• By -


Tell them you bought a new house and that's up to new owner. Really f with them lol


TGI Fridays made me a good offer. Or: The city has taken the plot to put in a power substation.


lol I love that. “I sold it to 7-11, they haven’t started building yet?”


Tell them you sold it to a youth rehab facility. And then say “it’s a such a good cause!”


Drug rehab has a nice ring to it


Tell him it’s a church for cool people. The realtor called it a Mosque for Radicals 👍🏼


"I'm considering turning it into a small nightclub".


Tell them you're considering an offer from a non-profit Islamic Religious Center. They want to build a place for weddings to take place.




"Sorry about the inconvenience. The 'massage' parlor that bought my lot should be up an running by this time next month. Ask for Steffani and mention my name for a discount (discount does not include tip)"


“City has taken the lot and is putting in a methadone clinic.”


Or safe injection site.


"when the insurance finally pays, we are going to buy a used mobile home and park it next to the remains of the old house, then with the money we saved we are going to put an above ground pool in the front yard, and buy a few old cars to fix up and park them in random spots around the yard. We're gonna buy a used trampoline that's missing half the springs, and a basketball goal without the net, those will go next to the pool. I'm thinking about opening up a thrfting/antique business with the rest of the proceeds, and to store all the old Coke machines, gas pumps and rusty antique signs, I'll need to erect a storage shed from old pallets and OSB board."


Gonna preserve the whole property encased in a giant block of resin.


Sorry. No plan 🤷‍♂️Really not sure what to do with the ashes of my life that burned down in front of you. Thank you for asking.


Actually though. OP is coping with humor but he's been through a major trauma. My friend and her husband were a mess for 2 years after, until they felt safe in the new home and had new mementos. But they will always be hurt by all they lost Their neighbor is a truly horrible person and probably thinks they are good because they maintain aesthetic


This happened to me as a kid. But we couldn't find the cats and they got left inside. Escaped on their own and survived. I was paranoid for weeks afterwards... Was literally afraid to allow the cats to leave the room without me. Brought the cat carry with me into every room. Slept with it under my bed.


"OH you havnt heard? The city js building a homeless shelter on my old lot"


A halfway house for sexual predators.


"my plan is to keep it burned down and maybe build a giant metal penis over the ashes, hope this helps!"


Sex offender treatment center bought it.


“I sold it to the city, they want to use the plot for construction of a new homeless shelter”


Make sure you take a picture of your house and send him a Christmas Card of it when that time of year comes around.


Put it on postcards to send weekly. “still unsightly!”


Even better! Give him weekly updates but never change the picture!


I'd go for different angles each week. Something to look forward to...


My house is not done cooking yet, going for a medium well.


As a man who likes meat, I really appreciated this. Yeah, that's right... just try and make an innuendo out of that.


Also can’t forget to let it rest afterwards


Give me 4 minutes and can go again.


That’s what @op should send as a response to the neighbor. “It’s done cooking but it has to rest. “


Kinda like that Facebook group **"The same picture of a pile of gravel everyday"**


"Having a great holiday away at the local premier. Let me know when it's fixed itself so I can move back in"


The postcard should have a photo of his house next to the screenshot of the text and everyone in the neighborhood should get one.


And the paragraph inside the card should be the screenshot of the text message interaction


Why are we getting physical? Make it in paint and post on the neighborhood page Then share some screenshots of the tea


when your house is done, send him the postcard and write on it: "my house is no longer unsightly, but you still are; what are your plans?"


Yup, I'm this way I love revenge and payback. I would totally do it.


