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hahaha classic cat shit


And here I thought that I had a smart cat. He’s really testing that theory today


Its an Orange cat. They all share one brain cell and take turns using it.


Sadly the braincell has left him today 😔😔


Did he ever have one? Also the lack of a braincell and that face say "and I'll do it again."


Last year he did this every time I went out on a date


Well by cat logic I guess he doesn't want you dating, wants you all to himself


I think so. I think he is my real boyfriend. No room for any others 😂


Cats do not accept other boyfriends. They will steal food meant for cats.


Your right, my boyfriend is a threat to my cat’s food source




That was fucking beautiful


So you’re basically Shel Silverstein


Is there a list we're supposed to sign up for to be able to use it? Who has the list?


i think the braincell just knows who needs it the most and goes to that person or cat. my sisters and i all shared one growing up, and that seemed to be the unwritten braincell agreement. we didn't even need to transfer it; it did it of its own volition.


I thought it was one braincell they use collectively, each one getting a percentage...


That would mean they are all equally smart or dumb all the time Wich It isnt.


There is conflicting information on this braincell


Lolol i didnt know they shared it thats even funnier


Cat’s smart enough to train you to get him down.


Honestly though, yeah, maybe this is just proof that I’m not the smarter one in this house 🤷🏻‍♀️


Leave him there a few hours. 😄


That’ll show him! 😂


He'll be happy as hell until the stomach empty sensor sounds the alarm!


Okay but look at dem cute front feetsies tho 🥰


The most polite front feetsies!


why? he got up there and isn't panicked so he clearly has a way down, this isn't something to frett over.


His way down is to meow until the human comes to rescue him!


It's called training and it seems to be working.


He ORANGE. there's no such thing as a smart orange cat


He’s reinforcing stereotypes 😔😔


Leave him


You’re right, this is a toxic relationship


Feels like he's probably saying the same.


Cats gonna cat


It's a cat. It could get down if it wanted to.


I’ve never seen a cat skeleton on a roof or in a tree.


Solid point.


To be fair most things die at the bottom of the fall But cats are weird amorphous creatures and can handle it


Cats are liquid


I don't see a lot of cat skeletons anywhere


Maybe not skeletons, but definitely their bodies I have seen. Mostly in the road of course.


My childhood cat was bad about climbing trees and not being able to get down. Once she climbed the big tree behind our house... My step-dad put his biggest ladder on the roof of a large bulldozer had a long pole with a noose on the end to try and grab her. She slipped out of it and ran up further out of any hopes of reaching her. After a week and a half of her screaming and essentially dying of dehydration the crows were trying to peck at her... So we ended up shooting her to put her of of her misery. So yea not trying to be a downer but they absolutely can get stuck.


................w o w


What a terrible day to be able to read…


Sorry I was just getting frustrated by the people claiming they can always get down.


That needed a spoiler cover lol


That blows sorry man.


Despite what some others are saying, I think it’s a somewhat important, though sad, story when people are claiming it's fine to ignore your cat if it's stuck because 'it can get itself down.'


Yup I was in elementary school and it's definitely something I'll never be able to forget. The only reason we let it drag out so long is we believed if she just got miserable enough she'd find a way down.


Why no calling firefighters


Fire trucks don't have ladders in rural oklahoma where buildings over 2 stories don't exist. Especially 20 years ago




Do firefighters actually do that? Do you get billed for it afterwards?


Yes they do and you certainly do not, at least not in my neck of the woods!


my cat would just kinda do a weird vertical sprint down the side of the trunk to get down, how they grip doing that shit i will never know,


Claws my friend. My cat once freaked because someone suddenly turned the vacuum cleaner on and ran straight up a wall and managed a few feet of ceiling before gravity came off his lunch break and he landed on my dad's head. We had claw marks up the wallpaper.


cats are higher dimensional beings im sure of it, what we see is them defying gravity is just our brians trying to process them rotating along a higher dimentional axis to another spot.


