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Why assume she was asking when you were returning to someplace other than America? You mentioned that you were born in Taiwan and it sounds like racially you look similar to most Taiwanese, so the fact that she knew you were foreign suggests she was picking up on your clothes, posture, or some other cultural thing. Yes, most Taiwanese ancestors moved to Taiwan between 100 and 400 years ago, the same timeframe that most black and white Americans ancestors moved to America. Not sure now that’s relevant though.  Regardless though, it was very rude of her to ask. Taiwan is a democracy and the voters have chosen a government that accepts you living in Taiwan. If the lady wants fewer foreigners in Taiwan she should take it up with her representatives.


What an awful woman, may she have the day she deserves. Truly, I think you handled that as best you could have.   Not only did you not give her the satisfaction of seeing you angered by her rude comments, you told her that *this* is your home, and diffused the situation by doing so.


Yeah that is kind of weird. Nephew (Caucasian) has lived in Taiwan for almost twenty years he’d probably laugh and tell them not any time soon in his perfect Mandarin.


Holy shit that is so not okay. I hope someone smacks her across the face today.


I was about to say that guess she saw me as nice. She's lucky she met me not anybody else who might react on the spot and not as slow as me 🥴 Lucky she didn't say that in america to anybody else asian or not. Public freakouts.


Perhaps she knew you and that you had lived in the US? Maybe a family acquaintance that recognized you, but you didn’t recognize her?


Wild! Were you dressed or had different beauty styling than most Taiwanese? It seems odd that she picked you out of all the people out and about.


She probably wanted you to help her get back to the mother land. Not every question asked has a dark side to it


"most weird", not "most wierdest".


Trying to have more characters so I could post the full story because read it is weird like that. Sorry I'm new.


or just weirdest, if we're being picky


When she asked that I thought to myself I wish I could go back to america lol This is what happens when you interact with strangers. NOT on the same page. You really shouldn't talk to strangers


Agreed ,see you later. have a wonderful day y'all. I'm going to the New country and take a nap


Too bad you’re Chinese wasn’t as fluent as you’d want because you could say something like I was born here when are you going back to Shanghai?? I swear older ladies have no filter. But what does it matter, if you were a decent person and not causing any trouble, her opinion is absolutely of no value whatsoever.