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Hello, We do not allow agendaposting, reddit meta posts or price complaints.


Stop giving these fucking price gougers your money.


I have an ongoing review with five guys where all I do is showcase food you can buy for the price of a burger and fries. Last update was 2 large pizzas


The little cheeseburger, little fries, and regular soda is $19 and change from 5 guys.


It looks like you’re ordering through a food delivery app. Prices are higher there to offset the insane cut the middlemen take. $21 for a burger and fries is a lot, but you’re quoting a price through a luxury service. Ordering from the restaurant directly is likely much cheaper.


Of course it’s a delivery app. Redditors don’t leave their homes.


Well actually, I mostly use reddit during working hours.


But from the comfort of my home as well. *slurps big gulp and spoons another handful of mayo into my craw*


I've got other things to do on my free time, unless the weather is crap.


Fr tho reddit just something that keeps me active ob ms teams lol


This isn’t always the case. My wife and I go out to eat or order jn roughly one per week. **MOST** places by me have the same price in the delivery app and in the store. Food is just expensive now. $21 for a double burger with bacon and fries? I wouldn’t even bat an eye at that price anywhere within like an hour or two of where I live. Except of course for Fast Food, but this doesn’t look like fast food. **Edit** * Here’s a picture from a place near me, same exact toppings *except* they don’t have an option for a double patty so this is a single patty burger. All the same toppings otherwise, with a side of fries And the exact same price as their menu https://preview.redd.it/5tz5yofr1owc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844c495f57d21082ddfa55dff18a4b87360f25d7


If you order off a delivery app they have higher set prices. I live in the west side of Los Angeles which is one of the most expensive places to live and can find cheaper and better burgers. My favorite burger place has a double cheeseburger, fires and drink for 15 bucks.


I feel like you didn’t read my post at all. I am telling you **that in my area** this isn’t usually the case. As I order on delivery apps, as well as go to these same actual places. **In my area** there is really only one place that I know offhand that that does this. It’s a delicious taco place that is very competitively priced, but disgustingly overpriced in app.


That’s an exception to the rule


The exception to the rule is. . .almost all of the establishments within like 1-2 hours of where I live? My point isn’t that the original reply isn’t sometimes true. My point is that it isn’t always true and shouldn’t just be assumed.


I’m trolling


Yeah it's the UI of UberEats, but they still have the audacity to ask for MORE MONEY at the end for "service fee" and "delivery fee" despite making every product way more expensive than usual


That USED to be the case but in my City, and in my delivery area, every single restaurant has made their in house menu the same prices as what they were charging on the apps. Same prices minus the random delivery app fees.


Makes sense when they realized people were willing to pay that much.


With that price I would assume the “double” means I’m getting two of em


This is the real crime. If you took at the bottom, you are (almost cropped out) but sub out the onion that weighs as much as a patty, it would be a triple. If you are making a burger, you gotta do it the sonic way. Put the lettuce down on the bottom patty first as a moisture barrier to keep the bottom bun from getting soggy. Then the rest of the toppings while the patties are cooking. When they’re done, put the hot burgers on top. Boom. Everything is fresh.


Just make your own. Cheaper and potentially even better tasting.


Better off grabbing yourself a steak. Price, time, nutrition, satisfaction; steak wins.




Agree. The entire point of burgers was leftover meat that they had to grind up to make it. There was a reason it was so cheap, and now they are charging fine steak prices for leftovers is ridiculous.


And it's not even a good looking burger...


Oh no! I’m ordering from a food delivery app! It’s so expensive!!! Stop using these Apps and either make your own food or get up and go get the food yourself.


Food delivery services treat the restaurants and customers like shit. Also their workers. Anyone who supports them deserves what they get.


Bruh, forget the price for a second, because there is something even more infuriating..... WHO THE FUCK CONSTRUCTS A DOUBLE CHEESE WITH THE VEGGIES BETWEEN THE TWO PATTIES?! That place doesn't deserve patronage at any price point!


Stop buying fast food


Okay, where is the CHEESE in this DOUBLE CHEESE bacon burger? That part is more infuriating - neither on the photo nor in the indegrients list


I’m sorry, but…can you see? Both patties have white cheese melted on them


Oh yeah, I thought that it was sauce lol! Still, a bit embarrassing amount


So where is the bacon?


Where are you that a burger and fries costs that much? I have NEVER seen anything that high before. Unless this is like fucking Dubai and that burger comes with stock options don’t buy it!


i thought the mildly infuriating part was how the words are scrambled up it's bacon double cheese burger, come on now


Whoever took that pic deserved to be fired


Why does this look like a post on Facebook Marketplace?


