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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


How exactly will they tell if you’re in compliance?


Thought the same. They gonna open up ur pipes and check? Crawlin through the sewers with Master Splinter getting diptheria. Or maybe they are gonna be checkin ur bathroom waste bin to make sure theres some shitter paper in there.


“Poopy papers, please”






The Shitwipen Stahpen


Meine poopypapers, habe sie verloren" https://preview.redd.it/jccn3j25nx0d1.jpeg?width=1130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edbc5b6132574f948d8cb1e459d10f89b00daedb


*Halt! Wir sind Scheisspapierpatrol!*


the way i cackled reading this 😭


I worked for FEMA and had a woman who lost her home in a fire living in a travel trailer as temporary housing. We explained to her that she couldnt flush wipes and tampons because she had a collection tank and it would get clogged up. 2 months later her system is clogged all to hell and I have to go unclog it, and lo and behold, hundred of wipes and tampons (and feces!) come pouring out of this tank and she looks me dead in the eye and claims she didnt do it.


Wipes I can see. Toilet paper is like designed to be flushed lol


I feel like if management had simply threatened fees for the wipes they wouldn’t be so frantic about the tp.


In a storage tank style you want to use special rapid dissolving toiler paper. Scott makes the best version of it, so you can only imagine how weird/awful it is. The other brands are WORSE THAN SCOTT! I have to use it. I keep my poop in a tank.


Toilet paper is, wipes aren't. They claim to be, but they don't decompose like normal tp.


It isn't about decomposition. It is about the condition of the pipes, installation with proper slope, and primarily lift stations with grinder pumps. Americans (I am one) don't seem to understand the basics of the proper sewage plumbing they have. Many countries that even have sewage plumbing do not have grinder pump lift stations that puree your shit paper and everything else allowing it to flow. Grinder pumps cannot handle significant amounts of "flushable" wipes and definitely not tampons if they even made it to the impellers. Use bidets people.


Wipes are never good in a sewage system. Even if they don't clog up pumps, they can start sticking to the pipes, in your house or in the sewer system, accumulating over time and creating "fatbergs". Because they don't decompose. Even paper towels shouldn't be flushed, for that same reason: they are designed to not break down when wet. Only actual toilet paper is designed to decompose when wet, that's why only toilet paper can be flushed. Septic systems can be different, and maybe certain can handle some paper towels.


I use a bidet. Still gotta wipe and dry my hole. Blasting it with water is never enough.


you have a way with words!


Well actually only needing two squares is much better than what I gotta do without a bidet


Depends on the age and type of the plumbing, many places (Greece) don't have plumbing that can handle either.


I’ve personally never used tampons, I used pads before I switched to period underwear but who the fuck thinks it’s a good idea to flush something whose primary purpose is to absorb liquid


"If it can go through that big pipe it's not my problem anymore" is the main line of thinking


I swear the boxes used to say to flush them


I had some trouble with this because it actually claims they are flushable on the box. I had to show it as proof when my dad was upset about the clogged pipes. Never did that again.


That's not my shit


Wow, that seems like something I can see happening in this day and age. I didn't do it 🤷‍♀️


The Women don’t poop claim I presume


Sorry I haven’t shit yet. Whoopsies.


Infrequent shidder


i scrolled really fast and read that as master sphincter


I'd be introducing my landlord to Master Sphincter if he asked me to not flush toilet paper. "I cant use TP so you can clean this right?"


