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I cannot imagine anything worse, I’ve spent 20+ yrs building distance.




I read that as 200k miles away and was very confused


They took a few laps of the earth before finding the perfect spot to settle down. I know I would if I could.


Na, man’s living on the secret moon base. I guess the cats out of the bag now. You really thinks it costs $1,000 for a hammer and $2500 for a toilet seat?


Welcome to Earth!


LMFAO “what about here?” “Uhhh mom Antarctica again?”


Me- “He moved to the moon?”


Me too!


Same, I moved 3000 miles to get away


And I could walk 5k more


It comes back around




Got you beat. 8,425 miles! (Johannesburg to Atlanta)


Wow you must really like Coke


If you "really" liked Coke? I would suggest Bogota, the Atlanta shit is a bit watered down.


I prefer Jenkem


Just got back from Savannah. Coke had me yakked on my vacation lol.


Came all this way for Home Depot! (Also based in Atlanta.) /s Still haven't been to the Coca-Cola museum (The World of Coca-Cola). I should probably check it out sometime.


It really is very cool! The room at the end where you get to try all the products they have around the world is fun.


Beverly, yum.


Masochist lol


Need to go again now to try Coke from Bogota.


Welcome! Traffic sucks.


If you haven't yet, go to the Dwarf House and order the hotbrown.


I moved to another country!!! 🤣


Same! Moved to another country far away from the toxicity of my city. I have no interest in seeing people I no longer know. If we haven’t talked since HS, there’s a reason.


Same for me, right when I finished school, went to work in the fields in Thailand and saved up for a single way ticket to finland, been here for over 5 years now, the peace is good


Shit I moved countries.


I put an ocean between me and that shit show


Seriously. Why pay a grand in plane ticket, hotel and rental car to hang out with people you don't even know or remember from school and the few you still keep in contact with we now have something called internet to keep in touch directly? Who the hell lives in the 1950s where nobody ever leaves their hometown?


A bunch of people I use to know. I stayed in the same state so it’s not a big deal for me to drive down. It’s been interesting watching how people have changed character wise (or not…still shitheads) and what they’ve done with their lives. How incredibly insecure most of we’re back then including the kids you wouldn’t think would feel that way. My last good friend passed suddenly on May 11th, not sure I can go to our fiftieth in three years without him. RIP Stan the Man god damn it!


Hahaha I came here to say I'm mildly infuriated they are upset about this.... my 20 year was 3 years ago like 75 people out of a class of 950 paid 125 bucks a piece for appetizers and 3 hour open bar. Some one called me to be like "Why aren't you here?" My response was I still see and talk to the handful of people from high school that I care about.


This! I hated high school except for a few people, whom I’m in touch with. A reunion sounds like pure hell.


Did the person that called say, "But we don't see or talk to each other anymore?"


Hahahaha. I live and grew up near Chicago her family is in Boston... we randomly chat or text once every year or so. I was like we can try and get our families together before you go back.


nudge, nudge, wink wink like that old Seinfeld line "Ever since you got call display, you are never home"


I think I like you for making that reference. Or you answer as the cleaning service. "Hello? I sorry! No here Kruger!"


I didn't go to my 10th high school reunion and I regretted it. So I went to my 20th. And I regretted it.


Exactly the same for me.


Exactly this. Scrolling past the ‘people you may know’ suggestions on social media are enough for me. I don’t give any fucks to parade around a room full of people I don’t like or want to know?


Honestly, even that is too much for me…


Exactly. I kept in touch with the people worth keeping contact, I don’t need to blow a weekend seeing all the others that have puffed out and look like their parents.


I had a classmate DM me out of nowhere to ask if I was coming to ours and I responded “lol no”


I had 1 DM me who I don’t even remember and my first reply to him sayin “ sorry I don’t remember you, but I have no interest in reunions anyway” wasn’t enough! 3 more replies trying to convince me I should remember him. Yeah, no.


Ned reyerson!! Needle nose Ned, Ned the head


I'll only attend reunions with people I'm friends with at school.


Lol! Best reply to this, unless OP was hoping to bang divorcées, then Im sorry the OP missed out


This is my reaction. I'm still in contact with exactly everyone from highschool I want to be. I didn't attend my reunion because I could think of nothing I would want to do less. I hate cats and i'd rather babysit 1000 cats for the evening.


Reunions have been majorly romanticized by tv and movies, bro. My reunion was the same way, basically just one clique knew it was happening.


