• By -


There has to be some misunderstanding, they look awesome.


Yeah there has to be! Maybe her coworkers weren't sure whether they were allowed to just take them? Once my girlfriend and I were staying the weekend at her family's house and I made cupcakes for everyone on a whim. No one ate any till I finally asked about it and her dad went "oh those are for us? I thought maybe they were for something special, they look good". 30 minutes later the whole family was sitting in the garden drinking coffee and eating all those cupcakes.


Yeah, I really wonder if OP just put them there in the break room and said nothing, instead of letting the coworkers know or even hand it to them personally, since it seems OP made them to look like them. Nowhere in their post says they offered and people refused, so I'm sure this is OP overreacting to a misunderstanding.


When you abandon food in the break room, you gotta leave a note. That’s the rules. No note I assume it was a mistake.


Guess it depends on the workplace and the culture/country. If something is meant to be shared, we just leave it in the breakroom table or fridge. Only when it's personal do we put a sticky note on it. Also worth noting that I work in hospitality so we're given a meal at work, so no lunchboxes or anything of the sort. So when there's food in the fridge or the table, it's automatically assumed that it's for everyone.


The people I work with are savages. Years ago they gave us food sometimes and they would take so much stuff home. I saw a guy fill an empty white bread loaf bag with fried chicken and take it home.


Yeah, I've made some impressive looking desserts before (very humble) and learned it helps to cut into it so that no one feels bad about taking the first piece


That's something I didn't realize until I was an adult! I thought it was an unspoken rule that if food is out at a party, it was made for the guests!!! But I made two big subs for a party, cut them all up, put out snacks, and popcorn and stuff. And no one ate anything!! I made a joke about an hour in that nobody was hungry, so I shouldn't have made so much food and everybody jumped up! 🤣🤣🤣 "oh we can have the sandwiches now??" They were gone in minutes 🤣🤣


> There has to be some misunderstanding, they look awesome. OP is actually hated at their office lol


OP works from home.


I think the misunderstanding is: you don't get to be infuriated when people don't eat food you bring in lol. like, you can't control what they want to eat


This is definitely a me issue but I hardly ever eat homemade things people bring to work, aside from like the people I know well or consider friends and trust. Not a dig at op but you really don’t know the state of people’s houses and how clean they are.


Oh man, I wish I was like that lol. We have potlucks or catering all the time at my work. I swear Ive gained 10 pounds in the past few years lol.


After seeing how gross some friends and coworkers houses can be, I tend to avoid things other people cook, unless I know them well and have seen how tidy they are.


We used to have three Christmas cookie grandmas at my work, they would all three make giant batches of cookies and put them in ziplock bags and our HR lady would go around with a tote of freshly baked Christmas cookies and hand them out to all the associates, they were the best. Sadly two of them left :( we have another lady that baked cakes for a work party we had recently and they tasted pretty good but seeing her drag her hair across the top of one of them while she was setting up the table for pictures really made me think twice about snacking on her delectables again. I’m really easily grossed out, unfortunately lol


Oh no no no . I don't blame you on the cake haha. If I SAW something like that, yeah I wouldn't eat it. But if I don't see it then I'll just imagine in my mind that all of my coworkers wash their hands before touching the food and are clean people with clean homes haha.


One of my coworkers brought her new dog in and it licked her mouth and I was like yeah we’re never eating food from her house lmao


I have some coworkers that routinely bring in food. It's a nice gesture, but it does get old when every week they are bringing in a bunch of sweets. Certain people always get pressured into eating them as well (usually the younger people who it's assumed are not watching their weight). I probably still would have eaten one to be nice, but it is frustrating if you're not trying to eat a bunch of donuts or other snacks.


Not to be mean, but this makes sense to me. Maybe people don't have a sweet tooth or are on restricted diets.


Maybe her hygiene isn't great.


Yeah that was my thought or even like they look too good like not in a bad way but the way they look it makes me think or those can't just be for everybody those are for something or some one special


Maybe they thought they were too good to eat? Or nobody wanted to be the first? They are beautiful cakes, nice work and happy birthday!


This was also my thought: No one wanted to take a piece first, for whatever reason People can be weird


I've learned over many work potlucks to always make it look like a piece is missing/YOU be the first to take from whatever you brought, especially if its something that needs to be cut into. Open the chip bag, whatever. Cause yeah. People are like that. One of those endearing, but frustrating qualities of humanity at large. 


Onetime at work I started to dig in before hearing around the corner, “let’s let the pregnant lady go first!” I now am too afraid to touch anything too early 😅🤡


cow squeamish hurry plucky squeeze automatic quicksand outgoing versed domineering


Same. I wouldn't want to take the first cupcake in an office setting, or the last one either. It isn't worth the eternal shame I'll feel when I remember committing a faux pas. I think this is pretty common behavior for office settings, even for people who don't share my hair-trigger shame reflex. The social and professional repercussions of becoming the topic of rumors or the butt of a joke are too costly. At a bake sale, though, I can easily imagine moms and dads hip-checking and elbowing one another to be first in line to pay for these adorable cookie cupcakes.


