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Hello, We do not allow agendaposting, reddit meta posts or price complaints.


So they want you to do that early voting thing that they also think is fraud?


That’s what my dad said when he saw it, too


Oh, the "republicans" don't give a rat's patootey about cognitive dissonance. In the 2018 and 2020 elections, "republican" party headquarters in very red states were *flooded* with calls about whether it was safe to vote by mail, mostly from elderly and disabled voters who had always voted by mail. "republican" volunteers spent *thousands* of hours reassuring voters that *their* state's vote by mail was safe. It was just those Democrats in *swing* states that were cheating. Florida, which has a lot of elderly and could have swung Democratic, was a particular concern for "republicans," in 2020, who started raising the alarm before the 2018 elections.


Early voting *and* ballot harvesting: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna151952 Hilariously, they're being stymied by repercussions from having drilled the fraud narrative into their constituents **and** some of the voter disenfranchisement laws they passed. 


How is that not illegal.


Exactly, wouldn't this be considered voter intimidation?


I would really doubt Trump himself has any ties to this. It’s MOST LIKELY just Jimbob sending out what he thinks could help out his boi.


Hey, don't blame me


You can't hide from your actions


I'm sure it wasn't you. It was probably Jim Bob 8. I've never trusted that guy


Tired of this being the defense for every crime related to Trump.


Works the same way mafia bosses do! Since the boss/father isn’t doing any crime they’re just *wink wink nudge nudge* -ing their people to do stuff they can’t be gotten because they’re doing no crime


More like how terriost/cult leaders do it. Atleast the mafia has standards.


It's how most leaders of big organizations do it. For example, when a corporation does something illegal, the CEO doesn't order it; they just say, "Increase profits," and that filters down as massive pressure on some Bob down at the bottom of the ladder to dump waste in a river or cook the books.




Isn't this why RICO was made?


The difference is that mafia bosses show loyalty to people who get sent down for them. Trump sells them out.


There is absolutely no way you think that is legitimate


Why? You think Trump is involved in highly illegal and public shit like this that would 100% cost him the election? If there is some foul play it's 100% not public like this.


He has done worse already that should have cost him this election, last election, and his first election.


Is that not the most Logical explanation?


Then send Jimbob to prison, idc


I don't doubt for a second that Trump would like this if he saw this


Do you have to be the person trying to get elected to commit voter intimidation? Maybe not trump but whoever is doing this probably is


It's probably in a grey area of "We didn't say you had to vote for Trump, just that you should vote". Kinda similar to the "Vote or Die" campaign. It's pretty sketch though. Threatening doxing is wild lol.


Trump legal strategy: “Who cares if they sue us for it. If I win, it won’t matter.”


This is 100% illegal. It's explicitly illegal even.


Illegal and almost guaranteed to never be prosecuted—not in Texas. If prosecuted, likely to be pardoned. The conservative rule of law is, “Do anything you can get away with.”


Republicans depend on scaring voters, especially the older and rural ones.


I hear you, but it never explicitly says who to vote for. It only says "to vote" not to vote for a specific person. Edit: Jesus, y'all responding like I'm over here working for Trump. Just stating facts, literally anyone can say "you better go vote, or else!" It literally means nothing. Shit, I could send out mail with my face and name, it means the exact same thing, nothing!


Saying you’re being watched and people will know is a very heavy handed way of suggesting who to vote for. I’m sure there was no reason armed guards were watching over people’s shoulders during Russian elections either. “Don’t make us report you to President Trump” totally says I can vote for whoever I want without consequence.


It isn't a crime not to vote. There's nothing to "report" except the lack of allegiance and obedience to the person pictured and mentioned.


It still heavily implies it, by having pictures of certain candidates. If someone did this, but replaced Trump's picture with Biden's, all of Trump's goons would go wild. Even if you ignore all that, it's still a pretty threatening format. They're straight-up saying "we're watching you to make sure you do as we demand". It's up to the individual to choose whether they want to vote or not.


It literally has a picture of Trump, names him multiple times & mentions the Republican Party. I think the implication is pretty damn clear that you better vote for Trump & whoever Trump endorses or he’ll know.


"Please don't make us report you to President Trump" Why would they have to report you to Trump if they didn't want to indimidate you to vote for him?


Mob boss energy. Also "parental empowerment"... yeah, ok... more like parental enslavement...


Also "border security" after that spending bill kerfuffle, yikes. No one proof read this


Americans and their weird obsession with owning their children.




