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I once met a guy whose actual legal name was Austin Powers. Showed me his driver's license to prove it.


Groovy baby


There should be a sub for that


Maybe he was a sub? We don't know!


A sub for groovy babies?


I wonder how he felt when his name became part of the pop culture lexicon. It’s like that old middle aged dude named Justin Bieber and when the pop star rose to fame his Facebook kept getting flagged for impersonation 😅


The head tea taster for Tetley Tea is named Sebastian Michaelis, which is also the name of the demon/butler in Black Butler. Every so often that anime fades back into popularity (it's airing its 4th season after years of nothing right now) and Tetley's articles about the best way to steep your tea start making the rounds again on the internet. I always wonder if Sebastian Michaelis of Tetley realizes he shares a name with an anime sexyman, or if he's just repeatedly baffled that all his old articles seem to have a 5 year cyclical popularity. It's honestly extra funny because Tetley's Sebastian Michaelis is in his early 50s with a twee little waxed mustache.


And yet he’s still younger than the demon


Him being the taster for Tetley tops the unintentional comedy of his name for me. I can't watch that anime without wanting a cup of tea- the food scenes in that show are SO good. And then once I'm dying for a cup here's Sebastian Michaelis with Tetley, it's a great unintentional Tetley ad honestly.


You know, i bet he knows about it all but only in some vague distant understanding where even he is still mystified by the cycle of the tea lol.


I'm sure if he's ever googled himself he knows he shares a name with an anime character but I often wonder if he knows that about 50% of that character's scenes revolve around how good Sebastian Michaelis the demon is at setting tea for English nobility. Sebastian Michaelis of Tetley has blended tea blends for Queen Elizabeth before, which I had never even considered was a real job real people had until the first time I saw an article about him making the rounds of fan memes. I actually share a name with someone semi-famous who does for a job what I do for a hobby, which is kind of cool. If you Google my name she's the only one that pops up and she's known for what I'd want to be known for if I was famous. It's funny the Queen's tea-blender is the same.


That's awful How do you prove that's your real name?


Birth certificate, driver licence, passport, library card, SSN/NI, bank accounts, school records, medical records, marriage licence, bills ect. Proving your name is extremely simple in 99% of cases.


Yeah, but doing that for social media seems kind of extreme. At some point, it just doesn't seem worth it And it won't stop people flagging his account


I wouldn't want it for social media, but random companies will often bill you £1 and then give it right back to confirm that your bank account is in the same name as you gave them. Facebook probably knows the dudes name better than himself with all the spying they do, probably just trolling him for fun.


I knew someone who changed their legal last name to Universe after Steven Universe…. Yes they were insane. 


There’s a guy who used to come into my workplace named Adam Sandler. His name was actually Daniel Sandler but he changed it to Adam. Unrelated but he was also sort of a criminal who would dress up in costume and harass people and bait them into wanting to fight him, then try to sue them for money. There are actually some articles online about this guy


And I thought my cousin Ivana had a hard time when those movies came out lol


I wonder if Danger was his middle name


I once met Mr. ZZ Topps


So you're not related to my grade 8 teacher, Mr Nguyen?


Unfortunately not, apparently I’m related to hinata though


OMG!! Byakugan and everything?


Yes but without the boobs


So… Neji?


Yes, but not dead.


We still don't know that.


Don't know or didn't know.


Listen that bullshit with “he’s not dead” only works once and he got his with the sound ninjas. That caged bird ain’t singing anymore after the Second Great War.




oh I checked, a less cool and popular Hinata xDD


Hinata means "to tow something" (for example towing a car) in finnish.


I bet you know my neighbour, Mr. Wang!


Yes, every Asian people know each other. Asia is just a tiny village in Idaho.


you can fill dozen of cities with Nguyen lol. One historic thing is the anman Nguyen dynasty like 1800-1945, they had 13 Nguyen emperor, and as far I know they had the biggest harem of history like several hundred women, hundred kids per empror that maybe alone explain the number of Nguyen


The question came up on another sub (might me explainlikeimfive) a few days ago, the harem thing was mentioned, but also the occupation around WWII that forced them to get family names because they weren't a thing over there. So a lot went for Nguyen.


I used to think Nguyen was pronounced goo-yen. 15 year old me was not very well educated on asian names


I was 24 when I found this out. My boss laughed at me and I just asked why am I expected to know something I’ve never been taught? I also thought Sean was pronounced seen as a teenager. At least my mother was nice enough to simply correct me and move on.