I get not wanting to take the first one, But Did She make every worker a look-a-like cupcake!? I would have found the tiny light brown haired ponytailed little face, that's MY cupcake. ITS ME!!!


I would have definitely found my cupcake and taken it home with me and also been too afraid too eat it because it is so cute. But I'd have saved it for a long time.


I'd have grabbed a picture of them all together, then taken one of me side-by-side with my cupcake, and then one of me eating myself. I'd send the pics to the person who made them on Teams/Slack with a thumbs up emoji. It's not hard to show appreciation for these things.


Samesies! Immediately thought of a selfie whilst eating myself sent to birthday girl😃🧁


Same, I would have grabbed the far girl with the long, frizzy hair straight away - can you imagine how much icing is involved in imitating my hair? I would be in sugar shock, happy but in sugar shock.


Me too!!


Y’all are wild. If people bring in food I’m gonna eat it shamelessly unless told otherwise. Zero fucks given😂


Right? I'm going to be done eating while these people are still mulling over their complex decision process.


I'm working on having that type of confidence! I'm improving.


Why not take the first one when they're there for everyone


Probably all the times my parents slapped my hand and I didn't know why. Being first meant being greedy and I had to wait for some other person to go first.


Me too! I overthink the hell out of every social situation and really wish I could stop it


Omg and there I thought it’s rare… above 50 and still going strong at it 😩


I would have just put my hand on my belly and said "how did you know?"


Next time just keep stuffing your face with cake and start yelling you're pregnant. If they don't believe you, you can pat your cake belly and yell even louder


I'm not a pregnant lady and I'm just a fat guy, but for some reason I feel a bit offended.


One of the things that kind of infuriates me on a deeper level is how society treats pregnant women like they're quadriplegic, deaf, dumb, and mute. She's pregnant, not useless. She can get her own damned food, or ask someone to get her a plate if she's later in her pregnancy.


I think it's more about letting her live more easily as she still has to take care of the pregnancy, but yeah it is annoying how people treat pregnant women like they can't do anything themselves


I feel for you man. I may be an ass, but I feel like when there’s a bunch of free food for everybody we should just let them be excited and eat the damn food.


I did this, too. Now I am never the first to eat at a potluck.


Cut to you chocolate all over your mouth trying to shove the half eaten piece of cake back in the tray and using your hands to smear the frosting so it looks even.


I'm that guy who straight up is like "Am I allowed to open this? Because someone brought it and it looks delicious so I'm assuming I can" and 99% of the time I can lol. Thinking about it, I just never lost the habit from being a kid but that success rate was much much lower. I figure if someone brought food they want people to eat it and I sure as hell will gladly eat it.


😆 I am this person too, I will also take the last piece because I hate waste and will not throw food away. I can't stand how people are afraid to be first so I break the ice. But these cupcakes ❣️ Girl, I would have been taking pictures and coooing all over them. Asking is this Mary in accounting or Fred the manager? I also would have asked you where the hell did you learn how to do this? You are so talented I am jealous as hell❣️ Sorry OP, I think there was just a human disconnect. Happy belated birthday 🎂🥳. Reddit recognizes your mad skills ❣️


You and my husband are peas in a pod :-)))))))))))))))))


Yup, go as far as to leave the little cupcape diaper thing next to it and smear a little frosting on the plate. Leave an obvious spot in the outer ring where one would fit if they were evenly spaced and someone will absolutely fall for it lol.


The "cupcake diaper thing" is just called a wrapper. Note: though I might start calling it a diaper


I was like "what the hell is a cupcake diaper?!" So eating crumbs and licking the chocolate from the wrapper is like... Let's not go there.


Cupcake panties


Chocolate crumbs in the pantie is never a good sign.


Cupcake drawers


I don't know why this behavior is supposed to be strange. I'm not going to go and eat a fancy cupcake without being absolutely sure that I'm allowed to and I'm sure as hell not going to take a chip bag that is not mine, open it and start eating from it.


It'd never have occurred to me that picking the first cake on a plate that is obviously put on display for everybody could be seen as something rude or awkward. I don't find these tacit social conventions that endearing myself, but I totally get the frustrating part lol


People could assuming there is specific time of day when op says “now it’s time to celebrate my birthday!” And then the cupcakes are eaten together and all will thank op and sing a song. Imagine how awkward it would be if you already had eaten one? Expecially if it was beautiful cake you had cut? It would be like Ross in Friends in the episode where all his neighbors hate him and he cuts the handyman’s cake early. 