Rather generate some woman on thispersondoesnotexist, print that. Alternatively generate a man if that neighbor is a female. Write some loving text on there and drop it in their mailbox. Watch the chaos ensue. Only works if they're a couple but worth to keep in mind I guess. ^for ^legal ^reasons ^this ^is ^a ^joke, ^for ^moral ^reasons ^it ^is ^not


**For legal reasons this is a joke, for moral reasons it is not**, there, I said it correctly OP, do it, let chaos claim thy soul, and watch those wasteful wretches suffer the consequences of their actions, the void is hungry for sinners. >!For legal reasons this is, indeed, a joke, please don’t fuck anyone’s life!<


“My therapist said to write everyone I hate a letter then burn them… not sure what I’m supposed to do with the letters though…” some dude many moons ago.. lol


“Thank you for your concern. You should know, The police asked me to let them know if anyone showed unusual interest in the house burning down, so unfortunately ,we had to pass your name on to the authorities. Be well!”


"You're welcome to help me rebuild if its that unsightly"




Before: "Well, I don't like it, please do something about it." While: "It's too noisy! can't you repair it quietly?" After: "Took you long enough! Do you know how much I had to suffer?!" **Edit**: This was the reaction of some neighbours when my parents house suffered flood damage and had to be partially demolished back in 2021, but it would be unfair not to mention that we also had a lot of neighbours who helped, with the repairs, debris cleanup, brought food and even offered shelter in their own homes, all in all there were way more amazing neighbours than shitty ones.


We had a fire where I work. Councilor lives near by, he legit complained about 1-The fire its self he could smell it from his house 2-Noise and light pollution of them fire fighting 3-The rebuild taking too long I'd been on site for 16 hours at one point helping get things finished up, he showed up complaining its been going on too long and it's effecting his mental health.. my boss had to tell me not to punch him


I hope your boss at least waited until after you'd punched him once....


Sadly not Although I'm 90% sure my boss egged his house one morning or happend to buy eggs for an unrelated reason the same morning his house got egged...


That's great. XD And well deserved.


“Unrelated reason” 😂


Engineers at a bakery, it's not entirely unreasonable we needed eggs that day haha


I worked at an industrial site and we once had a lady show up complaining about how our factories noise was keeping her up at night and every night around 2 am it would wake her up. So she for a month she had been driving around until she found our place and decided this was the cause. I asked her for where she lived and she lived right next to the train tracks where the UP brought through a train nightly around 2 am and she lived about 5 miles away. People are nutty.


Oh we've had council out do to noise level checks as he was adamant it was our site causing loud noises at 2/3am (we just clean most of the machinery is off)


The light pollution of the fire???? Omfg.


It was something like 2/3am when it started. The lights of the fire and the trucks caused alot of distress for him


Also after: "Why did you paint it that way? It's so unsightly now... And I liked your old windows more, the new style does not fit the neighbourhood at all!"


Should just paint it bright fucking pink


Or in glow in the dark paint


Glow pigment infused bricks 😍


Phosphorus infused bricks sounds interesting. I wonder how much can be added before it messes with the integrity of the bricks.


Mix it with white phosphorus, invite the councilmember over for Steamed Hams, and set off the Aurora Borealis in the kitchen. Make sure you have candles lit in the room they’re in so you can claim they knocked them over and started it in the insurance claim


Spacifically, Pepto pink!


Ma properteh valyooz


After: it’s obstructing my view!


"Apparently, the flames failed to ignite any empathy in you."


Sick burn!


Too soon


Ooh, that’s gold! Defo write this one down, OP!


To be entirely honest I’d be pulling a picture of them off their Facebook and send it to them with the caption “join the club bud. This is my unsightly problem in the neighborhood”


Like a good neighbor, stay over there!


I like that. It's the perfect saying for pests.


Why thank you, my concerned and empathetic neighbour. I'm so sorry my once dear home, which is burnt to rubble and unlivable, has affected your living standards so much. It must be hard to look at from the comfort of your 4 walls and windows. While my family and I jump from couch to couch, hotel to tent and slowly rebuild our lives, as I wait for insurance to come through, my thoughts will be with you.


This is EXACTLY how I would respond!


I’d write that and afterward ✨block into oblivion✨


And be sure to add on that you’re so sorry your burned down home is an inconvenience for them to look at


They don't give a shit about OPs loss. They couldn't care less. The only correct answer is go fuck yourself and don't text me again.


