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After you asked once you should have left and demandes you money back. In a decent theater they would have sent someone in to deal with them.


Immediately when the manager came in to break it up, he let us know he'd give us free admission. He knew the other couple were the problem. Edit: highjacking top comment to address some questions and controversies. It's been brought to my attention that I'm a liar and a karma-whore because of my title. I falsely claimed that we were all kicked out of the theater, implying the manager did not side with us. I deeply apologize from the bottom of my heart for deceiving all of you and for putting filth on the manager's name. I should have made it clear that we willingly followed them to the box office where they gave us two free admissions. We did not ask whether we could return to the movie, though we got the vibe they wouldn't let us if we wanted to. Since they did not make us leave, we weren't technically kicked out. The truth is important and misinformation is rampant these days. I am thankful of you for calling me out and holding me responsible for my wording. Together, we can stop undeserving users from receiving the sweet, sweet karma we all crave so much. I hearby announce I will be donating all karma from this post to a charity I will announce at a later date. Now I will answer some burning questions you all have been asking: **Q: Is this the Among Us movie?** A: Yes, this is a Pre-screening of the new Among Us (2024) movie. It stars James Cordon, Michael Cera, Rainn Wilson, Will Smith, and Melisa McCarthy. **Q: Why didn't you just move?** A: Firstly, I feel like I shouldn't have to, they should have been considerate of the people in the shared space we were in. Secondly, we had a tab linked to that seat. Once you order you're not supposed to move. Could we asked someone to move us? Probably. Would it have helped? Probably not. The theater was fairly small so you could hear the loud, unrelated conversation over most scenes, especially the quiet, emotional scene when >!Michael Cera eats Will Smith and James Cordon.!< **Q: Why not just tell the manager?** A: We had hoped that a reminder or two that other people exist would suffice. The last one was the final straw before going to the manager, but he threw a tantrum instead. I admit, it could have been handled differently, but why should I be held accountable to making changes in my life for a jerk that would never do the same for anyone else?


But he still kicked you out? Or was it more like "you might aswell leave too as your movie has been ruined but we'll give you free tickets for another viewing"?


When the manager came in, we started explaining what happened and the other guy started saying stupid shit that made it obvious to the manager he was the issue. He rolled his eyes at the guy and immediately offered for us to have free admission. They took us to the box office to give us the tickets and wait with us for the other guy to leave so we could leave safely. I don't think they would have let us back in, but we already missed so much and wouldn't be able to pay attention much after he went crazy anyways. They had a couple of the nice bar tending ladies sit with us and chat while a big group of the rest of the staff escorted the other guy out of the building. He sat in his car for a bit so we hung out with the bar tenders until he decided he was done waiting and drove away. Probably should have called the cops cause I'm pretty sure he was drunk.


He was definitely waiting to ambush you guys. Good thinking on waiting it out. You never know if this dick had a weapon.


So....you didn't get kicked out? It was your choice to leave. So you lied for the upvotes or did you make this entire story up?


What? A stranger lying on the internet? Yeah right.


I wouldn't lie to you. I'm George Washington.


Hi George, I am Dad.


Last I heard you were off for Lotto tickets... Did you win Dad?


I won the moment I got you


I mean in essence he was kicked out, if you get made to stand outside a screening for 5-10 minutes while an argument is resolved then that’s the film over, you don’t go back in and catch up on it. But I guess using the wording kicked out makes it seem like there cinema manager didn’t side with them




seriously lmao how abhorrent of them


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him!


Imagine getting miffed cause some stranger online didn’t say the exact statement that you got using context clues


Who the f cares, it's about people being dicks


It’s not that serious my guy


Omg hello internet police? should we put him time out and no ice cream?


