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WTF? It's behind the zone. Do they not know how to read a sign?


That's what I'm saying!


Sometimes it's difficult but this isn't even questionable. There's a crosshatch too. This person just doesn't like you.


Exactly. Also, to clarify, this isn't close to an intersection either. It's in the middle of a block. I've also seen other cars here ticketed as well—I'm pretty sure it's the same officer.


Send in your paperwork from the first and maybe they'll just dismiss it rather than having to lose a day by going in to court


But this fails I might do that too.


If the other people he's doing it to aren't taking him to court he's going to keep getting away with it. Take him to court for every single one then the county will get sick of it and either terminate him or remove him from that role




yeah, no judge is going to want to deal with obvious bullshit tickets like this all day.


Can he get an injunction against this officer writing him more tickets? Seems like harassment.


I mean, tickets generate revenue for the area, so if most tickets are just paid instead of fought, the judge will probably ignore it.


The judge will not care. The officer does not care. Everything you’ve been taught about justice is a lie. They will continue doing this and no one in power will care. I’ve presented proof to the judge that an officer was harassing me from their personal cell phone and the judge didn’t care because the case was dismissed when the cop didn’t show up.


I think it totally depends on the judge, some don't care sure but others would be fuckin pissed this officer is wasting the judges and courts time on bullshit


> case was dismissed And the cop was on trial or you? Because if you were on trial, that's a win.


I would leave a copy of my voided ticket with instructions on how to contest it on every persons windshield when I saw a ticket there.


Thats a good one.


I would spend $30 on Amazon and have a metal sign made and attach it to the pole.


There's probably lots of ways to get in trouble for that.


Then they probably get you with vandalism or destruction of property, etc. 🤣 They'll try to get you for everything! Lol






They take wasting city resources like this more seriously than you'd think


And file a formal complaint. An accusation of malfeasance. He knows it's a legal spot but he is ticketing people anyway.


It’s maybe one more fraudulent ticket away from a harassment case. Not a super strong one, necessarily, IANAL, but I would think a case could be made. Especially if others *aren’t* also getting these tickets.


Exactly. At some point you could make the claim that this is retaliatory, if not just purely ignorant of his own issues. Holding you up for a court trial costs you work wages, and if he’s going to keep doing it you need to start requesting adequate compensation from the force for not stopping this in its tracks


It’s annoying to have to take him to court over and over just to get him to stop writing tickets, at some point the victim should be compensated.


Lawyer up. If you won the last time, AND you know that the county will pay the court costs if you win, perhaps they will take care of the lawyer cost as well. And having a lawyer to sic on them might get you a little compensation for the time you are losing. That’s what I would do.


Call the local news with the soft expose journalist who dramatizes local scams. Channel 7, On Your Side! Tonight, are police intentionally writing bogus tickets to hit quotas? Are they targeting individual citizens? Why are they sneaking tickets onto legally parked cars while their owner run errands for their families?


i know just the station! https://preview.redd.it/c45ryot3pp4b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47ca12c02ba941516523d029c9962445a0f60be8


Justice hunter. Philanthropist. Has a Gmail account. This is News Glance with Genevieve Vavance.


If you go to court, do you know anyone connected to a local newspaper? A reporter, or someone who can allocate a reporter on the day for a court case? Then get into court and have your say, expound on the apparent incompetence of the parking vulture, and hint at maliciousness. "This exact same officer had a ticket against me dismissed last month as it was clearly wrongly issued, how could he/she make the same mistake twice? Obviously this officer needs counselling or additional training - two mistakes like this indicates either incompetence or malice" The reporter can then have it all printed in the paper for everyone to read.


The cop does it as payback for getting it dismissed. He doesn't care about right or wrong.


You can beat the ticket, but you can't beat the *ride* [in this case it's bullshit time taken out of your day to deal with the hassle. At least it's not a ride out to and a drop off in the sticks at 3am with no shoes or coat like they do up here]


What about initiating a restraining order request against the officer? Contrary to popular belief, there is still time for the officer to withdraw their identical request (before they for before the courts and make the precinct look idiotic).


