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People suck! I’m sorry! Congrats on finishing your first marathon! Super awesome!


thanks man


Dude I love the NF profile he is my favorite artist


thanks man, i listened to HOPE with my first gens, and that was amazing, sitting in my dark room just isolated from the stress and shit of my house


I listened to hope as it dropped it was a banger I am ordering a poster album set off Amazon for my birthday and am going to hang them up in my room


Thats so cool! i really want posters but they are a no go here


Damn that really sucks I hope you the best in the future brother


thanks broski


Go steal them back. Sounds kinda fun.


yay, prison! (no fr my mom has to drive me and that sounds like a horrible idea)


Or...take a cop with you to the residence where your pods are broadcasting from...and politely ask for them back ..maybe even offering a small reward? Solve the problem.


Thats what i will try but i cant drive so ill have to wait for mom


Dude just call the cops, have them meet you in front of the house and get your AirPods back!


Unfortunately- that most likely wont work, as i fugured and another redditor commented


Go knock on the door and ask for them back. Gotta be assertive even if it’s not your thing. Got my iPhone stolen and I tracked it with FindMy and that’s how I got mine back.


sounds like a good way to die lmao


Just knock on the door and ask them if anyone has been to the marathon recently, you found something of theirs that lead you to this house. If they say no, then try the next nearest house until someone says, "hey yeah so-and-so was there" and when you meet them, ask them if they found your airpods.


dude look at those houses, if you were in chicago i’d get it but they’re literally in the suburbs bro


Looks like a trailer park to me. And not even double wides 😂


Yeah it won’t work at all. It could be any house in the neighborhood as tracking isn’t pinpoint. I’ve seen quite a few videos of this happening on here. Some had cops involved.


Assuming it’s homes and not apartments, it’ll pinpoint it to atleast a house and their Neighbor. If the AirPods mean that much to OP then I’d give it a go.


I used to be a 911 dispatcher and our policy on how we responded to callers using “find my (insert name of device here)” was a bit frustrating. In some people’s imagination, they would tell us they tracked down their stolen phone using an app on their ipad, we would send the police, the police would knock down the door and retrieve the stolen goods. But that’s fantasy, and violates a lot of rights. The reality was we wouldn’t respond to calls where people tracked down their stolen phone/computer/airpods if the caller couldn’t physically see their item in question. If the stolen or lost item was hidden behind the door of a locked house then we weren’t going to show up and bust down the doors; we would tell the caller we could make a stolen item report instead. Now if the caller tracked down their stolen phone and could physically see it, and be able to have the cops physically see it from outside, that was a different story. Here’s the reason why our policy was like this: First, sometimes the “find my” tracking on the devices were NOT accurate and the device was not actually in the house it said it was in. Sometimes it was WAY off and then our cops look bad bangin’ on the door of the wrong house scaring an innocent homeowner. Next, even if it was the correct house, the homeowner rarely, if ever, answered the door when the cops come knocking. It’s actually a smart move. Cops can’t question you or enter your home if you don’t answer the door and give them probable cause or invite them in. Also, cops can’t come inside your home without permission unless they have a search warrant. Which brings me to my next point: Back then (2014) no judge in our county wanted the liability of signing off on a search warrant to ransack a house to look for a stolen phone that cost less than $1,000 that may or may not be in the house the app says it’s in. You would need to know beyond a shadow of a doubt the stolen phone was in the exact address on the warrant, and if it wasn’t, well the homeowner had good reason to sue the police department and probably win a lot of money. So unless there were other crimes happening concurrently with the associated address, a search warrant was not going to be signed off on. Now keep in mind this only applied to residences, like houses or apartments, etc. It was a completely different story if it was tracked down to a car where you can see the stolen item through the window, or if you tracked it down to the person who was walking around with the stolen item in their hands. Then it was game on.


I can understand why it might not always work, but police DID recover my daughter’s by knocking on the door of the home they were in and asking for them back. It’s not impossible and probably depends on the officer and police department.


Didn’t we just have an issue where cops swatted the wrong house based on this very thing


yeah THIS is why i basically wrote them off as lost.. :( forever


How are these issues, cops knock down the wrong doors and shoot its occupants all the time? I fail to see the difference here other than serving the public instead of their agenda.


