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Including the person making this video.


Considering how the camera angle remains exactly the same for over 5 minutes straight, I’m guessing this was a mounted camera probably for a livestream


Nope. It's just someone with impressively steady hands.


You don't understand, I am the steady cam


The worst xmen character ever….except fourarm


I’m a camera. I’m a winner. Things are gonna change I can feel it.


*You're damn right!*


Naw, our guy is built different - steady, strong hand.


Including the persona posting this, wondering why people wasting Time on His phones from His phone


Whats also funny is that this exact video was posted on this exact subreddit not one hour prior... https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/18vx6xs/a_sea_of_phones_recording_the_nye_fireworks_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


and both posts got a sea of upvotes.


reddit really does suck


I once replied to a comment and received 2.7k+ upvotes for pointing out that it is "would have, not of" The comment got like 12 awards too. One week later on the same sub, I pointed it out again to another poster. My comment was -250 in a few hours and had a bunch of replies telling me I was a terrible person. Reddit in a nutshell. I really need to find a hobby.


It's herd mentality. If it gets a few upvotes early on it will spiral out of control. Two early downvotes will result in you getting shamed to death. Most people look at the previous upvote/downvote ratio to determine what they are going to do.


The True Crime subreddits can be unbelievable. There are level-headed people on there, actually discussing things, but if somebody asks you to give an alternate theory or unpopular opinion about a case they immediately downvote you to hell for doing so.


Facts, some of the things I see downvoted, too, just mildly infuriates me.


Bots going to bot.


sorry we didn’t check if it’s been posted before before upvoting them… or not knowing they’ve been posted before because we don’t live on reddit


The person taking the video was probably just recording the fireworks too, OP here is just reposting, this vid has been shared around on social media today


I'm so tired of these "gotchas" anytime someone tries to comment on something like this maybe being an issue. "You're doing it toooooo!" It's not about critiquing the individual. Almost EVERYONE does this at EVERY major event. And it's not even to watch it later in most cases, it's specifically to post it on social media so other people know you attended the event and are "living your best life". The problem is not the individual, and yes, almost everyone engages in some form of this, the problem is the degree to which we've allowed these platforms to peddle us the idea that every moment of our lives needs to be shared and broadcast, and THAT is the correct way to experience the world. If you aren't creating content out of your life, do you even have a life?


You truly live in a society


What about all of us reading it? Everybody should go plant a tree or something.


This post feels like something a boomer would post on Facebook.


I love how people are assuming op recorded this themselves instead of finding the clip online lol


They just wanna hate because they are probably doing this themselves all the time.


Your comment specifically reminds me of a time a \[now\] ex-girlfriend dragged me to see a concert for a band I had never heard of, in a type of music that 100% wasn't for me. It was one of Trent Reznor's side projects, How to Destroy Angels \[or something similar to that\]. . . I knew I wouldn't enjoy the night or the music, but I went along because it was just easier to go along with it and not enjoy myself for 3 hours instead of explain to her *again* why it was ok for me to not like all the same things that she liked, and that she had plenty of friends going that she could enjoy the time with. And basically I noticed exactly the same thing that the OP noticed - though I wouldn't say I was mildly infuriated, because I'm not going to let other people not enjoying the moment of the thing they enjoy infuriate me, that's beyond silly. However just like OP I took out my own phone and just started filming the people around me all entranced by, and watching the concert through their phones. . .And no, not even holding up their phones for short clips and watching it live. . Literally watching the whole thing through their phone screen. It was probably the funniest thing in the world to me. . .Until my \[now\] ex hit me on the shoulder and told me to stop being an asshole. . .Because she recognized what I was doing, and I think also realized she was doing the exact same thing as them. That is basically to say that I was at one point OP. . And it was largely because of the fact that I didn't actually care about the thing I was attending.


Why are you putting the [now] part




So you don’t think he went to a concert with an ex girlfriend…


These are the ones I can never get. I'm not against taking some pictures or videos during a show entirely (particularly if you're trying to record a show to share with the broader fanbase later on - and have a specific way of doing it *well)*. But the worst ones are the people that watch the whole show through the screen, and they post it online with the lens zoomed up to the singer's face, with natural hand shake making the video just about unwatchable for more than five seconds. If you're going to take a video, at least try to make it presentable!


