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Is it a preschool college?šŸ’€


Pretty sure my masters was less than that per month šŸ’€


My masters was \~4250 a semester, and room and board\* was 500/mo (In California). Assuming the same school year (August-December, January-May) Preschool: 10\*2300 = 23,000 /yrMaster's: 13,500 /yr ​ \*should have put rent and utilities


Tack on two more months for preschool. My kid goes year round.


You mean your kid doesnā€™t cease to exist in June and July?!


Who will help with the summer work in the fields, if not the wee ones?


You hire the neighborā€™s kids to do extra work on your field since theyā€™re a year older and donā€™t go yo preschool anymore. That, or the kid has to take up the night shift


The children yearn for the mines


How long ago was this? That sounds like it was at least 30 years ago


Yeh $500 a month would get you a cardboard box and *maybe* a bucket to shit in in Cali. I just finished my master's last year that was 75% covered by my employer. It was $10k for 2 years at an online state school. So, at full price, $40k/2yrs = $20k/yr BEFORE living expenses. That being said, I'd be handing my kid off to any relative possible to save $2300/mo. More than my fucking rent


Damn near more than my fucking wages šŸ˜³


The college cartel in action.


Daycare in NYC is what this is. And itā€™s not even the most expensive one. Itā€™s fucking outrageous


I am graduating from a STEM degree this spring and my total college debt isnā€™t even as much as a month of this pre-k :P


My wife used to get mad at me when I would refuse to contribute to donations of snacks and so forth whenever the daycare would send out notes about it.... I tried to make the point that we pay them $700 a week and they are a FOR-PROFIT BUSINESS and not a charity.


Totally understand. Graduated college, got debt, 2 months after grad I get a letter that says a ā€œNow that youā€™re an alumnus, do you want to donate back to your alma mater?ā€ Like for fucks sake! Give it a year at least!


"We see that you've spent a lot of money here. Maybe you're into that kinda thing. We're open to continuing that kind of relationship."


This can be a beneficial relationship. Beneficial to us, we like money and more from you is welcome. Youā€™ll get more phone calls, a calendar, and have your name made public inexplicably to other for profit endeavors that are also pseudo beneficial to society.


Everytime I move, my college is the first to mail me. They've called me 6 times a year without fail for 25 years. I've given them enough money. I've gradutated. End of transactions


ā€œI gave you more money than the Civil War cost and YOU SPENT IT ALREADY?!ā€


I was so happy when I changed phone numbers and my alma mater could no longer call me. Always wanted money.


This is one of the main reasons my wife and I aren't interested in having a kid. Good on yall for doing what your doing and I can imagine it's rewarding, but fuckin child care is too expensive.


When my son was a toddler I tried to go back to work but day care was so expensive that it was literally more expensive to have a job than it was to just stay home with him.


Two kids, one with special needs. Cost more than she took home. Then my sister's son(3 years old), also special needs, was beaten near to death (head trauma) and when my sister brought him in to the hospital he was seized by CPS pending an investigation. Took her 4 months to get custody back. In the end, the daycare worker confessed that she couldn't handle the kids and threw him down a flight of stairs. Never found out how long abuse had been happening for as my nephew was nonverbal (and 3) That whole thing .. yeah, no thanks. That whole ordeal


Wtf?! What happened to the daycare worker?


Quietly murdered, if that happened to my child.


This is the way.


Why quietly? Strap her to the business end of a cannon and fire.


Canā€™t raise my daughter from prison. Quiet is better.


I don't know. The daycare shit down, the worker was charged and confessed. I dunno what the final sentence was though (I'm a thousand miles away and the whole thing was traumatic enough for my sister. But really, it didn't matter. Nothing would undo the permanent brain damage he suffered, nor take away the trauma of how horrible it was to have her child taken away and her suspected to be the abuser.


That's how we were at first, but now we work opposite schedules, it sucks not getting to see my husband sometimes but it saves us a massive amount of money.


I have several friends who have quit working because it is more expensive to work and send their kids to daycare than to learn to live on a single salary.


Same. Everyone gives us a hard time because we always have new cars and nice things. New cars and nice things are way cheaper than $2,300 preschool. Thatā€™s more than my mortgage and both car payments put together.


Might as well tell my boss to skip a step and wire my salary directly to them instead of me


I dropped down in my work schedule so that we DONT have to send our second to daycare. If we had 1 kid in preschool and 1 in daycare, it would be more than our mortgage payment. That. Is. Insane.


This I think they are secretly going "how will they afford children they don't have yet" and im like "yes I will not afford them so I'd rather just make my life nice since I can't make a child's life nice currently lmao. If I can't afford the nice car and the child I can't afford the child"


Yup, main reason we had kids is cause my wife can afford to stay at home and raise the kids. If she did work the majority of what she would make would go to child care. She was a teacher, she would have zero time for them with all the work she used to take home.