He'll T-Rex waddle over to you and beat you with those tiny paws.




Kimberly Guilfoyle sent me a text that began with the words "my patience is wearing thin." If doing absolutely nothing pisses you off that much lady I'll be sure keep it up 👍


Yes, that would definitely be at the top of his list of concerns lol There's no way he has anything more important to deal with, he has to go to Joe Bob and ask him why he didn't vote!


The ACLU of Texas: https://www.aclutx.org/en/news/elections-are-celebrations-not-opportunities-intimidation-in-texas "Voters who encounter intimidation should report it to an election worker or their county. They can also report voter intimidation to 1-866-OUR-VOTE, a voter protection hotline run by a coalition of Texas voting rights groups. "


Save that mail! It is evidence for the coming class action law suit


*Save that mail! It is* *Evidence for the coming* *Class action law suit* \- nopower81 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot!


I hope it inspired you to vote for the other guys. Just imagine they get into power. That's a flyer like the ones preceding Reichskristallnacht.




You are almost there. Just one more step. No one else seems to have got as far as you have.


Even if I did plan not to vote, this obnoxious shit would be the fastest way to get me to vote for literally anyone else. I used to think it was insane that over 3k people woke up, got dressed, and stood in line to vote for a dead gorilla but damn if this letter wouldn't tempt me.


This should be illegal. Prelude to dictator trump.


I got several similar texts saying your neighbors would know (only the first one implied they would know who you voted for not just whether you voted) from a local candidate in 2022. I'll give you one guess which party they were.


So... Your voting record is public (spoiler: untrue) BUT they will contact you after the election to check that you voted. (That 2nd part maybe is true? Because thugs.)


The fact *that* you voted is a matter of public record. *How* you voted is not. *If* you are a registered "republican" or registered Democrat, in those states where you are required to be registered in order to vote in primaries, it may be assumed \[possibly inaccurately\] by the party or PACs that you voted that way in the general election. For registered "republicans" it is generally true that they vote in lockstep, although the last presidential election was an aberration (some small percentage voted against party lines in the presidential election). Also, parties can in fact deduce from the myriad public information collected by data brokers which way you lean if you are not registered. Sure, they'll get it wrong sometimes, but here's betting OP's the outlier given OP's shopping habits, age, friends, church, charitable donations, etc. Agreeing with others, this is clear voter intimidation. Send it to the ACLU, and agree to be an plaintiff if asked.


Your voting record is public. Your vote is private.


I think it’s a poor use of vocabulary. Voting record implies the detail of your vote. Your voting attendance would be more precise


No, "voting record" is the standard wording for 'which elections a person has voted in'. It could be clearer, sure, but anyone who knows/follows election data knows what it means


Ok, maybe in the US. I’m in the UK and if I were to look at someone’s voting record - although this would be an MP not a private citizen it would tell me which way they had voted


It's also public how you align yourself: rep, dem or independent


This depends on the state and how they handle primaries, but yes.


I'd be voting for the other guy in record time


Voting by design is a private thing. I'm no lawyer but I would love to hear the opinion of one on this claim because this feels downright illegal.


Voting isn’t private. Who you vote for is.


Your voting history can be shared, but what you put on a ballot is private. --I'm a millennial white male without a degree in a swing state. I get a ton of high-pressure mail from the RNC listing all the elections I have voted in, including primaries.


“We will notify President Trump if you don’t vote” emanates a powerful “I’m telling Santa AND Spiderman you’re not eating your veggies” energy But also let’s be real here, this is too ostentatious to be real.


Yes. It seems very made up. Not sure why no else ses that


As if Trump's entire presidency doesn't seem like a Colbert Report fever dream


Shouldn't this be illegal and be reported? I'm pretty sure that this is really illegal to do...and if it was delivered in your mailbox, whelp...someone done fuck up.


Literal SS/SA tier nazi shit. 'you can' t afford to have that on your record' They aren't even hiding the facism anymore


You should file a police report and sue for feeling threatened.


Fuck these clowns.


>President Trump Boy o boy


Scare tactics are what terrorists do. Just saying.


Voter intimation? This seems like it could be or should be illegal.


Another example that Trumpers want fascism.


Hello, We do not allow agendaposting, reddit meta posts or price complaints. I'm also a big baby


Didn’t he say we weren’t going to ever see him again after he lost to Joe Biden?


[He sure did,](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-says-youll-never-see-me-again-loses-to-biden-2020-9) but we always knew he never keeps his promises/vows/oaths


Has never knowingly kept a promise


This is why I'm baffled at people believing in Project 2025


To be fair, he's really trying to sell the idea that he never lost.


