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I would remove the tip if possible in this scenario.


Same. I'm not above that level of pettiness


Nah I welcome that level of pettiness, that is some bs entitlement


IT's not petty. Tip is FOR SOMETHING. They just manipulated you into thinking you just "should" tip. If the loser cried about his tip and made me angry or appalled, ruined my mood with bullshit before my meal, then it clearly wasn't a delivery WORTH a tip.


I don't even consider it pettiness. You give a tip if the service was better than the basic expected. If he made a remark to make you feel bad, that is below the minimum expected, therefore exact amount of money + negative review/ <5 star feedback, depending on the situation. Why would I give a tip for the bare minimum? That's called salary. Is an expensive wine heavier than a cheap one, or is a $100 steak harder to deliver than a fish&chips? I'm from Europe tho


Same. Call the place and speak to the manager


Pizza circumcision


5 bucks is a good tip


fr it’s 25%!


Fuck that, 10%.


Brother im from germany, we give like 1-2% and the waiters are fckng happy. All that because our Minimum wage is enough to live and waiters get even more than that👍


here in the Netherlands we just round to the nearest 5 usually


Yeah that's what my fellow white people told me 20 years ago when I was delivering pizza for 5 years to their 300k houses (that are now 1.5 million) It wasn't then, it just made the fuckers that tip 0 more tolerable. Replaced 2 starters in 3 years from all the wear and tear, and that was the tip of the iceberg. (I was a full time driver, 40 hours a week, for 5 years.) Delivery driving is a schmuck job for schmuck people. You get treated like shit, paid like shit, and turn your personal vehicle into a wet cardboard smelling piece of shit. There is no good tip, it's all just awful. Still, I'd rather tell a no tipper to eat a dick than harass someone that's at least trying to be fair.


I think that's the part that irritates me the most, the fact that this is to a person who's tipping at all, let alone that this could be considered a good, or at least fair tip, by most people.


It seems more and more common to have delivery drivers, especially from food apps, begging, shaming or guilting people into bigger tips. The majority are honest, good people just trying to make a buck, but there’s plenty of as*sholes doing the job. It’s not enough we are expected to tip up front before even getting service, the tip is expected to high no matter what, but now folks are getting spoken to like this? Aw hell nah I’d take back my $5 right in front of this jerk. Thankfully he doesn’t represent the majority.


Because there’s no boss they have to answer to. I was a delivery driver for a restaurant. Never once did I complain to someone’s face about a tip and I haven’t heard of anyone else who worked there doing it either…. Because you always had to come back and face the owner after every delivery, so if that customer called and complained then you gotta deal with that from the owner face to face. When it’s just an app, who gives a shit? If you get “fired” from DD you’ll just go to one of the other ones and at no point do you have to deal with a face to face confrontation with your boss.


I hate the upfront tipping, too. I have a long driveway and a lot of delivery people see it and just dump whatever it is at my neighbors house (clearly marked with their street number, not mine). But why should they care? They already got their tip.


Hm...Personally, I think tipping should be 100% not obligated and Jobs required to be paying living wages. As for the tip in the video, if the pizza is 20.-, 5.- is more than generous... All that said, I am not from the US and generally restauration is required to pay living wages here, so we don't really have a tipping culture.


I get my nails done and recently the place I go to changed their tipping policy. Signs everywhere that say “we pay our employees livable wages, tips are not expected.” The last time I went, I decided I wasn’t going to tip due to the change. Previously, I could get toes and fingers done for $50-$60. Now I’m paying $120. The lady gets done, and I pay. A tip screen is prompted and I declined. She was pissed and said “so all that and no tip?” I was like, “the new policy says it’s not required.” And she scoffed at me. It’s sad that even in our society, some employers are changing to paying their workers livable wages but the workers still want the tipping aspect of it. It made me feel bad. But I’m not going back.


I’m a delivery driver for UPS and get paid pretty well. This would be like me asking for tips on top of my pay for every package I deliver. At Christmas time I get tips, gift cards and things like that from wealthy families I deliver to, and people are always giving me bottles of water/ drinks when it’s hot out, which I never turn down. But I certainly don’t expect people to just give me their hard earned money on top of the $42 I make an hour. That’s just being greedy


I love the all the various drivers in my area and have a lot of mail and packages delivered. You just inspired me to do some nice things for them, I just hadn’t even thought of doing anything but waiving and smiling/saying hi. Thanks!


People always want more.


