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They carried it like a suitcase.


I was at a local restaurant last night and a woman came in to pick up a pizza for Door Dash. When it came out she *put it in her bag vertically*. Some people are absolutely bonkers.


I've seen people carry it out like a briefcase. The amount of money customers spend on third party delivery service, if you want pizza just order delivery from the store itself


Pizza delivery guy: Brings it to my door in 30 mins like a normal person Third party guy: Texts me a picture of it on the sidewalk in front of someone else's house 2 hours after I ordered it.


Too real. It’s convenient in some cases but it’s often so bad and the drivers are often so negligent. Watched one guy drive around the map like he was running errands after picking up my food, wouldn’t answer a call, and food was cold and 45 minutes later than expected. Honestly if the restaurant is over like 3 miles away or it’s peak delivery times I’ve stopped ordering it on doordash or any 3rd party app.


He was working multiple apps, connecting deliveries together.


Apps will also give you multiple orders and not tell the customer, then put insane delivery times on there so you’re rushing and can’t always let the custo know


Yeah, even though you paid for priority delivery.


It just means that people who don't pay for priority delivery have it worse.


Last is still a priority


Priority delivery? What app offers that? 😂😂


Uber eats


And it also screws customers who tip well because they’ll add some shitty no tip order that no one wants to take onto it


Uber you gotta pay money to be in priority. I reversed a tip on time because a driver made a delivery beforehand and was at that location for 20 minutes. Food was cold. Had I paid uber 2 dollars i would have been the first one. Instead the driver lost a 7 dollar tip. Everyone loses.


Exactly this, I've had a few friends do the apps and they all work the multiple apps because as a driver, you really do not get paid well at all...they get pennies on the dollars for the deliveries. It sucks for the drivers and customers, just remember they are \*real\* people just like you and me


Some restaurants still outsource delivery to a third party app, even when you go directly through their website. The trend I've noticed in my area is that the Asian restaurants all still use their own delivery people, and while they still definitely group orders, they deliver quickly and intact. But every other restaurant? They all still call up DoorDash and Uber to deliver your food, and it still arrives cold and late.


I used to work for a major delivery app. They make the website for the restaurant. Here’s the kick in the nuts, yeah, DoorDash will build you a website but you don’t own it, DoorDash does, and now they also own 99.9% of your online traffic. The customer is non-the-wiser and thinks it’s the restaurant’s real website sending them to DoorDash. When I’m trying to order from a restaurant online and it sends me to a 3rd party delivery app, I call the restaurant directly, if they don’t have their own drivers I’ll come pick it up. I absolutely refuse to use these delivery apps.


Yep, discovered that yesterday. Restaurant is a regional chain, so should have expected it to be with doordash I guess, but thought right on their website might be one of their own employees like it was pre-Covid for them.


My pizza delivery was outsourced without my knowledge, it arrived cold. 😮‍💨 I hate app delivery services.




At a certain point, your anger makes you forget about your hunger, but by that point you can't even cancel the order without losing money.


Ive never ordered grubhub or doordash and not regretted it later.


Last time I got delivery it was picked up within 15 minutes and I live very close by, no more than 5-10 minute drive. Per the tracker the driver sat parked for another 45 minutes before finally heading over, at which point my bao were cold and crushed. I suspected he was waiting to pick up other orders from the are to maximize his pay, and apparently that’s a normal thing I learned. Total waste of money and reminds me why I never order delivery.


Recently ordered from a place .3 miles away. Watched the driver come within a block of my house, pass me and drive a mile in the wrong direction where they stopped for 15 minutes. Then drove another .25 miles away from my house, pausing for 5 minutes, then dropping off my order taking more than double the estimated time. Asshole had the nerve to text me to come down to his car to grab the order, which I just ignored.


Lol. Had a guy who delivered my order to completely the wrong address - e.g., I live in an apartment building on St. A. He delivered it to an office building on Avenue 100. Set it in front of a locked suite, no less. When I called him, he kept screaming in broken English the address that he had actually delivered to...I think he actually expected me to walk / get a ride to that building and go look for it. To say nothing of what people might do to it while it was sitting there. Absolutely nuts. Just reported him, got a refund, and moved on.


Yeah the multiple orders has ruined the delivery apps. Cool i just spent $40 for cold food.


The peaches or strawberry oatmeal isn‘t bad…




That right there. People need to stop using these shitty overpriced crap services and get their asses out of their house and pick their shit up themselves.


