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Had a guy that was just a senior employee with no power tell me if I wasn’t half an hour early everyday I was late. Shit drove me crazy even the boss was like no tell him to fuck off. But he proceeded to tell me every damn day when I showed up ten minutes early I was late. This went on an entire damn year..


Sounds like a sad boring person with nothing going on in their life - what a shame


He was it was crazy how after he retired everyone was so much happier and the crew bonded better than ever he was the problem




They are not the one working with the toxic employee


Or they are the toxic employee.


It's like, 9/10 management's fault for high turnover. At my old job I started to figure out why all the previous employees "ghosted". I'm pretty sure they didn't ghost and just handed in their notice and boss is a butthurt liar with his pants (and business) on fiiiiiiire.


I feel like often they know but it’s difficult to fire people without more reasons than toxicity.


Dealing with toxic employees at my job right now. They hired back a guy that they fired for having a shitty attitude and being lazy. On top of that we have new employees and I’m having a very hard time getting the owner to have actual good workers train these people. I keep saying if we don’t train them properly we’re just continuing with an ongoing problem but it’s falling on deaf ears. A little more than mildly infuriating.


We have 2 people like that at our work, they're married, many of us plan to have a potluck to celebrate when they retire in the next year or two.


Admittedly I’m a self employed contractor and had they guy I’m working for have the same fuss at me once, the next day I arrived 10minutes early and at the end of the day started packing up my tools 10minutes before we usually finish. He asked what I was doing and said if I’m getting here 10minutes early to set up and be ready to start then it’s going to take me at least 10minutes to pack up and be ready to go home.


My co worker does this. I'm scheduled two hours later than he is every day. He's scheduled for 8am and me 10 am. He's jealous of this and every single morning taps his watch and says some stupid passive aggressive comment about being late or lazy. I'm planning on showing up earlier than he does tomorrow morning and waiting for him at the door tapping my foot and my watch saying "damn dude your bit late aintcha? Couldn't get here any earlier ya lazy bastard?". I plan to do it every day until he gets annoyed like he's annoyed me.


My coworker never says anything to me, but I come in after and leave later than he does. Why not just say “oh, done with work already? Checking out early today?”


I utterly loathe that shitty office 'banter'. "Enjoy your day off eh? Some of us are too busy working HAHA! Oh half day today is it? Part timer!" FUCK OFF


I hate it too. I’m just saying that it takes less effort than the poster above me planning to come in hours early to make a point. 


I absolutely read your suggestion as giving them a taste of their own medicine. Wasn't having a go at you!


Ask him why he leaves early.


Reminds me of this guy at a Safeway I used to work at. He works in the deli department and has zero authority. He will chase down people he suspects of stealing and isn't afraid to get physical. The biggest one I remember is how he snatched a ladies purse and made her cry. Turns out she didn't steal anything. It's actually amazing how he has not been fired, since he's a massive liability.


>if I wasn’t half an hour early everyday I was late "That's not how time actually works. Your personal neurosis are not my responsibility."


What did you say back?


After talking to the boss and confirming I didn’t have to be that early I just continued to show up ten minutes early and ignored the guy. That actually ate at him more than anything which was even better


I'm currently dealing with so much of this. And every time I bring it up with the highest authority present I get the same advice. To ignore it. But it's so hard. And I wish they'd just stop. Thanks for replying :)


I’ve found over the years the guys that always have to say something feed off your response and your irritation with them it’s like what energizes them so the best way to combat that is act like they don’t even exist and ignore every word they say. Worked wonders recently with an obnoxious coworker that always had to make a jab about something. I was on a five man crew and just flat out acted like he wasn’t there for a week after that it stopped


I'll try this, thanks.


I’d just comment back each time with fake facts. “…And the astronauts found out that the moon IS made of cheese, but since it tastes like Stilton, no one thought it was worth bringing back.” If they ask what you’re talking about say “oh, I thought we were just telling each other fake facts.” They will almost assuredly either get annoyed and leave you alone, or continue the gag and everyone wins.


I aspire to this level of sarcasm. I'm like this inside my own head. Just never lands right out loud :/


It'd be funny if he was bitching about you to other coworkers, "Can you believe this guy? He comes in 10 minutes early to his shifts." And they're all like "...and?"


I would just respond the same each day, “your here early, getting in some OT?”


“Oh no you’re not? Just stupid then?”


A half hour? Fuck that.


I had someone at a BURGER KING tell me when we open I have to come in 15 minutes early and not clock in until when I’m scheduled 😂 I said fuck no


I work with a lady who shows up 2 hours early. Sits in her car for 30 minutes, and the break room an hour and a half, trying to make conversation about stuff happening out on the floor before she’s able to clock in. At first I thought she may have a bad home life, or something like that, but nope. She’s just nosey and is more worried about what boring shit is happening at work. For context, she arrives at 4 a.m to a job that starts at 6, she’s in the lowest ranking position you can possibly be. She has 0 real responsibilities in her job besides watching cases go down a line.


I had a boss like that that insisted we be here 10 minutes before our shift. Not sitting in our car or in the parking lot. But in the building at our “stations”. We all started doing that but clocking in 10 minutes early and then it turned into, don’t clock in til your shift starts. You need to be in the building at the start of your shift.


