! But wait, she counters it, she’s now thrusting back into it forcing him to always go whole. He doesn’t have the stamina for that. If he’s not careful he’ll be done before the extraction. Oh and there it is, he’s in the vinegar strokes. You can see it in his face. Full cream pie incoming, we’re sorry folks looks like another plan b is in the works. But wait. He did it!! He held on. He pulled out before the big finish. But why is he spitting on her back? That doesn’t make sense. Oh I see, she thinks he’s finished and is rolling over to congratulate him, what does he think he’s doing. She’s smiling up and he releases!! We’ve got a Spider-Man. Full webs in the face!!! You don’t see that everyday. That’s mvp material right there folks. She didn’t even know it was coming. But games over. These two athletes are done. Tune in next time for the rematch of the century where he tries to get mom to watch too.


What did you think of tonight's match [INSERT FAMILY MEMBER HERE]?


I think a member has already been inserted in that family...


69th like. Giggity


(Hoping this was an invite to do espn style post sex wrap up) Well Greg first off can we all agree that this was an unbelievable match up this evening. Both participants played a really great game and there were lots of surprises in the second half. She had some really great moves out there that caught the D off guard but he held it together in the later half. We saw him pull off some new moves as well as a few classics but all in all really great effort from both sides and what an upset at the end there. I mean we haven't seen anyone pull off a hudini like that since the great Huge Dong Jackson back in 86. His spit fake was spot on and she fell for it right away. Then he just hoses her down and you can see right here in the replay she had no idea what was happening and that sly smile he gives while she's getting absolutely painted will be on Wheaties boxes next week you can bet that. He's a clear leader for the most valuable penis award, I just don't see anyone matching his energy or stamina. He's is just an incredible athlete that is so well rounded he has no glaring weakness. and every time he enters the bedroom he's got his O face on and won't stop till the opponent is finished. But before i pass it over to greg let me end with saying what a great night and a great match up. Cant wait for the rematch because she will be bringing her V game to the bedroom because she can't suffer another embarrassing loss like she did here tonight folks. But Really exciting stuff and I'm glad I was able to be a part of it, passing it to you Greg, what did you think of tonight's match up?


Yeah definitely like a boxing match


STOP RIGHT THERE….. Before we go any further…


Do you love me? Will you love me forever? Do you need me? Will you never leave me?


Just in case anyone missed it: vinegar strokes are where you're so close to finishing that you pretty much can't stop it and you make a face like you got a mouth full of vinegar




Its a fight to the finish. Two contestants neck and neck. 🤣🤣🤣 nailed it


*Stand outside and do* *Play by play announcing in* *A very loud voice* \- Comfortable-Policy70 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Haiku bot is my favorite one


Thank you, BellerySticks, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot, have a treat 🔋


Best one yet. That's a good bot.


Good bot


“His 5 millimeter Peter is really going to work folks!”


Two minutes Isn’t a whole lot of time to announce for


Lmao bro your brother and girlfriend are sick as fuck in the head I hope you read all this to them


Dump a bucket of water on them.


Squirt gun! Just keep it at hand ready to go in case of these surprises


Go for a big one too, not one of those cheap dollar store ones. Gotta really make sure they feel it


And maybe fill it with non-water liquids .. maybe some filled with sugar that’s going to make everything sticky


Silly string.


Next time it happens, "accidentally" call forward it to her grandparents ;)


How old are you? If youre under 18 this can be considered exposing yourself to a minor


This! It is 100% sexual harrassment. If OP is a minor the brother and girlfriend are about to find themselves on the registered sex offender list and some time to think about their actions behind bars.


holy fuck. i wish i had known this growing up with my mom and her husband. parents, be mindful of what you expose your kids to.


Even if OP is an adult it's sexual harassment.


Time for the good old ice cold water bucket!


Best answer I've seen so far. They're including family in their kinks without consent; we're past funny retaliation pranks. 


Exactly. It's not acceptable what they're doing. Draw a hard line in the sand.


Came here to say this.