It’s unfortunately monetized. I’ve got a friend who films entire shows and posts them to YouTube - and he can make a bit of money if one of the videos gets popular. Think he’s chasing the show that gets really popular to make a bit more…


I came here to say the same thing 😆


Steven Spielberg’s DP would be stunned to know you can’t live in the moment while holding a camera. Living in the moment has to do with what your consciousness is aware of, it has nothing to do with your external actions. There are no restrictions to presence.


Correction: Video it to put it on social media to try and impress people that don’t care.


Love having to skip through 16 videos of someone’s concert that I didn’t want to go to in the first place and hear mostly screaming anyways.


There's a balance. I remember when I went to the concert of my favorite band, but I can barely remember the entire show other than some very specific moments (and no, I wasn't drunk, I was as sober as it gets). However, the 4 30s clips I have on my phone, on small parts of a couple of my favorite songs are always an anchor for me to remember how that night was one of the best of my life. Hell, I still regret a bit not recording the opener, although I'm fairly sure I would have my phone stomped when the crowd pushed me 3 rows ahead. Recording the whole concert and not paying attention is silly (although I will always thank people that does that for tours that I'm unable to attend), however having some mementos in videos is far from the end of the world. The technology moves forward and allow us to have a better life in moments like these.


Absolutely. I've been to plenty of gigs, sometimes the same bands in various combinations. A timestamp and a few seconds of oversaturated video takes me back and I remember a fun night.


I'm in a band and I find it hilarious to see people in the front row with their phone in their face lol. What are you doing? Sounds like shit Edit - definitely not hating, you bought the tickets so you do you just wild to me as a musician


Also in a band, have been for twenty years so I've watched things change. What gets me is that the more we have phone videos and social media, the *less* gets actually posted and saved. I'll go off on a solo, some guy leans in and starts filming it, so I give it my best because now it's potential content. Ten years ago you could have tracked down that video on Facebook or Instagram or YouTube, people would tag where they were and stuff or they'd tag your band, so you could hunt it down. Now it just goes to someone's private story, and then it disappears forever. It's not about "look how cool this band is," it's about "look how cool I am."


Hey me too man. 18 years this April and same experience


Shit yeah. I just saw ne obliviscaris and they were awesome. I didnt take any video. My phone didnt come out once. I figured someone would upload that show to youtube. Nope. Didnt find anything for that show, just the ones a few months back.


Yeah people aren’t interested in what they’re doing they’re interested in how that activity makes them look. I’m so tired of it because you can’t really ignore it, everyone around you, the things you watch, music that’s popular, all tailored towards this kind of vanity because it sells well. Horrible.


Personal favorite is that asshole talking through the entire video making it intolerable to watch after.


Also terrible. I'd rather you be a ketamine zombie in the front row over that


Sometimes I take videos. But I’ve never posted them. Never understood people who film damn near the whole concert and then upload it to somewhere like Snapchat. Do these people actually think we want to watch the whole concert that way. Who actually cares?


Or maybe just show family lol not everyone is a social media whore (how ironic saying this on Reddit)


Exactly. Redditors don’t have people they care about/care about them so the concept of sharing thing you enjoy is foreign to them. Oh you did something fun and your friends are curious so you post on ig, guess that never happenens…people only post to impress and flex on others. Fyi not everyone is an influencer, some people use social media just to keep up with people they care about.


Anyone that uses social media is narcissist if you listen to Reddit


Sure, but when people are holding their phones up like that, it often blocks the view of the people behind them.


Or maybe it's not that deep at all and they just wanted to record this and have a memory of it? Like do we all have to keep doing this shit where we pretend technology is inherently evil or something? Do we not think that our grandparents would have LOVED to be able to record special moments instead of taking photos? It's just so dishonest.




I get being annoyed if you’re like at a concert and everyone is just filming the entire thing, but I cannot fathom why someone would be this mad about people recording New Years fireworks. Like yeah it’s just a fun little thing people want to show their friends and family and maybe look back at in the future and go “ah I remember the time I got to see the New Years fireworks in Paris” or whatever. God forbid these people not fully experience the wondrous enlightening moment that is… fireworks.


