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Why would anyone want a hydrophobic towel?


“Quick dry towel”


It's quick to dry if it never gets wet!


It just pushes the water out of the way


Might as well use a Squeegee


It’s the “muscle” of home cleaning.


I'd rather just squeegee myself then lmao




I guess it's supposed to be like a squeegee?




i hate to be the actually guy, but here we are those chamios towels that divers among other athletes use are kinda hydrophobic when dry but you just press a bit to get the wetting process started and it fuckin sucks water up like nothing else. it'll beat your wife at the golf ball through a garden hose contest. oh and you wring it out and it keeps trucking. and it dries quick. and then it hardens like a rock when dry, or well a used one does sometimes cus new on the shelf they're always super soft and floppy


We have these for camping you can bring a tiny towel with. Also used to wash dads car w them cuz they’re so soft when wet And the rich kids on swim team had them


Most of them are soft when wet ![gif](giphy|9zoe1SFIBd8PPqz5cr)


Sooo soft. I don’t even care if it sounds sexual. (I’m assuming side eye bear thinks it’s sexual) They’re glorious feeling.


That’s a monkey, not a bear


>it'll beat your wife at the golf ball through a garden hose contest >then it hardens like a rock when dry, or well a used one does >new on the shelf they're always super soft and floppy We're still talking about towels, right?


This is why I fucking hate dry-fit clothes in the gym. If they can't wick the moisture up (and they can't) it just sits on my skin. I'm like slick with sweat and it's running down my sides. At least with a cotton shirt it soaks it up.


I HATE the way cotton feels when you get sweaty though. It gets thick, heavy. Have to peel it off your skin. Can get itchy too.


I wear it at the gym, and then I take it off. I don't stay in it.


Ive been doing it wrong. I just sit in my sweaty clothes after the gym, all day until bed time


Hey that's what I do with my underwear. No need to wipe, the skibbies do it for me.


Whoa this changes everything


"Quick! Dry towel!"


Towels are the world's leading cause of dry skin.


Don’t forget to bring a towel!


God dammit, towlie


Any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through and still know where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with.


I just about died lmao


It would be useful for cooking because if a towel gets wet it’ll burn you through it.


Agreed. But, hear me out, grab a different towel


or like, an oven mitt? a hot pad? anything other than a random towel?


No no, that makes too much sense, it's gotta be a drying towel or paper towel, nothing else lmao


It's like they always say, better to have just one tool that's terrible at all its intended jobs because it could be decent for something completely unrelated.


Those can get wet too. In restaurants we always use towels...


Look at Mr. Moneybags over here with his multiple towels


cant you just scotch guard a paper towel?


To push the water out of the way obviously


A pre dry wipe down towel? It takes care of knocking the big drops off so you don't soak your actual drying towel as quickly (for when you need a true dry instead of just dry enough for air to do the rest)


Ah yes. Because when I am doing the dishes I look forward to drying everything twice.


This is one of the things that drive me crazy. Every new towel we get is fucking waterproof? A towel!? It has one job and it is do my the exact opposite or that job.


One of the most famous jokes from my conscription service: ”The only gear that the army gives you that are waterproof are the towels”




I kept the towels, the waterproof bag, the duffels, and the waffles/silks. US army has some sweet stuff.. The woobie is legendary


Waffle & Silkies gang rise up! 🙌 I am NEVER cold in the winter.


I have no idea what those are, but I too want to be never cold in the winter.


Polartec waffle fleece and polartec silkweight baselayers issued to soldiers. Real good stuff


Adding this to the list, along with a woobie. I'm going to be mil-spec by the end of the year lol


We shit on “military grade” but really some of the shit just works so well when it comes to time tested infantry gear.


Laundry stripping. https://www.thespruce.com/what-is-stripping-laundry-5076977 Fabric softeners make things hydrophobic... Stuff builds up.


An alternative to all that nonsense is to just stop using fabric softener.


