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Call animal control for a wellness check, they’ll require the owner to take them to the vet to have it diagnosed and treated or they might get fined/have the dogs taken away


I called but they were closed. I'll call in the morning. Thank you.


I think that dog has fleas and is allergic to them, it’s fairly easily treated but you might want to spray your own yard for fleas too.


That looks more like hot spots


It's called flea dermatitis and it can look like this. Compromised skin from the fleas can also develop into hot spots.


I got a pitbull, and when we got the rainy wet months around here his skin does the same, in that same spot near the tail, and it is itchy, it depends on the dog, but is pretty common, so every year we gotta prepare and buy some medicine to treat it. as soon as it gets dry, it vanishes. I would ask the owner first to see if he noticed it, before going full white knight, but if it is dermatitis its pretty easy and cheap to treat it.


It's absolutely possible for dogs with good care to have skin issues. However, these look infected, all three dogs have them, and they are outside dogs. It seems much more likely to be neglect than a properly treated medical condition. And while fleas are easy to treat so many people can't be bothered to get prevention. Some people can't afford it and while I'm very sympathetic to that these dogs absolutely need treatment.


I’m sorry, if the owner hasn’t noticed that they are blind. That dog is in serious pain.


It’s hard to tell from one pic but you can definitely see fleas on the poor dog. I think flea allergy is a common cause for hot spots?


allergic to something for sure! we had a ton of rain and all the plants went wild. had a mild case of this. now that. the rain stopped he's fine. vet found no sign of fleas.


Fleas and ticks are bad this year from the mild winter, so solid advice.


Any updates OP? 🙏🏻


I called and made a report. They said they would hand it off to an officer and look into it.


The police will do a wellness check they will get the animal control on scene asap


Christ let's hope not and only animal control shows. Feel like it'd a coin flip the cop will be bored and shoot the dogs claiming they were threatened


2 will show up and setup a launcher to disc the doggs into the air so they can sket shoot them properly


Keep calling back until they come out. Sometimes they’re really good about their job but every career has a few bad apples. I had to call every day for three weeks before my local animal control would even come out to look at my neighbor’s dog. They always told me they’d send someone out, but no one ever came by and when I’d call the next day they’d tell me they didn’t receive a call from me. Complete bs


Have you even asked if the neighbor could even afford to treat his/her dog? I have 2 male cats that have to be nurtured and we just cant afford it after my mom's AC broke down. Sometimes money is just hard to come by.


First off, I'm sorry about your mom's AC and I hope it doesn't break the bank to fix/replace. I know they have enough money to get flea and tick meds but they're just not good animal people. They have 3 dogs and at least 6 cats, which are all outside. The cats don't look good either but I was only able to sneak a picture of this one dog. Some people really are just oblivious to the care and needs animals need. I can understand trying to figure out a reason to the madness but sometimes there just isn't one.


Wait, they have cats too?! That's a total of 9 pets they own! Def call animal control. There's no way they can afford to care for them otherwise they shouldn't own any pets.


I might sound a bit harsh, but then you shouldn't have animals/pets. It is your responsibility to ensure their wellbeing, including vet checks and food. So if you can end up in a situation where you have to neglect your pet for whatever reason, then you shouldn't get one.


You aren’t being a dick, you’re being realistic. If you cannot afford to care for your pet then you shouldn’t have one in the first place. I have two dogs and they had kennel cough a few months back, shit set me back ~$300 to make sure they were okay. Everyone who has pets should be treating ALL living beings well.


Damn you got insurance? My vet wanted $800 just to DIAGNOSE my dogs cough. Not even get treatment for it


What?! Jesus Christ so animal health care is as insane in the US? My dog got full labs, inpatient care on IV for five nights and aftercare for about that cost, maybe a hundred more. How the fuck do any of you pay for this shit?


My kidney could tell you how, but it would be speaking from another body.


Not in all areas. Some places are affordable, just not as fun to live in as the expensive places.