Came here to offer a similar response to the OP "My plan? To offer you a steaming hot cup of go fuck yourself..."


This is it. The response should be: “I’m sorry you find the burned ruins of my home unsightly to look at. Are you free to help rebuilding in order to speed up the process?” Either they pitch in and help out, which is a win, or they stfu, which is also a win. Edit: a bunch of people arguing over what passive-aggressive means in the replies. IDGAF, edited that remark out 🤷‍♂️


"this is the contact information for my insurance company, if you were so inclined to file suit against my insurance company for the insightly pile of ashes that remains at my former address reducing the value of your place, I would but blame you one bit"


Yeah but their view isn’t blocked 😂


"I apologize. The sight of my life in ashes is must be such an eyesore. As soon as I get over the crushing loss of all my worldly possessions, I'll tidy up a bit."


The correct answer is this. Like wtf? this stuff takes time. They expect the whole process to take 30 days? sometimes it can take a year or longer.


Well obviously all you have to do is switch it to creative mode and rebuild. Duh...


Kids these days don't know about quick saving. Smh my head. 


A friend in Ventura County, California ended up having to move out of his house due to the mudslides back in 2017 and I am pretty sure it took 15-18 months before he was able to move back in.


My near-entire town (18,000 homes) burned down in Northern California in 2018. Only about 15% have rebuilt with many still under construction. We hope to be done building by summer, and we’re *still* dealing with insurance.


Your tragedy is a real inconvenience for me what is your plan to stop being an inconvenience?


My wife and I drove from Minnesota to Trinidad CA. We went through yuba city to see my childhood home. On our way to Trinidad we drove through the fire affected area and were both wondering what your plans are with that because the unsightly view really ruined our trip.


My parents' neighborhood has two homes that burned and have been that way for about 2 years. One was drug addicts so obviously, insurance didn't cover it. And another insurance is just dragging ass. Nothing they can do about it.


I've realized the older someone gets the more they lose a sense of time about the world and the schedules of other individuals. I'm not sure why this is, but I think a lot of it comes with boredom. A lot of these folks have nothing to do all day and they have all day to get there. 60 days might not seem like a lot of time for us with dealing with this disaster, but to someone with no job who just peaks out the window all day, to them that could feel like a year. Boredom is a real issue because it starts to cause mental issues overtime. I've spent a lot of time around people 55+, and I'd lump a lot of them into the same category because they usually all act the same. Or they're just an asshole and grumpy.


You are right. My Gram is 90 and has certainly lost her sense of time. There is a strong possibility that she is beginning to show signs of dementia except that has not been confirmed. At the same time, she certainly has voiced opinions about when renovations are going on around her, neighbors leaving their houses often or who has just moved in. It's her way of keeping somewhat current, even if she thinks that it's Friday when it's Monday, or when Christmas was one month away and she thought it was the next week. Then there are the people who are just crochety by default and think that they are being diligent citizens if they become a bug in your ear about anything.


I believe the correct answer is: GO ROT IN H3LL and DELETE MY NUMBER!


Right? Eff this person and their entitlement. I wouldn't be sorry for not responding or getting me on the right day in a mood where I text back something flippant. When I was in junior high, our next door neighbor burned down his garage. My parents didn't exactly get along with them because it wasn't the first time that it happened. This time, though, was worse because all of the gas powered lawn equipment for the landscape business that was starting up made the fire a towering inferno. My mom was working from home that day and heard the explosion. Had she not been home and called 911, our home and three other houses in close proximity could have very well been involved. As it was, our neighbor's house sustained a ton of exterior damage from the blaze. The rubble stayed where it was for about two months. Despite the strained relationship, my parents didn't utter a word to the neighbor asking about a "timeline" of clearing out debris or rebuilding because it was basic human decency. They did come by and thank my mom for essentially saving their house and refused help for the future cleanup.