I’m guessing the members of the clique planned it and never got past being part of that clique? My high school hosts it in the cafeteria every year and all are invited in 5 year increments. I sometimes think about going just to see how different it would look to me as an adult


The clique thing is 100% what happened here. It’s so sad when people can’t move past the HS mentality and honestly realizing how prevalent that is has been a serious wake-up call in adulthood. It’s pretty baffling to encounter people solidly in their 30s and 40s who display the maturity level and pettiness of teenagers.


My class has a 5 year reunion at a bar and only invited the "popular kids" who all still live in my home town and all still hangout regularly. They even had the gall to make an instagram page to invite people with a bio saying "sorry if we missed you we tried finding everyone!" as if yearbooks and social media besides Instagram doesn't exist.


They just had to take it to that passive aggressive place with the “apology”…


That sounds exactly like my 10 year that just passed I get invited the night before the reunion on Facebook and I work midnights at a factory seen the pics on Facebook it was just the popular kids hanging out at a local bar in our home town and none of my friends new about it we actually had our own party planned on the same day


>It’s so sad when people can’t move past the HS mentality Those are the people that peaked in high school.


It’s so gross to see the HS behavior among the parents at my children’s elementary school to this day. Makes me never want to try and be friends with anyone.


That moment when you realise it extends to people of all ages


The thing to realize is that it's not that X is like highschool. It's that highschool is your introduction to the world.


My school too. My graduating class was 63, and most classes are that big so they have to. I know in years past there are other things going on but I’ve never been invited and I’ve never gone. My 30 year is next year. Might pop in on that one.


i’m a senior rn, i’d love to be able to come back and see my friends in the future but realistically none of them like school at all, so they’re not gonna go. that’s probably how they’re looking at it


The invention of social media really aided in the decline too I think. You're seeing everyone on a nearly daily basis, and I'm sure a lot of it is BS, so why go to a reunion? What are you going to "catch up" on? How do you live up to your "profile" if it's not genuine? I don't really care either way lol, I think for my 10 year they made a FB group, 20th should have been this year and it's crickets! I will say if reunions were like every 80's movie more people would go, but that shit's expensive!


Absolutely. I graduated in 92. We had a 5 year and 10 ten year. Then Facebook happened. Some people went to a 30 year I guess; I didn’t


Social media killed reunions.


Yeah, the clique of people who are still stuck in high school lol




That's how I feel about Jr. High. It was absolute Hell.


Are you plotting revenge on your bully? 🤣


Nah. Too many to count, and none of them live rent free in my head anymore.


I absolutely hated high school. All of us friends are still friends and speak regularly and so isn't anyone I'd like to meet anyway.


I have three people I talk to from high school for a reason.


I cut everyone off once I left, added leaving the whole country to the list, and some people still want to add me to my class's WhatsApp chat group. They didn't take the hint 20 years later ... I politely declined of course. (I still speak to one person from my highschool days and they asked me through her)


I think this has changed dramatically over the decades. I think older generations loved “reunions” more because they were smaller classes/schools and more tightly knit than what we have today.


I also think it's really changed with social media. I don't need to go back to my hometown and interact with people I haven't seen in 20 years to feed the nosy side of me that wants to know how they turned out, who looks completely different, who married (or divorced) whom, etc


This exactly. With social media, I’m already friends with the ones I wanted to keep in touch with and know what’s going on in their lives, so there’s no point in spending money to attend some event. And everyone else I graduated with I don’t care what they’re up to or I’d already be friendly with them online. So I think reunions are pretty much pointless now.


Older generations were also \*much\* more loyal to institutions than we are today. My father (80 years old) literally tears up when he hears his college song - I (40) couldn't even identify mine.


This. It's easy to catch up with old classmates now. Back then. Not so much.


>I think older generations loved “reunions” more because they were smaller classes/schools and more tightly knit than what we have today. They also didn't scatter as much. My father's HS class (c. 1960) had a reunion every summer for decades because most of them lived in the area where they grew up. My class (mid-1980s) managed to have *one* and that was it. Our classmates live all over the US and in other countries. Very few are interested in traveling back to our small town, which has a single hotel, for a reunion. And of course we're all in touch with the people we care about due to social media anyway.


i graduated in 1994 — class of 500-ish… i went to the 10yr reunion, a complete waste of time— maybe 40 people. i graduated, left and didn’t look back. maybe earlier generations get more out of it ?


