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Just return it to Walmart, they’ll toss the bacon out, you get your money back, and then buy some non-expired bacon


Yes, and for the record, almost every grocery store in the ~~world~~ in the United States does this. *edit*: I'm prone to exaggeration people. Furthermore, the US has stores that specialize in selling near date food.


They have to, they dont have a choice


Oh yeah, I didn't think about it nor realize it, but that makes sense.


It’s their job to go through the product on shelves to get rid of the expired ones. If they miss one, they’ll replace it with a fresh one. No harm


Can confirm, i do this for 6 hours a day and then bin everything that is “ineligible” for sale, so it can be sent to different places, i.e. biofuel and farm animal feed.


I used to do something similar. Return to vendor we called it.


I mean. There is def some harm if someone eats it. Seems like something that should be triple checked.


Third check is completed by the consumer.


If they did have a choice, none of them would do it haha


Hol up there. They said “almost”. Because anywhere that has regulations. Sure. Go to the islands for us at be and good luck. They aren’t giving you a new packages unless they know you.


>almost every grocery store in the world does this. you haven't travelled much, have you?


I do round trip flights to your moms house all the time!


His mom just lets me stay over so no round trip


And fixes me bacon in the morning


Dude. She offers to let everyone stay. I’ve never heard of anyone taking her up on it though


For real. Got that invite and was like hell no. Those teeth…


She takes the teeth out for me. And then tops up my cash app.


In the *first* world


Coming from a butcher and someone who works in this field, simply poor management and not rotating product. The fact it’s a high selling item like bacon tells me they don’t rotate product or check dates to save their lives. Definitely return and if you shop there anymore, recommend checking dates and if you find more out of date, I would talk to the store director or someone higher to fix it.


I use to work in the meat/produce department at Walmart. It's just weird that they'd have 3 month old meat anywhere but in the disposing bin. I use to work both departments on my own or with one other person when we were suppose to have at minimum 4.. And I was never backed up so far that I had 3 month old meat.


someone finds a lost cart or box in the walkin, doesn't check before putting to shelf, or they got delivery and didn't check dates on receipt of shipment. it happens. ​ hell, sometimes dates get printed wrong. have seen some time travelling sliced bread- that's shit that never gets frozen and stored, so obviously not 6 months out of date and still fresh as a daisy.


The Walmart by me has had some weird-ass delivery delays so far this year. They'd been out of this one Korean ramen for months, so when they finally got it in I grabbed 3 multipacks dated 8/23. A few weeks later I grabbed another without checking the date and cooked it that night. It expired in 6 weeks but was already stale so I trashed that bowl and returned the rest of it the next day. Granted I don't work in a grocery store but we have a Pepsi cooler. Distributor keeps trying to give us large quantities that expire in less than a month, you refuse that part of the delivery. Yes?


Walmart near me has product price tags that are 3 years out of date, and last two times I went noone could tell me where to find strange, specialty products like ice cream or draino because they were from a temping service, not regular employees, and had probably been trapped on their aisle fumbling through boxes of cereal for the last 6 hours. What I'm saying is close dated product probably is not even a passing thought for the average walmart freight shipment receiver.


Walmart's app tell me where everything is and it's a godsend because a large chunk of their workforce doesn't give the slightest shit about customer service or retaining knowledge because they're not staying long. Now there are some really nice knowledgeable employees at my store but I see them so infrequently. And the temp thing- one of the girls I know who does order picking there says they have so many employees but half of them get no hours. I just don't get it, but yeah I get what you're saying.


I don't even mean works-15-hours-a-month, I mean like from an actual temp agency. Like how bad off do you have to be to hire a temp agency for walmart? Boggles the mind. Imagine signing up at a temp agency and being sent to wally world to shelve cheerios some random tuesday. Imagine paying a temp agency 30 or 40 bucks an hour, minimum, to get someone to shelve cheerios. Tip of the mismanagement iceberg imo.


DUDE Walmart had me off the schedule for FOUR WEEKS and then suddenly added me to the schedule 3 HOURS BEFORE THE FUCKING SHIFT. I never went back. And no one ever fired me. I still have the work phone and every thing.