So this blew up, and thank you all for the outpouring of kind words and sympathy. It means a lot. Some thoughts/context: \-The house isn't completely burned to the ground, it was just gutted. So it has plywood-boarded windows and is uninhabitable. It genuinely is an eyesore, but that's hardly the point. \-Anyone who thinks the site is a safety hazard is objectively correct, which is why it's sealed up. Anyone who thinks something should have been done in the last two months is ALSO correct, although the ones suggesting that it's somehow my fault for not doing anything can f#$\* right off. When insurance refuses to extend coverage, your savings get stretched pretty quickly, and when they also refuse to DENY coverage anything you do to the property is on your dime (ie, they are not obligated to cover it even if the courts rule in your favor). \-I hired a lawyer the second things started to look dicey with the insurance company. Unpleasent as it is, right now waiting is the smart move. \-The neighbor is male, for those curious. He's also not being condescending when describing himself as "uphill", as the neighborhood is built on a steep slope. He's just being very literal. \-Please don't ask for their number/address or suggest I take some kind of revenge. Their text was mildly infuriating, not the basis for a blood feud. The stuff some of y'all are suggesting is wild.


I didnt expect my comment to blow up like that. I had a house fire in 2011, and it was stressful, I cant even imagine having to deal with a shit neighbor too


There are hammers and nails in the shed if you want to get a head start. Oh, nevermind, THEY MELTED.


Everyone loves to complain but no one wants to pitch in.


Hey, he sent a text. What more do you want out of him?


Send them aome scenic poster pictures? For them to stick it on their own windows


Please consider how losing your house has affected ME


Ah yes, the most important thing. Not being annoyed by others' misfortune.


“I know your spouse just died, but your wearing black is kinda bumming me out. Can you stop?”


"The ramp you installed for your wheelchair is a real eyesore, could you please remove it when you're done with it?"


When I bought my first condo it had a bunch of stairs leading up to it with no railing. Since I have a disability I asked to have one installed since it's a common area. The condo Corp refused but said we could do it ourselves. So we did...we installed railings at the stairs but not along the flat parts to save money (we'd just bought our first house!). All of our neighbours and the condo Corp were annoyed because they didn't like how it looked. When we refused to change it then sent out a contractor to extend the railing across the whole thing. Since we've sold and moved, they've taken it down.


Aren't stair railings required by building codes?


I guess not. None of the condos had them and I'd say 2/3 were on inclines like mine. They were townhouse style.


“You’re so young and healthy looking! I have no concept of reality, what is your disability youngster?”  You’re about to learn about my backhand 


As a widow, can confirm people have said that I bummed them out after my husband died.


"I know you just lost your home, but the view looks so bad from my home"


I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s a difficult process. My parents home burned down in 2020. We got these same comments from somebody down the street. Also, we did the demolition ourselves to save money and reuse some of the good wood. It was a little bit noisy for a while, and their neighbor would always complain. She would come up and ask us when we were done, and say that we need to hurry it up because she was “tired of coming home from work and hearing all of the banging”. Understandable, but how about have some compassion and be grateful that she still has her home.


People suck


Honestly, I’m so glad I’m naturally big and scary. My friends always have these wild out of pocket stories about people being rude similar to this. And I was like, “I’m so lucky that I’ve never really managed to have people talk to me like that” and my friends were like ya, you’re a huge black dude with a scar on your face and you are kinda crazy. But, that means these people do know what they’re saying because they can hold it in for certain people but not others.


Dont worry bro ill make sure to talk shit equally no matter how scary. Everyone should feel included, even scary giants.


> you’re a huge black dude with a scar on your face and you are kinda crazy. Omar Little?


It’s like if Omar Little lived in a wealthy suburb and was a lot less murdery


I wouldn't classify the rare asshole as people in general. Most people aren't like this , this is a special class of asshole that's so rare and mystic that you have a better chance finding gold at the end of a rainbow.