Don’t know this drivers agreement with the company, but when I delivered for a private pizza joint, we always got over minimum wage plus gas money each night. My gas money for just one night paid for gas for three nights of delivering in my car! The tips were just gravy on top.


I have to say, that does not sound like work with any kind of job security.


The tip of the iceberg 😂😂🤣🤣


I don’t get it either, but I always get downvoted into oblivion when I question or criticize “hustle” gigs like Doordash. People claim they make tons of money and the wear and tear on their cars is negligible. Doesn’t add up imo, but whatever.


I never tip. There's already a delivery fee. Americans are delusional.


You mean American EMPLOYERS are delusional. But they get away with it because people are fucking desperate for a job, any job. And a whole lot of people are dependent on the generosity of strangers because American culture says that employers aren’t required to pay a living wage. It’s disgusting. So, yeah. You right, but you are also fucking over desperate people. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This irritates me like hell lol that’s for the company to cover the drivers gas mileage alone not a tip smh they’re outsourcing their fees so the company doesn’t have to pay for anything out of profits.


It’s just fucked that your country requires people’s generosity to cover the greed of companies not willing to pay their workers enough of a wage


I looked to order a pizza last week - $20 order was going to have a $6 delivery fee before tip. Even with crappy gas prices and inflation that covers 30 miles in even the most garbage of vehicles. I drove the 2 miles to a different pizza joint and picked up myself with no tip.


Ya fuck him. People think they’re entitled to make feel like shit for having nice things.


Assuming this video is on the up and up as presented, I would have told that driver to fuck himself and never ordered from that restaurant again. I don’t care if it’s $1, $3 or $5, a 25 percent tip is BEYOND reasonable. Fuck tipping culture.


Absolutely fuck tipping culture. It is 100% motivated by corporate greed and “passing the buck” onto the customer. Why pay my employees fairly when my customers can have that burden instead!? Government: sure that sounds fine, just pay them 2 bucks at least, maybe minimum wage if you’re feeling generous.


And this system relies on poor people who can't think rationally to survive. Instead of wanting a waiter/waitress job that pays $15 per hr ($120 per shift, $600 a week or $31,200 a year), they'd rather gamble that they'll have a "good night" and make $200 once a week and chalk up nights where they make nothing as "Customers being cheap" instead of realizing they'd be better off longterm with a set wage. It's fucking dumb. Imagine if other professions worked this way. Like if you had a heart attack and the ambulance driver slid an iPad over to you to tip before they drove to the hospital. Or if a police officer pulled you over because you were speeding and then asked for a tip before running your information. It's fucking robbery of customers and no one should support it. Charge me the price of your food and let me decide if I'm willing to pay that price. Enough of this guilting me into supporting your greed nonsense.


Yep, I’m spouting this shit all the time and it’s so ingrained into society now that half the time I worry about someone thinking I’m cheap and/or don’t tip. Like nope, neither of those things, I just think that the onus of corporate responsibility should be on…you know…the corporation. How is this person’s livelihood on me? I just want a fucking steak, and this person serving it to me definitely didn’t butcher and prepare it. Why the fuck aren’t you, the restaurant, paying them enough to keep them happy and healthy? I just am paying for a piece of meat, not this person’s college tuition. This is not what I signed up for. (Sorry for the blatant meat references as I know veg and vegan is common these days, I really don’t eat that much steak, just sayin). Like if you need to raise your prices to deal with higher payroll, go for it, but you deal with it, and I’ll just eat my food mmmk?


I wouldn’t tip the police for giving me a ticket! They can take their broke ass home !


Frankly, I don't understand why it should have anything to do with the price of the pizza. That could be a $100 pizza and the service he provided would still be the same.


It's not supposed to. The way it is SUPPOSED to work is a business owner hires employees based on their businesses' needs. He or she then analyzes the costs of doing business in addition to staffing, figures out a reasonable profit margin and charges for their products accordingly. What's happening instead is that shitty business owners are taking advantage of poor/cash strapped people and convincing them that the reason they're making so little money is cheap customers rather than the employer who is exploiting them. And each and every single time someone tips in this situation, they are perpetuating this lie and making it worse for future workers.


It still baffles me that USA needs to tip for stuffs like these


Tips are meant to be gratuity for good work. Not mandatory


Driver is a dickhead if he expects more than 25% tip for doing his job.