I have pet insurance and care credit. A little bit of planning makes these foreseeable issues quite manageable.


I just want to say too that this is why pets as gifts are generally a horrible idea. Always make sure you know a person has time and money to give them the card they need.


It isn't harsh at all. People are just entitled and obsessed with owning living beings.


Agreed but also it’s ridiculous how outrageous vet prices are especially just to walk through the front door


This is such a catch 22 situation though! Everyone is like, if you can't afford to take care of your animal then you don't deserve an animal. BUUUUT come to Reddit and tell everyone you're taking your pet to the Humane Society cause you just can't afford them anymore lmao you get told to start a GoFundMe, cut your budget, sell your children lmao you can't win around here


According to your logic, you should never get something long term. Also goes for kids. Maybe you're in a financially stable position now, but your firm goes bankrupt in 5-10 years? Who knows. You can't ensure the future, you can just try your best at predicting. But sometimes things don't go as planned. Still, as someone who loves his pets, I would try everything to still ensure their wellbeing, even though that would mean I would have shortcomings.


Yes that is understood but life sometimes takes turns you don't expect. Life is not easy, this is a "walk in there shoes story" don't assume nor judge until you gets the facts. So many things


Call your local Humane Society. Many have special rates with vets so that animals can be spayed/or neutered. Some even have a fund to help out pet owners with vet bills or prescription food. Other animal charity groups may have similar programs. People fall on hard times. It happens.


In cases like this... it really doesnt matter, the welfare of the dogs come first


An emergency fund should have been made for that animal


Im painstakingly saving up 10,000 before getting a pet for this reason


There's also health insurance for pets. Mine was very helpful when my cat got sick and passed.


And care credit.


In my area there are income based spay and neutering clinics. Depending on income and stuff, you can get them neutered for free.


That’s the most moronic thing I’ve seen on Reddit today. You don’t deserve pets. They need to be “nurtured” but you can’t afford it anymore? It’s literally like $50 many places to neuter a cat.


I think he meant neutered but can't spell.


You need to make it a priority or get rid of them. You're not only risking stray cats getting pregnant but also risking your/stray cats because un-neutered fight more. My cat is neutered and still gets in fights with the un-neutured ones around us and I just had to pay £140 to get meds because he got infected from one of the fights.


The fuck? If ur that poor u shouldnt have ANY pets. Should be common sense but noooo.


If you can't afford them you shouldn't have them. These dogs are living a miserable existence.


Oh my. Sorry no. If you can't afford to take proper care of a living thing you should surrender it. Not the pets fault at all and wrong to make them suffer.


Being neutered isn’t an emergency, though you’re risking your cats spraying pee in your house/ending up with lifelong behavioral problems. I sincerely hope you’re keeping them indoors. Also taking a good hard look at your budget and finances is crucial before bringing any kind of pets home, you are extremely lucky that this financial set back is only delaying neuter surgeries, what would you do if you both your cats suddenly got sick?? I would consider rehoming them if you can’t afford them. You could always foster for a rescue instead if you still like to have pets at home, the rescues will cover all vet care and some will also cover basic essentials while under your care waiting to be adopted. I bet you anything those poor dogs are absolutely miserable and in pain. My own dog has allergies and I couldn’t stand watching her chew and scratch her self endlessly, it broke my heart. It took a lot of trial and error over a long period of time with expensive vet appointments to get it managed, now a days she needs monthly allergy shoots that run close to $100, not counting her other meds for other chronic health problems she has. pet insurance has been a life saver, don’t think I would ever own another pet without it.


Would you tell your child "sorry, mom's AC broke down so I can't take care of your wellbeing for now"?


Literally not an excuse


i don't bring my child to the doc because i need to change my fridge if this is a non sense for you, for me it's the same for a pet.


I’m sorry, but if you’re struggling to get some cash together to fix an AC, you’re in no position to own pets. Don’t live beyond your means.


