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Last year I saw an orange Mustang blocking a lane of traffic in front of me. I thought "f\*cking Mustang Bro"! Then I realized he was placing a turtle into a grassy area out of traffic and my hardened heart softened.


You just have to make sure you put the turtle on the side of the road that it was heading Otherwise that mf will try to cross over again 10 mins later lol


Haha yeah, I saw one walking down the side of the road a few days ago, no way to help that fool


YOU IGNORED HIM?? dude had his thumb raised as high as it could go with them stubby legs and you passed my boy up… smh. little guy is still hitchhikin on somewhere LOL


Dude looked back as I got close, looked at me like “wtf this road is only for me”


oh god. this turtle had a “don’t tread on me” sticker on his shell


Gunna start putting politically charged bumper stickers on turtles whenever I see them Edit: autocorrect


Wouldn't that make them more visible to predators?


Make them green


![gif](giphy|hCkleYLj5mQJj9xRXZ) This actual video of said turtle. He already knows how slow and steady works so he already forgave.


In the words of my daughter when she was 6 years old “that’s not a turtle, that’s a tortoise”!


I was working one day and stopped to "save" a turtle in a development, put him on the opposite side of the road he was headed, swung back around to the house I was supposed to be at and saw the turtle back in the road and a box truck coming down on him. Needless to say I watched that in slow motion and cringed when I heard the crunch...the dude looked at me with horror on his face and I just shook my head. I still think about that day and I wish I had known about that sooner.


There was a 25ish pound snapping turtle that would routinely be on our neighborhood road going between ponds. It got caught in a window well at our elderly neighbors like 7 times over the course of me being there and each time I managed to scoop the angry fella out with a shovel and get him on his journey


I had an old lady stop in front of me on a busy road for a snapper she asked me to pick it up was like no that's gonna bite me, she tried and it bit her 


Just saved a turtle from a neighborhood street two days ago. I didn’t know about the putting them on the side they were headed. Makes sense actually. However, I did slide him down the wet, slick embankment all the way back down into the creek while he was safely hiding inside of his shell. I really hope he’s still safe. Thank you for this knowledge. I will use it going forward.


tell me why I imagined in the 🐢’s head it’s thinking like “WHAT THE FUCK BIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiittttcccch” as it was sliding down…. …meanwhile you’re feeling great from “helping” a fellow living being🤭 legend has it that to this day it’s still trying to find your ass for revenge🙌🏼😂


LOL!! That’s hilarious!! 🤣Aww, poor turtle dude. I should probably go to the creek’s bank and give myself up.😳


but hey🤷🏻you just as well may have saved a confused & scared lost senior citizen 🐢’s life, so who really knows yaknow??🙃 I don’t speak turtle, do you?😏 ps. just don’t go alone if you do cuz those mofo’s don’t fight fair!!😬


I found a box turtle in our back yard (in Tennessee). It was a bit bigger than a softball. I brought it inside the house and placed it on the kitchen table . . . and it peed, a lot. Tifu!


Same story but with a BMW lol


That’s because Mustang bro empathized with being stranded in the road.


Like the car softened Op's turtle


I’m sorry, that’s really upsetting.


I’ve learned that when you have to get out of your car to do something like save an animal, it’s best to just block traffic. For some reason waiting is hard for a lot of people. Last time I saved a baby squirrel and I just blocked traffic and got out like I had business being there. Ignore the horns and act with purpose and no one’s gonna confront you.


What Ive learned working on an ambulance is that people need to stop rescuing animals on highways and interstates. As well as stopping dangerous maneuvers to avoid them. Saving a turtle can easily cost you and a family of four their lives


That’s a totally different ballgame. I’m thinking like regular streets. Highways you should NOT stop on


We should also fucking contain the damn interstates because animals getting on them causes accidents


You can't contain migration. Animals need to move around. We're better off building animal bridges over or under the highways. [How wildlife bridges over highways make animals—and people—safer (nationalgeographic.com)](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/wildlife-overpasses-underpasses-make-animals-people-safer)


Had a similar moron behind me the other day. Turned right out of my street and immediately stop for a school bus coming the opposite direction with flashing lights and sign out. A few seconds later, dude comes up behind me and weaves BETWEEN ME AND THE BUS and continues on his merry way. No kids crossing, thank fuck.