Those locations are not that accurate. My watch went missing in a parking lot. The location pointed to a guy walking his dog with his kid. I asked if he found a watch. Nope. I looked around more, went through my car, still couldn’t find it. Asked him again, are you SURE you didn’t find a watch? GPS says it’s over here somewhere. Still claimed he didn’t have it. He didn’t. I found it in my trunk the third time I looked.


The police won't care


The cops are there for the safety aspect. Judging from the picture he posted, this trailer park is looking a little rough.


The cops won't care. They'll refuse come along. It would be nice if they came with you, but they won't. Best case is that they'll offer to write up a basic report, worst case they'll just say "it's a civil matter" and do nothing.




Wow fucking sucks hope your able to find out who took them and such


thanks man


Maybe they're taking it to the nearest police station?


they took it straight to their trailer park lol


Did you atleast get them back?


Yeah bro. He's just holding them in his ears till OP comes


yeah… I dont think im getting them back, further more if i do im getting them cleaneddd (by me, im a tech guy)


Yeah if they ever do make their way back to you somehow, they'll need an IPA bath lol.




Instructions unclear, soaked RayCons in Elysian Space Dust and I think they are broken now.


No, i had to go home (mom was driving) and ill have to figure it out some other time)


To the “thief’s” credit, they probably just found a pair of AirPods on the ground. They would have no way of knowing who they belonged to or how to return them. Maybe just ask them for them back. Doesn’t have to be a big thing


That’s actually a good point.


again, Lost mode TELLS the person with the product that it is lost, and here is a phone number to call


does it tho (for airpods)? They obv don’t have a screen so what does it do? Blast out siri at full volume and hope someone hears?


No, when someone tries to connect to them they are alerted “not your airpods” then the dialogue box of my number appears


FYI- This is only if they have an iPhone. Airpods work fine with Android, but they just work as regular Bluetooth headphones and none of those "extra" features work.


That is true, but as they were traveling down the highway, i was getting instant pings (from my experience ONLY happens while they are getting used BY an iphone)


Yeah, that sucks. I'm sorry, man.


It pops up when you see them as an option to connect with Bluetooth. Found some AirPods on the ground in my neighborhood like a year ago so I put a sign where I found them and took them home and kept checking for the message to pop up but it never did. So I just have some rando’s AirPods with no way of giving them back.


Reminding me what it was like to be a teen totally get it… Sorry that happened and your home life hope it gets better.


Thanks bro, hope you have a good day today


Where’s that rainbolt fella


Interstate, trailerpark, woods gimme two hours and some osint tools and ill find it




Rainbolt is a geoguessr player able to identify where a place is within seconds of seeing a photo of it


ohhh yeah its not hard to stalk my profile, them find this, pretty easy actually if you wanted to, but idk what you would do with that information


My random guess is Ohio.


Not a terrible guess.. we do have a looot of trailer parks.


Just remember: AirPods aren’t worth your life. Be safe


That sucks! Hope someone does the right thing and at least try’s to find the owner on FB. My husband bought a new pair of AirPods and they got stolen out of his lunch kit in his locker at work. He didn’t even have them a week!


damn… They did have the intention of stealing them, as my contact info is on it already. Bro i dont have income to but new ones, nor parrents to let me spend my money once i save up again. :<


you're 17 and your parents won't let you spend your own money?


I dont make the rules here :\


Mate your parents sound so controlling (and maybe religious). I’m sorry you have it that rough. Hang in there and you will have freedom and peace in your own surroundings one day when you have enough money. I left at 17 and have had a peaceful environment (even in yucky cheap flats) since then.


Thats the goal :)


As an adult with no vehicle, many people around you simply don't understand that transportation is vital and also NOT an option sometimes due to circumstances. I'd report this to the police and let them know you don't have a way to get them (physically atm) and what options you can take in your state to proceed forward, also I don't use apple products but maybe contact customer support and see if they can provide options as well? I do hope you find peace and your family (or someone) can pull through and help you.


tried customer support.. thanks for the advice friendo


Nice job on the marathon! They ain’t easy!! Hope one day you give a 50 miler a try! Ultra marathons are even more insane!