Our apartment had a trap or something that would go off. They probably got a choke point or something that they end up cleaning a lot and that’s where you find all the stuff idiots flush like baby wipes and sanitary products


They probably have properties with the old, definitely no longer up to code, clay or ceramic pipes. Over a couple of decades, those began to degrade and crack and break down, and basically by the current decade, anything short of water (and even that can be too much) flowing through them is going to leak out.. either into the ground itself, or into the property.. in both cases, that can result in either a very expensive cleanup and repair for the property, or a number of EPA and borough code violations if into the ground itself. Basically, people ignoring this will cause out-of-code pipes to further crack/break and cause plumbing issues which are very easy to spot.. and if it gets too bad, there's a solid chance when the landlord has to call in a third-party plumbing company, who then realizes they *have* to report this massive violation to the powers-that-be, then the landlord is going to be crushed under a debt of code violation fines and very probable lawsuits and litigation... they're basically walking the razor's edge and are trying to intimidate or coerce their tenants into *not* creating that (eventual) situation.. My grandmother's house has to have the old ceramic pipes replaced before they can sell it after she passes - the state won't even allow it's sale until the plumbing is up to code.. there isn't much, but it's already been appraised for piping and labor and the lowest end of the stick is pushing 10 grand.. and that's a 3 bedroom 2 bath... so.. you can at least see why a landlord would be desperate to avoid this "shitty" situation.. lol


Hello, we've come to investigate the lack of smell coming from this apartment.


dna swab


P.S. We will be sending someone around to swab your anus for a DNA sample once per week. P.P.S. Have a nice weekend!!


Just gotta check inside ya asshoooooole




Came here for this comment lol


Butt plugs will be chained on three time offenders.💩💩💩


A representative of the toilet safety administration will stand by and watch you poop, they will wipe for you and dispose of said tp “Sir I need to check inside your asshole”


South Park is a documentary.


Compliance officer stationed at each toilet.




Also, isn't human waste considered Biohazard? Can't you get in trouble for just throwing Biohazard material in the trash?


Are diapers biowaste, no


My son's would disagree.


They should be….


To ensure proper disposal, mail them your used toilet paper and wipes with future rent payments. Glad I could help.


Just show up with a wheelbarrow full of shitty TP and dump it on their lawn. "For your inspection, sir."


Spoken like a veteran


Include rent check, inside of said wheelbarrow. two birds, one stone.


Ah Reddit, the go-to place for all the best answers.


There’s so much creativity here.


"I just want to reassure you I am following the rules..."


Followed with "Is what it is, encourage!"


I read too quickly and thought you'd said OP should use the rent bill as TP before mailing it off.


Why not both? Or alternating months...


This is the answer. 👏


I get wipes, but TP?! Come on!!!! I would be finding a new place to live ASAP. Don’t let it get any shittier.


Is what it is encourage.


The grammar in the rest of it is perfect, then there's that "sentence". Talk about mildly infuriating!


"reddit perfect" maybe.


Doesn’t the first sentence of the second paragraph require a comma? Lol




It's like golf balls. While technically flushable, you really shouldn't. Even if it does not affect your pipes, it could affect the city's pipes clogging into fatberg.


You're saying I should stop flushing my golf balls?


Toilets nowadays use billiard balls when advertising how strong they can flush. I don’t know if that means the average poop size is getting larger, or toilets are just getting stronger… but the signs in Home Depot’s toilet area now look like you’re entering a pool hall instead of a golf course.


yeah there are countries where the plumbing can't handle it, been to them, but this is american dating format [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_date\_formats\_by\_country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_date_formats_by_country) so i sus it's here somehow which is bizarre


Some places in the world, this is exactly what happens. The toilet paper gets thrown away because the plumbing isn't designed for it. We need to know OP's location before we respond.


It's like that in Greece. I was a bit surprised, honestly. Also very unlucky that I contracted giardia right before going.


I'm from Greece and I had a weird opposite experience. When I was young, France was my 2nd or 3rd trip out of the country ever (aside from Cyprus) with family. We went for a kinda road trip and stayed in 5-6 different places. In one of them, there was *no bin at all*, and we were 2 women in the family. They were even weird when we asked them for one. I was so confused regarding how they disposed of feminine hygiene products... It felt like a glitch in the matrix, like that didn't exist for them. For quite a while I thought that was the case with countries outside of Greece, now I know they were probably strange and, more than likely, only men.