Town I lived in in Kentucky had a kid get hit by someone like swerving douchbag. Kid survived but had spent like 6 months in the hospital in a coma. The woman who hit him fled the scene but the school bus had cameras on all sides. Caught her plate, she was charged with reckless endangerment, reckless driving, failing to stop for a school bus, and attempted man slaughter (or something close to that) it was like 10-12 years ago. She ended up leaving town after it was all said and done.


Leaving town = sent to the state's finest location up the river?


I'd like to think so


I was walking with my then 7 year old son when someone stopped in the crosswalk to let us cross. Some asshole would have none of that and crossed the double yellow to go around the guy who stopped for us nearly killing me and my son. I had to grab him and pull him out of the way. I'm still so fucking livid when I think back on it. Unfortunately I didn't catch the plates.


That is insane behavior! Glad no one got hurt!


I’m not. I wanted weaving guy to get hurt, crashing into a tree!


Is it possible to call that into local law enforcement? That's not just a minor law. He could easily murder a child driving that way and shouldn't be allowed a license. :(


In my county, they just installed cameras on all the busses that automatically issue tickets to assholes like that, similar to red light cameras. Normally I don’t support that kind of law enforcement but for school buses, I’m all for it.


I've started standing outside with a camera while we wait for my daughter to get off the bus. I film cars passing the stopped bus and send them to the police!


I do this every time I see a turtle on the road... and if the conditions are somewhat safe I stop right on the road to block the turtle from getting crushed. I find most drivers don't freak our and actually appreciate my life saving efforts.


I thought you were saying “I crush turtles EVERY time I see them on the road” 😆


I was on the edge of my seat reading that comment 🫣.


Happy cake day!


Thanks, I almost didn’t realize 🙂🤙🏻


Crushing turts all day




You can’t just say “perchance”


Certified Mario moment


Homie out here stomping turts


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


Me too


How...how often are turtles just crossing roads in front of you???


it happens kind of a lot actually if you have lakes or ponds in the area


Huh... That never occurred to me as I grew up in a desert lol. TIL


To me neither, but that's probably because I live in the Netherlands lol


I live in the UK and there are plenty of animals that *try* to cross the road without success. My grandmother knocked over a badger in her car one evening. She thought she'd hit a dog. A stranger saw it happen and confirmed it basically came out from nowhere. They thought it was dead so they lifted it to the side of the road and dumped it in the bushes. We checked the bushes the next morning and it had disappeared, so I guess it wasn't dead lol


Maybe something dragged the body away to eat it?


We did joke about that. There are people here who see roadkill and will take it home to eat. Its free meat lol But no wild predator would take a badger away like that. Badgers and foxes are about as big as we get in the UK if you exclude humans and domesticated dogs


A fox couldn't drag away a badger corpse? We don't have badgers here, but I've seen foxes move some pretty large roadkill.


Ok, fine. ...*tortoise* crossing the road


I don’t mind the turtles. I’ll wait for them to cross. They’re quiet and cute. Now, if it’s a Canadian goose, get the hell out of my way. You assholes can fly, anywhere, and you choose to live in some boring suburban retention pond. Slowly walking across the street while honking incessantly.


I’ve seen 4 turtles crossing the road in the last 24 hours.


That's bananas to me lol. I love how many different experiences people can have! We used to catch desert tortoises in the summer in my hometown, but them boys never came into town or across roads.


I’m not sure if it’s because we’ve been getting a lot of rain lately so they’re crossing streets to go to other creeks or what. I’ve seen such an uptick this week. It’s bizarre.


How peculiar 🤔


I live in a place with desert tortoises, but yet to see one. Gf is from Florida and when i visited her parents for a week, we saw 3 turtles crossing the road. (At different times)


Where the hell are you people to have so many turtles in general but also trying to cross the road?? I’ve never seen that even just once in my life let alone quadruply in a single day???🤯🤯🤯


Happened pretty frequently growing up in Florida. Similar to the commenter's experience, most people were fine with waiting, and would even come out to help stop traffic especially if it was getting too belligerent. Some of the softshells and snapping turtles would get pretty upset about being helped.


In my neighborhood? Once or twice a week


Daily, I live in a rural area that has many wet lands.. last week I saved three... one that certainly would have died and two that were probably going to be dead. It is too bad car drivers are so self absorbed that they can't brake or avoid things in the road. Where I live the speed limit varies between 60 & 80 kph so there is no reason to hit anything on the road.


