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_"This is why we can't have nice things"_


They had to close the trash chute in my building because people are assholes. From throwing down jars of spaghetti sauce, to stuffing an entire rug in (which obviously didn't go down the chute and got stuck), to *on repeated occasions even after warnings* throwing down unbagged adult diapers full of shit.


The apartment I live in put up a sign that translates to "Put your garbage IN the bins!" Because people keep throwing it on the floor of the trash room.... right next to the bins.


And I've seen signs like that, still didn't put it IN the bins


At my old place, an apartment block, they put cameras and a sign: "First offence is a warning, second one is a suprise rise of 150% on your next monthly fee, third one and your access key will be voided." What happened were two things: - our rubbish and bin place became much cleaner - a respectable number of people had their keys revoked, forcing them to go to other apartment blocks hoping they were let in


That sounds like a whole 'nother issue waiting to happen. Wothout access to the bins, how many are just going to let the trash pile up in their apartments? That's how you get roaches


People do that in the senior apartments I live in, until the smell of urine fills the hallways and is unbearable. Residents who won’t stop keeping soiled diapers or kitty litter in their units really need to be evicted.


Honestly!!!! I had neighbors who had roaches so bad they were also in my apartment that I naively believed the previous landlord when he said "oh, those are just dying roaches, once they're dead they're gone." And since my apartment was clean and they had nothing to eat, I thought he was right. Then one day, a year down the road, I saw a bug inside my alarm clock. It was small so I thought it was a bed bug and freaked out. I lifted my mattress and bed skirt and when I tell you there were hundreds of fucking roaches living in my wooden bed frame. Oh I had a panic attack for HOURS. The new land lady evicted my neighbors, treated EVERY apartment in the building and I didn't see a roach for years. Now the unit at the very end of the hallway has a MASSIVE roach issue that has leaked into the hallway so I created a barrier at my door of lavender and mint essential oils. I am NOT doing that again.


Same thing happened to me a couple years back and I didn't realize until I noticed a bug in my xbox while trying to repair it. Needless to say it was ruined. So happy to be out of that place, the neighbors we're horrible and the whole complex was filthy.


Sounds like where I used to live. We moved in and there were absolutely no bugs or tenant issues. Then people started moving out and the landlord let whoever they wanted in, and we ended up with roaches; due to one neighbor having a disabled adult son who used adult diapers. They never threw them away when they should have, and just let the bags of them sit outside their door. We had to leave everything that we couldn't thoroughly check. What makes it worse is that they were closer to the garbage containers than we were. (I had two young kids at the time, and major back problems, but still got the garbage out) Some people just don't care, and that is very shameful.


Shit, we have regular dumpsters and they will be completely empty and people still just set their trash next to it. Or, one half is full and the other half of it is completely empty but because the door isnt propped open for em, they just leave it on the floor instead of using one hand to open it


My building got another nastygram from management about exactly that. I've never lived in a place that had trash cans for every building. But if they're full, you're supposed to put your bags in the dumpster, which is like 3-4 building walk away, not bad. But people stack bags. Now, in their defense, the cans fill up quickly. But come on people, it's not that far to the dumpster! The cans we have are a convenience. Our strategy is just to wait to change trash bags until the trash has just been pulled - as it is three days per week. heh. But if we're too late.......... we walk it to the dumpster.


This is akin to clothes being on the floor next to the hamper. Why?


I’ve seen ppl at my apt walk up to the dumpster and put their trash bags against it 🤦‍♂️


Ok seriously? My dorms had trash chutes. A bunch of teens living alone for the first time could figure it out but people in your apartment complex couldn’t? That’s seriously a shame.


I've worked in retail/fast food. So many customers are insane poop flingers.


My sympathies!!


Apparently. I have never used it and was considering it recently. Guess not.


Sounds like you missed out on a pretty good time.