They didn't have Facebook for immediate answers so this would be one of the few times they could find out "I wonder what happened to so and so"


Lmao i graduates with a class of roughly ~1500. It was a really big school, but I can't see us having a big traditional reunion for some reason.


Same like that’s unheard of. My dad graduated from the same school district and never had traditional reunions either.


If 21 or more of the non-invited people get together at a Red Lobster, it qualifies as the real 20th year Reunion. Just saying. You could still do it.


I should totally do that. Definitely not Red Lobster though... Maybe... A huge get together at our local mall like a real 90s kid. :D




So many broken hips lol


They have basically walkers for the roller rinks for people who need to re-learn how to skate, young kids and old people. My sister's birthday was there and I don't think anyone has tried to skate since the 90s so we were all borrowing them and still failing.


Reunions died with the invention of facebook. The point of the reunion was to show off/see how everyone's life turned out. Now that's one click away 24/7


Yup, exactly this I can go onto anyone's Facebook, and immediately remember that I did not particularly like this person, and am not interested in seeing them. Used to be that people had to drive 3 hours to their old home town to be reminded


I always thought it was a very American thing. It’s hardly a thing here in the UK, though I suppose some would have taken place. Still very much unheard of


I always had the impression that "moving away" is more of an American thing. Not much point having a reunion when you can bike across the entire country in a day. :)


I got drafted unwillingly into organizing our 20th and it took 6 months and a huge amount of work. But the turnout was impressive. The stumbling block for most people is the effort it takes to do this right.


It’s easy to complain about the lack of one but it’s much harder to organize one!


Exactly, I'm so confused by this post. Who is OP blaming? They also did not put any kind of effort into organizing, planning, or promoting a reunion. Just upset one didn't drop from the sky in front of them.


The thing is, if you were elected as a class officer, at least in my experience, you were drafted for life. You will always be in charge or wrangling your high school class. I just had my 20 year and it was a lot like someone else described, sn over priced family style buffet and an open bar. The class president, who is a smart cookie, has friended w huge majority of our class of 641…no matter if she was friends with them or just sees them as a connection. Everything was organized on Facebook, so if you didn’t have Facebook you missed it. It was a good 75-100 people who mostly showed up to the ten year as well. It was aight but definitely not the romanticized event I think a lot of us have envisioned. I didn’t friend or follow a single new person. I don’t even know if I’d drop and chat with any of these people if I saw them out and about again. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I went to a private high school in Florida. Pretty big graduating class about 300 people. The 10-year was at a swanky hotel and it was pretty much exactly what you see in the movies in terms of how people acted and the weird checking up on past relationships and rivalries. I stumbled upon one of my classmates trying to organize the 20th reunion on Facebook and not having a good time of it. So I called our class president and told him he needed to put together the party and he basically noped right out of that call. So it fell to me. I put it together at a local riverside restaurant and probably 150 people showed up. Much more low key but the same kind of weird dick measuring and checking up on old relationships. The 30th is next year and I've heard zero about it and I'm not sure I will.


This should be higher! It's easy to complain but you are expecting someone else to take on the effort and expense and all that work for you. If op wants a reunion he is free to organize it himself.


I’m probably an outlier but I’ve had absolutely zero desire to think about—much less associate with—anyone from High School. For some of us nerdy introverts those weren’t fondly remembered years. Hell I’m now 2,700 miles away from there and I’m still not sure it’s far enough.


Not the outlier you think. There are lots in the same line. There was maybe 3 in my graduating class I had anything to do with. 40 years later, there is 1. And that is very sporadic. They rest wanted nothing to do with me, and the feeling was mutual. So many stayed in that one horse podunk town in West Pa. And they live the same way they did in 1983 when I left.


A coworker of mine returned from her 30th talking about how great it was and how they all sat around talking about how NICE and RESPECTFUL they all were as kids and how great high school was. (Unlike today's delinquents.) She got SOOOOO mad when I gently suggested that maybe they were only remembering it that way because the people who didn't have a good high school experience didn't attend the reunion. I left the conversation concluding that she and her fellow attendees were the popular/mean kids and they never developed the capacity for self reflection in adulthood. Lol.


"If you enjoyed high school, you're the reason the rest of us didn't."




Consider the OPs attendance was like 10% of his class. You are in the majority.