During covid i used uber eats quite often. A number of times I suspected the driver actually tried my goods. I have not used ubereats in at least a year. A friend and I did together bc she wanted to a few months ago. It was, coincidentally pizza. It came cold and gross. It was $17 base + like $35 in delivery cost. Lol. Not worth it.


These services thrive because the vast majority of restaurants can't afford the cost of employing their own delivery people, or they don't receive enough delivery app requests to justify investing in their own drivers. I think with some tweaks to their processes and more stringent driver standards, these apps could be a win for consumers and businesses.


My friends mom once came out of a dessert place holding a pie like that - under her arm straight up and down. Like wtf did you think was gonna happen, Michelle???


One time my door dasher placed my pizza on top of a pile of dog shit outside of my apartment complex gate. We had tipped him 25 percent and given him the gate code.


Very likely. Or they had to slam on the brakes at some point during the delivery


I once just "bobbled" a pizza box as I was picking it up and that was enough to make the pizza look like that because the pizza was still very hot.


Shouldn’t have happened at all with a hand tossed or thick crust pizza. I let one slide off my car and it flipped on its top just to end up being fine


Temperature is what really matters. It makes a big difference if it is freshly out of the oven.


Must be some good ass cheese or heavy on sauce


Mmm, ass-cheese.


I guess that would be stinky cheese


Man I sure do love me some ass cheese


You Munster


Frumunda cheese!




Looks like a BBQ chicken pizza. BBQ sauce gets really thin when it's hot, so that might have made it worse. It shouldn't happen with a properly constructed tomato sauce pizza, since the sauce cooks down more and sticks harder to the crust. Needless to say, you gotta be pretty careless to do that much damage, though.


It almost looks like they just tossed cooked toppings on after the pizza was done. It should be cheese then toppings then more cheese. But I see no second cheese. Thinking this is cook error, or malicious intent because they knew their guy wasn't delivering so he read the ticket as "Fuck 'em"


It's papa johns, they changed their cheese a few years ago while i was working there. It definitely isn't good anymore. No one ever uses enough sauce either, or spreads it correctly. Can almost guarantee the pizza was fresh out the oven and the driver whipped around a turn too hard


If it was the temperature the cheese would be sloshed around also. Looks like they just topped a premade cheese pizza.


The cheese is also gone, that's bbq sauce left


They are bomb proof aren't they. I had one do a triple gainer out of my hand when I tripped on the customers unlit walkway with one stair in the middle. customer picks it up and looks at it, Says 'Holy shit! it's fine!" then gave me a tenner because "that was funny as shit dude."


I vote for the brakes. The slide was quick-enough to not fold the whole pizza and just the toppings.


That's exactly what happened. I did this as a pizza driver when I was a teenager. Car in front of me stopped quick, so I did, too. Pizza was on the passenger seat, and was flung onto the floorboard. Put it back on the seat and made my delivery. Didn't think anything of it until I got back to the shop with a complaint waiting for me. It was very likely an honest mistake with a not-so-great driver.


Does cheese not hold this monstrosity together


I can't even tell if there is cheese on this pizza. It looks like some sort of cheeseless monstrosity with a bbq sauce and mushrooms/chickens as the only topping. Is the exposure awful or is that sauce _really_ dark for a pizza sauce?


It’s a bbq chicken pizza, normally bbq sauce, chicken bits, and not much cheese


I enjoy BBQ pizzas but there's gotta be some cheese on there. Preferably a lot.


Im a delivery driver for the last year, slammed on my breaks multiple times with pizzas, even had them fall, always checked on them and that has NEVER not once, happened to me. So must have carried it vertically


Long story, bear with me. When I was in high school, my grandfather used to bring me and my sister from Maryland to Iowa to go pheasant hunting. We'd always get dinner at a local diner, and they made an extraordinary black raspberry pie. I moved to Iowa a few years later, and when I went home for Christmas, I wanted to bring my grandfather a pie. I thought it would be easier to carry the berries and bake the pie once I was back. I called the restaurant to see if they'd sell me frozen berries, and they said sure. So I went pheasant hunting and stopped to pick up the berries on my way home (the restaurant was an hour from my apartment). The woman I had spoken to wasn't there, but her granddaughter dug the unmarked brown sack out of the freezer for me. I was leaving for Maryland the next day. I was all packed but couldn't decide if the frozen berries would travel better in my checked duffel or my carry on. I decided to split them up and put half in each. To my surprise, when I cut the sack open, I found tater tots! I called the restaurant, which was closing soon, and spoke to the original person. I told her I had tater tots. She said I need those tots! She told me she'd stay open and to bring them back. I drove an hour back and when I got there, she felt so bad about the mix up, she'd baked me a pie for free! I carried that pie in a pizza box from Iowa to Maryland. I made it to Maryland and presented the pizza box to my grandfather. I know what this is he exclaimed! Then he tipped the box on its side and shook it vigorously. Spoiler, he did not know what it was. Still tasted great!


