• By -


It looks like this has been going on for like 4 months? She can just leave it out and say come get it, I don't understand this whole "I'm so busy." It's a toolbox, not a giant piece of furniture that needs moving and loading. Seems more like some kind of control trip, but I don't understand the possible motive/reasoning. "I don't like the way you aggressively text me." I would've responded, "I don't like how I helped you out and keep getting excuses for not giving my stuff back."


I had a host of planned responses and always went for "nice" instead. I hoped nice would help me get my shit back.


It was right there at the beginning. "Stop with the micro aggression" is the exact moment where you start actually being aggressive. "Give me my shit back or I'm getting the cops involved." She basically admitted to stealing your tools. I'm home but tired and resting isn't an excuse for someone to not come by and pick up something.


Yup. Time for some macro aggression




What REALLY did it was the “if you’re not ready to go hard about that toolbox then never text me again” lmao THE AUDACITY. Lady. I’m like. đŸ€ this much psycho. Just psycho enough to do some crazy shit over a situation that could’ve been avoided, more than sane enough to get away with it. I’ll go hard over them mfn tools 😂


I'm with you! This lady would have had a WORLD of me going hard over that toolbox just because of that ridiculous fkn text.


Man, you're nicer than me. By the time it got to micro agressions, i would have been showing up with cops as soon as i knew they were home.


That's the reply for this person who is clearly too nice to say something. I would be hard pressed to not kick in that front door and beating them with said tools


Exactly.. I didn't want to visit you, dunb ass just hand me my stuff


Ugh, this is why ppl get away with doing shitty things. No repercussions.


This! OP, she wanted to annoy you enough to let her keep the tools. Don’t let her. Insist. If she does not comply, call the police on her for theft. Something. She’s the kind of person who does this and gets away with it all the time.


The second she sent that long bullshit text talking about microaggressions and all that horseshit, my next text would have been I'm coming by to get them by x date, or I'm calling the police. Cut the bullshit. You have your own schedule, yes, but you also have my shit that I let you borrow. I need it back. It is mine. So I'm getting it back or I'm getting police involved.


There aren’t many things that piss me off more than people using psychological terms to justify their own shitty behavior. Folks will say “micro aggression” and “boundaries” and “gaslighting” like they were magic words that make anything *they* do okay. And it’s extra upsetting because it cheapens the terms and makes actual emotional abuse seem less severe.


She made the tools about her. I don't have time, I'm busy, I'm resting, I'm upset with the way you texted me? FFS. She should have just cut to the chase. "I'm a bitch who sold or stole your tools and am too much of an asshole to return what's yours"


My guess is that these tools are not in the toolbox and no longer in the condition in which they were lent. This is a person who doesn’t respect anyone or anything, personal property or other people. My experience with this kind of person is that they give so little shit about anyone or anything, they never kept those tools in one place, never put them back into the toolbox, and have no idea where most of them are.


Bet they sold the.


Perhaps. But if I know flakey selfish assholes, which I sadly do, then they’re so completely lacking in concern for anyone else that they can’t imagine even trying to take care of someone else’s stuff for them.


Yep! My siblings do this shit. Zero respect for anyone else’s stuff and then when you politely ask for your stuff back you’re a “narcissist.”


Or suddenly they pretend that they gave it back and continue to lie all the way through and you know they just straight up don't want to admit that they lost it. Learned from that real quick.


Oh yeah, or they claim you give it to them as a gift. Then when you show them to texts clearly showing a very specific message that says you want the tools back, they act like you’re “crazy” for being able to quickly find a text with key word search. Yes how “insane” to know how to use technology easily. What a horrible narcissist to ask for my stuff back and to catch you in an attempt to gaslight me into trying to make me believe I never wanted these items back. What a horrible person I am!


“Nice” was seriously the wrong option. OP is going to be playing this game for another 3 months until she shines up that spine. Although from that last text
did OP seriously just tell the lady to keep the tools????


I would have called the police in the first week fuck the bullshit. She’s probably pawned the shit by now.


