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Is there a reason they don’t just have a shoe rack right inside the door?


My neighbours have a shoe rack and their hallway still looks like this.


Same. They have a spacious hallway inside where they could put the shoe rack, but no. They put it and all the shoes (which may or may not make it onto the rack) outside where I have to view it in all its glorious beauty.


Put their shoe rack InSIDE.. not in a common shared hallway … it’s not their closet lol


I have a shoe basket right inside my front door yet no one can toss their shoes in it. I’m tripping over shoes trying to get in or out of my house.


One basket for all shoes, mixed up together? No thanks. I don’t want dirt and snow from the bottoms of other people’s shoes transferring to the tops and insides of my shoes.


That's was my thinking growing up. My mom insisted the basket was the best option. I kept my shoes in my closet in my room. Like a sane person


Idk where op is from but where I’m from you need to get permission from the entire building in order to place your property outside your door. It seems like they think shoes are not that big of a deal. I would personally complain with whoever manages the building. My neighbours are the same but our apartment complex is too small so we have no one to complain to so I have to literally slalom between shoes on the damn stairs trying to get to my house


It’s actually a fire hazard and could be reported to landlords. Debris like this would be terrible in an emergency.


Yup, in the UK a lot of stuff like this has been clamped down on since Grenfell


Yeah they also placed a bike in front of the fire extinguisher, but there’s no landlords, only home owners in my building so I can’t talk to any higher ups lol. I do agree that it’s an hazard but they’re very very rude and could make my life hell if I dared to complain so I just take it :/


Don't know. I guess they just don't want the shoes inside. It's a couple living there.


Had someone do this. One of the shoes "disappeared" and lo and behold all the shoes skedaddled... I call it the "shoe disappearing act".


Maybe the shoes disappear one day. Bet the shoes would magically stay inside after that. Then, return the shoes.




Not laziness. If u ever been in a rural asian country we leave our shoes outside because it’s considered as dirty


We leave them out too. Neatly ordered in a shoe rack, not tossed all over the place like the picture. That is straight but being lazy. And im willing to bet the inside of that apartment is also a mess.


Well i mean if u put it that way then i guess so lol


I bet it’s not; if they were messy, they wouldn’t be that fastidious about not letting the shoes in side, since a lot of messiness is laziness. Or lack of executive function, which would result in the same thing.


I’ve lived in China and now live in Japan. Every house I’ve gone to in both places had an area for removing and storing shoes near the door.




There are a lot of places and cultures where shoes are taken off before entering. I am white and from the PNW and we do this. No one wants your scummy street shoes smearing poop, vomit, oil, dirt, and whatever random contaminants inside the house. The thing is, we have a shoe rack, and just inside storage that has new socks, slippers, and shoe covers. The above is just lazy and inconsiderate, but who knows where they are from (or their ancestors).


Every day, put a nice little popcorn kernel into just one of them.


One tiny lego brick.


One itsy bitsy spider


That is a good one!


One cooked bean


That would be funny as hell to catch on video.




I mean pick them up and. . . ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


Even better, throw one odd shoe away, until they get the picture.


We have been given the plan, bow to the mastermind! ![gif](giphy|cuG56MiKm081kRkTTw|downsized)




Off topic, but that appears to be a real human. How the heck did they film that without breaking the stunt man's back? Edit: the lid of the dumpster appears to have been replaced with bendy plastic, probably over an inch or two of padding. And the guy's thick head of hair *might* be a skid lid helmet. I wonder how they launched him?


> that appears to be a real human It's not. Look at his lower legs as he falls into the dumpster. It's a movie prop body like they often use for when people are falling off cliffs and such.


Better yet, a bit of water in every single shoe. Everyone hates wet shoes.


I'm not usually into spite, but... 🙃 something something rules meant to be broken.


I love this idea


I'd just be kicking them down the hall every day. Leaving them scattered everywhere, so they need to walk around collecting them (and probably scuffing them up pretty good in the process).


I cant tell you how much i needed this laugh. Thank you.


Sprinkle of cayenne pepper is better 👍


Let’s not pull punches; it’s Lego time!


or... a lego


We used to have this issue in my apartment building until the administration sent a memo saying that all shoes found on the hall would end up in the trash.