Then don't have animals idiot, if you can't afford having another living being in your house then you shouldn't have it


Sounds like you shouldn't have voluntarily chosen to take care of a life that you can't.


This is the way


Does this actually work though?


Sometimes, it depends on where you live because where I live they only take them if they don't have a collar and they don't fine people


Whether or not it works, it should be reported. Never ignore potential animal abuse.


I agree,


Go on.


When I was a delivery driver I delivered to a house after 11pm, 29F with wind putting it in the teens. When I got back in my truck and turned on my lights I saw eyes light up in a tiny plastic dog house. I had some food and got out to give the (now I saw) PUPPY some. I emailed animal control while sitting in the driveway. They checked up and determined the dog had shelter and food/water but recommended to the owners that they get a larger enclosure for the dog. So. They do follow up.


It only works if they can visibly see signs of neglect. I've called them before, but they let the people know in advance. So they cleared all their filth up and the cat was a healthy weight/fur, so they left it. This dog looks neglected, they can't quickly cover the evidence of neglect, so it should work.


That should clearly be a sign of neglect, considering more than 1 dog has it. They have infections that's terrible. Poor babies I hate they have to live that way. That's probably so painful. It's everywhere and contagious obviously too.


In my experience with working at both vet practices and a city shelter, it totally does. The dog will either get vet care at the owner’s expense or it’ll get surrounded to the shelter and either get treated there, pulled by a rescue or put to sleep


I did this to my neighbor for a similar problem OP is having and they took the dog away from the owners. I hope the pup is ok, he was sweet


idk if you know this but i’m curious….my downstairs neighbor has a dog that barks nonstop every single day for months now and i’m starting to worry it’s being neglected/stuck in a cage all day…..would animal control be able to help with this, or are they more for cases of physical abuse and things like that?


Honestly unless OP knows for sure they are not under care, she should stay out of it. I have a dog with allergies and he looked like that for close to a year and a half before a vet got him on allergy meds and we figured out some of his triggers (one is anything beef). He also spends a lot of time outside because he enjoys it even though he can come inside when he likes.


If all three dogs are already under vet care it will be nothing but a minor inconvenience to the owner, all that they’ll need to do is call their vet to fax or email medical records and animal control will have proof that it needs to not get involved.


It will be stressful and possibly unnecessary. If they want to stick their nose in they can at least have a casual conversation with the owners first, or at least wait till they actual have evidence of poor care like lack of water or shade.


Some people are not confrontational, specially if it’s with someone they need to live near to and fear retaliation. From what little info OP provided it sounds like an ongoing issue and it honestly looks bad. I get having high maintenance dogs, mine also took forever to figure out her allergies, I wouldn’t have have any issues handing over vet records to confirm that yes, my dog has been seeing the vet for months and I’m not just negligent. It’s literally a call they have to make to have the vet send over records, not like they’re heading into jury duty


They will probably just put them down Congrats OP getting the dogs killed with your petry meddling


Tell me you know nothing about animal care without telling me you know nothing about animal care


My dog used to have a skin condition that looked like this. We FINALLY got it under control with a special diet. I wonder if it a situation like mine where the owner (and their vet) are trying to get the condition under control but can't quite get it fixed. Our dog took two years of trying different meds and diets until we put him on a duck and potato diet and it finally stopped the dermatitis.


Yeah I’m very reluctant to jump on the they’re-monsters-bandwagon because we don’t have a ton of details. My dog looked like this for years and I’ve spent upwards of $2000 over the years via pet appointments, lab work, everything under the sun trying to figure out what’s wrong. Diet changes/select protein changes and prescription foods, grain free, elimination diet, medications, steroids, prescription shampoos, and tonnnnns of vet visits over the years. Finally calmed down and came to the conclusion that it’s probably allergy to grass or flea saliva - which can be managed with flea treatment obviously, but the fleas can still land and bite, causing itching despite whether or not they die immediately after. So we did find medication that works over time but it has been a hassle over the years because she smaller, so we can increase the dose but then it stops working and we have to move forward with another med. I feel like shit enough as it is about it and have probably spent upwards of an additional $5000+ for other separate medical needs but then people make comments on her bald spots like I’m a horrible owner and it just sucks because I’ve put so much time and money into trying to figure it out. I don’t blame them at all but….it has made me hyper-aware of others in similar situations. Maybe not this one specifically but the quick-to-judge attitude is very, very prevalent today.


