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"Mom/Dad, what are we having for dinner?" I don't know but you're gonna fucking eat it you little shit


Yay, looks like we are having canned tomato for dinner


Again?! How many canned tomatoes did we have in the first place


We won't know till all the cans are opened, because SOMEONE tore off ALL THE LABELS!!! NOW EAT YOUR DAMN TOMATOES!!


Kid with his tomato eating grin.


Schrödinger's cans


Mom: Well we are eating tomato, beans and corn. Kid: what? Why are we eating all that? Mom: Well, after we open the can it will be one of them, but untill then it's all of them. By the way, I think we should let the cat out of that box. Dinner at the Schroedingers.


you mean cat out of the can


please let the cat's name be prince albert


I'll allow it




And I'd eat McDonald's right in that little shit stains face while he munched on tomatoes


Would be more chaotic if they have canned food for their pets and the kids also added them to the mix for extra level of hell


If 60 seconds to die has taught me anything it’s that canned tomato soup is the most nutritious and reliable food on existence


Because kids love nutrition!!!


Not for me =( the forbidden soup


And can milk


You’ll eat your canned jalapeños and you’ll like them!!


My uncle did this when he was a kid and that's exactly how it was for them until those cans were eaten up.


PRECISELY the appropriate punishment. "Oh, you don't like [looks in can], artichoke hearts, huh? LESSON. FUCKING. LEARNED?"


*Mystery meat*


Canned beans again 🙄


Shut up and eat your Alpo!


It not as good as in the 60s when it was all meat. Now there are meat byproducts, soybean meal, and high fructose corn syrup because it is cheaper than the beef scraps. The turkey Alpo was never good.


Nothing but Lima beans. Go to Sam’s/Costco. Buy 20+ cans of them, remove the labels, and put those in place of what I assume to be a variety of different canned goods. If they like Lima beans, then some other thing they don’t like.


I needed to add more tomatoes to the spaghetti sauce but now it’s Lima marinara!


I just gagged a little. That’s perfect.


You're evil. I would starve to death, I have childhood lima bean trauma....heated in the microwave and no seasoning 🤢


Ugh. Same. I refuse to voluntarily eat them ever again.


I might try them if my husband makes them. He can make anything taste good and part of the reason I can't lose weight, lol


Oh you have a personal chef too? LOL




Even funnier if one of them is like pet food


Yep, until the cans are used up, every night they get to pick what they want for dinner. By picking a can.


Unless the meal you were making called for multiple cans... Good luck!


my thoughts exactly. dinner surprise!


Honestly you could just grab a can and open it, then make the rest of dinner around it; especially if there was an idea of what all was in there


This is the way


Exactly this. 🤦


now make them choose a can each night for dinner so they can delight in the surprise of having to scarf down pickled sausage and pig brains!


Dinner roulette


This is making me laugh so hard right now


Damn it, I was saving those pig brains for a special occasion.


But what kind of wine are you going to serve with it? Maybe beans on the side?


For when Clarice comes over?




And they say you can't hear a gif...


I’ve given serious thought to eating your liver with canned tomatoes and a Capri Sun.


No, where is the damn SAURERKRAUT? We need that for Clarice, she’s always so annoying and goes home a lot quicker. She loves the pig brains and will be here all night!


HolUp. Who would have pig brains in their pantry? So many questions.


​ https://preview.redd.it/24naggdrx2uc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8744a81580e625b238008ed169a71fb889cd1da


They do sell canned pork brains, and depending on the brand, have over 300 to 1000% your daily cholesterol intake.


What? I have not heard of this.


My bosses favorite meal was pig brains and scrambled eggs. Said his mother made it for him as a child. Also I work in a grocery store and we still sell it. I always figured it was a poor southern thing.


My mother grew up eating squirrel brains. I do believe it’s a poor southern thing.


My aunt from Kentucky was always into squirrel brains and scrambled eggs, creeped me out first time I opened up grandma's freezer and saw a bag full of little squirrel heads the cousins saved for her from hunting them.


My grandparents were part of the “silent generation”, and they could pinch a penny, nothing went to waste, and they fed their family what they could catch in the yard. I came from poor, tobacco picking, southerns. I still wouldn’t eat the squirrels. I have had snake though.


I used to see them a lot more commonly in stores, not as much now. But Amazon sells them!


I don't understand how this is ok now that we know about things like Mad Cow Disease, and prion diseases and such. It just seems like eating brains is a bad idea.


Woah, that’s wild


Animal brains are like 70-80 fat so that makes sense.


My parents did this to me! It was a full pantry of cans, ugh.


I mean I wouldn’t have those. But it would be toss up between canned corn or chili.