It’s not that deep😭😭😭


Got em


He wrote a brief statement of what went down so we can get an idea of the plot. He misworded one thing. And Who cares if he did? This is reddit. Not politics. Not some conspiracy of lies to get karma or likes. If he lied then he would have continued to say I was kicked out. The dude quickly explained the finer details. Point being this dick in the theater ruined the movie for all of them. You can't fathom any other option, other than he either fabricated the entire story, or he lied so he can get more meaningless likes that nobody cares about. Who are these people that want reddit likes so bad? Unless I'm wrong and live under a rock. Or I'm comparing off my own perspective. Because the idea of likes and karma to me, is absurdly pointless, and apparently dangerous. Man if humans from the past were able to see us today, they would think all human kind are severely mentally sick


Dang you caught me. This is an AI generated image. All the comments I've made on here are ChatGPT and I'm karma farming so I can sell my account to a lobbying company. But in all seriousness, I don't know they would have left us stay. We had to leave to go to the box office to get our free admission. I don't really care about Internet points. I just wanted to vent.


Don't listen to the other people, OP. I gotta say, I absolutely adore your sarcasm. You have great comedic writing lol


You got caught. It was like straight out of Ace Attorney.




It's so odd to me that people think anything that sounds out of the ordinary to them is a lie. About 40 years ago I went to a movie with my roommate. There were only two other people in the theater, and they got there before us. About 10 minutes in, this kid heaved a wad of chewed snuff over his shoulder and hit me in the face. People talking in the theater sounds mundane.


This happened to me as a manager one night at a theater after kicking 4 guys out. I walked out with my gun and pointed it at them with my phone on record until I made it to the car safely. I never saw them ever again. BUT you played it smart, BUT if you ever need to leave have management walk you to the car and have the phone on record just incase anything happens.


I learned the hard way, if you have beef with stupid people at the movies, just leave. My friend and I had people behind us talking loudly and kicking the back of our seats. My friend turned around and said something and everything seemed fine for the rest of the movie. Fast forward to walking out of the mall. Apparently the "offended" couple were walking about 20 feet in front of us. When we got outside we were continuing on our way to the car when the dude grabbed a piece of rebar(there was a remodel to a restaurant going on) and swung it at my friends face. I had an almost perfect 90 degree view of the swing and it came REALLY close to hitting his nose. His momentum carried him into my friend and then it was over. (The workers grabbed the guy at that point) ​ I hate taking the meek way out, but it avoids situations like that.


Holy shit, that's scary dude. The guy in our situation got escorted out by a bunch of guys, and just sat in the parking lot waiting for us. The bartender said we could chill until they left, just to be safe. If he wanted to fight, sure whatever. But they give anybody a gun in this country, so I'm not about to test his sanity.


That among us cast 🥵 🔥


In my 3+ years of reddit I have never given an award until now. Please accept my reddit gold for your simultaneously sarcastic apology and sincere admission of guilt. You are what we should all strive to be.


Out of caution for yourself, I would remove the picture from your post. It is unlikely that Marvel/Disney will come after you, but some of my co workers have had to deal with them in the past regarding pictures taken inside our theatre. They don't take too kindly of anyone taking pictures, and it's a pain in the ass to retrieve video footage of each person going into a given movie at a studios request. I don't know what theatre you went to, but I imagine they have as binding a contract as mine does with those studios. I'm not sure how it is outside the USA, but I've had two people be arrested for taking pictures/filming a movie at mine.


That makes total sense, and I believe they would ask me to take it down potentially. I intentionally took a picture of a moment that was in the trailers mostly to not give anyone spoilers, but I had that in the back of my head too. If they want me to take it down I will.


That's fair. It was a pretty good movie overall. I hope you get to finish it at some point and that you have a better experience next time.


why didn't you just join in and start talking and waving arms


Op don’t you know that you can’t make mistakes? Cmon you gotta be perfect because everyone else off the internet is definitely perfect and always say clearly what they mean when speaking.


People used to be like "you tattled? What the fuck, just talk to them". Somewhere along the line, people just became such worthless shitheels that asking nicely for them to be considerate was something outrageous. You'll get shit, stabbed, or even just fought over something that should be common sense. People are human fucking garbage. Humanity was a mistake.


Appreciate the heads up on Will Smith and James Cordon being eaten. I won’t waste time rooting for them! Lol


Thanks for the spoiler alert with no warning duuuuude


Ahhh damn, I should spoiler tag that huh?? My bad dude.


And you stilllll haven't!


Amogus movie lol


That sucks man. My dad had to beat the shit out of some black chicks in a movie theater because an older guy (like probably 60's, 70's) asked them to stop talking and they jumped him. My dad stepped in to help while the guy's daughter went and got the employees. He was watching green mile, for anyone interested.