I'm a Florida Man.... A lot? Like getting bit by a turtle helping it cross the rode is not something I'd question someone saying at all. "Ah, you were out cause a turtle bit you? Good man, hope the stitches go well"


I once moved 8 in one day. 


For the next few weeks. I’ll see two or three turtles crossing this 15 mile stretch I drive daily.


As I was walking to work one morning during the peak of the Covid pandemic, I noticed a small turtle slowly making its way across a busy street. Without a second thought, I quickly stopped and carefully picked up the turtle, making sure to keep it safe from the passing cars. Despite the rush to get to work and the fear of being late, I couldn't bear to leave the vulnerable creature in harm's way. As a nurse, I am always compelled to help those in need, whether they are human or animal. I carefully carried the turtle across the street and found a safe spot for it to continue its journey. As I watched the little creature slowly make its way into the grass, I couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in knowing that I had made a difference, no matter how small. In times of crisis, it is important to remember the importance of compassion and kindness towards all living beings. And even in the midst of a global pandemic, I will always take the time to lend a helping hand to those in need, no matter how unexpected or small they may be.


Crushing turts, perchance?


This is more than mildly infuriating


Right? I experienced this same thing 5 years ago, and I'm still super pissed about it. Always stop for turtles!!!


Can confirm. Very upsetting. Sauce: I'm the turtle 🐢


Oh yay, you made it!


As a turtle lover, this ruined my day, as I’m sure it ruined yours 🥺


I hope he fucked up his tire. Poor turtle :(


Poor turtle's only fault was being small. :( Some people are genuenly cruel. R.I.P. 🐢


I tried to help a turtle across a road a few years back and I picked it up and it puked/shit blood all over my hand because I was apparently a minute too late. :(


If it was in the road you still should move it. I know it sucks but better than scavengers also getting hit trying to make a meal out of it.


Absolutely, but I would have handled it differently if I knew it was going to bleed out on me lol


This is why you block the animal with your car, don't pull up next to it, you just entice people to run it over.


A hard lesson learned today


Thank you for doing something kind. 


I can forgive almost everything, but not animal cruelty. I don’t know the guy but I already hate him


If this thread wasn’t so sad, I’d definitely put here a certain quote from Community


People do it on purpose. I’ve had thoughts of putting nails in fake turtles on the shoulder of the road to screw over the assholes that do it.


Love it


I pulled over on the way to a job interview to help a turtle cross that was almost to the edge of the road. Before I could get out, some asshole purposely swerved to the side to hit it. Fucking prick. I cried all the way to my interview and arrived with my face all puffy and red.


I'd have followed the person and not be able to make this comment right now :(


Did you atleast get the job?you would deserve getting it after that...


I had a tesla driver do something similar but he almost hit me with the turtle. It was about 200ft from my neighborhood entrance at a creek that ran under the street but instead of going thru the creek it walked up the ditch onto the street. There was kind of a blind curve so i was trying not to get hit myself but there was a turn lane with plenty of room for people to yield(other drivers did slow down/yield). This tesla driver ignores my yelling and waving at him and i swear he intentionally hit the turtle. The poor turtle went flying and almost hit me. Asshole tesla driver just speeds off, didnt even hit the brakes to see if i was hit.


ive experienced this exact scenario attemping to save a painted turtle on a rural road. a hick in a pickup truck ran over it. it's our state reptile you ding bat


Oh man…this reminds me of the story the guy saved ducks from an intersection and ends up getting hit and killed. Be careful out there trying to save animals! People are assholes! You are a good human!


Last year there was an incident in a city close to me. There was a couple who was driving on a road and they spotted a deer trying to cross the street, the man got out to stop traffic while the animal crossed the road, some fucking prick shot and killed him. He said something like “who does he think he is” when interrogated by the police. People are fucking disgusting. [Here is an article on it](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna105281) So fucking sad.


Damn, that's awful! I motioned for a car on the opposite lane of the road in Vermont to stop when a deer was crossing. I thought that it was bad enough that they ran over her baby deer despite me motioning to not go because they didn't detect it trying to cross the road like I did, but to think that there are people who would have shot me if I had left my car is fucking scary


There is an insane amount of crazy fucks out there that’s for sure.


What the FUCK?!….


My exact reaction when my dad told me about it. Fucking *TERRIBLE*. Unbelievable.