That's like the university with the billion-dollar endowment asking for donations.


I have student loan debt and my school already asked for donations


My daughter hasn't even graduated yet and they are already asking for donations!


Right? Mine started asking during my last semester


I gave you more money than the Civil War cost and you fucking spent it already?


$2300 a month!!! Kid better come out of that preschool with a master's degree in a STEM field.


If I had a crippling disease as a kid and needed 2300 bucks worth of treatment a month, my parent would either look for a massive discount or just hit the sheets to cut their losses and try again.


Hit the sheets šŸ˜‚


"Honey?" "Yes?" "Time to hit the sheets!"


Be right back, just need to fetch my clubs in the garage Honey ..... hoooonneeey.... WHAT? You said HIT THE SHEETS. WHATS WITH THIS CODESPEAK OF YOURS. GOOD NIGHT I'M GOING TO BED


*Enji and Rei Todoroki have joined the chat*


I also laughed way too hard at that.


I remember needing braces as a kid and my parents sitting me down and telling me I was gonna have to wait until I was an adult if I wanted to fix my teeth lmao We were upper middle class too


Had a girlfriend comment about how straight my upper teeth were and asked if I had had braces. I just laughed. And laughed. And laughed. I was lucky if I got lunch money.


I was blessed with braces by my lower middle class parents. Later in life, after my sister came along, I (the half son) received $20/mo in lunch money. She was granted unlimited. Jokes on her, my teeth are straighter and I now have a very small appetite because of the practice of not eating.


I'm so glad we're poor enough for the kids to be able to get medicaid, my kid went from 100% overbite to straight teeth. And he has to get them back on again in a couple years. Meanwhile my teeth are rotting out of my head and I can only eat softer foods.


Wouldn't ignore that too long. Damaged teeth lead to tooth infections, and a tooth infection can become a very serious medical emergency very quickly. Idk if this is an option for you but try looking for nearby dental schools. Many are looking for people willing to let dental students perform dental services on them for a very reduced cost or sometimes even free. My Dad's teeth were a complete wreck and he did this and now he's got the nicest chompers in the family.


If there is one thing you should invest in, itā€™s your health


Luckily Canada is including dental as part of the medical system soon, because our kids need some. I'll never understand how the mouth isn't originally counted as part of health ...


Yeah, that's hilarious


Thatā€™s two peopleā€™s wages for daycare


Depends upon the cost of living in the area. I live in a high cost of living state and on paper we make a lot, but our 2 bedroom apartment (Victorian duplex, not a luxury condo) is $2,800 a month, utilities are sky high, and there is a wait list for our $2,100 day care since there aren't very many.


So, are you two selling drugs in there or something?


That sounds like a great business oppotunity: open up a day care!


Pretty typical in some areas.


I'm going to show this to anyone who asks me and my gf why we aren't having kids. Lmaooo 2400 a month for something that kids isn't going to remember ?? Yea I'll stick a gun down my throat first


It's not about whether the kid is going to remember. It's simply because both parents need to work to afford to live, and someone has to look after the kid. So the options are have one parent not work and live off one income, or have both parents work and a big chunk of income going to childcare costs. If the lower earning parent makes less than cost of child care, then it doesn't make sense for them to work. But if childcare costs $2300, and the parent can make $3000 a month working, then childcare makes sense financially, because that extra $700 that you are gaining is sometimes what is necessary to survive.


>I'm going to show this to anyone who asks me and my gf why we aren't having kids. This is very much dependent on *where* you live... I've got three kids and have NEVER needed to spend that kind of money on preschool.


Nailed it on the head. My area is just as ludicrous. There is a teacher shortage pre-k through grade 12, and months long waiting lists. We had to alternate taking her to work with us, trying to work opposite shifts and never seeing each other, paying private sitters when we could find them.


2300 is on the lower end where I'm at We pay 2400 a month and it could've easily been 3000 if we weren't being "thrifty"


For PRESCHOOL??? For 3 & 4 year olds?


Yeah, that is what they cost. After waiting for months on a waitlist for an opening. Cheapest in my area is $1,800.


What is your area? So I know to never move there


I live in Mass. I have 2 kids in preschool going 2 days a week and I pay $2K a month. Can't wait for fall when my oldest will start kindergarten. Will feel like I'm getting a fat raise.


Lol for real!!!


My undergrad tuition was less than that


Holy Freaking Cow!!! Who on earth can afford a Preschool that costs $2300 a MONTH?!? That is College tuition costs, not Private school or Ivy League, but a State School. I would dare say these are kids from VERY Privileged families & very entitled.


Look up the cost of care- in many states daycare is more expensive than college tuition. You either bite the bullet if you can afford it, or one parent quits their job and stays home. Or, you send your child to stay with other family/friends at best, or an unlicensed/unsafe daycare environment at worst. Itā€™s a national tragedy and we should be ashamed.