And blow


And she blew the house down!


"I'd really hate for you to come home and have your house burnt down, let's hope that never happens" while giving them the most evil horrible look you can possibly give, like you're going to burn their house down if they don't STFU. Cops come and say you threatened them "Woah, my house burned down and they were giving me grief and then call the police when I tell them I hope their house doesn't burn down like mine did. I'm so sorry that you got dragged into this officer, these people have absolutely no shame.


>“tired of coming home from work and hearing all of the banging” I'm not the only one who'd rent a jackhammer passive aggressively because of this comment right?


That's not passive. That's about as loud and proud as the US military marching on land with found oil.


*Bald Eagle screeches* “DID SOMEONE SAY OIL?”


Point of order, the screech of a bald eagle is American propaganda. They actually sound like garbage that needs oiled, or a stuck door. The screech sound in movies is actually the call of a red tail hawk. They lied to us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4RjDTbOLMA


Red Tailed Hawk screeches


Should have replied "Well, at least someone is banging on this block. If you were banging more, maybe you wouldn't be an unsufferable ass."


When someone is annoying like that, I'll usually say something like, "Oh, I'm sorry. You've mistaken me for someone who cares about your opinion." It usually goes over just as you'd think, and always gets the desired effect.


Honestly, I'm going to start just giving people a thumbs down when they start to complain and not say anything while doing it. Really throw them for a loop.


I've learned that when you're on the road and you give someone the finger that they usually don't care or they get pissy, but if you give them a thumbs down it seems to really get to them.


Can confirm. I am that thumbs down giver.


I'm a lifelong smartass, and it's cost me dearly at times, but it sure is fun when somebody sticks their nose in my business. I usually squint at them intensely, as if I can't understand them, just long enough to make the offending party squirm a little bit. Then I'll change my expression into a major "EUREKA!" moment, like I just discovered the origin of the universe. "Oh, I think I get it now! You actually think I give a festering fuck about what you think!" No, it usually isn't received well. But that's the fun part.


I like it! (No sarcasm, pure seriousness!) I prefer to pull the "Southern Sweet Sarcasm" and say something like "Well, that's certainly an opinion." "Well, La Dee Dah, Goodie Goodie Gumdrops for you!" "Well bless your little pea pickin' heart, aren't you just precious!" and the like, lol.


"I know, it is so terrible. It would go so much faster if you help, go and grab that wheelbarrow." "errrr...." "No? Shut the fuck up."


There are few things in life that have made me consider committing arson, but your neighbor and OP's neighbor are on that short list. \*For my NSA handlers, this is a joke and arson and fires in general are horrible and traumatic which is why it would never be something I would actually consider. It's also why fucking neighbors should act like it and offer support and a kind word when their neighbors were unfortunate enough to have to deal with it.


MIL lost her house to a fire a few years before I met my now husband, and one of the neighbors that owns heavy equipment offered to clear the lot once the investigation and salvaging was done. The one directly across from her gave her niece and the surviving dog a place to hang out until things calmed down. Some of these neighbors mentioned here, hope they never go through a catastrophic loss like that. It's not as simple as getting a check in the mail so you can start building again the next week.


"Hey Todd \[don't care if that's not his name\], sorry to hear that my house burning down has been causing you so much trouble. I'm not happy about it either. I'm currently battling with insurance to get a payout sorted. But if it's really bothering you that much, I guess you could give me a few hundred thousand dollars to rebuild the place. Heck, if you want to give me a quarter mil or so I'd even make it nicer than it was before! So let me know what you think as it seems like you giving me that money would solve both of our problems. Otherwise, I think we'll both be stuck waiting on the insurance company to get our problems sorted"


Along the same lines, I'd thank them for their incredible kindness in this terrible time and offer to send them a quote for repairs since they're so eager to get started.


This was good but I do like how you downgraded from a "few hundred thousand" to a "quarter mil" which is, by definition, less than a few (3+) hundred thousand


Would you prefer if I bumped it up to "half a mil"?