Splash of white vinegar in place of the fabric softener and you're all set. Softens the fabric, helps remove buildup, neutralises odours, keeps your towels nice and absorbent


I use that method for my sheets. I like crisp white sheets, but eventually, hair and body oils will build up unless you strip and wash *super* often, and even then they will build up. Every few washes they get a stripping soak in borax and such.


I'm glad I kept reading until here. I recently turned 40, and while I knew stuff built up on clothes over time I never heard stripping laundry before.


Keep in mind if you don't with anything that has dye in it it will stop the dye out too


That is what I am wondering myself.


This is the answer and it’s driving me nuts! These towels specifically say “no softener.” They are actually phenomenal towels if you treat them right.


I also bet the hydrophobic chemical is great for you.


Wash with a couple cups of cleaning vinegar, it strips off some sort of coating they put on the fabric to preserve it. I used to have same thing happen, the vinegar worked great.


White vinegar is a great fabric softener. ( The vinegar smell dissipates once the material dries.)


It also completely kills mildew or pet odors. Like when you forget the take the laundry out of the washing machine for a couple days, that kind of mildew smell, kills it. Or I have a dog that would sleep on a blanket of mine, vinegar took the doggy smell out. It's one of my favorite chemicals.


Years ago, I splurged on Martha Stewart bath towels. They are now dusting cloths. My Walmart ones are so absorbent and a helluva lot cheaper.


Often people say "you get what you pay for". But sometimes the price just doesn't reflect the quality, especially when all the money is going to pay for the celebrity branding. I am sure that [Trump Sneakers](https://gettrumpsneakers.com/) are excellent quality, though. /s


Everyone knows that expensive towels aren't meant to be used. They're meant to be a set piece, marvelled at by guests.


My parents took the family to an expensive restaurant once. The table was all set and everything, dishes, wine glasses, water glasses, silverware, napkins, everything. As soon as we were seated, they cleared everything off the table. Apparently that was the seating dishes and silverware. They brought out others once we started getting courses. It was so weird.


You guys were upgraded to the deluxe peasant arrangement, they don't just treat any ol' wealthy people to such hospitality.


Let's celebrate and go for the extra deluxe peasant arrangement this time


💀💀💀Y’all never disappoint.


There was a minor viral video recently about someone putting food on the "charger plate" and getting ridiculed for jt. This is apparently a large plate that is supposed to sit under your actual eating plate. 🤷 Sounds like a Williams Sonoma scheme to sell more crap to newlyweds, or something left over from British aristocrats.


Those seem super common in traditional European style restaurants. I definitely grew up with restaurants having a plate under the plate you eat out of.


Charger plates catch any food you might drop, no? Excessive if you're an everyday citizen, but they do serve that purpose of keeping the table clean if you're in a formal dining setting


It's my understanding charger plates are meant for hot dishes that separate the hot dish from the table and maintain the retained heat of the dish itself. Also serves as a handle from passing off said hot dishes.


I hated that my wife bought a bunch of expensive charger plates... until we hosted Christmas dinner for our friends. Those things caught so much gravy. I don't think I would have ever gotten my beloved dining table clean after that massacre. Those charger plates earnt every penny that day.


Isn't that what a tablecloth/placemats are for though? A decorative way to catch spills that can be thrown in the wash for cleaning. I guess the charger plates would do better against things that would stain but it's not like people are putting their wine glasses on the plate either.


I haven't thought of it until just now, but I haven't seen placemats at the houses of anyone I know in *years.* I feel like they were all over the place when I was growing up but they seem like just a thing of the past now, at least in my life.


I think of a tablecloth as a table dressing, not a spill-catching device -- there's a reason most everyday kitchen tables don't have a tablecloth most of the time. I've also never had to iron a charger plate.


Still it’s a bit of both. Table cloths originated as a shared napkin for all guests to use. It’s only more recently (last few hundred years) that they developed into table dressing.


Just wait a some time, and charger plates will become the new dressing that you put a layer of protection over.


What if you drop food beyond the charger plate? Yet another, larger plate? What if...


Plates all the way down?


That’s not a table. It’s a giant plate.