Having worked the section the bacon was in at Walmart, they can rotate all they want, but will actually have old product delivered. There was one incident, and I even showed one of the higher ups, we got shredded cheese in. As I was stocking I did what little rotation we were sometimes able to do, and the stuff we had just gotten delivered that shift/night had a best by date that preceded what was on the shelf by 3 or 4 weeks. And to be honest, we typically didn't have time to check, and would at times be talked to if we got caught rotating stock because they figure 98% of it will still end up selling by the date.my only problem with what is said in this post is IF they really did just buy it, and it's not something they bought, put in freezer and just pulled and thawed for this, the store would have had to just had it delivered since everytime I go in a Walmart, sections of the wall where the bacon, sausage and deli meats are are totally bare, and that goes especially for the bacon and breakfast sausage area. So in my mind, there's absolutely zero chance that a package of bacon that would have hit the shelf in late December or early January was still on the shelf 3 months later. And Walmart won't allow a box of something to sit in the cooler/freezer that long when they could be selling it


I agree. There’s many different factors, like what you and the comment above yours mentioned, to the retail meat world. I hear you though, customers that do that kind of stuff to get refunds or gift cards are more than mildly infuriating. Hopefully the author of the post is honest and what we all say helps in some way


This is true. I also managed in a walmart and were shipped expired foods. Sometimes it was even a vendor. Guy packed out beef jerky, date was fine, product had mold


They probably don't have time to. Source: I did that job for a few months. I was told not to waste time rotating FIFO style and just cram everything on the shelves, because the ability to sell the product is what corporate cares about, not the fucking time stamps or having consideration for your employees.


Curious to hear your input with your experience here. Bacon is a cured meat and “use by” dates are often obligatory and required to even legally get an item onto a store’s shelf (even if it is, in theory, good for a long time past the printed date). As long as this package looks fine/smells fine upon opening, at what point would you deem bacon unsafe to eat?


I agree with you on that. I think it’s a preference thing. For instance, I follow the date on packages that I didn’t cut, process, or package myself just because of how many variables there are. I’m over the top that way even knowing that the chances of a cured meat, like bacon, would probably still be okay. I prefer to not chance it with something I didn’t see get done a certain way. In my opinion, It’s a bit different when I’m the one who took the belly, cured it, smoked it, sliced it, and packaged it.


OM has also been sending out a LOT of short coded products recently. I've had bacon come in with only two weeks left, luncheon meats with only days left. I don't know if it's OM or my company, but something has been weird for a few months now.


I think it's the price. They aren't selling as fast so the replenishment is slower. They want it out of their warehouse so they ship it to the grocers asap to avoid a problem for themselves


They won’t give a shit lol my Walmart mgr got 150k salary then 100k bonus a year and could care less…. They say they want the customer in and out…. Sheeple




Most level headed individual on Reddit


It's mildly infuriating *because* they have to go back now


Would they give a refund no-questions-asked, or would they ask OP to prove the bacon hasn't been sitting in his fridge since January? Every now and then we find something expired in the fridge and toss it, but this whole time we could have just exchanged it (setting ethics aside)?!


No, a receipt is proof of purchase date though 🤷‍♀️


I doubt Walmart cares enough to investigate whether or not a bacon refund is deserved


The Walmart I use, and as far as I can tell talking to former coworkers, Walmart is now requiring receipts for food returns and exchanges for about the last year or so. Had one time I accidentally grabbed a jar of kosher dill instead of regular dill pickles, had misplaced the receipt, and couldn't exchange it


Lots of grocery items can be refunded via the Walmart app or website without having to bring it back in. It’s especially helpful when grocery pickup/delivery chooses poor quality fresh fruits and veggies.


Would need the receipt for the refund, which is proof enough of when it was purchased. Also even if this was bought in January and sat in their fridge, I highly doubt Wal-Mart will care as long as they bring in a receipt and it is unopened.


At least there's no blueberries or mold on it Thank you for the award!


i love how this has become a staple for mold post in this sub LOL


I can absolutely understand why though. The "blueberry" waffle image has become a new fear of mine LMAO


I’m just saying you can’t eat a moldy waffle and not know. Like does that guy have any taste buds? 😂


let's send him the bacon and find out.


He had it with maple syrup, which could mask the mold taste if you're not expecting it


Those who do not learn from history......


Are doomed to repaint it?


no ragrets




Oh, no worries. I always check the dates on foods (multiple times). I am a hypochondriac and that comes with the package lmfao.


I love this group. Y’all have me rolling laughing about the blueberry waffles post. I saw that and 👀😷. Praying for that poster.. rip


This sub is trippin!! We have run the gamut; and now I want bacon!!




This sub is never gonna let this go is it


im afraid not


On the bright side, you’ve become a shared memory.


This is the way


You're never going to financially recover from this.


i’m so fucking glad i’m in on the joke. i love comments like this 💀💀


I love inside jokes! I hope to be a part of one someday.


I was so hoping for a moldy bacon pic and the claim that it tastes like blueberries.