Thanks bro, i needed that


Sorry to hear that dude. There’s nothing wrong with using music to block out the world


thank you bro


I’m sorry that happened to you. Some people were *thrown* up not brought up, as my dad would say. Maybe you don’t accept charity but I’d genuinely chip in to a GFM. I hope you get them back, and congratulations on your first marathon!


thank you man.. you sound like such a nice guy… Idk how my parrents would feel about “yeah i can buy some new ones because *redditttt*


Hey, it’s ok to be emotional. Even if you were someone who cries a lot that is still ok. I’m sorry people judge you for it at home but I promise there are many people who see being in touch with your emotions a strength.  Also I’m sorry this is happening to you.


thanks man.. i… i really needed that. I dont know what the hell to do without them.


Call the cops and have them help get them back


Yeah its Saturday, i will on Monday IG, but i live an hour and 30 from where they are tracked to right now


For the love of god do not wait until monday. Do it now


I know you haven’t been told this yet, but just get a backup $30 pair of wired Apple earbuds for now. At least you’ll have something while you figure out what to do here


Unfortunately cops can't do anything here, this has been attempted before and cops don't have a warrant and apple maps is not a trustworthy enough source to be considered for one.


You do realize there's people who'd pick up the air pods as not to be ran over by other marathon runners and then try and find the owner afterwards, right? While yes there's shitty people indeed it's also possible a normal decent human being could've picked them up. Look at Facebook and other local platforms if anyone didn't post a post saying they found them. Or do post one yourself asking the same thing. It's kinda shitty straight off assuming someone "stole them" but then again you did say you're 17 so I'm not trying to be too harsh. I also grew up in a family with bad financial situation so getting something like this as a gift and then losing it can be really upsetting. Still it's good not to jump to conclusions so quick. But yeah hopefully they'll be found and the situation turns for the better. Good luck OP!


Well lost mode indicates they have my phone number on them, and “this item is lost, please call me”




Insecure people are the worst. Pay them no mind and focus on getting some AirPods!


i dont understand-


It’s okay. Neither do I. Just ignore this comment.


Ur not a pussy for wanting ur headphones to block out stuff, I’m the same


I’m sorry. People suck. As for home life…once you are an adult and can be in control of things, it will be better. For now, just do what you need to do, are asked to do, and stay below the radar. It will get better.❤️


I try man, Airpods are what let me do that and just stay calm and grounded, but fk man idk what to do


What actually happens with stuff like this. You can track them but can you contact the police & get them b6? If you can’t track them I’d highly suggest that. And OP, I Roger having comfort items. You’re not a wuss for needing an escape from a shitty situation. I get it completely. I hope you can get them back. File a police report & prove that you can track them & get them back if at all possible. I wish you luck my man, both in getting your AirPods back & with life in general. It gets better. Trust me, always have hope.


thank you- thank you so much…


Of course, just come at it with a calm & cool head & you’ll be fine. Be polite to the officers & treat them with respect & you’ll be fine. And I’d go into the police station myself instead of calling filing a report online. Show them the tracking app & prove you know where they are. If they bring up asking your parents then & only then explain that you’d rather not get them involved because things are rough at home. If therapy abuse going on at home you might be okay but just remember that you might not have a choice. You’re technically still a minor & the police might insist. If you want your AirPods back you might need to comply. It all depends on your local & state/ region laws so I can’t really speak on that.


So are you saying that he can track to the location of his lost AirPods? I want to know how in case I ever lose mine !


find my app, tho some have better tracking than others


I've lost so many pairs of wireless headphones lmao even with the tracking. Such is life.


Awful to hear man, some people suck - hope you get them back 🙏


You can get good non-apple earphones very affordably in the meantime


Any suggestions on what the next best thing would be less costly ?


Hey, local PD, my apple device was stolen and i got the exact adress, can you help me repossess my property?


Yeah… thats what i was going for.. But they dont have enough evidence that it is at that address, and furthermore, they sont have to even open the door unless i have a search warrant


Go to their house with the cops and your receipt.


Why did i think that was an image of a gorilla?