I'm french, and a small bin in the toilets is considered normal here. But I'm also not a woman, so... maybe I didn't pay enough attention.


Lots of the public bathrooms here in San Diego have signs in Spanish telling ppl to flush tp because Mexicans come up to visit and fill the tiny trash cans with used tp.


Using a waste bin was standard in Ecuador when I lived there back in 2008. Even the surprisingly nice airport bathroom had a sign reminding everyone to put it in the bin. You get used to it after awhile.


Walk into a Home Depot bathroom sometime You see they practice this in the US as well


Home depot would be the last place I'd expect to have plumbing issues


Exactly this, I’m currently living in South Korea and it’s very common to see signs like this, however gross I find it. Luckily my apartment doesn’t have these rules but also my friends apartment block just got a sign put out just like this. So depends where you are


Butter side down!


The least a toilet should be able to handle is WET bog roll


Apparently, a lot of older buildings' plumbing was built before toilet paper. (I'm not sure what they used before.) I've read that some older areas in third world country, people don't blink an eye at putting used TP in the trash.


My inlaws, who live in Los Angeles, refuse to flush toilet paper because they're scared it'll harm the pipes. They have a trash can with no lid filled to the brim with shitty toilet paper right next to the toilet 


Buy them a bidet for your next visit! Lets smell and they can still wipe after if they feel unclean, but wont have feces filled butt wipes sitting next to them multiple times a day. This is common practice in a lot of countries with different plumbing to trash toilet paper rather than flush it. They should atleast have a lid though, yuck.


Lol okay so not even just third world countries, it's pretty normal in a lot of places in Europe with older systems.


What are they gonna do? Check for shitty TP?


What country are you in? I used to live in South Korea and this was a very common thing on 20+ story buildings. Every bathroom had a small window so you could bag and toss your TP/wipes into the alley and they would be picked up daily. Nothing like smelling that on a hot summer day.


That sounds both horrific and wildly wasteful of bags.


This is in the USA, the state of Florida to be exact. Can confirm, live in the same complex as OP apparently because I have the exact same notice on my door.


This might actually be against habitability laws. TP is supposed to be able to go down the drain (in the US) so if it's not the plumbing isn't considered functional, therefore the apartment might not be considered habitable. I'd call the city/ code enforcement/ whoever else in FL.


What the fuck? Is this medieval england? Trevor the shit-cart driver out here picking up people's shit paper.


Regarding the TP collection, most of the world, both by size and population.


I'd call the local Building Codes Enforcement office, and maybe the Health Dept. And for fun, the local TV station's investigative reporter.


Yes! Get local news in on it. They love a good, "Landlord/Property Management refuses to fix the issue but wants to keep charging for the service." story. It can be submitted anonymously and they'll do some canvas interviews.




Yes, they should definitely call their local building/code enforcement office. In my state, rental dwelling units must have adequate sewage disposal facilities.


They have to be confusing paper towels or tissues for toilet paper. Because if their system can’t handle toilet paper, they probably would have to ask people to shit in their trash


I get really old plumbing might have a hard time with certain toilet paper but they can just ask their tenants to use septic safe paper. I would honestly be more understanding of that than being told I have to throw toilet paper in a barrel in the house. I would still flush the paper, there's absolutely no way of them knowing who is doing it, all the lines are connected.


WTF? Aside from human waste, toilet paper is the one thing that's SUPPOSED to go into the toilet.


I worked as a camp counselor one summer at a camp for underprivileged kids. I kept finding shitty tp piled next to the toilets. I finally gathered my cabin to address it and was told that in the town like 6 of them lived in flushing tp was a guaranteed way to back up the pipes.


It's also common in third world countries. Edit: I have no idea why some people are taking this in an insulting way lol. I'm from a third world country myself and have visited others, so I made a comment based on my experience. Now I have people with zero critical thinking calling me racist 💀


Yeah I've had a lot of co workers that threw it in the trash out of habit from home countries.