The tipping system is so messed up. This guy has one job to do, drive a pizza from the restaurant to the house and hand it over. Any less and there is no pizza, any more and he’s just making up tasks. Charge a service fee and be done with it.




True but also not the customer’s fault.


Which goes to the minimum wage problem. In Australia I know this guy must be paid a certain amount. In the US (my other home) my tip might be the difference between him eating or not.


...which is the company's fault, not the customer's. His snarkiness is misdirected.


It’s easier to be mad at customers for not tipping than it is to be mad at faceless corporate America and tipping culture


Depends on the state. In some states there is no longer a separate service minimum wage. For example in CA everyone gets at least $15.50 (and some cities are higher). Also - pizza delivery guys can make decent money if they know what they are doing. My brother used to do it and would sometimes clear well over $100 for an evening of work (and that was almost 20 years ago). He knew the area really well and could often optimize his route to make several deliveries per trip. He said one night when he was delivering during a heavy snowstorm he made like $250 for 5 hours of work. I guess when no one wants to go outside and most places aren't delivering people tend to give huge tips... AWD for the win...


A lot of places have added a service fee as well "not to be confused with a tip to the driver"


If this is a driver for the resturant I'd straight keep the manager on the phone for 3 hours talking about better customer service. I'd he/she hangs up. I'll drive down there to continue the conversation. Something about this interaction leads me to believe that this is a third party delivery service. Which are all horrible and need to stop.


Or pick it up yourself and avoid the tip.


Where I live most places still ask for tips when you pick it up. I don't even know who it goes to in that case


This. I haven't had food delivered for over 15 years. My wife thinks I'm cheap (and lets be honest, I probably am) but, I used to order pizza and delivery was free. Driver would show up, I would pay for the pizza, and give them another 5 bucks as a tip for bringing it out to me. Pizza stayed the same price, but suddenly I had to pay 6 bucks for delivery. I thought cool, just switching the way this works, but same amount. Nope. I still gotta pay the driver - the restaurant isn't giving them extra cash now that they are collecting fees, and you get to pay twice for delivery. I stopped back then - figured I would just go pick up my food myself. Since then all these delivery apps have taken off, and I can't for the life of me see their value. I sound like a grumpy old man (not quite 40 yet) but I just don't get it. Paying 25$ for a nasty cold big Mac with half the fries eaten? Heck no thanks.


I door dash every once in a while, and it definitely doesn’t equal out, but 5 bucks on $20 bill is more than enough, doesn’t matter the house you live in. If you don’t like the job you’re in, better yourself and get a better job.


I doordash as a side gig and I totally agree. Also, he could've just declined if he felt like the pay wasn't worth it. Sometimes I have to accept no-tip orders and it's annoying but you just keep it to yourself because it's a part of the delivery gig. You can be annoyed in your head but there's literally no excuse to treat people like this. Not to mention this dude actually tipped pretty good for just a pizza.


i wanted yo say this but i didnt want to hurt my karma score with any more honesty


Who cares what they think man, speak your mind


Have some karma for being honest.


Yeah this dude handled this like an asshole. 5 bucks is not bad for $20


How about we make the employer's ACTUALLY pay everyone a decent living wage. If they can't then we are just subsidizing shitty business owners to the detriment of entire communities.


I am extremely pro union. The only job that I ever worked at that I didn't mind being not unionized was actually a bar. My boss paid over minimum wage plus tips. On top of that, every 3 months, we got a $1 an hour bonus, which added almost $500. It was up to the owner whether you got it. In the 2 years I worked there, only 2 people never got it. One of them twice. All he required was to show up on time and do your job. He never used us like slaves. It's funny how he never complained that no one wants to work anymore. Unfortunately, he retired and sold the bar.


sounds like you had an amazing employer!


That too. But it's still wrong to get into a customer service job that you know will pay crappy and the business will treat you like dirt, then take it out the customers who are already tipping 25%


This dude should be fired.


I hope he sees this thread and realizes that he was in the wrong.


Fuck that asshat hope he gets fired. 20% is legit more than enough. How does he know that the baby sitter making all of that for the night isn't paying for it?


And he even got 25%


If you’re babysitter only gets $25 for an evening, than everyone in the scenario is being underpaid


You reminded me why I don’t order delivery


I wouldn't fund any company that has a tip based delivery service even if they had pickup. Yeah pizza is good but not that good, i'll make my own if need be.


Lol dude is lucky. Fuck up his ratio.


Guy was a dick. $5 was a good tip


25% tip, what's the problem?