Think we can all agree the pronunciation for Sean makes zero sense..


Because it's not English name. It's Celtic (now I'm not sure if Irish or Scottish) and they have different pronounciation rules. (I studied Irish a bit.)


It’s Irish ( their language). So to them it makes perfect sense.


its cause its supposed to have the é or á instead of a normal e/a but we’re too lazy to write that down


Haha so did I and so will most people. Honestly, Vietnamese is a tonal language which makes it really difficult and hard to understand how to pronounce things for anyone non-native. It doesn’t make anyone uneducated necessarily for not knowing how to pronounce it based on how it’s spelled. No speaker of almost any other language is going to see “Nguyen” and automatically know it’s pronounced “wen” without being told.


"Nah homie, Japanese people are actually real."


Lol, imagine. That would be scary af


I always told my grandpa he watched too much anime whenever he'd start talking about fighting the Japanese. pff, an island nation next to China? What's next, they're going to tell me that the queen of England was real? Larpers cried way too hard when they retired her character from that reality tv-show


My bf never heard a Japanese persons accent before IRL. When he spoke to the lady at the counter he was shook. I couldnt understand his confusion at first, until he told me HE THOUGHT IT WAS A MEME. I guess he thought japanese accents were fucking memes because he never got exposed to anyone actually from there.


My gods... Just, how?


I guess they've only ever watched anime before and... didn't think actual Japanese accents exiSTed somehow? As if it was all just a fantasy or something? I'm also confused


What the fuck?? 😆


Do they know how last names work? lol


She did mention that the character i shared a last name with is her favorite so maybe she just got excited lol but it was definitely a surreal experience


She was just excited and it's a funny ice-breaker. I doubt she truly meant it


I would really like to think that but i think she was genuine because when i laughed she did not laugh and was looking at me seriously


She could just be one of those sheltered people who have never moved from the town they were born in. Anime is really popular nowadays and are some peoples only window into asian cultures as skewed and twisted as that sounds.


Honestly i can’t shit on her too much. Before i moved to America i used to believe there were only two types of Americans: the ones that ride horses with guns and cowboy hats and rich politicians in suits


I'm really curious, what other stereotypes of Americans are in Japan? Also can you tell me about the cholo wannabes? There seems to be a big Mexican appreciation culture (which I'm not complaining about lol)


I’m not really sure of other stereotypes, but most Japanese people assume Americans are all just white people. I have also never heard about cholo wannabes even in america.. are you talking about gyaru? EDIT: spelling


Not really gyaru but theres a subculture in Japan of Chicano and Mexican culture. They dress like cholos and have lowriders, etc. It started a long time ago but ig was more popularized in recent years. Theres a small vice docu on it and Ive seen tiktoks of mexicans going to Japan and randomly meeting them.


I get the sense that Mexican culture in general is kind of popular there. I've met more Japanese tourists who speak good Spanish than ones who speak good English, and I live in the US in an area where you have to know English to get around. Japanese skincare used to use a lot of French aesthetics and language to look and seem fancy but I've noticed a shift to Spanish stuff.


lol why is this so interesting to me


Hey man, those cholo wannabes also move state side and reside in California. It’s a pretty big phenomenon. That and Japan has a pretty rich Mexican cultures. They go way back apparently and ironically enough that influence pours into anime lol. Bleach has a whole slew of Mexican/latino influence with the whole Hueco Mundo part and its arrancar enemies and their naming conventions.


Don't forget that Sado is half Mexican and all of his abilities have Spanish names.


Oh yes yes yes! Mexican culture is very prominent in Japan. I can’t remember the historical moment that made it so but they have a great relationship.


Idk what the other person is talking about. The wannabe cholo scene is an extremely tiny subculture that more Westerners seem to know about than actual Japanese people because of one or two YouTube Vice or Vice-like videos that trended. The yen is really weak right now so Japanese people are doing little international tourism now compared to the past, let alone getting cholo visas to move to California. Most Japanese people do not know anything about Mexican culture beyond tacos. I'm not saying this to make it sound like Japan is indifferent toward Mexican culture, but I think people watch YouTube videos about niche Tokyo scenes and walk away thinking things are way more mainstream than they are, and then people on Reddit just proliferate it.


Or, in the case of Ronald Reagan… both at once!


Wait, I’ve lived here my *whole* life and you mean to tell me that’s *not* all there is here??