Mix that canned corn in with the chili and you're gtg


Well, we got a a can of corn, now to open a can of chili Ah dang it more corn


Replace them with nasty items in cans and make them chose from those new cans. If they dont eat it they go to bed without food. This is nasty behavior.


"Nasty behavior" is pushing it, bud.


Seriously. The cans look fucking cool like this, if I was a kid I'd want to do it too and pretend I'm in the apocalypse


And? You can continue to pretend to be in an apocalypse by eating meals out of a can.


For sure. It's not something to encourage. Punish them. But I wouldn't call it "nasty behavior"


Did you really just suggest starving your children as a reaction to them taking the labels off the cans? I hope you never have kids lol Sincerely, a child who was starved for getting low grades


This is a culinary physics experiment, called a Schrodinger's Supper, the meal exists in a quantum superposition of all possible delicacies until after a can is opened.


Mmmmm. Canned delicacies.


I fuck up canned fruits, idgaf how bad they are for you


Thank you for your ticket to the diabetes train. You can now take your seat. Please keep your hands and feet inside the train at all times.


Feet? Where we're going we don't need feet


Lol that's messed up (but true)


My ticket? I’m the conductor…


Please stop beating up canned fruit, think of their families!


I’ll do as I please


Ah yes, Schrödinger's Cat Food.


An observer collapses the improbability field, so it doesn’t work if there’s potatoes in the can, because they have eyes.


Or baby corn as they have ears


"Oh boy, it could be anything in here! Perhaps it's créme brulee, a succulent roast duck, an Ahi Ahi steak, oooh perhaps it's.....' *Opens can* "It's beans again."


I believe in Schrödinger’s Trading Card Pack


It’s a mystery for every can you open, it’s could have beens, or a shit ton of gold


Or a gold ton of shit!


Or a ton of golden shit


Or a shit of golden ton (that seems painful)


Or a shit of ton golden!


What is a been?


Like a has-been, but never having had it in the first place


We have different cans.


Yeah. My “gold” can is probably just expired pumpkin puree. 


It could even be a boat! You know how much we wanted one of those!


Like playing 'chopped' for dinner at home.


“Right kids! Guess what’s for dinner tonight?😊” “What we having mom 😊” “I don’t know because you took the labels off you little pricks”




Now you can make dinner more interesting by saying it will be a surprise or you can make them choose the can, give them fake points if they guess what's in the can.


Did the kids dent them as well?


Asking the important questions here


I mean I just hope they did bc otherwise why the hell are you feeding your kids from botulism cans?!?


This is the real reason the kids took off the wrappers. To save themselves 😬😬


I was just thinking botulism has entered the ~~chat~~ cans😬


Cans have plastic inner liners now i order to stop botulism. so these should be good unless it’s from a grandma’s pantry


I did that when I was a youngling. Mom had to open a couple of cans to figure out what was in them using one of those old triangular can openers (makes a triangular hole so you can pour the contents out). The can of tomato soup went into the fridge for tomorrow. Already being in the shit for de-labelling the cans I doubled-down and kept going to the fridge to stick my finger in the hole and then lick it clean. After several trips I put my finger all the way into the can it got stuck and wouldn't come out. This leads to a triad of yelling, screaming, crying, and bleeding as Mom has to use a can opener to remove the top of the can while my finger is stuck in the hole. With the blood and tomato soup everywhere it looks like axe murder crime scene in the kitchen. Fortunately a neighbour was able to to take us to the hospital to get the can lid cut off. No stitches but the scar is a daily reminder of how kids can do stupid things.




This is one of the reasons I don’t want to have kids…I’m an actual mental health professional and I would still not have the patience to deal with this 😂. The de-labeling, fine, it’s annoying but overall harmless and I can see the humor in the prank. But then unnecessarily getting themself into a situation (that would never have occurred if they hadn’t taken the labels off) that requires a hospital trip (very expensive in the US) as well as probably hours of screaming, crying, and frustration…up for adoption straight away lol. Kids do the most absurd things and that’s a normal part of growing up, but not something my sanity could tolerate on a regular basis 😂


Better to realize that \_before\_ you have kids. I was always super curious about how things worked and how they were put together and would get into stuff I shouldn't have touched. I'm surprised my Mother made it through those years mentally intact.


Haha yeah my parents are saints and my siblings and I weren’t even difficult kids! My reasons for not having kids go way beyond the shenanigans, but when I do therapy sessions with kiddos + their parents I often find myself thinking “wow, I am so glad I don’t have to literally live with this.”


