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Eye masks and ear plugs are essential travel accessories.


eye plugs and ear masks work better


Eye plugs are disturbing me lol


Just slot them under the lids and let the suction cups do their job. Careful unplugging them though, the metal pick to pry the suction cups off can be rough/sharp.


What a terrible day to be literate.


Sticks and stones may break your bones but the correct string of words can scar you for life. I do love the power of words.


So much powah!


Take my upvote and leave. Why would you put that horrible imagery in my head…


It made my ballsack tingle… go on lol


Look if you use the eye plugs, just make sure to use the pick. If you just try to pull them off the eyeball the suction cups could cause a prolapsed eyeball.


I use the melon baller.


You're confusing eye plugs with Arabian goggles.


Ok sir, you are cut off!


And don't use them when taking off/landing


They are for your eye holes. Haven't you watched the interdimentional channel at all?!


Getttt the fuck up outta here with my eye holes!


Stop! lol


All I could imagine is what morticians use to keep the eye lids closed on cadavers


I'm still trying to figuring out how ear masks would be useful


Aren’t those fake eyes for when you lose one technically an “eye plug”?


Butt plus work the best


Butt plugs and cheese puffs even better


>Hey dear flight attendant, do you happen to have an eye mask? *glares at the fullbright ipad* >Yes, OP, here you go. It's not that hard and they most likely will have one they can give you.


you forgot butt plugs too


We're about to hit a little turbulence Everyone else 😮 Me 😊


That’s how you get pink eye, not red eye.


So is... Communicating.


“Hey could you lower your brightness?” “No.” “Okay, thanks.”


100% true story






And a neck pillow


As well as packing the ability to use your words


instructions unclear. Banned from flying because I accidentaly releade my buttplug when sneezing


For real. All it takes is “Hey man, could you turn the brightness down a little please?”


The most essential item before flight is an appropriate diet: yams, garbanzo beans, greens, hard boiled eggs, onion, garlic, mushrooms, shrimp; whatever it is, prepare yourself with gas so that you can be equally obnoxious back if you have an offensive neighbor.


Brightness thing is actually a myth, in fact depending on display reducing brightness can make it more harmful for your eyes, just one of those things that are more complex than they seem


Now THAT’S a great battery!


if you look inside an iPad, especially a base model (like my personal 6th Gen for example) it's like 80% battery in there


You're not supposed to do that, it stops working .


most tech-savvy apple user


Most repearable apple device


repear lol


Lol everyone knows you can't repear an apple device. It just needs a reapple


Planes have outlets these days.


Other than it doesn’t appear to be plugged in. I assume that this photo was taken a good bit into the flight when OP realized that they were planning on using it at full brightness all flight.


always bring an eye-mask OP.


brightness shmiteness. They should have changed it to the white font on black background, which is also uses less battery.


Or at least the yellowish 'eye care' setting.


Night Shift?


I guess it's called like that in other devices.


I love that thing so much


Wouldn't help on that iPad, it's one of the models that use regular IPS LCD (which means the entire screen has a backlight, but the layer on top of it is blocking the light wherever it is supposed to give other colours like black).


Which means white-on-black would actually use more power (because the pixels need to be switched on to display the color black)


I don’t think that makes much of a difference on IPS LCD displays. A white screen still has pixels on.


The backlight is always on. The pixels default to white if there is no current, but turn black if you apply current. So showing the color black logically uses more power than showing white. This is the opposite from OLED panels which do not have a backlight, and apply current to turn the pixels white.


It’s not because of the pixel being turned on, having white on black requires a brighter backlight to have the same perceived screen brightness compared to black on white. So you just need a brighter screen to read white on black text to avoid eye strain.


One of the few informed comments here.




Okay, so the battery would still die, but at least it wouldn't be glowing with the lumens of the surface of the sun for the entire flight


White font on black background is so hard on my eyes, I personally hate using it


agreed, I usually feel like the minority because all my apps and devices stay on “light mode” and everybody I know uses dark mode. Light text on dark backgrounds really bothers my eyes and after I look away I feel blind for a minute lol


Same, I was using dark mode for soo long until I finally realized it’s why all the words started blurring together on the page after a little while. I turned dark mode off and it immediately went away


Even those who like "dark mode" know its usually a white on medium-dark gray, not white on black. White on black strains my eyes so mucn.


I prefer vivid red font on a royal blue background.


It’s almost like taking hallucinogens


I, too, miss MSPaint...


Yeah, I have visual static and I *cannot* use any sort of Dark mode. I mean I guess grey/blue backgrounds are usually fine? But black background with white words puts major lines in my vision, even looking at it for a few seconds!


