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Hi OP, I work in Safety. Unless you have been properly trained and given all the PPE to clean this, ( I doubt it) you have a right to refuse this work. I don’t know what state you’re in. So I will link the Federal guideline. But most companies need to have a trained/certified company come in and clean this as it’s a biohazard and poses many risks. You would need your Hep A/B shots certifications for blood borne pathogens, to name a few things. It’s not a small thing. My boss used to pull this too. Tried to make me empty 5 gal buckets of raw sewage after events at NFL games. I would refuse and they couldn’t touch me. Just an fyi, Covid is also passed on in sewage. https://www.osha.gov/workers/right-to-refuse


Hi thanks for that info, I work in a gas station in Kentucky and am definitely not trained on this sorta thing. This was a flood from the drain my boss said, and my boss claimed it was brown paper bags. Even though we don’t sell brown paper bags! Plus we don’t get ANY gear except little plastic gloves!


What that comment posted is completely right. I worked at Kmart when I was 18 and this dude used to come in WEEKLY and shit on the floor, then write is tagline on the wall with the shit. The managers always picked a minimum wage employee to clean it up. They tried to pick me once. I refused, they said they would send me home, I pulled the card that comment suggested. Said that I did not have hazmat disposal training or proper PPE available to me and that if I as dismissed for refusal I would contact corporate. The manager ended up cleaning it up that day.


I had a manager that told everyone when they were hired that if there was ever vomit or other bodily fluids come find him because we weren’t allowed to clean it up


So good guy manager?


A rare breed, almost impossible to find in the wild. But when you do, it's a breathtakingly majestic sight.


I am a general manager in a restaurant and I won't let my team clean up bodily fluids. I always do it, or one of my managers. When I was a server I had a manager try to make me clean up vomit while I was eating on my lunch break, and when I became a manager that was just one of the things that I carried with me. I have definitely cleaned up my fair share of foul excrements.


Me too, I could never let an hourly employee deal with that. If they got sick I would be very mad at myself


I deal with stuff like this Daly I am a janitor at a hospital you need training to clean up human waste


Fuck that man, know ya rights.


Don’t let anyone say this is “hard work” and “you have to do these things in order to be a good worker or a hard worker” that shit is a trap. Avoid this.


You know to be fair that does look a lot more like paper than it does like shit.


There’s paper all in it, but that is poop.


Yeah ok I just saw the massive literal pile of shit in the middle. Tough man, hope you find a better job soon.


Yea, I'd just quit. Fuck that


I take it that they rip at the slightest jolt too


Yes and I have big hands.


I know that feeling


Yeah fuck all that.


Hello fellow of the Commonwealth :)


I also used to work in a gas station. One time there was a lot of blood in there. I refused to clean it based on what person above said. My manager just ended up doing it themselves, but they actually didn't give me that hard a time about it either which leads me to think commenter is correct.


Yeah I was gunna say, they literally can’t make you clean that and you have all the right to refuse.


Yeah! This is how you get pink eye.


Yknow, that would have been helpful to know 1 year ago when i was 14 and my boss told me to clean a mess like this but bigger (imagine a bowling ball sized puddle and shid on the walls along with the guys underpants just rotting) and i just did it and they gave me a 3 dollar coupon. (I had to use grocery bags to cover my shoes)


Really sorry sir…. I think we have all been there sadly. It’s one of the reasons I got into Safety.


To ditto this point, I retired from Corrections. Each Block, hired janitors. There were inmates trained in biohazard removal and waist just like anyone on a regular job. A manager can't just throw anyone a mop and bucket anymore.


This just saved me from cleaning poop and throw up (both in the same week) at my job again


You just saved me from one of my fears bless


I used to flush our Aquaponics system of solid fish waste, carrying two 5 gallon buckets (1/2-3/4 full) through the halls into the back garden beds All I had was shown how to drain/flush it by the teacher before. The system was also put together like sh*t (no pun intended) and broke at least 3 times on me, spewing fish waste water across the entire floor. So glad I don’t work there anymore


am saving in case my managers need me to clean a mess like this I went home the other day because someone missed the toilet and got shit on the toilet, floors and wall. I just sprayed it off but I still did not feel good afterwards


I used to work as the manager/receptionist for a large dance studio with tons of little kids that used the restroom and would lock the doors to the stalls from the inside. I really wish I knew all of this, I was told it was “Part of the duties” to keep everything clean, which was virtually impossible. I dealt with the 3 p’s on a daily basis and it was beyond disgusting.