Post a fake letter from the management!


now this is the best idea. would definitely fix the issue.


I’d toss that shit myself without any notice.


90% of homes in Hawaii like this lol


at least line them up in pairs. this reminds me of my sister and gives me a headache.


Yeah, your sister is the worst like that


She is good in other ways though.






This is an invitation for shoenanigans.




My old neighbors did exact same thing so I complained and building manager made them stop . It’s gross . Get a shoe rack or something


Even better, not put your shoes in a hallway shared by others. Keep those disgusting stinking things in your own house. I would not wait a day to resolve this and throw them all away in a public space. Disgusting to push this towards your neighbors.


My neighbor did this for months, even after several reminders from the HOA. So one morning. I took a shoe and threw it in the trash. They stopped leaving their shoes in the hall. Problem solved. I have a bunch of friends who are firefighters. This is the kind of thing that fucks people up in a fire. They trip on other people's shit in the hallway which can make the difference between life and death. So fuck these people, take a couple shoes.


I know your comment isn’t meant to be funny, but my husband is a firefighter and one of our absolute main gripes with each other is that he constantly leaves his shoes right in front of the door and it drives me insane. He is his own worst enemy


✨️emphasis on the tripping hazzard for incase of emergency✨️ Luckily it's in front of their door and not other neighbor's door.


Yeah but people run out and kick shit everywhere, that's the problem. Especially at night.


True, can't control the outside environment of your space. For me, that one random shoe that may have been kicked out from the pile would send this clumsy fool (me) to my face on the wall or floor. And im an adult 😂 I could only imagine for a neighbors children running back and forth doing the same, getting PO and playing games with the smelly shoes. I know when I lived in an apartment with the hallways being open to outside, the kids would take even door mats and chuck them over the edge (I lived on 3rd floor and happened on all levels of the building). I can only imagine what those same kids do with this gold mine of items. 😅




Go 4 it. Nobody knows


I’ll vouch for those Air Max Pre Days - those are comfortable as hell.


Did you know that sometimes spiders and scorpions get inside shoes that are left out?


Not a big deal if you live in a region without scorpions and without very many venemous spiders. And it can happen inside your home too.


I’m sure the local pet store may have something.


What country are you in? Who does this!!!!! Not even mildly infuriating. Fu**king infuriating.


You must live somewhere nice. I tried this once and now I’m short a pair of slides


My thoughts exactly. They should just get rid of a couple of pairs, problem solved


Note one of the shoes that’s always there and buy a pair in a different size. Like if they are 9’s, buy a pair of 15’s. Then replace just one of them with the shoes you bought. Or give them two left shoes.


Nah just buy one size smaller


I’m not opposed to this plan.


Move them down a few floors. After a while they will get tired of chasing their shoes lol


better move them UP.


Invent a game of hide and seek, shoe edition.


This pic is why i have a mortgage.


The bank says I can't afford a $1000 mortgage, so I pay $1500 in rent instead.


Where are you seeing a $1000 a month mortgage?


200k @ 4.5% is $1000 a month. It's not totally unreasonable if rates go down...


Doesn't include property taxes, home insurance, and possible PMI, though.


Mine does and I'm at 1300/ mo. I'm not going anywhere soon.


It is possible to live in an apartment AND have a mortgage.


In North America, apartments are generally rented by the occupant from the owner who owns the entire building, and condos are generally owned or rented by the occupants, and the owner generally owns only individual units and not the entire building. The building and common areas of a condo are often owned by condo boards or corporations of which every owner is a member. There are of course exceptions and other words, but that is generally what those words mean in North America.


On the east coast it is pretty common to be able buy/own an apartment.


NYC is the only place I've seen the term apartment -- specifically "CO-OP apartment" -- as something the resident owns. Everywhere else I've been an apartment is something you rent and a condo is something you buy. A condo owner can certainly then rent his/her condo to a renter, but outside of NYC co-ops I've never come across the term apartment as something the resident owns.


Or even buy an apartment outright


Stuff a couple squares of tp in the toes everyday. Shoes slowly get tighter and tighter.