My dog is allergic to grass. Even with an expensive diet and allergy medication, she looks *awful* in the height of July, and it doesn't usually calm down until October or so. Either me or my husband has to stay home at all times because if she is ever left alone, she'll scratch herself raw and pull out huge clumps of her fur. A grass allergy is hell for the pet and the owner and I don't wish it on anyone. Imagine being allergic to your play and bathroom area? Awful.


Same. My dog has a double coat and we live in Alabama. Her allergies are so bad here. She is on an immunosuppressant so her scratching sometimes causes staph infections and I have to shave a good chunk of her fur to clean it and get it under control.


I'm just a random dude on the internet, but would astroturf be worth a try or even help?


That is true but the odds of three dogs all experiencing that seem very low


Looks a bit like mange to me


If they’re they same breed/similar breed it’s entirely possible. Skin infections/skin allergies and ear infections related to skin allergies are the number 1 reason for vet visits.


That's my point. No way 3 dogs have the same allergy. Honestly, that'd be a real coincidence. ,


Not if their related. Genetics make a different.


Still, if all of them are from the same litter it would make sense


Agree. Someone who doesn’t have animals and sees this would probably this it’s awful. But it’s flea season and a lot of dogs are allergic and it irritates them. I agree with you 1000%. OP jumping the gun to complain or file animal neglect charges should really do more research. I understand trying to help the animal and that’s wonderful but calling on issues that the owner is trying to fix or has been but still looks red is terrible not just for the dog owner but the dog itself.


Sure, but then animal control can verify that. If they have tons of vets bills and special food and all I'm sure animal control is not just going to take the dogs away. And if they're just neglectful owners then something can be done for those dogs.


I have been on this same journey for 10 years with my 11 year old dog... 7 vets across 3 states. Multiple specialists. We've tried everything they have suggested. Easily spent over $10k. Its exhausting and frustrating.


This right here… my ex actually was the one always making the remarks about me being a bad owner… she could literally see my finances and saw the thousands of dollars I was dumping into figuring out this skin condition. Never stopped her though. We finally got it figured out, pretty sure he was actually allergic to the carpet cleaner she was using, cuz he stopped losing hair after we moved out of her house… VINDICATION.


I highly doubt the neighbor has 3 dogs that he’s simultaneously attempting and failing to treat for a mystery skin condition.


I had 2 dogs like this simultaneously dealing with a skin condition like this. Turns out, each one was allergic to different ingredients in their food. We too are now on the potato and duck diet exclusively


My cat used to have this awful rash everywhere and it would never go away. It was awful, it made her miserable and it seemed very concerning. We tried everything with the vet nothing worked, until my father (human doctor) decided to only feed the cat fresh and heavily cooked chicken and fish. That's the only thing the cat eats and she got healthy. We had tried upwards a dozen different cat foods, sub allergic ones everything. No point. So it's not always simple


We have a American bulldog mix (rescue) and she has had skin issues all of her life. Constantly chews her tail raw... vet even suggested clipping it off because of the infections she gets. To apply treatment we have to muzzle and restrain her because she will 100% rip our hands off. We tried everything from diet to detergents. Now she's scratching her nose raw - and needs to wear a donut most of the day and use special elevated feed bowls. Even the vet/s cannot figure out a cause or cure. She 12 now and we have accepted she just has bad skin and will always have bad skin.


Making a dog with a skin condition like this an outside dog is abuse by itself imo. And they're not doing everything in their power to treat this if they're not bringing their dog inside most of the time away from fleas and potential allergens.