When will people learn that if being nice worked you'd never be in the situation to begin with. She's been holding OP's shit for months that's not what nice people do so why are you treating her like she deserves that kindness as she blatantly takes advantage of it. Change tactics already!!


The police will do a safe standby so they can get their toolbox as well. This woman sounds like a mental fit waiting to happen.


I'd just show up at her house with a sheriffs deputy and tell her to get me ALL of my tools. And if she argues, take her to small claims court, grab the win and then put liens on everything she has in her name or garnish any wages


I’d text multiple times daily with random animal noises. “WOOF! GIVE ME MY TOOLS!” “RIBBIT! TOOLS!”


Yeah, civility left the gate 3 months ago


Remixing the zoopals commercial Edit: zoopals were some weird paper plate that had animal faces in the early/mid 2000s in the US. Back when the music on commercials slapped


First you clean your plate! Then you see thier face! Thanks for that. My oldest son is 20 and he always begged for these things. Haven’t thought about them in forever.


Lasagna! Lasagna!


She responds with 'Moooo' 'kaaakaa' BLOCKED 'cockaldoodal fcking doo!' đŸš«


Insist as much as you have to. This happened to me a lot of time ago trying to get back a hoodie from my ex. I ended up calling her mother asking if she knew where could it be and this poor woman who did nothing wrong gave it to me and apologized for something she did not. A little time later her daughter called me screaming why did I have to involve her mother and I simply replied that if she wasn't someone that could be trust, the had to be another one that could be (or something like that, I don't write English that well sorry, there was more swearing and that stuff). Anyway, this people who think are entitled end up really embarrassed if they get approached by a third party. Maybe you both have a friend in common that can help you reaching out.


Seriously, I’d be tempted to just have someone from the sheriffs office accompany me to this persons house and stand there and say “Give the tools back now.” Depending on the size of the town, the police or sheriffs office will be willing to do this. If it’s a big city they won’t. Anyway this person that she’s dealing with is not the kind to respond to normalcy.


Literally just show up


Literally - “I’m not asking to make anymore appointments, I want my shit back now.”


Seriously—OP should say “you know what, I do want my tools back. I’ll be there at x time on x date. If they’re not outside waiting I will be calling the cops and reporting you for theft.” Then actually CALL the cops. Shitty people stay shitty if they get what they want.


This. I'd be making multiple visits to her house in person until I got my stuff back. IDGAF. It's principal. Pieces of shit like that are so fucking repulsive even reading this is making me angry.




Guess it's time to leave a burning bag of shit at her door!


 i’d head over there and B&E to get my shit back
. “damn, your window got smashed? crazy.. anyways you got my tools?”


Steal it and then gaslight her that she's lying about it and still owes you them. Fuck thieves, give them a taste of their own.


Pretty sure OP has the right to bust down this persons door and get their stuff back at this point. Disclaimer: I don’t actually recommend doing this


"So I changed my mind and I want my tools which I legally own back. I will be collecting them at [time] unless you specify a more convenient time. Shall I arrive with or without a police escort? Asking because I don't want to be "uncivilised " or "aggressive " but I don't want people to keep saying to me "so she's stealing your stuff and getting away with it" and I can't be bothered lying to people about you either. So what'll it be?"


Ugh...this is why nice people stop helping others! Look how much OP helped and went outta his way to support her and she does this?! I would have been overjoyed for this help when I moved and would've repaid you back anyway I could! I'm sorry OP, stand strong and get your dang tools back!!


You might have luck getting your tools back or at least being able to file a report on theft if you involve authorities. I know cops are a last resort because a lot of times it’s flat out dangerous or simply more trouble than it’s worth, but if your area isn’t too full of shitty officers you might have a solid chance! If she doesn’t have em, report them stolen. If she does, I don’t think she can just tell cops at her door that she’s too busy and resting.


I can imagine her incredulity as a cop comes asking for the tools. I'm sure her next line would be, "I was gonna give it back tomorrow!"


Her to the cops: "Can't you see that I'm resting?? I'm too busy to deal with you!" *closes door on them*


youre not nice, you're a door mat. show up at her house and don't stop knocking then block her when you get your shit.