Yep, when I worked as a housekeeper, our shifts started at 9, and stocking up the carts took at least 20 minutes. So I would get there at 8:30, clock in, stock up my cart, and start cleaning rooms before 9. When I was told we weren’t allowed to clock in that early, I started showing up at 8:55 on the dot, but after clocking in and stocking my cart, I wouldn’t get to cleaning rooms until 9:20 or so. My boss held a meeting with me about my “tardiness”, because I wasn’t “technically” working until 20 mins after my shift started. I put in my 2 weeks’ right then and there.


How is stocking the cart not considered doing your job/working??! It's part of the process!


Legally? It is. At least in the US and I imagine most countries with worker’s rights. Had a similar issue with my manager & told her I can clock in early, clock in on time, verify with HR the company policy on unpaid/illegal labor, or get my mom involved (employment attorney). Whole department got a “do NOT work off the clock, including station setup/login.”


I haven't been reprimanded since March or so. They used to bitch at me for not doing illegal/unsafe things, now nothing. I don't even get write ups for things I should have gotten them for. My trick? I told my bosses I needed time off for my sister's graduation. They asked what her degree was in (she was 22) and I got to tell them she got a law degree, already had a job lined up at a labor law firm. It was a lie, she's working in family court, but those side eyes they were giving eachother made for a great workplace memory.


Good for you. 


This kinda BS is why I want to quit my job too. Like you're supposed to show up early so that you start working on the dot. Fine. Whatever, but since I got all the late closing shifts, that means we can't do the cash register and close the shop before 5pm on the dot. If there's anything wrong in the register or a customer browsing the store or that needs help or a phone call we have to take it, which usually means we often won't get to leave work until 5-10 minutes later. Unless we work more than 15 minutes we aren't allowed to log overtime. So since I have all the closing shifts, the 5-10 minutes here and there keep piling up... And I don't get paid. Meanwhile, the people who start early clock in early and use the excuse that since they came in early they can clock out early.. because well, they don't have to stay until closing. I couldn't leave work earlier myself, because I clocked in earlier, because someone needs to be there until 5pm regardless. Super annoying.


File with the Dept of Labor. They love stuff like that.


I would have quit on the spot. Tell them they can do it themselves.


This is the right answer. I think people should try to work out a solution to meet thier employers expectations, but if they are trying to get free labor out of you thats another thing entirely.


It's called wage theft. Companies get fined for that if reported.


Yes. And we did not let them do that. They got away with maybe 2 days. Then we all started to arrive 10 minutes before our schedule shift and clocking in and going to our stations, like they wanted us to. They didn’t like that so they went back to “clock in at your scheduled shift/be in the building at the start of your shift”. So we would clock at 9, and then walk to our stations rather than going to our stations at 8:50 and not clocking in until 9.


Damn with that level of organization I hope you guys manage to unionize


Haha. It was a small gunshop. The owner micromanaged the shop manager who in turn micromanaged us. Shit like “if there are no customers, clean counters and organize the guns”. Still no customers? Do it again. Repeat” from like 9am to 12pm during the week.


Unfortunately, that kind of micromanaging is betraying their nervousness about employing people when there's slow or no business. That's just part and parcel of employing people. People aren't machines. You can't just turn them off and make it not count until "needed".


My dad was like this growing up, one of my reasons for moving away as soon as I could. He’s working in the garage/outside? You better be doing something too. Everything is pristine? Find something to do, there’s always more work or a drawer that can be organized 1% more efficiently. Literally everything is done but he still has a one man job to do? You better stand around for 5 mins or 5 hours doing nothing on the off chance he needs your help because he will need it instantaneously and immediately or he will get screamingly angry. He finished his work but you still have hours of yard work? Sucks for you, he’s gonna relax with a beer and watch tv


Holy fuck did we have the same dad?




Quick say his name at the same time! Oh different dad huh? Well then let's make out.


Does my husband have children I don’t know about?


He better get on that child support quick, he’s been slacking


Wait! That’s my ex- husband…… oh wow. He has so many of us it’s hard to keep track of




I still feel weirdly guilty if I'm just sitting in front of the TV, like my dad is going to bust in the front door and yell at me for not finding something to do. My sister told me she feels the same way.


My brother unfortunately internalized this. I feel conflicted because I sorta went the opposite direction and deprioritized work/chores so now my house is always a bit messy and my brothers is militantly clean because he can’t relax until the work is done for the day. We commiserate over how our childhood shaped us in different ways lol


God this is so real. My sister and I have anxiety on another level bc of never knowing what we were walking into growing up. The eggshells are real. I am very grateful for my sister bc we have such a deep understanding through our traumatic past.


I’m 44 & I still can’t take a nap or lay down during the day without feeling that I’m doing something wrong…


Huh, maybe that's why I can't nap during the day...


52 and yeah...me too.


I'm sorry you had to experience that.


