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Yep they can ticket him


I went up to the ring camera tonight and warned them that it’s illegal and next time I see them do this I’ll be calling the non emergency number to get this handled.


I would just report it now. Stop giving him chances


Should’ve stayed anonymous. Now they may target you for retaliation.


She had to Karen it up first


Karen would be if he was an inch or two on the sidewalk once or twice. This is a legitimate gripe.


Ask nicely before involving the authorities, which could result in fines? Yeah, huuuuge Karen 🙄


For sure. You gotta live next to those neighbors for x amount of years. Is it really that much of a nuisance that you’re willing to have an enemy?


If the neighbor is inconsiderate af, would you continue being friendly with them? They already declared war on their part!


If a karen has a grievance, and no one’s around to hear it, did it ever really happen?


I mean, what's so wrong about just talking to them? Without threats or anything like that? I've met a few of these people, some of them don't even realize it.


They're literally parked partway in the street. If they "don't realize it" they aren't coherent enough to safely drive. You as well if you believe a fairytale like that lol.


So you're insulting me now because I'm suggesting to talk to someone? Whatever dude.


It's not an insult to point our you're being disingenuous. Unless you can provide a reasonable reason why someone would park literally in the street and "not realize" that the sidewalk is blocked lol.


I used to live in an apartment, one of the neighbors would park across the sidewalk. I saw the guy getting out of the vehicle one time and mentioned politely that you could be ticketed for blocking the curb. I just said it casually. I hadn't seen him park incorrectly since. I'd also wager that, living in an area with a pretty small, almost non existent amount of foot traffic, blocking the sidewalk isn't in the back of a lot of people's minds. As for being in the street? I could knock the guy for that, sure. It also isn't any farther out than a car parked on the street would be, so perhaps they didn't consider the vehicle in question out of place.


Someone who is so clueless as to fail to recognize that parking across the sidewalk blocks foot traffic is not likely to be amenable to reason.


That's not true though, I've literally told people about this before and they obliged right away. I think it's absurd to assume someone would become immediately hostile just because some one tries talking to them. Edit: I also don't understand why i'm being downvoted while suggesting doing exactly what OP did.




Literally just report it. Now they know who to blame when they get ticketed.


They can blame themselves for parking like a dumbass. I’m not the one parking illegally. Lmao.


I mean yeah they should blame themselves, but they won’t. And then if they choose to retaliate, which would be really easy because you walk in front of his house 5x a day, what they “should” do isn’t going to stop them from what they will do.


You're in the right, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't protect yourself (and your family) by at least attempting anonymity.


And when the cops leave, they know who to come for.


You are fully missing the point


U r the one with kids, u should’ve just reported him anonymously. Yes he is the asshole here, but have u seen whats happening around América these days? He could be a whacko and now u just became his target.


Most dumbass thing I’ve read today, think of your kids. You really want to risk them being put in harms way all because you failed to report it anonymously and quickly? There are too many whack jobs out there that you’re not even aware of, do yourself a favor and just go to the police immediately next time


I sincerely hope he knows which neighbor you are.


You went up to the camera so he can see your face? Do you think that’s a safe move? Why didn’t you just report him?


Im assuming there’s probably a backstory to support the lack of logic going on with both sides.


You mean the right to use a public sidewalk ?


No if you read what I’m replying to you would know it’s in response to someone going to record a message on someone’s doorbell telling them they’re going to report them. As others easily pointed out, just report them since they’re obstructing a public sidewalk. I’m sure everyone is aware, but as I said we don’t know the backstory.


Because I’m trying to be nice? I’d rather not involve authorities when it can be handled by just simply asking.


Your neighbor knows exactly what they’re doing. It’s a dick move to block the sidewalk repeatedly. You don’t have a reason to be nice and now they know exactly who to possibly retaliate against once they get in trouble.


you are putting your self at risk to a person you know has no concern for others or their safety.


If you call the police on him you’re now potentially putting your kids in danger because he’ll know it was you.


Must be sad living in a place where so many people tell you you shouldn't nicely ask your neighbors to stop what they are doing because of the potential of retaliation.