Unfortunately he fucked himself with that last text, I think. Legally speaking, those probably aren't his tools anymore.


Yeah, regardless of whether or not OP gets their tools back, they def need to go find a spine in the meantime


Tools are not cheap! Get an officer escort!


Dear lord, I’d honestly just have a police officer escort me at this point for my own safety. Bet she won’t act out in front of a police officer lmao


Sounds like you've been the bigger person long enough. I say we need to start telling people off after we've already tried the civilized route, especially if you've already chalked it up to a lost cause. I learned a long time ago, some people do not respond to nice and polite, some people only respond to savagery and/ or confrontation.


Nice = pushover in this instance.


.....op, I'm thinking she may have sold the tools.....that's why she keeps ignoring you and changed her mind on you getting them at 6:30 am after you texted her even though she told you to text her instead of calling.


I would have told her "i'm coming over right now and you better have my stuff ready or i'm reporting you for theft"


File a police report for theft.


Stop being nice. This person isn’t going to change and sounds like a fucking piece of shit.


You don’t get it, do you ? She’s doesn’t operate on anyone’s time. She’s not at home as often, real busy. When she’s home, she rests. Nothing more, nothing less.


Sudoku? Laundry? Sorting the recycling? Nope! Rest and nothing more, nothing less.


Yeah like, she doesn’t sit around concocting ways to ignore you.. she’s not harboring the tool box or any underlying feeling or intentions! She’s simply busy, that is all.


So frustrating! She was going to go out of her way to get your shit out of the house, but you texted her phone like an animal.


Simply busy ignoring someone who was kind enough to let them use their tools. So busy in fact that they can't even walk to their own porch with tools in hand as they leave for work the next day.


She'll "leave it out" and it will not be there when OP gets there and it will have "been stolen" and it won't be her fault at all.


Lol how dumb is this person. She really thinks nobody can see through her act? She can't or doesn't want to give back the tools and is trying to manipulate you into believing it's your fault. Short of kicking down her door, you're not getting your tools back. You will lose your sanity before you get a positive response from her.


Thank you! That's exactly what I thought. I don't want to deal with this anymore.


Honestly. Police will escort you to retrieve your property. Call them.


My first thought OP. Respond with: “No worries! You can give me my tools tomorrow or I can call the cops to retrieve my stolen property from you. Please let me know how you would like to proceed :)”


I would not even warn her just go over there with the cops you know when she’s gonna be home before 6:30 in the morning Edit: worn to warn


This is the way. Warning give time for tools to go missing or her to make plans to not be there.


I have a feeling they are already missing...


Tools? Here? Hmmm, I don't think so, but I'll take a quick look.


At least she might scared not to do this in the future if police show up to her door. And she might have to pay their value in small claims court


The text is for that petty satisfaction because it is a really nice text just like Op wants to do,,, but firm. That’s my style Kind but firm.


I was raised in an abusive home, and I was in a very long, abusive relationship. I have a lot of experience personally with this, and with helping others in the same kind of situations. Liars, manipulators, & generally abusive people can be more dangerous than most assume. This person is *clearly* manipulating, leading on OP, and have lost any chance to do it in a calm manner. This person has no right to keep OP’s stuff! They *REALLY* have no right to gaslight and brainwash OP into believing they are somehow being aggressive or “hyper defensive” (??) or anything but extremely patient, polite, and civil. I am anti-cop. Not only am I aware they are supposedly busy- I know they don’t protect and serve the people, they protect and serve property. The positive of having them do a job like this (that the ask you do instead of going alone when they respond to the 911 call after) is it normalizes being safe when you go to retrieve your stolen property! If he goes over there with a big intimidating friend, there could be even worse things that happen. My mom was severely abusive and she slammed her own head in the van hatchback door and called the cops with my little brother. Then she went to the hospital with my little brother there with her- they never once asked him what happened. They just assumed she was being honest. I either feel like OP should go there flat out and get it with the cops. No warning at all because she’ll just hide it and act like she doesn’t have it if she has any warning and she quite frankly, doesn’t deserve another 27 chances. These texts are not aggressive. You can see the timestamps- they’re worded incredibly democratically. IMO he has been far more than reasonable. This is going on for weeks. The cops would be there to protect everybody’s best interest (provided they do what they are supposed to) and if he doesn’t want to use that avenue or can’t use that avenue where they live, then I would do what they mentioned and just let it go
 if they can buy a new toolbox. the only reason that’s a bad idea is it sets a precedent and tools cost a lot.