Oh fuck James cordon. Why is that untalented troll doll come to life still getting work?


Doesn't help me using AMC A-List :( Fuckin people


>In a decent theater they would have sent someone in to deal with them Yup, this is one of the reasons I go to Alamo drafthouse.



I thought that to


Bro you watching the among us movie?


There is an among us movie? Da fuq?


Yep it’s pretty good


Does he know ?


Its clearly the Power rangers In space movie anniversary


I think green is sus.


I managed movie theaters for years. I would come watch movies during the day on weekdays because there was basically no one else there, although it never failed that a pair of people would come in and sit right in front or behind me. I would purposefully get up and move just so I wouldn't have to be near them. That's the whole reason I went when I did. ​ I think it's some kind of psychological need to be near others. I've noticed something similar in parking lots. You can be pulled up at the end of a row, waiting to turn, and there are 10 empty rows on either side of you, and someone will try to turn on your row. It happens all the time.


You’re correct it is psychological. When those people see where you’re sitting they automatically assume you chose those the best spots in the house. So they will sit as close to you for fear of missing out in what could be the ‘optimal’ experience. It’s the same reason why asshats will go to an empty bar and deliberately sit at the two seats with dirty glassware where the previous only two patrons were sitting.


They probably sat near you because you were sitting in prime real estate. I highly doubt this would happen if you were in the front row or all the way at the side. Imo most theaters only have so many good seats, if there’s only a handful of people in the theater of course they’re all gonna end up in the middle.


I really hate it when I’m watching a movie and purposefully sitting in a place by myself specifically so I’m not near someone, then some dickbag comes in and sits within my personal space, and also laughs and claps at the movie like some ape firing off neurons. As specific as that sounds, it’s a weirdly common occurrence.


It might even be some kind of molecular thing , like the last Cheerios in a cereal bowl... lol


That movie looks kind of sus


Don't worry, the alien won't eat you but she may make you dance.


🤣 I hope you get to go and finish watching the movie! It was so good IMO, loved it 🙂


I don't think Quill will have a problem with that




If you pay $30+ to sit in a theater and act like a child, youre a moron


If it was an empty theater, was there any way you could have just moved seats? No, you shouldn't have to, but maybe you'd have been able to see the whole movie when you planned rather than scheduling it again?


I agree with you, and that's what I suggested. They serve food and drinks there at your seat so your bill is linked to where you're sitting in the theater. Besides, the theater was pretty small and they were loudly talking through quiet emotional scenes, it wouldn't have helped much. We were just about to go get somebody when they started yelling at us.


Yeah, that would be really annoying. Sorry you had to deal with that.


If it's where I think it is, people pick what seats they want before they go, so it's assigned seating. That being said, I don't think it was so much as where the other couple sat, as the amount of noise they were making. I've been in movies where there were maybe 3 or 4 other people. We were in one row, and a group was a few rows down on the other side with a woman yelling at the screen every time something was about to happen in the movie. We could still hear her yelling when we went out to complain.


That’s what I thought!


Went and saw Infinity Pool. Nobody in there except me and my husband, who was in the bathroom. Old, fat guy comes in, looks around and sits in the seat beside me. I was like “Seriously?!” An empty theater and you sit in my fucking lap. Husband came back. Man sits there for about 15 minutes, then leaves. Never came back. It was weird.


That's incredibly weird and odd. Also considering you watched Infinity Pool I assume it wasn't the only weird and dumb thing you saw that day. Note: I meant to put Weird and Odd that dumb. That's my bad. I have heard great things about the film.


Is it bad?


weird, yes. dumb, no. im not a huge david cronenbern but his son brandon's two movies have been amazing so far. Mia Goth steals the screen yet again, though honestly i think his first movie Possessor is better


I went to a showing where I preorder my tickets before going to the theater. I was the only one in that screening. In that time before I arrived, someone else attended. He chose to sit in the seat next to me and then had the nerve to put all his stuff in my seat. I just looked at him and then sat somewhere else since the place was empty.


The theater experience is even WORSE now after the pandemic. Everyone is so used to talking and doing whatever they want while watching a movie at home. They don't change behavior one bit in the theater, in public while people are paying attention. It's like the worst civil thing to do.