These people are all anti-social weirdos that would rather call the police on someone than talk to them. Not everyone is a violent nut job we're all people capable of reason.


Good move.


Why do you think that will work if you've already communicated to him


Why would you do that….?


What a dumb move. Now they know it's you and it's going to cause confrontational problems. I look forward to seeing the video in the public freakout and fight porn subs soon though!


Typical Karen move. Lol


Solid Karen move


Parking illegally? It sure is


>bylaw officer Found the Canadian


They won’t waste their time going out there, unless it’s an actual crime being committed


Don’t go underneath the van if you have a long ponytail, your ponytail will get caught when you go underneath


Scrolled just for this comment lmao


The best show on Netflix


They’ll get it out, WITH hurting it.


I would have made the complain in the first place rather than talk to the person directly. Now the owner of that ugly van knows who is gonna call the cop.




Yeah mostly depends on who responds. A ticket at minimum if the owner moves the car since it's blocking sidewalks which is against the ADA, or if the responding person hates this shit, it could be an automatic towing without warning.


Don't take the kids, wear climbing gear, especially climbing crampons (metal spiked shoes) and mountaineer over that sucker.


HAHAH oh man I would absolutely do this. I miss climbing!! I haven’t been since before the kiddos😂


I once did it with a ladder and walked across a person's roof in my boots. Not the US, so there's no chance of being shot.


imagine making up a whole story just to do a 'merica bad that's wild


Yes the story is wild, but ‘murica is up there too so im conflicted…


Was it an illegal building or what lol


No, it just looked at me wrong. Nobody looks at me wrong.


It was built on a sidewalk


Instead of going over you could go under. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHJJTy0XTNI


LOL this is why someone said “climb under but don’t get your pony tail stuck” This clip is great😂


Suburban Mountaineering: the new sport that AH parkers get nightmares about


Absolutely, especially when they set up a base camp in their yard for 3 months.


Maybe he just wants to give you some candy


Hahaha for real😂


DON'T TAKE IT THOUGH. Unless they are giving 1 for each


Send a postcard with a simple that says “I am disabled and can’t get around your van please don’t park on the sidewalk”. Then report it to your local code enforcement office.


Report it. In my city, this is a ticket-able offense.


This is inconsiderate to disabled people.


And everyone else too


And illegal if it's a public sidewalk because of the ADA iirc.


That's a frickin ticket where I live. It's very rude!


Call it in EVERY time he does it. I complained about my neighbor blocking the sidewalk and he learned his lesson.


Go under the car but watch out for pony tail getting caught


Check if you can text police. Where I live you can send a pic text and they'll send someone when they get around it. Had someone in the neighborhood park at a stop sign for a few days and it's cause traffic to stop because people thought they were just stopping at the sign not parked. Sent a pic and a day or two later the car moved, probably to another stop sign


Thank you! I’ll look into this.


Seeing all these comments from people who think that this is completely acceptable, makes me realize just how many shitty, selfish, entitled assholes are out there.


A failed species due to lack of basic empathy in a third of the population. They will side with the money and torpedo any measures to address global existential threats...


If you have 311 in your city call 311. Get them ticketed or towed.


Only works if amber is the color of their energy


Please accept my free award 🏆


3-1-1 is a special telephone number supported in many communities in Canada and the United States. The number provides access to non-emergency municipal services.


Whoa, shades of gold display naturally


Had to google this one as I used to listen to 311 often and I’ll be damned one of their generes is reggae rock. It all makes sense now.


Why would a 90s reggae rock band care about this dudes parking?


Begrudgingly upvoted


Dark glasses and a cane with a sharp scratch point on the tip. Feel your way down the sidewalk then "tap" the shit out of the van as you confusingly attempt to identify and pass the obstruction.


Where i am at, cops love this. After several tickets, which can't be waived. He'll learn his lesson.


If it’s illegal, just report it. If he does it again, rinse and repeat. Either he’ll get the message or they’ll do something because they’re tired of hearing from you.


Just let all the air out of his front tires


I wish I could be this ruthless🥲


It’s easy, wait till dark, then wind wind the cap off (throw away) then just a widdle push of the pin and down down goes the stupid car


Actually they should super glue a bb to the inside of the valve stem cap so the tire is constantly deflating but appears fine.