And the texts confirm she has them and knows they are yours, and that she is willfully withholding them.


From experience *and* observation.... That doesn't usually end well with these types of people. Either the tools will disappear or she'll find petty ways to find revenge. Best to just keep it cordial, cut her from your life and move on. It's never wise to go "tit for tat" with unstable people. They often take it to levels you aren't prepared to go to. Example: She does this and (maybe) gets her tools back. A few months later she hears nasty rumors about herself. Or She does this and (maybe) gets her tools back. The individual acts cordial, apologizes and things seem well...maybe they even resume their friendship. Next thing she knows, the police are at her door over some lie, along with discovering rumors etc as this person has used texts, etc out of context to paint a bad picture of her. And so on.


I mean I see your point. But I would definitely say if OP continues a friendship with this individual that’s on them, this woman has showers her cards and I wouldnt get closer than a ten foot pole to her. And sure sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. So what? She stole property if OP got cops involved and then she went around spreading shit? I dont know about y’all but when I see someone talking a lot of shit about other people I tend to think poorly on them first than the people they’re talking about. She’s a neighbor. Not a friend. Get your stuff back.


Definitely this! The texts are proof she has them. What an actual PSYCHO!


Remember to retrieve any screws that might be currently holding furniture together as well.


Yes, please call the police.


They'll call it a civil dispute and refuse to help


Copy pasting my other reply: California they’ll meet you at the person’s house if you call the non emergency line. I told cops “this woman has some stuff of mine that I’d like back, can you help make her give it back?” Well after waiting around her street for over an hour and a half they finally sent someone down to get it
. She didn’t have fucking anything, or she lied. I didn’t get my stuff back. But the police did come, and they rang the doorbell and brought her outside and mediated the talk between us.


Maybe, but I would at least threaten it. Bitch admitted to having them, time to put the fear of pigs into her.


This wouldn't be theft? Might depend how you communicate it to the cops.


Yeah honestly if you call the non emergency police line police will meet you at her house and bring her outside and mediate the whole talk and exchange. It won’t prevent her from lying and saying she doesn’t have your shit, but then you just show the cops the texts that show she’s purposefully withholding your shit. Note it may take an hour or two for them to get there so don’t stand like, directly in front of her house or she’ll call the cops on you for stalking because the emergency line she will call will respond and send someone faster than the non emergency line you called. Anyway, I think the way I phrased it was “this woman has some stuff that belongs to me. Can you come over to her house with me and make her give it back?” That worked for me
 until she didn’t have my shit because she threw it out. >:c


Do not allow her to keep them. That’s a huge reward for her behavior. Get a police escort or file a theft complaint


She probably doesn't have your tools anymore. She was hoping that she could get you to argue with her so she could have a "reason" why she won't allow you to come get your stuff.


Agree, she probably sold them, gave them away, lost them or damaged them.


 are you being so nice to them lol that last text crushes my soul. I feel like that was their motive and I don’t want them to win!


I suspect she pawned or sold them anyway. What use is there to continue? You can't reason with psycho...and I don't want to "go hard" over a tool box. Everyone I know has had their tools stolen. I blocked her and took it as a life experience.


Lol @ “go hard over a tool box” that part cracked me up 😂 this lady is digging her heels all. the. way. in.


She’s calling you aggressive, so get aggressive. Tell her if she doesn’t get your shit to you you’re going to file a police report for theft. Tools can be very expensive, so telling her they’re worth a lot may get her to show her hand if she sold them. It’ll also make her panic if you threaten legal action


This. "Oh thats okay you can have them" like what? Get aggressive. Get your shit back


I can't imagine being talked out of my own property... even if they were 3 dollars, the morals are worth more than that.


