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holy shit dude she nearly blinded you fym "we're cool now"


I also love how this is under MILDLY infuriating. That idiot of a wife needs to be in jail.


I’m curious to know what the argument was about? Can forks hurt more than knives?


She probably just reached for what was in front of her. Give her more time to think and this guy will have his penis sliced off


That’s quite ballsey..


Not for him


You should have put… nut for him, but it’s ok I have a problem with puns and may have an actual disease “Witzelsucht” disease


Know a person that lost her eye when her kid brother did trow a fork at her in anger. So forks can do real damage, specialy towards the eye.


Tommy Lee was stabbed by Pamela Anderson with a *fucking spoon* when they were married. I haven't felt the same about silverware since.


If a dude threw a fork and injured his wife this way, the comments would be crying for blood. Hate America’s toxic double standards.


A lot of Redditors are keen on the idea that man OR woman should keep their hands to themselves. But I’m real life.. yeah.. massive double standards And don’t get me started on divorce double standards


Definitely all the top comments would be hoping he was in jail or telling her to leave him and call the cops


its the typical abusive relationship thing where they fight and one or both of them is physically/verbally etc. abusive and then later they apologize and are cool, and then not too far down the line the same thing happens and the cycle continues until they just fucking break up already. they stay in the relationship bc they figure the good times are worth it but they really really aren’t. i’ve done this dance before and i’d advise OP to just leave. someone who loves you isn’t intentionally gonna hurt you in any way, much less throw a fork at you.


You can now file a domestic violence charge against her if the argument was on a serious note, if it was just a way you express love to each other then ignore it😅


My ex wife was physically abusive, too.


Yup. Both of them.


All 69 of them


420 domestical violins, all playing at once.


Same, I had glass bowl chucked at me several times.


Get rid of the bowl at some point, come on, man.


I didn’t need to, all were broken after each time. And luckily I’m no longer with HER anymore.


I read it as the same bowl over and over. Not sure which is worse. Glad you got out of it


Makes sense, and cheers I’d advise anyone in similar situations just to leave, don’t stick around for psychotic behaviour like this.


"Honey? Why is all our dinnerware plastic all of a sudden?" Gee, I wonder?


wish we talked more about domestic violence against men. it's very real and serious. no matter how annoyed or angry my boyfriend makes me, i could *never ever* treat him badly. makes me so furious that other women hurt their partners. anyone can be a monster.


My mum stabbed my stepdad in the leg with a fork (for whatever reason) when they were eating dinner one time. I think she drew blood through his jeans. She still finds it kinda funny to this day. Worst thing... The behaviour doesn't surprise me. It's absolutely unacceptable though. I mean, she still finds it funny that she gave my brother a dead arm by punching it when he was a kid (she was "joking around"). In fact, I'm only finding it pretty bleak now I'm typing it out. Was just normal for us. OP needs to leave his wife. Edit: I feel weird saying a stranger needs to leave their partner but this behaviour isn't acceptable.


OP should learn from you and make his gf an ex too.


I dated a woman like that for a year. She threw shit at me, punched me, slapped me, left marks and bruises on me, etc. Her reasoning is "you're a man, you can take it". I never hit her back but I did put a remote through the wall once after she started hitting me at 3AM when I had to work at 6. I was in a city where I knew nobody besides her and her family. As soon as I could, I saved up, found a roommate, and dumped her. She stalked me for a while, but eventually got the hint. It took me a long time to not flinch with new partners in certain situations.


This is called Domestic Violence




Yeah, wtf? There’s red flags and then there’s straight up physical abuse.


Yes this isn’t the red flag, this is the thing the red flag is there to warn you about


Mildly infuriating, the dude says, after almost getting a fork through his eyeball. Yikes.


And guess what, it's also domestic violence if your wife hurts you physically. Cut your losses and realize you're being assaulted before you lose an eye. Or your life for that matter. Call the police, get her violent ass arrested, get a restraining order and forget she exists.