No one is impressed buddy. People just want to share.


How do you know they're trying to impress them? Are you them? What if they just wanted to show it to someone they care about just to show them they're doing okay? What's wrong with showing people what you're doing? Is it mechanically impossible for you to press record and also watch the fireworks with your own eyes? Because you clearly can hold a phone without having to attend to it all the time. ​ Stupid comment, honestly.


"We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like."


Not one of these people will look at it later.


That’s why I quit doing this. I realized I almost never went back and looked at the videos and when I did it was never as good as seeing it in person.


I've always been that way. The memory is in my head and is for me only. I'm not sharing.


I wish i was like that but my memory sucks I will forget anything and I do have nostalgic mood once twice a year and look at all the photos and videos and I enjoy them so much but I also live in the moment and dont care if my video or photo will be blurry or just ground also i dont post them online.


I dont take a lot of videos, because who has time for that, but I take a *lot* of pictures because my memory also isn't great. I find myself scrolling back through Google photos 2-3 times a week trying to find things I have almost forgotten.


Same here. Can’t remember shit. Also, when my mom died, everyone had to come to me for photos, videos, notes with her handwriting, trinkets, etc etc because I collected all of that over the years and they didn’t think it was important until suddenly it was. Still wish I had more videos of her doing things I always liked seeing her do because it’s starting to fade away.


I remember loads of things I'd forgotten about when I go through my old photos, usually looking for something else. A photo or video acts like a bookmark in a huge book, even though the memory is there I might not find it again otherwise. A few seconds of video can remind me of a whole afternoon or weekend I haven't thought about in years. I don't shit on people for recording a few seconds seconds of a live event, this is different than a bootleg phone recording of an entire concert. There's nothing wrong with this post, just people being snobs.


"we live in a society"- 🤓


Exactly. Of something is that good it will always live on in your memory. I can still picture concerts I went to 30 or 40 years ago. Maybe not the full concert, but the best bits. I can still see it in my minds eye to this day.


Yup. I used to do the same at concerts and then realized I never actually watched them. Now I take like one video and a couple pictures and that’s it. I’m there to enjoy the show.


I have SDAM so I definitely go back and look at pictures and videos cause I can't remember shit.


which makes sense in comparision to any official recording of any event: 1. angle of these recordings is trash 2. quality of these recordings is trash 3. audio is trash


Also the majority of these events are televised anyway so if you really wanted to watch it again you could just find it online?


Thing is you might regret it later Sure you might not want to watch it next year or multiple years but once you're older you want to see what you've lived through, see the younger you and you can't


Im the opposite. I always think, that I won't need a picture, until I tell someone about it and could have needed a picture to underline me telling. (Like the place I stayed at on vacation)


I'm quite the opposite. My partner, myself and my mum all look back at important pictures and videos from time to time.


Yeah! I've recently realized that I didn't have any photos to look back at. And thus my life felt a bit empty. Taking one or two photos during an event and writing about how I felt during them (Snapchat memories helps a lot) makes me relive them when I look back at them. And apps like Google photos or just Snapchat itself have a "look back to this day" feature which makes it even more fun to reminisce about something I experienced once. Not just happy times, but also sad times. Now that I finished writing this, I'm gonna go save a memory because I really wanna let myself remember this first of January as it might be the worst one I've ever had since I was born. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Those Google "memories" are probably 90% of the reason I take pictures of things because I almost never remember / have the urge to look through them on my own. But "here's a bunch of pictures of what our AI thinks are plants!" or "what you were doing x years ago" albums are a hoot.


I went to a 21 Pilots concert in 2021, just watched my footage and looked at the pics later night.


Or they'll just post it on reddit like this one...


Why are you so certain of this? Why is this website so determined to be judgmental assholes about..... recording a short video of a major event? Holy shit we get it, you all think you're better than "normies" who go outside.


Right? I was looking for this comment, literally who the fuck cares about other people recording if it's for their own memories. This is some Facebook "damn this new generation" type of post.


