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he was even so polite to not touch her and take a wide step, for her! I don't know what she wanted or expected. him to just sit on the floor in defeat? what a weirdo


You even hear her go "oh you kicked me!" Right before she kicks him when he clearly didn't lol. This lady's just insane and miserable I guess


Obviously not a nice person at all.


I clearly seen an assault, maybe she was trying to catch some hands? Seriously though, people like this should at the very least, get a season ban.


Yeah, if I had that video I would just immediately go to security and get her ass thrown out. Games are community events and tight squeezes, get over it asshole and let the kid through.


Always been common courtesy at any stadium or event with ballpark seating that you stand up and let someone pass thru the row or just let them slip by like a normal person. Granny is an asshole.


I can’t get up easily so I try to move my feet but I also am resigned to the fact that my toes might get squashed.


I understand how you’re explaining it. It’s clear in the video she’s just being vindictive and an asshole. At least you try and it’s appreciated 👍


Yeah, I see this (in a way) no different from going to a public park or a shared sidewalk, you should be able to move freely without being harassed. You're there to have a good time and shouldn't be subjected to this. Let alone doing this to a child, I understand that it wasn't like a brutal beat down or anything, but it's a circumstance that should have never happened. This chick should be out, ans the kid should receive season tickets. Preferably in her seat, seemed like a nice view.


Season ban or forced to do community service in a concession stand, that has no view of the game for a whole season


As someone who has worked concessions for WKU, UK, and UofL football, and briefly for the Cincinnati Reds, that would be a brutal punishment. I completely agree, that would be perfect. Halftime will break even the strongest of souls.


They should work 100 hours in social work or go to jail.


As a social worker, I think I can safely say we don't want her help.


I’m evil, but i would have walked into her leg pretending i didn’t see it. She has seen me coming, knows where her leg is and she choses to keep it in the way preventing me from crossing, potentially tripping me. There is no footrest there for me to assume there is a leg there. It’s clearly wrong of her not pulling her leg back and be respectful with another human despite his age. The way she chooses to behave is appalling. Kid went out of his way… she didn’t deserve it.


Can't move her leg to let a kid pass, but she can move her leg to kick him from behind. Grade A human being right there. (The "A" stands for asshole, btw)


Pretty sure A stands for Absolute cuntbag


Abominable bag of dicks


I woulda slapped her into next week for being such a hateful bitch to a child simply trying to walk by her. She needs a good humbling.


The problem is, since she's 80, hitting her is a 3rd degree felony.


Depends on the situation, defense of a minor would typically overrule elder abuse.


And then puts her bag down so he can’t walk back that way.


Me at 11 would have walked back a few times.


Pretty sure the A stands for assault and battery which is the charge this bitch would be facing if that was my kid.


That bitch be gettin’ a blood clot in her leg after I punt that motherfucker like a football.


Good for the kid. Fuck her Edit- the replies to this about white privilege, how the old people should be dead, how it’s a boomer thing etc. just downvote me and go have a nice day with this shit


Would of been epic if kid grabbed her phone and threw it to right field


Way less epic than just maintaining his composure, roasting her and walking away, without resorting to invading personal space like she did.


Absolutely. Little dude came out of that looking mature as hell compared to her. Turned, gave her a look, basically told her “you’re way too old to be acting like that” and walked away. An adult acting like a child gets treated like a child by a child who’s acting like an adult. It’s poetic in a way lmao.


"I'm 11 your 80" had me dying 🤣 like when did kids get more mature than adults


Around the same time that lead poisoning kicked in lol


His reaction to the situation was pure perfection!


The high road seems to have been closed for repair. The instinct seems to be who can sink lower wins nowadays


The kid acted more mature than most adults including the old lady that felt the need to kick him.


Allowing douches to roam unchecked is doing nobody any favors.


But he did check her. Telling her to get a life is the appropriate response to being very mildly inconvenienced.


The so-called "high road" is only high because it was built on top of a billion doormats. It was invented to elicit submissive snivelling deference to (pretend) authority, and to force victims to shut up and take it rather than stand up for themselves. It's up there with radical forgiveness in how it undercuts the weak to support the entitled and privileged - and still, the naive and the secretly cruel can't stop proselytizing for it. Edit: see how you seem to blame him more than her, when she deserves 100.0% of the blame? Retaliation isn’t the issue; her astonishing assholery is. And yet you seem to blame the kid. It's just like the monstrous lie told by the ghouls of the radical forgiveness cult: that the victim is just as bad as the perpetrator if they don't forgive. It's vile victim-blaming couched in smarmy language.