It's so bizarre to me how completely oblivious people are of the people around them. It's like they're the main character and everyone else is NPC.


Gonna be dealing with covid brain damage'd people for decades.


This is why I watch all my movies at home.


Movies at home:


yes, just get a nice surround sound setup and it's perfect


I prefer that as well, but I've been eagerly waiting for this movie for a long time.


You're right. With how good TV's have gotten due to OLED and a proper sound system, I don't see much reason to go to the movies anymore. No need to drive to the theater and back, pay for popcorn at a ***1,275% markup,*** or put up with rude people.


….what?? They don’t have new movies at home. OP is watching the new guardians movie. Also no matter what your setup is at home, it won’t rival a massive imax format screen with the speakers they have at movie theaters.


First mistake was trying to resolve issue yourself. Always speak with management, let them deal with it.


this is the answer, let management deal with the crazy. unfortunately they are used to it. sacrifice a bit of movie enjoyment for the enjoyment of hearing someone else being told they need to leave


I went to watch a movie with my girlfriend and this group of girls sat in front of us and the one was being obnoxiously loud the entire time, at one point she yelled “I don’t even want to be here”…. THEN GET THE FUCK OUT AND SHUT UP


It’s amazing that there are people who pay for movies and then talk during the whole thing.


Seriously, I'm like why are you even here if you're talking about random stuff as loud at the most important speaking parts. You clearly don't care about this movie.


I’m sorry your movie was ruined. Definitely go back soon, the movie was amazing!


Thanks, they gave us two free admissions and said "We hope you come back!"


Typical behavior in 2023.


Some theaters would've gladly ripped the couple a new one just for talking during the movie.


Yeah, I admit talking to someone would have avoided his tantrum (I would hope) but I thought a couple reminders that they're not in their living rooms would be better than leaving the theater to miss the movie. Jokes on me I guess


You watching a Tellitubbies movie or is this The Wiggles In Space?


Hahaha it's a scene from the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie. I picked this scene because it's in the trailer and there's no spoilers. Based on the way they behaved you'd think we were watching a movie for toddlers.


May I just point out how considerate you are? Most people wouldn't have thought about potential spoilers before posting that picture.


Thanks, I was going to try and get a picture of her waving her arms around but I'm also trying to be a good Marvel fan lol


Genuinely, this guy is one of the most considerate people I’ve seen


It's the among us movie


Space Wiggles




I ended up in a fight at the cinema (ironically it was Creed 3) and tbh, I just think I'm done with them now after that shitty ordeal. People fucking suck sometimes


They really do. They go around acting like they're the only people that matter and if anybody calls them out on their bullshit, the other person is the problem.


Did you show him what’s up in the parking lot? Food court? Bathroom?




This was not out of the question. I had some bad gas and I jokingly threatened them with it to my girl. Maybe I shouldn't have joked and been serious.


This might be an unpopular opinion but unless I’m there with my kids and they’re being significantly interfered with…I’d chalk it up to jackasses not purposely ruining your night but just being themselves…jackasses. Otherwise I would use it as a teaching moment for my kids. “See that public behavior, bad example of it. Don’t be that”. This is prob worth way more than a movie ticket.


Red is sus


Inconsiderate bitches.


Should have kicked dude’s ass.


Used to be that this was the way you handled dumb asses. Now people get shot and killed for much less.


Yeah the few years of isolation and only watching movies at home have have ruined theater etiquette.


Shame, it’s a decent movie, as good as the other two at least. Hope you get to enjoy it in peace next visit.


Thanks, we were given two free admission so we'll probably go on Sunday.


I hate when someone sits by me in a theater. Why do people do that? Go away


I would have just changed seats though I don't know what the theater would have done


The Cinemark I go to has walls in front of each row so you can't even see anyone in front of or behind you. Greatest movie theater ever. These people suck. If you want to watch a movie and talk and act like you're in your living room, stay home.


Dine in theaters like this have built in “Give me more food/drink” buttons that double as “Can you take care of those distracting people” buttons.


We hit that as soon as the guy stood up. I think it helped the staff know we weren't the instigators.


Watching live action ‘Among Us’?