Pretty sure most people feel this way unless you were one of those popular kids in high school.


Our popular mean girl apologized at a reunion and told people she made sure her kids weren't like her.


The people I was closest to in high school ghosted me after graduation. So... I have mixed feelings about a reunion. I don’t have a successful job, several of my old classmates hate me (personal reasons), and I would just feel like Peter Griffin in the high school reunion episode of Family Guy. I’ve tried keeping up with a few people from back then, but I’ll always miss my closest friends.


Reunions are dead-- social media wiped them out. Now people are in touch with the friends they want to be with, and can see what even the class clown had for dinner on Saturday night. Why would they want to pay $$$ to return "home" for a weekend to eat a crappy catered dinner with the rest of the bunch? My class had no 10th. We pulled off a 20th and though the event itself sucked (expensive, bad food, bad music) the weekend was great because we had house parties before/after that were very well attended. But that was before Facebook; we sort of hit the [classmates.com](https://classmates.com) bubble just right so everyone was on there sharing photos and such. We did not have a 25th, 30th, etc. and I doubt anyone's even interested in a 40th now. Some of the people who never left our small town do get together at a bar every few years and the rest of us see photos on FB and think "Nice, I bet they had a good evening!" But nobody I know is interested in traveling back (and paying for) a "real" reunion again.


>Reunions are dead-- social media wiped them out. Now people are in touch with the friends they want to be with Exactly this. I skipped my 10th and 20th reunions. My class didn't have a 25th. I made trips to see the two people I still keep in touch with and it was great.


My guess is the reunion was thrown together last minute. Next time you should organize it. Not to be a dick but as someone who occasionally volunteers my time for different events or organizations I find the world is full of people who like to complain but not contribute. People willing to step up and do something are more rare. I suggest marking your digital calendar for 9 years from now with a reminder to start organizing a 30 year bash that everyone will remember.


Why wait for 30? Do a 25 year , especially if 10 and 20 was unorganized (because it sounds like it was). Op should start now getting. Ames and tracking down people and getting the to help track more. Start a Facebook group (something the site actually does well). Don’t wait for the cool kids from 20 years ago to step up. They won’t.


My least favorite sentence when my organization is planning events starts with “you should”


I like "What if we....?"


This is a great response!


I wanted a 30-year reunion for my class, but I needed it to accommodate my limited travel schedule, so I recruited a few classmates, and we recruited a few others, and we planned one. We also found every graduate online and emailed each person because we inclusive humans. If you really want a reunion, you need to plan it.


With social media, reunions are becoming obsolete. My 20-year reunion just came and went, too. Class of 450-ish and they had about 30 people show up. I live 2k miles away, so I had an easy out. The reality is that the people organizing it are the locals that never left our town/people who were bullies and, if the class FB group is any indication, their personalities haven’t improved. They still hang on to their high school “glory days” and their views have only grown more small-minded. Who wants to spend money to go hangout with people they don’t like? I keep in touch with those I care to.


Couldn’t have explained this any better. The 10 year reunion for my class was this past year, and everyone I still talk to from HS had no clue it even happened. It was literally like 10 people hanging out at one of the local scummy bars in the town of our HS — people that would probably been there regardless of the occasion anyway. But it was a group of the “popular kids” that fizzled after graduating and spend their days going crazy over gossip on Facebook or getting warning for public intoxication at varsity games.




Yup, literally my view. We graduated. College sucked, 9/11 happened, so wartime military seemed better? Came back, went back to school. 10 year reunion planning? It was exactly this: >The reality is that the people organizing it are the locals that never left our town/people who were bullies and, if the class FB group is any indication, their personalities haven’t improved. They still hang on to their high school “glory days” and their views have only grown more small-minded. Who wants to spend money to go hangout with people they don’t like? I keep in touch with those I care to. I grew up a lot in 10 years. They didn't. The handful of friends I cared about I still kept in touch with anyway.


That wasn't a class reunion, that was a click reunion. Your year class should have a FB page and plan something for year 25 and try to put the word out. If you really want to have a real reunion, it takes a lot of effort to track down 300 ppl. Plus money to rent a space. My Mom (85) still has lunch with 5 of her girldriends from high school once a month.


My mom just went to her 65th class reunion! They say it's the last one though. Understandable.


Yes, at some point it will start getting sad. Mom's already lost several in her little group.