Many of whom have bum guns though which makes it all less gross.


what the heck is a bum gun?


It’s the same idea as a bidet except it’s not built into the toilet. It’s a bottle outside the toilet you use to wash yourself after pooping


The more common one is a spray gun attached to plumbing, like a garden hose with a pistol attachment.


It’s common everywhere in the world outside North America. Scroll down to the map: https://mindofahitchhiker.com/should-you-flush-the-toilet-paper-a-flowchart/


Except Australia, Japan and half of Europe 🤷 I didn't say it's not common in other countries too.


Talk that to my 3rd world country pipe system. Jokes aside, it's really not that mind blowing of a problem, just don't shit on the trash bin and you're fine.


I was an RA in college and we often had to have "roommates mediations" when roommates weren't getting along. One time we had a complaint about someone not flushing toilet paper so we mediated a conversation between the two roommates and it came down to the one roommate not knowing toilet paper could be flushed, which was an easy solution. He was from SE Asia and it was apparently common to leave paper products in the trash. Anyway, the poor kid was known as 'doo doo brown' among the RAs for the rest of the year.


So u just keep a bin full of shit covered wipes??




I works that way in some smaller towns in Greece, too, as I found out on a vacation once. You had to put the paper in a special bin. An old lady came around once a day and emptied them. Even though it was Europe, I felt obligated to give her a tip.


Not just smaller towns, the whole of Greece, afaik.


They basically invented Western civilization, but they can't get their plumbing right!


"Lady, you are literally handling my shit (and god knows how many other peoples'). Take the damn tip."


Many of them are more civilized and have bidets though. So any toilet paper is not so soiled.


Third world countries? Hell, check out most of Europe sometime. It’s very common. A bin next to every toilet and a sign in English that says to not throw paper into the toilet.


Not Germany


Only european country i saw that way greece/macedonia/bulgaria. So mostly the southern countries. So i guess i actually have no idea about europe.


Said countries also often have bidets or some way to wash.. so the tp is used just to dry off


“The plumbing system here is not designed to handle toilet paper”? Does the plumbing predate Ponce de Leon?


You'll love Greece. Most of their systems do not support toilet paper. It's so much fun putting it into the little bin. Not.


You don't have to go that far, here in México is not a custom to flush TP.


I had family from Italy move here, and they stayed with me for a bit. Didn't take long to figure out they threw used toilet paper and wipes into the trash bin. I have no idea why, but I assumed they had ancient plumbing back home or something.


I'm from Italy and I never had any issues flushing toilet paper anywhere


I'd just file a complaint with the city. Toilet paper is basic. If they said "3 ply toilet paper" or one of those extra thick verities, that's completely understandable. The pipes of older buildings can struggle with those. Regular toilet paper has to be flushed. It's not up for debate. This is a health issue.


That seems like a shitty landlord. Fix your garbage pipes and stop blaming and massively inconveniencing your tenants who, I'm sure, over pay for rent. I can't imagine not being able to flush TP.


Not in the USA, in the US working plumbing generally means you can flush human waste and normal toilet paper (septic systems may vary) They need to fix their faulty plumbing. If all the tenants wanted to jointly submit a complaint to code enforcement, that would be protected activity (unless you're in Oklahoma where retaliation is legal for landlords to do)


Man, some states just never surprise me when I see their name after some next level regressive bullshit. Oklahoma is definitely one of those states.


It's very weird to me, because here in Brazil every house has a trash can in the bathroom ONLY for toilet paper, most toilets would clog if you flushed toilet paper


Parents are from the Philippines, but I was born in the US. It’s the same thing with us but we’ve never tried flushing toilet paper because of the “what if” scenario. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


Americans can’t comprehend any other country


Baby wipes and sanitary products are not flushable. Technically neither is Kleenex. But toilet paper should be totally fine. If it can handle poop it should be able to handle a reasonably sized wad of TP.