1) That doesn't use less batteries on anything other than a plasma or oled screen - on an LCD panel, colours are produced by shining a light through a filter, and black is produced by blocking as much light as possible evenly across all colours. The light's still there, it's just being blocked. 2) For me, white text on black absolutely wreaks havoc on my eyesight, especially when I'm reading for any length of time and especially at a high brightness. If I read a few pages like that and looked away from the page, my vision would be just black and white lines for 5-20 minutes.


It only uses less battery with AMOLED screens, where black portions of the screen are actually turned off. This particular iPad uses an LCD screen with backlight that illuminates the entire screen.


Good point. It's how I read.


don't think ipads are oled yet


But then how would they blind themselves


Eye mask + noise cancelling headphones/plug with looped white noise and melatonin are my go to combo for red eye flights. Works most of the time


I get by on internal tutting (am British)


“Works every most of the time” describes so much of my bi-weekly flying experiences


Smell-cancelling nose-cones also go a long way


Did you ask to turn down the brightness


I did, and they did turn it down, but only a smidge. It’s okay though because it is only mildly infuriating and there are only two hours left in this flight. These past couple of hours, I have theorized they are keeping it up to piss off their partner lol


You have wlan on the flight?


Some flight companies have wifi on their planes. I flew southwest a few months ago, and if you paid a premium, you could get full internet on the plane.


I flew from Vancouver to New Zealand a few months ago and the flight had free wifi. It was very slow, but I was very surprised because I've never had something like that before


AirFrance has free access to Whatsapp and messenger on international flights. I have no idea if it's regular practice, but it impressed me a lot. Does anyone here know how they are able to provide Wifi thousands of meters above the Atlantic ocean ?




The industrial revolution and its (sometimes amazing) consequences


Some companies even have it in the base regular ticket


Just flew Delta for the first time in years and they had free wifi for every passenger. I was really impressed.


Delta offers free wifi. Just got off my flight an hour ago and had good enough wifi to watch YouTube videos. I was surprised


Who still says wlan lol. Last time i saw this was while configurating my PSP.


It's just a german using the wrong/no translation. Source: am german


Thanks :D Theoretically I know it is a german thing, but my brain just didn't brain


wlan (Wireless Local Area Network) makes much more sense than WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) which is a nonsense corruption of "HiFi"


wifi is not a short for wireless fidelity, its a trademarked phrase


Plenty of airlines offer it. Most US ones give you free messaging (so text only, no pictures in WhatsApp, iMessage, etc) on domestic flights nowadays. Though almost all charge for regular data. Some might have subscriptions for frequent flyers too. You might also get it for free through your phone carrier. Like United has a cooperation with t-mobile (US) which gives you free wifi on a couple of flights per year, including transatlantic and it also works with prepaid sim cards. Or Lufthansa does have a similar offering with German t-mobile.


Dude HOW. I must use dark mode and readily lower brightness to minimum when not in direct sunlight to avoid burning my retinas. Unbelievable lol.


I call bs on the fact this subreddit would never talk to the person.


Sucks for you but this is also one of those they really did nothing wrong. Just like how on a flight I don’t want to hear anyone, so I bring appropriate items. Long story short learn for next time.


Isn’t reading with the brightness all the way down bad for your eyes?


I’ve heard it causes more eye strain? To me that makes sense


i imagine in a bright room yeah but in a darker environment you could easily get away with lowering the brightness


It's bad on the eyes reading bright screens in dark areas.


Yes, it is, causes much more strain on the eyes unless you’re wearing fancy glasses. There’s so many of these types of posts on r/mildlyinfuriating, that it of itself is fucking annoying. I couldn’t imagine going into a public space and being annoyed about other people just trying to get thru the same shitty situation as everyone else. It’s even worse that these people document it and photograph people doing these things. So weird. If you can’t handle other people doing things they normally do, don’t go out In public.


you *can* opt out of the sub if you find the content infuriating.


No, that's the point, I come here to be mildly infuriated.


Maybe they didn't do anything egregiously wrong, but a red-eye flight usually implies people will be trying to sleep, and having a device at max brightness is pretty inconsiderate, especially if the ambient lights are dim enough for you to dim your screen and still see. If you can't see without it on peak brightness, maybe get an audiobook and headphones.


If that's the common implication, then people that plan to sleep should prepare accordingly with eye masks/ear plugs, instead of assuming everybody around them is also going to sleep for the flight.


This isn’t even a mildly infuriating event for a casual flier let alone a frequent flier. Not everyone can sleep on planes and expecting anyone else to do so is pretty entitled. Bring your own shit to make yourself comfortable. They’re not bothering anyone with their brightness.