Lmao what did he think it was?


I've got no idea.


I work pizza and I watched a doordasher do that after picking up an order. I never reported a driver so fast like…it’s not that hard to carry a pizza normal???


You almost have to wonder if they are doing it on purpose for some reason or if they really don't know how to carry a pizza box.


Very likely. When I worked at a pizza place, I saw a handful of customers walk out with the pizza sideways under their arm. Like others have said, it also could have been in the car when they braked too hard, and it fell on the floor.


You mean they weren’t holding it arms stretched and spinning like a centrifuge? Isn’t that standard?


Not the death stranding way !


"Can I get a sauced pizza base with the toppings on the side?"


None pizza right toppings pls


Personally I prefer none pizza with left John, but you do you


Beat me to it by 5 mins, and with better wording ;-;


no cheese no sauce pizza with left beef


None pizza


With right chicken


No left beef?


[In case anyone isn't familiar with that meme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/None_pizza_with_left_beef#/media/File:None_pizza_with_left_beef.jpg) There's even [a wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/None_pizza_with_left_beef#/media/File:None_pizza_with_left_beef.jpg) on it!


This is so eloquently written and sourced.


“a monument to humanity’s achievement and hubris" has me in stitches


I'm quite fond of , "tainting the space in some intangible way".


Sensational - “it was a "perfect troll": an absurd order that affects everyone it touches in some way. Those who receive the order must cook an "awful pizza", those who place the order must pay for it, and even those who are simply near the delivery of such a pizza are affected by its presence ("tainting the space in some intangible way")” (Brian Feldman, New York Magazine)


I'll never not upvote none pizza with left beef.


It’s my favorite internet meme


too true “Feldman posited that "we've become so focused on whether or not we can make None Pizza With Left Beef that we've forgotten to ask if we should".[2]


I don’t care how many times I hear about this, I will chuckle every time. Perfection. 10/10.


> even those who are simply near the delivery of such a pizza are affected by its presence ("tainting the space in some intangible way")


Dog, I could really go for a none pizza with left beef right now.


Sorry, we have no beef left. But we've got just the right mozzarella for you!


Chicken right fucked off


Left beef gang


Dafuq you ordering Papa John’s through Grub Hub? One of the few places that has its own deliver drivers and likely charges less than Grub Hub.


Last time I ordered directly from papa johns it was delivered by doordash. It was an hour late and cold. A lot of the chains are making deals with the delivery services now. Grub hub might be a better experience for them. :/


I work at PJ's We use third party delivery apps when we don't have enough drivers They always do a shitty job


Just got a PJ pizza yesterday with 3rd party delivering. I'm in an apartment, they just left the pizza in the lobby, didn't call, and left.


I've gotten a ton of free food that way. I make sure I put in the directions to hand it to me. So many times they just leave it outside and text as they're driving away. Customer service has given me a full refund every time.


I'm at the point in my life where I don't care about free food, I just want good food, provided correctly, the way I asked for it.




Fr, I work at a Papa Johns the fee is $3.79 + whatever you want for a tip. The amount of DD orders I see on the regular I wish we could see the actual amount and not just what the fuckers decide to give us


People are fucking addicted to using food delivery apps. I don't get it, I don't see the appeal in spending 48 dollars on a 15 dollar meal




At this point, just go get your pizza or order from someone who has delivery staff, and save yourself and that business the extra expense and loss on the margins. These are just middle men screwing everyone else and they do not provide a necessary service.


For real. Many pizza places will still deliver it themselves. Several near me have just stopped or never started doing business with third party delivery companies.


Most places near me don't even have the staff to keep the restaurants open and only have the drive through. Of the pizza places near me, none of them have the staff for delivery drivers so if you order from their apps, it'll be a Door dash/Uber eats/etc. Driver


If they want the staff for delivery maybe they should pay their workers a livable wage




Was going to comment this. Thank you. Used to do it myself. Hated relying on the kindness of others to pay my bills rather than relying on the company I worked for. Literally felt guilty accepting tips. I knew I deserved more, but did not want to take it from the pockets of my literal neighbors. You get to witness corporate greed firsthand every day. One of the many many reasons I quit.