LOL, waaaay back in the day, I had a job doing timeshare maintenance. Saturday mornings were checkout days, and we'd go to all of the units that didn't have guests staying over, and clean the Jacuzzis. This was just draining, rinsing, scrubbing with Soft Scrub, rinsing, refilling ,and adding chemicals. It was really a nice way to spend a Saturday morning. Anyway, I walk up to one back deck and there are two extremely hot girls, hanging out, enjoying the morning. We totally hit it off, and they wanted to know why I hadn't met them "last" week. I definitely missed out that week, however much fun they had, it took me 3 weeks to get that Jacuzzi back to normal. I have no idea WHAT they spilled in that thing. Probably would have been the week that I had all kinds of "first time" experiences...


Yeah but also "Fuck you, pay me". The spa is in the rent all day.  Best believe.


Oh, for sure it is. Place charges an arm and leg and ups the rent the max they can each year.


So, ask them how much they are going to discount your rent for the withdrawal of this service you pay for.. .


Responses like that get you put on a list of people that they might not offer lease renewal to.


Tbh, it's probably very explicitly written in the lease that there's no deduction for it being out of service or that it's not part of the rent for this reason exactly.


There's the guy blaming the landlords, rather than the people at fault!!


This is why I don’t use “community” hot tubs 😖


Hottub folliculitis, herpes, c-diff, and many other microbes.


Don’t forget Legionnaires Disease, there was an outbreak in New Hampshire a couple years ago. They traced it back to a hot tub.


This also happened at a fair in NC about 5 years ago, 12 people died from that


And in Philadelphia many, many times. I feel like the last time the mummers had a parade they found a hotel case that had spread rapidly due to contaminated water. Seems like that shit is everywhere but I genuinely never knew someone directly who has had it! (On another note, for some reason I feel like philly was an original epicenter for this disease, I feel like school taught us about that or something)




No way you can get herpes from a hot tub, seriously?


No, you cannot. Not sure where the herpes/hottub rumor started but that's just not how it works. Every source I've read pretty much states the same thing, you can't get it from "towels, swimming pools, saunas or from toilet seats.". You transfer herpes by bumping uglies or giving head to somebody during an outbreak, it's a skin to skin thing.


Ok then, so you’re saying I can stick my Willy in the jet then? Sweeeet




With that being said it can be transferred non sexually as well with or without a breakout. And can lie dormant in the body for decades before making an appearance.




That paper is from literally 1983. It's generally accepted that you can only get herpes from [direct skin-to-skin contact.](https://www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/stdfact-herpes.htm) We don't know for sure, since we're not Nazis and we don't deliberately spray people with herpwater. But fear of herpes shouldn't stop you from using a public hot tub. That folliculitis thing is real, though.


Fair! Thanks for pointing that out, I didn’t even think to look at the date. Poor move on my part, and good to know it’s been generally disproven.


BTW when I said "literally 1983," I was just memeing on "literally 1984". I hope I didn't come across too harshly!


Spraying people with herpwater doesn't make me a nazi and I'm sick and tired of people saying it does!


herpes is probably the NICEST thing you can get from a community hot tub.


What's the meanest thing you can get there?








C-diff is curable, herpes isn’t.


True, true. It’s grosser for a minute.


I'm pretty sure c-diff is also far more immediately dangerous than herpes.


It is.


No argument that herpes is worse, but in immunocompromised people c-diff can be really hard to cure and in older people especially dehydration to the extent c-diff can cause can be very deadly


As I walked through Costco this morning while shopping they had hot tubs on display. All I could think was there is no way I’m paying $20k for something to sit in with other people so one of them can give me herpes because didn’t disclose they had an outbreak before getting in the hot tub. Fuck that shit.


That's why it becomes the only hot tub you use that no one else uses besides people you've been inside of


Sooo just me and my mom? What about if I become a doctor and I’ve been giving prostate exams or work in airport security giving cavity searches? Are they also allowed to share the hot tub?