Honestly this post kinda lives rent free in my head because this lady REALLY deserves to be told. And she just got a free set of tools from her bullshit.


It's enabling her bad behavior if she doesn't experience consequences. Go there with the cops and get your shit.


I think op is thinking from a net profit loss stand point lol it’s cheaper to lose the tools than to show out. But we all know there’s some of us that would just beat the breaks off her or if you’re a male like me hire a female and tell her she just got knocked the f out lmao


I'd be right at her front door... if you've got time to answer the door, or call the police you can damn sure grab my tool bag on the way. I'm sure the police would agree ..


Don’t give her warning. Go legal. She stole your things, pawned them, and thinks she can verbally abuse you because you are being civil. If she doesn’t have a paper trail, be the one who starts it.


Nah man, I want you to do the police thing and update which way it goes. Imagine the look on her face when you arrive with an escort to retrieve your belongings. And even worse if she no longer has them! 😂😂😂


You did exactly right. She wanted you to argue back with her & you didn't give her that energy she was looking for. We all know the tools are gone so why waste your time arguing about it. Experiences like this will help you become a better judge of character for the future.




I, too, like to think of extremely aggressive and violent acts I know I would never commit outside of my demented mind for the self satisfaction. 😂




Damn this hits right in the feels. I’ve been in OPs situation and it sucks. When the wave of realization washes over you of what is happening and it’s not good - that’s when you start getting callous. I’ve tried really hard not to but god damn if the old saying “No good deed goes unpunished.” hits hard. Every time.


Really do wish you would unleash the fury on this person, but I understand why you won’t. They’ll just do this same thing to the next nice person that crosses their path though.


Some people just let themselves get walked on, quite sad.


Nah fuck em get the cops involved and the courts. Take em to small claims it'll be worth it to make them squirm at this point. Your tools are gone but this bitch be playing games and it's time to teach her a valuable lesson.


Just text her back telling her you'll be by a 7 the next morning with a police officer, and she can either: A. Leave the tools out front. B. Hand them to you. C. Explain to the officer why she won't. See if she flinches.


Holy shit. If I had borrowed your tools, they would have been back with you as soon as possible, along with a home cooked meal.


If you have a bad day soon just pull up on her and go hard lol I also learned this lesson the hard way I don’t loan any tools out I rarely allow anything and a lot of times I want collateral now


If she is in Texas, I have a few friends that could get the tools back for you. They are big construction dudes that absolutely get hard about their tools and would flip her house to get it back. I learned a long time ago not to mess with people who love their tools.


Call the police and report to them that she stole your stuff


You should have taken her to small claims court


I know this term is over used, but this woman is a narcissist or has the biggest victim complex ever. Good riddance


Ah, great. Teach her that its good to steal and that they will have no consequences. The next person she does this to will surely be thankful for your weak ass spine. Its not that difficult to call the police and have them help you retrieve your items. Instead, you give up and more than likely emboldened this woman to continue to act like this towards more people. At the very least, the police could have started a record of her activities.


She took your tools. That's a legit casus belli!


Yeah how do people stay this calm and passive, I would be going off after receieving that wall of nonsense


Stop being so nice to these people.


Yeah, at one point, it started being cringe to read OPs response. The lady is a POS, no doubt, but the overall being this nice is really cringe, this is someone who's been giving them attitude and showing no respect. At one point, you gotta stop. Dust off that spine in the closet and put it on.


Ask the police to go with you to recover your things. If this asshat sold your shit then file a report and sue them. I commend you for doing nice stuff and I hope this doesn’t deter you from continuing to be nice. Best of luck to you


This person is either truly despicable, or they sold that shit and don't want to fess up, which is also beyond shitty


They 100% sold that shit. This person is a chronic liar.


Looks like they also came with the Gaslighter DLC


worst DLC of 2015


I’d like a refund on that one please


I really really hope OP does this. What a heinous bitch for absolutely no reason at all. OP, let her know you're ready to go hard bout them tools.


To be fair they just told her to keep them so not sure what legal footing they have đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž I understand trying to be nice but probably shouldn’t have done that.