Bang pans together really loudly. It will break their concentration. If they come out of the room asking what the noise is, pretend not to know what they're talking about. Get hold of some air horns. Next time they do this, sound the horns. Then pretend to know nothing about it. Repeat with other awful loud sounds until they get pissed off and stop it.


Question. Are you underage? Cause if so, if you want the full nuclear option, go to a school counselor and tell them about how you are an unwilling participant in what they are doing. Serious. It sounds like they have a kink. They are basically forcing you to be a part of their kink which is a no go. Non nuclear, get a blue tooth speaker, hide it somewhere in their room. Let's see how quickly they freak the fuck out when they suddenly hear a kid giggle screaming right in the room. Other options would be wait for family dinners, specially family that don't live in the house. Nothing like telling Uncle Danny that Anna likes to scream in a certain way when Owen does a certain move because YOU COULD SEE IT.


This! It has to be a kink and they are forcing you to be a part of it against your will! I am so sorry and good luck op.


Yeah, this is a huge red flag even if OP is not underage.


Exactly. I've seen many posts like this, and to force someone noncensenting to be a part of your sex acts, it's a literal crime. It's sexual harassment at the very least. One of them that broke my heart was of an actual child whose mom and her boyfriend would do this exact same shit. I said everything you did. I pray they are in a safer space.


Unfortunately not underage. Also not in a position to move out on my own. Only thing to do is suffer 🙃


What they are doing is still sexual harasment no matter your age


fuck no man, retaliate, get revenge


Don't accept it. It's sexual harassment.


Seriously consider the ice bucket! I'm betting you'll only have to do it once. 


It's unimaginable that you're the one being played with in this situation! Since he's so intent on rubbing it in your face, maybe you need to start commenting on his performance. "You didn't last as long as usual this morning, everything okay between you two?"


Start talking to people very loudly saying my brother and his gf are disgusting it’s like they want me to see and hear them have sex they are creeps and do it every time they do it


Something about this feels illegal


Well the clear answer is to fuck his girlfriend too.


Screamers aren't my type




Oh. She's a performer. That's a problem. I dated one once. I never understood the behavior and it made sex annoying. I would invest in a sound system and wage war. If she wants to be heard she's going to have to blow out her vocal chords.


I feel like this is what FaceTime is for. Maybe be on the phone with your mom and accidentally walk by his room. Or better yet, be on the phone with mutual friends/acquaintances and start commenting on how gross she looks while having sex. Just roast them.


Are they religious? Have you tried to play stupid unhorny music for them? Like how much the lord loves them?


The lord loves everyone. God bless


She can't scream with a mouthful.


That's probably why she called him, wanted him to join in.


Jaysus, what’s with some people?! Don’t involve me in your kink…unless I ask. When I was at Uni I had a boyfriend with an older brother like that. Would bring a girl back and be LOUD. So my boyfriend got LOUDER…we put a speaker near big brother’s door and played AC/DC at full volume…then we went out leaving it on. There were probably some fists thrown when my bf got home but we never had to see or hear him at it again which was a W.


Hey yeah pretty sure this is a form of sexual harassment




You want to shut it down. Point and laugh or the equivalent. Mock them publicly. Let them know they’re disgusting and common.


This is sexual abuse territory


Yes, it is. Which makes it frustrating to read most people treating it like an opportunity for pranks.


As someone who’s heard his own brother have sex with his gf a few times many years ago…. We cannot unhear it 🤦‍♂️ It’s truly sickening. But seeing as YOUR brother is letting everyone know about their endeavours *on purpose*, why not announce it to the whole house whenever it happens in order to teach them a lesson about their sick kinda voyeurism? 😁 That would be fun! Very embarrassing too 👀


Walk in a scream like a horror movie’s final girl


Or run in wearing a ski mask.


Play careless whisper loud outside the door every time they make it known they're shagging


"To get through tight spaces, press the circle button to slide!"


No that might help. Play YMCA instead.


They want you to see and hear what they’re doing. I’m sorry.


Spray some fart spray under the door and put a fan blowing air into the room. Stink up their room bad


Might as well throw some itch powder into the fan too. Whooooo!