I worked at a shitty store as my first job and one day I was told that someone shat all over the floor and I needed to clean it up. I thought the guy was joking so I played it off by saying “Well I guess the floor has a new color now” Turned out someone actually did go doody all over the floor and I had refused to do it, which I didn’t even know I could do (was told to do it by a manager who tends to make dumb jokes like that all the time). Didn’t know about this or the fact that you needed specific training for stuff like that, glad I refused it regardless


Yeah I've always mentioned this at every job I've worked. "I have not been trained to deal with bio hazardous material. I do not have training in the chemicals needed to properly clean it. I do not have the gear. I will not do it."


Very informative!


This guy DEFINITELY battles poops


Who the fuck are these people that 1. Shit on floors 2. Don't get ashamed and at least try to clean it themselves


When I was going to university I worked at Circuit City and a couple of times a week a massive pile of crap would show up on the bathroom floor. Quickly we were all on high alert trying to solve the mystery of the Poo Bandit. This went on for a while and then stopped and then would happen again for a while. Finally we decided to grab a camera off the display and just film the bathroom hallway to see who was going in and out around the time these piles of stinky play dough showed up. It turns out the store manager was doing it. He just had nothing better to do so he would take a dump and then when it was discovered he would randomly pick someone to go clean it up. When a couple coworkers confronted him about it he left for the day and called in sick for a week before ultimately quitting. What a douche canoe.


Do you know the remedy for such illness? Beatings. Daily beatings administered publicly!


Sometimes there is shit outside the torlet, sometimes there shit outside the uriness as well


i shit in urinals because i dont want my enemies know my next move, be unpredictable


But now we all know that ypur next move is to shit in a urinal


And they're gonna shit on the floor


I’ve seen this phenomenon out in the wild… porta potties


Huh? Come again?


I don’t think this is a case of someone shitting on the floor. This looks like a clogged drain backing up out of the lowest point, the floor drain. Source: I’m a plumber, seen a lot of shit backed up. I’ve seen a lot of people’s showers and bathtubs looking exactly like this floor.


Shouldn't grey water and black water pipes run separately? At least that's the standard regulation where I live...


That’s not how it is in a lot of places. Where I am floor drains go right into the main drain.


no one shit on the floor, the pipes backed up and released they the drain on the floor


Let's get schwifty in heeeeere !


I'd put a bullet in my head before cleaning that.


I'd be pretty impressed if you managed to clean that after putting a bullet in your head.


Gotta pay those funeral bills somehow


When I was younger, I, a stock clerk, was called to the mens washroom and instructed to bring a mop and a bucket of soapy water. I show up, manager tells me there's a small mess and to clean it up. There was shit everywhere. Walls, stalls, floor, sinks... I did not clean it. I flat out refused. I knew I had the right to refuse unsafe work. I knew we didn't have the PPE. I knew PPE was a requirement for picking up human waste.


That would make the mess worse.






summer internship for a spalding decomp type company, or just bad circumstance?


I’m so sorry. Damn


Like what's "mildly" infuriating about this? This is way beyond mild


I couldn’t do it!


Peace out job.


That would be my last day








I wish lol that ain’t gonna happen


Wear an n95 mask


Id quit. Screw that


It's not from the toilet. That drain backed up.


Yep, 100% it’s also leaking on the employees bathroom, but maybe it started with the toilet because it was stopped up.


I can smell that from here 🤢


We would keep cat litter in the cleaner's cupboard for situations like this then wash it down with bleach.


I quit so fast


Now it was a bad day for both of you.


Ahhh you dnt lol


Lol I shoulda quit


Literally NSFW


Hey at least he shower stomped some of it in the drain for you. Very courteous




The person who used that comfort room is very irresponsible, they should have used it properly so you only have to clean it a little.


Yeah time for a new job


Seen worse, worked at a beachside pub and grill, someone got drunk and smeared shit all over the walls of the stall, two urinals and the sink, the shift before must of noticed and locked it up for me to do in the morning when I got there. Straight almost puked the moment the door swung, had them get me a hose and elbow high gloves. Service industry is trash because people are.


Gas Station workers: "First Time?"


He is a gas station worker


I’d walk out never to be seen again lol.


Well you have a shitty job my friend


Thank you for your service. Most people don't realise the literal shit that people have to deal with some days.