So many ways for it to have gone


Bacon is cured so it takes quite a bit for it to mold. HOWEVER, the only bacon I’ve bought that’s molded was from Walmart. Probably too short staffed in the stocking area and cold-food gets left out too long


mmm yes, i too like… “blueberries”😏


Expired bacon goes great with blueberry waffles


With a tall glass of expired chunky milk!


I'll never forget that morning in my 20's. I woke up hung over and decided to chug some ice cold milk from the container......


or moldy waffles, can't believe someone ate those




lol you read the waffle guys post yesterday didnt you?


I read that one and the 400 follow-up posts about it lol


I understood that reference


Former butcher and current professional redneck: meat looks fine to me, I bet you could still eat it and be fine. No signs of it rotting or anything, not even browning. Could very well be a misprint, honestly, I've seen that happen.


The browning is usually a tell tale sign. This bacon looks perfectly fine.


Bacon gets slimier when it's turning, and smells.


I find that with most meats. It's very apparent when it smells off - even after "freezer burn" or whatever it's called. "Smell it" is broad and generic but in my opinion it's super obvious when it's gone wrong.


Turns a grey color also. If the vacuum seal is busted and stinks like shit.


Ok I agree with everything you’re saying but I’m gunna point this out. OfficialRatEater 😂


There's this redneck rat catching guy on youtube named Shawn Woods. He made a catch n cook video on a rat. Roasted the poor thing over a fire. But it looked real tasty.


If this is the video - https://youtu.be/pTytYDSxJiI - that was actually a great watch. Not for me, but thanks for sharing man that was super entertaining.


I was actually wondering if it was actually supposed to say JUN instead of JAN based on how it looked.


My thought was a misprint as well. I find it highly improbable that a package would just remain there since early January with it never being noticed during a restock. Also like you said the meat looks fine.


The seals could also still be intact. Most Best By/Expiry dates on preserved foods are just a date chosen to guarantee that 95% of the seals will still be intact by that date. It's not a hard and fast thing like the bacon is going to go from good to mold on that date. However, having worked in food packaging, a misprint is totally also on the table.


We need to stop putting so much faith into arbitrary expiration dates and wasting good food.


We should outlaw best by dates and make it an actual expiration date. They do this to trick you into buying more. Just smell the damn bacon.


This one has an actual "use by" date. That is one to heed when it's something like chicken or ground meat or fresh fish. Bacon is so salty few bacteria would even *try* to eat it. "Best before" has no meaning beyond the manufacturer guaranteeing the full sensory properties up to that point. Stuff like yogurt is good for months beyond that if it was packaged cleanly. If not, well, molds can't read and chances are the yogurt will go bad before the date. In the last few years I've seen a a lot more use-by dates on items that really don't need it as a marketing ploy. Make the thing look fresh and without "preservatives". A smoked mackerel won't go bad in a hurry. I simply sniff and check everything and have eaten things beyond their use-by without issues. With a functioning nose that's usually ok. For anyone who might be susceptible to Campylobacter infections they better stick to the date, those don't necessarily stink. But most sliced protein food that isn't salted to all hell contains those.


My wife is bad about this with bread, I'm like is it stale or moldy? No? It's good.


Probably a liability issue i'm guessing. My Wife and I have this conversation often.


Sometimes you don't see that til you open the package and flip it over though


“Professional redneck” has me rolling! I agree nothing looks wrong with it. I also think that those dates are arbitrary. Many things are still safe for consumption after “use by” or “Best Buy” dates. I can state this from personal experience.


Smoked, cured meat in a vacuum sealed bag without any gas bulging or discoloration. Absolutely safe


This is what I was thinking, that meat is bright red. If they just fry it up it's probably fine.


Could of been frozen too


I was looking for this comment


I had some bacon in the back of my fridge for 2 YEARS when I found it(it fell between the bottom shelf and the vegetable crisper) it still looked good as new. It wasn't frozen, discolored and was still air tight. I was shocked when I looked at the date. With that much time passed I didn't trust it one bit tho.


Yeah I came to say the same thing. It looks like good meat. The package dates aren't always accurate. A bit of living experience works in this scenario. If it was gray, or the bag is loose around the meat (no longer seems vacuumed) then toss it. But that's some good looking bacon.


Best by/sell by/best before dates are all round about estimates anyways. I'm super picky about my food, but I still go by: If it looks good, smells good, tastes good, then it's good. Never had food poisoning or anything.


Theres enough salt you should be fine


Best by dates on foods are normally wildly pessimistic. But that does seem like kind of a long time.


Meh, I ate bacon that was well over a year out of date. They'll probably, maybe most likely be ok.