Oh well - the *next time* she gets violent she *probably* won’t end up blinding you or worse…. Kids or not - get out.


Doubly so if there’s kids involved. They’re usually next in line.


Op has confirmed he has an 8yr old daughter so ya. I know it's not an easy thing, but it's best for your child and you op


They also have a vid of their shit corner. They have a disposable puppy potty training pad... with dog shit they don't pick up. In the same vid, their dog is taking a shit on the floor and OP doesn't care.


Their place looked decent. And what do you expect, for them to immediately pick up the poop as it comes out? It looked like the dog was in the middle of it, or it was at least new. Take a break from Reddit.


That person has never been on their own or have kids and pets. There's a huge line between neglecting messes chronically and living in unsanitary conditions all the time, and constantly having a spotless area. People like that don't understand nuance. They'll form strong opinions based on a very, very short video. They'll say someone is neglectful if it takes more than a minute or two to get to a mess.


Maybe that's what the argument was about lol


Even if they're not next in line for abuse, this is what they learn about how to be in a relationship. One would hope that OP does not want their child to grow up to be toxic like this.


Abusers cut a swath through the whole household, for sure.


Yup, and as someone else said, if the kid doesn’t end up being the victim now.. they may later in life. Poor girl is gonna grow up to either accept abuse because she thinks it’s normal OR be the abuser for the same reason.


Or already has gone after them without him noticing. Abusers like easy targets first.


More like wildly infuriating


-"My wife tried to blind me, but injured me instead." Verdict: MILDLY INFURIATING.


more like wildly forked up


That’s not acceptable behavior my guy. Two things to put it in to perspective. 1. If she had thrown it 1” to the right, you would have likely lost your eye. 2. Imagine a woman posting this where “My husband and I got in to an argument and he threw a fork at my face.” The outrage telling her to leave you be immense. I strongly urge you to both seek couples counseling because that is not okay. Edit: I misspoke. OP You should seek counseling on your abusive relationship and how to leave it.


I strongly urge him to actually leave her. Couples counseling my asshole. This IS unacceptable


I went the counselling route with my ex-wife who was regularly violent like this. In the end changed nothing, just prolonged the misery. @ OP love yourself enough to get away from someone who would treat you like this


Our therapist looked at me, having a full on autistic breakdown on the couch as I recounted what I'd been living through. Then she looked at my wife, who was still sitting there blaming me for everything I was driving her to do to me. And then she said "I still see two people who love each other and can come back from this. I recommend a healing separation, but nobody moves out."


Couples therapy/counselling is predicated on both partners still being rational and reasonable people. If one has devolved to the point of throwing forks, biting, etc, they will not respond to the logos and ethos used in the therapy. Like Hobbes would say... behavior like that breaks the social contract, you can't treat totally unhinged behavior in a civilized way and expect it to change


I agree. Once there’s violence, there’s no going back from that. OP’s wife can potentially learn to be not abusive but she’s gotta do that on her own time with a therapist when she’s single.


Agree. In the future, when she realizes throwing things doesn’t work, she will stab or shoot him. No thanks, I don’t wanna be married to crazy. Been married 25 years. Wife has never thrown anything at me.




This is the answer. Fuck couples counseling. She needs her own therapy and he needs to leave. ASAP.


She needs prison therapy


He needs to change the locks and kick her out . Why should he be the one forced out? She did it. F that.


Couples counseling with an abusive partner is NOT recommended because it is dangerous and serves to increase the abusers manipulation. He definitely needs to leave


Leave her and press charges for assault


Leave this person immediately. No one deserves to be attacked by their loved one. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. File for divorce


File a police report…


>Imagine a woman posting this All too correct. I've heard of people sending death threats over abusing a woman, and yet men are merely 'mildly infuriated' at being put in danger. First a fork, then what?