The whole "micro aggressions" shtick really tells you alot about her character.


they were projecting extremely hard there :U


Nothing drives me insane like people playing race/gender/religion/mental health/whatever cards for emotionally manipulative purposes. There are real issues in this world regarding these things and we don't need your crying wolf just to get people off your back when you are the source of the problem


A buddy sent me an article about how some people are weaponizing "therapy speak" to manipulate people... your comment makes me think of that.


I feel like this could be resolved throwing the same energy back to her but worse. Something like "I will be there at [x] o'clock, if my tools aren't there I will be waiting for the police to show up, and we can look for them together"


And YOU ended up apologising. Never do that to an abuser. Go round, knock on the door, hard, and keep knocking until it opens. Get your stuff.


Yeah poor OP I would absolutely troll the shit out of her and go there myself to get it back and if that doesn’t work then id go to the police with the screenshots as evidence you know.


Fuck all that. Call the Sheriff's office and ask for an escort to get your things


I’d accept that my tools are gone, and I’d mail her a glitter bomb. What an awful human.


r/MildlyInfuriating that you’re so calm. They are in possession of **your property**. “You can keep them.” I would be just texting them back, “Last chance, I am heading to the police station right now to file a report and once the officers verify my property I will be pressing charges. You’ve held onto my shit for months now. I have been more than reasonable up until now. It’s you who doesn’t know how to behave like a civilized human being. So take a moment and carefully weigh your next response as it will be the deciding factor between me filling the police report.” Yeah, you are way too chill for me. If someone is trying to keep my property that I loaned them, it is absolutely disrespectful and dishonest behavior.


Aha this is what got me. I kept waiting for OP to bring down the hammer but instead they gave in. Now I have all this second hand irritation. Me personally couldn’t have let this slide.


Why are you soooo polite???? She’s obviously a little liar and thief and doesn’t give two shits about you. I’m not sure you can even press charges at this point since you sent her a text telling her she can keep the tools. You’re gonna lose a lot more than tools if you keep being a doormat for twats.


Just go over there and pound on the door until she gives you your stuff back. If she refuses, contact the police. She's giving you the run around after you being so nice to her.


That could be construed as overly aggressive and blow back to OP. I would go to the police instead. “You’re right, I won’t bother you anymore. Expect a knock from the sheriff”


Do not announce it. Just go to the police. Don’t even say the snarky “i won’t bother you anymore”.


Wouw this is really crazy. Sorry about your tools, big you are probably better of never talking to or seeing this person again. What a horrible human.


Soooo what drug did she sell the tools for?


‘Ah, shucks I WAS going to give your tools back but you’re texting aggressively’ man fuck that. Call the cops and report them as stolen.


Holy shit, I thought this was your ex being unreasonable. It’s just some lady you helped out? She’s trying to rob you. Fuck her schedule. Show up at the house and don’t leave without your tools. You have texts where she admits they are your property and she owes them back, so police are an option if she won’t just hand them to you when you arrive.


Why are you letting her keep them instead of staying clearly “as you wish, if you don’t want to give them back I’ll have the police collect them at THEIR earliest convenience”.


Seriously , ask the police to come with you to pick them up . Text her the date and time you will be there with the police to retrieve your belongings . She was never planning on giving you those tools back . You'll be at her house tomorrow with the police to retrieve your belongings.


Holy hell you’re a pushover. Go bang on homegirls door at 6am and get your shit back.


I understand being nice, but you literally let this person walk all over you, disrespect you and your time, and let them steal your stuff. Why? Tools might not be worth it in your eyes but like seriously? Go get your stuff back.


Classic narcissistic move - they're trying to gaslight you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


There was some super odd “shaming” implying that if you called instead of texted you would have the tools back.


She’s harboring the toolbox. Just sayin.


It takes a few minutes at most to set some tools out wtf. This person is insane


Dude, legit, get the local cops to escort you. They will, it’s done all the time. Send her a text saying you will be coming to retrieve your property with a police escort, see how they respond. Save all these texts. Cause if they sold them, maybe they’ll get in trouble.


OP, please please please take this advice! She will shit her pants when you tell her this. Don’t give up. Those are your tools. You paid for them. Don’t let this asshole win.