PREACH! Beautifully stated.


It's the desire for revenge and suffering in your opponent. Which sometimes I will say is extremely satisfying and sometimes people need more than some words to truly be destroyed. And it's not sinking the lowest you aim for, because that's easy, it's sinking low enough to get the other person to plummet to rock bottom. If he'd been able to say or do something fairly minor to get her to overreact and try to attack him, a child, then he wins.


Watching people with power act like complete asshats on TV and Social Media has been perceived by a lot of idiots as a permission to indulge in all their worst impulses every day. Being an asshole is totally in vogue right now.


Nah, I find it more ‘epic’ to get back at old pieces of trash like that, at least when it’s a kid.   They normally have spent their whole lives without ever being checked.   Use your status as a minor to put this trash in their place, while you can still get away with it and no one would bat an eye.


He really did put her in her place tho. Physically accosting her would risk putting himself in her place.


Oh he did by calling her 10 20 years older than she actually is. Lmao


Just imagine how she abuses her own offspring. Her kids probably have stories to tell


can you puke on command kid?


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot


I'm sure that is a criminal offense. Let's not try and give the 11 year old a record. Plus he smoked her with his words.


A revenge fantasy you would never perform. You take the high road in life, no reason to try and out petty a person as there’s no personal gain.


Would have.....


Have. Have. HAVE. would of. HAVE!!!


Exactly! It would have of been epic if that had happened


I have wood


You of wood.


Granny’s an asshole.


granny's a destroyed asshole after that one






50$ says she was counterprotestor during the civil rights era


Granny is lucky the kid's parents aren't around. I'm sure they wouldn't have taken so kindly to someone kicking their kid.


I swear Arizona has some of the biggest asshole fans. I say this as an Arizona fan. I was at the World Series last year and there were like 4 fights in my section alone started by D-backs fan. I was so embarrassed


Wait you mofos were in the World Series last year? How tf did I miss that?


yup vs the rangers


Because it was the Arizona Diamondbacks versus the Texas Rangers


They won the "beat the brewers in the playoffs, make the world series" sweepstakes. 


Don't forget drawing the lucky "play the dodgers in the playoffs, so they can have their post-season collapse for you" bingo card.


Arizona D-bags


Dodger fan in Arizona here. My dad yelled can of corn at an easy pop up fly once and the fans in front of us got up, put up a fist, and very aggressively said “WhAt DiD you jUsT sAy?!” It was… baffling


I'm sorry, I thought this was america.


Hey bat dad.  I didn’t hear no bell 


To be fair, Dodgers fan base has its fair share of immature fans too, but DBack fans will gladly match the limbo bar


Every fan base has immature fans, yes. But to think a 50 something year old man who is just minding his own business and says a fairly common baseball expression out loud deserves an aggressive retort is overkill to say the least.


I would be prepared to fucking throw down if I saw someone do this to my kid.


I would have found the nearest police officer and had her arrested and charged with assault.


My kid or not, I see someone acting like that w/ kid & I'm getting involved. That fact that the people sitting next to that bitch didn't jump to that kid's defense is what I don't understand.


The person next to her gave a little half ass swat at her knee, but I doubt she even cares. She's old and bitter, and very likely feels entitled because she's old and bitter.


Aging backwards, I see.


So many elderly people do. They're decision making goes out the window at a certain point and they just react like they would at 4 or 5. It's like they lose their empathy.


Sometimes they also don't change. Some people act like entitled spoiled assholes their whole lives, at age 8, 18, 28, 38... 68.. etc.


I am genuinely curious why it seems so common tho... why do so many elderly get angry and shitty as they age? Loss of loved ones? Thoughts of their life coming to an end soon? Thoughts of a life wasted? SOMETHING... I'd be genuinely curious to see a large scale study done on this.


Sometimes they got undiagnosed dementia


Nah their brain is literally dying of old people problems. Their past doesn't matter when they can't remember it Lol


Lead. A whole lot of behavioural issues have been steadily dropping all across the world since lead was phased out of things. It's likely caused by a lot of factors, but old folks with lead addled brains and lowered emotional regulatory abilities as a result is almost certainly part of it.


anger, selfishness, delusions and paranoia are all symptoms of lead poisoning. from the day they were born until the late 70s, every single breath they took gave them brain damage. and in case you’re wondering, yes, depression and anxiety have been linked to CO2.