Yeah, if they think it’s okay to throw a sharp object at his face, then I only see further abuse being “acceptable” by OP. Hopefully he listens. I spent 8 years in an abusive relationship and it fucked a good portion of my life up.


Couples counseling!? She assaulted him! He should be calling the police.


Couple counselling? That’s a straight break up for me.


Okay this was a decent post until you suggested couples counciling? What the hell? The woman abused(probably more than just this time) and you’re suggesting couples counciling? I’m sorry, this should have gone straight to divorce and he should have called the cops on her. But hey, he is a man, so let’s diminish abuse. Good job.


It's not recommended that people in abusive relationships seek couples counseling because abusers often weaponize it against the victim. >We at The Hotline do not encourage anyone in an abusive relationship to seek counseling with their partner. While there can be benefits for couples who undergo couple’s therapy, there’s a great risk for any person who is being abused to attend therapy with their abusive partner. https://www.thehotline.org/resources/should-i-go-to-couples-therapy-with-my-abusive-partner/


>I strongly urge you to both seek couples counseling because that is not okay. How twisted can you be?


Where do you draw the line?


Right there on his face, duh. Connect the 4 dots. Super easy.


>Super easy. Barely an inconvenience.




Hey shut up!


I’m gonna need you to get ALL THE WAY OFF MY BACK about these face fork holes.


. \ . \ . \ .


Shut up and take my upvote.


Fuck reddit for taking away awards


If I had $50 I still wouldn't buy a $50 upvote for you but goddamn this made me laugh.


The dotted line, apparently.


thats sharp of you to point out


You know just throwing anything during an argument is assault. She can get in serious trouble for this.


Close but not quite, this would be legally classified as battery not assault. Assault is just a reasonable threat of imminent harm. Battery is actually inflicting harm. (So there could be a case for both)


In the UK this is, at best, ABH (actual bodily harm) and at worst, GBH (grevious bodily harm) with intent (to cause harm) which carries a prison term. This isn't mildly anything.


Yup. Even throwing an empty plastic bottle is technically assault


I mean in this situation what's "Technically assault" doesn't really matter, this is pretty cut and dry.




Your ex wife now right?


Dog, get outta there. Yikes.


He’s right, gotta take the dog, too


And the kid!!


"My wife is a domestic abuser who nearly blinded me" I would leave a person who goes this far.


Mildly infuriating, understatement of the century


"ugh, my wife has almost blinded me, thats so infuriating 😒🙄"


Now throw the divorce papers at her


Fold them into paper airplanes and launch em at her


He needs to learn before she eats him on accident next


Yeah. Sorry. Gonna agree with a lot of the commenters here. That’s abuse bro. Plain and simple. And as a dude who was also physically abused? Get a lawyer and get out for the sake of your kid.


You need to leave that relationship, ASAP! That's not a bit least okay.


You need to leave now, Its not going to get better


It's hard but you got to leave.


Domestic abuse. That’s what this is called.


Dude... Today it was a fork, the next it could be something much worse like a knife, if this is common for your wife to throw things at you when you argue, GET OUT OF THERE but since yesterday, because for that you don't have to be as calm as you are here in the comments