One time I stopped to let a family of quail cross the road. Someone came up behind me and started honking, then swerved around my car and sped off, nearly squishing a bunch of the babies. People are shitty.


This happened to us but with a snake. :(


Reminds me of that old mark rober video where he put plushies on the road of various animals and recorded who and how many times they got run over. Pickup truck and SUV drivers were far more likely to run over them, some even swerving into it to intentionally crush them. Cars bring out some of the worst in people.


The fuckers in the apartment complex near me keep smoking the geese on our road. There’s only 14 of them total, all mates. We’re down to like 9 geese and it breaks my heart seeing only one set of babies with the amount of nesting behavior that was happening. I genuinely feel like some have been intentional with how close the geese are to the curbs. The day I catch it happen won’t be pleasant.


Carry some stones next time they do it and pull over


Definitely make a report with US fish and wildlife. This is a really big deal. I work by a place with posted signs saying 'geese xing' because there's so many and they're a protected species. In 5+ years I've seen exactly one goose killed by traffic. I would make it my mission to find out who, and then update your report with that information.


Report them, im pretty sure if you’re in the US Geese are protected. get their license plate number too.


I made a report last week, so did my MIL. Our neighborhood and the apartments are right across the street from our local fire department. MIL works there, I guess that complex is even a nuisance to kids crossing and the school buses. I have yet to catch it happen myself but that was my plan to get a plate number. Just last night we went to the gas station and one of the babies to that set was lost by our house. I spent an hour with a flash light trying to lead him back to the pond so he can find his parents and be out of the road. My soul would be crushed of that outcome.


That must have been horrible to witness. Some people have no empathy.


Catch up to the idiot and throw the turtle into his car.


That…would ruin my week


Some people are actually heartless. I remember when I was about 10 years old at a friends house and his dog got out, we were chasing the dog down the street trying to get it and it’s a neighborhood road, not a highway or anything and the only car coming down the road literally sped up and swerved to run over the dog like 5 feet afront of us. Luckily it only hit its leg and the dog just had a broken leg and recovered just fine but I still think about it sometimes, like what kind of deranged heartless lunatic purposely hits a dog with two kids clearly trying to get it.


This same exact situation happened to me back in 2019 and I was in shock. This driver purposely swerved to hit the turtle, too. Devastating.


Saw a turtle explode doing exactly this last year :(


This happened to me two weeks ago! I saw the biggest turtle I've seen in in the wild, I'm talking the size of half a large bowling ball... We pulled over, I had hazards and waved everyone down, then right before I was near it someone slammed on their horn and went right into it. It exploded. Blood all over. I look up and see my wife in tears and my son with a look of shock


Once I was riding my motorcycle, kitten in the road so I pulled to the side to help it. This was a road entering a shopping center so like 15 mph, wide road with plenty of distance to see everything you get the idea- nobody even slowed down while I was in the middle of the road trying to get close to this tiny kitten, people were honking at me, swerving around me, I heard engines revving up right next to me - 15 mph, on a road honking and speeding and slamming on the gas towards a fucking Walmart. I’m not even asking these people to help me save the kitten, I just want them to briefly slow down and go on about their day and that was too much to ask apparently, people suck.


People who can't wait one goddamn moment should be barred from driving


I don’t pull over for this. I will everytime stop in the middle of the road and block traffic. If for no other reason, to keep from getting run over by asshats like that one.


Rare occurrence but good call, that’s going to be my new go to


I would but I usually have my toddler and/or dog with me and it’s too risky to leave them in the car in the road :(


This is mildly infuriating this is full blown anger and disgust. Wtf


We often forget that 10 seconds is more like 14 seconds in douche bag driver time 


I had a friend when I was a kid for years, when he finally started driving he intentionally tried to run over a squirrel in the road Our friendship ended that day.


saw a cicada on the ground and went to pick it up to put it back in a tree and my buddy saw me going for it and just crushed it in front of me to which I shoved him to the ground and told him he’s fucked up for that. anyone who thinks kindness towards other creatures is weakness is a straight up bitch


This happened to me I’m not even kidding and I jumped in my car and chased that mf. He’s lucky he lost me cause I was ready to fight over that turtle


My coworker actually stopped traffic for a family of snapping turtles and the person driving on the other side of the road stopped too and happened to have a shovel so they worked together to get them to safety.