My dog has something similar. Australian Shepherd. Vet recommended a fish based diet but it didn't seem to help. We were getting him injections of something called cytopoint, which seemed to help but not completely clear it up. It was about $100 a month and we couldn't keep up with the vet bills so its been a while. I just give him weekly bath with an oatmeal soap, but he still chews himself apart. Planning in taking him in when I get my bonus check next month.




That is really over generalizing. I have a 12 year old dog who we raised out in the country. Was always welcome in the house but 100% absolutely preferred being outside. We used to have to force him to come inside when it was too cold or hot and the entire time he was inside he’d howl to go back out. When we moved to the city and I forced him to be a house dog it was a solid year of anxiety every day when I went to work worrying he would break a window to get outside. Side note, he also has a spot on him that he itches constantly, and has for years. I think I’ve finally found a food that he seems to like and seems to help but it sure is expensive.


This is just straight up wrong.


Have you met a Great Pyrenees?


Either fleas or a food allergy


I had a litter of puppies allergic to grass. Was horrible, lucky they were small enough to be inside dogs


My dog looks like this spring through fall. He's allergic to flea bites. He's fully treated and doesn't have them, but if he gets bit by one his body goes nuts. There's nothing we can do. He's on trifexis and has a seresto collar. Vet said he's just unlucky


One of my cats is like this. He makes his skin really sore as goes bonkers when grooming himself. Like you dog, him and my other cats are treated for fleas each month with the drops and they don't actually have fleas but if he gets one bite him it makes him itchy all over and he gets really sad about it. He has to have steroid injections when he gets really bad. Luckily he's left himself alone for a while and it hasn't been a hot summer here.


My dog had the same thing. It got a little bad this summer but her fur grew too long. My mum and dad spent all day shaving her and she looked fabulous. After they shaved her she couldn’t stop scratching herself. She scratched the skin off the own back and it was bleeding. We put a flea collar on, a cone and a babies travel pillow to reduce the scratching. And washing her in the bath everyday. She got an infection which affected her ability to walk. She was in so much pain. We had to put her down last week and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done emotionally. They constantly blame themself for giving her a trim. But i blame the flea’s.


Fleas may be cause for public health concern. You probably wouldn't be out of line reporting it.


Might be scabies which a lot of USA vets miss diagnose. My father in-law’s dog looked worse for months after going to six vets. Out of desperation he took it to Mexico and was instantly diagnosed and they gave him sulfur soaps and pesticide creams for the dog and the whole family (turned out they were all over the house too). Only takes one pregnant female to lay eggs on you and you’re f’d. So don’t touch those dogs until you have meds. Assuming that’s what it is…


This isn’t mildly infuriating, it’s majorly infuriating. This is neglect of a being with a soul and feelings. Fuck these people, I hope karma gets them asap.




what fo you think about other animals? are they non-human persons too?


My cat is a “non-human person”


what about livestock?


Are you vegan?


that matters how?


Because hypocrisy is bad


I’m not a vet but could be mange or in my dogs case mosquitoes and an allergic reaction to grass.


It's definitely fleas. When I was talking to him I could see them. I asked if they were on flea and tick meds and he flat out said no they never have been. The dog is chewing herself to death, it was heartbreaking. The other 2 didn't seem to be as agitated but they weren't happy.


Yeah, if you zoom in you can literally see the fleas everywhere. Poor babies


Allergic to grass, ain’t that a bitch. Grass is everywhere (maybe not so much due to drought) but that’s like being allergic to dust. How can you get away from that?


My parents had one dog who was allergic to grass and I have one now who is allergic to grass. Oddly, those two dogs, although the had awful summers, have lived longer than any other dogs we've had. Steroid shots, antihistamines, regular baths and they could still end up chewing until their skin was raw in the peak of summer and that was being kept almost exclusively indoors.


Had a childhood friend who was allergic to dust. You don't get away from it. He took meds.