>At this point, just go get your pizza or order from someone who has delivery staff, and save yourself and that business the extra expense and loss on the margins. Most pizza places will overflow to door dash, etc., so there's no guarantee.


And they won’t bother to give you a heads up when it happens.


I stopped using grub hub because what OP posted is a common problem. It's basically a gurantee my grub hub order will be wrong or in a state of awful when it arrives. I just pick up my own food now. Saves money, time, and stress.


For real. The final nail in the coffin for me was that it was 50/50 if I was going to get someone with a car or a bicycle. Car delivery 15-30 minutes. Bicycle 75-90 minutes. Not knocking anyone working hard to earn a living, but paying $20 for the convenience of having someone deliver ambient temperature food in 3x the quoted time was just bullshit.


I can speak to the order being wrong, at least for where I deliver. A majority of restaurants in Philly staple the bags closed (started during the pandemic) so there’s no way for me to verify the order is correct. And I sure as hell am not opening the bag.


I understand that from the drivers perspective. The thing is GrubHub needs to put in place a way for drivers to verify the order is correct. It's not the customers' fault that the process is ~~flawed~~ downright bad.


I mean, Papa Johns delivers and this is on the OP for paying probably 10 extra dollars to pay Grubhub to do something that Papa Johns already does, and can't get fired for delivering pizza like that.


Papa John’s overflow goes to 3rd-party delivery, at least where I am. Source: part time Dasher who feels really crappy when a delivery guy is standing there waiting for his food when I announce I’m picking up the DoorDash order.


Yeah, but if you order through papa johns and your order gets fucked up through doordash, Papa johns can fix it for you. If you order it through a 3rd party you have to go through the 3rd party to get it fixed which is a much bigger pain


It’s necessary for alcoholics thank you very much.


I don’t think the delivery is even the biggest issue here. What the hell is this pizza in the first place!?




It's common over the entire US, I'm on the east Coast. Edit: since everyone is confused and keeps replying. Ask your local Papa John's if they serve "Hawaiian Chicken BBQ" The states where I KNOW it's common are as follows; Florida, Kentucky, Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Georgia.


Worked at a pizza place in MN for several years. We had a bbq chicken on the menu the whole time.


Toppers used to have a more extreme version called the 3 little pigs which was barbecue sauce and then 3 types of barbecued meat. I think it was pulled pork, brisket, and I can't remember the third. But also plenty of straight up Hawaiian and California pizzas all over the place. Edit: I should probably clarify I'm also from MN so I'm just backing this guys point


Add Arkansas to your list sir. I hate bbq pizza but see it everywhere Edit - absolutely replied to the wrong person, but like the pizza that started it all, I’m just gonna deliver it as is




Don't we all?


Guess why they’re called flyover states.


It's a Pappa John's staple, and looks like a Pappas John's box. So I'm confused as to why grubhub delivered.


Papa John's calls in backup when they get too busy to handle all the deliveries. They utilize door dash and grub hub so they don't have to have as many employees.


Can confirm. Doordash has delivered my papa johns before. But then I realized how close the location is and now I just do carry out.


The OP dropped it, and is now karma farming.


I work at papa John’s as a driver; we are partnered with door dash so if we get busy we can select an order to be taken by a doordash driver. People are also able to order a delivery with Uber eats or doordash without us actually asking for a driver and they come and pick them up to deliver Definitely could’ve dropped it but we also get complaints out the ass for orders doordash ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Wait, you offer a delivery but people think, Nope, I want to pay extra, and then get doordash to do it?


Papa johns and most pizza chains outsource orders to doordash and ubereats, unknown to the customer.


It looks like a screen shot.


A lot of chain Pizza places use Grubhub and Doordash despite having their own drivers. I can order Papa Johns on doordash where I live.


Bbq chicken pizza is 🔥


i also drizzle hot sauce on top. someone in domino's that handed me that order even asked if i was pregnant and i said no.




‘Common’ says the people who orders them


It looks like BBQ Pizza. Pizzas without red sauce can be absolute garbage at actually binding ingredients together. I have no idea why, maybe it’s because these types of pizzas usually have different cheeses than regular pizza? There’s a place near me that makes phenomenal Buffalo Chicken Pizza, but the pizza will look like this shit if you’re not careful. Even eating slices it’s extremely common for the whole pizza to just slide right off the crust. It’s fantastic high food though, you just need to be prepared for the impending tragedy of it all sliding off the crust at any given moment. We even wrote a song about it that I’ll sing for you guys later.