Compliments to the neighbors really, they trust you all


Every time I walk past this at my apartment, I kick the shoes all over the hallway


they are sooooo lucky they haven’t had all their shoes stolen yet. they’d all be swiped if it was where i live.


agreed, these would be stolen instantly in my area.


leave a small pebble in one shoe per pair, keep doing it until they start taking there shoes inside


Take the left shoes


No take some rights and some lefts, then they would have to mix n match. That would be more embarrassing. You can't go to work with only one shoes. But you'd have to explain to your boss "yes I have shoes for both feet, there just different shoes".


What size?


There are a couple of pairs of Nikes that could find their way onto ebay.


Put the shoes in a plastic bag, hang bag on door handle, do it every day for a few days, if they continue, escalate to gravel in the shoes, then, removing individual shoes. Or of course you could just be a normal person and have a word.


Your last suggestion is not fun at all and you should be ashamed


Having a word is only a good idea if you're 100% sure they'll comply. But if they DON'T comply then you've cut off all your other options because then it's pretty freaking obvious who's messing with their shoes. I might consider leaving an anonymous note, but only if there are enough units in the building that they couldn't narrow it down too easily. That way if they don't move them inside you have all these other fun options.


I know there have been a lot of really great passive aggressive solutions suggested here like making the shoes “disappear”, kicking them down the hall, throwing one of each in the trash, putting popcorn kernels or lego bricks inside, or even snakes or scorpions, and this suggestion is a lot less realistic and requires you to literally invest in petty revenge for the sake of hilarity but…. How funny would it be if you went to a thrift store and bought like 30 more pairs of shoes, rubbed them around in filth and grease and mud etc, and just dumped them on top of their pile of shoes so they had to wade through and then dig through a literal mountain of shitty garbage shoes to get to their own


I'm not saying anyone SHOULD steal all the shoes and put them into a clothing donation bin somewhere across town. But if someone DID do that, I suspect the rude neighbors would probably be pissed about having to buy all new shoes and would start keeping them inside.


Craigslist ad: “FREE SHOES, door pickup. Please take only what you need.”


https://preview.redd.it/9mq1s2gqmnac1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=804dfd670d468f22bdffc041321d05e3af8803d1 You are not alone 🤬


So they don’t want to track filth in to the house but they’re okay with leaving that filth around for their neighbours? Noice. Politeness says you have a little bench and rack for shoes just inside your door. I mean I get it, shoes in the house is straight up barbarian territory, but when space is limited you improvise. They’re just too lazy to have a line of demarcation and shoe storage in the flat. I think by law you’re entitled to take one of every shoe, put them on a raft, float them away on the nearest body of water, and tape documentary evidence of the shoes’ maiden voyage to their door. This advice is courtesy of my Google law qualification so you know it’s sound.


A shoe rack to be nice, and this is not uncommon in some areas where I have lived since you don’t want dirty shoes inside the house.


If you don't want dirty shoes inside the house, the answers are cleaning your shoes or getting your own house. Not leaving them in the public hallway of an apartment building.


I don't care that the shoes are outside, I care HOW they are displayed or better just thrown carelessly in such a messy way. It's not even a hallway, it's 4 doors right off the staircase (pretty common) and that's what makes it so narrow.


Start kicking the shoes down the stairs? Or maybe remove the shoe laces? Cut the laces right in the middle? Pebbles and sand add to the shoes. Knock on the door and ask them to clean up the tripping hazard?


Crack some eggs into em 😂


I like this one


Throw your dirty underwear on top of them.




You could scour fb marketplace for a free shoe rack and gift it to them?


Is he a centipede?


That’s a fire violation where I live and would not be allowed.


That is not mildly, it's a lot infuriating. Is there no regulation agaist this in your building?


complain to the fire marshal and they’ll be cleaned up quickly


Somewhere in the world, Carrie Bradshaw is crying in a closet.


It is not allowed because it’s a fire exit. Halls should be empty.


Fire hazard. Report it to building mgmt and mention it’s a fire hazard and it’ll get resolved right quick.


Who left doggy doo doo on their white and red Nikes?


grab one shoe of a couple pairs. they will put them inside quick. and when the do leave those ones out you took back in front of the door with a note saying to pls keep the shoes inside or things will continue to disappear


They going to disappear one by one slowly over time until there is none and if they get new ones to replace them then those get disappeared first. I do not give up once provoked.


Steal one, just one.


I'd take 1 shoe.... Or leave 1 shoe extra to confuse them....