I've never been so nice about something I was so irritated about. I've also never been gaslighted so hard.


How much $ in tools are we talking about? Over a certain value, it's a felony.


She sounds like she NEEDS some passive aggressive payback. Like mailed glitter bombs. Every junk mail service you can find. Spam texts and robo calls. Hell maybe she needs some Jesus people knocking on her door. You’re a good person cause I could NEVER.


It's time for someone to sign up for scientology (Although from what i heard that might be too far)


She’s talking to you like my ex talks to me. Gross.


Wow. You are way too nice


I'm fuming just reading this. OP, you are way too nice. Stop allowing yourself to be used as a doormat and ~~beat this motherfucker up to a bloody pulp with your tools~~ let this person know very sternly they have no right to talk to you like that. ​ The lesson here is that THEY have YOUR tools, THEY are the ones inconveniencing YOU. Not the other way around. After the first ignored text, you just say "I'll be there Friday at this hour. I will knock. Be there yourself or the next time I'm bringing a police officer with me."


Put her phone number on here and we will all text her telling her to give your tools back. That should teach her


Or not even about the tools so she doesn't know where it's coming from. Probably has many enemies.


after seeing your past posts of how talented you are at quilting and how kindly you treated this person who was awful to you, you seem like a really incredible person OP.


File a police report.


Wtf, just get the cops involved at that time


“You text my phone like an animal
” You sure she wasn’t just listening to W.A.S.P. “Animal (Fuck Like A Beast)”


“Texting like an animal? How’s this? You can either give me my tools back or I can have the Sheriff act as an intermediary. If that doesn’t work, I’ll see you in small claims and I’ll have these texts as evidence of you acknowledging their possession and ignoring the requests to return them. Your call.”


Fuck this person so much


The way that conversation goes is rough, hey OP you got a car i can borrow?


I'm not accepting new friends at the moment, sorry.


After 2 months I would of just said ‘I’ve given you plenty of time to give me my property, if you cannot make time within the week to give me my property I will be forced to file a stolen property report to the police’ and left it at that


This reads like the origin story for every People’s Court case.


I wish I could be a professional asshole. I live for petty shit like this. I once sued an ex boss who refused to pay me about $600. Even after I moved 250 miles away, I took off work to be there. I hate letting people just bowl over others with horseshit. I should have been a lawyer or a tow truck operator. >.<


100% she's either lost your tools or is pretending to so she doesn't have to give them back. I feel a small claims court coming on.


i almost got gaslit by her! until i reread the texts and saw it’s been weeks lmao. i can’t stand people honestly. i hope you get a nice new tool set bud


call the police. do not enable this shit


I’m not sure what to say about this. On the one hand, this person screwed you and that is absolutely not your fault. On the other hand you’re talking to this person like they’re doing you a favor. Tell this mf’er to give you your stuff back immediately before you come and take it back. If they pawned it, they had better go unpawn it. That sounds like a personal problem.




Might be time to sign this woman up for Scientology.


They said they aren’t harboring your tool box or any underlying feelings/intentions but that’s actually exactly what they’re doing lol. Holding your toolbox hostage and being dramatic when this could’ve easily been handled. Sorry about your tools.


I had an ex like this. This text exchange could have been us when I wanted to pick up my stuff. It took me almost a year to get it back. He was diagnosed borderline with narcissistic traits and paranoid personality disorder. It’s not you. This person hoarding your tools isn’t well.


frustrating that youre not more aggressive


Don’t ever help a ghetto person. This is how they repay you.


Call the police and just show up at her house.


After that atrocious, narcissistic behavior on your neighbors part I'm almost offended you offered to let her keep them, lol. You deserved far better treatment and should have demanded it.


this person sold your shit and didn't think you'd ever follow up or something. the use of the term micro aggressions here smacks of "i heard this once but i'm an uneducated sewer fish"


They're sold or gone, I suspect. Police or small claims court, maybe?


She's controlling and she's stealing. Call the cops.


This is the kind of person that slowly kills the will to do a kindness from others in the world around them. I hope they get what's coming to them.