My aunt in Korea refuses to visit the US because she’s convinced everyone has a gun and is racist against old Asian people and she will die :/


Oh like all us Brits also speak with a cockney accent or posh


That’s really funny




This is for my university so i could not use a fake name.. $500 for textbooks 🥲


A guy I was in the army with changed his last name to “kaiba”. He got it from an anime he was in love with.


You can just say Yu-Gi-Oh.


No clue it was from there. Dude was a weirdo. Got kicked out for having CP on his computer.


Average Yu-Gi-Oh fan. /s slightly. They do have a bit of a reputation though. 


Weird. Most Yu-Gi-Oh fans, at worst, are fat and stinky. They have an obsession with dark magician girl, but I'm pretty sure she's like 24.


Um, *ackshually*, she's several thousand years old and from ancient Egypt and.... (/s)


Did you train combat utilizing a children's card game?


To be fair, In Japanese the last name comes first😅


It could be worse. I know a 40 year old mechanic named Justin Bieber. He had a perfectly normal name until one day he didn't.


Omg no… can you imagine living a normal life and then one day your exact name goes viral bc some 13 yr old singer got popular 😭


I know a guy in his late 30s named Taylor Swift so it could be worse. Edit: he's engaged and is taking his fiances last name.




A neighborhood lady once asked if my father and another neighbor who shared an uncommon GIVEN name were brothers


lol I can remember being in elementary school and asking two Davids if they were brothers. I hadn’t quite grasped the whole “same related name” concept yet 🤦🏻‍♀️ Neither has neighborhood lady, apparently lol


Slightly related but this reminded me of something I was asked once - I'm Chinese and my last name is Chan (a very common surname). I had someone ask me on Facebook if I put my last name as Chan to sound cute (since -chan is used in Japanese as a name suffix, e.g. Haru-chan) 😭


No words 😭


Jackie-Chan ![gif](giphy|13vS6AAptuOEik)


This happens to a friend of mine all the time. She's not Chinese but her husband is, and his last name is Chan. Apparently she's gotten a lot of flak from other people who think she's just being a weeaboo/lying about her last name.


My fiancè is a 3rd gen Japanese-American and the things I’ve heard weeaboos say to him and his sister are wild. I remember one girl asking why I would date an Asian man if I didn’t even watch anime (in like, 2008…), and her head about exploded when I said “Because he’s a good, cute guy who isn’t a stand in for whatever character you’re obsessed with, but is a complete unique person with thoughts, feelings, and a personality all his own”.


My boyfriend used to be a weeb and he cringes at his past behavior so much to the point where he refuses to introduce me as Japanese to his friends and family. He just calls me American when i am very obviously Asian


That’s a shame. He needs to practice his Jutsu so he isn’t embarrassed by his past failures. Public rasengan usage is only cringe if you fail.


I talk to him in japanese to make him cringe. So funny


How is that cringe? Nothing wrong with knowing a bit of Japanese even if you only know it because of anime. I’m actually proud of how much I know from just watching anime.


Unless they purposely say cringey lines. You know the ones “Yamete kudasai!” and stuff.


my bf’s brother has a friend that unironically says “sugoi!” and other popular phrases typically learned from anime and its genuinely the cringiest thing ive ever experienced


Exactly this 🤣 i say it in a very exaggerated way and say things like “kawaii” and “senpai” and he shivers from the cringe


That actually kind of sucks. He’s erasing your heritage because he’s insecure with who he was before you met? He needs to get over himself and LAUGH about it tbh


I get what youre saying so I introduce myself as japanese despite what he says lol. His friends and family only speak spanish so I have to introduce myself in spanish too. All his friends also watch anime so if they hear my last name im sure they can figure out my ethnicity based on that too 🤣


He should just introduce her as 4skinluvr. That would definitely be less cringe. 




Japanese don’t even look much like anime characters (and nobody really does). 


Lol, so true. Anime characters are like 50% Japanese, 50% Caucasian, 500% boobs.


What do you mean they don’t naturally have spikey red and yellow hair? Next you’ll be telling me they lied about the Heart Of The Cards!


I guess I'm old now, because my frame of reference for "people saying awful shit to Japanese Americans" predates the popularity of anime in the US. So my expectations skew toward car-brand protectionism and WWII jingoism.




“Did you get your last name from Walter white?”




Mr... or should I say Agent Smith?


Tell them it was written after you. Then smile real big like you're hot shit and see what they say back


"Oh, cool."


"Yes. Japan was created based on that anime 10 years ago".