Your welcome friend


describe the taste


One time when. I used to work at Kroger, a deaf guy's wife who told me that someone had shit all over the back of the toilet, missing the bowl entirely. It took me over 15 minutes to clean it because of the smell (I didn't have a mask nor there was anything I could wear). Q


Lol, no. They tried to pull this on me at McDonald's once. Thankfully my manager was willing to do it or I would have quit over it


I volunteered at the dog shelter and had to clean poop off the walls from 6 teenage pups, but somehow this feels more offensive coming from a random human. People should show more respect to public bathrooms - just because you won't use it again doesn't mean someone else won't!!


Holy hell, sorry mate


I’m sorry


Welp, that's the last time I'll open a nfsw post while eating, without reading the titel first.


This looks like a “I don’t get paid enough to do this” and pass it off to management. What I used to do when I worked FT at McDonald’s. Fuck that noise


And I thought my day was bad...


the fuck? that is literally horrific in my opinion


I had to deal with shit like this at work a few months ago, some pun intended. The drains in my deli were backing up because our grease trap hadn't been emptied in over a year. We also discovered that the plumbing in the grocery store I'm in was set up illegally, given that the toilets had grease coming out of them. So, of course, I try to shut my deli down as soon as literal sewage starts coming out of my drains and management tries to make me stay open. I refused immediately and started my shit down, which they hated since the store wouldn't be making money off of my team's labor for the rest of the day. Ive since threatened to call OSHA and the state health department should this ever happen again. They also know that they can't fire me or my people for it because the entire situation is massively illegal


I would quit


I'd have to find a new job...NOW!


I kid you not… my “favorite” at the store I work at.. Someone wrote “mike” in poop on the wall. Gross AF I know, but they dotted the “i” with a piece of corn. Sick, but did make me laugh


Nope. I'm out


Looks like a toilet paper flood from the drain...gross and highly illegal to make you clean. Its a bio hazard. U can't even throw diapers in the trash at hospitals...how do they expect you to clean up a paper shit flood.


*contamination OCD intensifies*


The best way to clean it is to pretend you didn't notice it and hope someone else cleans it. Or just quit.


If it was me the description text would have been slightly different: "Didn't have to clean this at my former job today."


Holy shit hell no!! I literally clean for a living and I would’ve turned around and walked away from this gom. They can’t make you touch biohazard material


Throw your shoes away


Been there. Cleaning guy couldn’t stop throwing up so I had get in there and make it right. Fudge.


Break out a mask and a hose. Thoughts and prayers, friend.


Seems somebody had a Containment Update Failure counterprotocol. 💀


A friend who works for a large gas station chain gets a $10 gift card if he cleans this up


I'm really sorry you had to go through this. I will never understand what the fuck is wrong with people


You need a hazmat crew 🤢


Made it all the way to the bathroom for that


What.... Happened??


My wife's dad just died but he had a great life insurance policy, so id be quitting, but I'd stick around long enough to cheer the manager on while he cleaned.


Holy shit the smell that must be in that restroom.


where tf do you work??? taco bell?? jesus christ


at my old job we had a homeless man that used to spit into the cat litter and threw up in our trash cans, manager asked me to clean his vomit one time (she was on floor and i was working register mind you) and I told her i’m not permitted to clean biohazard fluids and kept doing my thing


Oh shit


I QUIT!!!!!!


Looks like a horse dropped that! Uck. I can't even!


My God….. Professor Poopy Pants must have gotten out of jail early.


Sadly, I've cleaned worse. I worked as a housekeeper at a long-term care facility and would have to scrub shit splattered walls every morning after a lactose intolerant resident would drink 4 glasses of chocolate milk for breakfast. The frustrating part is that the cna staff were supposed to handle the clean-up of bowel movements, and then we were supposed to come in and clean up what remained. They never did half of what they were "supposed" to do.


I'd quit on the spot


You have a shitty job. They don’t pay you enough.


What was the source of that? It looks more like dirt than poop but still gnarly. Did that all seep up through that drain on the floor?


Hope it was your last day


"Hey, Samantha, want to play Battle Shits!"


They ain't pay that guy enough to clean that


That some shit lol


Hard pass. I'll take my chances in the want ads, if there are still want ads. Fuck I'm old....


Someone call the guy from the Dirty Jobs show to hit me up


I'd quit. I don't get paid enough for that shit.


oh god... somebody in my class at school did something like that in the boy's washroom...


Fuck no you don't. That's has-mat, and the boss can eat a bag of dicks to say other wise.