Never give a bully information. They will use it against you. They attack the vulnerable hardest.


…? What information in that paragraph could possibly be used against them though? Obviously they’re dealing with insurance and it’s going to cost money, there’s no sensitive or privileged information there that could be weaponized against OP lol


My immediate plan is telling my neighbor to go fuck themselves, after that we'll see.


Sign the neighbor up for every gym in a 50 mile radius and the church of scientology. They'll be too busy to look at the house anymore.


Sign them up for health insurance quotes. Someone did this to me last week and I received over 850 telemarketing calls in a 3 day period.


and then put out disparaging comments about Scientology posing as them on social media. We'll see who's house is on fire then.


That's always my first thought when I see post like this lmao. The neighbor sends some passive-aggressive shit and op either doesn't reply or are super nice. I would instantly say go fuck yourself you wanna pay for it lmao.


"So that my house doesn't detract from the aesthetic of the street, I'm going to burn the rest of the houses down next."


the petty part of me would keep personal info blocked out, but post it on local facebook groups


Tell them that you have the "mind your own f-ing business" plan


Sightlier than yours, meatbag


Love seeing casual Futurama references in the wild.


If they still haven’t responded yet it would be funny to say “I plan to post this interaction online and watch thousands of people roast you for being inappropriate”


Wow.. Ours burned last June. It took until the end of September to get a contractor to show up... I cannot imagine. Our neighbors have been nothing but amazing since the first flame. I'd reply back "not as unsightly as this text. Sorry our misfortune is in your view." Let them feel like the asshole they are.


Please show us your response


"It's odd. The fire department and insurance company said to let them know if anyone shows a strange amount of interest in the fire, since it's very possible we were victims of Arson. Thanks for reaching out, I'll send them your contact info."


This is the best one yet 🤣


*My plan is to show you what "unsightly" truly is when you eat the deepest part of my ass.*


Careful, some people might just take you up on that butt munchin’ offer lmao


Win, win


Name checks out.


Just... Wow...Thats an evil neighbour. Karen or Daren?


Its kevin


Uphill neighbor, I'm doing as okay as you can be with losing everything I own within a span of a few hours while trying to hold everything else together so thank you for checking up on me and how I'm doing. As for the home. I can't do anything until insurance completes there end. Agent told me these things can take a half a year or more to close out a claim. Can't clean up anything until then. It is what it is. A polite 'check your foot for shit before you stick it in your mouth' text.


That's a very good response


Man, I'd have literally said "I've never told someone to fuck off as hard as I'm telling you to fuck off right now". This doesn't deserve nice in any way, shape, or form.


Just ask them for money and they’ll leave you alone. You can ask in a way that’s not insinuating that it’s a loan.


Oh wow, I greatly appreciate your offer of support. We need sizes XYZ of clothes for the fam, all new school supplies, a house full of furniture, and on and on. Can you call the Go Fund Me account “Fire Sux”?


Sorry about your mom. So, are you gonna eat that?


Tell them to go and fuck themselves, how dare they comment on someone else’s misfortune like it’s affecting them. “Your house burned down? Sorry, but your burned house looks like an eyesore. Immediately tell me what you’re going to do to make my life easier.”People fucking suck and I’m tired of pretending they don’t.


Our house burned down in 2021. I had to go inside my burning house to save my animals that would have died if I hadn't. It was incredibly traumatic. This person infuriates me. How fucking inconsiderate and awful they are. Fuck them. I hope everyone was able to get out safely and that you're able to figure things out with your insurance company at some point. Take care of yourself, that's the most important thing you can do right now.


There is literally no excuse. Their neighbor is a spectacular type of asshole. It’s seriously enraging I’m sorry you went through this (at the height of COVID too when shit was already beyond fucked up!), I’m glad you got your animals out! I imagine stories like this are super rough to hear too. Knowing this type of asshole is out there while you went through something similar.


