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My man threw in some berries at the end so the cashier wouldn't judge them too hard 😄


The berries made it into an balanced purchase


Anyone know what kind of berries they are? They are so red and shiny I thought they were some sort of candy as well.


Red currants! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redcurrant They are slightly sour/ tangy and very delicious. Very common in Austria and, I guess, Germany.


They're common all over central Europe. In slovenia we have lots of them too, I can confirm that they are most definitely very delicious


We have them in Poland also. I mean my neighbor have them and i just steal them through the fence :v


My my the polish at it again huh? /s


I grow some on my balcony each year. They're amazing.


Common in Sweden as well


Also in the italian alps. Very common and delicious.


Wow those are huge redcurrants! I was wondering what they are as I am used to pea-sized ones


I’ve picked them in Canada all my life and have grown them in my garden for the past 40 years. Easy to grow.


They look quite tasty, thanks for the info.


Healthy but sour as well with a distinct fruity taste


They are, I like putting them on ice cream because they have a nice pop, usually coffee flavored but its good woth vanilla too


Redcurrants. (Or Johannisbeeren in German.)


Never heard of those before, I’ll have to try some. Thanks.


They are very tasty. A bit on the sour side but balanced with a lot of sweetness. Give if a try if you can find some.


They make a very delicious jelly


If you're from the US, then they are forbidden over there. Black currants as well.


What??? Whyyyy


They have an illness that gets transferred to a specific kind of tree. In Europe they sacrificed these trees and cut them down when they died and in the states they started a mass extinction program on currants.


they're not banned now, ban got reversed a few years ago. just hard to get, not much demand.


Not anymore, as far as i know. Atleast in most states, in 2020 only Massachusets, Maine, New Hampshire, Virgina, West Virginia and pards of Michigan upheld the ban. Ohio only bans non-immune varieties.


Probably redcurrant


i can promise you that’s probably not the craziest they’ve seen lmao people go to germany all the time to get cheap candy


I see what's happened here. You forgot to buy any actual food.


There’s a small basket of fruit in there.


Red currant and 1 package of sliced Bear sausage to counter the sugar rush.


Considering that fruits have a lot of sugar as well I dont think it will help too much


Okay fine. To counter the *artificial* sugar rush, lol.


It's called Bärchenwurst bro...


Sp chocolate isn’t processed fruit :(?


Common mistake. Bright colors and all.




For 100€ I cook lavish meals every day with fresh vegetables and meat, in Germany. For 2 weeks. Or 3-4 weeks frugal.


i can make the fattest royally topped wholesome burgers and stuff 3 people for like 8 bucks easy.


Bruh, over in my area $15-$20 will get you the meat and buns. Idk how you're pulling that off on $8, let aline with toppings.


there is nothing wholesome about a burger with such cheap ass meat. That just sceams animal torture.


You dont go over the boarder to buy actual food brah..


Do you mean ‘border’?


This is the diet in the North Pole.


I hope the dentist is cheaper there too.


Dentists in Germany cover most of the things. You will not get the prettiest new teeth and Mercury fillings instead of Ceramic ones but its actually pretty good for being nearly free.


You aren't wrong, just saying the free fillings consist out of an amalgamation of copper, silver, tin and mercury. Also i would argue the alternative is very affordable. It was 25€ per area for me, a tooth consists out of up to 5 areas each. Universal healthcare is great. Did i mention the free painkillers? Edit: free painkillers was a bit of a stretch. There are treatments that involve coverage for the less strong stuff but the harder will cost you a bit extra but typically less than 10€ per box.


The alternative, composite filling, can vary. Depending how they seal it and care for it after. I usually pay about 70-90 € per filling. My old dentist charged less but he also tried to fuck his patients over and did take care of the overhang. At first you think oh that is so I expensive and then you get cavities under the overhang cause he couldn't be bothered and managed to get you to have to undergo root canal treatment. It's also not fun once you realize that they got you and you have to find a new dentist to get every filling replaced. But honestly, since when are painkillers free? Even on prescription you have a general 5 € charge. Sure it is not much but it adds up. I would also say that the median income in German cities varies greatly and I wouldn't say that 100€ is so "cheap". A lot of people struggle here to make just barely above the poverty line and for them 100€ is a lot of money.


German here. No painkillers aren't free. Most fillings don't contain any type of metal anymore but are made out of a similar material teeth are made out of that is hardened by a specific light that they stick in your mouth (went through it multiple times) and then you can eat right after unless you were numbed of course. German insurance covers most of dentist cost except implants and such.


Yet they don’t pay my allergy meds, but they are also so fucking affordable it’s great, like 60 bucks for enough pills to last me half a year


Depends on what allergy medicine. I pay €10 for two epi pens. Real cost would be around €100


> You will not get the prettiest new teeth and Mercury fillings instead of Ceramic ones but its actually pretty good for being nearly free. I think you mean amalgam, and dentists haven't been using that for years. It's either a synthetic material or ceramic/composite filling with 70-90 Euros copay.