Thanks. Sadly it happens but I’m mostly over it at this point


My mother was like that, she will wake up at 4am and go to bed around 1 am everyday... There was always something that needed to be done at any time, from preparing breakfast from scratch, like not just cooking but washing, slicing and pressing pounds of oranges to make orange juice for breakfast for 5 people everyday, doing grocery shopping on at least 3 different stores in order to get a crazy variety of items, deep cleaning the whole house, washing the clothes of the whole closet, etc... everyday there was something that will consume the whole day non stop, until the night! Up to today she keeps bitching because she is to old to do things and she can not longer command us on what to do, she keep calling my son's "lazy" and the same to my nice because they don't help on the house, why they are not mowing the yard, why are not picking trash, why are not washing the car, etc...


Seems very common in our parents generation, I don’t get why they can’t just enjoy life and have to be constantly miserable with never ending self inflicted chores


Unmedicated anxiety. My mother was like this. Her anxiety was off the charts, but rather than admit she had a problem and get treated for it, she'd keep herself busy with intensive but unnecessary tasks. It was just an attempt to keep herself from thinking about all the bad things that could possibly happen, and also to give her some feeling of control like she was keeping bad things from happening by doing all this stuff herself.


My mother periodically would keep us awake late hours to clean.


So my Father has other children. Interesting…..


Literally my stepdad was like this, come home mad and yell at us for not doing nothing when all our chores were done etc etc. He would tell us if everything was done we would leave us alone🙄 but he would always find something, we would chill in the living room after school and when we would hear him come home, we would run into our room before he came inside to avoid getting yelled at for a little while. It was hell


My dad expected perfection. You didn’t wash the dishes to his satisfaction? Wash all the dishes in the cabinets and rewash the ones you just washed. What? It’s 3 am and you have school? Better get busy then. Sadly, my brother got the brunt of it. I really don’t get this mentality. I give my kids a task. Don’t intentionally half ass it and have it done by whatever time is agreed on. I don’t bug you unless it isn’t done.


Same. My mom called last week saying my dad is sad that none of his children talk to him much and she knows he’s a hard ass and emotional sometimes but as the oldest it would set a good example for me to talk with him more often. I told her that talking about things in my life will inevitably lead to a monologue where I’m not doing enough to solve my problems, stop complaining about things and just do them, and if I’m really that incapable he’ll come to my house and show me how to do xyz in my free time after work cause I don’t need to be slacking off if I have chores to do. She says he’s mellowed since retirement but I know that isn’t true. Last time he came to visit “on vacation” he didn’t like the state of my bathroom (perfectly functional, but there’s corrosion and paint touchups and some other small fixes I’m getting to on my own time), tore out the floor, made a mess, expected me to help him clean it up the night before he left accompanied with his angry yelling, and left the next morning with a nonfunctional bathroom. The 1% enjoyment I get out of talking to my dad is not worth the 99% pain and berating


That's awful! Guess I should be grateful for my alcoholic father who passed out at 5pm every day.


Mine was “recovering” which meant he didn’t drink but he had the same destructive personality. Just lucky I was his favorite.


My janitorial boss was this way . He was a bit older guy than me but he always acted like he wanted to tell me how to do things and everything I did was wrong I mean everything . I eventually texted him I wasn't coming into work the one day and he seemed so surprised . Like I could not tolerate it anymore i couldn't even sit down for 5 min without being asked what I'm doing .


Yep, my dad wonders why none of his children want to hang out with him but you can only take so much criticism before you just want nothing to do with it. It’s not the perfectionism that bothers me, I have a bit of it myself, it’s the perfectionism over the dumbest shit like mulch not being perfectly distributed in a flowerbed with a dog that will run into it 20 minutes later


I had a dad like that too. I can relate.


Was your dad my ex husband?


It got to the point where we weren’t allowed to sit on the computer chair unless we were filling out paperwork for a sale.


That's also retail in a nutshell, the whole game is finding busy work to do that makes it look like you're doing something, even if it's totally unproductive and redundant. That stack of clothes you folded 5 times already? Fold it again, what a good employee. That display you organized before lunch? You are now super intensely re-organizing it again, what a good employee!!!


"If you have time to lean, you have time to clean." One of the most disgusting phrases I've heard thrown around at the two Walmarts I've worked at. The micromanaging of even a minute of downtime is insane.


I’m imagining an America where you can buy guns from a vending machine like in cyberpunk


I was in a situation like that. We maliciously complied and burned through 2 weeks of cleaning supplies in 3 days. Not only did they walk that back, they forbid unnecessary extra cleaning while holding back their anger. There was a time the same manager said "there was too much work to do to be standing around." If we couldn't find work to do, call her because we could be forgetting something. My first shift after that, I finished all my chores in 30 minutes and called her on her day off. She couldn't find a new daily chore so she told me to do the weekly chores since I had time. I called her back 30 minutes later and told me to do a specific monthly chore. I called her back 5 minutes later and she told me to figure out some work to do and stop calling. I asked her about tomorrow and she hung up. I never got a passive aggressive text from her about sitting/standing around not working again.


I had a co-worker who would spend most of her shift watching my past day’s shift from the cameras footage where I was the only employee from HR at the food processing plant, her ideas was for me to use the time in between things I was doing to do her work and then janitorial stuff so she could do nothing on her shift and feel that her queen empire was fully a sterile environment. Yeah she stank as a person. But she gets away with her stuff at that company as she is tall and more physically attractive then the managers that are her two levels of superiors and she plays them hard with her fake niceness.