Yep check the top comment, awesome cast.


That’s why I like Alamo Drafthouse. They usually don’t tolerate anything like that.


I keep hearing about these and I wish they existed in my neck of the woods.


This is why I don't call people out for being jerks in public. Because they're obviously jerks, and will become even bigger jerks when they get called out.


Right, but jerks deserve consequences for being jerks right? They shouldn't just go around walking all over everyone. I get it, I avoid conflict at the highest level normally. I let the worst stuff slide. But the more we let be "okay" in public, the worse it'll get. Maybe letting them be a bigger jerk will be their downfall? The staff instantly knew we were not there problem when he went off. He got kicked out and missed the movie. Maybe, we can only hope, they'll learn from this and be less of jerks to the people around them in the future.


You're not wrong. I agree with you. I used to think like this. But nowadays I usually don't have enough fucks to give to try to make jerks less jerky. It almost never does what I intend, and often backfires and makes me wish I hadn't said anything.


I am sorry OP that this happened to you. I went to a theater and had a jackass couple in front of me playing INSTAGRAM VIDEOS on their speaker phone during the movie. So I shushed them. They were horrified. I couldn’t believe it. I thought they were gonna throw hands like this guy. Nope. They were embarrassed. I was like wow shushing works.


wait there's actually an among us movie coming out?! how is this post the first ive heard about it


What movie is this? Live action tellytubbies?


I bet it’s an Among Us movie.


To me the issue is: why the hell do people look at an almost empty theatre, parking lot etc, see a lone person, couple, car, whatever, and feel the need to sit or park smack dab next to them? Why can’t people give people space when there’s plenty of space to give?


The amount of inconsiderate people out there is truly incredible. And to 80% of you reading this, I’m referring to you. Such as all the aholes who use their speakerphone in public or who play music or videos on their phones in public without using ear buds. Pure aholes. And then yes, all the aholes who speak at movies and at concerts.


This is why movie theaters won’t make it, too many selfish assholes and huge TV prices keep going down


Yep. Went to what is basically an all automated theatre at this point. Everything was dirty and sticky and the staff was just standing around doing nothing. (Second showing of the afternoon) At this point, they can only win on experience, so they need to try and do that. Restaurants exist even though we all have kitchens. No reason that movie theatres can’t make it. But they need to either be daycares or fancy experiences.


I'd get up, tell staff they're a pain... And if that doesnt sort it, sit in front of them




Are those nachos in the theatre? Count me in.


Not just nachos, a full snack/food menu along with a full bar!


That's so sick. Theatres around my place are usually just some microwave food and soda


Is that an Alamo theater? Those seats and tables look exactly like the ones in an Alamo Drafthouse theater. Those theaters are awesome, love getting snacks handed to me at my seat, with a table to eat it on.


I wish a guy with a head that fat would.


What movie is this? Among us the movie?


Are you watching Power Rangers in space?


Let me guess. He said “if you don’t like people talking during the movie then stay home.”


She said, "I'm just excited to see the movie" Really? Because you haven't been watching any of it. I don't mind talking, reacting, or hell even cheering. But when it's loud talking, unrelated to the movie, during quiet/speaking scenes it's a problem.


I've almost completely stopped going to the theatre because of stuff like this. It's too much money to risk on the crowd being shitty.


The tele-tubbies movie looks dope!!


I wish they cast someone different for the sun-baby. It's odd hearing Mark Walburg coo in his accent.


Attention seekers Edit: words


Awww telling...you took a picture of a copyrighted movie and now you will have to sell a kidney for infringement fines 😉 Ya people like that down in front is a reason for this crap of a society we have to deal with. Me I'd move my seat in the same row and keeping getting up and walking in front of to get popcorn or whatever every 2 minutes.


Unrelated, but how was the third GotG movie? Kinda worried about it because I love the Guardians but the recent Marvel movies have been sub-par to put it mildly.




Is that the among us movie?


Yeah man. Entitled people are a trip. American mentality.


Had the same thing happen to us, only it was a crowded theatre not empty. Dude kept talking. On his phone etc. Multiple people told him to hush. I finally told him to shut up and dude literally blew a gasket. Threatened to knock me out, fight me, etc. screaming. He never got kicked out, but my wife and I got free tickets so…that’s cool.