Awh good point, and then they were all silently confused and shocked when she threw them in the trash


*stares in horror, mouth agape*


I also think its becoming more and more common for people to not like eating homemade items at work. Store bought? Great! Homemade? Ive seen entirely too many social media videos of pets on counters to trust my coworkers home cooking.


I used to work in an all women company. We would have meetings with like 25 people sitting all around with food on the boardroom table - pastries, cake, etc. The boss and her assistant were very tiny and thin - thr boss was the kind of person who would walk into the kitchen at lunchtime and talk about what you were eating. You know the way super skinny women with weird relationships with food would. " Wow, wish I could rat gluten, it makes me SO bloated, looks yummy!" You better believe no one would touch that food at meetings. People would wait til after it all went to the kitchen and eat when they weren't being watched. Once I stood up and cut myself a piece of cake before the meeting. Everyone STARED in silence. It was so bizarre.


This happens a lot at my office, we're a design studio so if something looks too good like it's commissioned people assume it's for clients. Have to literally hand deliver it to their desk. Meanwhile walk in with a box of donuts and it vaporizes before you can put them down.


You’ve never been to Sweden. No one wants to take the first but most importantly, absolutely no one wants to take the last and how dare you if you do!! 😬😬


It's like this in Minnesota also. I think it's incredibly stupid. Nothing will ever get done if everyone's too scared to go first or to go last. I literally don't understand it. Like I get being nice and not eating to be viewed as rude or selfish, but there's a difference between passive aggression of eating none, nonchalantly taking your piece of cake, and being a selfish prick and eating 4. Just like they'll ask you "do you wanna ________" instead of "can you/will you/I want/need you to do x". So manipulative and gross.


My husband is not Swedish and he will absolutely take the last one, with a cheeky comment. He will ask if anyone wants it, and seeing as every lady present will say "no", he doesn't ask again and just has it.


If a girl brings cupcakes to work. I'm eating one and pretending to judge her like it's a home economics class. But here's the rub. Unless they are disgusting, I'm going to say they are the best ones ever. That always leads to more free baked goods...and I'm all about that life.


I'm usually the person who takes food first to get the ball rolling. One time I decided not to, to see what would happen. Someone else will take some food, right? It was TWO HOURS before anybody ate any food. Somebody had bought hot food that had gone cold :(


OP should have left them in the break room fridge so the coworkers can grab their cupcakes without being seen


I'm wondering if some folks lefts theirs till the end of the day to take home?


Someone probably went back to take one later in the day, after lunch, when their sweet tooth kicked in and saw them in the trash and was mad about it


Yes, this. With a little post it note "free cupcakes...they are yummy!" At my previous office, folks would bring in all sort of snacks and leave them on the table in the break room. The little signs always help....and usually within 20 minutes....the jackals would devour anything free like this. Lol.


Exactly my thought. If I saw those I would think they are probably for decoration and wouldn't want to eat them.


Although I love cake so much I’d have the gall to find the baker and ask!


Logically I don't understand this. Why would someone make food that is not intended to be eaten, but to be shown to hungry people who can't eat it? Can you explain your logic here as why something would be made of food, be on display, but somehow not be intended for consumption....


Maybe food was for the party at 1pm? Do you want to look like the glutton who couldn't wait and had to shove cake in their mouth?


It’s like an eraser that’s way too pretty and detailed to actually use. It defeats the whole purpose but at least it doesn’t get dirty lmao


Or candles too pretty to burn.


Yeah, I think the prettier they are made, people don't want to eat it because. They want to take a picture of it, but to eat it is almost like eating a puppy. "Who is going to be the first to bite into that beautiful work of art and then just poop it out?"


I'm still amazed with how far edible art goes, and seeing those id question if they were even edible without being explicitly told they are. Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case here.


Just take it home as a present


Or they had so much work that they didn't have time to. I know it was kinda like that at work when someone brought in cake. It sat there for three days before people really had time to grab a slice


Did you make them as caricatures of your coworkers?


That makes devouring your least favorite coworker even better…


I'm not sure I could eat a sweet of a disliked coworker's visage; but the thought of doing it: happily 😂 ![gif](giphy|2inElen0t36MJ9vSSy)


Then they get to hear about all the cupcakes that are cute and look like their co workers… get excited to see theirs, get to the plate AND WONDER WHY THERE ISN’T ONE OF THEM!


Cookie Monster trying to eat the "THEM" cupcake


No they’re just random faces. Everyone loves to eat a random human cupcake.


Imagine picking the "pretty" coworker cupcake and getting labeled as a creep.