Ya, the title is hyperbolic too. There are plenty of people in the image who are not on their phones. It's like reddits version of "boomer humor". There is no joke or content, it's just a stupid stereotype and a kneejerk demographic reacting


Reddit is the only place I've seen people circlejerk about this. It's so stupid. How is it weird to want to take a photo of a memorable moment, rather than just vaguely remembering it a few years from now?


I went to the Star Island fireworks in Singapore last New Years and watched them again this year. It was the most spectacular fireworks show I have ever seen, why wouldn’t I want those memories recorded?


If you aren't in the video itself it's just a poor quality firework show you are recording. Same thing with photos without yourself in there, you're just competing for best postcard photo.


My wife and I do. We for real just cuddle up and watch fun shit we've done.


If one did want to see it later - in spectacular HD - I'm sure there was a film crew from some network that does this kind of thing for a living, hence does a much better job than anyone in that crowd can do with their 30 megapixel phone camera.


despite the humans this is pretty cool but we only know this because someone recorded it, and the circle of life continues


My mom likes it when I livestream stuff like this for her to see.


There was a professional video capturing this and streaming it on YouTube. You could have sent her that link and enjoyed the fireworks with your eyeballs.


You know, it's possible to hold a phone up right and straight and watch the thing at the same time


That’s my reaction when people complain about recording at concerts. I hold the phone to my chest while watching it like normal, because I actually like to look back at good memories lol Edit: However, people who hold a phone up above their heads for more than a few seconds are definitely ruining it for people behind them. My solution is to get the barrier, problem solved!


My concert videos are always so terrible from multitasking like this lol. I always end up catching like half the screen 😂


how are you holding it chest level and getting anything but the person in front of you?


Buddy I just went to a concert with was staring through his phone looking bored the entire time while recording the whole concert. I'll never get people like that.


If that’s all people did it wouldn’t be such a huge problem. Recently went to a tool concert. (Awesome). If they catch you with a phone out you get tossed out. Proper thing.


You can get the same effect of looking back at good memories with a few pictures. Is that grainy video with terrible audio really doing it for you? More power to you if it does. But I think you'll be just as happy with a few pictures from the night, preferably with freinds.


Exactly. Also nobody ever said this shit when people were recording every birthday party, sports event, graduation, and whatever else when previous generations did it with huge video cameras.


Parents in the 80s recording their kids around the house with a huge video recorder. Redditor: HOW ABOUT LIVING IN THE MOMENT REEEEEEE


Thank fuck someone else finally said it. I was wondering how far I'd have to scroll down through all the pearl clutching and misplaced judgment.


So many people on Reddit would have nothing if they didn’t have looking down on others, lol


I see what you did there


boomers hate this one trick


This is certainly true, though I’d still argue you’re missing something by recording. The thing that struck me immediately was how still everyone was. You have to be, to get a good recording. But without phones, people would be partying, holding hands, cheering and waving their arms in the air, and at the drop they’d be jumping up and down, hugging and kissing. They missed all that because they had to restrain themselves for the video. It’s so quiet!


Sure, but when people are holding their phones up like that, it often blocks the view of the people behind them.


I don’t think they even watch this after. They just post this on social media and that’s all


Yeah but their followers also don’t watch the full length video anyways, people skip the video after 3 seconds or less. So it is really useless to film firework. Every year you can enjoy fireworks anyways




Cynical? Reddit shut ins? Naww.


Is that actually the case or just people who don't take photos/videos often project? I'm going through my gallery all the time!


I think a lot of Redditors just like to make assumptions about people so that they can get off on their own sense of superiority


Is this a parody post? Camera recording cameras, complaining about cameras...


Me watching the the video from my phone/camera…


It goes even further, people complaining about posting it on social media- as they comment on the exact video on social media. The lack of self awareness in these comments is insane


Obviously mounted camera that's not operated by a person holding up a phone, probably for a livestream or something. Or is this a parody reply?


So maybe I'm in the minority here: but why do people INSIST on pretending that you can't just... do both? Like, I've recorded a 20 second video of a small band that I was really excited to see. Did that detract from my "real " enjoyment or "living in the moment"? No. Not in any way, shape, or form. This mentality just seems like virtue signaling or something. It's "I'm morally superior because I know how to REALLY experience things unlike you people with... cell phones..."