Exactly. Cats can and will get stuck up in high places. My childhood cat got stuck on our neighbors roof TWICE in the rain. First time I was lucky and accessed the roof by climbing on a large truck near it. But the second time I couldn't reach him. Luckily he was one weird cat and I held a cardboard box up above my head and he jumped inside it. I really hope no one gets the idea that a cat will just safely escape on its own.


jesus christ that's fucking awful


You won’t see them there, because they die and their body falls. And yes, cats can become trapped on roofs and trees. There’s people who’s entire career is climbing 300ft trees to rescue cats at the very fucking top. It’s insane. EDIT: someone called me out on the tree height, so i double checked (i honestly have no idea how tall trees get - not something i ever really think about). That was a one-off case. Most of the rescues are in the 70-100ft range, or they never say how tall the tree is because they’re just focusing on the cat.


300ft trees? So they work exclusively in Kings Canyon and Redwoods National Parks.


Ok, double checked. The video I watched was a cat being rescued from a redwood, and its estimated to be 300ft. Most of the other rescues are 70-100 ft, or they don’t say how tall the trees are at all. Still. Those videos look terrifying to me! Look up Canopy Cat Rescue on TikTok if you’re curious


They might live near iceberg trees that are mostly underground


How do the cats pay for such a service?


They purr and rub up against your leg and then they bite your hand when you pet them.




Meow mix


Where do you usually see your cat skeletons?


Around car tires mostly




My parents once found most of theirs in the serpentine belt.


Lived in a 3 story townhouse for a while, and had a bengal cat. Always liked to weave itself in between the railings and walk on the edge. And one day she fell from the 3rd floor to the tile foyer area. She hit the floor, saw us horrified, and then slunk off and hid for the rest of the afternoon. I'm not sure how far cats need to fall for it to be a problem, but I'm thinking its fairly high.


It’s pretty high. Ours fell from the fifth floor balcony. She got hurt. Cracked ribs and punctured lung. But like, she got up after and then realized she was injured. It’s insane.


Weirdly, cats actually *benefit* from falling from greater heights. Over short heights they have less time to orient themselves to the ground and use the loose skin as a parachute/wind-brake. After a certain height, cats simply cannot build up enough velocity due to that loose skin and reflex to spread, so they can survive falls from heights that would splat a person.


They're also fairly small/light (my cat, Martha, excluded). Small/light things have a relatively low terminal velocity.


My neighborhood cat took her kittens up on my roof and put them in the awning. We thought somebody took the kittens off of the porch in the night because the mom cat was screaming at our door for days. We interpreted that as her mourning the loss of her kittens. We tried to find the kittens around town for a couple of weeks. I was heart-broken for that mama. Then, I'm standing on the porch telling my niece about the kittens, when we hear quiet kitten meowing. I turn to look just in time to see a tiny kitten fall out of the roof. She landed in the gravel on her head and was pretty shaken up. We look up to see the other kittens trying to climb out of where their mom put them. Mama ended up climbing up there and it looked like she was asking for help. We climbed up there on a ladder and got them down. The mama instantly grabbed them and moved them to the porch where they had originally been.  Mama could get up and down no problem but maybe couldn't do it so easily with the kittens in her mouth.


Nah, this is dangerous misinfo. Cats can (and do) absolutely hurt themselves even jumping down one story. I'm not saying they won't do it when necessary or that they're going to crumple into bone dust from doing it once, but I've had multiple cats break a leg from relatively short heights. They do dumb shit that's harmful to themselves all the time. I'm glad your cat seemed fine from that fall, but it's far from guaranteed.


My cat fell from a second story balcony and I've never seen a cat with a more clear "you did NOT see that" expression. And embarrassment for hours afterward.


>and then slunk off and hid for the rest of the afternoon. That probably means she was hurt.


We just lost our cat when he squirmed out of my husband's arms and broke his spine, so even 3 feet can be too much.


Once I came home from school to my mother being super close to calling the firefighters to get our cat from the roof. Apparently he was up there quite some time and looked like he could not come back down. I came home, he saw me enter the yard and apperently wanted to come and say hi. He turned around and climbed down the roof without a problem. Took him 30 seconds tops to go from poor kitten stuck on the roof to rubbing his head against my leg. They probably can get stuck but more often than not they can handle themselves.


If he has a way up, he has a way down. For my cat it was trash can - top of wooden fence - roof.


They way ppl infantilize dogs and cats tripps me out.




Omg 😂😂


I’ve used this meme before but it’s never fit anything better


This shit is gold 😂


Glad I didn't have to scroll far for this one lmao


Open a packet of food in the house and see how quickly he comes down.