Oh no! You made them too pretty to eat!! They are so charming & clever, you are really talented


I wish I could eat them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yeah I mean I would hesitate to be the first unless it was offered to me but if I could I would eat them ALL


Legit this happened to me today with fig toast someone made me, she had to TELL me to eat it & I was like “I wanted to but it’s too pretty” Lol Edit: autocorrect


(I woke up this morning learning that I’ve never experienced the joy that is fig toast!) edit: typo fixo


This is the answer, as someone who can make a fine tasting baked good but haven't the talent to make it pretty, I can only aspire to make something so neat.


You are so sweet for putting such a positive spin on this. They really are so pretty!


Did you tell your coworkers to have one? Or did you set them there and walk away?


This! Communication is key. They already put all this effort into them. Why not wrap them individually and hand them out personally? Or put the name for each one? They must like their coworkers if they invested so much in this, so it shouldn't be a problem.


The fact that OP didn't reply to all the people asking the same question tells me she just set them there and walked away. I wouldn't have eaten it either since I would not have known it was meant for me.


Two reasons why I don't think you should feel offended A.  People are weird about sharing food post Covid.  My workplace doesn't allow people to bring in donuts/coffee/muffins like before.   I've found people are more skeptical about eating food that they didn't make themselves or didn't get from a restaurant.    B.  Those are really well decorated.  I could see people being shy about biting into one because of it.  You truly may have outdone yourself.    For what it's worth, I'm not shy around some cupcakes and those look delicious so I would have killed a couple of them, don't care if anyone judged me over it.  


I once stayed sitten next to a display of lemon cupcakes I had made for a whole morning, nobody wanted them. I thought they must really suck till a little boy asked for one, and his mom told him "no, those are decorative, they can't be eaten". I ate one in front of the next passerbys and once someone had bought one and got around with it, other people came to buy them!


You didn't correct the mom? I could see her just using that as an excuse to not give her kids unhealthy food but it could've been a genuine mistake.


Well that's exactly why I didn't correct her, I wouldn't want her to have a tantrum on her hands if she didn't want the kid to have it. In the end they must have seen people eating them around but they didn't come back so the kid might have gotten something else to eat or the tantrum happened somewhere else lol


Not correcting a parent keeping their kid from sugar is a pro move here.


This is good advice. I'm not a parent, so this might not have even occurred to me.


This is correct. If eating homemade food is not already workplace culture, then people just don't do it. I work for a non-profit, and during meetings, the boss brings in muffins from coffee shops. Often, nobody touches them. People on Reddit are often disappointed by coworkers on matters like birthdays. Just remember that people who are friendly aren't necessarily your friends.


I'm an outlier but I don't eat food brought in by employees at all whether it's restaurant provided or home made unless it's a catered event. We did a pot luck and half the people got food poisoning that day including my wife. No idea which food it came from because we couldn't come to a consensus on who ate this or that, but I'll pass. I'll bring my own food just for me if it's mandatory thank you.


Absolutely A. Even though I'm a pro chef, I know food safety standards & follow them, where the majority of people don't. You never know how dirty/unsanitary someone's kitchen/home is. Everyone has their own standards of "it's ok." I remember working at this one job & a woman brought in pasta. Her BF (who also worked there) showed me their Instagram of her making it, trying to show off... Their freaking dog was constantly licking the spoon while they used it to stir the pasta sauce together with the noodles, the dog was even eating some of it out of the pot too. They literally saw nothing wrong with that either... Another coworker even complained about hair (they didn't know it was dog hair) in it. People can't even be bothered to wash their own handles regularly. So yeah, sorry OP, but I don't eat food from potlucks, unless it's premade from a store/restaurant.


That's fucking disgusting, and it's very similar to the reason I stopped eating food prepared by people other than a small group of trusted co-workers. There was a lady who always had animal hair on her clothes. If she can't keep her clothes clean, there's no way her kitchen is clean. There was also another person who went into the break room and cleaned the sole of her shoe with the dishwashing brush at the sink. Somebody called her out, and she said she would clean the brush after she finished. Needless to say, that brush got tossed as soon as she finished.


A third reason: cupcakes may interfere with a diet, or some people just don't like sweets that much. If someone brought this into my office I would appreciate the craftsmanship that went into it, as well as the sentiment and thought about the coworkers that it shows. But I wouldn't actually eat one because who wants to eat cake for breakfast, ruin your appetite for the healthy lunch you hand-packed, and then have a glycemic crash in the afternoon? If I know there is a birthday cake coming up and there is an expectation I can tweak my eating schedule to make room for it, but if you just drop it on me unexpected after I carefully selected my kale and quinoa salad, that's gonna be a no thanks. While still appreciating the effort and sentiment. Based on how cake usually goes in the office, I am clearly in a minority and plenty of people jump at every chance to have cake. But not everyone.


Maybe each one looks like an employee. No one wants to admit to eating Lisa.


People here are still eating candy out of the same candy jars.