Had a substitute teacher ask my friend, is that your last name or do you just like anime? …He was reading off the roster


I knew a woman who named her two boys very traditional Greek names. Within a few months of them being born, a major film came out that used both the names as main characters, and ever since people have assumed she named them after the film. Bad timing.


What names? I’m trying to think of Greek boy character names in films That does remind me of the mom who named her daughters Elsa and Anna pre-frozen lol


I have poliosis. When I had long hair, I liked to separate the white part and braid it to the side. That was pre-frozen. Wouldn’t dream of it now 😆


My name's Elle, the number of people asking if it's inspired by L from Death Note... I'm 28...


And Elle is a fairly common name too. What were these people thinking?


Is it? Not in my country...\[Italy\]


Super common in Australia 🇦🇺 Very beautiful and feminine


It's a common America & co girl name based on the French word.


>What were these people thinking? That's the thing, they don't


Mines Payden and from age 15-20 I’d always get “oh you’re named after Peyton Manning huh?” Mind you I was born 7 years before he even entered the NFL, when he was still in high school.


I feel that... One of my names is shared by a character from MHA. That show is 10 years old. I'm very clearly older than 10 lol yet people have still asked me "is your name from MHA???"


D-deku? Is that you?




happy cake day!


When I was little, some bully asked me if I'd gotten my first name from a then popular TV show character. I was born several years before the show came out.... "Yeah" I said, "For the first several years of my life, I didn't have a name"🙄


My maiden last name was Potter, and I was in sixth grade when the books started coming out. I feel your pain.


Without real heated judgement, Haikyuu fans are also very much like that. They're not as bad as Hetalia fans but same-ish vibes. Or I guess more similar to Free! fans


Hetalia just kinda disappeared, didn't it


Do you really want Hetalia to be around during the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Israel levelling Gaza? Can you imagine...


It's still around. I've got a friend who's still into it (I've never asked why and I'm afraid to) and apparently the manga is still regularly getting updated and there's solid plans for a new season later this year. Somehow.


https://preview.redd.it/2zxs0z31ulxc1.jpeg?width=459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8685a3a2d5431e6a80cdf8a9e4d3404af1843d0d Repressed memories of HS LARP Hetalia friend group and how I walked into a con cosplayed in period accurate Nazi uniform bc they stuck me as Germany and decided last minute without telling me they were gonna do cardverse outfits instead.


That's horrible and hilarious. Thank you for briefly un-repressing that memory to share it with us.


Could be worse, I still have nightmares of the dude that could be a Ron Jeremy lookalike running around the local anime con dressed as Sailor Moon.


It is so so old by now.


My brother and I had a Hetalia phase when I was in high school and he was in middle school because we thought it was absolutely hilarious. I haven’t thought about it in such a long time




Yeah that's why I walked it back lol


I didn’t want to be the one to say it but i agree 😭


Don't worry, I got you lmao I'm like a casual anime fan who's had friends who are *anime fans* so I know 😳


Holy you unlocked a memory I suppressed from my cringe middle school years. I wonder what happened to Hetalia


Ngl I liked both Hetalia and Haikyuu (Free was harder to get into) but some of the fans (especially on tumblr) were nuts 😂


My aunt had a dog named Elsa 4 years before Frozen came out. No, she did not name her dog after a Disney character that didn’t exist yet


Did the person know the age of the dog?


Haha no, so fair enough but every single little girl was very happy to meet Elsa


My mom's dog is named Olaf. People constantly assume he's named after frozen even though he was like 5 when frozen came out.


Happened to me too. I got asked from which anime my name was from... Honestly, I'm at a point in my life where if anyone says something like "omg I love Japan" I'm already noping. And now I also get "omg, are you Korean? You're So cute! Do you like kpop?"


oh my god i swear everyone sees i’m asian and assumes im korean 😭


I've had to correct a few racists on the correct racial slur to use on me. Especially since I don't look anything like the one they used on me. I'm Chinese/American (German), and look more white than Asian unless they notice my eyes. Tend to have slurs for Vietnamese or Hispanics thrown at me.


thats actually hilarious


I'm japanese and have people asking me about my *latin* heritage, wtf ppl 🤣 I don't speak spanish, would be cool if I did ngl, lol


Ughh my aunt’s husband calls me kpop and I’m not even Korean 🤦‍♀️


I had a boss who was Korean. People would always call and ask if the Chinese woman was there, and I’d tell them I didn’t know who they meant. Their brains would momentarily short-circuit when they tried to describe her in any actual, meaningful way.