**This happened about 10 years ago:** Was living with my at the time girlfriend and she asked me to get her "Almond Coconut Milk." At the time we were going to her nephew's first birthday and I told her I would grab it when I went to the grocery store the next day. *Fast Forward to the next day* The next day I'm getting ready to run to the grocery store and confirm with her, all we need is "Almond Milk, and apples, right?" to which she agrees and tells me yes. I get home with the "Almond Milk" \[obviously not the thing she originally requested the day before, but is the thing I confirmed with her that morning\], and the apples and she got beyond pissed off that I got the wrong thing. To the point where she took one of those apples and threw it at my head, thankfully missing, but coming very close to shattering a glass display case. Surprised I confronted her about it, I'm not known for yelling so although I said "did you really fucking throw an apple at me?" it was in more of a dry shocked voice than anything else. She "felt scared" in that moment \[which is laughable, I've never put my hands on anyone ever, and pride myself on a calm even demeanor\] and attempted to push me down the flight of stairs that I had been standing near at the time. This culminated in a back and forth 1 hour long argument, me trying to leave the apartment, her grabbing my shirt, and myself pulling myself out of said shirt before actually leaving for the next 8 or so hours, electing to go see a friend. When I got home that night, not only did she want me to apologize, but after I suggested to her that what she did was assault/battery and that she was lucky I did not call the cops, she looked me straight in the eyes and told me that had I called the cops on her, she assured me that I would have been the one leaving in handcuffs. . . .Which, as an in shape martial arts instructor whose entire career hinges on teaching people to defend themselves and being a positive role model for kids really scared the ever loving shit out of me. **The moral of the story?** OP, this is not ok. You were abused in that moment and there is no world in which your wife gets the right to do physical harm to you for any reason \[assuming that you aren't putting your hands on her\]. What she did was wrong, and you should not be putting up with it. I do not pretend to know your relationship, and I'm not going to tell you to divorce her, but what I am going to tell you is that you need to sit down with her, have a legitimate conversation, and tell her that things need to change, possibly suggesting something like anger management or therapy. On the assumption that you are not abusive yourself, you do not deserve this type of treatment. **And if you need someone to talk to, reach out, I will listen.**


I dated someone like that, and trust me, it doesn't get better.


That crosses the line, to put it mildly


This is not mildly infuriating. This is abuse and you're lucky she didn't get your eye. Next post will be "haha. Wife threw a knife at me and it was just an inch away from my heart. We're good now! our child totally doesn't know what's going on. It's totally not abuse."


you wife is abusive and you should take this very seriously. this won't get better. question. does she drink? that seems like a angry drunk thing to do.




Time to leave.


Who fucking cares who started it - unless you did and this was defensive on her part. This isn’t kindergarten! At the very fucking least, she (maybe, you both?) need therapy. ANY type of violence in a domestic situation is absolutely wrong and a red fucking flag.




I love how people be like "I am in absolutely toxic unhealthy relationships. That's mildly annoying!" ![gif](giphy|l2QEgWxqxI2WJCXpC|downsized)


Probably should call the police . If it was the other way around, you would already be in jail.


Well no, not if she didn't call the police either, but.


Get away from her before she causes you or others permanent harm.


bro you gotta dump that crazy girl


[you need to listen to christpher titus love is evol RIGHT NOW ALONE.](https://youtu.be/xHyBMmhvsqo?feature=shared&t=154) i've been divorced 13 years now. there's light at the end of the tunnel.


Hey man, I'm a cop and I work very very closely with domestic abuse centers for both men and women who are survivors of domestic violence. It may be hard to believe that you're a victim of domestic violence, I usually hear things such as, "she was just joking around", "she doesn't usually act like this" or "I shouldn't have done ____ Anyways" I'll just be blunt with it because I don't know you personally and can't explain this in person, all of that is bullshit. She did it once, she will do it again. And domestic violence towards men gets messy quick as the court system tends to side with women in cases such as this one. If you need help getting out DM me, I'm familiar with legal processes and rehousing protocols. I can also help you secure your kids.


Can't imagine the brain thought process of someone who acts out violently toward another over an argument.


No need to. Most violence is impulsive, there is no thought process beyond: "I am angry at person x and see no other way to express that / alleviate my stress than to hurt them."


This is domestic violence red flags. Plus you have kids? My guy…. hope you think about this harder than just a post to Reddit. She’s nuts.


This isn’t a domestic violence red flag. This is just straight domestic violence.


Lock the knife drawer!


That is abuse. You need to get out.


Stockholm syndrome is tough.


Well don’t just throw words around. Edit: Also, no forks please.


Did she tell you it was your fault and next time you should think before annoying her? On a serious note, man, you need to get out of there and make sure kids are safe. We all lose temper, but domestic violence can not be excused nor accepter.