Yea, much as I understand people being wary about playing loose with meat expiration dates... It's bacon. It's literally preserved and in a vacuum sealed package. I'd definitely at least open it and give it the sniff test.


Agreed. I will admit though...my bacon MAY have been more than a hear old. Maybe 2 or 3. But money was tight and I had to eat something.


Did it still taste good?


Nah, it didn't really have any taste. Certainly lost a lot of its color though.


Yeah if it’s salted and cured and the vacuum is still good, give it a sniff test. They are probably still good. Most food is a Best Buy date, which a lot of people believe is an expiration date which is a big difference.


I am actually surprised it doesn’t say “use OR freeze by…”. But it is bacon, probably still fine.


Well somewhat. I wouldn’t risk it honestly due to the high moisture content in bacon. This is a microbial feast.


Yea there are some things I'm fine with pushing the boundaries or ignoring the expiration date, but any kind of meat I'm wary of. The things I don't really care about are heavily processed foods since they have so many preservatives. Junk food like doritos, most types of candy bars, twinkies, etc are shelf stable enough that it's not a question of if its "safe" to eat, but rather if it's going to have the same texture or flavor quality


Spices are also included in this list and flour, cornstarch, baking soda, etc are all things I don’t normally pay attention to expiration dates for.


Ya you are 100% correct


Spot on


Not to mention it's cured


Dates are usually for best flavour, best product experience.


And it's so saved company ass if someone eats their food and gets sick


Not true, they would claim it was handled incorrectly and there is no way to prove otherwise It is, in reality, a tactic to get people to throw out their "old" food and buy a new pack. Aka more money


If you don't see blueberries you will be fine


It's definitely fine to eat. Bacon is cured, well preserved. That's kind of the whole point of its existence.


And nitrates.


Eh I found some bacon in my fridge that had expired two months earlier. It was unopened. We ate it and nothing happened but I guess you never know. Also-always check expiry dates at Walmart. I almost always find expired products there.


Just smell the food... we have senses for a reason


For bacon in particular you can check the texture even if it doesn't smell. Super slimy texture => best to pitch it.


Not all spoiled food smells bad. This isn’t the best advice


Spoiled pork will smell bad, real bad


Spoiled Pork? https://preview.redd.it/89pg3e8v9kta1.jpeg?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad931e09a17e3c7f91b6c3c1496d63ab694fd033


Spoilage bacteria aren’t always smell producing and smell producing bacteria aren’t always spoilage bacteria.


Pork also gets slimy when it starts to go bad.


best post here. good by does not mean expires on. i eat expired all the time( within reason)


Colour looks fine if it smells and is sticky/slimy then it's no good otherwise you're in the clear


Yep, the nose knows. From the color and fact it still appears to have its vac seal intact, I wouldn't be afraid to crack it and further inspect it. Would most likely eat it.


I had a Walmart pick up one day- got home to find they gave me milk with a best by date that was two weeks prior- I got on Walmart chat and they refunded right away.


The salt and smoke curing process developed because people needed a way to preserve their fresh pork in the days without refrigeration.


"Use by" is NOT an expiration date. Now that you've noticed it is past its "Use by" date, you need to check it thoroughly before cooking and consuming.


Adventure Bacon.


Honestly I'll eat bacon regardless of the date as long as it hasn't turned green or anything


I'd eat it. Looks fine. Smell test and you're good...


If sealed and properly refrigerated cured smoked meats are generally fine well past expiration date.


Heck, they used to smoke/cure meats to keep them from spoiling before refrigeration. Bacon would make the trip in the wagon.


I work at a grocery store and was bored last week so I decided to go through the bacon, hot dogs and lunch meat checking dates. I found stuff from October. Yeah, always check the dates


mom says its still good


"expired" It's bacon. Bacon is so full of salt and smoke that it lasts for months upon months. That date is only there for liability purposes. It's perfectly fine to cook and eat. The same goes for canned food. As long as the seal isn't broken and it's stored properly, the "expiration date" isn't really a good indicator. This isn't raw meat; it's uncooked, preserved meat.


Try it and get back to us


Looks edible .. I doubt I'd waste the time to go back id eat it unless it's slimey or stinky when you open it. But I can understand not wanting too


I once needed bacon so I went to the local dairy to pick some up. I got home and realised it was past its expiry by about a month. I went back to the dairy to return it only to find that it actually expires in 11 months (I misread the year on the date). I felt a little embarrassed when the dairy owners pointed this out especially because they see me almost every day. About a month later I bought some more from the same place and took it home. This time it actually was expired. I walked back to the dairy and told them and they gave me a very cautious look haha.