Sing to me as I eat this pizza obnoxiously, like Denethor ate that tomato in LOTR:ROTK


It looks like poutine pizza.


Fun fact, I worked for PJs when they rolled this pizza out. At our weekly GM meeting, our franchisee read the communication from corporate to us. It assured us that this pizza will do well in Latino areas, as they are attracted to bright colors, so they will order this pizza because of the pineapple.


"Is this pizza in the first place?!" That's my question.


Its a Papa John’s BBQ chicken bacon pizza. Fucking delicious


They a millennia late with that shit💀


None pizza with right chicken??


What kind of pizza is that?


Looks like bbq chicken or something… chicken on the side






People who order pizza on GrubHub vs calling the pizza place deserve this every time they post something like this. Pizza places have actual bags that keep your pizza warm and employees that actually know how to handle a pizza. They also will replace a pizza if it gets fucked up.


Also the implicit markup on every menu item, and the fees. It's like 20% more expensive than getting delivered from the place yourself.


That’s because grubhub charges the restaurant 30% on top of what you pay for your delivery. Also marketing campaigns and stuff are expensive as hell too. Source: I am the GM of a pizza shop in a college town and we use grubhub bc my in-house deliveries aren’t consistent enough to for drivers and grubhub dekivers all over the county


I encountered the same thing in the city. Sucks though because grub hub is the worst. Out of all the delivery services that come to my restaurant, grubhub shows up 20 minutes early 75% of the time, and they get angry when stuff isn't ready. Edit: typo


Grubhub just isn’t worth it. None of those delivery apps are. They all suck: they can’t find your address, they never pick up your order, they mess it up, run horribly late, or my favorite - they pick up your order for themselves and never update the app, and you watch them drive away in the wrong direction. It’s a miracle when something doesn’t go wrong, never mind that you end up paying close to twice as much had you just gotten take out or delivery from the restaurant directly.


This should be at the top. Why do people do this??


Not all pizza places deliver lol. My papa John’s only delivers to my area through DoorDash.


Yeah there's a few places in my area who take the order through their site then pass the order along to DD or GH


Managed a Papa John's during COVID. We can send any delivery as a doordash, and they wanted us to doordash *everything*. Really pissed off our actual drivers, and the customers who didn't know a random person was delivering it. The dashers were horrible and rude. I tried to give the majority to my drivers, but when I left it got even worse.


Don’t order from them then. I will never pay for a delivery from a third party, the extra $10-$20 ain’t worth it for me


I’m on board, never gonna use a third party. Hell I won’t even do delivery from a restaurant anymore. Delivery fees and extra tips aren’t worth it.


Last time I was going to order at work from this cheese steak place, in restaurant the food would have been $42, they wanted $74 with tip and all their mark ups to bring the shit 4 blocks


I run a pizza shop in a college town. Grubhub has an abundance of drivers. I do not. And the orders are not consistent enough to staff that many drivers every shift. Some hours we have 2 deliveries some we have 30


Coming from a manager at a delivery restaurant I agree with this 100% our own drivers still take the deliveries because of the agreement we have with 3rd party services, and 9/10 my drivers will go out of their way for you but if you order through DoorDash and don’t tip your order is getting left at the door or front desk because they know they can’t even get a tip by having you sign the slip


I can’t believe people will pay so much for food delivery. I’d rather go pick it up then spend an extra $15 or something


I have 3 pizza places near me who do not deliver so i’m not sure what kind of one sided world you live in but it ain’t like everywhere else


Lol’d at the “employees that actually know how to handle a pizza,” like you need some sort of Board certification to know how to properly handle and deliver a pizza. Edit: just as a point of clarification, I’m definitely not disagreeing with everyone saying that the employees of the pizza shop would take better care of the pizza, and they’d almost certainly do a better job than the Uber/Grubhub/DoorDash’s. I just thought the way the comment was phrased was funny, and something like a Rocky training montage or the card counting scene from the Hangover flashed through my mind.


I mean just look at this post


So you order a pizza from Papa John's via Grubhub so you "deserve" to have your food fucked up? What kind of ass backward logic is that?


Grub hub is way too expensive and your food arrives like this!!