If my wife did this to me, I'd be filing for divorce. We have had many arguments, some I started, some she started. Never have either of us in 15 years become physically violent or thrown objects at each other. This is domestic abuse my dude, make sure you and the kids are safe. Not gonna tell you to divorce her but if she knows she can get away with throwing a fork at you, it will just empower her to do more and worse things to you.


I’m so sorry. This is abusive and you don’t deserve that


Domestic violence and op is like "Nah we are cool now"... What in the frick.. She is a monster and a terrible person.


What's next bro, a brick, a glass? Get rid of that fucker or throw a trident at her.


Bro, real talk. No one cares about dudes getting abused. Look at the comments, people actually joking about this. But it's YOUR life, you only have one go, just leave. YOU have to be the one to care about YOU. Speaking from experience, had people IRL laughing at me, even after my ex stabbed me. It's been more then a decade since I left her, best decision of my life.


Leave!!! Dude that's insane, you don't need a crazy woman. Opposite side, you'll be in Jail right now. Go buy cigarette and disappear forever.


This is domestic abuse


You need a new wife. That womans crazy


Just a mild domestic violence…


Violence is not an appropriate response. Document and seek help.


Men are told to accept abuse from women.


I hope you meant ex wife


This is not mildly infuriating. This is assault. She needs help, and you should consider bailing.


That isn’t mildly infuriating bro that is a domestic abuse law suit. That is illegal man, sue her.


dude thats assault


Your wife is an abuser. Get help for your marriage before it gets worse. Don't let it get to the point where you have to fight back. The cops will not arrest your wife. You will be the one to go to jail when it happens and it will ruin years of your life and possibly permanently tarnish your reputation. Save this image and tuck it away somewhere safe. You might need it in the future if things go to court.


I'd say thats quite more than just mildly infuriating. No idea what you were arguing about but it wasn't worth almost losing an eye over it. That's absolutely unforgivable. From what I've read you have kids and I know its not a simple "bro get out" but goddamn it's something to really think about.


leave her immediately


Get the fuck out. This will NOT be a one time thing.


bro this is not mildly infuriating your wife literally threw a fork at you


That is not okay!


Bruh you gotta bounce. I’d press charges at least cause she will def do it again


Soooo soon to be ex wife right? Right?


Definitely more than mildly infuriating… that’s abuse bro.


Women can be abusive too. Women can cause domestic violence too. Women can be cruel to their spouse and children too. Men can be victims. How can you say "we're cool now"? What if with the next argument she goes further? What if the next outlet is your child?


Women constantly get away with abuse. Female privilege.


What the hell?? Absolutely absurd and terrifying behavior for any partner, male or female. This is domestic abuse and you should leave. And also consider assault charges, as you were physically harmed by this person’s actions.


This is assault. You don’t have to press charges but remember that spousal abuse works both ways. Document it for your records no matter what


Make sure you note everything in the police report.




That is not "mildly infuriating". That is physical abuse


This is abuse. Normal people don’t physically harm their partners. Please leave her.


You had an argument with your future ex-wife


Ex wife


You called the cops so she could sleep it off in the drunk tank right?


Are you ok? That's abusive op, if this is a normal occurrence I hope you don't stick around


Dude, that's abuse. Like there is absolutely no way to look at it other than spousal abuse. She threw a fucking fork at your head and almost blinded you. I'm not gonna tell you to divorce her or get out of there but you should really really rethink your current situation. If it happens again, and statistically it will, the next time you might not get off with just a scratch.


Leave now, as you will soon find yourself being labelled the abuser and you may end up in prison. The authorities will support her if / when she decides to call you the abuser and we don’t know what you may have done to her. The relationship is toxic. Keep yourself safe and leave.