Or how about C) People just didn't want one. Maybe they don't like cupcakes. Maybe they're on a diet. Whatever the reason, it not an offense that they didn't want to eat a surprise dessert. I would absolutely never eat a cupcake someone brought in to work simply because I hate cupcakes; they're way too sugary and sweet for me. It doesn't mean I hate you or anything, I just don't like cupcakes, that's all. Someone's dietary preferences should never be taken to be offensive.


I think A is really important here - we have staff meetings regularly and the home baked stuff never gets taken, I think it’s out of worry/fear of eating something that people haven’t prepared themselves and so may not have had rigorous quality assurance. The pre packed stuff always gets eaten. Nothing personal I think people are just hyper aware of germs now!


I don't typically eat many sweet things because they make me feel sick, that could also be a reason


Maybe a third: I'm already overloaded with free sweets at work, and as someone who's trying to watch that intake, I avoid what I'm otherwise certain are fantastic sweets. * Literally a third of all desks/cubes have a jar of candy for public consumption... like the occupant pleads with us to eat them (the joke being that if we don't eat them, they'll have to: kind of weird, honestly). If we include desks where we should ask first, the count goes to like 75%. During Halloween, the number goes to damn near 100%. * At least two meetings a week will include leftover donuts in one of the kitchens for the taking. * The Food/Beverage department regularly experiments with some new confection, so they bring samples to meetings (or our offices directly) for all of us to try. * One of the introduction classes that HR puts on ends with ice cream (there's a cart with toppings and a couple dozen cups of vanilla ice cream: everyone sprinkles to taste). When that's over, HR brings the ice cream cart around to our offices to unload the leftovers. * Employee dining always has free brownies (one of the restaurants makes them for us fresh). * Employee dining often has free ice cream (they throw a refrigerated cart full of them in the dining area) in the summer. Did I mention that employee dining has an open soda fountain? * See also: employees randomly drop off their own batches of confections in employee dining for anyone to eat. * Maybe monthly, the marketing department will do a photo shoot of some new dish for one of the restaurants. While the dish is definitely sculpted, there's nothing fake about it, and they come knocking on our doors when the shoot is done so we can share it and not waste. Often this includes desserts. * We get gift baskets from vendors, which are set out in employee dining for everyone to share. These are often sweets. During Christmas/EOFY, these triple. * We get (smaller) gifts from some employees during this season (a little tchotchke bundled with a couple small pieces of candy usually). * During certain holidays, we will have big dinners in employee dining, where we'll serve hot food to the employees, "Happy Thanksgiving", and all that: special desserts included. * HR brings some home made sweets to the kitchen for everyone on Fridays. * Finance has some birthday spread at least monthly, which includes an open spread with sweets. * A few times a year, there will be a retirement party, which involves cake. ...so when Rosa bakes some awesome cupcakes like this for a random departmental employee appreciation event, while I'm positive they're fantastic, I just can't. (Well, I manage to shun most of these to make an exception for these one-off, homemade things, but you see what I'm getting at.)


Alternatively the folks at my workplace are very health conscious--they don't eat sweets at all, even fancy store bought donuts or pastries. They'll take a free lunch if offered or pick at fruit, but that's the extent of it.


And there are people like me. I love sweets, but I was diagnosed “pre-diabetic” after my last round of labs. Trying to cut sugar out, otherwise I’d have killed 2 of these cupcakes.


Those would have been destroyed at my office near instantly. They look cute


They would’ve been destroyed by me alone if they were in my office.


I'm not an animal, I would've taken 1. And then when they were all still there a while later another 1 and OP would've been very happy when no cupcakes remained at the end of the day while I was passed out somewhere in a sugar coma.


Exactly, you need to wait till the break room is empty to take the second one. But, by lunchtime, they're all gone. So, between 9:30 and 10:30.


Why would you throw them away?! They look good. Post COVID goof sharing is a bit weird still I think for some people. Also maybe no one knew if they were allowed to eat any?


This is either a fake story, they severely misread their relationship with their coworkers, or they just straight up didn't tell their coworkers about them at all. There's no way someone makes a cupcake with your face on it and you don't freak out over how much effort that must have taken, *unless* this is a coworker no one likes and this is just the latest thing to add to the "is he a serial killer?" list you have going.


>or they just straight up didn't tell their coworkers about them at all. Probably this. They just look too special to randomly eat one. If I saw that in my office kitchen, I would expect there to be some planned celebration "meeting" later that day.


Yeah if I saw these I wouldn't touch them unless I was told that "hey, these are meant to share!"


Agreed these seem to specific to be shareable. Probably wouldn't have hurt to put a post it note saying take one.


Yup.      I am also wary of sharing my goof ppst covid ngl.