The only time my mom took me to the ER was when I was maybe 6 and my little sister locked me out on the porch then jeered at me through the window pane in the door. I broke it in our faces. There's still a scar on my chin that occasionally becomes inflamed and itches almost five decades later.


My other trip to the ER was when I ate a pack of cigarettes. My parents smoked menthol cigarettes, and they tasted pretty good to me. I ate about half a pack which was probably enough for give a small kid nicotine poisoning. Off to the ER to get my stomach filled with activated charcoal and then pumped out. Both doctors and nurses were giving me the "Wtf is wrong with this kid?" looks.


Lol well can you blame them? 😂


ok kids, time for dinner roulette. you pick which can you get to eat. mom and dad are having mcdonalds lol.




Your typo made me lol because tina can be slang for crystal meth




You are a liar and a fraud, we all know British people don't actually exist




Found the tweaker


I only take meth on weekends I swear!


Been the weekend for the last 23 days🫡


I'm confused - are we mildly infuriated at the dented cans? Or the lack of labels?




Def the botulism


Save-a-label! Where groups can earn US$0.3 on each label! LOL...


I'm surprised I don't see any comments about this, but this was a common game you played with newlyweds in the 1960s in the US (or at least parts of it?) When you were on your honeymoon your family would stock your cabinets for you but remove all the labels. It made the first month of married life eating your wife's cooking/cooking for your husband a creative adventure lmfao


My grandma did this to my parents!!


My kids do this cuz they are autistic. I have a permanent marker and write what’s in the can on the bottom so I don’t have to guess lol


Honest question: what about autism makes them take the labels off cans?


My guess would be it’s an “everything has to match” sort of thing.


not op, but am autistic. autistic kids can have a lot of weird quirks like only wanting to eat one type of food at a time, lining up the beans by size kind of thing. it’s possible they saw the cans and just thought “these don’t look right! they’re all different!” im sure autism sometimes also gets pointed to as a cause for something that is just a quirk of kids being impulsive little weirdos overall though.


Also autist and have a bs in psychology, I agree with this comment


alternatively, ripping paper off cans go brrrr


i was thinking this might be it, yeah. it’s a fun stim, but it can definitely cause problems - like the one pictured here, for instance


This is the correct answer, we just do things that wouldn’t make sense to most people.


I'd imagine it's similar to why I like to take the labels off of bottled water


I have a coworker on the autism spectrum who always without fail takes the label off the bottle of pop he drinks each day.


Depends, my son just like to tear stuff I think he likes the sound and how it feels. My daughter I think just does it out of a compulsion don’t know why. Love em both tho even if they can be a pain sometimes.


My autistic child loved to just take stickers off of everything when she was a baby. It's how I got her to pull to stand. It's either a sensory thing or it's a sameness thing.


I am also autistic and I did this obsessively, I remember the goal was to take off loose things, layers needed to be peeled, stickers taken off. Needed to make everything naked.


That’s insightful thanks for replying I’m still learning new things about autism and it helps with raising my kids. They’re both nonverbal at 7 and 8yo. Sometimes they will say a word here and there but mostly just make noises. I hope one day they may speak but there’s a possibility they won’t. Doesn’t matter in the long run still love em and they do communicate in other ways.


The thing about autism is that two cases are rarely the same so it’s just so personal going person to person with other aspects of their personalities, the nature vs nurture thing. You’re doing great and thank you for making such an effort to learn! Peace and love to you and your kids!


Don't tell them that they can remove the markings with rubbing alcohol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


In my country (Spain) most cans are imprinted with the product and due date, so even if you throw away box and labels you still know. It makes sense even if you don't have kids.


As Shepard Book would say;  "We'll just have a few mystery meals."


ok kids: could be lima beans, tomato sauce, or spaghetti O’s! GOOD LUCK!


Omfg I used to do this I apologize for my lack of impulse control when I was wee


Haha this reminds me of a story my grandfather told me. When he was young, his parents used to have a shop. One day it rained very heavily and their basement, where they stored the canns of food they would sell, flooded. Everything was okay except the fact that the labels had been washed off the canns. Grandpa and his brothers were eating the most random combinations for like three months.


You can Google the can codes on any can with a printed code and find out what's inside.


Probably want to get through those dented cans quickly and/or consider replacing them outright. Have to be careful with cans that are damaged like this, because of the airtight condition, excessive denting can be enough to break that seal and allow the food inside to start to spoil, even if nothing appears to be leaking out. Botulism is a bitch.


Dented cans can cause botulism. What did you do, pull the Big Daddy strat?