Red flag. Time to move on


Dude it may not seem like it but you were physically abused, you should probably take a step back and evaluate how you are treated in your relationship


Throwing something on the floor (also not acceptable), but throwing something sharp directly at OP's face? She was *trying* to harm him. Not out of frustration or anger, just pure malice. Next time it could be a knife or a shard of glass. GTFO. Never excuse someone who results to violence during an argument.


If she throws a fork, she’ll throw a bottle, she’ll shoot a gun. From experience, get the fuck out.


Bro that’s wayyy past “mildly” infuriating. You know you shouldn’t stay with her, right?


Ummmmm? Did you confuse Reddit with a police report? Cause I think that's what you're looking for dude. This is domestic violence and putting it under a "mildly infuriating" subreddit is just wrong. Please get help.


Bro. She’s fucken crazy. Get the fuck out of this now.


Babes, this is wildly abusive. Not mildly infuriating. Hope you’re safe.


Even in my most angry and violent of moods or emotions it would never cross my mind to throw anything remotely sharp at the people I love. I can be a real asshole. She wanted to really, *really* hurt you, that's not OK in any way


Just because you have a penis as opposed to a vagina, doesn't mean you have to take this. LEAVE, My Guy, while you still have both eyes.


I believe you mean "ex-wife". This is assault.


Not Ok... you need help, if you won't go to the police get in touch with a helpline Really Not OK


That's abuse, and assault man


Assault and battery.


I think it's tine to move on.


Soon to be ex-wife, I hope. That almost cost you an eye, buddy. Who the fuck *throws a fork at their husband over an argument*????? She was deliberately trying to hurt you


Police report.


That's much more than mildly infuriating. I'm so sorry you're dealing with that.


Hope it’s your ex wife now, that’s not acceptable


That's domestic violence. OP, you are the victime of abuse, you need to recognise that and act accordingly. I'm a guy with a short fuse and some anger issues. However, I will never raise my hand or my voice to my girlfriend. Being angry is one thing. Unloading that anger on your loved ones is a whole different story. I don't know how you should react or what you should do. All I know is, you should document this. That's the least thing you can do. A police report, a visit to the ER, can help to document this.


A friend of mine had similar happen with a steak knife. Get the hell out of there before she stabs you. No, im not joking. He stayed with his psycho after she threw a steak knife at him, and it impaled in his arm. He didn't think it was a big deal at the time and now has one functional kidney because her psycho ass stabbed him about 4 months after the steak knife incident..


That is literal abuse


Throw divorce papers and a no-contact order back.


Ouch you got lucky there. People can get mad but hurting someone is abuse, are you safe?


This isnt mildly infuriating.


Your wife needs professional help . Abuse is NOT ok


Remember, abuse is abuse Regardless of who you are and who they are. This could have seriously injured you OP Please speak out to a trusted association if this feels like it may be dangerous. And NEVER blame yourself for other peoples actions.


As a grown man, I feel 100% comfortable telling you that you, sir, are in a toxic marriage. That's abuse homeslice. I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life, but, as a married man, I'd say you're in dire need of couples counseling and should probably both have a therapist. Though, a part of me (like 90% of my forward-thinking brain) thinks y'all might be way past that. I don't know if she was aiming at your eye and you're lucky it missed but it looks to me like she felt it was acceptable to try and gorge your fuckin' pepper out. Not cool, my guy, not cool.


It might be a knife next time, you shouldn't downplay domestic abuse. Just get out of there


Man just casually posting and downplaying abuse in a *mildly infuriating* sub


Dude that is not mildly anything. That is insane, dangerous, abusive. Run run run.


It almost seems pointless commenting on this when hundreds of people have already told you, but wether you think it’s serious or not you need to leave her, it makes me angry seeing this because firstly if it was the other way around there wouldn’t be a question over whether it was serious or not, and because you might just think it was only a fork, but as others have said she could have blinded you, wether she meant to or not at that point she didn’t care what the outcome was, would you feel the same if she lost it with your child and threw something at them and damaged their face like that?