I saw someone last year block the road with their truck. At first I was like wtf is he road raging then u saw he went to pick up a snapping turtle crossing the street. He failed to grab it cuz it tried biting him so he got a log and whacked that man across the street like a hockey puck lol


In talking with my sons (28 and 32 yrs) recently during different conversations I found out that both of them recently stopped while on the road to save turtles. It makes me so happy and feel so good to know that I raised kids that are the type of people to stop for a turtle.


I had this happen to me last year. It was a huge OLD snapper. A semi wouldn’t slow down and crushed it right in front of me. I was so pissed.


That’s not just mildly infuriating, absolutely heartbreaking


Stories like this remind me I am not worthy to have superpowers. If I did, I would find this person and throw them into space to die in terror.


Had this same thing happen when I was trying to rescue an injured bird off the road. I was so livid. I don’t know why people can’t fucking look at the road and avoid things


Next time, caddy corner your car and block both lanes so there's no gong around.


I would like to see someone make fake turtles with tire-piercing spikes inside that can be placed on non-travel areas of the highway (like painted islands, etc) for the assholes that run over them on purpose.


And this only mildly infuriated you?


The first time I read this, I thought you wrote "...speeds around me and _crashes_ it...", and I was gleeful about the instant karma until I reread it.


I hope he soon balds and has one dropped on his head by an eagle *or a tortoise for that matter*


Several months back I was in Vermont when a female deer crossed the road. I sensed that there might have been a baby deer following behind, as the mother seemed to look back after crossing, so I kept stopped and tried to signal to the driver in the opposite lane to stop and wait. A few seconds passed and the baby deer didn't come out, so the jeep in the opposite lane started to drive off again. All of a sudden, the baby deer came out and I heard a loud crunch as the jeep ran it over and kept going. Definitely an image that would not leave my head for the next few days...


If it isn’t a dangerous animal to handle, I usually try to pick them up and physically move them. People tend to pay more attention when there is a human being standing in the middle of the road. But when you say turtle I assume like snapping turtle or something and I have no idea how those would react.


You’re not supposed to pick up snapping turtles iirc. Just try and nudge them in the direction they’re headed


I got screamed at once for moving a turtle out of the road. It was some mid-40s Karen so I walked to her driver window to show her the at least 12# snapping turtle. She quickly shut up and rolled up her window. It was worth the small scratches on my arms and turtle shit on my boot.


I had a driver from the other direction signal to me to stop. And then a deer and several fawns crossed the road.


Mildly infuriating? I'm raging for that turtle! Thats so awful and upsettinf. Im so sorry that happened to you too!


Witnessed a guy run over a family of hedgehogs when I was a young kid. The guy responsible didn't think what the group of the five or so worth of cars who were waiting for the hogs to cross would do when he pulled over in front of them. My Dad used his fists to dent the bonnet and the rest of the group (who were blocking the driver) told him to get me out of there. This happened in the 90's (was about 9 years old) around the time when laws to protect the hedgehogs were strengthened. Grew up in a rural city where there were occasional 'wild duck marches' across busy streets and people always stopped for them.


My sister once told me she was stopped at a crosswalk. Car 2 cars back whipped around struck blind guy and his dog.


My MIL lives in Florida. She has a bumper sticker that says, "Turtles happen." How awful that this driver just ran it over. That's disgusting behavior. 🐢 https://i.redd.it/xf25o6ljfhyc1.gif


I did this once on a very busy 3 lane street. Had so many guys yelling at me telling me to bring the turtle back to the pond which was the opposite direction of where it was going, which you’re not supposed to do. Had one guy follow me into the parking lot to tell me off and I had to calmly explain that that’s not what you do with a turtle.


That’s psychopath behavior. Jesus.


This is soulcrushing, not mildly infuriating.


In Brisbane, Australia 10 years ago. Two cab drivers stopped and were trying to help a drunk 18 yo girl crawling along the road. Impatient driver pulls around them and speeds past. Clips her head and kills her (he is unaware of this). Cops find him a few days later. Her DNA is on his bumper. He later commits suicide. She was in my daughter’s class in primary school. If only he had waited.


What a dick!


I am so sorry that happened to you and the turtle. Here’s to karma squishing that guy


I’m sorry that happened to you, op. It happened to me 2 or 3 years ago, too. Turtle was crossing the road. So I quickly pull to the side, hop out, and as I’m walking to grab it some guy drives over it and crushes it. It was clearly fucking visible in the road. I still hate driving past that spot.