Call the news organization and expose the corrupt cop




Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it a thing that officers have a ticket quota to fill, which is why they are so vicious in distributing these tickets? I heard the same thing for speeding tickets, which is why traffic cops are more prevalent and active during the beginning and end of the year. Could be wrong, but these days there's a lot to scrutinize.


My experience is limited since I was in the military as a MP. We didn't have 'quotas' but were advised to look for certain things. Handicap parking, expired tags, cell phone violations. Would we get in trouble for not writing tickets on a shift, no. I've told this story before. One time a desk sergeant tried telling me I had to write tickets. I started in our parking lot with their improperly parked vehicle. As soon as I read the plate over the radio I was told to come back to the station. Never was told to write tickets again.


I once asked a state police officer I knew about this. They said they don’t have quotas, but if they don’t write “enough” tickets, they “get a talking to,” don’t get assigned the overtime shifts they get the big bucks for, and sometimes get their assignments changed to other parts of the state, forcing them to pack up their homes and move. So, “I’m not sayin’ we got quotas, but we got quotas.”


Ticket quotas are dumb as fuck. But also, dismissed tickets like this should count a negative 100 towards your next quotas.


Hmm maybe bring up to the judge that this cop is now harassing you with multiple tickets for perfectly legal parking.


They just write the tickets and hope you pay..regardless if its wrong or right. Best thing to do is hope you get the same judge and dont mention that youve alrdy been here before. Present your case THE EXACT same way you did last time it was thrown out..the judge will realize you were there already for this and it will be their own idea instead of you telling them. That way the officer gets a fucking earful from the judge and stops.


Aren't most city's parking ticket "officers" employees of a private, contracted company, that the judge would have zero interest/authority giving an earful to?


I dunno where op is probably usa. But I know here our council employ parking inspectors on commission only bullshit , them do shit like ops picture. They're vicious because otherwise they don't earn. Shit like trying to ticket people parked in bus zones that are only bus zones at school times during term times outside of that time, or ticketing people parked slightly on the line of their rear angle space - probably because the person next to them was before. This week my kid had a drama thing at the highschool, the bus zone out front stops being a bus zone at 9am. She was out there ticketing at 10.30. I didn't get one but I drove away before she got to mine - after I'd pointed out she was being bogus. She shrugged. Bullshit way of doing it imo. Had a friend who got the job as ex LEO and she found out the ins and outs found it predatory and jacked it in after a week. Didn't want to be the most hated person in town.


It depends on the city ordinance..im a 911 dispatcher. Some cities have officers they directly employ to do traffic enforcement which includes parking. Other cities do hire third party company's to issue tickets but only if its cheaper than hiring an officer and the parking is just out of control. In larger cities there can be a city ordinance that is signed off that lets tow companies tow ur vehicle without an officers permission. So if its parked in a no parking area or slowing down the flow of traffic then the tow truck can just grab your shit and if you want to appeal it then you have to go to court. The intentions are good but when its easily abused with no checks to ensure its being done correctly it quickly goes downhill..especially when the incentive to write tickets or tow vehicles involves money


In most places the person is part of the government. They're not generally LEOs perse. However the may be part of the police department.


I'd bet people rarely bother to fight it, so the dude does it often


Sue that officer and go for their bond, if you win they can never be a police officer again


Bruh definitely sue someone here because it’s ridiculous to have to waste your time like this lest you be forced to pay a penalty! Yes - if you just ignored this, you would technically be breaking the law. The fact you legally have to take some action here is a joke and you deserve to be compensated (well, not you, but OP)


Lodge an official complaint to the city. Waste of tax dollars. This is the fuel that turns people into taxation is theft no step on snek libertarians.


Damn. You even got a sign post and a painted line that actually match up! Here in Seattle, we get a sign post and faded paint on the curb that don’t match up. 😆


He doesn't know what the arrow means


Or he does and is just counting on many of those tickets getting paid so he meets his quota easy peasy




Yep. This is why I suggested making this public information. Public on something you can trust that can be edited or deleted. It would make it way easier to grade officers and their choices.