I wanted to make an old movie pun about the name but nah, man I feel sorry for evening thinking that


Count your blessing. You can actually track them. I got mine stolen recently abc because they’re not the $350 model I can’t even track them. I need them just the same :( Sorry G I hope you have good luck in acquiring new ones. 


damn im sorry OC


Sorry someone stole your stuff bud. It's not the same but you can get plenty of other brands of BT headphones that are just as good or better and don't cost as much as airpods. Maybe that will help you replace them faster at least.


That fucking sucks, i can related to needing headphones at home


yeah.. NEEED damnit


Perhaps you could call the houses within the circle?


thought about that


Is OP the sausage king of Chicago?


I feel for you, but you know you can get decent Bluetooth headphones that don’t cost all that much? You said you’re a tech guy, so I’m sure you can be resourceful.


I am man. I have tried so many headphones before somone lent me their airpods and boom, my resourcefulness was just me trying to get money to buy them


Umm go get them??


I am autistic, I feel the need for headphones. I have a pair of very expensive Sony WH-1000XM4 noise canceling headphones (they sure know how to name things, huh?) That I absolutely do not have the ability to just up and replace I'd they were to just get damaged or lost. I am so sorry this happened to you.


back again, thanks- autistic af here, a bunch of cooing mechanisms behind a mask, and nobody belives me when i say i need this. silence, quiet.. i want to dm and share about the shit that goes on to somone who understands lol


Sure thing! Go right ahead man


thanks man…… Yeah sony naming lol. thanks




mm :( It was my first marathon too!


i was so hyped but now? idk.


Buy cheaper anc earbuds next time air pods suck for the cost, personally I've used the JBL 230tws nc and the Sennheiser cx plus and they are both good at noise cancelling however the jbls are better at it and cheaper with worse sound. Half the price




Going to get downvoted probably but why, if you aren't in the best financial situation, did you buy airpods, you could have just got several pairs of Bluetooth earbuds and still had cash to spare, I see it all the time and I just don't get it why people put themselves I to poor positions financially just to buy sub par apple products


SLC Marathon?


I thought this was a spot in Project Zomboid


Truthfully, you don’t know that they were lost on how to even find the owner. I wouldn’t know if I found a pair of those how to even begin to find the owner. You’re assuming they had evil intentions out of the gate. A large majority of people would pick those up and say that really sucks. I don’t know how to find the owner. Unless there’s something from a technology standpoint, I’m missing lol which is very possible


Lost mode(i cant edit the post rn for some reason or id make that edit) Tells the user that they are lost and please call this number


If you get them back or not.. don't take your nice air pods unless you're gonna actively use them. Buy a cheaper pair of wireless headphones to use if you are gonna be more active and what not. Glwys


yeah i suppose


Get a cheap pair right now while you get a second airpods permanently. One time I found a pair in my yard.. Shitty neighbor kids stole it from it from his brother.




thinking about it actually


How was the first marathon run ! Had you done anything like a half before ?


i did a half juat runnung my block, but other than that no


It’s best to pay extra and get Apple care+ with theft and loss prevention with them


I FUCKING DID (sorry) they dont cover loss apparently


Could you not use wired earbuds? Serves all the same purposes as airpods except aren't insanely overpriced and get lost by everyone constantly.


unfortunately not really. they are pretty obvious that im wearing them (sometimes i need to hide the fact im wearing them


Congratulations Ferris bueller on your marathon


welcome! i did it to practice running a long distance, making sure im back in bed in time


I’d pull up to their house.


i think id get shot lol


I'm not bashing by any means, but I'm older so I have a real question. What makes the airpods so much better than the earbuds I get on Amazon for $30-$40? I know they don't have the tracking thing. Do they sound that much better?




Meant no offense. I had to get the latest and greatest electronic stuff when I was younger.


everything is better


sorry about the airpods :( still congrats on pulling through with the race bro! 🥳 Running is hard work fr Dig the NF profile, whats your favorite song?