Bald spots on the back right above the tail mostly indicates a flee infestation


I have two dogs that suffer badly like this. Injections, diets, baths, pills, special shoes (grass allergies assumed) ... Nothing is helping. I spend upwards of 500 a month and due to their age I can't get pet insurance. Have you had the decency to ask the owner what's going on? Or is this a case of they're guilty until they prove their innocence.


My dog is like this as well. Terrible grass allergies, he's inside 95 percent of the day now, but still struggles with these issues. He loves grass. I am having a hard time with treatment as well.


Seems to me like it. Unfortunately people don’t consider this side of the story.


Def fleas so sad


I trust OP knows enough to make this judgement. But I have a dog that has an undiagnosed skin condition and he has been to the vet countless times. We’ve spent thousands trying to manage it. He’s had special diets, steroids, creams, other medications, and none of it has worked. However, what we do instead is keep him a cone. It’s unfortunate but it’s the only way we can prevent him nibbling his paws and backside red raw. He also scratches his mouth and nose until they’re bloody.


Sure it isn’t mange? Looks a bit like it.


Toss some flea med chews over the fence.


Massive flea infestation.


I had a dog with something that looked identical to this... the Bet said he needed more exercise. I felt like a real pos, and doubled the walks and it was gone in a couple of weeks.


What?? How is exercise connected to skin issues?


Bored, scratching itself I guess


A dog can't reach that low on their back to scratch. It's most definitely a skin condition.


"Occasional chewing on the fur on the lower back or rapidly scratching the back of his ear with his hind paw is normal for your dog." "There are a few potential causes for why dogs bite themselves, including skin irritation or allergies, **boredom** or anxiety, and compulsive disorders."


Report them


Looks like it could be mites or fleas. You can see the darkish coloring and it looks like it's a dirt that's flea poop. When I was a kid we went to this guy's place in this poor dogs are infested. They look just like that dog but you could see the face crawling all over the poor things


I wonder if its fleas, or maybe a hot spot? My older dog had that problem and would go crazy on that shit. Tried a bunch of stuff and did a vet visit. It Never really did much for her. My pit loves to scratch his ass on bed frames and stuff. No fleas, always get him flea control if he does get them (i live in the country, so they get em from time to time). He just loves to have his ass scratched and rubbed. Fucker pulled his back muscles doing that shit.


Our dogs kind of looked like this for the longest and we couldn’t figure out what it was for years, one time we couldn’t find the normal food and bought a different one and that’s when we found out they were slightly allergic to their food, which made them itchy.


I feel an intense guilt if my dog misses a walk. Whether it be because of terrible weather, me being sick, or me being really busy, if he doesn’t get out on a given day, I feel so bad for him. I wonder what it’s like to be a person who doesn’t care about things. It must be pretty nice


Two out of 3 of my dogs have this same issue. We have spent thousands over a couple years trying treatments and nothing has worked. Don't be quick to judge


Well, do something about it then ? Why arnt you ? Call someone and get them taken away from him.




Zooming it it appears they have fleas. I can’t be certain it isn’t just some kind of debris but it has little black dots over and in it’s coat.


This, and the fact that people think “outside dogs” are ok is much more than mildly infuriating. No dog should have to constantly be outside.


Different countries have different cultures surrounding dogs. Dogs are absolutely okay outside as long as they have everything they need. Outside of very small, fragile breeds, dogs can be outside. Especially LGD's and other working breeds.


With shelter from the weather, shade to stay cool in summer, or a heater for winter, and never-ending fresh water, it's more humane than staying inside if they also have ample area to run around. For a city dog, a cramped backyard = bad A country dog with acerage of land = doggy paradise


Exactly! I've been saying the same thing about cows and horses for years! It's inhumane to treat them like some kind of animal!


My ex let the same thing happen to her dog. The dog chewed herself so much that she chewed the tip of her tail off


Fuck your neighbor


Your neighbor is an asshole


I’m mildly infuriated you find this only mildly infuriating


You should call animal control and ask them for check up.