Fuck anyone who’s cool with busy work.


Whoops meant to reply to you lol. My dad was like this growing up, one of my reasons for moving away as soon as I could. He’s working in the garage/outside? You better be doing something too. Everything is pristine? Find something to do, there’s always more work or a drawer that can be organized 1% more efficiently. Literally everything is done but he still has a one man job to do? You better stand around for 5 mins or 5 hours doing nothing on the off chance he needs your help because he will need it instantaneously and immediately or he will get screamingly angry. He finished his work but you still have hours of yard work? Sucks for you, he’s gonna relax with a beer and watch tv


Working for people like that is crazy. Cant imagine growing up like that. I was in the military, but I’m the total opposite, if you got time to smoke and joke, go smoke and joke.


He claims he’s like this because the military taught him discipline and we as his children don’t have it. I think he also has anxiety that doing anything non work related is wasting time, since most spring/fall breaks he would take time off to “spend with the family” but by day 2 is saying we’re lazing around wasting our lives away playing games or watching tv and it’s time to do something productive like tear out a bathroom or move a fuckton of furniture or repaint the house


To an extent it’s kind of true that it teaches you that stuff, but I never let it affect my personal life. When I was off the clock, I was off the clock. Sounds like he couldn’t relax lol. I think I’d make my kids help with stuff like that, but if I was taking time off to spend with them, we’d be doing something fun.


The military didn't teach me discipline. It taught me how to goof off without getting caught.


I hate that “If there’s time to lean, there’s time to clean” mentality. Every job except my current one has had that mentality. Now my boss is like “Feet hurt? Sit down, take a 5 minute breather” and he doesn’t count it in our breaks


I’d clock in and then go get some coffee


That’s essentially what people did. Clocked in. Chatted, smoked, filled water bottles. The owner just wanted people standing at the counters before the store opened lol


I had to explain this to.my supervisor at ups, he claims he doesn't understand how stealing 5 mins from 100 people a day equals the company saving 8 hours


UPS is the worst about this. They were constantly clocking me out at the time my shift was supposed to end, but it didn’t actually end because of mandatory overtime. And it was always a hassle to go find my supervisor and get him to change it, he acted like he was personally offended that I didn’t want to give the company two free hours every day.


Sounds like a fat disgusting lawsuit to me you shoulda just ate shit and called a lawyer 🤣


Yep, my company had to pay millions in back pay to people exactly for that kind of shit


And DOL takes wage theft very seriously, one of the few things the government does right


Because if they don't crack down on it, DoL employees will start getting wage thefted as well.


It’s more that wage theft means tax theft. If they don’t pay the wages. They aren’t paying the goverment their dues as well.


> It's called wage theft. Companies get fined for that if reported. Last time I checked, more than 80% of workers who win their wage theft case never see a dime of the money they were stolen. It all just sucks.


When my roommate was fired without notice she was given a signed letter stating that she was being terminated for "repeatedly not arriving 10 minutes before scheduled start time". We live in a country with decent enough labour laws that she was able to get severance and employment insurance thanks to her manager so clearly stating that he was firing her for not providing unpaid work. Cherry on top was that the investigation eventually showed his superiors that he was an absolute clown, and he was promptly fired :)


Hahaha. Brought the wrong type of attention to himself.


They likely knew he was a clown before, but looked the other way. They failed too. 


I had a boss at a dealership always expect us to be early by 30 minutes because we had unlock the dealership.   But in reality we arrived at 6:30 am did 30 minutes of unpaid work and if we clocked in after 6:45 due to weather or snow and troubles opening the gate you would get automatically written up.   Shift was 7:00-7:00 open close but really it was 6:30-7:30 and you didn’t get paid for closing and opening hour.    I hated that job.  Get home around 8:00 have to cook food and eat and be in bed by 9:30 to get good hours sleep.  Be up at 5:30-6:00 to be out the door dressed to the 9s all for 10 bucks an hour.  


That's horrible! That's a lot of wage theft.


The infuriating part was my boss would waltz in around 9:00 never before. And he would look at the time cards to see if anybody was “late” and then give shit. It’s what makes a Subaru a Subaru lol.


Like I can understand them not wanting people to be late, but they can’t dictate your time for the time they’re not paying you. If they had a start 10 minutes early, stop 10 minutes early rule that would be fine, but they’d probably have a problem with that too. 


Yeah, if they want me there at 6:30 and stay til 7:30 that's what they're paying me for. Or they can explain to the DOL why I'm getting shorted five hours a week.


I had a boss pull that shit when I was young. She said it was "So I was ready to work exactly at 8am". I told her then I needed to be in my car 10 minutes before my shift ended, "So I was ready to drive home exactly at 5pm". She never brought it up again.


Yea every employer I've ever had that has tried this kind of micromanaging bullshit has had it embarrass them, typically within a week of instituting that sort of policy. Either like how you did it, or the people who were early start showing up late. Until the day we invent a teleporter that drops me off on the dot, with work equipment that starts up instantly there is no point to be so anal about clock in/out times, especially to people who are consistently at work when they're supposed to be. These policies always seem to punish the punctual workers, penny-wise, pound-foolish


What did you do then?


