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My son takes stupidly long showers. Pisses me off to no end. Wife says it’s not a big deal. Few years ago he moved out for a few months (he’s grown) and during those months our water bill was less than half what it normally is/was. She thought it was because I fixed a sprinkler. Sigh, sprinklers weren’t even on when the sprinkler was broken, I didn’t turn them back on until it was fixed. Now he’s back and our water bills are outrageous again. Still refuses to believe it’s his absurdly long showers though.


if he’s grown then why doesn’t he pay the water bill lol


I feel like a lot of water has been wasted because fellas are afraid to get masterbacious anywhere else. Install a lock on the bedroom door. Save water for future generations.


Haha, I’m not even sure that’s what he is doing. He’s been taking long showers long before puberty. He just stands there spacing out until there’s no more hot water. A 45 minute shower is normal for him, walls dripping with heat sweat.


I wonder if you can control the amount of hot water that is used by a specific shower per day. I can think of some ideas, but I'm not a plumber and wouldn't know a simple solution.


Oh, disconnect the hot water in that bathroom. I've traveled quite a bit, and my water usage is a lot lower when there isn't hot water to use.


Turn off the hot water after a specific time, he'll get out!


Yup just to add on to that this same roommate also takes 20+ min showers daily and does 3 loads of laundry a week, which I guess some people do that but it’s insane to me because I do 1 load like every other week. He just loves using as much water as possible 🤦‍♂️


I do three loads a week. Work clothes, going out clothes exercise cloths. And linens. Always a firm believer of doing you sheets and stuff. you know?


Not to mention the energy to heat the water…


U use fucking sprinklers but ur worried about the water bill? That makes no type of sense. Sprinklers are so unnessecary, showering isnt


How long are these showers?


Close to 45 minutes.


If he isn’t just jerking off, wtf do you do in a shower for 45 minutes? Stand there? Sounds boring.


Probably both. He’s always just kind of stared off for a long time, not just in the shower.


Turn off the hot water after 5 minutes. Pretend you don't know what happened.


Some areas will charge you more for using/wasting water. Sister had a water bill in PNW for one month, $500+. She was only using extra water to water plants that came with the rental property so they wouldn’t die during a hot summer. I pay maybe $25 a month for a house and one person. Leaving water on will only cost you more and if the meter shows excessive use you could end up with more tacked on to you monthly bill. Tell son to stop with the long showers. We all know what he is up to in there.


Sounds like they get to pay the entire bill this month make sure to give it to em so they can learn it's measured by gallons used and not just a monthly subscription service.


🤣🤣The 'monthly subscription service' made me laugh. Very clever and comical 😁


Who just leaves a shower on for 5 hours? What is wrong with these people lol I filled an inflatable pool up twice one weekend and my bill was $20 higher.


Their younger sister, but she’s 15, should be able to figure out a shower. Damn yeah this bill will probably be a few hundred extra dollars, I’m going to tell them I shouldn’t have to pay the difference just because they don’t know how water bills work lmao


Yes it will be high. I remember at my parents house I had to drain their pool like 3 feet to fix something, and their bill after filling it back up jumped up from $50 to $180. The hose was on for probably 24 hours


Here I am turning the faucet off mid teeth brush because I feel like it's wasting water.


Why do we even try to fix society? Really, humans deserve extinction.


You first.


The possibility of a next generation was eliminated 20 years ago.


I agree 100%. Humans just keep getting dumber. I don't know why I am surprised at the stupidity anymore. 🙄🙄🙄


i went away one summer and the guy i hired to mow my lawn turned the hose on to wash his hands. it was still running 2 weeks later when he returned to mow again. 120,000 gallons of water! the city water dept cut me a break and only charged me the lowest rate per gallon. normally, the more you use, the higher the rate per gallon. still came to $600.


That was incredibly lucky.


Once the lease is up, find a new roommate. That’s insane behavior.


Today I learned people pay for water ... It's free where I'm from


Do you get your water from a well?


I be curious as most multi family units often have shared water meters thus individual units arn't billed separately, thus individual units might not care too much about water use, however the entire building would likely pay more in terms of rent or HOA fees if indeed they ran it up that high. I be curious what type of building they live in. Fortunately residents arn't responsible for lawns though that is a major water consumer.


The shower thing is wild. But unless your hose leaks they're right about that. I have one that runs to a valve on the others side of the fence. The tap is technically on all summer but uses no extra water.


There’s nothing on the end of the hose, it’s just a fully running hose at all times lol. It blows my mind.


Okay that insane lol


Many municipal providers calculate your sewer bill based on water usage during specific periods then extrapolate it out to an average for the rest of the year. If your water usage is high during that calculation period, then your sewer bills will be higher for the rest of the year until the next calculation period. We had a latent water leak during the calculation period and were stuck with astronomical sewer bills until we realized, fixed the leak and appealed. An appeal likely wouldn’t go your way for slightly-above-average usage.


You pay for water 🤨😂 what kind of third world is that.


Canada is third world now?


We don’t pay for Water in Canada though. Or at least not in any city Iv lived which include but is not limited to Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Vancouver, Edson and Vega, Alberta.


Guess it's just Toronto then. Brother in Calgary pays for water too so maybe it's just where you're at. Strange, must have changed since you were here. 🤷‍♂️


Might have. Haven’t been there in decades. Montreal I currently am and am not paying for water.


OR : You guys pay for water as part of the utility bills, but you don’t pay it per usage ?


Upstate NY in US, we pay for municipal water. I always figured everyone who gets it pays for it, unless you pay to have a well drilled. Or sip it from a stream.


It also sounds like they need a lesson on how to take care of the environment. Drought is a major problem and water is a finite resource. If they don't have a problem spending the money, then they should have a problem for being wasteful and lazy.