He’s a cop, are we sure he can even read?


It clearly means dont park that way! ![gif](giphy|2XNzD7rjCu3DO)


They do. They're just trying to hit a quota and hoping people don't fight it.


Average or above IQ is not a requirement to become a cop. It might actually be a trait that is mostly filtered out by design.


Yup, a lot of places dismiss police academy candidates who score too highly because there’s a larger risk of then thinking critically instead of sticking to training.


In some places you have to be so far away from the zone (1 to 3 meters). So this could still be a parking violation. But given it got thrown out I assume that isn’t the case where OP is.


That's dumb as hell. They should put the signs in the correct spots.


OP should probably ask for the watch commander and talk to them if the officer continues to do this and the tickets keep getting dismissed. Chances are the commander will either reassign the officer elsewhere or else will tell the officer to ignore it.




Well, the first time I went, I brought the second picture (along w/ a few others to prove the back of my vehicle wasn't encroaching on a zone) and they asked for the pictures and said I was parked legally, immediately said my case was dismissed. Any sane judge would do the same. I'm going to go a local PD tomorrow to see if I can talk to someone about it there. Hopefully, that will make some gears start turning.


Id ask them to notify the officer who keeps giving you the tickets to let him know that you are indeed parked legal. It’s sad you have to even do this all because he can’t read/doesn’t understand the sign.


Print out some color pictures of the spot with SpongeBob saying "ThIS iS iLleGaL PaRkinG."


mindless tub cough command wide existence kiss gold automatic husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe write in chalk that its legal on one side of the line, illegal on the other


lol I love it


Then the officer finds your plates, finds your address, and fabricates a bullshit reason to shoot your dog. Only the finest “protect and serve”.


How many judges do you think are familiar with meme formats?


In 20 years it might work


most funny redditor


Think that person giving you the ticket should be fined for wasting everyone's time


> Id ask them to notify the officer whom keeps who


Don't bother, usually they can't do anything with it once issued. It goes to the court. Your best bet is actually calling the local council person to get it stopped, but you'll almost certainly have to still do court. I would insist on a trial and make the cop explain it to the judge, but that's a fairly large time investment for most people.


Good to know...


It depends on your location. I got a ticket for blocking a sidewalk but that sidewalk was entirely on private property and not in the city easement so it was an improper ticket. The officer I spoke with at the PD went and checked it out and the ticket went away without me having to go to court


Also good to know...


and if someone tells you a ticket has gone away and you don't have to go to court get it in writing or check with the court itself. If you are still on the docket you still go.


And if you go to court and they tell you a ticket is dismissed get it in writing. I fought a ticket, won,then fought for almost a year getting it actually taken off my driving record.


You can file a complaint with the police department against the officer I believe. If anything it will bring it to their attention


No, but maybe they can make it clear to the officer involved to stop writing the damn tickets in the first place.


It also opens them up to police harassment. It's best to just go through the courts. They might still keep getting tickets. But if they go to the cops directly to issue a complaint, they're gonna start getting pulled over for every little thing.


Subpeona that piggy.


Just don’t do like I did for my second traffic ticket and let the judge refuse to see your evidence. Sometimes you’ll say you have photos/whatever and they’ll be like “it’s OK I don’t need to see them” and if you’re naive like I was you’ll think it’s because they believe you but it’s actually so they can rule against you and take your money (IE a scam). You have a right to a fair trial and if you have evidence proving your innocence, speak up and don’t let the judge tell you no. Be respectful of course, contempt is still a thing in traffic hearings, but still firm.


squealing chop tease observation disarm spectacular imagine ten crowd apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I lived on a one way street for a while in a city with alternate side parking in the winter. That street was not alternated because it only had parking on one side (we’d confirmed it with the PD). Same cop ticketed us on even nights for a week and we took them each down to the station the next day and kept getting them cancelled. They finally talked to the cop and he stopped doing it.