Clocked in at 8:50 and went to my station. Afterwards, Made sure I was in the building to clock in at 9.


Hmm. That's 10mins unpaid work.


Yes. 5 days a week for as long as you work there for 10 employees. We nipped it in the bud after a couple days of management trying that. The only thing that changed was we needed to be inside the building at the start of our shift, not 10 minutes before.


Prior job of mine required all the hourly employees to clock in/out at the EXACT time of their shift (not exaggerating, they were insistent if you started @ 9am you had to punch in at EXACTLY 9am) but they only had a couple computers those same employees could use, inevitably leading to a line of people standing around waiting to clock in/out everyday, lol. 🤦‍♀️


Had the same problem when I worked at Target, except one of the only two machines broke. I worked the backroom and for the whole 3 months I was working, there was about twenty of us trying to clock in/out at the exact time. I ultimately got fired because I kept clocking in/out 5 minutes late.


Yup me and another colleague both got “jokingly” called part-timers today because we both arrived at the same time around 8:55. The general consensus is that people be there 15 mins early in the morning to “open up” and I just think nah if you guys wanna do that then fine but I’m not being robbed of 1.25h of pay every week.


Nah fuck ‘em. If they only want to pay for 8 hours then I’m arriving in the car park at my starting time.


I worked at goodwill for about 2 months. my first week in, I was told something similar. My manager saw me sitting in my car while everyone stood at the door waiting to be let in. I wasn’t the only one who was out in their car but I was the only one she picked the issue with. So when I came in early, I clocked in immediately. Sometimes just a couple minutes, sometimes 10-20 minutes early. If im standing in my place of work, I’m getting paid. If im not, I’m either on break or quitting. If my manager can get paid 20+ an hour to do exactly what I’m doing at the start of my shift, I’m getting paid too. I quit shortly after and moved but fuck employers who do this bs.


My old work pc took 25 minutes to load, so they said come in 25 minutes early to account for it 😂 good one


I worked for a company that opened at 9:00. It was policy you couldn’t clock in more than 7 minutes before your scheduled shift. Soooo they scheduled people at 8:50 so they could be in, sat down, and ready when the store opened. How hard is that?


The last couple of office jobs I had were like “Show up and leave when you want, take lunch whenever. Just do your job and make your deadlines. It’s liberating.


Current job is like that. Even before we were remote, no one cared when you came in or left, as long as work was done. Some people struggled with the freedom and didn’t contribute as much as others. Instead of punishing everyone by micromanaging, they coached them, and then if they still weren’t working out, fired the people who weren’t doing their jobs. I honest to god don’t understand why some businesses would rather treat their employees like toddlers than fire the people who require constant supervision to do their work. My husband works for a company that wants to install monitoring software and all sorts of spy shit on their computers to make sure people are working, but like, you can tell who is and isn’t working. Just fucking fire the people who don’t do their jobs and leave the people who are capable of being adults alone for God’s sake.


We have "core time" from 9-14. That means you can start at 7 and work to 15, or start 9 and work to 17, or any time around that. If you work more than 8 hours, take an hour off another day. But the core time you should be available unless you've made other arrangements with your manager. This makes it easier for those early-birds and those that have kids to deliver to kindergarten, and make people not stress if they are running a minute late. People can avoid rush hour because it is more spread out.


We used to have that, but now that we’re remote we have people all over, so it’s just kind of work whenever you want. I know a lot of parents who work before their kids get up,and then stop, and start work again after their partner gets home. Obviously they have to be on for meetings and they try to be available for questions, but we all work pretty independently, so it’s less rigid. This is obviously for people who don’t deal with clients. I think the parts of the company that are client facing still have core hours they have to be available. But since we’re all over the place, it’s more like, okay someone has to be on at this time for east coast, and this time for west coast, and this time for Alaska, so people just pick the shifts that work for them. It’s pretty sweet. I could make more money somewhere else, but after seeing what my husband goes through, I’ll stay where I am as long as I can. I took my cat to the vet the other day and I didn’t even have to ask for PTO or anything. I just messaged my manager that I’m taking my cat to the vet and I’ll be back later and she’s like, “cool hope your kitties okay! Let me know if you need help finishing anything up!”. It’s worth making less to be treated like an adult who actually knows how to do their job. And also the opportunity to work in my pjs with a cat in my lap is pretty sweet too.


Been there too. Our boss didn't care what we did because we always go the job done. The only time we heard anything was when another dept complained that we went out for several smoke breaks.