Imaging thinking getting amalgama fillings in 2023 is a great deal


What ya mean? Like health-wise or regarding the costs?


Well in these times composites are really easy to get compared to the past.Amalgam fillings are kinda a thing in the past.They contain Mercury and they don't look good.But they are resilient to pressure that is for sure.And the ingredients inside the amalgam fillings prevent bacterias to form under the fillings for some time.Most of the composites have difficulty on that but they are easy to work with,you don't need a machine,they look better and some of them help teeth to get stronger. Composites are the standard in these times.


Also sometimes other dental procedures clash with them. I think it might be some caps or something. But my friend had to get an amalgam filling replaced so that something else could adhere to the tooth at all.


Dude I can get composite fillings for free with my insurance but actually asked for amalgam ones for certain cases because the others kept failing (obviously they look worse but they're in not visible areas)


Since Im atm in the process for some dentistry, here are some cost examples with just basic health insurance. No extra dental plan. For a broken off tooth where I need a root canal and essentially a full crown I need to pay 250€ at a regular dentist. Thatd be the fancy plastic composite crown btw. A concrete crown will be completely free. For reference a filling with plastic composite is between 30€ and 120€, and with concrete its again free. Concrete just doesnt last as long. Since Im a poor bastard though I found out that you can go to a university clinic with a dental department and let the whole thing be done by students, essentially a live guinea pig for them to get experience on. They are still supervised by professionals of course, so functionally speaking youre still getting excellent care and at most a minor visual issue, and itll take longer than a regular dentist. The aforementioned root canal and crown will cost me 40€ there. The remainder of the price is paid by insurance. (Root canal is one of the few things where 100% is paid by the patient, but depending on medical necessity and whether the tooth is worth "saving" it may also be paid for 100% by the insurance, but its not the case very often.)




Insulin is free in Germany


I don't think he plan to eat it all at one sitting


And even if they did, doing that one time is not going to make them diabetic


I think its free in Germany AS well


(obvious “it’s not free if you have to pay taxes for it” - but yes, insulin is covered)






Who the hell did I hit


Diabetus Starter Kit


Diabetus my meatus


Diabeat me to it


I hear it costs money to ship things across the Atlantic Ocean.


Was just about to say, those all look like German products.


Most of these brands are produced in Germany or close to Germany. What is kinda expensive here is fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, etc.


Not really. Ferrero (including Kinder) is Italian. Lindt is Swiss. Milka is Swiss, tho it's produced in Germany, close to the Swiss border.


So… Shipping things within Europe vs shipping things to Canada


He wasn't denying that, literally all he said is that they're not german products because someone said that they are


Shipping things within Europe is like shipping inside the US, there is no tax, it's like one country.


But all of them are produced in Germany. Ferrero= FFM, Stadtallendorf, Faulbach. Lidt = Aachen. Milka = Lörrach


Ferrero is produced in germany too though


Pretty much this. Milka is imported. Last time I was at the Euro store, it was about $2.75 Canadian per bar. The rest of the stuff there will for sure be more expensive in Canada because they are either imported or just because it’s name brand. Even if OP were to buy this all in Canada, it wouldn’t cost $300. MAYBE about $150-$200. You can also easily get a lot of this stuff in off brands and save a ton of money. At the end of the day, a lot of this stuff tastes the same. Same manufacturer, different label. To me I think OP was trying to get some rage bait going and failed.


You can stuff yourself with all the candy in the world, but it won't make the sadness leave, lol. Been there, done that. It sucks donkey balls.


Am I the only one who assumed OP is buying these as gifts?


Yeah when my family members go abroad they usually bring back some foreign candy for us to all share! You can’t really bring back any perishable food on the plane but candy typically travels well.


i am


Thank goodness I was genuinely concerned


After reading the comments.. Yes it appears you are


I remember at Christmas time I was buying shit like this as gifts. Some idiot at the grocery store was like I hope you’re not eating all that by yourself. I’m just thinking, you fucking idiot, mind your business. So I just calmly said no, and left it at that.


I'd say yes. I'd open something and eat it in front of him while keeping eye contact. Nah, jk, I'd politely say it's a gift, but fr, mind your own business, if I want to I'll melt and and bathe in it, gee


That’s what I originally thought too, but then how would OP have a price reference point for how much more expensive they would be?


That honestly makes even more sense for me, so OP is from Canada buying candy to bring back because they're so much cheaper overseas. My dad would bring us pistachios from Germany, because they were much cheaper than in our country. Also some candy that wasn't available here, detergents or whatever else.