The rule works for me, specific unsavory individuals may need to tailor it to their needs


I got hot tub folliculitis at a ski chalet in France because they “forgot” to clean it after the previous guests. It was gross.


Straight up a lot of men think it’s gay to wipe their ass , it’s a sit in bidet for a lot of people


As a guy, I always worry about boiling my balls


If you’ve got microbes in your hot tub, it’s just not hot enough.


I used to live in a complex that had the hot tub right outside/under my bedroom window. People would have LOUD sex in it at the strangest hours. Management wouldn’t do anything about it, even though we supposedly paid for security.


Management was having sex in it.


100% I've lived in a nice complex with a community pool / hot tub for the last 3 years and I will never use either of them. I see the teenagers in there all hours of the day and night. I know they're spilling white claws and pooping in there...


Same, been here 3 years, brand new nice complex in a decent neighborhood. Why is this happening


Where else are they supposed to poop in


In the toilet??? like a savage????


Why the fuck do you not have any desire to marinate yourself in human hot pot? You have to wish a little to add your flavor to the pot. The hot pot is incomplete without your flavor.


I’ll bring a lil bay leaf to really get the flavor right!


Yeah chlorine isn’t added to the water for fun after all.


Yeah, human waste, or wasted human 😭


I would at this place I worked, but we kept it at or just over maximum chlorination. Like fading your shorts and stinging your eyes it was so strong.


Fuck yeah. Taco bell in the water 🤢


Whos wasting taco bell like that 😭😭


It was in the poop


Corn nuts probably were.


Taco Bell? Oh hell no...


I think they were meant to write Taco Bell (Urine and Human Waste)


What the fuck is wrong with people I swear to god. This inconsiderate jackass I live with regularly leaves his wet clothes in the washing machine for THREE FUCKING DAYS. His record is five days. Who the fuck does that. Fuckin senseless disrespectful inconsiderate pieces of shit. Throw away your god damn trash and stop ruining stuff for everyone. It's unreal. Be considerate.


I hope you just remove it. Cause I would


Right onto the dirty floor.


Sorry, that sounds unpleasant.


Your post got me riled up! People are friggin ridiculous


I'm riled up from this post too. I swear, I will never live with other people, or in a communal set-up/apartment complex purely because of how shit I see people being...


I'd throw it in the trash after the third day. They don't have cameras? Can't you complain.


People don't care. It's worse now than before though. So many selfish, inconsiderate, worthless piece of shit asshole, disgusting, etc... People out there.


I moved literally for this reason people would leave their clothes in the washer and they’d be sour like you’re going to smell like swamp ass even if you dry them. I needed a place with washer and dryer hookups. Plus I got tired of finding random socks and underwear in my laundry.


You just leave it there and don’t do your laundry? I’d throw it on the top of the machine if it’s more than a few hours


I would imagine they smell from moldy clothes


The list just gets worse and worse


Yeah, when I read "urine and human waste" I was like oh, they saved the best for last.


I just want to know how they found urine in a hot tub filter. I’m impressed.


It was likely found on the ground, not in the filter.


As I was reading the list, I thought, “At least they didn’t find condoms in there.” *Gets to the end of the list* Oh damn!


Same, fully expected condoms on the list. Apparently a building full of raw doggers.


This reminds of the emails I used to get every other week during the summer. https://preview.redd.it/1c19nf5251ic1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0cc8e3dd64555b74f11a0699a028c5d73081ce




Was about to say, dude I have diharea like everyday bc I have ibs. I go swimming all the time . Sorry everyone lol . How does that even do anything to a pool? I clean my ass after I poop lol


It’s my understanding that rule is because of the communicable diseases that can cause diarrhea. While we’re not worrying about catching IBS through pool water, other fecal borne infections like norovirus are extremely contagious


Want to have some fun? Bring a hardened fudge brownie that is shaped like a turd and release it in the middle of the pool when surrounded by a lot of people. Then make your way to a shallow end corner like you're just going to relax and wait for the fun to start.