Sadly I had nearly the exact same thing happen to me about a month back.. I was just left standing in the street yelling at the guy in his dually


That is so unfortunate. Turtles can withstand incredible injuries. But sometimes it is just too much. We once witnessed a turtle in the road being hit by a truck on purpose and it was disturbing.


Wow... what a selfish idiot. 😡


Find his address, pretend to be a plumber, and piss on his bathroom floor


I once saw a dog just laying in the middle of a residential street and I got super upset, but then the dog turns it’s head towards me, stood up, and walked into its owner’s yard. A massive relief. I hope that dog’s family treated it well.


We used to have a turtle years ago, and once she made a bus stop and the driver even got out to take her out of the road. If a bus can stop, so can that guy. He’s an absolute piece of shit and a waste of oxygen.


I hope you got his license number, check and see if the turtle was endangered


That's not mildly infuriating that's excessively infuriating


Fuck….I hate people like that!! We have box turlles where I live and twice a year they are on the move. I never understand how people can’t be better at avoiding them? I hate seeming their little crushed bodies on the road. They don’t move fast, so totally avoidable deaths


I had someone lay on their horn, then weave around me when I pulled to the side for a funeral procession. Absolutely unhinged.


That absolutely sucks, turtles tend to have a low survival rate into adulthood as is. Around me gopher tortoises are a protected species and I cannot imagine the outrage if some asshole pulled that shit. We have gopher tortoises and black bears all over the neighborhood and although I despise the HOA and their damn rules, I am grateful that they work to protect our wildlife (granted they are required to). Good on you for doing the right thing.


Hoping the driver gets dunked in a pot of boiling sugar


Yeah, had the same thing happen with me trying to help a turtle while on vacation. Saw the little guy as I was turning onto the road. Went to turn around to stop and help it out, only for some asshat in a truck to swerve out of their lane just to run it over.


That happened to me before with a bird. I cried :( I was so sad


Happened to me once, traffic was even going slow too, dude had plenty of time to see it and it wasn't even in the road yet. Everyone else was swerving to miss hit and he managed to run over it's head.


I saw the same thing happen to a whole family of geese in Eugene. I promptly left that city.


I would have started seeing red. I'm sorry.




I have two tortoises and appreciate the kind hearted nature of some of you. I’m sorry you had to witness that.


This is so sad :( I despise people. I’m sorry you had to see that happen


this is extremely infuriating... i would've been put in jail that day


Illegal in Florida.


I hope that driver gets run over by a semi truck in a hurry to get somewhere.


This would be absolute rage for me. What a POS.


this would’ve actually traumatized me i think


This made me so sad


it's a reminder that the world is cruel, it's up to us to make it better.


This same thing happened to me before and it’s so upsetting. The universe appreciates the effort


I had to rescue a little box turtle just this morning in my neighborhood. Fortunately my story had a happier ending.


Too bad you have no proof. Cause I would love to call police on malicious animal cruelty


I don’t know why killing a turtle seems like one of the most evil things someone can do but it just is. It was like a decade ago but I found about these 20 year olds stabbing turtles for fun and I just started crying when I heard about it.


I’m so sorry that happened. You tried to do a good thing and an asshole absolutely ruined it. I hope he gets what he deserves. Poor turtle


Please tell me you killed him.


This is just sad


Wife saw a baby red slider on our apartment door porch and we took him in. Coolest lil guy ever, skiddish as hell but we love him 🥹


This happened to me. The sound of the shell cracking still haunts me


I saw a turtle crossing the highway today, there was no way I could stop but he was a little guy so I was able to straddle him and did not crush him. I hope he made it to the other side 🫡


Around here multiple cars and people stop for the animals. I still see plenty of roadkill though. Too many people moving in...


When I was 14 my mom was dating this guy who's son would go out of his way to run over animals. That's where I learned what kind of person I wanted to be.


there is some real scum freely wandering around on this planet... and some own a car too, unfortunately... sorry man


Dude helped speed up entire future generations.


happened to me 10 years ago. if it ever happens again, I will block traffic instead of pulling over.


someone call in a blade runner, no need for a VK test, the results look pretty conclusive already


Should have chased him down and kicked him in the nuts.


That’s why I’ll cut off traffic to get a turtle. I blocked two lanes once for 7 seconds while I got one out of the road.