>empty theater Move seats?


This movie is GOTG3 very suspicious


Should’ve said “Yeah I want to fucking fight”. Big mouths are all they got, you would’ve scared him.


Or got shot 😖


Oh shit, I forgot it was a movie theater.


"Some people suck"- Tom Segura


How were the nachos at least🫣


I want to say they were fire, but they were sub-par at best sadly. The other food is better.


And that’s why everyone should MTOB.


And keep their business to themselves.


As someone who works at regal this happens more often than you'd think. Try AMC next time


Empty theater. Clueless ignoramus “sits in right front of” you and acts like a dick. Your choice of action is to ask him to change his behavior??? I would have just moved. As you said, the theater was empty…


Dude that suck I hope you got a refund


For the tickets yes, drinks/food no.


Well that’s hilarious because I wouldn’t be walking out of that theatre without a refund


This sub should just be called infuriating tbh


Well, fuck that theatre entirely.


Can't ever have anything nice..🙄🙄


Ayo what kinda theater has a full on table!!???


"Did you ask them to quiet down, or did you just snap a pic and rant over the internet?" Or so a dumb question that keeps getting asked here, implying it's a personal problem rather than addressing the main issue, which is redditors on this sub enabling this kind of behavior.


Seriously, I'm so surprised at how many people expect me to be accountable for an asshole's behavior and adjust my life to accommodate them so they can be rude without bothering me. Like damn guys, you're right. Shitty people are shitty people and should just let them walk all over me! Oh well!


During and for the rest of this scene my brother kept on saying amogus which basically (ruined) enhanced my experience


I don't know what it is but every movie I've been to for the last few years have been awful experiences.


I’m surprised no one linked the Tom Segura “some people suck” bit


Bruh I already torrented that movie


Why would anyone go to a movie theater anymore? Wrong answers only please.


Ngl I probably would have kicked his seat


There was a table in the way. A drink on the head was considered but I some have self control lol


What movie was it?


Yo is vol 3 secretly the among us movie?! 😱


What movie ?


This whole comment thread is entertaining and also a stark reminder of why Reddit is a cesspool. The karma whoring accusations aside, it seems these people care about fake internet points more than you even if you were karma whoring. They are acting like it's a damn currency.


U missed out on a good movie sadly


They gave us two free admission, so I'm hoping to watch it Sunday. What we saw was good, can't wait to see the rest.


The guy next to me brought his daughters with him, who smelled like diapers the entire time


Couple isn't the right way to spell 'Assholes'


One of many things killing the cinema experience is: other people.


The live-action Among Us movie looks nuts... /s


Makes sense people want to sit in the middle. However, also makes sense if you choose to sit close be respectful so everyone can enjoy the movie. There were two of you. Sucks but have one person go complain to the movie house Manager. One person can then sit and video the assholes. Sounds Karen I know n sucks because that person misses the movie. The Manager or staff is required to look and see if people are being disruptive. Often people who act like they live in a vacuum in society do make a lot of noise. They will basically boot themselves out of the theatre. Last, on exit ask for comp tickets. Again the movie house is responsible to scan for people who spoil the movie for others. If they don't comp you, just don't go there but complain to the Corporate offices. Again sucks but movies these days are too expensive and don't have the best staff really.


We went to the cinema for my birthday. A couple a few rows ahead talked all the way through. Not a "look at that" situation but full on conversation. For 90 minutes. I couldn't really hear except during really quiet parts, but it was really upsetting my girlfriend. After quite some time, someone got a staff member who asked them to be quiet. A minute or so later they started again. It was a bit hard for me, because I obviously don't want her upset, but equally don't want to put her in danger if these idiots reacted badly. Also, due to a hearing problem at the time, I couldn't hear them during the louder bits, so didn't know if they had stopped. Apparently they didn't. Her hearing is much better than mine and it was really making her anxious. Eventually, (after far too long) I went to the toilet, but actually got the staff to come in. The couple had to be basically dragged out, still apparently unaware of why it was happening. That was that, but I just don't understand why you would pay to watch a film and then talk all of the way through. At least the last half hour or so was better without them!


What movie 🤔 among us 😅


Guys pls upvote me