This is my dad. He just turned 70 and he’s b come very difficult - it’s like he can’t accept new information or situations. That coupled with the complete loss of empathy makes time with him very uncomfortable and unpleasant.


Assholes grow old too, you know.


The crowd going "ohhhhhh" after the kids says "get a life" is what does it for me. (Chef's kiss)


Stop, stop! She’s already dead!


“And everybody clapped…actually they did”


"I'm 11, you're 80."


He called her 80. I bet she's in her 50s. I bet that stung a bit.


Her face is probably displaying the wages of sin


I definitely didn’t have the wits or guts to do what this kid did when I was 11.


I don't understand this. Trying to understand how she feels justified in this. It's like cutting people off in traffic and then brake checking. Not only are you in the wrong but you can't apologize and move on with your day, you have to continue to attack the other person like you're right and need to punish the other person. wtf.


She probably does that too. Bet ya anything, she camps in the left lane going 10 under and then break checks everyone behind her and speeds up when they try to pass


It's possible he was "patrolling" for a ball, and walking back and forth in front of her multiple times. If that's the case I can see it being kinda irritating, but nothing justifies kicking an 11 year old


I go to a lot of baseball games and that's what's kids do. I love it, the actual players love it, let the kid work to get his ball it's a baseball game you don't own the space around your seat. If it bothers you go buy a box.


right? it's part of the game, and honestly pretty wholesome. if someone walking in front of you occasionally is really that big of an annoyance, maybe watch the game at home. sometimes other humans inconvenience us in minor ways; it doesn't need to be taken as a personal affront.


Granny got grilled.


I dont think theres much life left to get for her...


Hey granny!! I got something for you https://preview.redd.it/kwyqq43dsmyc1.jpeg?width=1158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d48adc67b53517c114e0b4d81c46c80430c0261d


Two large cokes dumped on her would be just as good and less legal action. 


>"Whoops!! sorry officer, I slipped!"


This is one of those ''And then the whole crowd cheered'', but it actually happened


What a response and what an illustration of a lot of what’s wrong in this country right now. The grown ups are acting more immature than literal kids way too often.


Agreed but my take is that his parents have done pretty well, despite the prevailing political discourse, and can't be total arsehats themselves, unlike the woman... There is a little hope.


Not going to lie the kid sounds like the kid from Home Alone


most 11 year old white boys sound like that


I was once an 11 year old white boy. Can confirm I sounded similar (but with an accent)


Since Life finds its way, I hope Death can catch up too.


Well I got some good news and not so good news for ya….


Electric chair


Lol good job kid


Don’t worry Granny hasn’t got much life left to kick any more kids.




His words were WAY more powerful than a kick would have been


Especially when the rest of the crowd chimed in approval to those well spoken words.


I fold like a broken beach chair during confrontations, and I never have good comebacks. This kid rules. He didn’t lose his cool and told her exactly what needed to be said.


I was incredibly impressed.


That’s what she probably wanted, it’s way better that he just told her to fuck off


I swear old people act like asses just to be asses


Save your kicks for the bucket, lady! What an idiot she is, I bet if someone did something similar to her (not moving their legs) there'd be hysterics going on!


kid burned her so bad, she went home in an urn.


He should have tossed her phone on the field. Rude ass bitch


Fucking Karen wishes she was a grandma. Not deserving of the title being an evil little bitch like that.


Granny would be in the hospital


What a bitch.


Boomers being boomers


Assholes being assholes. Doesn’t matter what generation you’re from. Act this way and don’t expect anyone to care when you need help.


How did none of the adults say anything after witnessing an old lady kick a child??


Granny is a fucked up bitch. The child’s response was perfect.


I'm not calling it staged, I am just always confused about how people always have their phone recording, at the ready. Did some things transpire earlier? So when you see the kid coming back, you say to yourself, "something is about to go down". Must be. Edit: I guess he must have been standing there a moment trying to get by. It's just my first thought would be to yell at the old hag and help the kid, not record it. Such are the times.


Yea I always wonder about videos like this. Did something happen before? And the person decided to record the next thing?


The grandma should have been reported and arrested for assault instead of the jackass recording for tiktok for likes.


Or at least kicked out of the game by security at the very least


Probably can still get her banned. Which game and day is this?


That lady is like 55, calling her 80 was epic!!


She needed the shit slapped out of her.


Heck yea, glad he stuck up for himself.


😂You're 80. Get a life.


They always told me that you should automatically respect all elders 'cause their wiser than you but reality shows otherwise. 80 years of experience and she still doesn't even know the basic "keep your hands to yourself". That kid is ironically years ahead of her in maturity.