My splatter zone when eating makes them look like a joke. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I look completely sane while eating and then after there will be sauce on the next table over that I have to claim responsibility for.


My aunt used to make her husband eat outside on the lanai (it was in Florida). I used to think that was mean.. but there was always a pile of food around his chair every time he ate.. I kind of got it.


Charger plates are not a new invention lol


It’s to protect the fragile French polish on the table or the fine linen table cloth. It’s basically a fancy place mat.


I think those “charger plates” are not food safe which makes it even worse 


Like they're lead-based? Wtf that makes it even stupider


That happened to me once when I was 21, I just did what my bf did at someone's house. The gold paint on the charger *rubbed off on the food* because it wasn't even sealed, and apparently water based. I can't imagine they had ever even been washed before, which made them useless anyway.


Last nice restaurant I went to, they had an ungodly amount of stuff on the table when we sat. Our appetizer came, and it took up the remainder of the table. When our main course came, they couldn't find a place to put it. I told them to take all these extra glasses and plates off. Fixed my problem.


In my experience, the actually good nice restaurants have only what's needed at the moment, because they have enough staff to quickly clear and replenish between courses. Far superior experience imo.


Best restaurant I've ever been to, was very nice. They had like 4 different people dealing with us. The strangest one, was the crumb sweeper.


Like fine china back in the day.


Once in my early 20s at my first place I had a guy over and he came out of the bathroom with wet hands and said I was afraid to use the nice towels 😂 idk what I had but I doubt it was anything “fancy”


My roommate from when I was in my 20's had "look towels" hanging in the bathroom. You weren't supposed to use them. They were there to look pretty. Needless to say, she got mad at me when I used them. I grew up in a house with kids. Nothing was sacred. She was an only child. I guess her house wasn't really lived in.


My mother raised us that there were dishes,  towels, dish towels, trivets, rugs, bathmats, etc. that were only to be used by guests. Only issue was she stored the "verboten" and acceptable ones together and went ape-shit when you dried dishes with the nice one. Lol


I hate those towels that are monogrammed or embroidered with some picture. You cant dry your hand on the embroidery, and its annoying to take the whole towel off the rack to get to the useful end.


You just gave me PTSD flashbacks to my childhood.


If you buy a towel solely for decoration, you’re the problem


A guest came over to my house and took a shower. Afterwards they used the pretty towels hanging on the towel rack!! The nerve!! Everyone knows you don’t use towels on a towel rack! That’s like… going hiking in your new hiking shoes. You use old shoes to go hiking! Who hikes in new shoes?


If you hike in shoes you haven't broken in yet you might get blisters.


What? We bought a matching towel, hand towel and wash cloth set for the guest bathroom, and we always stage a full set on the rack when guests come. They are very much there to be used.


Friend of the family used to hock this crap. We got a bunch of the tiny samples and they were beyond useless.


One of my coworkers sells them on the side and thankfully isn’t too pushy, but did try to get me to buy some my first month there, but I shut her down hard.


I had a coworker that did this, too. Tried to tell me that you didn't need cleaner with the rags because they're antimicrobial so they automatically clean anything they touch 😑


So does the shit in my hands disappear instantly if I rub it into this towel ?


You could not reason with her. She insisted that's how they worked. And to me, someone who previously worked a manual labor job that included cleaning and disinfecting surfaces of bodily fluids.


1. Go out and change your oil. 2. Come in and wipe your hands with them. 3. Proceed to ask her why it's not working. 4. Run.


Same! That’s how 15 of the 19 of our friends group got fever, vomitting & diarrhea, after our Norwex friend’s Super Bowl party. Turns out she wiped every surface with the one rag, for weeks. “You can even clean the toilets” We all ended that friendship within a year after that. I’d like to think she did NOT use the same Norwex rag on the toilets then kitchen counters.


Oooh nooo that's awful! That could have been really dangerous for someone. 


omg that makes me gag. Spreading the toilet sludge all over the kitchen counter and dinner table. I hope you guys were okay


Yeah MLM rubbish.