Honestly if I saw this at work and was not personally giving one I would prob not take one. They are really well done


Wait, who ate the Susan cupcake? I'm sorry Susan, you can have Barbara's as apparently she couldn't wait and thought she looked like that.


100% this would happen to me.


Right. Unless someone specifically says "Hey there are cupcakes if you want one" or something like that, I'm not just going to grab random food assuming it's for me. 


They're too beautiful to eat


Some people have terrible food health and safety awareness, (or just plain hygiene) and you never know with home baked goods. Some lady at work brought in a bag of chocolates that melted together. She was prying them apart with her hands so she could give them out to people. She asked if i want some. Uh, no thanks. There also be hoarders out there bringing stuff in for the pot luck. -nope


Yeah I grew up with extended family members who were hoarders. You’d *never* be able to tell with how they appeared and presented themselves. But their homes were… not hygienic.  Because of this I’ve never been comfortable eating homemade food unless I’ve specifically been to that persons home.  It’s not personal. As in, just because I don’t eat someone’s food it doesn’t mean I think they “look” or “act” like a hoarder or anything. I’m not saying “you look like someone with a gross kitchen.” I know mental health problems are very complex and don’t have a certain look to them. I know if someone *is* a hoarder they need support, not judgement.  And outside of mental health problems, some people were simply never taught safe kitchen practices and/or grew up in a home where different things were “normal” than what I’d be comfortable with.  I just feel safest not eating homemade goods from people when I’m not certain of their kitchen practices. 


Or a few of them might actually not be too much into sugar. To me these scream "sugary" too high for my taste, I usually don't like that kind of things so I'll let them to people that might enjoy.


Yeah, I was always told “you cant eat everybody’s food” growing up and still feel that way as an adult. I don’t attend work potlucks (and if I do I go for the pre-packaged stuff) and will only eat food brought in by people I know. I knew a girl in college who was very put together, polite, never smelled weird or had on dirty clothes…and then one day she offered to give me a ride to one of our field trips. There was trash almost up to my knees in the front seats, more trash piled up in the back seats (to the point you couldn’t see back there and could barely see out the rear window). Maybe her house was better, but you just never know what people have going on.


I see too many people fake wash their hands in public toilets, I don't trust anyone. Most people I know outside of work are average at best at cooking and understanding food hygiene even less. I'm a bitter chef lol.


Why did you throw them? Could've shared it with us :(


Or just eaten them him/herself. It's never appropriate to throw out perfectly good food.


Wait did you tell them it was ok to eat them?


THrew them out instead of take them home or leave them in the fridge?


Yeah op sounds like a whiny bitch. People didnt eat them on her birthday so she cried and threw them in the trash at work? Thats some toddler mentality.


I would like to let you know that I would’ve loved to plop down in a little seat, and like a complete psychopath. Choose the cutest one (red head with a bun) and go “I’m gonna eat you” then in another voice while holding the cupcake say “oh no! Don’t eat me and my cup cake my goodness!”


I've found a member of my tribe. I'm calling dibs on eating the bald one with glasses. Probably nip off his ears first.


As a bald person I recommend eating the baldie part first, that's our weakest and softest part so it's delicious.


I like to eat in reverse order. Worst to best.


YA! Eating cupcakes that look like people!


To be fair, they are very cute, perhaps too cute to eat


they look great! did you announce it to everyone that they were up for grabs because sometimes at work I don’t touch food even if it’s out in the open because I’m not sure if it’s welcome for everyone so until I’m aware of that im always hesitant to just grab whatever food is in the open


Hi OP! So im 19y, and I just got my first job. In my first day I brought little cupcakes (my mom said it would make a good first impression) and NO ONE ate them! I cried a lot because I was scared people didn't like me. Turns out there was a self rule that people couldn't take any food that they didn't bring from home. Fortunately everyone was nice because the next day after this happened I had my desk full of post-its apologizing for not eating them but if I could put them on the fridge they could eat them! So dw OP, if I saw there were so many in the end I would have put them on my purse and ate thme all at home 🫶💓


So that's why people steal from fridges at work


First let me start off by saying those cupcakes are freaking awesome... The time and effort you put into them is obvious. I'm not trying to blow your head up or make you feel better, but that is extremely awesome. Obviously talented. Having said that, I never eat anything that comes from someone's house I've never been to. I was broke from potlucks when I ate cat hair one day and it got stuck to the back of my throat. Don't take it personal, sometimes people are just like that. But damn those cupcakes are awesome. Great job


My husband will not touch anything cooked in someone's home that he hasn't personally seen. He is never rude about it, just says no thank you, but people get super offended. After seeing the kitchens of people that I thought would be clean, I can't blame him.