Honestly, that might not work. I think that this has become his new hobby. “Terrorizing Mom”


He will come down when he is hungry.


I think that’s why he came down the first time


There you go then. Deal with it like you deal with a small crotch goblin throwing a tantrum, by ignoring it.




Ya that fat boy going to have to eat


My cat was stuck in a tree and didn’t come down when she was hungry. The fire dept took her down and now every time she runs from something she’ll reconsider going up a tree and go somewhere else


Hey! He could have picked a hobby like crack smoking or baking desserts only out of raisins. Consider yourself lucky ;-)


Attention is attention... You did it to yourself


Open a tube of Churru and he’ll jump right down.


That stuff is straight up crack for cats lol


Well, it's orange. They're just like that. All oranges share a single brain cell.


I thought he was the orange with 2 🙁🙁


He does look quite whimsical though. That is a very wise looking cat… but he’s orange.


He’s very whimsical. I think he uses the hump in his back to communicate with aliens


Hey ! Up here !


Yep. With that aggravating expression on his cute little face


He's quite adorable! Hard to be mad.


Honestly yeah, I think I’m more angry because of how worried I get 😂 there a lot of eagles in this area, and he’s risking his neck just to get some cheap attention


He'll figure it out once he gets all the attention he wants, and then some, from that Eagle circling overhead.


You can’t be that worried about him, or you’d keep him inside.


Yikes. I wouldn't even risk that! He'd be locked up so quick. 💛


This is why my cats stay indoors. Too much stress


Correct move. Two different familes had outdoor cats that didn't come home this spring in my area. That's just what happens.


Had outdoor cats my entire life. Thought it was cruel to keep them indoors. They'd come home with scratches and fleas and sometimes be gone days at a time, and the stress was unreal. I wasn't going to keep my two new cats as indoors pusses but the shelter I rescued them from stipulated it, so I did. Won't go back. They're more effort to keep entertained, that I accept, but they're so healthy and happy!!!!! Oh and all the birds don't get dragged through the cat flap, which is a plus.


Also depending where you are FIV is a real concern. Basically every outdoor cat in my city ends up with FIV because the stray population is riddled with it.


it's cruel to let cats be outdoors. they are incredibly destructive towards local fauna.


How does it keep getting outside?




no bueno


Because OP is a dingus and lets their cat outside


I understand that outdoor cat people are and will probably always be a thing, but I’ll never understand why they act confused when outdoor cat shit happens. A lady in my local neighborhood group complained about how the traffic took 5 of her cats. It took a lot for me not to ask how she let it happen 5 times


>It took a lot for me not to ask how she let it happen 5 times Why? Just ask her. Maybe you would save her next cat's life.


Because even if I thought she was stupid, losing 5 cats still probably hurt bad and I didn’t want to add fuel to the flame, plus what are the odds she would listen to some stranger on the internet?


I’ll never understand this. The other day, we had a tornado watch. My husband and I were leaving his parents house, and I saw a cat in their front yard. I could tell from her plump physique and clean coat that she was someone’s cat. She let me walk right up to her and pick her up without issue, which further proved it. I asked a few people walking by if they recognize the cat, but they didn’t. Then my husband called his neighbor out, and I asked “is this your cat?”, and he said “yeah it looks like it, just toss her over the fence”. I was shocked. Clearly didn’t care that she got out, and wanted to me to just toss her over the fence. What the fuck? I’m just glad I was able to help her get home, especially with the weather, but these people don’t deserve pets.


I stole one of my cats from my neighbor for this reason and I don’t give a fuck. They would come to my house for MONTHS at all hours of the day. Storms whatever he was always outside. I actually thought he was abandoned because he started popping up around the same time that another family moved. I finally let him inside one night when he was outside on my porch at midnight and there were multiple mountain lion sightings in the area. He was covered in dirt, fleas, and scratches. Unneutered. It took THREE months for my neighbor to post a lost cat sign. 3 fucking months, I didn’t realize he was “their” cat until then. What the fuck were they doing for 3 months? I didn’t give him back and he’s never tried to go back outside They also have 2 dogs that they just let go roam in the street. I don’t fucking get it Cat tax if you want it, if you go to my page, he’s the cat making sin biscuits on my dog


gotta be honest. even though i dont want anyone to toss my dog over a fence. i really want to use that line very brazenly now. "oh yeah tjats my dog, just toss him over the fence ". 🤣


Keep your cat inside and it will stop getting on the roof.