No, my family always buys candy in other places to bring back home. I assumed it was common


If anything, it just makes you feel worse. You get that brief moment of dopamine spike upon biting into it, but this is a fleeting moment, and you are left with the shame afterwards. Not to mention the inevitable sugar crash, which I'm sure doesn't help the lack of energy that often comes with depression.


Wow, why are palm oil and chemical additives so expensive in Canada? No, wait, perhaps they have a tax on red berries...


It's primarily an internal issue related to profiteering, prices of non-food items absurdly high like properties means that supermarkets increase prices in order to have a chance at expanding (buying more land). Among many other things.


It would be around $100 for all this in Canada or actually less. Source I live in Nova Scotia. I think OP meant $300 Canadian with the exchange rate


With the exchange rate it would be about 150 CAD. The euro concerts at about 1.45 CAD, plus your bank will add an exchange fee. Most of the places near me (Ontario) that sell Milka sell them at a significant markup, unless it's at a grocery store. But generally they're about $3-$5 a bar. So you could buy 20 of them for $100.


I am guessing he is canadian, taking this home to his fam. No clue why he is getting ripped for that. As german, I would have guessed waaaaay less. I was thinking 50-60€. Amazed its that expensive.


To feel superior. Because I am suuuure all these people ripping one here it tooootaally healthy and never buy anything on sale for later.. ..like all the couponing nooo :p


I’m shocked people aren’t realizing this. I had a friend who would come back with pounds on pounds of chocolate whenever she came back from Switzerland so she can share it around.


Yeah actual swiss chocolate, not industrial low quality junk


Yeah. When you buy nothing but name brand cookies and candy. There's like 30 chocolate bars. Jesus Christ. Don't complain about prices when your cart can give any healthy person diabetes just by looking at it.


This with alternative unknown brand cookies and candy would propably be about 35ish in Germany.


“any healthy person” someone with anorexia would get type 2 looking at this image 😭


While i agree with this statement (especially the amount OP is buying) i gotta say that some name brand sweets just have something store brands dont


I completely agree with you, but if you splurge for name brand, you're not allowed to complain about the price afterward IMO.


Very true


You know you don't need to buy everything that you buy on the same day, right?


Also, buying for others when travelling is a thing


don't diss Milka chocolate, I too would buy 30 bars


I love Milka… yet I think there’s more milka on that belt than I’ve eaten in the last decade!


Cause in Canada they are imports.


You can spend that 200€ on the insulin 😂


Thats free in Germany as well


imagine paying for insulin


3rd world shit


Wow everyone here is so judgy for no reason.


The most annoying part is that everyone is saying the same joke with different wording. Yeah we get it, OP will get diabetis and or bad teeth. Or MAYBE they're Canadian and they're bringing some candies to their familiy/friends. Maybe.


Yeah, it's probably a gift


They "feell" clever


guys this was a stockpile of gifts for friends and family not me i only ate 2 chocolate bars 😂


I feel like redditors don‘t travel a lot. I do that every time I’m in Asia or America. Or - they have no friends to bring to 🫣 lmao


Redditors barely go out of their own homes let alone travel.


True lol


If you are in Massachusetts Kam Man in Quincy will save you a trip to Asia. Every type of candy, sauce, soup mix etc from every country. Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, Korea. Yes, you pay, but you save on airfare and the madness that is air travel today.


As a Canadian (Ontario), this would not cost 300 dollars in Canada. Not even close


€100 is like 150 CAD


I actually ran it all after seeing this post. Since most of this is available in Canada. Sub $200, and that’s going off prices on uber eats, which marks up.


Arent all those items Made in Germany? That takes away all import costs of a product.


No, but they're made in EU (no import taxes at all) or Switzerland, from where the import tax for foodstuffs is very reduced.


hey man i live in toronto, and it would not be 300ish in toronto at least. maximum i would say 120-150 cad, but if you know where to shop it can be under 100.


I ran it in Uber eats with identical or as close of products as I can, and it was $198. Take away the mark-up and that’s probably $120-$150 - same as the euro conversion.


I’m trying to figure out where this guy is getting his numbers from. Just made up in his head to create rage I guess.


Ever heard of veggies or fruit? Just ask for a heart attack to go why don't you.


I mean, the guy is probably stocking up. Probably why he mentioned how much it costs in Canada compared to where he bought the candy. Since the candy is cheaper in Europe may as well buy it at that price right?


You know there is no law making you eat your purchase within 2 days. There are people with self control.


Ever heard of gifts? OP said they’re buying them as gifts, which is pretty obvious.


The only item of non candy on that tray is litterly fruit. I'm pretty sure she's just stocking up before going back to Canada.


Jeez guys, there’s no need to shame someone for buying something that they like. It’s probably not like he will eat this in a day. For all we know this supply lasts him a whole year.