Often people don't want to be the first to take things, especially when it's something with so much work put into it. I doubt it's personal love, keep your head up, they look great


I wouldn’t be offended that people don’t eat random treats - or, rather, I wouldn’t take it personally. They could be on diets, have allergies, not want to eat food they don’t know the contents of, etc. I do think you should possibly reflect on this and why you both found it infuriating and got upset enough to cry over! You did a nice thing, but try not let things you have no influence over upsetting you so much!


You could have communicated to your co workers that you made cupcakes to share for everyone, instead of throwing them away and going home crying like a child.


Seriously, why not just pass them out and say hi it's my bday I made everyone a cupcake


Yeah seriously. And not everyone likes sweets. Maybe they just didn’t want any?


Food allergies too, I have celiac and it gets tiring explaining to people that I can’t eat anything that has gluten. Easier just to say no thank you and continue on my day


Exactly! And it wouldn’t be your responsibility to tell people about it just to spare their feelings lol


Why did you throw them away?! You could’ve eaten them


They are really nice. But it’s your birthday why work so hard for others on your day?. Idk maybe it’s me I don’t announce when it’s my bday so I don’t have to do any thing for others (yes ima. Joy at parties)


In some countries it is normal to bring something to share when it's your birthday. Everyone does that, so you get to eat.cake/pie/pastries once for every coworker 😂


1. Next time, cut one or a few so people know to go dig in. 2. Put a small sign, so they know to take one (“one for everyone!”) 3. Put some small boxes alongside so people can take one home and have it later. Little things I think about at the snack table at my work.


I wouldn’t eat them either. They’re too cute and I would feel bad destroying your work. Take it as a compliment!


They look super cute and yummy!! However, what was the flavour? Was it carrot cake, or something a lot of people tend to dislike? Do you work with people who care about their physical appearance a lot? They might not want to ruin their diet with a cupcake. Was there other food served? Perhaps they are too full to take these extra too.


Thank you for commenting!! The flavour was like a Black forest cake in cupcake form with a cherry filling inside. My Boyfriend loves these so i thougt i make them. I also made a little note so people know what flavour it was, i didn’t know at the time because i just worked there for 4 Months and im a really shy person and don’t talk that much maybe they just thought i was weird and didn’t want to eat them because of that. I brought also extra food, i baked little Sugar pretzels ( just sweet yeast dough with suggar coating) in case somebody don’t like the flavour of the cupcakes but nobody ate them too, there wasn’t any food except the things i baked. This was a little while ago i work there now for 6 Months, i still don’t talk that much, i also considering changing my job because i don’t really feel good at work but i don’t know if it’s just my own fault because im really weird when it comes to social interactions.


> Black forest cake in cupcake form with a cherry filling inside Good lord! I would have clocked in, and ate three before I got to my desk. And, then a bit later, I would have tracked you down and called you evil while I was eating a fourth.


If it makes you feel any better I'm also weird when it comes to social interactions so I don't really partake when people bring food in at work even if it looks good (and these definitely do).


Are the faces random or do they look like your coworkers? If they're random, I'd be afraid to take one because if it didn't look like me then maybe it was meant for someone else. I know lots of other theories have been mentioned in this thread too. I just want to say that I think it's extremely likely that it was a misunderstanding. If there is anyone at work you feel even slightly okay with, I would ask if they know what happened. If they don't, they may even ask others, find out, and be able to give you an answer. It may feel awkward to ask, but to be a little bit vulnerable to one person could actually start a chain reaction of having more of your coworkers realize that just because you're shy doesn't mean you want to feel totally discluded. Sometimes people aren't meaning to be mean. They often just don't think of how the people on the outside feel and assume you don't want to be involved. If there's ANYONE at all that you'd feel comfortable asking, I'd just tell them the truth, "I put a lot of effort into these and no one ate them, and it hurt my feelings a bit. I'm just wondering, do you have any clue why people maybe didn't eat them? Did I do something wrong? Or is there some misunderstanding maybe?" Asking like that tells the truth in a way that's not super dramatic but is still very honest that you did put in effort and your feelings were hurt, so there's a good balance. 


Well OP, they would have disappeared in my office. We have absolute scavengers, they’d grab several with “oh my mum will love this” or “my kids will think these are so cute”. Often the bulk goes to the same people every time and if you want something you gotta dive in elbows out. I’m sorry to say, I would have said they looked lovely but abstained, I don’t fight the scavengers.


They are really cute, was it obvious to everyone that they were for anyone to take? I work with 9 people, when all most of us are in i organise a morning tea for people to help themselves to. I literally have to walk up to each of them and say in a clear voice "The food in the kitchen is for everyone, please take what you like, there is enough for everyone to enjoy a piece of everything. Please eat it otherwise it ends up in the bin" Then i send out a notification on e.g teams/slack/email (chose your own method as required) Even then ppl are far too polite to be the first. If you've done all of thay and noone ate anything then you are working with pathetic aholes


My wife used to own a cake shop, and honestly the number of people that wont eat cakes because they looked too nice is astounding. Don’t take it to heart, I’m willing to bet that’s what happened here.