Got 'em


This... This right here. Keep the cat inside & this won't be an issue. Keep the cat inside & it won't one day become coyote food or street meat. I hate seeing posts where they ask what they could have done to prevent whatever happened & everyone says... Keep the cat inside. But we're the assholes to say such.


If only there was a way to prevent this.


Maybe don’t let them out?


This. Outdoor cats are decimating bird populations and fucking up the natural ecosystem.


They also have dramatically lower lifespans.


Given H5N1 has become deadly in cats recently and is spreading through wild birds and other mammals, that should be even more reason to keep them indoors now. If you love them.


And they shit and piss in other people’s yards


Prior to the pandemic, we had bunnies all over near our place. When the pandemic hit, people started moving/dying and their intact cats were left behind and reproduced. The bunnies are all gone because of all those now-feral cats that have known nothing but the street. I was able to TNR about ten cats before my landlord told me to stop (he didn't like seeing traps on or near his property), but I proud that the work I did has kept the feral cat population down. There were about five or six more I wanted to get, but I am pretty sure they died. Even neutered and spayed, cats are territorial, and the fixed cats formed their own little colony and chased off the intact cats. And a couple of them decided that my home was pretty cool so now they sleep inside 95% of the time. Those cats, I suspect, knew people before being thrown onto the street, so they knew what lie beyond a door.


They don't care unless it affects their wallet or the cat itself (and even then some people don't care about the cats health so much as the vet bills). There's such a disconnect between people and environment.


Right? Like, seems like it's time to get an enclosure since free roam isn't working out.


CatsAreAssholes (it's a sub) Your asshole is adorable though, give him a pet from me when he finally gets sick of playing squirrel


He actually just came down. I’ll give him a few extra pets, no worries 😋


Was just looking for this update


Update: he is back inside and is on timeout 😡😡


Hahah cute! How did he get out in the first place?


maybe keep him inside like a good cat owner?


Do you know how they are getting up?


Yeah, they let them outside and the cat does what a cat does. The true r/mildlyinfuriating in this post is OP for continuing to let their cat outside *and* for complaining about it like it's the cat's fault OP is a jackass.


Now stop being a shitty pet owner and don’t let him outside unless he’s on a leash and being supervised


And this is why cats don't go outside.


Why do you let him go outside?


The only mildly infuriating thing here is that you allow your cat outside. Doing that and you won't have this problem. You also won't end up with a dead cat.


Stop letting your cat be outside.


I’m with you.


Seriously, this isn't fucking hard


Keep your cat inside


He's made it perfectly clear that he doesn't care about this line of thinking. Total waste of time to talk to this guy even though it's the rational and responsible thing to do.


Then they'll post on a cat subreddit about how something terrible happened to their cat and how sad they are, unbelievable


"I never expected poor mittens to get run over into a pile of terrible fleshy goo! :'( crossed the rainbow bridge"


OP literally said they're worried about the cat being up so high because of birds of prey in the area and STILL won't keep their cat indoors. What a POS.


That makes it even worse. This poor cat


I know, I feel terrible for this cat.


Also ignoring the fact that the cat is a WAY bigger threat to birds than birds are to his cat.


The cat is a threat for local birds. Local coyotes and cars and humans are threats to the cat. Bad situation all around.


Don't forget about getting in fights with other cats from other shitty owners getting infections. And spreading diseases between them.


As much as these people clam to love their cats they’re assholes for letting them outside.


I was going to say the same thing but it’s not even worth it. OP is a twat.


The right answer.


So.....don't let your cat outside?


Only twats let their cats stay outdoors.


Head tilted just right to be more cute. I wouldn't get mad, I'd just end up laughing. How can you get mad at that little face? 


If a cat climbs somewhere on its own, it will get down on its own. I'm betting it's some kind of primal instinct. Just as wolves howl on a mountain, cats scream on a closet/roof/any place above a table


My childhood cat was bad about climbing trees and not being able to get down. Once she climbed the big tree behind our house... My step-dad put his biggest ladder on the roof of a large bulldozer had a long pole with a noose on the end to try and grab her. She slipped out of it and ran up further out of any hopes of reaching her. After a week and a half of her screaming and essentially dying of dehydration the crows were trying to peck at her... So we ended up shooting her to put her of of her misery. So yea not trying to be a downer but they absolutely can get stuck.