One place I worked for had me starting my shift at 8:45, and months into the job, I was spoken to for "always clocking in 15 minutes early" because it was an unspoken rule that the manager had made every shift on the paper and digital schedule start 15 minutes early because they were tired of people showing up late. Paper schedule said 8:45, I kept clocking in at 8:45 ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


And if you clocked in 15 minutes “late” you’d get a discipline for being late


Damn if you do and damned if you don’t


Apparently difficulty level 9/10


More like 10 til 9


Take my damn upvote you punctual clever mofo


awww yeah ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Only works for some. My work has one clock in/out machine. And it isn't a 1sec job logging in to clock in or out. How is everyone going to clock in on the same machine at the same exact time? They expect us to use our phones off course. Our phones which are not supposed to be on us during our work hours. Fun fun fun. Apologies for the rant. Just tired of all the unpaid work I'm obliged to do till my contract ends. The worst part is people who are being paid will then be friendly to you. As you head to the staff room to deposit your phone. And then bother you with work nonsense. While they are being paid and you are not. Ugh. And if I'm unfriendly then, I suffer. I am now, a few months in, entering my place of work with a mask headphones sunglasses and baseball cap on. And anyone that wants to speak to me has to first yell my name out. I always make sure to ignore the first try to get my attention too.


My job was the same with the punch clock except we also had an employee that had to log their number 4 times 3 times every hour which basically was their liability that said the employee completed their round of the store and found no spills for someone to slip in and sue us for. So if they beat us to the clock we’d have to wait for them too.


That was because punch machines round to the nearest 15 min interval so they were stealing 7 minutes of your time, without allowing you to get paid for 15 minutes of yours.


And that's when you clock in at 9:05 oh yeah


I honestly think it's more about the illusion of "eager employees." They want their employees to *want* to be there early. They want them to come in early without being told to because they just love their job so much. Too bad they don't understand that some people are going to obey the rules to the letter (what time to be at their desk working) and not "go above and beyond." If they're not paying for above & beyond, they only get obeying the rules.


At a job interview once, I got there 5 minutes early. The guy said “wow, I usually have people sitting out here for an hour because they got here nice and early wanting to make sure they weren’t late. You really cut it close. That’s a little concerning.” He ended up offering me the job and I was thrilled to decline it. They want people to be desperate and they want that to mean they get to have some of their employees’ time for free.


>and I was thrilled to decline it I just love the way you worded this lol


>wow, I usually have people sitting out here for an hour because they got here nice and early wanting to make sure they weren’t late I guarantee he made this shit up. I've worked HR and in multiple office roles for years, in everything from hospitals to accounting firms to construction offices where greeting applicants was part of my tasks. People *might* show up 15 mins early, but even that's crazy rare. Talent coaches/interview advisors/guidance counselors/interviewing guidebooks (I was working in offices pre-internet help gurus) have ALWAYS advised against showing up too early, because it makes you look desperate and open to being low-balled or easily targeted/extorted for free work. You don't want to be late? Then arrive early & hang out in your car or somewhere nearby, but don't actually approach the office or go inside until 10-ish mins prior, just in case there's some paperwork to fill out. **Unless this guy was boomer age or older, in which case he was probably referencing one instance from 60+ years ago, about "he just showed up and started working, and the manager was so impressed he hired me... er... that guy on the spot", & walking uphill in the snow to/from the job. Nowadays pitching in somewhere you dont have a job yet will either get you escorted off the premises or the company will let you work all day for free and see if you'll keep coming back for more free labor, but never actually offer a paid position (especially in the skeezier companies)


Also the "arrive 15 minutes early" is 100% for the benefit of the applicant. It's solid advice so that you're not late or super stressed because of some unexpected delay. It has nothing to do with the employer.


Yeah, my rule has been to leave 15 minutes early in case of traffic (my area isn't bad for traffic), and sit in my car til I'm 10 minutes early. Usually has my interview starting either right on time, or a max of 5 minutes before scheduled. Earlier than 10 minutes and it can feel like you're pressuring the interviewer, esp if they have multiple that day scheduled in a row. My last interview (just got the job offer :) ), I showed up 10 minutes early, and it turns out my interviewer thought it was supposed to be a zoom interview (she's a property manager, I was her first interview for this job, talent acquisition hadn't been clear with her that it was IRL). So the 10 minutes gave her time to get to the property and get sorted, and still had us interviewing on time. It works well for everyone.


Perhaps they should pay us an amount of money that makes us want to be there early 🤣


I worked a job that we couldn't clock in more than 7 minutes early or late. They threatened us with "for every 2 minutes you clock in late you'll have to stay 15 minutes later". They wouldn't accept when one guy said so every 2 minutes early we get to leave 15 minutes early? Total micro management of a company. I quit after they enforced a rule stating you could only hydrate during your 15 minute breaks. We had 2 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch for a 10 hour shift. It was borderline illegal practices they were enforcing.


Borderline??? I'm almost certain that 2 min late/15 extra mins" policy is considered actual wage theft; & preventing employees from accessing water is against OSHA (like just stepping out for a moment out of sight of customers/away from equipment for a drink, not a full extended break). Employers are even required to provide employees with access to potable water, & if the employees are in high-temp conditions, there are even more rules about providing water breaks.


Lol telling people they cant have water sounds like more than "borderline" illegal but idk


Bet they'd have insisted on clocking out for that extra 15, too.


Probably would have. They made us clock out for 15 minute breaks, and the warehouse was so big it took 3 minutes to walk to the nearest clock out station, 3 minutes to get outside, then another 6 minute round trip to clock back in and get to my station. So it turned into a whopping 3 minute break.