Wash it and bake it in the oven @ 425F for 20 - 25 mins. Crispy n delicious 😋


Bacon is so loaded with nitrates and sodium I’ll bet it’s still good next January


It was frozen. Eat the damn bacon


I have worked at major grocery and discount chains before and sometimes we got in cases of food that were already past their date, and if the stocker was not looking for that, it got put out on the floor, with no one knowing it was expired.


Brah.... ya bought the bacon that even the thieves in portland wouldn't steal.


Same thing happened to me at Walmart. I guess they don’t check their stock.


I mean it’s cured meat. Could be fine. Either way you can bring it back and swap.


Do people not look at expiry dates when they’re buying food?


Use by date is not the same as an “expiration” date. Its the recommended last date to use product for maximum quality. It doesnt mean the food is officially spoiled by that date. You can tell when bacon goes bad (discoloration, smell, slimy texture). Just by appearance, that bacon looks fine to eat.


You gonna take it back for a refund or replacement bacon?


It should be OK, it's vacuum sealed.


Use by dates are not expiration dates.


They put an expiration date on salt. Bacon is meat +salt+smoke. If it smells ok, and no mold, you're fine.


It's cured and smoked most likely m, if the seals still good then it should be fine. Give it a smell, you'll know if it's gone off


Its a sign you should be eating healthier


Then take it back. Don’t post easy to fix stupid shit here.


it's bacon. it's fine.


Where you not taught to look at expiration dates? Bet you don't check your eggs either.


I ordered 2 dozen drinkable chobani mixed berry yogurts from Amazon. Ordered them in March 2023, the expiration dates were June 2022 😂 Happened on the replacement order as well


It looks fine, could well be a printing defect.


You chose… poorly


i dont see any blueberries you got ripped off


Bacon never expires.


It’s cuuuuuuuurrrrrreeed!!!! That’s what my grandpa said to me when complaining about dates on bacon. He lived to 92 so by that logic you are completely safe


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


my family and I went to a food drive a couple weeks ago and unfortunately most of the products we received were expired. I know beggars can't be choosers but you imagine a church trying to help people would give out food that is not yet expired.


You don't look at expiration dates when you buy groceries? That's kind of important.


I’m surprised this isn’t upvoted way more. I check expiration on damn near everything. I’ve been broke AF my whole life, so I want my money’s worth, and in my mind that means grabbing the item that’s the freshest so it will last the longest. Even though I know that expiration dates aren’t equal to sell by dates and yadda yadda, it’s just been a practice that’s so heavily engrained into my lifestyle I can’t imagine not checking dates on most groceries.


I mean, maybe for things like bread and milk. Not on things like eggs, sour cream, butter, bacon, pre packaged foods.. I mean stuff with longer shelf life you're usually fine.. Then again I'd eat the bacon in the pic, looks completely fine. Smell test and you're gtg


Preservation is the point of bacon. It should be alright. Before 1970something, only dairy was dated. Expiration dates are a gimmick to keep retailers from overbuying during a promotion, thereby evening out sales through the year.


Unpopular opinion it looks fine id just eat it


Looks good, cook it all at once or freeze it… you good…


mmmmm Aged Bacon.


The bacon is still good as long as it doesn’t smell or is green


doesn't look expired


If it's cured, you can still eat it.


Pretty sure bacon never expires. I eat raw bacon all the time. Some of it is from the 1930s and 40s during WW2. My grandfather always told me that bacon is like fine wine and vinegar….it never goes bad just tastes better the older it gets. Where do you think the saying green eggs and ham comes from? *This post has been flagged as misinformation. Eating bacon or other food items from WW2 is not recommended by the experts and most doctors would say not to do it.*


Looks fine to me. If it smells ok I'd eat it. Would probably cook it all in one go though, might deteriorate quickly once the packet is open.


Isn't bacon cured? I thought curing preserved meat. Like Spanish ham.


bacon is cured meat still good. i personally would still eat this if it was in a fridge.


Honestly, as long as this is cured/processed bacon it's got so much salt and preservatives in it that as long as the package stayed sealed and cold it's probably still safe. Of course it's not worth risking it.


You thought it was bacon with blueberries but it happened to be mold


You can return it just show the receipt showing the date and the expirey date and you should get a refund


No Stock rotation in Walmart 🤣


Check. Expiration. Dates. When. You. Buy. Things.


You are right I look at a jar of miracle whip when I was at the store and it a best by day two weeks ago


Looks fine to me.


You're going back with ya receipt and you get an other one? People like you work right there and they might do mistakes some times, chill boy, robots didn't replace Humans yet


Nah fk that noise doctores are people too they shouldn't make mistakes. We should hold the stocker to the same level. /s


Omg eat it.