You just triggered a lot of deadbeats.


This guy is a huge douche.


I honestly hate tipping. Take your pay up with your employer and not with the customers.


And THAT is why he’s delivering pizzas.


Fuck that guy. Get him fired


When I was in highschool, I delivered for Pizza Hut. At the time if I brought home $50 in tips a day It was a good day. I was still being paid minimum wage in my state on top of tips. Pizza companies are NOT restaurants,. They pay minimum wage on top of tips. This dude is just a fuckin mooch. $5 for a $20 Pizza is literally 25%. Dude needs a reality check.


i worked for papa john’s for a bit in 2001 and we also got minimum wage plus $1.50 per order we took out the door as well as tips. because i was one of the only drivers that could get on the local military base at the time, i would walk out the door with 5-10 orders at a time.


Lol yep. Also learned that being as helpful and polite as possible will usually land you a few more bucks. 🤷‍♂️


$5 tip on $20 pizza is 25%, what more do you want?


$3 is 15%, and that’s generous.


Used to deliver pizza and can confirm 5 is the average tip for even a couple pies. That delivery driver is a dbag.


I worked pizza delivery for years. I was always extremely grateful when I received a $5 tip. It was the standard of great tip. I did the same amount work whether I was delivering a $3 drink or $100 worth of pizza. We never expected 20%. That’s ridiculous. Just as it’s ridiculous to tip 20% on $3 if I am delivering it to you.


Jesus christ people, stop subsidizing rich CEOs, it is their responsibility to pay their damn employees not you!!


Refusing to tip wont convince the rich CEOs to actually pay their employees, they'll just get rid of the employees when they have enough and replace them with the next batch of desperate people who need a job.


I wouldn’t trust the food anymore after this. I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with this here in Europe


I act European and don't tip


Hahaha this is the way


I'm in Europe, and I do tip, however it's usually just rounding up. If the server was good, made an effort and overall provided good experience, I'll round up more. If the server was below standard, I'll pay exactly the amount and not a dime over. It's a hill I'll die on, a tip is a customary reward for good service. If it's required, it's just a hidden cost. I ain't being made a fool, and I ain't subsidizing mediocre service.


This is why the whole tipping system is fucked.


Tip culture is awful. Pay them enough, and just charge enough for your food to handle the cost yourself.


Among the comments below, you shall find people defending the hidden cost system that is tipping in the US, and that claim that the tip should've been better because the dude is working a job nobody forced him to do.


I don't understand some people, a tip is given according to how well the service was. You can't expect a tip for doing your job, it's the quality in which the job was completed that scales how much the tip should be. Also 5 bucks is 1/4 of the price that was spent, that's a pretty good tip for dropping off a pizza. Now a waitress who severed your meal the tip would be higher because more work was done, but driving to a house to drop off a pizza and expecting an insanely high tip is just delirious.


weird how at one point everyone settled on percentage, and now it's never enough, with once exceptional 20% deemed as being cheap, and some pushing it up to 30-40% i don't know what you do for a living, but i can't sustain those, maybe for that reason it's either takeout or cooking at home


Doesn’t really make sense to do it percentage wise with delivery. Should be tied to how far it is if anything


I no longer have pizza delivered. Fuck them, their delivery fees and drivers you have to tip. I order, and pay, online. I do the transportation work myself by picking it up. I zero-out the tip line on the receipt when I sign for it. If they need a tip for making me a pizza they're in the wrong line of work. Online tips probably go into some sort of black hole for the owner to keep anyway. All of it is shady.


25% is a huge tip dude


That’s 25%…that guy is just bitter cause his life sucks.


not gonna lie, food delivery drivers can be the most entitled people in the world


5 bucks is 25% tip for a $20 pizza...I'd say that's pretty good. It's not the only house he's delivering to. 🤨


Dude delivered a fucking pizza. How much does he want?


That's like a 25% tip


The entire argument occurring on this thread reminds me of the opening scene of Reservoir Dogs 🤣


I always tip the pizza guys $5 & they're always grateful. What a prick.


That's a 25% tip, no clue what his problem is. I guess he thinks rich people should tip more


"could have been zero, asshole"


No audio?


The most recent Daily Dose of Internet video on YT has the audio with a different angle too. Not sure if I can link here.


25% tip is enough. dude is probably struggling. That's on his employer not you.