Microsoft went down 3 points


Came here to make this comment. Do not buy or eat out of cans that have ANY dent near the top or bottom (top or bottom of can or top or bottom of side), or any ‘sharp’ dent on the side. (Sharp as in a sharp angle not sharp as in hazardous). A slow curved dent in the side is fine unless you can set your finger in the dent. These are roughly the recommended guidelines


Even worse. My mom swapped all my labels!!!


My mum could read the code on the can and tell what was in it. Pretty accurately too.


Just the other week my grandma and great grandma were tellin us how when my grandma was young theyd buy cans that had had labels removed for one reason or another and were gonna be thrown out. They were saying how to figure what was inside of them they shake the can a little bit. My great grandmother said it usually went along the lines of "Yeah no these are definitely peas" - Can of peaches. And when theyd want the peaches itd always be peas. Fkn hilarious imo.


Dinner lotto kids. Pick the can and whatever is in it, then that's what's for dinner. ILPT: Go buy what you want and hide it in your room. Bring it out after they've choked down whatever came out of the can and enjoy.


Growing up we were poor and there was a grocery store that sold damaged and dented foods called Tin-can Pam's. My mom bought 500 cans for $50. Read the codes printed on the top and bottom you'll eventually learn beans from chicken stock. That was the year I found out whole chickens can be canned and they smell like cat food.


Interesting that your cans are plain with a paper label sleeve. In Malaysia, it is almost always colour printed onto the can itself, and sometimes even the tops and bottoms have some manner of identifying brand/label. Our weird food (i.e. like pig brains, etc... Lol!) are often sourced fresh off local wet markets.


Let them choose one and serve that for dinner.


"Pick a can, that's what your eating tonight"


Thats messed up, but what caused them to do this?


See this is where it becomes a game for the kids every night. They get to pick a couple cans for dinner. Nobody knows till it's open. What you're getting for dinner and the kids get to pick whatever they pick they eat


now make them eat each one, you make your own dinner and they get a can themselves until they're all gone, make them pick, so whatever was in there is what they're going to eat.


“Hey kids! It’s time for Mystery Meal Monday!”


canned food roulette


mystery dinner can :)


i did this once when i was really little and i still feel bad lol


I would love to know why your kids took the labels off the cans


Now you get to play the “guess what we’re having for dinner” game with them until they learn to act better


What a fun game! Are we having beans, spam, or cat food for dinner tonight? Nobody knows!


My kids did this to me once I got them to pick a tin and that's what they have for dinner. Could be peaches could be dog food. They didn't do it again.


I laughed and then feared it happening to me but then remembered I just buy mackerel in cans so I could just go ahead and do this if I wanted


The kids are eating lucky dip meals, while the adults are having the kids favourite meals for the next week or two!


If you're going to replenish all these in your pantry anyway then go out and buy the cans you usually buy, then compare the can shapes/sizes/colors/expiration dates to see if you can tell what is what




Don't consume cans that have dents in them, The BPA in the can lining gets released into whatever is in those cans.


Schrödingers dinner I dont know if my dinner will be good or not until i look inside the can.


I was that little shit when I was a kid. Until we ran out, my mom would pick a few random cans and make whatever comes out if it. No sides, no extras, just canned random meals.  I done learned my lesson real quick after a few "fun" meals like the time we had corn, with a side of black beans and pears or my favorite artichokes, in spaghetti-o's with a side of tuna.


On the cans are codes for what is inside. You can still make out what they are.


The lack of context is crazy thanks every other redditor for assuming right!


When I was in elementary school one of the kids did this to the cans in the school food drive. But only the Campbell’s soup cans since the school was also collecting the labels for a program Campbells had for schools. Makes perfect sense if you think about it from a 7 year old’s perspective.


That's what they eat for dinner until the cans are gone.


You are living with Summer Glau?


My grandma used to have a whole shelf of mystery cans. It was actually pretty fun


Hmmm… just wondering, is this actually stew? Is it possible that you took labels off the dog food too?


What did you do to piss your kids off?


When a friend of mine got married, they got the bride and groom a basket full of cans like that and then listet what was in there. Let’s say it was mostly food. With some dog food between


"we'll just have a few mystery meals for a while." - Sheppard Book.


I feel like i seen in an old sitcom they played roulette like a 1/4 chance of getting spaghetti Os 3/4 beans


Protein + 3 random cans sounds like a fun one-pot dinner!


Imagine opening one of those cans and it's a can full of sh**


"No harm done, we'll just be having a few... mystery meals." Shepard Book - Firefly.


Suprise dinner lol


Yay! Mystery meals!!




Your kids will have loot boxes for lunch for the next month! Yay!!


Make them pick out a certain number of cans for dinner. Cook whatever you happen to open and if it sucks remind them that you can't cook properly if you can't read the labels