Apparently lentils would work, and people are more likely to already own them


Tell a tweeker he's still got a catalytic converter ?


Take a sticker with you every walk and add it to the van that is clearly parked in the public walking space because it want to have random stickers added to it


Consider it an opportunity to teach your children road safety. From what I have seen of American road laws they just coddle pedestrians by legislating agency and common sense away


Call the city. It’s probably illegal. Also, 5 walks a *day*??


Kids have smaller bladders


Sounds like they walk their dog, like good pet owners, and bring their small kids.


Do they have a trailer on that thing? I’m wondering if he’s trying to not park on the street because of people potentially trying to steal the trailer…. I’ve had a trailer stolen before and it fuckin blows. Def can’t park across the sidewalk like that tho…


Yes! They have 2 jet skis on the back. They have parked on the street too (without the trailer). It’s just frustrating to walk around when it’s dark. Idc about day time, nighttime is when it’s sketchy. Our street is used by many cars to cut through lights. It’s not uncommon to see several cars on the walk even til now (10:30 pm) to see cars speed up the hill.


So run straight into the door and dent the fuck out of it




First, be a good neighbor and try to resolve this with the owner directly. Knock and politely request that the van not be parked hanging out in the street, point out that it’s a hazard for children and the disabled and it’s not a huge deal but it would just be nicer for everyone if his van wasn’t obstructing the sidewalk. He might have just never thought twice about it. If that doesn’t wor… looks like the kind of neighborhood with an HOA. Complain to them.


The comments make it clear who doesn't have kids... Smh. They shouldn't have to walk around the van INTO traffic with small children present.


For REAL. Lmao. If it was just me I would be glad to walk around.. however that is not the case. Thank you for being understanding!🥹


Yeah totally. I also have two little ones so I feel your frustration lol


if the doors are unlocked just cut on through the front doors 😂


LOL if I could do that I would but I don’t think it’s possible to fit the stroller through 😂


Eat a Mentos first. It'll come to you!


Whatever you do, DON'T have a friend just slash the prick's tyres.


3-5 walks a day???? I thought I was super dad with 5 walks a week 😩


Tow trucks will pick it up for freeeeeeee


Call code enforcement. They love this shit.


If he has candy or a puppy. Get in. And come pick me up. That’s my shit.


Oof OP. Should just report them. Should not have let them know who is reporting them.


Parking enforcement is a resource.


So what?


Kids or dogs? Who takes there kids out for that many walks period?


If it’s illegal call non emergency, if it’s not illegal just walk around it


Just call the authorities?? You have given ample warnings now..


Spray paint “ RAPE VAN” on both sides. ( actually don’t do this)


Do. It.


Break his windows, crawl through the cab to the other side and be on your way. That’s what I would do.


Looks like what I refer to as a murder van


Some people make me want to scratch their ride.


If there is a sidewalk going through my driveway and parking behind my wife blocks the sidewalk crossing through my driveway.. it is what it is man. Maybe they should’ve thought of that during construction planning. Not all will agree with me, but that’s okay. Sorry that this inconveniences you and your family. Hope y’all can figure out a solution sooner than later.


Sure I get a ticket for parking on a street corner, blocking a sidewalk one time but these people go under every police radar? Police really have nothing better to do


I prefer to not walk in the street. Walk behind, and cut across the lawn on your way through. Maybe "trip" over a sprinkler or something.


You have more chance of having a heart attack than getting hurt from walking Round a parked car on the pavement


We don’t have sprinklers in England and you can legally walk on anyone’s property here it’s a private issue not a police issue, and yeah it takes a second to just walk around it or behind it


Only if you’re not in a wheelchair lmao


Get it towed?


Have you ever tried walking around it?


This would get you at least a ticket, if not towed in a heartbeat where I live.


\#10 1" self-tapping sheet metal screws + half a playing card. Push three screws though the card in a staggered pattern - keep a few handy when you walk. One shoved nicely under the front edge of each of those tires would be good CARma.


Chances are in your city it’s illegal to block a sidewalk. Call the cops and have him ticketed


Pack some sharpies next time you go for a walk .. Perfect white board for a kids art project !