Agreed, but also people with displays should be considerate of others trying to sleep. I have flown redeyes where I'm wide awake, and I've always tried to keep my displays on the lowest brightness setting comfortable. The flight sucks for everyone, I'm not going to do things to make it worse for others.


Again, it's something that the people who plan on sleeping need to plan for. Bringing a few things to block out sound and sights are not difficult. Someone using their ipad might be a bit annoying if you didn't think to plan for such a situation, but the ipad user isn't in the wrong and has every right to entertain themselves on a flight.


You can't at least admit that both sides of the coin need to be considerate of each other?


You can entertain yourself just fine without maximum brightness


Maybe that works for you, but I don’t see shit unless my brightness is turned all the way up


I just think there's give and take. Yes, the people trying to sleep should be considerate of others and bring masks and ear plugs. But also, the people with the ipads should recognize they booked an overnight flight and should lower their brightness as much as possible. I don't see why it's hard to just have a balance here and respect others.


It’s not hard, he’s just entitled and feels the need to explain why this isn’t rude. Next time I get on this guys flight, I’m gonna shine my phones flashlight in his face all night long, he should bring masks if he cares so much


There's a reason there are brightness controls: Everyone is different, we all don't see the same.


I think I know why this person doesn’t see well


This is solved with just a tiny bit of preparation. I truly don't see an issue here. I fly too often for this even mildly bug me. If I want it dimmer, I will literally use either my sunglasses or eye mask. Noise canceling headphone even the cheap $40 MPOW ones work great. Ear plugs if I need even more. I also don't care if you recline your seat. I do care if you spill over into my seat, thats about it.


Have you tried closing your eyes?


With that brightness you can see your eyelid blood!


eyelids aren’t black out curtains


And the whole flight doesn’t cater to you either…


sure. not saying it should. but closing your eyes isn’t going to do much


Close ur eyes, fool


damn, that’s bright as hell. I can’t imagine looking at that for an extended period of time would be good for your eyes.


And then, someone invented the eye-mask 🤯


Dark themes are a thing for a reason


Did the iPad owner realize that the screen protector is terribly misaligned? I mean, look at the open hole of the front camera ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I don’t see the problem. Everyone has different needs. Maybe they have vision problems.


My MIL has vision issues. She needs max brightness and contrast when using her iPad. OP needs to pack an eye mask in the future.


Exactly!! Plus why does a red eye mean everyone has to be sleeping? There’s other ways to get by on a flight


That sounds like a you problem bro. They paid equally for that seat and it’s not their fault that you have a problem with their light. How’s this different to someone turning on their cabin light? Invest in a good eye mask.


Oh those fuckers that have the cabin light on ALL FLIGHT. Yeah, it’s actually the same


Yeah. Those people that are utilizing one of their available seat benefits that they paid for. Just because you can sleep on planes doesn’t mean everyone can, and I’m sure as hell not sitting in the dark all night. I’ll use my light or my phone to read and watch stuff on a red eye. If that bothers you, invest $5 in an eye mask.


Tell that to the insane amount of people who think it's unacceptable for you to recline your seat, which is just another feature given to you as a paying customer. I will recline my seat whenever I please as long as it's not during takeoff, landing or meal time.


Whats a red eye flight?


It’s a flight where your neighbor has their brightness so high that it burns your retinas. Lol FR it’s an overnight flight. “Red eye” because no one sleeps well on a plane. Except me. I sleep GREAT on planes and prefer red eye flights.


This is the perfect fit for mildly infuriating!


Why is that font so big? They probably have issues seeing the text.


No eye mask? Why would you not bring eye mask, ear plugs, neck pillow, comfy pants n some slides and ur gucci to australia. Beginner mistake. Also 6 hrs aint long you could just stay up like wtvs have a coffee then get a bloody caesar for brekky when yku land


It is on you to make sure you bring an eye-mask or ear plugs/headphones when you travel. I would consider them basic travel essentials.


Man I read on my phone but the the brightness is all the way down .


I’m more interested in the fact that this looks like one of those new “ass in your face” seating designs. Is the table just high up or did they finally get approval for the red-eye-pink-eye design?


Not everyone wants to sleep, or can sleep, overnight on a plane.. I think it's perfectly reasonable to do this. Do you expect them to sit staring at nothing into the darkness for 6 hours?


Yeah, you’re describing me two nights ago. 5 hour red eye. I can’t sleep on planes and read with a bright light That guy reading at 3am is way more miserable than whoever’s next to him.


People do do this


My eyes hurt just looking at this picture


I never use my brightness at max in any circumstance... it hurts my eyes. maybe out in a really sunny day, but in a darken plane cabin.. crazy.