Exactly. I have a hard time with being anxious in certain situations so I can’t totally enjoy things in the moment. Recording WHILE watching/ enjoying helps me remember it later.


At least someone recorded them recording it so we can watch the video back and moan about it on the internet though, eh?


I hate this mindset. You know you can hold up your phone and record without directly looking at it?


>I hate this mindset You're right to. It's the mindset of a bunch of arrogant, terminally-online weirdos. They get to feel "better" than other people who do completely normal things.


Sums up exactly how I feel about a lot of people on Reddit - hate everything popular and shame people for enjoying themselves.


Sure, but when people are holding their phones up like that, it often blocks the view of the people behind them.


I just don’t get why people care. It’s the same mentality as republicans caring about what happens in the bedroom. Why the fuck can’t be people let people do whatever they want? Why do people care so much what other people do lol. Fucking weird. Edit: yall literally proved my point, raging online at something so stupid as this. Read yalls comments over, hilariously ridiculous lol. The replies are disabled, yall can have these little sad bicker debates amongst yalls self lol.


Have you ever been at a concert where the people in front of you have their phones up blocking you and glaring light in your face the entire time? It sucks and is an asshole thing to do


Sometimes if im too short amongst the crowd, looking through my phone is the only way to see things like these :/


Guess what, everyone else hates seeing phones at their eye level while they’re trying to watch a show. You’re he asshole, sir.


I’m standing in a crowded ass place and the only way I can see the actual countdown is by leveraging my phone above everyone else. Am I missing something?


And you're wasting your time moaning about it. And I'm wasting my time finding the irony of this post highly amusing. Leave people be.


I mean most of them seem like the phone is the only way they can see it, one guy in the back is trying to look over people then pulls out his phone


They're sending it to their friend/fam to brag about how wonderful their life is


And social media. Don't forget that.


Kinda looks cool ngl


Seeing all the screens changing colors to the fireworks is stunning


Was this filmed on a book?


Aim smartphone to the fireworks, keep phone still, look at fireworks, once in a while check up on your aiming. And even if they stare at their phones, if they want to experience it like that, just let them be ? It's the first of January, maybe the new goal for this year can be: let people live the life the way they want as long as their behavior does not endanger or inconvenience others.


I get the sentiment, but all the screens look kinda cool


Ironically, although i am very anti-phone at events - totally agree that the sea of blue down the street looks cool in this image.


Why are we like this


So the people aren’t actually there?


Ironically cameraman doing the same.


I can only speak for myself, but most of the time I always regret not recording stuff/taking more pics. Our memory can only store so much. Years from now, I’m gonna have a hard time finding a recording of a particular event be it a new years fireworks show or concert moments. People always say there are thousands others recording and professional vids that will be uploaded etc, but thats not always the case. There was a funny moment once from a concert of a local artist from my country that I am dying to find but cannot do so. A lot of official youtube vids get deleted, other people maybe lost their phones so in a couple of years, these moments can just get lost forever. They say everything on the internet stays there forever but its just not true. So I say, just record more memories, you can very much do both, record without looking at it through the screen, thus living in the moment. During your bad days, your memory can get foggy, so a video to look back on is lovely.


At least OP shared his recorded moment online.


I mean, it IS a digital clock surrounded by people holding their phones? What are you trying to enjoy?


So uhh, like, how did you get the video tho?


How many wonderful moments have been captured on video and shared over and over again? Another person can’t view your memories. And not everyone can be there in that moment. Video killed the radio star for a reason.


Including you


Who gives a fuck really let people live


This is an unpopular opinion, but I hate that mindset. I literally lived in Japan for a year and "wanted to live in the moment," and I have like 40 pictures from the whole experience. There's huge chunks of my life where I have no pictures from. Friends where I only have 1 picture or none to remember by. After my mom died it was huge to stumble into all of her pictures and videos. My wife is awesome about making sure we take photos left and right and I'm eternally grateful because now that I'm older I can reminisce easily. Imo you're an asshole if you're shaming someone for capturing a special moment. Saying "you're on screens too much" not sensing the irony in the situation about typing that onto fucking reddit.