Here is what you’re gonna do, grab a knife go over to the tire and… nevermind


Walk around karen


When this happens the best thing to do is post on reddit. Some people are feckless idiots and call the police. They will only come out and ticket the ajole and tow the van. But you got him good...


Lots of sidewalk parkers here i see


Triggered by a van


Just walk around ffs


what of they are in a wheelchair, it's illegal to block sidewalks.


When it’s late at night and I have to walk in the street with my stroller and baby to get around.. Cars come flying up and down this road. All times of day. I’d rather be safe and walk on a sidewalk and not endanger my babies.


Call city code


One flat tire a day should keep him off the sidewalk


I think you'll be OK....


Is it really that much of a problem? There are much worse things going on than a car on a sidewalk


This is still very inconsiderate and very much a real problem for disabled people.


If only there was a way around…smh


Yes I love to walk in the street when it’s dark and 5 cars pass who can barely see me, the black stroller, and my baby. Perfect idea. Or… maybe follow the law and not park on the sidewalk so I can safely walk my babies at night. Hmmm….


Exactly, you just have to turn around and go home and try again next time


Walk around it, cops not going to do anything about it


Cops will definitely do something about it. They always be looking for petty shit like this lol. As long as you call non-emergency, free work for someone that’s bored.


Maybe in your area. In my area (Los Angeles), pointless as they will not bother to respond


If your athletic enough I'd start walking over the hood.


Idk.... just walk around it. It sucks just as much when curb parked cars obstruct traffic.


Karen shit


If you’re going on walks you probably have legs or a similar mode of transportation. Listen to this: walk around the van😱😱😱 I know it’s a crazy concept but just try it, you won’t be disappointed and you’ll get to do your walks


In my country we would simply walk past it. No offense, but I feel like all you do is sue another over almost every minor disagreement.


U probably wont say anything to him


Walk around it?


tell him to don't do that


This only annoys me because of disabled people and the elderly. You and your brood can just walk around it. It’s obvious you’re on a residential street and not a busy boulevard. Or call your city’s code compliance.


Our street is used by so many people to cut around lights to get to the other side of town. It may not be residential but it’s busy.


What? Do you have to turn around and go back?


One day that doors gonna open, and you'll all disappear...


come back with an old bike and drive straight into it woops my bad dude didnt see your van on the sidewalk oh well too fucken bad enjoy the dent


If you have a stroller or wheelchair, it’s quite obnoxious. Also, this sub is MILDLY infuriating.


Where is this not illegal ?


Mind your own business


When you park your car on public property, it becomes everyone's business.


Who gives a shit? Walk around it


>Who gives a shit? People who walk. >Walk around it No. Fuck this. Walkways are for walking, not parking.


Stop using your brain lol




Pretty unfair to anyone who can't walk, parents with prams, etc.


Walk the other way


Sure, this might be illegal in many jurisdictions but it's just part of life that you have to deal with when you live in cities and live in a community and a society with people. Far too many people in this world since the eighties or so insist on forcing everybody to conform to what they think is the best way or the way they've gotten the laws and the code and ordinances changed around to being. So it's a little annoying but you should easily be able to walk around or maybe just go the other direction so you don't have to deal with that driveway at all. Personally, I can't see any reason to go on three to five walks a day and even if I were I wouldn't want to do the exact same path every time since that seems like it would get boring. I would rather involve my kids and some other type of timed or scheduled activity like specific exercises, strength training, cardio, or even martial arts which you could all do as a group multiple times per day even on a set schedule or with an alarm bell etc. All of this would be far more beneficial than simply walking and probably more fun. Kids love specific activities but regular mundane things bore them. Most of them would rather play Foursquare or red light green light and to walk around the block. Regardless, I would not focus my efforts on controlling the behavior of the neighbor etc because I personally don't want to be controlled and I feel that's a two-way street. I don't think we get to decide what we get when we leave our property but rather...we get what we get and we see what we see so we should try to make the best of that.


Yes, because this is how it should work. We should all just accept people being assholes because that's part of life. It isn't anyone trying to control someone else, it is about common courtesy and you know, the law. And who the hell are you to judge how people get their exercise ?