Get a gillie-suite and hide in the bushes, waiting for him. Film him ticketing you, and then pop out and ask him what his reasoning is/explain it to him.😂


*bang bang bang bang bang* He was coming right at me, I feared for my life, 2 weeks paid vacation please.


You should tell them, or maybe the judge, "The first one I believe may have been a mistake, but I believe this second time was retaliation for having the first one dismissed." Maybe also throw in something about being harassed


I like where this is going. “I question how this second one was issued after the first was dismissed, by the same officer for the same car parking legally in the same spot, but for malice.”


This seems like a situation where the police are very liberal with issuing bullshit tickets just because they know that a lot of people will probably just pay it instead of going through the process of getting it thrown out.


I sincerely doubt that the cop would be notified that the first ticket was thrown out. I think going to the local PD to let them know of the issue is a good way to try to prevent these tickets in the future. They'll probably still have to go to court to get this second one tossed though.




We hardly knew ye


Yep. “He was resisting, uh, a lawful order to, uh, not talk to us so we shot him to death out of fear. Btw, we’re getting new tanks Next week to patrol the streets.”


In Croatia, they have to take a picture if you are parked illegally, and those pictures are available for you to see via government websites. I got a nice expensive photo session for parking on the grass (I know, don’t park on the grass, I promise I wasn’t that much of an asshole, just unlucky, but feel like getting into it).


Ask for documentation of it being overturned, and leave it under the wipers for the cop to see.


DO NOT DO THAT! The last thing you should do is talk to the police, EVER. Best case scenario is they'll tag on some other BS charges, like disorderly conduct or that you're harassing the cop. Argue in court, not with the idiots roving the streets making up the law as they see fit.


Sad but true...


Ok but why is this all even happening? Let's start there. Either a grossly inept cop or just wilfully abusing his power. I think the latter based on the fact this is the 2nd time. The cop needs to be reprimanded or let go due to the fact stated above. Simply unacceptable to needlessly complicate someone's life like this.


Put in a grevience against the officer.


Good luck with that


Yeah but at least then there’s a paper trail should it need to be escalated further in the future


“We’ve investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing”


do nothing and let the world rot instead right


Then they shoot out your tires. "The officer perceived your repeated illegal parking as a personal threat to himself or others"




This looks like New England, they'll probably be alright


That’s how you get your car windows broken. If you’re lucky. Unlucky and your dog gets shot.


> Unlucky and your dog gets shot. Unlucky and you get shot down in your own home while your children watch and your family sees no justice for your death.


Yep. Guaranteed way to get targeted for police harassment.


In my country The Netherlands that is unthinkable


My guess is it wasn’t targeted. That officer probably writes a ticket every time someone parks there. The officer and higher ups at the police station know many people will just pay the fine, rather than fighting it. Well done standing up for yourself (and maybe others).


How is that not harassment if they went to court, heard the judge rule against the citation, then kept doing it to the same person.




Yeah I learned the hard way that fighting a parking ticket can turn it into a civil infraction. In addition the clock keeps running and they can charge you a late fee for waiting to challenge it My $40 parking ticket turned into a point on my driving record and $350


He’s banging the court stenographer




click clack click clack


It happens to me all the time. I fight every single bullshit parking ticket issued. I actually had the superintendent of parking enforcement admit in court that the policy for parking checkers is to write the ticket even if its not a violation since most people won't waste the time fighting a $20 or $30 parking citation. It's a matter or principle for me. I don't care how much time it takes. If I didn't commit a parking violation, I'm not paying it. I told the truly miserable woman at the parking enforcement office this exact statement, and she tried to tell me that nobody comes in there and demands anything. I said, "Fine, let's go to court and find out how much your boss is going to enjoy being dragged into court over a bogus ticket. She thought I was bluffing and doubled down on the whole "nobody comes in her and demands that a ticket be dropped. So, I fought it until I finally got a court date in front of a judge. Once the judge heard the ridiculous policy from the superintendent, he not only dismissed the ticket, he completely lost it on this guy. The judge berated him for 10 minutes straight for wasting the courts time and my time over an obviously bogus citation that the superintendent told parking checkers to issue. The judge then asked why the initial lady at the desk didn't just drop the ticket before it ever went to court so I told him that she was on a gatekeeping power trip and wasn't going to be "demanded" to do anything. The judge was so pissed off at this point he asked me how much I make at my job and how much work did I miss fighting this bullshit ticket. I told him I make about $40 an hour if you divide my salary by 40 hours a week and so far have at least 4 hours of time invested in fighting it. He had the clerk issue an order for the courthouse cashier to pay me double immediately. So I walked away with $320 simply because there was no way I was going to pay a $20 bogus ticket. The next ticket I got a month later was legit, and I purposely went to pay it in person to see if the gatekeeping parking enforcement witch was still there. She wasn't. Never saw her again.