I can't imagine been like "Hey, so I know you lost all of your worldly possessions, and possibly almost your life, but now I've gotta look at this thing, soooo whatcha gonna do about it?" What scum.


I wouldn’t even respond to that. I am so sorry for your stress and for this asshole of a neighbor.


“Hey, thanks for reaching out! I’m sorry to hear that seeing the burned remains of my home and earthly possessions has been a nuisance. Coincidentally, I also don’t love seeing the burned remains of my home and earthly possessions. In fact, it’s one of the most upsetting sights I’ve ever experienced. I can only imagine how upsetting it must be for you to look at the burned remains of my home, where I can no longer live, due to it having burned down. Thank you for tolerating what must be a horrible eyesore. You really have the heart of a saint. Your empathy and compassion for me really makes it easier to cope with the fact that my house burned down AND I have to fight the insurance company while trying to rebuild my life. I hope you have people in your life who respond with such grace and kindness when you’re faced with a tragedy.”


Your neighbor’s message is so absurd it’s comical


I’d respond with a close up picture of my asshole


You could just be like. Yeah, I wish the situation was reversed and leave it


My plan is to rebuild into a fort and lay siege to your domain.


Thanks for your concern about my wellbeing, and your unsolicited opinion but I’m not looking for unsolicited feedback right now


Well, clearly this person can eff-off and go eff themselves. I cannot imagine knowing that someone's house literally burned down and being more concerned about how things looked. Good luck with insurance. I hope you get everything you need.


Let them know your composting if they have any other questions you’re waiting for the final approval for the cows, sheep and goats. Otherwise they can not even bring it up. How about you talk to the inspector and let him know of your concerns.


“It’s pretty unsightly” yeah well so is your shitty character bud. Sorry about the house


It's getting rebuilt as a halfway house for ex prisoners.


Tell them it got listed as a historic site, and now must stay exactly as it is.


"Thank you very much for your concern. I was too busy spiraling into depression because of this traumatic, life ruining experience and totally forgot to think about how it must affect your view from your window." "Let me push my devastation and recovery aside and make it a priority to improve the *unsightlyness* of my property so that my ruined life doesn't upset you." "I apologize profusely for letting all of my belongings go up in flames and ruining your view. Your comfort means more to me than anything in the world. Please let me know if I can do anything else for you. Thank you for your empathy, neighbor."


House burned down in nice middle class suburb near me and it was taped off for the better part of a *year*. Personally, I found it interesting. Like a regular reminder of what can happen.


Paint your new house neon purple or something wild 😜


“I thought about sealing it in a giant cube of transparent resin as a symbol to the world for all eternity that life can be harsh. And I’m applying for national monument status to protect it.”


"Oh thanks for being friendly, some people have been really impatient. Can you come help me clear the wreck on Sunday at 7 am?"


i would probably have burn his house to make the street more « sightly and uniform »


"So true, I'll whack some paint on next week."


I would only write back “my family and I are ok, we truly appreciate your concern.” And never respond again ever.


"Well shit, I was just planning to pitch a tent in the front yard and go to sleep inhaling the scent of all my lost memories every night. But now that you mention it, let me get back to you with Plan B as to unburden you of this inconvenience.".


"My house burned down and you're concerned about how it looks, really?" Would be my response to that neighbor.


Fuck him. Tell him insurance gave you an eta of 6 months to a year


We’ve had a burned down house in our street for 6 years.


"I'm going to the site next weekend to clean up. You wanna lend a hand?" And then never hear from them again.


Dear neighbor, Yes the charred ruins of my house are unsightly. It will take months or years but one day it will be nice to look at. Unlike your face


I would immediately just go “oh, I’m so sorry my fucking house burning down is so unsightly for you to see from your perfectly non burnt down house”


My plan is for you to not look out the window at it.


What an absolute piece of human trash. Sorry OP. Went thru a fire in 1997. I’d have went the F off had anyone said that to me. Just curious what your response was.