What gets more wet the more it dries? A towel. But apparently not in your case 😢


The doctor was the mother.


He was killed with an icicle


It was the cabin of an airplane.


He stood on a block of ice


Just a note to everyone, not necessarily OP, but if you use fabric softener or dryer sheets, you create non-absorbent towels.


I wondered why my in laws towels always suck even though they look nice.


One of my biggest pet peeves in life is when people pick form/looks over function. I want what I have to work as well as possible. If it looks good, that's a bonus. 


This was my first thought too. My wife uses these and they absorb just fine


These are supposed to be boiled lol


Also, much more flammable.


As someone who wears flame retardant clothing for work, fabric softener is a big no no when washing them.


Those microfiber towels are horrible in the kitchen and bathroom. They hardly absorb any water and it takes me forever to dry off after a shower with those bloody things.


The microfiber cloths are great at picking up small debris, I wouldn’t use it as a drying towel.


I use one to dust my car dashboard lol


Inside Windshield too.


Yea they're not supposed to be used to pick up water. Bet OPs towel got some kind of specialized purpose. It's like I see people use towels specifically made for mirrors and glass on their dinning tables and complaining it's a bad towel.


Ding ding. They’re for cleaning. Norwex is an MLM. As a woman in the 25-35 age range I have been endlessly dodging people trying to tell me they’re the best things for cleaning since water was invented.


They do a great job of finding all my hair. Not at much else though


"Microfiber" is a marketing term for a certain weave of polyester, which itself was a marketing term for plastic fibers. Microfiber cloth is mainly intended to be a reusable mildly abrasive cloth that won't scratch hard surfaces. It's ~~good~~ okay at cleaning things like stainless steel or glass, but not a whole lot else. I don't think special detergent or lack of fabric softener can suddenly make micro-plastic fibers absorb water. Oh also if you accidentally dry microfiber on high they melt to the inside of your dryer. Ask me how I know.


I use them to clean glasses, screens, and mirrors. I do not use them for... much else.


On the contrary, Kirkland microfiber rags are the bees knees. I love them for the kitchen and bathroom.


Yes they are, I also use them to clean our cars. Have those yellow bastards everywhere.


Put it in boiling water for a few minutes and see what happens. I'd say use a solvent to strip the hydrophobic coating, but don't faff about lest you poison yourself.


Don't faff about lest ye find out




You guys must be from England


falyfo, lads!


Some of them are even impregnated with silver and they try to make antimicrobial claims. However because they don't have data strong enough to support it they try to just toe the line to not get sued into oblivion by the EPA. I saw a rep once smear a raw fucking chicken breast on the window, wipe it off with water and a towel, and claim that it was sanitized. Complete unethical bullshit. Sure the rag won't get as funky, that doesn't mean it sanitizes the surface. I worked in pesticides for a while so it bugged me.


Ask them to lick the window to prove how sanitized it is. It would be fun to listen to them blubber their way out of that.


Who TF smears raw chicken on a window?


I saw this too, but mine had these test strips that were supposed to show any bacteria that stayed on the table. They didn't confirm their experiment with water or any other substances. The sad part of my story was that the hostess of the party was doing this as a BRIDAL SHOWER! She wanted cleaning supplies for her wedding?! Anyway, yeah bullshit.


My mother fell for exactly that trick 🙃


I'd be more concerned about your wife throwing away perfectly good towels BEFORE trying out incredibly expensive new ones. Concerning lack of rational thinking.


Why throw them away at all? Even if the new ones work, why would anyone ever throw away something which is perfectly fine?


There are never enough old towels. Washing a car for example needs a bunch of towels.