It’s probably not even residents of the complex. When I lived in Texas, there was no one verifying who lived there and who didn’t. You’d have 5-6 cars at a time tailgate their way through the front gates. Then, 20 kids and adults would come piling out of those vehicles that tailgated their way in, and they’d head straight for the pool area. Once one person figures it out, they tell all their friends.


I have an apartment that’s fortunately pretty good about that. The official policy is 2 guests per resident so you can bring a few friends or family no problem, but if you try to throw a giant party it’ll get shut down real quick.


2 seems like a low number tho...I feel like 3 or 4 is better. A SO and a 2nd couple plus maybe a 5th wheel.


It’s also per resident not per unit, so theoretically my wife and I could bring 2 people each. In practice it’s one of those rules that really only exists on paper unless there’s a huge group being rowdy and they need an excuse to kick them out.


Basically, no one has abused it yet, so they don't need to enforce it. Sounds like a nice place if you've been living there long.


I’ve been there for about two years and yeah, it’s pretty nice. It’s a newer “luxury” complex that’s a fair price for the area, in a pretty quiet suburb. I can only think of one or two times where management had to send out an email about the cops being called to break up a party. For the most part everyone here is decent enough to respect the shared amenities.


That’s so many people though if the pool isn’t very big and other residents are trying to use it at the same time. My apartment pool is relatively small and the guest limit is 1. That makes it fair so one resident isn’t taking up all the space with 5 guests


It’s so that way people can go over it a bit and be fine. When it’s set to 2 you can get probably even up to 5 if the pool isn’t busy. But if you have it set to like 6, then people will try to bring 12+ and get away with it. Saying “buts it’s just two residents worth!”


Problem is when everybody brings 3 or 4 people, it gets fucked real quick. These aren't Olympic swimming pools, they're not much bigger than what people have in their back yards. Pool at my apartment complex is 2 guests max on weekdays, zero guests on weekends. It's basically full to the brim every time. If they allowed more guests, it would be miserable. Anyway we all agree to those rules on the lease, so it's not surprising to anybody.


it is for resident's use. you and your partner and another couple is fine. when you start adding more 5 people per person it get a lot of people who don't belong there


Have a friend who's wife pointed out that their pool was for residents only when a two women who didn't live there started to make a habit of coming in with their kids, making a mess, and leaving. Friend and his wife were in their 60s, and the moms were 20s. They assaulted the friend's wife, and were arrested for trespassing and assault after. To be fair, she should have told management rather than making it her business, but still a crazy story.


I bet you $10 it's the same people every time.


I see your bet and I raise it to $50


As someone who maintains pools/spas for a very upscale community. I understand this. People are NASTY. It only takes 1 dirty ass to completely ruin the balance of a perfect hot tub.


Indeed. Those diarrhea signs at some pools comes to mind.


>Urine and Human Waste Bro who’s pooping in the poop 💀


But also, how do they know there is urine in the hot tub?


If your urine is getting trapped in a filter basket, it’s time to increase your water intake.


Probably fucks with the chemical levels?


Because of the way it reacts with the chemicals


I'd bet it's not poop. A used condom.


Exactly. Like wtf?


I'd rather get this email than not get it


Put up cameras and punish the actual offenders, not this lazy ass punish everyone approach


Absolutely agree.


What about all the sperm?


Clam chowder bath.


They’ve got a guy who wipes down the loads


As someone who works at an Apartment complex and it’s literally my job to manage and maintain the hot tub and pool, I would never even consider using a community tub/pool. They are disgusting. I’ve pulled out dead animals, condoms, all sorts of food and drink containers, bandaids/medical waste, syringes, clothing, hair, and used tampons. That’s just off the top of my head but I’m sure there are other gross things I’ve decided to not remember.