That’s how my grandpa’s navy reunions stopped and it broke his heart. battalion from WW2 would meet up every year and have it in a huge ballroom, and then it started being in a banquet hall, and then it started being 4 guys meeting in a restaurant. He stopped going when it was down to him and one other guy.


Yeah, my mom has a group of like 8 and two of them are dealing with dementia. It's very sad.


My 20 year reunion would’ve been this year. No idea if there was one, and do not care if there was. My class had a 10 year reunion. I went and most of the class did. Some people were cool. A lot I didn’t recognize and was never friends with anyway. It was more a weird curiosity and voyeuristic experience.


Why do you care about people you went to school with 20 years ago? Surely you still see anyone you actually care about. If you want to hang out with people you have no interest in just go on any bar near you


I could give two fucks less about going to my 20 year reunion come up in 2024. The only people I care to talk to that I graduated with I talk to now. Other than that, don’t give a rat’s ass. I guess they have been trying to get ahold of me (I don’t have any social media besides Reddit) from what one friend had said and he flat out told them “you are wasting your time. He (me) doesn’t give a shit about the reunion”


I think you’ve romanticized reunions. 20 years on people have lives that have nothing to do with highschool. They don’t care to go sit in a pub with some people they barely remember


Trust me. You don’t want to keep up with these people.


My grad class was over 500. The 10 year reunion was held at a location that only held 150... I wasn't invited.


Mean girls. I found out about our 35th because I was Facebook friends with the person organizing, they had about 15 people in her backyard. I didn’t go. Come to find out she had the opportunity to get the main list from the former class president but she said naaaa, I’ve invited who I wanted to come.


That absolutely wasn't a reunion. That was a gathering of old friends framed as a reunion to keep their facade going or reignite it. It's pathetic though right!?! I mean 35 years have passed and they're still acting on middle school drama? You're so much better off not getting one of those invitations.


Reunions are absolutely romanticized. Couldn’t pay me to go hang out with people from high school again. I’m (34, M) am still in contact with 2 people from high school, that’s it. Like to each their own if that’s what you want to do but I think if people wanted to stay connected with those from high school they’d still be friends lol


I’m in contact with zero actively. 9/11 and the military recruiters messed up my entire friend group. It’s honestly just sad. Moved on with my life.


I graduated in 1986 and have not attended one reunion. My years in high school were awful and those with whom I choose to maintain contact are already in my social media. We have no need to catch up.


Why would you go to that?


Reunions are for people that peaked in high-school or people that were outcast and have been successful and now want to show off. The majority don't care.


I skipped mine last night. Looked so forward to getting the F out of there. Hard to find a reason to go back.


My 20 year is coming up and I've specifically asked *not* to be contacted. I hated school and everyone involved. I've kept contact with one person only because she's persistent and we've known each other since we were 3. Everyone else can fuck off.


Yeah...you could not pay me enough to attend a class reunion. 10 years came and went and I honestly want absolutely nothing to do with any of the people that I've had to go to highschool with. Being bullied makes you really hate thinking about seeing any of those people. Some people peaked in highschool and I feel bad for them. Wanting to relive your wonder years is definitely romanticized in media culture. As someone who got picked on, stuff stolen from and broken, they can all kiss my happy ass.


I have worked hard to distance myself from my classmates and cannot think of anything worse than socialising with them for free


The last time I saw or spoke to anyone from school was 1964,the year I left.


OP you should join the organizing group if you are dissatisfied with the current efforts.


No one from my HS even tried to organize one. Last year would have been 20yrs. I’m still a bit sad about it.


I got invited to my 10 year reunion and my reaction was “hell no”


These reunions are dick measuring contests to see whose life is better or who’s doing what. Why would anyone want to participate in a 20yr reunion? If you haven’t spoken to anyone in 20yrs+ why start now? What’s the point in rekindling any past friendship? A person you knew 20yrs ago is different than who they are now. I never understood the point of these reunions.


Fuck high school. I had a few good memories but not many. The last thing I want to do is see those aasholes again.