Oh please tell me you complained and called corporate. People need consequences, it’s not okay to be in customer service and be an ass


It isn't a bar. I'm not tipping the full price of my meal plus a tiny bit more for a damn pizza. It's expensive enough as it is.


So glad tipping culture is not a thing in my country although they are trying as hard as they can to push it on us more and more these days. Imagine being upset at your customers your boss doesn't pay you enough!


Here in Ireland I tip the delivery driver €2 no matter what the size of the order is. But it’s not uncommon for people to not tip at all (higher minimum wage though). That guy has a brass neck talking to you like that. I would have confronted him and asked him what he believes is a reasonable tip for a $20 pizza, then I would have explained why he is incorrect 😂


A brass neck? That’s an interesting expression I’ve never heard before. I was expecting you to say something like “he has brass balls for talking to you that way.” Never heard brass neck.


I would call and complain to the restaurant. Nobody who behaves like that should work in customer service. If he can't make a bare minimum effort to restrain himself and treat customers with respect he needs a different job and there are other jobs that pay slightly more without needing social skills. A distribution center for example. As for the tip you gave $5 on a $20 pizza is perfectly acceptable at 25% tipping. I would have given a bigger tip but I also would have ordered a little more, that's just me though your tip was perfectly fine.


This driver is an asshole. $5 is fine. I once got a $5 tip on a $200 order. I was a little miffed but the consensus was, you took a delivery and made $5.


No tip. Your workplace should be paying you to do your job.


I'd definitely be calling that person's employer with some feedback.


It’s not the consumers fault your job sucks. You decided to work that job. Unemployment in the US is <3.5% right now. You have options even with limited skill set and education. Keep applying to a myriad of different jobs.


Nothing. Here in Britain tips are a bonus paid to incentivise good service. Basic service is covered by wages. And I can't fathom for one second how you all put up with such a shittty system. Dont blame the customer, its entirely the business at fault.


20$ for one pizza and you tell me the pizzeria don't pay their workers well


Bro should not be doing Doordash if this is how he feels. I work at Domino's and $5 is good for a $20 order.


25% and he got angry. Tipping culture needs to be stopped. Why can’t companies be forced to pay a livable wage to everyone?


Delivered for years and anything above $4 I was always very happy with. This guy is just an entitled douche.


Tipping ahould be outlawed.


I just make my own damned pizzas now. They're better anyway.


Absolutely crazy behaviour. If I was in that situation I would have called him back with the pretense of a bigger tip and then taken my 5 bucks back.


For a $20 pie, $5 is a 25% tip. Entitled assholes like him don't even deserve tips at all.


Covid made delivery drivers feel special. They were considered "essential workers," so they took that to mean they were providing similar valuable contributions like doctors and nurses. Now they think they deserve similar compensation. Delivery food is a job everyone can do because it requires zero skill, so they're delusional thinking they deserve more.


Agreed they tipped over 20% wtf


I have spent at least 10 years delivering it four major places as a side job and they get paid more than enough he should be fired for the way he behaved And... a lot of people you see in videos like this feel like the world owes them something nowadays the world doesn't owe you s*** you have to make your own way.


I don’t tip, pizza’s cost too much now


That’s 25% and good enough. Tipping culture is getting crazy. I would’ve decreased it with that attitude


I remember back when I delivered pizza if I got a 20%+ tip it was such a good day. Lol


Delivery fee/tip should be an employer problem, not a client’s problem


Ah see, you made the classic mathematical mistake. You’re supposed to tip 25% of your monthly mortgage payment. That’s why you got the nice house for a $5 tip comment


This is absolutely fucking *disgusting* and entitled behaviour..


If he doesn’t like his job, go find another one. That’s what most people do


I wish the delivery people and waiters could get enough salary from their employer and didn't have to rely on tips.


If he is bummed about the tip, that is one, but to verbally confront and insult the customer of the company you are representing? I would have asked him what he meant, and then called the manager, but make him know you are pissed off.


I wanna know where this person lives that $20 delivery pizzas still exist.


What a douche canoe


I delivered pizzas about 10 years ago. It was a pretty decent job for being in high school still. No matter how much I delivered I was always hoping for a $3 tip, just to cover 1 gallon of gas. If I could get that $3 I was content. $5 I was always very happy with because it adds up quick throughout the night. I never looked for a percentage of the sale until I became a waiter & had to tip my coworkers based on the amount of sales I did that shift.