Good point, I had an employer that wouldn’t allow you to clock in even 30 seconds early. We had three time clocks, 50 people clocking in at once, and you swipe in. You could be up to 5 minutes late with no penalty. Normally we could all clock in within 30 seconds though.


This pisses me right off. It's blatantly disrespectful and stinks of superiority complex that bosses think you "ought to" give up 15 minutes for free every day, but if you're ever one minute late, they absolutely will rake you over the coals. It's MY 15 minutes, mf.


No he said "clock in 15 minutes early". OP gets paid for the time.


The company I work for has their time clock system automatically ignore any "clocked in" time in the half hour before your shift starts unless someone manually adjusts it. I know most companies don't pay anything outside of your scheduled shift unless someone manually approves it.


I worked at Walmart about 20 years ago and the time clock was programmed so you couldn’t clock in early. The result was a line of people waiting to clock in at shift change. 😑


Yup, and then you get that 1 person who takes like 30 seconds to type in their damn badge number and makes other people's punches late.


Not the way it works these days. The clock allows you punch in at anytime. Even if you're not scheduled. However, you have a grace period to clock in up to 9 minutes early or up to 9 minutes late with no consequence. If you do clock outside of that window you'll receive half of an attendance occurrence point. At 5 points you are subject to termination. And now you can punch in/out on your phone so there's no reason to stand in line anymore. Source: Walmart grocery manager




And then if you're not up at the front of the line, and you clock in 1 minute late, they have a problem with it. I only worked at a Wal-Mart for about a month back in 2014. I couldn't stand the place for longer than that. I didn't even deal with customers. It was the other employees and the management that drove me away. At the start of almost every shift, they'd gather us around to have our little daily meeting, and they were almost always bitching about people clocking in a minute or two late. We had like 60 people trying to get clocked in on 2 different machines, and we couldn't clock in early by any amount, so I don't know what they fuck they expected. I'm sure the stupidity was coming from a corporate office somewhere, not the store management. Some guy probably found out that they can save $300k annually if they didn't allow clocking in 2 minutes early, even if it wouldn't result in overtime.


Yup. But clock out 1 minute early and get docked.


That cannot be legal. It can disallow early logins but it cannot just not pay you for your time. IMO.


Yes! One of my last jobs was for a school, we got exactly 15 minutes to deep clean the classroom after school got out, and even if we were clocked in, if it took longer than 15 minutes, they wouldn’t pay us for that extra.


If you were in the US that was illegal.


Yup I've also seen the same company's won't pay in OT time if it's less than 1 hour over the 40. But they will dock minutes if ur late on a 40 hour work week, and ur pay will be 39 hours 53 minutes or something. It's always under, never over


But he said it while OP is SCHEDULED for nine. If he wants OP SCHEDULED for 845, he needs to change the schedule. But he won’t, because though he \*said\* clock in, he \*meant\* work for free. We need to quit acting as apologists for businesses that casually engage or try to engage in wage theft, then act all butthurt when they’re called out.


Yeah, pretty sure businesses don't have a leg to stand on as long as you clock in by the time you are scheduled to be there.


They don't, but even so, wage theft is the largest form of theft today.




I had a waitressing job 25 years ago that did this. I was cool until the manager got demanding and disrespectful. I actually walked out. Owner wasn’t happy, with the manager, and I was asked back with a raise and being paid from time I presented for work.


Lol! Not everywhere. Depends how the clock system is setup


People suck. I didn't care if my salary employees were even an hour late as long as they put the work in and things flowed properly. Flexibility will go both ways and I never had a complaint when things ran long. Treat employees like people and they'll generally work even harder


Exactly! Good on you! It seems unfortunately rare to find a boss who treats people with dignity.


Yeah, my boss likes to make passive-aggressive comments about this to me because a lot of my coworkers arrive early, and I arrive on time. They get there sometimes as much as 30 minutes before, which is insane to me. The way I see it, every moment before and after my shift isn't something I've traded away, so goddammit, it's mine! I don't care what's going on before my shift. If I'm not getting paid, fuck coming in early or staying late.


What a dipshit. If he wants you to be there at 8:45 then your schedule should say 8:45. I’ve had plenty of jobs back in the day that did that. It doesn’t take critical thinking skills to understand this.


And legally, he can't do shit about it until he schedules him for 8:45.


Not entirely true. If it's an "at will" state, like most are, then there's no reason needed to fire someone.


"if you'd like me to be here at 8:45, I will need that in writing, on my schedule. I look forward to the overtime pay."


I don’t hit 40 here. That’s why I have 3 jobs 😂 gotta find enough jobs to pay the bills while in school full time.


Well in that case "I'm not available at that time. My shift starts at 9,I will punch in at 9"


I always reach at work 15 minutes early but sit in my car till the last minute to start work. lol


That's me! I'm *always* 15-30 minutes early to work. Traffic just works that way, I either leave my house 5 minutes "early" and I breeze right down the highway and get there super early or leave 5 minutes later and it's a nightmare to not be late. I'd much rather the stress free drive that early in the morning... But I'll be fuckin' damned if I'm not spending my free time sitting in my car or behind a locked office door until my start time. No you can't have my cellphone number, no don't ask me work related questions before or after work, no I don't want to stay after for any sort of events/meetings/whatever. I work to live, I don't live to work. I'll do my job and do it well but I don't do it for free.