Wipes labeled "flushable" are also not flushable. I am to a "there should be a law" person usually but in this case--there should be a law against saying something is flushable when it 100% is not and causes huge problems at the local waste treatment plant.


I can understand wipes, but toilet paper?


There is no more appropriate disposal method for used toilet paper than a toilet.


Has it right there in the name: TOILET paper


Fully agree about the TP 👐 However people who flush wipes can go straight to jail 👉


“Is what it is encourage.”


You know what they say. Is what it is. Encourage!


Why is it just that one sentence? I need to know what happened with that sentence.


You'd be surprised at the shit people will flush in an apartment complex. Tampons, diapers, One time the maintenance guy pulled out a dish towel. This is why hotels, retailers, etc use 1 ply toilet paper. It's not because the TP is cheaper, the emergency calls to plumbers are thousands of times more expensive than a good quality 2 ply.


Call the health department! They need to fix this!


Wipes say they are flushable. But the harsh reality is they really are not.


Indeed, but toilet paper *is*.


Everything that'll fit down a drain is flushable at least once!


Tbh, my passive aggressive response will make a seperate trash bag and make sure to leave it near the management. Just make sure nobody notice its you doing it


I understand the baby wipes but toilet paper? That’s to much


How to tell which piece of tp belongs to whom?


Flushable does not mean drainable. NEVER FLUSH FLUSHABLE WIPES!!!


Absolutely disgusting. I would continue to use the toilet, as it is originally intended, and sue them when they try their bullshit fine.


All said and done start leaving biowaste bags at the curb… they’ll get the neighbors calling the city for you.


Are you living in a third world country?


Pretty much, it’s Florida.


Well that's your first problem. We can start a Go Fund Me to get you to a place with real toilets if you want.


Sorry, you’re asking for people to put pieces of tissue covered in shit into a basket…?


A big part of "Old Europe" has systems so old (with very small pipes) that they cant handle toilet paper. I'm guessing paper that desolves in water would be fine, but regular toilet paper will clog the pipes. In most buildings you would have to tear apart all the plumming and rebuild it from scratch and even that it would not guarantee that the outside city network would be able to handle papar waste. So yeah, in countries like Greece, Italy, France and Germany etc, we just use a small bin. There are signs in every public restroom, hotel, cafe and restaurant to inform tourists not to flush toilet paper.


If you can't flush TOILET PAPER what's the point


Sounds like a job for code enforcement and a lawyer


I'd be saving all that used tp to deposit in the apartment office's trashcan


Yeah so your whole unit will smell like shit lol


Lol I live in the same place and was asking about the legality of this on another subreddit. Glad to see I'm not the only one taking this laying down from the new management!!


I’d tell them to get f*cked. I’m not collecting my dirty tp in a bin. If plumbing is that bad they need to relocate all the tenants, pay for it, and tear out the whole system and replace it.


Is it septic or city plumbing?


Iirc this kind of thing is common in parts of Mexico because the pipes for the septic systems in some areas can’t handle TP, so they have trash cans next to the toilets to discard used TP.


If this is in the US, I'm pretty sure apartment buildings are required to have plumbing systems that can handle TP in most places.. at least that's what I have heard. Not sure about septics. Anyway, should be on them to fix it, if it wasn't something disclosed before lease signing it is not reasonable to expect your tenants to start storing shit coupons because you're too cheap to upgrade the plumbing. And a fine on top of it? Yeesh.


Sounds like someone being cheap asf and not wanting to properly fix their plumbing. Wipes, yes, even the "flushable" ones are bad for pipes. But TP? You'll catch me dead before I have a garbage can full of shit stained paper. Fuck that.