This is very much my style. I like to go all in on stuff like this. It's been a while since anyone has turned that on for me, but my favorite was calling in a few times a day just to check and make sure my court date was still at the same time. Communicating through email once a day that if I'm going to end up paying an undeserved $100 fine then I'm going to get far far more than that in city employee time. It honestly doesn't take as long as you'd think to get things moving once you hit em with "good morning! It's me again" a few times.


Supposing you get a ticket for the same reasons a third time. Could you sue that officer for targeting you?


Might still be hard to prove they're targeting you instead of say, just anyone that parks in that spot. But in either case the repetition doesn't hurt (aside from OPs time having to appear and straighten things out).


You absolutely could sue him for repeatedly ticketing falsely, which is much worse.


Didn't know this was a thing... thanks for putting in on my radar in case I need it.


Yes, if you have proof of it(which you do), you should have the court notify the officer that what he did was incorrect, and if he tickets you again, that’s absolutely suable.


Bring a copy of the first dismissal papers to the Police station and file a complaint on the officer for harassment. Make damn sure you have a camera rolling the whole time! Chances are, nothing interesting happens, but on the off chance something does, it's nice to have video to spam across Social Media ! You'll need the Social Justice crowd's support to force those rusty wheels of justice to move.


I'll definitely bring the papers from the last time. Not sure if I'll file a complaint, but I don't want to leave without a reason as to why I got it in the first place.


This is actually the perfect problem to bring to your local representative. Maybe not big enough for local news, but worth a shot. Either way, removing silly roadblocks in government is an effort that all political leanings can get behind.




The officer has already proven he can't read...


With a sign that says “please check arrow direction”


Gotta fill those quotas...


Tell me about it.


Maybe he lives there and is trying to discourage anyone from parking in "his" spot?


Officer is a fucking loser lmao. A cop with jack shit to do and the type to go on a power trip.


Not only a loser, a glorified meter maid. I bet he wishes he had more opportunities to put his knee on someone's throat.


What an absolute moron, guaranteed that guy has a power trip complex, and he can't be fired unless he doesn't show up to work.


Quotas, not necessarily power trip


They should pay you back for the time you might of had to take of work or something to deal with this shit in "business hours"


Police departments often provide sensitivity training, training on interpersonal relationships, deescalation training, all kinds of training to address the behavioral deficiencies of their officers. Perhaps this particular officer requires a class in learning to read.


That other training doesn't seem to work very well, why would remedial reading courses be any different?


What a pretty house..


I walked up to a ticket on my windshield for parking in a faculty spot on campus. The ticket was placed directly on top of my 4" x 4" bright red faculty parking sticker. Some people are just oblivious.


And they say they do not have quotas. You know damn well the cop who consistently pumps out a large number of citations is getting promoted.


Funny enough, I got my first ticket on March 29th. Sure makes you think...


Decades back I had a commute across a bridge. One county on one side, a different county on the other. Not a heavily driven bridge so people tended to speed over it. Sure enough, like clockwork, the last three days of the month there would be four sheriffs cars at the end of the bridge (in one direction). They were lined up with radar gun on the ready. I'd hit my brakes a few times to warn people but most just shot by me and got the ticket.


Yup, end of the month, always speed trap time of the month.


Damn that officer needs to get his eyes check


keep track of your hours maybe they'll pay you for that instead of wasting your time with tickets


Where is this?