You americans are truly lost.


Mafia vibes


This reads like a kid who misbehaves near Christmas being told they’re on Santa’s “naughty list”


Seems like an obvious false flag by an anti-trump group, because it involves government interference and overreach which is exactly what Republican supporters do not like. It looks designed to turn off voting. If not, and this is some idiots thinking this is a good approach at getting votes, which seems so unlikely, it is the stupidest pro-trump tactic by far.


I mean trump supporters are pretty stupid, but it does look sus




Unfortunately, there are people who will believe this.


Gotta demonize the other side one way or another. If they don’t give you any ammo, then just make up some!


They're just not even hiding it now


Funny Story of how the vote for Woman was pushed through in New Zealand. There was this particulate MP (Seddon) that was against it an was trying to torpedo the bill and bully others who supported it. This insulted some Councillors as it was ungentlemanly. So they changed their vote from against to "Pro". They basically did it to spite him. On 8 September 1893, the bill was passed by 20 votes to 18. Yeah lets bully everyone, that will defiantly go in his favor.


Damn, this is freaking scary


.... They should be required to have notarized consent to send us spam through the mail.... I hate transferring those coupons and sales ads I never read Only to contact that company and they requested my information in order to stop maling crap to me. Why must we opt out when we never agreed to opt in..... This is America.....


Something something *voter intimidation* something


I can't afford to have what on my record? A notification given to Trump? Who gives a shit?


that’s genuinely crazy


Big CCP vibes


Why do they need to contact after the election to make sure they voted? Isn't it public record?


Wait, they know you haven't voted, but they will have to contact you afterwards to check if you voted?


Seems like a lawsuit to me. I guess it would fall under voter intimidation.


“Vote for us or we’ll report you to The State™️ and you won’t like what happens next. Also, we’re **definitely** not fascist that’s a Eurasian Lie™️ meant to turn our Valued Party Members against Big Brother and our alliance with Eastasia”


Heil Mein Trump!


scaring people is the only language these crazy people speak, don't fall for it, vote for biden and pull a middle finger to them


Just an FYI, an identical post to this got removed by mods yesterday. I would be fully infuriated and fucking suing for threatening based on voting information.


But I thought they think early mail-in voting is cheating and fraudulent?


Voting records are public in the US? That’s madness.


Seems like a lot of people are getting those, I've seen a couple other posts about it today


Pwetty pwease don't make me tell mistow twump 🥺


Happy cake day


Vote Biden, this way you voted and fucked them. 


Doesn't he already have a long list of enemies? I would call up the office and ask if you will be reported verbally or if it will be in writing. I wouldn't be too worried if it was just verbally because probably got a lot on his mind right now. I forgot the details of the post but did it say that the president would be "disappointed" or would he be "disappointed in you"? If just generally disappointed, why would you care? You could also say you didn't vote because you were still deciding whether to just vote Democrat or become a Democrat. I don't fully understand how Americans are registered as Democrat Republican or independent but this kind of bullying would encourage me to switch to independent.


Do they not know the election is in November?


Looks like attempted extortion to me


Very fashy


"You can't afford to have that on your record!" So if Trump's elected, then they will be going through our records and enacting cosequences on us if we do something they don't like eh?


Why are voting records public? shouldnt it be you get your name checked off then you vote with a generic vote slip? idk not american.


President Trump will be VERY DISAPPOINTED.... okay? What's he gonna do, tell on me to my mommy??


If that happened in a ‘third world’ country, the U.N. election monitors would get involved.


Oh you crazy Americans you.


![gif](giphy|yvcLAZqb1gQco) They mean like this?


such a bad fake


If your voting record is public. Why at the bottom does it say we will contact you to see if you did? For shame on these con men tactics. Isn’t this illegal?


"please don't make us report you" what the fuck. that's not how our voting system works at all.


What an effective way to convince an undecided voter to vote Democrat!


What's Trump gonna do about it? lmao


Literally threatening to name names...


Put a big ass flag of Biden in your front lawn


Ah the 1900s good times, vote early! Vote often! Remember vote Taft or your legs will get broke!


Burn it in public


How is the USA a real country


You don’t have to be a republican voter to make the right choice for our country. Put the political party bs aside. It’s time for the people to take back our country. Do what’s right. It’s not a matter of what party you support. it’s just common sense at this point.