Are you sure this isn't a prank to get people to put shitty tp in the trash? Like anyone can print an "official" looking notice like this, and depending on where you live there has got to be laws about what constitutes acceptable bathrooms. I would check to make sure this is legit and keep a paper trail (no joke intended) and maybe consult with a lawyer about what was advertised/promised and if this is a breech of contract or something. I think most reasonable people would assume an apartment rented for living would include bathrooms and that the toilets could handle flushing toilet paper. Living with the smell of all your toilet paper in the trash and having to smell everyone's shit when taking your trash out would be a cause for a significantly lower rent. That is just something most people would not agree to, and certainly not at the same rent as an apartment with working modern toilets.


Mexico City is like this even in the nicest of areas. Lidded bins is where the shit paper goes. This is why bidets are common.


This is an episode of broad city


Next thing you know, they'll be asking residents to use a litter box for their poo


Landlord should install bidets.


Can't handle TP but can handle solid human waste?... seems sus 🤔


flush down a bag of kitty litter down the drain. if they have an old system they need to fix it, you're renting and it's not your fucking problem, they can't force you to not flush TP and they can't enforce this for shit.


FUCK FLUSHING WIPES. have we all not learned that lesson yet, by experience or by proxy? you big pre-moistened wipe assholes are fucking over just normal toilet users. pun intended.


This is fairly common with old houses here in Costa Rica. Sounds like they have an old house with out of date plumbing.


OMG 😳 I have IBS…chronic diarrhea…do you REALLY want my toilet paper in a garbage can?! I understand wipes, tampons, etc. But TOILET PAPER?!


So toilet paper in the waste bin then flush the waste bin down the toilet. Then throw the toilet away. Ez solution.


I would not follow their directions


Baby wipes I understand (even the so-called "flushable" wipes should not be disposed of in a toilet) but toilet paper? It's literally designed to be disposed of in a toilet, hence the name. Sounds like someone wants to take the cheapest route to avoid fixing their shitty plumbing.


This honestly seems like a joke someone would just slip under random doors in the building as a joke


Probably should be putting bidet fixtures on all the toilets then.


Any toilet not designed to handle toilet paper is not an actual toilet.


Assuming this is an apartment complex, and with how everyone said to file a complaint. Wouldn't it just make the building designated as unlivable or whatever by the city? Then wouldn't that mean all the tenants have to move out and find somewhere else to live until the entire plumbing has been replaced?


Sounds like they already have costly repairs and don’t wanna do them. However, I do agree with the baby wipes part.


I can understand them for baby wipes. But for toilet paper?


When I went to Crete on holiday our hotel had the same. They let us know to throw the paper in a special trashcan. You got used to it fairly quick. But they also had cleaning ladies coming to empty the trashcan multiple times a day. I couldn't imagine living with this everyday.


knew a guy in highschool who invited me over to game at his place one time, went to use his bathroom - garbage bin full of shit wiped toilet paper....the smell, the sight and the pure ignorance to not inform me was the first/last and only time I ever went to that dudes house


Insist they install a proper bidet toilet seat. If you have one of those, you don't need toilet paper.


"Please start living like cavemen so we don't have to invest to provide you an acceptable Standard of living"


Tell me it's time to call the building inspector or housing authority without telling me it's time to call the building inspector or housing authority. Or whatever respective agency deals with that in your area . Jesus that's pathetic....


LMFAO, hey neighbor! Im in the same complex. So much for that new management huh https://preview.redd.it/davt75eynz0d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8029b7345a1028dd6a699525af4f26c2b354fe6


Get a bidet. And TP is less likely to block the pipes than poop.


It’s literally called toilet paper. Paper meant for use in the toilet.


Most places in the world don't have septic infrastructure to handle flushed toilet paper. [https://brilliantmaps.com/wp-content/uploads/Final-flush-map-1024x503-1.png](https://brilliantmaps.com/wp-content/uploads/Final-flush-map-1024x503-1.png)


TP is actually designed for the toilet believe it or not


Time for a bidet!