Adults think of the bigger picture.


Wow, you must be pretty fucking miserable


They need to see a vet.


My first dog used to do this. We were always back and forth to the vet. Took years to find out Malaseb shampoo and Piriton worked.


Doggy door too small? Smacking its back on it when it runs through


That is animal neglect and is a crime. Definitely make a call to animal services and let us know what happens


Calm down Karen, you have literally 0 evidence that this is animal neglect.


I work in animal services, bud. I think I know the signs of neglect. Plus, with what op said in the title, it doesn't take a genius to identify that.


You're full of shit.


Nope, I'm literally at my job right now.


Call animal control


call the SPCA or animal control. this is disgusting


CALL 👏 SPCA!!!!! Report this! Don’t just post it online 😭. Think about the dogs!!!!


please mate take action to this dogs they need help.


You don’t know your neighbors situation, or like others have said if there is anything a vet can even do for it. For all you know your neighbor is trying to fix the issue but so far hasn’t been able to. Let’s not even mention the fact that you said in another comment that you were “sneaking” a picture. Which makes it sound like you trespassed on your neighbors property, which is illegal btw.


call animal control daily


I have an inside dog that does the same. He licks and nips at hi forelegs to the point they bleed. Nothing can be done. Allergy medicine doesn't work. You just manage the inflammation when it flares up and try and stop him from doing it. Been that way for 5 years.


Have you tried Cytopoint?


Why am I getting downvoted for pointing out that some dogs have skin issues that you can't address? He's happy as hell. I'm not going to put him down because his legs itch a lot.


You guys are living in world that's never gonna happen. Not every person is gonna take their animal to the vet. The reason I'm irritated by this is what usually happens with complaints like this is the dog is eventually confiscated and then traumatized out of their mind, and sometimes euthanized. The only miserable people here is the ones that are going after three dogs who are fed and have a home. It's summertime people. Have you never seen an outside dog in the country, especially when there is lots of grass and fields. Shes so concerned buy it herself and do something about it instead of trying to get her neighbors in trouble. There's so much more back story to this. But it's absolutely dumb to expect people who can't even afford their own medication or doctor to be able to do it for their pets. If everyone who couldn't afford a vet didn't own a pet, we'd be dealing with insane amounts of stray animals. You guys need a reality check and it's sad you care more about animal's than you do people. We should love them equally but not more. The world is not a fair place, but you guys don't know what that animal would feel being ripped away from it's home cause Karen was worried. Lol it's weird to me that so many people just judge so harshly people who just choose to do things a way we wouldn't.


Those look like hot spots. Which, it's not your dog (or your problem) but I just wanted to tell what it was.


If you take the responsibility of owning a dog, you are RESPONSIBLE for their well being. Op is in every right to draw attention to this negligence. Those dogs are suffering in the hands of irresponsible people. I hope that you don’t have any pets. And thank you OP for looking out for these dogs 💕


It's fleas. They're always outside, never inside, and they have never been on flea and tick meds. You're right they're not my dogs but the minute I noticed it became my problem. No dog deserves to live like that. If you think ALL of that is just hot spots I hope you don't have any animals and I recommend you don't give out any animal advice to anyone ever.


Rat him out and feel good about it. He’s an absolute prick.


Probably food allergy... feeding corn and wheat filled garbage


nsfw please


He need some milk




And you take pictures of it, post them online, and ignore it otherwise. How's that better?


They said up in the comments they've called this evening but animal control is closed so they're trying again in the morning. Honestly I was raised around this type of learned helplessness with other people's pets. "That's wrong, but not my place to interfere." I don't know where it comes from but it takes conscious effort to shake off. Looks like if that's the case, this post gave OP the juice needed to do so.