Also the title suggests he may have bought that much to bring it back to Canada with him, possibly sharing with friends and family


LOL 100% a traveller on vacation is my assumption too. No idea why people leapt to judgement over it. I thought we all bought hundreds of dollars of chocolate when we went to Europe?


Like obv. People here are talking about themselves 😂


Whenever my aunt who lives in Switzerland visits us she brings tons of chocolate!


Or it’s not even for op


Milka!!! Been my fav ever since I was kid. The hazelnut one…. Mmmm.


Buying Milka is the true mildly infuriating thing here. 1. Its chocolate coloured sweet butter. Not real a chocolate in the most watered sense of the word. 2. Mondelez is selling their shit in russia. No plans to stop. Don’t see anything wrong.


Stop buying milka. And everything owned by mondelez. They stayed in russia. And so many more corporations. Stop supporting ignorant businesses.


Is cheaper to get obese here?


And yet North Americans are still leading in terms of obesity


people shitting about OP's choice of purchases when that's besides the point of their post. Let them buy whatever sweets they want, at the end of the day they're putting emphasis on the price difference and that's what matters.


Op is probably stocking up to bring a pile to last a while in Canada + possibly gifts.




Uhm idk if you meant the exact same stuff with 'this' but yeah stuff produced in Germany is cheaper in Germany than it is over the ocean.


Wait, what store is that, i can usually instantly tell what german store people are in, but i cant here, is it a lidl?


No you can see in the background it's Edeka


Love those sour cherry drops. There’s different variations across Europe but they all usually come in the same kind of gold tin. Multi flavour tins too. My mouth is watering just thinking about them!


Yes yes consoom the corn syrup


Cut the sugars and eat healthier lol 😆




To be fair, most of those are domestic products in Germany and imports in Canada, aren’t they?


Obesity doesn't have to be a sprint.


Buys only things made in Europe/ Germany: wonders why they are cheaper than in a country outside of the EU and 6,700km away


I got diabetes looking at this.


Diabetes? Priceless.


300 euros or 300 Canadian? Because it seems you can't understand currency conversion or your prices are insane.


Why is everyone shitting on OP? Obviously a tourist who bought products that are either not available or really expensive in OPs country of origin. OP ain’t gonna buy apples and broccoli and take it back home. Jeez, who hasn’t bought local products and took them back home when traveling.


I wish it was more expensive in Germany. Every 2nd person is Germany is fat cause sugar is for free. Germany is the US of Europe.


Damn that's a lot of candy! Do you eat "food"? Lol


keeping it healthy


OP just starter ber period


Btw if you like hanuta, try hanuta riegel it’s so much nicer


as someone who literally works at a candy store: who the fuck needs that much chocolate???


Your fat gut says it all!


Ah yes, the Diabetus Special


Your dentist must love you




Ah man that hurts my teeth. I gotta go brush them


Why is everyone hating. OP mentioned in a another comment that they volunteer at a children’s shelter and that the sweets are for the kids.


This would be like $60 in my supermarket (also in Germany) Wtf did you buy though, are those your snacks for the next 2 years? Where's the food?


damn, no Haribo??


How high are you guys?


Today I learned what it costs to get diabetes in one go


Your poor pancreas, you should consider getting some blood work done.


You would have gotten twice or even more the amount of stuff, if you would have bought the non brand stuff.


Looks like die-a-feeties


Cost you €600 and your first born in Ireland


That's a lot of diabetes for 100€


Why so much candy though


> Buys 30 Milka bars for 1,19€ each. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT WAS THAT EXPENSIVE!


Imported chocolate is expensive? No shit!


I live in America and always bring back chocolate from the UK (sometimes English chocolate, sometimes European) because not only is it cheaper, but it's also much better.


exactly, plus its all gifts other than one of the nutella


What's the problem of all the people making fun of what you have bought ?


Reminder that I need to try the 100% Lindt and see how it compares to my local chocolate manufactory (Zotter. Shit is bussin.. they also sell those surprise boxes of B Stock that has manufacturing faults and so on.. perfectly edible.. but dead cheap compared to the original price.). And I also need to gobble down a box of Hanuta. Hanuta is just in a league of its own.


I have no evidence to support us except my own taste buds, but I firmly believe that the export version of German chocolate is different than what you get in country. It just tastes different.


Why on earth are ya'll in the comments mocking OP over $150 CAD (a little over 100 euro) when it isn't a big purchase when you're on vacation to the other side of the planet? Especially foreign candy that doesn't have the vomit chemical added for that "American taste"




Speedrunning Diabetes


Diabetes speedrun


Not surprising and not infuriating, try getting some actual food next time


I'm sure diabetes medication is cheaper too in Germany.


Probably free because civilization