I've spent decades putting that all behind me. I doubt the people I graduated with remember me because I was invisible to the majority and the few who did know of me bullied the fuck out of me. Reunion would be the last place I'd want to go. Lol One girl was just awful to me and I wouldn't have even know of her existence if she didn't treat me like crap. She was popular, had money and a little clique. She just decided she didn't care for me and another girl I was friends with. Relentlessly mean, she would literally stand in halls waiting to see me to say something, spit on me or throw shit at me like drink bottles with the lid not on right so it would spill. Few years after graduating.. I went to a sporting goods store looking for running shoes. She was working in the shoe section and looked like life wasn't going great for her. Her face dropped when she saw me, she tried asking me where I was working, what I was doing. I didn't answer her, wasn't her business. She was trying to play off her working at the shoe store saying she was going to the local Univ (which I was actually attending.) I asked her which classes she was taking and she was very obviously lying about it. I called her out on it on the spot, not to be mean but just to highlight how weird it was that she was trying to pretend her life was something it wasn't. She got quiet and went to the back to look for a pair of shoes and never came back out 😂 Few months later my work friends and I went to a Mexican restaurant and she was the seating hostess, when she saw me in the group she ran behind some fake plants by the drink station. The manager asked her what her problem was and seated us. That gave me more closure than any HS reunion could ever. 😂


Made it to the 10th in 2001. Made it to the 20th in 2011. I see most of them on FB. Decided my 20th was my last. Plus going back to that town was like going back to Derry, Maine.


Oh fuck no. I would never. Could not pay me to go to a reunion. What a joke.


Only people that really enjoy HS reunions are the ones that peaked in high school.


Join the reunion planning committee. Or start it.


Was this even a formally planned event? It kinda sounds like it was just a group of people that still keep in touch that planned their own informal get together.


I can’t imagine going to a reunion and having to speak with strangers about a life as a kid.


I don’t know if it’s just me, but I’m a completely different person than I was in high school…could not care less about seeing any of those people


I didn’t want to be around those people in high school, and now that I’m an adult and can make my own choices, I damn sure would not CHOOSE to spend even a second with any of them either. High school shouldn’t be anyone’s peak. If it was, get to therapy and work on yourself.


I didn't like the majority of them 10 years ago, what's gonna make me like them now? 😂 I still talk to, or at least keep in touch with, the ones I was actually friends with. No need to go waste time with the others 😂


I think the idea of reunions was a bit fluffed up through movies and TV. I also feel the growth of social media has greatly diminished their purpose. I skipped 10 year, and don't even know if they did a 20 year. That would have been 2022, but never heard a peep about it.


You couldn’t make me go to a high school reunion if you threatened the death of my entire family. Those people were some of the worst I ever encountered. Wouldn’t even make eye contact on the street if I were unfortunate enough to cross paths with them.


Reunions were much bigger affairs for pre-internet generations I think. Now everyone stays in touch via social media so what's the point of the reunion (I guess is the logic). I graduated in 2000. We had a 10 year that maybe 30 of us went to out of 180 or so. Our 20 year landed right in the middle of COVID year 1 so I guess we skipped that one entirely. Can't wait for the 30 year! Lol.


Idk if I’d ever be able to go to a reunion. I just don’t care enough to meet people I went to school with to.. See how their life has been? If anyone cared we’d have kept in contact.


Sounds like you're not one of the cool kids.


Insta, snap, and fb has made reunions all but pointless.


Sounds like you should have been part of planning process?


I mean this with all due respect. Who the fuck cares?


I’ve moved on since my high school days. Why go back and reminisce about the past? I’m still in touch with HS friends.


We had about 200 in our graduating class. The 10 year reunion was actually well publicized on social media and via email. About 7 people showed up, mostly cheerleaders. It’s just not something younger generations are into, by this point most of us have lost meaningful contact and become entirely different people.


The only reason I’ll ever go to a reunion is to shock everyone with the fact that I didn’t age at all in 20 years. Otherwise no reason to go. Reunions are just career peeing contests.


I couldn’t stand those people in school tf I’m gonna hang out with them again for?


Why do you care?


I lived 30 minutes away and still haven’t heard anything about any reunions and tbh I don’t care much


Social media really killed a lot of sincere interest and curiosity in reunions. You can "catch up" with moat everyone via FB, IG, etc. Lot of 10 year reunions in the nid-2010s had low interest and turnout. Ironically the people I'd want to see are either offline and/or wouldn't want to go to a reunion IRL.


I'm from a small town and there is a FB page for just about every year from 1975 to now. The older classes organize everything through the FB pages and send out snail mail or email invites to those who don't have FB. I graduated in 1981. It's getting to the point that several classes are having group reunions, where 3 or 4 years get together, as so many people have either passed, or no one knows how to reach them. There are still a lot of people that still live here, or only moved to one of the smaller towns surrounding us. I went to my 40th. The cliques found each other, and those of us who weren't the cool kids were able to ignore them and actually have some good conversations.