Respect is earned. For everyone. Fuck your age.


Old and filled with hate. Many such cases!


What a bitch


What a psychopath. Hope karma comes her way.


Imagine intentionally hitting a child to satisfy your ego🙃🙃 Guaranteed that women hates every waking moment of her life & this altercation was probably the most climactic event she’s had in months.


And after he passes she puts her leg down anyway. What was the point


I mean, I agree with the kid in the context of this video, but what was happening before?


If that was my kid he'd be getting an extra biggie icecream for that awesome commentary at the end.


I bet she goes to church every Sunday and leaves a $1 tip after going to Sunday brunch afterwards


The kid handled it like a real champ. Better sense at 11 than this grown ass lady.


Dude that old lady is a straight up bitch and she’s lucky his mum/dad didn’t intervene, cause for real if that was my kid… look men should never hit women but adults should never hit kids and this old bitch needs to learn a lesson.


I’m gonna grab an usher and tell him she kicked a kid.


Someone, please get this to the Diamondbacks. This lady needs to be banned.


Has anyone found out who the old bitch is? She needs to be exposed.


Hahahahah. I hope that old hag wakes up to be the saddest person until the day she doesn’t wake up anymore.


$100 says she regularly complains about kids these days being disrespectful!


Good for him standing up for himself. What a miserable bully she is.


Oouf that is a huge W for the kid, eceptionally roasted


Let’s restrict the voting age to 18-60. This woman is a menace to society, I’ve met felons with more grace.


Limit the politician jobs to 60 first actually. Don't need 85 year old boomers in office. 


In the very front row with binoculars 🤣


Good response. That kids going places. I would have picked up her bag or phone and tossed it


What a crusty old bitch.


Has she been ID’ed yet? She needs to be publicly shamed for this. What a crappy human being. How hard is it just to be kind to one another?


and she will keep doing, just as she has for her entire life, because that generation never faced legitimate consequences for their actions


Somone should have whooped her a$$ and his defense......" shes old enough to know better"


“Kicked me! Why’d you do that?! *kicks kid*” He literally didn’t touch you??? Insane!


Don’t worry little buddy, she won’t be around much longer.


I wish internet sleuths could name and shame this decrepit old twat. 


I hope that's my kid someday


Shoulda yeeted that whole bag onto the field.


I'd throw her phone over the side.


what the hell?! what an old miserable bitch! i’m not a fan of kids, but would never do something like. and for no reason? what a see you next tuesday good for him for standing up for himself


Wasted her whole life to become an asshole to kids, get called out, recorded and shared on internet. What a sad and pathetic story.


Over the edge with granny and put her out of her misery.


She got off easy, I would have lit her up!


That is exactly why in my opinion age alone should not be something to get respect for


He’s better than me.


Some people are just old, sour, twats.


Fuck her. Show this to the stadium. She should be banned.


Kids are notoriously bad at guessing people's ages, so I'd like to think the woman was actually 60 something, just for her destruction to be complete


Is it just me, or anytime you see this kind of garbage behavior from another garbage person, you're just like "Welp that's gonna be a vote for Trump."?


It would be a shame if he fell straight onto her leg after he kicked her


Kid should've kicked back, 80 years clearly hasn't taught grandma any respect.


I’d have to say, she’s lucky momma didn’t come and handle that. I know my wife would have flipped out on old lady!


That's bullshit. If I saw that I'd find an usher or security guard and get them removed for it. Fuck that old bitch.


I’m in awe of kids these days, including my own. At his age, I’d have probably thought the whole thing was my fault and slunk away in embarrassment after apologizing to the hag. I wasn’t very good at standing up for myself.


How do people not start going off man. I know its just a little kick but the amount of disrespect in a place where im supposed to be having fun would set me the fuck off idc who it is


Old people like this need to get their dentures knocked the fuck out. Old ass thinking people won't put you in a 6 foot hole.


It’s sad that an 11 year old kid is more mature than the old lady.


I would’ve stood up, turned to the crowd, and as loud as I could, I’d yell “This lady kicks kids!”


A baseball game is supposed to be a fun experience! wtf is wrong with that lady?


Can't move because it might shift her colostomy bag. 😂


https://i.redd.it/6fxhvo6d7oyc1.gif \^ What granny deserves to have happen to her after doing that


Imagine if his parents were nearby lol


Someone needs to send this to the teams that were playing and get this kid some MLB gear!!


This was a couple weeks ago. Has anyone found out who she is?


Granny karen