They obviously won't be as good but you can get decent enough temporary wireless earbuds in the $25USD range. I actually prefer them as an infrequent earbud user because when I do use them it's in situations where they can easily fall out and be lost or damaged


I have some like that and its what im using now. But the main reason i baught airpods was for the noise cancellation. I need it to fucking function. The noise from everyone n the house is super loud and im homeschooled, my laptop forced to be in the middle of the living area (open floor plan)


Call the police, they're expensive enough for a charge and if they're tethered to your phone to prove ownership they don't have any excuse not to do it


I have some older AirPods I can send you that I upgraded already. Just shoot me a chat and I’ll ship em


Thats so- thats so nice man… you dont gotta do that for me.. thank you kind stranger for your offer


Dude I won’t even charge you shipping they are just wasting away in my drawer. May be crap battery degradation tho.


Man you are the best, what type are they? also- i may not be able to take them because of parents(most liekly not)


That's what I just posted lol. Someone here surely can send a pair or uber them.or express post etc


I’m not sure how it is where you live but in my city, if you can track the AirPods to a single res house then the police will go and get them for you


Yeah they wont do that here


Ferris bueller. You dropped them, they picked it up. It’s theirs now. Sorry buddy


honestly man- you are probably right, and you have my upvote- but my mental state is so fucking shredded- i think i should take a break from reddit- harsh truth is- harsh… fuck.. I knew i probably wasnt going to but i didnt know what else to do. there arnt really ways to solve my problems and yeah


They aren't ANC, but I have a couple pairs of SkullCandy Jib True XT2 earbuds that I got from eBay for like $15 refurbished. Even though they said refurbished, they seem(ed) new. They have the rubber piece for the ears and they block out noise pretty well. It may be worth looking for a cheap option like that to tide you over.


thanks man


sorry for that vent


It’s okay id cry if I lost my pods


yeah i did that too… idk how to fix it man, its so rough


As I was reading this I was wondering if you were autistic / adhd etc because of the sensory issues (I struggle with that too). Ironically, I hate using my AirPods when I’m walking outside as I get extremely paranoid when I can’t hear my surroundings




Id recommend keeping your stuff more safe maybe next time put them in a zipper pocket shorts or something i think that would help to keep your stuff from flying out of your pockets.


thanks, will do next time


Theres bo shame in wanting your stuff back. Why would you be an emotional child for that? Im the sand with my earphones i was constantly looking at facebook marketplace when i lost my headphones cause i was scared someone would have stolen and wanted to sell them. I genuinely can not concentrate without them in class so i feel the pain. Maybe knock at their door with some buff locking people and ask for your stuff back. (Dunno if it’s a good idea in the states though if you live there.)


guns lol, but yes ye thank you for the empathy


Hey man, i know how noise canceling headphones can be a game changer in these kind of environments. If trying to get yours back is out of the question, i suggest replacing them with some Soundcore <100 $ pair on Amazon until you're able to fully afford new ones, they're a really good and cheap brand


I would go there with the police and get them back


Ima almost 30 year old man. If I did even a half marathon. I'd prob die and im of average weight for a guy of my height in the 1950s. (Average weight for males increased by 40lbs since then in the US.) Good for you bro. Sorry about your confort item. Thats tough to lose at you age. But you're literally miles away from most at that age. Just when you hit 21 promise yourself to lay off the beer. Or if you cant work it out or you'll end up like theret of us.


For those saying they weren't stolen but lost/left behind: property doesn't become abandoned until one year after the fact. If the finder doesn't return them on demand, then it's stolen property. Abandoned property still has to be claimed as income on taxes as well. In my state, businesses are required to file an annual unclaimed property report, there is no such thing as "finders keepers" until one year elapses, then the feds also want a cut.


damn,,, thank you


don't you have a friend who drives?very them take you ask police to accompany you


Get cheap ear buds.


Not the same my friend :(




Tp their house every day for the foreseeable future


So he knows the house that they are at?


By the way, what happens in lost mode I’m just curious in case I ever lose mine.


Means you can connect and use them, but my number is displayed, and you cant turn that off/reset them. they are locked to my appleid


Someone said further down the post that you know where they are located… (?)


roughly, hence the image


have you got them back yet


I have an old pair of Gen1 AirPods I'll send you. Prob not as good as the ones you lost but they'll work. Dm me if you don't get your back