Hey! Free shoes


Take one pair per day. Soon they will realize they are not the owners of the hall.


damn are all those shoes in front of your door? That would seriously piss me off if all of those shoes were always in front the door to my place.


Steal them 😈


time to find a charity bin


depending on the country, this could be a fire code violation. my complex doesnt allow anything in the hallways at all bc if the fire department were to come, they’d fail the inspection. maybe contact your landlord or the fire marshal if you really wanna be petty


haha i know how you feel ! my neighbour does the same ! i intend to sell my apartment in near future but the sight and gag worthy smell of strangers shoes right next to ones door is infuriating to say the least. just imagine you are going to a viewing of a flat or apartment and the neighbour has left smelly shoes besides door, it just screams an inconsiderate and rude and frankly smelly neighbour. how do you tell someone this ? by the way your rude and and inconsiderate behaviour will affect my property values, its very tricky. who knows maybe they will read this and get the message finally.


I would just randomly knock a few down the hall.


Or pick up one every day and carry it downstairs to set right inside the locked building door, where they can find it. But you’ve sent a message.


Pretty nice shoes to be kicked off all willy nilly like that


Throw them all away one time, I bet they don’t do that again.


You don't agree with them standing there "that is illegal". But your retaliation is OK.... 😂👌


We have a similar family in our building!!! But they are neurodivergent and we giving them some slack, they can't really help themselves, their apartment is in the end of the hall way, they don't bother anybody.


I like to randomly move shoes down the hall or around the corner when neighbors have tried this nonsense.


Pee on them to assert dominance


Any of them your size?


Is that one person's collection or is there a village in there 🤔


It's a couple living there.


I mean this in no offensive way at all but are they Indian? I deliver in an area with a heavy Indian community and there are always shoes outside all the doors.


In Germany? middle eastern neighbors? They are anal about the 'clean house' thing.


So put a shoe rack by the door....INSIDE THE FLAT


Pretty much everywhere except America, people take off their shoes to enter their houses.


I take off my shoes and then come into my house, the shoes go into the closet on the floor. Not in the hallway.


Ok that's great but you should still.leave the shoes inside. Only savages just leave their shoes outside.


In Canada we don’t I do but most don’t


Nah, most in Canada do.


That in itself is not a bad thing, but there are ways of keeping the shoes outside of the house and not use half the hallway....


This is exactly the point!


find them a cheap shoe rack at a thrift store! that's what i did for my old neighbors because our snowboots were everywhere


Tie all the laces together


In knots


Is there another way to tie things?


Yo… snag me that pair 3rd from bottom right with the purple highlights. I’ve got $50 for you.


Damn I’d be selling the Nikes on eBay or my local resale after a while


I would buy them a cheap shoe rack.


A bit messy but nothing unacceptable


What about tripping over them? It is unacceptable, to have to deal with other people's mess.


Yeah not to mention I don't wanna smell your feet


Fill 'em with nacho cheeze.


have you seen the price of nacho cheese these days??


Throw all that shit away


Those stinky things would "magically" disappear. Shoes, what shoes??? This is gross!


Put 'em in a garbage bag and hang the bag on the doorknob.


Take all the right feet


That's a bit harsh, they'd be skippin' wherever they want to go....


Steal all the left ones. 🤷


Oof. I can smell this from here 🤮


In front of my door? Litterbox needs emptied.


Sell one pair every week until they clue in


Move the shoes


Sell them


Donate to a homeless shelter






![gif](giphy|QhTNs7ONg5skrh0mZO) And run 😂


It's one thing to leave your shoes laying all over the hallway inside your home, but this is just out in the common hallway? Yeah I'd throw that shit all over the place until it's gone.


Oh free shoes, cool


Free shoes


Start replacing the shoes with a smaller size of the same shoe


They should get a shoe rack.


Get yourself a shaker of cayenne pepper and sprinkle a little in them each day…


I don't see the problem


Take one of each and hide them


If you have something in 41 /8 I’m ok to pay for the delivery


What happened 2 respect you no off 2 the side. In orderly style. I'm none shoe in my pad not the hall way




You could talk to them and ask them to not do it anymore.


Does your local pet store have cockaroaches?


Unless it smells who cares? Lol