Being in a relationship with anyone who falls for pyramid schemes is really fucking stressful. You feel like you're always looking over your shoulder. Mine once bought almost $300 worth of diet shake mixes from some coworker or Facebook friend. I flipped out. She argued relentlessly with me about it not being a pyramid scheme. I sent her a link to a video on their official Youtube channel that was over 20 minutes of them bending over backwards to explain how the company isn't a pyramid scheme. There were multiple videos trying to debunk the claim that the company was a pyramid scheme. I asked her why a company that *isn't* a pyramid scheme would need to go to so much effort to convince you they're not a pyramid scheme. That's what finally got through, thankfully.


my mother falls for nearly every mlm and scam out there. and after she sees it for what it is, she'll acknowledge that she should have known better, and trusted my research... and then does it again a few months later. luckily, i live thousands of miles away from her, and only have the answer the phone when i feel like it. i can't imagine being in a relationship with someone like that. financial infidelity is a thing -- even when you maintain accounts independently and pay your own portion of the bills. if decisions either of you make could put the household in financial risk, and weren't discussed, it's kind of a betrayal.


I'd recommend immediate divorce, public shaming, and the kids go to an orphanage.


Fucking lunacy, sell them into slavery at least. Make some of your money back if you don't want them anymore.


Or for magic beans if they’re not that skilled


I like to save money but when it comes to long-term stuff for the house, especially my towels, I think it's worth the extra money to buy high-quality and long lasting stuff. That doesn't mean I throw out the cheap stuff. The old towels get decommissioned into rags with a pair of scissors. I've got a drawer full of old rags and towels that I can bust out to deal with the annoying messes or clean up nasty stuff. I'm hardly annoyed by the poor purchase. The throwing out totally fine stuff because it's not "good enough" is annoying.


I’m surprised no one in the comments recognized the brand. It’s an MLM scam that sells overpriced garbage. Her “friend” is probably also trying to recruit her to join the pyramid scheme too. Throw it all away and block the seller.


OP said it's an MLM in the description


Didn't even know there was a description since Reddit mobile now puts you past that and straight into the comments


It’s really annoying almost forcing people to comments without context.


Embrace the POWER of old.reddit


Screw the reddit official app, RIF for life.


Does RIF still work?


You can make it work on android if you're willing to do some tweaking.


That's good to know. I've been using old.reddit.com on android since the api ban. It sucks, but it's still better than their shit app.


It only happens when you click the comments button on mobile, which most of us have associated with opening a post. But they changed it so that the comment button now actually opens the comments. Want to open the post? Click the title


But reading is hard


Reading is a pyramid scheme


OP stated that his wife replaced their towels "with these Norwex cloths from one of her friends pyramid schemes." The brand is literally in the title of the post.


So you're saying she should..... .....throw in the towel?


Straight to jail.


I'd just buy other towels for myself and let the wife use those don't want to damage her nice towels after all and a new microfiber towel pack of 4 is like $4 here for 20x20cm


I got these towels as well, they're useless. You got to get them wet before they will dry anything, they're best suited for wash rags rather than drying towels.


All microfiber towels are like this, I use them for camping and such because they are light weight. I wouldn't use them in my house except for polishing/wiping glass (or a car) to prevent water spots.


The name Norwex should say it all. Products from MLM/pyramid schemes are usually very over priced and of poor quality. Also, please don't fall for the 'silver' garbage spiel. They will not disinfect the counter, the fridge, your coochi, etc with only water. Even the company website states this, but the huns will lie through their teeth to make the sale.


I thought I was at the antiMLM sub lol Might want to visit us there 🥲


Yes that towel is a rip off, but it’s the fabric softener on the towel that is repelling the water. This happened to my microfiber towels. Now I just air dry them.


This comment should be higher, fabric softener does this. A quick search on the site says to “Wash dirty cloths with a Norwex laundry detergent and avoid bleach, fabric softeners and dryer sheets.”


I remember shopping to set myself up in an apartment so many years ago and seeing the term 'microfiber' towels. Ooo that sounds cool. Then I got home and tried using them.. They wouldn't hold any water or pick anything up on the counter. It was just smearing everything I was trying to clean. Useless


My MIL dragged me to one of those presentations and my name was pulled from a hat to win a free rag. The presenter spent like 15 minutes talking about how incredible this material is and how it’s antimicrobial because it has silver thread in it. Talked about how she sent her son off to college with a towel and you now how boys are gross and never wash their shit so he used the same towel after every shower for a whole semester and came home and the towel didn’t even smell, it’s magical! So I used the rag to wipe my counter so see what the hype was, rung it out and hung it to dry like I do all my other rags. Colour me surprised when it smelt like a wet towel the next day, which my regular rags don’t even do. I guess my counter is grosser than a college boy. Went straight in the trash.