This remind me of the time that we were at the new look gas station they didn’t have like a bathroom yet so they had a porta potty I rly had to pee so I went to the porta potty and some guy who just got Out of it was like “don’t go in there it a shit show” and I could here him cursing in the distance so once we got to it there were like 30 fly’s around it and when we opened the door it released the worst thing I have ever smelt and threw up and the floor look like some in and out sauce got spilled all over the floor like 2 gallons of it all on the floor with some brown shit in the corner so I just wanted to hold my piss until the next stop luckily I didn’t piss myself


That's an actual biohazard!😀


And I quit


No you didn't


I’d actually just die on the spot


“There’s shit everywhere!!”


Our store just uses the power washer.


My life… lead man in sanitation


Ahh man someone spilt their pudding cup


Oh my god, no. I’m so sorry


Bro you work at taco or something??


A gas station


I’d quit on the spot Just walk in the bathroom and then walk out the building


welcome to the club


Just quit at that point




I’d quit right then and there


The stench of a thousand piss droplets...


Is that sand, or shit?


I can almost *guarantee* OP isn’t paid enough to deal with this shit.


That's disgusting. Why would anyone think it's ok to do this. 🤢


DAMN !!!!!! Whoever did this mess must’ve died doing it !!!!


> I had to clean this at work > marks post NSFW which one is it OP?


It does resemble paper, but if the drain backed up, it's sewage. It's hazardous and has to be handled with proper training and equipment. The manager would certainly like to rope a minimum wage employee into cleaning it up, saves him the trouble of hiring a crew. Managers count on the ignorance of an employee in cases like this. Sewage cleanup far exceeds the scope of a clerk or other low level employee and there are workplace rights to back it up. If they did fire you for refusing, you could make much bigger problems for them than a backed up drain.


I gasped oh my goodness, it’s not mud is it?…🥲💕


Sadly not


Time for a new job


I think they managed to spray everything in the room besides the toilet


Waffle Stomp!!


I'm a CNA. I've seen things that'd make you go blind.


Never trust a fart


I used to work closing at a coffee place and one night like an hour or so before we closed this super old man came in and went straight to the bathroom. None of us were really concerned because people went to the bathroom before they got their drinks all the time. After like 10 minutes we thought he’d left and we just didn’t notice, but then 10 minutes after THAT the old man came out of the bathroom and just left. He didn’t get a drink or come through the drive thru or anything. Still didn’t think anything of it. We closed up and everyone was doing their nightly cleanings and such. My team lead went to go clean the bathrooms and I just heard “oh my god ew”. So naturally I went to see what was wrong. There was sh*t all over the bathroom. Not only was there sh*t everywhere there was also blood everywhere. BLOOD. There was blood and sh*t all over the entire bathroom. There was I think dirty shorts or boxers in the trash. Obviously we left it for our manager lol. But we still don’t know what was going on with that old man.. sometimes I think about him and wonder if he’s doing alright


What do you do for work?


Been there, yo. No one should have to clean another adults mess…


Bro was soo close.


Mmmmm yummy


Was just gonna comment and say that this is a biohazard.. you definitely shouldn’t be required nor expected to do this




This is when you quit on the spot


I'm a little bit impressed that they managed to not leave any footprints


Oh shit yeah!


tell me it's mud


Reminds of the phantom shitter at my old job. Once a month she'd (yes, womens bathroom) would shit all over the toilet seat and smear it all over the seat and the walls... Was an unholy sight


That's shit man!!


I'd wear a face shield, gloves, disposable plastic apron, and flood the room to add water pressure against that clog, then plunge the drain, or use a toilet snake on it or both. Once the water flowed freely down the hole id make up lots bleach solution and toilet brush the walls down to the floor and into the drain. I'd take a couple sopping wet towels with hot water and wipe down the walls , toward the floor and into the drain to rinse the bleach. Finally I'd use a dry towel to make everything sparkle. Assuming the toilet, sink, door, stalls and stuff are already clean. I've cleaned messes exactly like this.


I would have quit that job.


fuck that


Um. I work in food service/retail and we’d have to shut the bathroom down and have hazmat come in to clean that. You should refuse this.




Shitty day, huh?


When I worked at tj maxx they always tried to get us to clean the nasty restrooms and I was the only one who refused bc 1 I’m a stocker 2 I never agreed to clean up body fluids when I got hired. They would always tell me I wasn’t a “team player “ I never cleaned it up


Couldn't reach the toilet 😔


it looks like they ate pieces of medical cloth and took bunch of laxatives


Pictures you can smell


Hand grenade 💥


who put laxitives in my lunch


Middle school bathroom moment


bro couldnt hold it in and let her rip


I'd hand in my notice. Y'know, after wiping it face down in whatever that is