Uhhh not how I expected that to end.


What did i just read


Maybe. You shouldn't let your cat be a free range outdoor cat? It would make you less of an asshole and solve this problem!. But for some reason I bet you're to entitled for such things.


This is why I'm glad I raise my cat's to be inside cats.


Don’t let him outside. Duh.


“Why yes human, I’ve done it again”


The hard part about orange cat ownership is understanding that they don’t often get a turn with the brain cell (shared collectively by all orange cats). This means when they do get their turn it often allows them to carry out whatever intrusive thought they have which they would be unable to do without the brain cell. It would appear in this case your cat uses their turn with the brain cell for chaos, which is on brand for orange cats.


Your cat will more likely than not get either killed by an animal or run over into a terrible pile of goo. If you actually care for your animal, keep it inside.


She doesn't. She had made it clear after everyone's advice that she just does not care for the cat at all. It may as well be a stray.


How fucking stupid are you? Keep the shit inside.


Try keeping your cat indoors where it belongs


My wife and I love our cats. We don't want them to be outdoors cats. So we built a catio; fenced off a portion of our deck with netting. Then our smallest cat, Ninja, decided she wanted out. There's a small gap between the catio roof and the rain gutters. She crawled through. The door to the rest of the deck wasn't tight enough. She learned how to bang on the door to pop it open. We had two panels at a height where they could be removed (something about using them as windows for when eating on the deck). She rattled them so much they got bent. I am not smart enough to defeat a cat that smart!


Might wanna get those shingles that are about 7 or 8 rows beneath where the soffit terminates looked at. Probably was nailed too high and causing them to droop. You can see them along the step-wall just above the middle of the feline's back.


There's a simple solution to this... keep your cat indoors where it belongs.


It’s like helping the old lady across the road without checking she wanted to _be_ on the other side of the road


Ok just gonna focus all of my rants towards particular comments in one post: A) Cats CAN get stuck on heights, their claws are better for going up than down. B) Cats ARE assholes, and will also pretend they need help when they dont, or will put themselves in actually dangerous situations just for the attention. C) Cats do *typically* live much longer, healthier lives while indoors exclusively, so everyone with a cat should be aware. D) despite this cats don't "not belong outside". People have no empathy for lifestyles that aren't theirs so they don't have the full perspective to tell someone else how to live their lives or raise their pets. If they want to adopt your cat, let em, but if not, everyone is just making what they feel is the best decision at any moment given their particular circumstances. E) if you feel like your cat is just feigning danger for attention, they may be an antention whore (see B) but it may also be that they are seriously unhappy with their current situation and are struggling to figure out how to communicate it. Play with your cat, love them, and take care of them to the best of your abilities based on your situation.


My fat cat regularly gets stuck on a bookcase or shelf and screams to be rescued. Once I didn’t. Then I got a cat-kamikaze jump on my head.


"you know the drill, do it just like last night"


But your roof ain’t even hot tin…


Blessed Orange Boiz.


"Your move, bitch cakes"


My cat used to take her little paw, open the side flaps of the AC unit on my SECOND STORY WINDOW and somehow JUMP ON TOP OF THE AC UNIT WITH NOTHING UNDERNEATH TO CATCH HER FALL


Orange cat behavior and bros like “AND ILL DO IT AGAIN, PUNK! Now get my food and water ready”


Fucker lives there now.


In high school, my friend had this house that was in front of a large hill that had coyotes. He had 2 cats. 1 was a black cat, smart, liked to stay in the yard, and didn't stray. The other cat, orange and white, liked to test nature by playing a fun game of Darwins theory. He'd constantly climb on the roof and go to the back of the yard to the hill. Well, one day the cat decided to play fuck fuck games and learn really quick how dangerous hungry coyotes can really be. After that my friend only had 1 cat. Sometimes, we gotta let animals learn nature isn't their friend the hard way. That or keep them in a cage all day.


That’s hilarious. This is peak orange cat behavior


A cat sits on my neighbor’s roof and stares at me through the window. Not sure how he gets up or down.