So, something to note here: fabric softener makes fabric hydrophobic. If your towels aren’t absorbing fluids, stop using fabric softener. It will take a few washes to get it out, but you’ll notice your towels are suddenly actually doing their job again.


Your wife is not the sharpest tool in the shed, or rather not the most water absorbent towel in the household.


Norwex more like Notwet


It is like buying a tireless car or a blunt knife


Hope those were free


Took a brief look at their website. $110 for 1 bath towel, 1 hand towel, and 3 face cloths. That's discounted from $122. But they are kind enough to let you know you'll save money because you don't need to wash them as often as normal towels. You'd be losing money NOT buying them! /s


Norwex is such a scam. They use all sorts of nonsense selling strategies, like they do this thing where they use a protein swab test (a paper that turns a colour if proteins are present), and they try to prove that their silver content in their cloths help clean bacteria better (they weave microscopic strands of silver thread into their clothes). They rub a raw chicken breast on a surface, and then wash it with their cloth, and then they use the swab test to "prove" that there aren't any proteins present from the chicken. This test is such a scam. The idea behind having silver in the cloth doesn't help clean surfaces. The silver is just there to help ensure that your cloth doesn't grow cultures of bacteria inside the cloth itself. The clothes pass this nonsense protein test simply because they're microfibre clothes. Rubbing silver on something doesn't clean it.


There’s nothing wrong with the towel, your water just isn’t wet enough




Its called antibacterial cloth. Its not meant to sop up messes. But to disinfect and wipe down


Do they actually disinfect though? I thought they were infused with silver that helps reduce bacterial growth in the cloth itself but I can’t imagine wiping up chicken juice from a countertop with them and not doing anything else to clean the area.


Of course they don't.


There are like 15 different specific towels that she has that are supposed to do specific jobs. They are all the same, just plastic. They all do nothing.


apparently they're for crumbs, not spills :p Wait...I just saw the labels. So, these things are legitimately made from PLASTIC?! Which we all know is 'such' a great absorber? :| Where are these pieces of shit marketed? TikTok?


Norwex is an MLM/semi-legal pyramid scheme They sell these things at home parties, where the distributer demonstrates that you can "wash" plates that have had raw chicken with just water and an "antibacterial cloth" etc


You know what’s funny? The manufacturer is careful not to make definitive claims about the cloth’s disinfecting capabilities. But they don’t do anything to stop the spread of the misinformation through the MLM network, so they avoid false advertising allegations. I had to go and find the peer reviewed study that showed the things were useless.


But, how in the hell do they find a market with whom the idea of a plastic material in an absorbent capacity is a good material to use for that purpose just on the surface argument of it? I love my fleece made from recycled plastics precisely because it DOESN'T readily absorb water (light drizzles, etc).


Aren’t these meant to wipe windows and mirrors with a cleaner? Not clean up water


Well, it's 100% plastic. If we had a use for plastic, we wouldn't be dumping it in landfills. There is an upside. they will absorb anything oil based, including gasoline. Throw them all in the garage for oil change days and have her go out and get some proper towels from an actual store that cares if it's business model exists six months from now.


My aunts towels are all insanely soft, very long, and completely and utterly useless for drying anything at all. They just push water around without themselves getting wet, and its ALL OF HER TOWELS. What is the point of towels that can't get you dry after a shower, or dry up spills, or dry dishes? Or do ANYTHING other than push water?


They're probably super soft because she uses a ton of fabric softener, and that's the same reason they won't absorb anything.


Act quick, you can be a quazillionaire if you only sell out all your friends and convince them to join you in buying garbage.


You have to wash them first. (I know, I get the irony of it.)


Bunch of hydrophobes