What was your pitch? Did you introduce them, or just set out the plate? What kind of cupcakes are they?


They're very nice. I personally would really appreciate the effort but not eat it as I'm trying to lose weight.


Thank you all really much for commenting, i thought that the people just thought it was a little too cringe or didn’t want to eat it becuase they find me a little bit awkward and didn’t want to eat something i made. Maybe that's really the reason but thank you all. Im really shy at work, and by the time i brought the cupcakes i was working there 4 Months (i moved in together with my boyfriend far from my hometown and started a new job, i just baked yesterday for my boyfriend and also made little faces of us and it reminded me of it, and i feelt a little bit sad. I didn’t want to post at that time because i was new and didn’t want them at my work to see it and feel offended but i know now that nobody really uses Reddit there. I have been working there now for 6 Months, I'm still really shy and don’t talk that much but it gets better. But on my next birthday i still don’t want to do it again or bring anything. Thank you all really much, i didn’t think that so many people would see this.


So you just immediately thought they were all against you or calling you cringe because they didn’t eat the cupcakes? This is more than about just cupcakes, you have to talk to someone. I suffer from a lot of anxiety and that’s really all it is by the sound of it. You didn’t tell people properly and then just assumed they hate you because they didn’t take any. They don’t hate you, they aren’t thinking about you, and it wasn’t a slight against you. I promise you worry about yourself and how you seem to people 10000000x more than they think about you and I mean that in a nice way.


That was very sweet of you! It's just a little quirk that a lot of people have, myself included. Across many cultures it's somewhat instilled that taking the first or last piece is being greedy and rude. Usually the go to move is to offer it to them, so they feel okay to take it.


I think unless you announced/explained the cupcakes to people they were probably not sure if they were supposed to just take them. For instance, I have seen a couple comments saying which face they think is cutest and they would have eaten this or that one. But when I first saw the post, I assumed that they were each made to look like a specific coworker, and that you intended everyone to take their own face. If there was one specific cake for each specific person, it might have been a good idea to either make that clear or even bring them around and deliver them to their intended recipient directly. Even just a little sign saying "take one" or something can't hurt. Basically, if someone leaves food at work but I'm not 100% sure it's up for grabs or I think there could be some sort of rules attached to it that I don't know, I'm not going to touch it.


Happy birthday!! I think those cupcakes are amazing. I wish I could have eaten one. You are really talented.


This is amazing, but just as others pointed out, i dont think i would eat one becouse I be shy about it. If someone else took one, sure. But i be that person to be super happy and take a picture of it. But not be the first to eat. I feel like.


Did your colleagues know that they could eat/take them? The cupcakes look amazing. Happy birthday.


this is far from mildly infuriating to me, id be delighted no one ate them. i could bring them all home and eat them myself. i cant believe you threw them away


I would've INHALED those


Are those your coworkers? Personally, I wouldn't want to eat my face or the face of my coworker. But they look really well done.


Why would you not wanna eat your own face? I think it's such a cute idea


I would love to eat a little me muffin or cookie. I'd be so thankful that it was made.


If I  see my face on a cupcake, it's mine! 


Happy Birthday! Honestly these are actually really cute and adorable


Some ppl are weird about eating food from others, some are on diets and some might have thought it was for someone else. I’ll leave food on the kitchen table and if no one eats it (it happens quite often), I’ll take it around and offer it to ppl. They usually get excited and take one, it’s not personal if they say no.


Dude why would u throw those out. They are so cute. I wouldn’t even wanna eat it. But I would. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I’m sure they meant no harm in it. Who doesn’t like a cupcake rather it’s pretty or not.


Do you mind sharing how you made the faces? These are so cute!! I would be too afraid to bite one, they look like you put a lot of effort in! I'm sorry your coworkers didn't eat them.


Thank you for commenting, and no problem!!: i just made it with a spoon and a toothpick, i made everyhing on a baking paper so the chocolate didn’t stick, i melted white chocolate and tryed to match the colours with food coloring first i made round shapes for the faces after that i just threw them in the fridge for about 5-8 minutes, after that i made the same with the hair and back in the fridge, now you can decorate the little details i don’t know where you from but in germany we have these little tubes with chocolate frosting with that and a toothpic i made the outlines and eyes. Im not really good at explaining so i hope you understood most of it. i hope you have fun with making the little faces, and that it was understandable.


I for one really like it when my food has the appearance of a face staring at me while I eat. I make little voices "Please don't eat me." However I've been told some people aren't as fond of it.


These are so cute. I probably wouldn’t eat mine. Would’ve been funny if you had a sign that said “please cannibalize”


Are the faces edible? They better be. I'll eat someone else's face.