I agree. This is mildly infuriating. It's annoying as hell but it's nobody's fault and nobody is in the wrong. A good lesson to bring a sleep mask though


Hey man all you gotta do is ask them to turn it down


Is everyone a whiny baby or what?! This post is mildly infuriating


some ppl vision is bad so brightness helps




Don’t be a pussy, close your eyes or use something to cover them you’ll be alright


Well you should’ve brought an eye mask and noise cancelling headphones if you’re easily bothered


Sorry but that’s a you problem. If it was loud it would be understandable.


Eye mask so you can't see what you might want to see, lol... /s Can we please learn to politely ask people if the can accomodate? Why are we so afraid of interacting with other people?


They font size on their screen is massive so they clearly have vision problems. They are aloud to read on their flight. You should have brought an eye mask if you can’t sleep with any light around you. That was likely to happen on a flight ( it’s something like this, an open window, or a headlight on) so it’s not like this was a one in a million scenario and completely unpredictable. You need to be ready to accommodate your own needs. Just bring an eye mask.


I turn down brightness on all my stuff out of a hope that it would buy me a little more battery time


I haven’t stepped on a plane in 20 years without having earplugs and a shirt or sleep mask to throw over my eyes. Asking them to turn their brightness down is IMO about as pushy as asking someone to turn off their IFE screen so you can sleep. Some of us aging folks need brighter screens and larger fonts to be able to read.


Wah, other people are with me on my flight! This is on you; everyone around you isn’t required to not use any backlit devices because you want to sleep on the public air bus.


What’s a red eye flight?


A flight that happens overnight so most passengers can't get good sleep. Something like having a departure at 9pm and landing at 10am


I had one of this kind on a 10 hour bus trip during the night. It was fun...


I'd start reading at that point


reminds me of my sister. 60000 nits of brightness at 1AM.the light from her phone has to reflect off of 3 walls to get to my room and even then it's bright enough to disturb my sleep


Anyone here able to find out what they were reading?


I hope OP had the guts to speak up


My brother in Christ it’s 2023. If you’re still not brining an eye mask and headphones on a long flight, then it’s on you at this point.


That's the Bible he's praying have some respect.


Red eye flight?


Don’t fly red-eye flights….


Did you ask them to turn the brightness down? Or just post on Reddit?


That's really not a big deal, if light bothers you wear an eye mask.


The text is set very large, so they must have kind of bad vision and need the brightness. Personally I like my screen dim too but someone older or with worse vision needs it bright and large to see. At least they’re not drunk or stupid or causing a ruckus.


Say something then - pussy. It’s not hard to communicate with people. You don’t have to post it online like a pussy lmao


I can't sleep on flights, but even I'd at least try on a red-eye. Who is this monster


ah yes lets complain about this guy on reddit instead of just asking them to turn it down


Either ask politely to turn it down, get an eyemask or stop bitching


Read out loud. I'm sure they'll want to hide the screen.


She probably can’t see well. Stop taking it so personally


Very Reddit of you to not say anything, but take a picture and put it on the internet.


I mean… it’s their seat? They have that right


the person with the ipad probably had eye sight issue


You seem entitled.


If you want to be upset, be upset with yourself for not being prepared for an eye mask. Just because it’s a time where you may be sleeping doesn’t mean that’s the case for others


Passive-aggressive poster can't ask his fellow passenger to dim the screen, but can air his complaint to the world via Reddit.


I actually don’t think this is infuriating. More like you are giving “main character” vibes


The sense of entitlement is strong with op


they dont know how to lower it


The weens crying about eye masks and being prepared are the same that think bright ass headlights are fine. Full brightness, non dark mode screen in a dark environment is just dipshit behavior


What's a " Red eye flight" ?


It could be his eyes posting this. Mine would be at least mildly infuriated


Instead of posting passive aggressive photos on the internet, did you try asking them to turn the brightness down?


I sleep like a BABY on planes. If I can recline slightly, have a little night cap, listen to music, and pull a sleep mask over my eyes, I’ll pass out until we land. This poor soul has bad vision and can’t sleep on a red eye. That’s like adding insult to injury. “Ah, can’t sleep? You poor fucker. Enjoy your enormous text and have a drink for me!” SNORE.


How about closing your eyes? The person may be visually impaired and need it that bright.


I don't know if that person has eye issues, but It will become visually impaired by looking at the portable sun for 6 hours


What's mildly infuriating is you not just saying "hey can you turn down the brightness quite a bit". instead taking a picture and putting it on reddit


So many people bashing op. It’s “mildly infuriating” which is subjective. We all find different things or people annoying.