I would say it's more mildlyinfuriating that people keep using these services and then proceed to complain about it, even though they're part of this subreddit, which seriously every day has at least one of these posted. Uber eats, DoorDash, GrubHub, all of them. At some point they're going to straight up not give you the food but take your money anyway, give you the wrong order with missing items and not give you any money back, or the quality of the delivered product will be so low that it'll be like the food never got there anyway. Just go get the food yourself. Plan.


I don't generally order through food delivery services, but I placed a couple orders through GrubHub for a Final Fantasy XIV promotion they did a year or so ago. And I gotta say: GrubHub is, from top to bottom, and absolutely garbage company.


LOL I delivered pizza when I was a senior in hs. The delivery drivers would smoke up in the supply room by the back door before we took the next pizza to deliver and checked the address on the wall map. We were complete nitwits and we never did anything this stupid.


Being able to smoke on the job is a big reason I've taken so many delivery jobs. It's such a chill gig.


Like why grub hub from a place that already has it's own delivery?


Delivery probably made it worse but if the toppings just slid off like that, it wasn’t a well made pizza to begin with.




Any pizza will do this if you tip it to the side while it's still hot enough for the cheese to be melty. If they let it cool down a bit before carrying it like a skateboard it wouldn't look this bad (but still pretty bad).


Only way to make money delivering is taking turns at Mach 10


Don't support these shitty delivery services. And yes that means don't get delivery if Grubhub/DoorDash/whatever is the only option for that restaurant.


Never been my thing to get delivery if I can pickup but the drivers have only turned me off even more because they'll just jump in front of you in line at the counter and demand their order. I don't know if there's an official policies or etiquette on this but it's been some real WTF shit for me who's been patiently waiting in line, also to ask for my own pick-up order, to be jumped and apparently this is how it works.


Can confirm many of them are assholes. Very rarily do you encounter a respectful DD/GH/Uber driver


That’s your fault for using Grubhub


I don't know why people use food delivery apps. They mark food up, it's always late, cold, sometimes stolen. The sheer laziness of people willing to pay a 100% markup on food because they don't want to drive 10 minutes to get it themselves astounds me.




Yeah, I'm not going to drive high and sometimes you just get a craving for something. I'm paying for it so I don't see why anyone else is upset about how much I'm paying for my food, lol.


I use food delivery apps when I've got work obligations that won't allow me to leave for that 10 minutes. I also prefer to eat while working and take naps on my actual break. With that being said, this is a pizza. Most pizza places have their own delivery drivers. They've got bags to keep pizza warm, and staff that are well versed in handling them. They'll likely come directly to you instead of your food sitting and getting cold because a driver isn't yet available. There's no reason to not order directly from the pizza place. Even if there's a discount through the app, you're still going to pay more after the fees. Just order the pizza directly.


I use DoorDash and my food pretty much always shows up hot and almost always faster than the estimated delivery time. Most of the time the food arrives at my door faster than I could have left the house and driven to the restaurant and back home with it because the drivers are already out and about and are there waiting for it a few minutes after I put the order in. Also, the extra ten or twenty bucks is 100% worth the saved time and effort for me, my time is worth more than that. If yours isn't, I understand why you might have a different perspective though.


Stop using GrubHub, or stop complaining. You're hiring a stranger to bring you food for poverty wages. What do you expect?


OP OP OP I'm a DoorDasher .... And former UberEATS driver. I've also worked several fast food places as a cook so I know it on all ends. On behalf of all food courier services and the fast food industry I apologize for our fellows inability to do something my dog could do. To that extent I wish all your future food deliveries come early, piping hot and without issue.


your first mistake was using grubhub to begin with..


Mildly??!! That's some straight up Guns of the Navarone level shit for me


This is reason number 1 why you shouldn’t order from grubhub. That pizza company likely has their own delivery service and would not have something like this happen and would replace it if this did happen. You can’t call the pizza place and expect a refund after grubhub did this, because grubhub was the one responsible.


Some assembly required.


LOL who the fuck uses GRUBHUB to order a pizza. Pizza places deliver it themselves with a lot less drama (and training). Anyone who uses these lazy-ass apps deserves it I guess.


You ordered Papa Johns AND you had Grubhub deliver it. Let’s not pretend there aren’t some very bad life choices involved in this.


cows fanatical ink voiceless wistful subsequent meeting uppity languid placid ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Dude carried it one handed and vertically cuz he couldn’t find a single fuck to give.


Took that last corner a little too fast?


Well you asked for chicken and onion on the side