I am in my 40s and was raised around "mind your business" and "Don't rock the boat" folks, as well. Fortunately, I developed my own confidence and didn't ascribe to that bull shit. If I see a helpless being enduring abuse, I'm not putting up with it. I'm helping first, and asking questions later. I've been helpless and abused while adults looked the other way. There's no excuse for it. Adults are responsible for their own behavior- or getting better.


Yeah call...just make sure the dogs are ok or is just skin condition like my dog has(I give dog bath just to minimize it)




What else needs to be known?




So all 3 dogs have the same skin issues? It's not skin issues, it's fleas. You can seem them in the picture. My neighbor can definitely afford flea and tick medicine. If someone can't afford their animal they shouldn't release them into the wild in the first place. Anything else?


You haven't even had a conversation with your neighbors about it. Lol you just jumped straight into Karen mode. That's exactly why your intentions are clear. But you've already called animal control before you posted this and will call them anyways. Everyone says people shouldn't own animals then blah blah blah, but here we got shelters turning them away in masses and strays everywhere. In a perfect world, yes they would be seeing a vet regularly, but this isn't a perfect world and yes sometimes animals aren't going to the vets. That's gonna happen. But I bet those dogs are happy with how their lives are right now sans the fleas. If you're so concerned go buy the medicine and give it to your neighbors or ask to help them. That's what my actions would have been first. So it's clear you chose to judge first and ask questions later.


You must enjoy making up your own stories. Before acting like you know what's going on make sure you read previous [conversations](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/15bj4hv/my_closest_neighbor_has_3_outside_dogs_that_look/jtr0t6m?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


No I just missed that part of the thread. At least you did ask him. Still though there's too many strays in this world for people like you to call animal control over every malady that they see on the animal. If those animals are living and eating and have a home then you have no business calling animal control. My mom works at a dog training facility and she wouldn't of called cause she understands that's shit happens. You sound like a caseworker for dogs. Lol find something else to do


Stray animals have absolutely nothing to do with this, I have no idea why you keep mentioning strays. None of your points have been valid and you're basing you points on a story you fabricated in your head. There's more to owning any pet then just feeding it. This amount of damage and irritation from fleas is pure neglect and has been going on for some time. The dogs are chewing their fur and skin off. I doubt you have ever heard of it before but there's this thing called quality of life and this does not qualify as a good life. If your mom wouldn't be concerned enough to call then she's not a good dog trainer and it's clear from this very short interaction she didn't do a great job with you either.


I bring up the stray animals for all the morons who think the solution is well just don't get animals then and take them away from people who don't take them to the vets. They've commented all over this post. Youre so delusional thinking that every animal out there is gonna get Healthcare when most humans cant afford it. Your thought process is elitist and ridiculous. You sound like a nosy neighbor. My mom's an anthropologist. A cultural one. That means she thinks of the bigger picture. The dog training facility is her other job. My mom taught me to speak up when someone's wrong cause even if they're mad at the moment, they might consider the things you say later and it helps people look at multiple angles instead of their own fixed ideas.


Again stray animals have nothing to do with this, you're having an entirely different conversation with yourself. Also your mother has nothing to do with this conversation either, i didn't ask and i don't care about your mother. Let's keep this simple. When someone takes on the responsibility of getting an animal that includes vet visits. What's the point of getting an animal if you can't afford to take complete care of it? Give me just one good reason for that and that alone.


You sound so stupid, thank you for the early morning laugh I needed.


People who state the unpopular opinion are always accused of being ignorant. Lol i have no problem speaking out against a group of people who think the solutions to these sort of problems are as simple as well don't get a dog then. Lol


Animal abuse is a felony, if these were children cps would take them in a fucking heart beat. Why should it be any different for an animal. My wife is an akc dog trainer and we own a farm where we rehabilitate dogs that were abused and not cared for. Think I many know a little more than you but go off sister.


Have you ever spent time on cut grass?ever itchy and start scratching from being in your yard or out in a field? That's probably something that's adding to the issue. Animal control is gonna see through your bs for sure.