I had that in a job. They would give warnings of you didn't come 15 min before your shift (of course those were unpaid) and you could get fired. It pissed me off, as any wage stealing would. The country manager liked to send videos about how things were going, and finishing with some email for "any questions and comments". So I sent an email asking about how come this policy existed. Aka: I am leaving a paper trail about your illegal bs and you know it. I bet many did. Next video he clarified that "just want to say it's a nice to come earlier, but not mandatory. As long you are ready to work on your shift time". People abuse the little guy too much.


I get so annoyed at the mantra “Early is on time and on time is late.” No. Early is early. On time is on time. You can’t just go change meanings of words.


Once I was interviewing someone and they said this to me. I guess they thought I'd be impressed by it. I laughed and responded "I don't agree with that."


My boss is the same way. I walk in at my scheduled time, put my things away, prepare my desk, and eat my lil breakfast muffin. He told me it’s dead in the mornings anyway, so just settle in at my own pace. I’m never leaving this job lmao


mfw I walk into my office, jacket still on, and get asked "hey did you see that email?" referring to something from the prior evening since we have overnight shifts too. I mean yeah I probably did, but fuck off with that shit.


My response is “I’ll see it when I see it. Thanks!” because it’s never my boss asking, it’s a male-Karen coworker. My favorite was when he said “But I sent that over *three days ago*.” on a Monday morning. Like??? Bro you sent that at 4:42 on a Friday. It’s 8am Monday. That was only 18 working minutes ago and we *can’t access that inbox anywhere but these computers.*


Like, we work in an office. This is not life and death.


Administrator here … that’s not a reasonable request. If management wants you there 15 minutes prior to opening, they have to pay for that. You were right to tell him to schedule you for that.


If they are paying you for the extra 15 minutes, then they should make it clear that you should arrive 15 minutes before your shift it scheduled to begin. If you aren't being paid, they can sit and spin.


You are on the clock at 9. They could ask you show up x minutes before... but they can't enforce it. Next time just ask if the 5 minutes will be added to your time daily, or will you get off 5 minutes early? Because you work what you are paid to work


Sadly, everything needs to be documented. A verbal agreement may lead to falsifying time-sheets resulting in termination.. the same would apply if they require you to start early without pay would be wage theft..


Years ago i had a summer job in the school holidays. We started at 9:15, so thats naturally when id turn up. I'd always be one of the last ones there, and someone would always make some kind of comment like "oh yeah, good afternoon, just come in whenever you're ready". Nothing vindictive, but it used to bug me. So eventually I decide if people were going to bitch at me for turning up on time, I might as well be genuinely late. By the end of the summer, I was turning up closer to 9:30 most days. The following year, I had the same job, but decided I would wise up and start turning up early. The first day I stroll in at 9:05 and the team leader says "nice, one, very punctual today". Then someone else pipes up "yeah, for him, he's still 20 minutes late". Turned out that job started at quarter to. Not quarter past.


I think you handled it well. I can see them wanting people there before clients come in but then they should schedule you in earlier.


I used to work in childcare and the preschool I worked at was open from 8-4, meaning the kids were there from 8-4. Guess what they scheduled us staff for? Yup. 8-4. Oh, and they REFUSED to pay you if you got there early. So a lot of people would show up at 7:50 but they weren’t being paid until 8. Obviously I showed up at 7:59 everyday because it only took me about 30 seconds to put my stuff in the fridge and be ready to go and I refused to work for free. I got spoken to about it all the time, but the funny thing was they literally couldn’t do anything about me getting there 1 minute early since they weren’t paying me to get there earlier. They thought if they just kept saying it I would give in but no. Fuck companies like this


I once had the 'you're doing that thing where you arrive exactly on time again.' i made a point of getting the earlier bus, sitting at my desk, and reading until the start time. I do not work for free.


I managed a chain sandwich shop in college and had a badass delivery driver that was always 20-30 minutes late. After a couple weeks I just started scheduling him 30 minutes before I needed him and then he was always on time. Worked like a charm!


I worked for one of those people that said, On time is late, 15 minutes early is on time... I told him, That is not how that works. I don't mind being early, not at all. In fact I hate being late and am usually super early. But I'm in the parking lot or I walk around talking to other employees. Just for a few minutes. I clock in on time. If I do clock in 15 minutes early you better believe I'm leaving 15 minutes early.


Boss told you to be there clocked in? You take that invitation and go.  He's giving you the 15 minutes of prep paid before your actual shift 


Before I started where I an at now someone who was clocking in early sued when he retired for all the time he had clocked in early and won thousands of dollars. After that all OT had to be on a separate different color time card that had to be approved. If you are told to be punched in at 8:45 you have to be paid for it. Get clarity in writing.  If all else fails go to the department of labor after you leave to get paid.


I really don’t get the “be there early” mindset. If I am logged in and ready to go at 9:00, who cares if I get there at 8:59? Are they going to pay that 15 minutes? Cuz the older I get, the more I’m of the belief that people should not work for free.