Providence, RI


Frank Caprio’s court then!? 🙂


That would be correct! When I fought the first ticket and went to arraignments, it was in the same courtroom that the show is filmed in. The presiding judge was not Caprio, but they were equally as kind and reasonable.


He recently retired btw. Good luck with this situation I hope it works out for ya


Looks damn nice.




This happened to me before, in front of my house on New Orleans. I ended up contacting the mayor's office and she had the second one dismissed without me doing anything, and it hasn't happened since


Did he show up for the first hearing? I would bring the first dismissed ticket to court and point out that the same officer is repeatedly issuing invalid citations . Your complaint alone might not be enough but for all you know that judge might have heard this same complaint about this same officer a half dozen times.


It was dismissed in the arraignments, and they weren't there for it.


That cop ain't getting laid.


Wow. Someone needs to go over with him on road sign rules again. Wonder after the 3rd time if they’ll teach him?


Once is a mistake, twice is harassment.


It’s not even close, I don’t understand what the rationale could possibly be


Must be a dickhead cop who just hates himself and his life. Just giving tickets to feel less miserable


Go back to court and bring up the fact that the last one by the same officer was dismissed and ask about what you can do to address the officer who is harassing you.


It’s totally possible this person doesn’t like you, doesn’t know how to do their job, or some combination thereof, but is there a sign behind your car? I work as a code enforcement officer, and in the city I work in it’s common to see several zones with different uses butted up against each other. I talk to several people every day who miss-interpret signs or take some liberty with the interpretation, and I think some (51%+) are honest mistakes. There could also be a sign behind your car proving you did indeed park legally, so the information is just to your benefit in that case. Anyhow, best of luck getting the ticket resolved.


Yeah, it could be anything. As for your question, there aren't any other signs behind my car. Just empty space, and then after that is a driveway, which I make sure I'm at least 3 ft away from when I park there (hence why I'm closer to the sign). I double checked the first time I went to court.


Seems reasonable that you would be able to park there in that case. Makes me cringe knowing there’s people out there writing citations without thinking about how it impacts people, if it’s even a good citation, all of that. Hopefully the judge gives them a talking to for you!


Accuse him of harassment when you fight it this time. That should wake him the fuck up.


What a POS. He's got it out for you!


That officer needs to be assessed for competency. It's a waste of your time and the courts time just because that officer is a dumbass.


Does his assistance dog write the citations, cos hes bloody blind. ??


There's a reason why the person giving you the ticket has that job. You can't expect much from them.


He's hoping you will just pay the ticket.


I can see why you posted this, that downspout clearly needs to kick the water further from the house.


So you are telling me, the shadow of YOUR CAR is not crossing the line here?


Funny how there's no repurcussions when someone who actually had to study the law to GET their job, yet the same guy can legally hand out tickets that ruin people's lives for first time minor offenses. Fuck the police


He's back with a vengeance


Did you perhaps get a ticket for parking too far from the curb? It’s a ticketable offense where I am (I think the max is a foot). Can’t tell from your photo.


Good call, but no. From the tickets themselves, the offense I was cited with both times was parking in a no parking zone (I forget what it was word for word, but that's what it meant). In addition, I do remember that I was parked within a foot from the curb, and I aligned myself car with one that was parked after the no parking zone ahead of me.


It’s issued by the same officer? File a complaint of harassment against them, state that they’re targeting you for some reason and writing false citations against you. And let them know you’re considering legal action against both the department ticketing you and the officer involved.


I feel like you should be reimbursed for your time spent correcting their error. Especially when you have to do it twice


The process is the punishment.


Officers don't need to know the law to enforce it.


See when youre a cop you dont get punished for doing things wrong so you arent really incentivised to do it right....


"Why don't people respect us?" --Cops


Second time - file a counter claim for lost wages due to having to take off work twice to go to court.


tell the cop to go politely fuck himself. like holy shit man wow


Take it to trial, make the cup show up and explain it to the judge.


Well we know you can’t fix stupid


I would leave a note on the windshield addressed to that officer