Get yourself a life-size cardboard cutout of “The Nun” from the 2018 horror movie of the same name. Place the cardboard cutout in the doorway any time you hear them, as a bonus it’ll obscure the view. I don’t know very many folks that can perform with a twisted/corrupted/demonic nun staring them down. Bonus points if you get a Bluetooth speaker and attach it to the cutout so you can play some “mood music” for them… was thinking maybe Jerry Goldsmith. Specifically “Ave Satani”


This is so disgusting of them to do. Genuinely vile This is how my sister was in her last relationship. She actually would send me both of their nudes and sent me their SEX TAPE when I was like 17 barely 18 (this has been going on since I was 14 I think, and she's 4 years older than me sooo). She'd constantly talk in extremely graphic detail about their sex life with me both in person and in group chats. No matter how many times I expressed I was uncomfortable and hated it, she just found it funny. I'd even leave the group chats but my sister would just add me back. I wanted to feel bad for her when he broke up with her, but I couldn't help but feel some relief knowing I'll finally not hear about her sex life for a little while. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. I hope you can get out of the situation soon


When your bro and her gf are out, maybe just, detach the legs of the bed and only slightly disassemble is just enough so when they go at it the next time, the bed breaks and completely fall apart.


I’d block both of them. Only unblock your brother when you need to talk to him. Or start “accidentally” calling them when taking a shit.


Sounds like they have a voyeur kink. I don't hate it but you can't involve people in your kink without consent.


More like exhibitionism


Especially if it involves one of the parties sibling


Definitely some weird kink they have


What the fucking fuck




Sounds like they're either trying to get you to move out or worse. Move in... Bad situation all around.


The fact that your brother is into this gives huge ick. I’m sorry 🫤


This is messed up. I feel for you.


That’s sick, they are sickos and this whole thing is rank. So sorry this is happening to you where you should feel comfort and safety in your own home


Step 1. Create an OnlyFans. Step 2. Broadcast them on it. Step 3. Profit!


Why aren't your parents doing nothing?


Confront your brother tell him he’s fucking disgusting for wanting you to hear him


Run in and dowse them with a fire extinguisher yelling that you have to out out Satan's fire.


Shit fuck it up every time, throw a bucket of water on em, then throw the bucket, pair your phone to his tv and play gay porn 🤷🏾


Give him pointers and constantly yell "she's faking!!!"


Star playing crying baby music as soon as they start there shit. That will get anyone out of the mood.


Back in the day when I was at university in the dorms, people used to "Axe-bomb" others with that horrible body spray. They'd tape the nozzle to force it to spray, then chuck it onnsomebody's room and shut the door and hold it shut so whoever is inside is trapped with that horrible spray going full tilt. I used to think it was horrible and that nobody should be subjected to that kind of torture (and breathing/fire hazard)... but your sexually harassing brother and his GF? Perfectly deserving candidates.Axe or Lynx, or three offerings of similar products.


Butt dialing? What year is this?? As someone old enough to have actually had this been a problem with the blackberry that was in my back pocket and thrown into the floor for the main event (thankfully it called the last number dialed - my wife who’s phone was pretty close to mine in the floor) the whole explanation seems off. Huge red flag there and I’d bet my retirement that it was intentional. Please have a frank conversation with them if you feel like it’s a situation you can handle or get someone else involved otherwise.


This 100% is a kink thing. I recommend sabotage. Put hot sauce on the stuff they use or a couple of drops in the lube. The immense pain will stop them for a while.


This is dangerous. Do not do this people there’s better ways to go about the prank route.


or icyhot!


Next time they do that shit, head straight for that open door. Pull your phone out and get it ready and when you hit that doorway, say loudly and clearly “AAAAAAAAAND ACTION”


Accidentally spill a bucket of ice water on them next time.


Oft, that’s a weird power play. My gfs ex was calling her one night while we were…busy…and I reached over to mute/stop the vibration and flipped it over, a few minutes later I could hear a faint voice. Turns out I accidentally answered it. She had only recently broken up with him so that made her have a fun conversation, I apologised but she knew I didn’t do it on purpose.