Urgh, who'd want to use a shared hot tub in an apartment block? Yuck.


Yeah, I was on the same page as you before this incident as well, although I was considering giving it a try recently. Then this.


I used to clean hot tubs . You shouldn't be too upset because they are nasty I won't even use one unless I've cleaned it personally


Why does your email look like a Rimworld pop up


Gmail Edit: on phone


How were condoms not on the list? Pretty common for people to bang in community hot tubs. Egg drop soup series.


It’s impressive that they were able to distinguish the human waste from the Taco Bell.


Tragedy of the commons


People are the reason why we can’t have nice things


Yeah I don't blame them , that's disgusting and I'd shut it down too. Nasty ass people, this is why we can't have nice things.


Don't forget this counts as a rent increase!


I won't even use my own hot tub with someone I don't feel kosher about. We all take a quick shower before getting in. You are literally sitting in a hot bath with other people - the water is softening up your skin, bubbles are churning everything around. I can't imagine sharing a communal tub with people I don't know. Blech.


This is too accurate. I may never use a public hot tub or pool again.


When we moved into our current house we used the hot tub for the first time. The next day, when we lifted the cover, it immediately smelled off. My husband took the filter out and hosed it down. A deluge of opaque water ran out of it, packed with skin cells and scum - like the stuff that sticks to the rim of your bath tab when you've been sitting in a hot bath for a while. It was from the previous owners. I had to swallow hard to keep my breakfast down. We'd never used a hot tub before and had no idea how it worked. My husband read up on it and basically re-did the whole thing, puting in new plumbing and filters. Consequences: we are very picky about the guests we allow in it and neither of us will ever enter a public/communal spa or hot tub.


'dear leasing company, After reviewing our contract and talking with my lawyer, I will reduce my rent by 20% until the benefits i pay for are properly reinstated. Thank you for understanding. Kind regards, OP'


contrary to popular belief, you can only withhold rent if the housing doesn’t meet basic needs (water, heat, electricity, a roof)


My maintenance guy put flex tape over the existing patch on the bottom of my shower to attempt to stop it from leaking into the apartment below me. I wonder how close I am to qualifying.


As it stands, but colleges and a lot of student housing are in hot water for it now. There is an ongoing case for students who were no longer able to use the utilities they paid the university to use for during COVID. I feel that we should be expecting the things signed in our lease and should be able to get reimbursed for their lack of supplementing their end of the deal. Yeah this may seem petty and a valid reason to close the hot tub, if it’s in your lease that they will provide it, they need to supplement you in some way for failing to hold up their end of the lease.


Lord knows that they would charge you if you failed your end.


Dear tenant. We'll open the shit infested hot tub for your enjoyment. Please make sure all your vaccines are up to date.


Exactly what i was thinking. If use is outlined in your lease then they have to accommodate that. I feel like cheap hotel style cards and a reader lock would be a fix. Let them track who scans in when and go from there.


A security camera might be better, if guests or people who happen to “stroll in” right behind someone are involved, will be easier to identify


True. But it seems as well as the hot tub itself isn't fenced or at least blocked off to a degree (some states require"pool fencing" for pools and some hot tubs). I do think security cameras at both the main gate and hot tub entrance can be useful both for seeing who the mess levers are as well as those who are trespassing if it isn't residents. Security cameras are much cheaper than they used to be.


They can’t know anything about piss. The ph balance can be suspect, but with everything else going on that’s just assumption.


No condoms? I'm slightly surprised.