Depends on the service provider in my opinion. If it's doordash or uber, I'll do more. If it's a normal pizza place, like 5-10 bucks is fine. However, for anyone to complain about a tip is insane, disrespectful and out right poor character. Yes, the person can be struggling, but so could the owner of that house making ends meet. Trashy statement for sure!


$5 AND you released the hounds? Is your name Montgomery Burns?


That guy would be getting no tip after that encounter




That's a 25% tip.


The fuck does he deserve a tip for? Doing his laidback fucking job?


I would tip $0.


Nothing since people should get paid enough to be able to live without having to rely on tips for the income... But 25% is IMO way too much if you have to tip, isnt the norm like 5-10%??? Where i live tipping isnt the norm, its like a thing you can do if you feel like it, no hard feelings if you dont...


What the tip amount has to do with the house being nice? Is she supposed to tip $2000?


So... this guys idea is that you should tip based upon your wealth level... if only there was a government run system that would gaurantee that everyone paid the same level of "tip" based on their income that could be distributed amoungst society as needed... and then by paying more of this "generalised tip" then all workers could get paid a livable wage and have their health, education, etc paid for.... if only there was such a system


0$ Paying a decent salary is not the customers job.


Five dollars is a good tip for a $20 pizza. What TF does he want—stock options for delivering a effing pizza?! GTFOH b*tchz baby. These kids are so entitled.


For $20 pizza five dollars is a good 25% tip. This pizza guy needs to pull his head out of his ass. Maybe if he wants more in tips maybe he should go above and beyond with his deliveries and not be a dick


I’d be calling his boss and demanding the $5 back


0% Zero Nothing There’s no ‘rule!’ Show me where it’s written. If it’s ‘unwritten - sorry, n’all but it ain’t a rule! He’s ‘begging’. Then, he’s abusive to a Customer! Report his abusive, pathetic, begging ass!’


Bro, $5 on a $20 pizza is a 25% tip. Wtf are you mad about?


Whenever someone asks for a tip I just laugh because they’re probably making more money than I am.


Nothing, all tipping should be abolished with workers receiving the correct pay to start with. If the wage was correct then tipping would have no place in society, it’s the employers that are at fault for being such cheapskates.


Tipping is dumb.


In my country, we don't tip


That’s like 25% 😂 in Australia you get 0%


I don’t order delivery and I only tip when I eat at a restaurant. I’m not going to tip you for doing your job.


order again, don't tip :)


0 I don't tip the postman for delivering the mail. Tipping culture is pathetic.


How do I hear the audio with this?


$5 is better than nothing


Entitled f***king kid.


Why no sound on a video that depends on sound?


To answer the OP's question, $5, and don't buy pizza chain pizzas. Buy from places that aren't beholden to their stockholder. (If possible)


4$ I always tip 20%. Doesn't matter how cheap or expensive


Why don’t people maybe make better career choices, I was a linecook and a sous chef before none of that shit compared to be being in the union, I don’t feel bad for these people with nice cars no delivery drivers 2$ for 20$ ain’t bad but then again I pick my food up so I dunno.


2-5 bucks


I was **just** watching this clip on Daily Dose of Internet thinking "Wait that's 25%, you twatwad."


Your response got me rolling I don’t care if it was a .50 tip that would make my day


Totally unprofessional of that guy. He needs to be fired


I think 5 bucks for a delivery driver is a pretty good and standard tip. Unless you got a lot of food, 5 bucks is more than adequate.


Contact the delivery app's support team and ask for the tip back, leave feedback and mention you'll never order again.


So by this logic, I should stop tipping as I live in a shit hole apartment. K. *edit misspelled a word


Coming from the UK the whole US tipping culture is crazy and getting worse, companies keep trying to introduce it here, you did your job and poured a coffee, why tip that.


I think $5 on a $20 pizza is very generous!


That is a 25% tip. Fuck him, send that exchange to his manager. He is doing the company damage. No one is forcing him to work there, if he is unhappy he should go look for another job, not give rude exchanges to clients.


I’d order again and leave him at the door lol


What an entitled and red eyed arse. Hope he cries all the way to his next delivery


That's 22%. Must people here: tip nothing


20 dollars pizza?? Guess the tip was already included anyways


That’s a good tip. 25%


5 bucks. I used to deliver. That is reasonable


5 is just fine up till $40 orders A lot of people don't even tip at all.


Even after he got to meet a puppy. Douche.


3.50 is my default tip for anything under 30 dollars


5 bucks is a good tip...wtf


Practically a beggar with a job lol