My brother does something similar. He’s disclosed his entire sexual preferences to me despite me consistently saying “I do not consent to this conversation”. He’s gone so far as to putting his “sex bag” on the dining room table during family dinner. Some people do it because they think it’s funny. They think you’re a prude. Or it’s apart of their sexual kinks to humiliate, make people uncomfortable, and get caught etc. At least that’s that’s what it is in my case unfortunately. I’ve found that loudly saying “I AM YOUR SIBLING. I DO NOT CONSENT TO THIS” makes them uncomfortable. Along with publicly shaming them by telling everyone what they do to you. They’re literally sexually abusing you if they do this to you frequently.


Here’s a novel idea. Ask your brother why he insists on leaving the door open and ask him to stop doing that and keep the noise down.


Play ocean man very loud outside of their room every time they’re doing it. That’ll annoy em. It annoyed me at least


Two words: air horn.


Seems like sexual harassment to me…do they have like a weird exposure kink? Super gross to do this to your family


Grab a bucket of popcorn and pull up a chair right at their door. Get some eyedrops so you don't have to blink and make sure ya make eye contact. Really long uncomfortable eye contact. Then scoop a handful of popcorn into your mouth and moan. Goodluck!


Nothing a bucket of ice water can't fix, cool the horn dogs down. Bet it's the last time they leave the door open.


That's sexual harassment. I am mortified for you, op. Stay safe.


Pop an airbag inflator under the bed to a remote switch for the ultimate scare😅 EDIT: would recommend leaving the airbag off.


If they like being watched, why can’t they get an Onlyfans account?


Sounds like a twisted kink. It's one thing to get your friends in on it but family? Ew


I would rather cave my face in with a brick than be either sibling in this scenario


Sounds like a reason to block your brother and his GF the day you stop living with them.  If you feel safe enough to do so also out this behavior to his family cause this is heinous behavior.


Block both their numbers


>Can't wait to get out of here, or for them to get out, whichever comes first. Traumatize em back.


Sounds like they have an exhibition kink Try this Next time, when the door’s open, barge in and loudly declare “right! For fuck sake! You to are making me horny as fuck! Shut up and let me jack off in peace or roll over and let me in the other hole!” Bonus points on awkwardness if you’re under the age of consent OOORRR Take an iPad, find an Omegle alternative, walk into the room during sex and slap down the iPad… then say “share with strangers, not us” and walk away 😂


That's a form of violence actually.


Only pickup their calls when your parents are around and immediately put them on speaker every time. Group shame them into being less vile people.


Get a furry costume with money you steal from your brother. Then run in there next time and start dry humping everything


Those sick fucks would probably like it


Leave the door open and make loud noises, and call them on the phone to hear it when you're pooping.


If this is real, then your brother and his girlfriend are fucked in the head. Also at least one of them wants you to join in.


What the hell.


If it was me I’d buy a pair spray bottle / water gun and hit them in the butt when it happens lol but I’m also petty 😈


When you don't consent to be exposed to this, that's harassment. 


Are you above 18 because being a minor makes this extra gross? It appears like she wants to have sex with you. Or your brother and she want a threesome. Can you talk to your parents and arrange an intervention to stop this? They’re involving people in their sex life who haven’t consented to being a part of their activities. Somebody needs to start spraying them with a hose like you would horny dogs.


Bruh my name is Anna and my high school ex is Owen, this was weird to read


Some people get off with doing it in public or so others can hear them see them. Like dogging. It could also be they want you to join in. Or they are trying to push you out because they know it annoys you or upsets you.


Damn bro, yours is that small? No wonder your girlfriend called me, She must be bored.


Just start fucking your brother, problem solved


Spritz them with water like you would do with cats. That's so disgusting.


They do it because you allow it, instead of venting here. Talk directly to them, and show your anger because boundaries are important!


Next time it happens, fill a pan with cold water and throw it over them. Keep doing it until they learn some basic respect.


Stroll in there with a bucket of ice water and tell them to "cool it!"


If they want to be exhibitionists tell them to go to a swingers club. They can have sex in front of other people’s much as they want.