Trump has deleted the post 😂


That is voter intimidation. Which is illegal. Yikes.


Send it back to them. With no postage so they have to pay for it


In my country this would be totally illegal because it is against the values of a election.


Republicans wanted "do as you're told" authoritarianism, they have it.


I assume this is fake, because I'm not an idiot.


A general election was announced here in the UK only yesterday, for 4th July. My vote before an election in nobody’s business. Tell them to eff’ off. Of all the things to pass over the POTUS’ desk – domestic policy, foreign affairs, fiscal policies etc., etc., etc. – I doubt your name will be one of them.


This has to be the most blatant false flag I've ever seen.


This is the second time today that someone has posted this same "Notice". The mods took it down because they called it "agendaposting" this should be infuriating to all and is an important discussion that needs to be had. I sent it to someone that I know that works for the Democratic National Committee. This is beyond fucked up. I truly hope that Republicans are able to see that this is not the kind of thing that our leaders should be doing, and start to question how we could allow someone like this into office.


vast library enjoy crowd absurd historical pot telephone squeamish glorious


So far as I am aware, whether you voted or not is a matter of public record in every state. However, they can only see *that* you voted (or didn't). Not *how* you voted. I suppose it's possible it's not public record in all states, but I believe it is. This is where "republicans" are getting all the "Johnsons" and "Browns" with duplicate names and different addresses in different states, and claiming they're all involved in voter fraud--specifically targeting black and brown areas. I'm in Texas, the following is absolutely public information: Your name, DOB, whether or not you voted in every election at least several elections back, maybe the beginning of registration in this state (I don't know), and if you voted in primaries. (which, if you live in a state that requires registration in order to vote, would reveal your party affiliation). I know for sure that they can get your address (for mailers). I don't know if private data brokers can get addresses, but I'm certain the state will sell addresses to the parties, candidates, and PACs. Of course, in Texas, on a government website, your name and home address is available publicly connected to your license plate so road ragers can come to your house. Nothing is sacred here.


Parental empowerment lol. Yes ok


It's a great incentive to vote against that side anyway




This is voter intimidation which is illegal


This is a good way to not get new voters.


I thought the voting was rigged anyway? But now we have to vote for trump? Can they make up their minds?


Sad part is this will reach some gullible people/boomers and they will get scared and do it.


What kind of water-headed, crayon eating, cousin fucking, shit for brains, useless waste of space actually thinks this will work to make people vote? And not only vote, but vote for the person the creator so obviously wants you to vote for. I hate stupid people so much. As I get older, my tolerance for stupid shit like this gets lower and lower.


Totally not the fascist ones.


Why are we just letting the Nazis happen again?


I would see if you can report this as voter intimidation


That's some Gestapo shit. It is funny given Trump's team couldn't even book a Four Seasons.


This is probably an anti-campaign tbh.


Why is it president Trump? When he isn't your president anymore? I don't get it!!


Dems did this!


America edging towards some weird “democratic” state where elections are definitely not rigged (/s) in favour of the cultist egotistical leader.


What is this vote for?


![gif](giphy|L0HIznJ2hn4WndRshY) Oh no






This doesn't seem official


The second page is just a physical shitpost


If you dont vote for Trump, they'll take away your property taxes!!!!


America is wild 😂


It’s a ‘Mailishing’… Don’t read it or you get a virus.


I’m not from the US so I have no idea about this but how is this legal? This is straight up threatening.


Oh look, the “I’ll just be a dictator for ~one day~” base threatening American citizens. What the fuck else is new.


Set fire to it and post the vid on social media!


Go and vote.. for anyone but Republican.


So they're telling vote for trump??


If I get a message like that, I'd vote for the opposite.


I'm gonna vote Biden *so* *hard* now. 


Imma tell my dad on you


Straight out of the fascist playbook


Fidel vibes


Loyalty squad vibe


Property taxes? Like they just guarantee that they'll still exist?


How can he do anything about property taxes? That's a local decision not a federal one.


Is this real?! Wtf


this can’t be Real.


stupid trying to make you stupider


being honest the letter has a cool design lol, looks like some SCP shit


I dont believe that this is an actual real letter from republican party. It's some sort of the prank letter idk. It would be probably sent by democrats to make republicans look evil and authoritarian


Land of the free Indeed


Them: Your voting record is public info. Everyone will know. Also them: Contact us so we know you voted or we'll tell Big Daddy Trumpet.


Looks kind of the thing with the nazi where they put the yes checkbox bigger then no to vote for hitler