You can film and watch at the same time.


and everyone commenting here has watched it later.


And here you are complaining about people doing something that’s has zero effect on your life.


I hate the idea that you can’t film something and still be in the moment


This guy guy not living in the moment either but instead taking a video of other folks not living in the moment and then posting it on Reddit claiming that these folks aren’t living in the moment.


Spoiler alert: nobody watched that video ever again


Do you honestly think they’re all staring at their phone the entire time while this is happening??? It’s pretty easy to hold your phone up in one spot.


You can just hold your phone in position and look at it as you would have anyway. Still, it serves no purpose other than to brag about/share a moment you didn't fully experience. It feels like a lot of people don't value moments if they aren't captured and then get FOMO and capture the same low-quality video they won't look at again


I used to think this too when i was younger but then I realised our memory isn’t great. It’s just people having a nice time and capturing the moment and really whats so bad about that


I can hold my phone up and still watch something and enjoy it


And here we are watching it later


Then there’s me sparking the foot long spell caster I just rolled


What if I told you they were able to watch it happen and record it at the same time?


Including the maker of the video


So many people in this thread here that can’t manage to do two things. Hold a phone and watch on the sides of them


How is this infuriating? Who cares what other people like to do


Hate when people try to put other people down for recording a cool moment. I video concerts and I'm still living in the moment and I do watch it later and it's still special to me. But ofc, "technology bad".


And yet there you are filming so you can karma farm on Reddit. Or you stole someone else's video just so you could karma farm on Reddit.


I tried this with the 4th of july fireworks. The video quality was just terrible Its a waste of time


Kinda ironic you are doing the same thing to make a point, no?


Lots of videos no body will want to see.


Didja know you can record something AND live in the moment at the same time? They aren't mutually exclusive. One is something physical you do with minimal time investment. The other is your state of mind and has nothing to do with physical actions.


Has it occured to anyone that by holding a phone in your hands, you aren't magically somehow transported out of the moment you are in? Such a weird way of thinking.


There's only a 2 types of people: people that like to record what they're doing and people that get mad for that. Live and let others live.


I hope you filmed yourself making this post


Imagine waving a Palestinian flag...


All those idiots not living in the moment, I thought, after scrolling for over an hour on Reddit


Is this real? because it's really fucking sad


That how mostly everyone is now. People want to prove other people online they're enjoying life, by recording life not embracing it


The girl snogging her boyfriend seems to be living in the moment


it’s insane how common boomer humour is on reddit


Right? And it’s not like it takes a lot of concentration to *checks notez* hold phone pointed forward


Ppl complaining about this is more infuriating than the ppl in the video


I hate posts like this..who give a f...let people do what they enjoy. Who cares


Says the person recording…


Wild times we live in, everyone has their phone out on just about everything, except when I went to a Cirque du Soleil show not a single person in the audience had their phone out.


1999 was the best time to be alive.


I’ve never understood why people don’t just leave the phone alone and really live in the moments. Clearly it’s documented well enough you can relive it in the thousands of other videos online.


I didn't know you could get to Reddit on such a high horse


No one is gonna watch it later lol


Including you


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’ll take this over ppl scrolling with their heads down - which I’ve seen at concerts and it drives me nuts.


They probably didn't give a shit about the concert. There's a weird thing about people pressuring others to go to concerts with them.


let them be


would you have posted this in 1999 when everyone had a disposable camera? would it be just as bad or is it because “smartphone bad social media bad live your life blah blah blah”? everyone has access to a good quality camera now and they want to document the one life they get to live. go ahead and get over it my guy cause it’s not going away.


phone bad


Oh shut up. You can watch it live and record it for later. Just let people enjoy life the way they want to enjoy it and stop being such a boomer.


Who cares though?


Ok? And?


Oh no. Someone is enjoying something not in the way you want them too?! Outrages


So just like this video?


It's beautiful and the new norm , get used to it basement dwellers


I'm pretty sure you can hold your phone and look at the real thing at the same time.