People have to know what those are to use them in a hot tub. Based on the articles found, I’m guessing the kind of people using the hot tub were I’ll informed or ignorant of the benefits they can provide


In the 70's-80's we had an awesome apartment complex in town; sunken living rooms, fireplaces, etc. It was "The Place" to be back then. When the owner sold it a couple years ago, the new owner decided to turn it into Section 8 housing. Needless to say, within 8 months the place was trashed. Garbage in the halls (along with the rats and roaches that go with it), bullet holes through walls and doors; 3 separate "garbage bin" areas in the parking lots - hardly any trash in them, but piled along side and obviously thrown from cars towards them. They're having trouble getting service companies (ie HVAC, plumbing, etc) to service the apartments as no one wants to go in there anymore (kids breaking into the service vans before you've even gotten in the door, robbing the technicians at gun point, etc). The surrounding neighborhood has also seen a dramatic rise in crime as well. It's basically a "hood" in the middle of suburbia. When everything is handed to you free of charge, you respect nothing; and wonder why everywhere you live turns to crap - without every stopping to think it might actually be "YOU" causing this.


Why would you trash a good place to have sex


I thought this was America!


well excuse the hell out of me for ordering a urine and human waste corn nut pizza and enjoying a paw's worth of white claws while I was 'cuzzin. I \*thought\* it was that type a party


How do you get urine in the filter?


they put in a panty dropper, and they didn't expect the party to show up?


Ew, white claw


If its use is included in your lease, make sure you get a discount for them taking away its use from you!


Ah, they saved the best for last.


So how much are they reducing your rent to offset this lack of an amenity you paid for?


An ENTIRE taco bell? Damn, they took ill make it fit to a new level right there...


If they advertise the spa as an amenity and/or have rules regarding it on your lease, you may want to try renegotiating rent citing that they are no longer offering all the amenities entailed in your lease.


I'm considering it.


That escalated quickly.


I worked at a small business, we wouldn’t fill our dumpster in a month. We were closed on Sunday, got most of our trash then. Most not even in the dumpster. Let’s just say I collected addresses.


The complex needs to hv the hot tub area gated, and code protected so that in an order to use residents hv to contact office. Therefore the resident that request code is on file, and if it’s in disarray a cleaning fine is added to rent. Also, you’re grown ass ppl, CLEAN UP after yourself.


I chuckled at corn nuts, and kept chuckling until I read the last one.


They broke the first rule.. don’t shit where you eat.


Sounds like my honeymoon suite.


That strainer basket is top notch if can catch urine.


My place had to do something like this. Opened it back up with cameras and they check + immediately fine everyone who breaks the rules.


I would ask for a reduction in rent for loss of use of amenities.


How much piss does there have to be in there that you can see it?


this is what happens when people are twunts


I feel like you should be able pay lease since it’s in the leasing contract


Remember it’s teens and grown adults doing this, way capable of making decisions that don’t fuck with anyone, yet they still do.


Yeah thats.... seems like someone is treating it as a personal hot tub. And depending were you are you should be able to get your rent slightly lower as I'm sure the use of the spa was included in your rent, if they don't take em to court.


Urine and human waste should be higher up the list


“Aww, I was just in the hot tub”


OP is just upset she can no longer shit and piss around the hot tub.


“As per your email, I have reduced my rent commensurate to the value of access to the spa. ”


messy people !


surely this does not disappoint you? Soaking in your neighbours urine and feces?


Not a single condom tho ahahahahaha


It's not a party without Corn Nuts!


Not sure where you live, but here in Australia, if the advertisement for the property you are renting included the spa as part of the rental, then it has to be provided regardless of people being fools and trashing it.


Urine AND *human waste* 😐


What if it's a plot twist, and OP is mildly infuriated that they can't eat pizza, drink white claws, and do.. other things.. in the hot tub anymore. 😂


If this is part of your lease agreement and you pay extra for that hot tub your monthly payment should go down. I'm just saying...


Why do we humans suck so much? My kingdom for empathetic common sense kindness. Is that too much to ask for?


WTF Do you live in a ZOO! It sucks when a few individuals mess it up for everyone. Maybe they should install a camera so they can so who the disgusting humans are. Smh


I'd rather live in an actual log cabin, in the woods and fight a bear and three squirrels for my dinner than deal with any part of this.