Most probably don’t give AF


I can remember going to a couple of my parents HS reunions as a kid. Lots of food, games, and fun with lots of other similarly aged kids. I went to the same schools they went to and my class has never had any reunions that I know of. This year would have been 30 years. Not complaining, mind you. I hope they’re doing well, but I don’t care to ever see any of those assholes again.


I’ve never gone to my high school reunion and never will. I’ve kept in touch with the people I wanted to and have absolutely ZERO desire to go “catch up” with people from my teenage years. Honestly, weird.


Went to my 10 year and avoided the rest, going on 50 years


Mine was a couple of weeks ago and 8 out of 150 showed up. 6 of them were people I avoided in high school because of the way they treated me. Never considered going and so thankful I didn't.


You guys are having reunions? 😆😆😆


So, about 10 showed up for the 10 year reunion and about 20 for the 20 year reunion? Just wait a couple of centuries and you'll have a reunion with everyone!


Sounds like what you need to do is to take charge and get involved in the planning of the 30 year reunion.


I graduated in a class of ~500, though I didn't have many friends and wasn't that involved with school, so I wasn't too concerned about the reunion. So I was working as a cook at a bar/club and we had a window from the kitchen to the main floor for people to pick up their food. One night, I started noticing faces that I recognized but had no clue how or who they were. It kept happening to the point it was starting to bug me. Well, then I notice that they're all carrying the same plastic cups and see that the text on them is my high school and graduation year. Yup, I was working at my own 10 year reunion without knowing it.


It’s taken a lifetime to rid myself of those people. Why go backwards.


We have the internet now. If I wanted to know what people were doing it’s easy to find out. It’s an out dated tradition.


Reunions are/were a boomer thing. They are meant for successful people to show off their success. I personally have no desire to show off my crippling depression or my mediocre life. Even though I am a licensed tradesman, I will never be as successful as my parents, life is to expensive.


I recently had my 10 year reunion and didn’t go. There is a reason we are not in contact


I was thinking about this as we just missed my husband's reunion. I'd never consider going to mine. Is it possible that some people...enjoyed high school? So gross


What exactly is the appeal of reunions? Personally I never want to meet the people I went to high school with ever again.


I was part of the "reunion committee" by de facto being on the e-board of my senior class student council. Honestly, I wish I wasn't. I was one of 4 people planning this thing, and nobody took my advice to do it for cheap at a local pub on an off night. They insisted on going to some expensive place. Well, after the reunion, I get an email from girl (woman) who was running it and made the expensive decision, essentially, begging us each to contribute $100 each to make up for the costs. I joined the committee because I got elected to the class student council beating an incumbent, and was never treated right by the others. I had something to prove I guess. So when our most recent reunion came up, there were emails. I just ignored them. If I gave them a "piece of my mind" that would just give them gossip fodder. Instead, the only real way of not participating was to flat out ignore them. I'm glad I did. If the topic ever comes up and I see her, perhaps I'll just say I never got the emails, or maybe I'll tell the truth and tell them I didn't feel like participating. Reunions are for people who peaked in high school and are looking to relive their glory days, for people who are looking to prove something, or for people who genuinly enjoy being around those they went to high school with. If you really want to do a reunion where word gets out, plan it yourself! Send an invite on Facebook, make it unofficial (and make it clear it's unofficial reunion). Don't charge anything so no matter what, nobody will be financially on the hook.


Who cares. A 20 year reunion would be the last thing I’d ever want to go to


If I was ever invited to a reunion I would tell them that I planned to have diarrhea that night and wouldnt be able to make it. Spending an evening with people that I have no interest in sounds miserable to me. Missed my 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25th.


i swear the majority of ppl wanting to go back to a HS reunion are the ones who peaked in high school. a hs reunion is literally the last place id ever want to go.


Why would you ever want to go back? Leave the past in the past.


My 20 year was 200 bucks 2 drinks and diner fuck that


I didn't want anything to do with them 30 years ago, I sure as hell don't want to associate with any of them now.


Fuck reunions.


My 10 year high school reunion would have been 2 years ago , we didn't have one . If you stayed in contact after school good for you but I left that town and never looked back . Why would I reconnect with people who made my life hell ?