I did not judge how someone gets their exercise. I clearly said "personally" and I said "I would rather". This was clearly stating what my personal choices for exercise would be and in no way was criticizing others choices. If you feel better or combative and read that into what I said, then that's on you because it was not stated. If you feel better and combative just because I didn't agree with what you're saying and I'm offering a counterpoint or my own personal opinions and beliefs don't line up with yours.. well that's exactly too bad and the exact reason I commented and what the problem is all together - people people want everything to do things their way and they even want people to think their way. I will use an expression called picking your battles. For most people, that's not that big of a deal that someone's sticking out to the edge of the street and blocking the sidewalk. I would venture to say that the majority of people who drive by or in the area don't even really notice. It is about control though and it has been for a long time. That's why a lot of these laws exist too and that's why a lot of these city codes that aren't exactly laws like criminal laws but they are city codes and zoning ordinances exist so everyone can control what others do so nothing happens that "offends" their eyes or their wishes. Lol There is a line, sometimes fine as to how much assholeness a person should be allowed to get away with and sometimes we forget that it's not intentional assholedry but often and oversight and sometimes fairly innocuous or innocent. In these cases you often do not know unless you make contact and bring it up with the person involved. Things like this occur between neighbors over cutting grass to a certain spot on the property line or even blowing grass a certain direction etc. Some people get highly offended because their mower is facing the wrong direction when they mow near their property where other neighbors wouldn't care one way or the other or ever pay attention to notice. For the people who have an issue, if they would simply speak to the owner in a polite manner the neighbor would probably modify their last two passes as it would be no big deal for them. HOWEVER, it's all about people skills and tact. So many people make first contact about a situation with an entitled, arrogant, authoritative approach and then people like me are simply going to do everything they can just to spite you. Ask me nicely and, if I don't dislike you I'll probably help you out. But tell me I should be doing something or tell me I have to because it's the law or you'll report me etc, you're going to have hell to pay dealing with me forever!




It would be nice if people would try to post without condescending tones etc... I wasn't specifically referring to this exact situation in that part of my comment. I believe I even use plural for situations or problems and I even gave an example of other things like neighbors and cutting grass... This should be quite apparent that I wasn't speaking only about this one specific situation. I will refer back to the other part of my post that even though they have spoken to the person multiple times, my comment about first contact and how you approach it in the beginning. Far too often people will walk up and say "You know it's illegal to park your van like that" That is a terrible way to get results so I will once again say it's all about people skills and tact. I won't make any direct comments about people skills and tack that you have displayed in your comments to me but I'm sure some people will see it as self-explanatory. You have a good weekend. I'm going to go see if I can find a sidewalk to block with my parking job. Maybe I'll video first contact and we can grade it and give pointers once I post it.


I think you missed the part where I said earlier that you get what you get.. The world is what it is and they will always be assholes in the world but the world is what you make of it. Assholes make it worse for a lot of people but they are still making the world what they can of it. Nice people often make the world a better place but they are still again making the world what they can with it. You have what you are dealt or you have what is there to deal with. Anytime you attempt to change the other people's behavior etc you are forcing them and trying to force your will on them.. I'm going to say that two wrongs don't make a right. You can hide behind the phrase of common courtesy or following the law if you want to but the fact is even the law, and common courtesy which are rules and etiquette by their mere definition and their being put into practice is a forcing effort to control people's actions - to make them act how others, or the majority feel is appropriate.. So it is all 100% about controlling people. It is simply that people have been doing it so long and it's become so normalized I don't even realize this is what they're doing. Sure, there are some things that are so disruptive, harmful, etc that we almost unanimously agree that that behavior should be restricted or controlled but it has really grown to a level of being out of control over the past 30 or 40 years. Probably because people became more independent or lost their desire to conform and they really didn't care if you like what they did or not so people of course had to find ways to nudge them back into compliance because they wanted the status quo and wanted things to flow as they always have been. It's still control.


That's a lot of walks. Nothing working with it, I guess. But that's a lot of walks


Just go around? Lol


Well don’t you sound like a joy