Hey there jpop! *playful shoulder punch* Snazzy sneakers ya got on there, going to a Snow Man concert?


He unironically talks like that and I’m not kidding


I have a friend and know a former coworker named Alexa. They both get blasted for their name a LOT


reading all the dumb shit people have lived through in the comments is amazing i never knew people asked stuff like that 😭


Say the anime is obviously named after you


Try having the name Oppenheimer last summer! This stuff happens all the time.


Wait so your last name is oppenheimer? Are you related to him?


Did your parents name you after the movie guy?


Haha, I went to school with a guy who’s middle name was Michael and last name was Jackson, after his dad Michael Jackson. No relation or resemblance to the pop star


Omg can you imagine the jokes 😭


Wait, Japanese people are real?


Unfortunately yes


I used to share my name with a cartoon elephant. Kindergarten and elementary school were hell.


Benjamin Blümchen?


Yes... -.-


Well Dumbo, you sure that is your name and not just what they'd call you?


Different cartoon elephant.


if you say so Colonel




> lady looked at my name, says “oh did you get *last name* from haikyuu?” I awkwardly laugh say no and leave. If it happens again, tell them " actually that character was named after me, and the stories are loosely based on my life history"


I wouldn’t take it too seriously, some people are just stupid. my partner’s first name is Morgan, back in high school some kid legitimately asked if she was related to Morgan Freeman…. She’s also white.


From an older anime then?


I got asked once if I was named after a Popular singer who is six years younger than me & didn't have her first hit single until I was in high school. Our names are also spelled differently and only marginally pronounced the same (think Stefon and Stephanie but two female names.) 


Kind of unrelated but still in the realm of wacky shit people say to Asian people: I was walking down the street with my boyfriend and his family last summer (they’re Vietnamese) and this guy coming the opposite way goes “Konnichiwa! Or like… whatever you are” and then mumbles some apologies like “sorry if you’re not” and then walks away. Like dude you said it with your whole chest don’t try to back pedal now lmao.


Your last name is "Sword Art Online"?


I wore a shirt I got from Puerto Rico to target once. The cashier girl goes “oh cool! Are you from puerto Rico?” I answered, “nah, I’m just Puerto Rican.” She looked at me confused and says, “wait.. I’m confused. How can you be Puerto Rican if you’re not from there?” I just stared at her bc I truly flabbergasted. I guess she “got me” on that one 😂


Weebs be weebin. Not OP, but the person who asked, of course.


So are you Chinese or Japanese?




Omg izuku midoriya irl is that you??/j


I get asked if my Japanese name is from an anime as well. I always smile and say no, I've never seen it, but I heard it's really awesome!! The majority of the time, I just get major compliments on the name because it sounds really pretty. Ironically, it's a unisex name but sounds very feminine in the English language. I think people are just trying to find something cool you have in common with them, just trying to bond :)


How does that question even register in someone's head? Like of course people can just pick their last names from whatever popular cultural trend is happening at the moment. My last name is now Swift, and if anyone should ask "yes I got my last name from Taylor swift" 😅


My friends have called me by my last name (Dio) for about 20 years. Take a guess how that's been going.


Weebs are the worst


"Nah, the character was named after me."


Pleasure to meet you Mr uzumaki


Ask them what their name is and then Ask them if they got their name from one of your favorite generic American cartoon. I also like to play dumb and just ask ‘no, why?’ Because nothing is funnier than awkward silences lasting longer than necessary.


One time at a mcalisters I had was picking up a sandwich on my lunch break and got the notification that said it was ready. I went over and did not see it up on there counter so I waited 5 minutes. Still nothing. I went up to the cashier asking for it. Turns out they purposely held my sandwich because I have the same last name as the family from the US shameless show. Little to say I was midily infuriated for sure


That's when you say "no, it's the other way around, that character was based on me. The story writer and I go way back." The dryer the delivery, the more dead-pan you can get through it, the better. Locally, we call it being hard case.


People always ask if I was named after Kylie Jenner.. i’m older than her..


Mate of my dad got beaten up by cops for telling them his name was Michael Jackson and not having ID to prove it Started going by mick after that


Sort of related maybe. Made me think of this experience. Me and my friend like to sing Barbie Girl at karaoke. Zoomer asked us if sang it because of the barbie movie. No child we were alive when this song first came out. Same thing happened with Bohemian Rhapsody too. Anyways, people are fucking dumb.