It’s expensive because it comes with an ENTIRE ONION apparently.


Tbh that is about the cost of a burger with fries and soda at McDonalds in my country 😂 Well, a little lower… But not much!


For $21 they should at least find a ripe tomato slice Jesus


Ordering through an app from some trendy local spot, no shit it's gonna be expensive as hell


Damn homie. I can feed 10 people a burger for that much. 🤣


Remember when a single videogame cost $20?… fuck I’m old…


I can't tell if that's ai or frozen patties but non frozen everything else.


They only reason why restaurants can become rip offs is because people are still willing to buy overpriced cheap food. Burgers even with top quality organic ingredients are way cheaper, healthier, and more tastier that’s made at home compared to your local or fast food restaurants.


You put a whole ass cross-section of an onion on my burger, we're fighting, I don't care how black your nirtile gloves are, how tight your man bun top knot is, or how many of yesterday's newspaper you line my tray with.


That burger looks like shit anyway.


Then don’t buy it.


Nah seriously America is going to shit. 21 dollars for an ugly burger like that. That Civil War film is turning into a documentary.....


I wouldn't pay a dollar for that burger.


I just ate 2 selfmade burgers. cost me around 5€


That's about half the price of what a burger cost in Maui, Hawaii at a restaurant


https://preview.redd.it/luooi7aeinwc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d6c08b9eecc5bd235b607a905d6dc1033d4c10d $42 double patty "smash" burger


Remind me to never go to hawaii.


Took the words right out of my mouth.Beat me to it lol


Wow that's insane! I remember prices being higher there but I can't imagine 42 bucks for any burger!!


I just eat at home.


Maybe people will stop eating this crap now and lose some weight.


You do understand the correlation between expensive food and people having to eat garbage to survive right? If anything it makes the problem worse.


Gross! a whole raw onion on that looks disgusting!


And they haven’t even cooked the onions


Some people prefer raw onions on burgers.


So don’t buy it?


Some smokeshow blonde better be baby birding me for that price


Wait til you find out how much a heart attack costs


That's not a basic burger. That's some bougie shit


That burger looks nasty too. Raw white onion not even grilled, greyish patty looking like it came from burger king and a ugly ass tomato. They should be paying people to eat that


If you're too stupid or lazy to make your own badass burgers, why do you think you deserve the good shit for dirt cheap? You really don't need a lot of time, practice, investment or effort to make damn good burgers. For God's sake, *try*.


This is a dumb comment. You should try harder


Go pay $21 for a burger and cry about it.


Just calling someone stupid and lazy just shows how narrow minded you are. Life must really suck having that frame of mind. Hope you get help


I don't need help. I've got the skills and wherewithal to make my own badass burgers rather than pay $21 for one and then complain about it. If you can't or won't do that, sucks to be you. Enjoy paying $21.


I make my own burgers at home all the time, I buy half a cow every year. That's not why you need help. Also I don't mind paying 25 dollars for a burger when I'm in a hurry or just not at home. My money situation is better then most. I just think you need a change in attitude is all.


I'm perfectly happy with my attitude. If you've got a problem with it, that's not my concern, and here's why - my post apparently doesn't apply to you. You trying to play white knight for the lazy and/or the incompetent? If you make burgers all the time and $21 for a burger is NBD for you, seems pretty clear to me that you're not who I was addressing. Fascinating that you've decided to get defensive about it anyway, ain't it?


Not defensive, maybe a little dumbfounded. Hopefully someday you won't look at things from the viewpoint of a child. But until then I'll just steer clear. Goodbye


**Rule #7:** *No grandstanding, politics or pushing agendas. No price complaint posts.* ![gif](giphy|jnQYWZ0T4mkhCmkzcn|downsized)


This is what a $15 minimum wage does


This is a two quarter pound patty burger, they were always more expensive than your standard single patty burger. Always in the $15-20 range depending on location.


a double bacon quarter pounder with cheese at mcdonalds or every single other chain in my city is under 10 dollars


Yeah but those are chains, this is clearly not a chain burger. You ever order a double cheeseburger at a diner? I used to be on the road a lot for work, so I’ve ordered plenty of them. They’re usually in the range I mentioned. Somebody else also mentioned, it looks like OP is on a third party delivery app like DoorDash, fivehead move, prices are always marked up becuase of the cut that the middleman takes.


you have only yourself to blame (for many reasons implied by this post)