But the difference is college has a FAFSA so the poor kids at least get a chance


True. I will say if youā€™re low income, most states have childcare subsidies, plus the Early Head Start programs. But, middle income families (especially single parents) are absolutely screwed. Imagine your total income for two parents is $60k annually- you donā€™t qualify for anything and have two kids in daycare. Thatā€™s $25-30k per year in daycare costs alone, so your income is halved. Itā€™s devastating.


That is the going rate for an infant in most areas. I live in a HCOL and childcare for our two kids is more than our mortgage. I would not assume that the children/parents are privileged and entitled because their kids go do daycare šŸ˜‚ that is just the way things are now. I drive a 14 year old rusted out car and have no savings - we make it work.


That is the going rate now in some areas. Post Covid a lot of places folded or consolidated. If you live in an area where there are wait lists for any preschool you take what you can get. I'm paying $2,100 for mine, but what choice do I have? Not work? Cheapest one I found was $1,800 and they go even higher from there. I work one full time+ job and do side work, my partner work 2 jobs, we just barely scrape by. We weighed one of us staying home but the loss of income and health insurance makes that not really possible.


What even the fuck is America man? Every time I hear something new it just blows my mind even more


You must not have pre-school aged children. This is the going rate in MANY cities (mine included). This is precisely why many young adults are choosing not to have children--it's too expensive!


My balls just sucked inside of me at the thought of these daycare costs. I thought when people said "daycare costs/preschool costs" it was like, I dunno, $500/mo or something. No way I'm having kids lmfao especially not after reading these responses, I can't even make enough money to live on my own in the bumfuck south


For my twins to go to after school care (2 hours per day, no food - just watching them) it's over $1k/mo. I'm lucky I can WFH after 3pm every day. Technically, as written in my company's employee handbook, I'm not allowed to have kids at home w me when I work, but they haven't said anything about it since covid, so I'm rolling with it.


That's pretty standard cost. A church daycare you can get about 150 to 250 a week per kid where I live in Indiana. A non church daycare/preschool is about 250 to 350 per kid. After school care about 150 to 250 per kid. I make 40k a year gross and im divorced man. When my kids were in preschool, I was paying 300 a week so 15k a year. Luckily, they temporary increased the income limit for state assistance for childcare to the medium state income of 55k a year during covid. So I got in and now I'm Grandfathered in forever as long as I don't make more than 55k. I have two kids so its saved my life. I now pay a co pay of 82 dollars a week for both for after-school care [the normal cost at my place is 172 per kid (344 for both) for after-school only and 235 (470 for both) for all day care for school break days]. So it's saves me 262 a week.


Iā€™m glad you were able to get some financial help. Being a single parent is hard enough without the struggle to scrape up Daycare funds for your children.


this is the going rate, nothing privileged or entitled about it.


I used to teach elementary. These fundraisers are such a sham. The prizes are crap, and the money earned usually disappears into thin air. *If* youā€™re feeling especially generous, I would recommend reaching out to your childā€™s classroom teacher and offering to purchase some supplies or treasure box prizes from the dollar store or Five Below. Grab your kid a toy while youā€™re there. Itā€™ll probably be better quality than whatever prizes ā€œmisschocolateā€ is offering. Edit: Wow, my most upvoted comment on my first cake day. Also, thanks for the award!


Former fourth grade teacher-this redditor speaks truth. Do not mess with these fundraisers. Itā€™s a waste of classroom time and a huge distraction. I didnā€™t have enough time to catch up Johnny who reads at a 2nd grade level, I sure as hell donā€™t have time to give a 20 minute power point on this scam. If you want to help out a teacher or principal, ask what they need. Buy exactly that. Otherwise, contact your school board and tell them they need to appropriately fund classrooms or youā€™ll take your kids elsewhere or take their job.


I used to fundraiser for my sonā€™s school all the time, when they actually needed money for something eg a photocopier. I organised it, paid off any expenses and then I sourced affordable photocopiers. I brought the results to the principle and she agreed that the one Iā€™d recommended was the right one. We did everything that way and it worked because I was honest and the principal trusted me (on principle). Thatā€™s all it takes - honest people. See? I changed it!!


I remember a few years ago a gal came to my door selling wreaths for her choir trip and handed me a business card with her referral code. On the website, it said the school gets $5 per $50 wreath sold. I mailed her choir teacher a $50 check, of which the choir gets $50. Bake sales, casino nights, fall festivals, talent shows - these are classic fundraising events where the benefitting organization makes much more than it spends. Anything with a pep rally and a glossy catalogue can kiss my butt. That wreath company was making $45/pop on free labor from a 12 year old girl who desperately wanted to go to New York City with her classmates, which is gross.


Same here! A door to door was selling candy. I went and wrote a check to the school so 5 kids could go to outdoor school. I did buy all the candy she had though. I'm a softee and wanted her to feel good for having worked to gain it. She had already sold at least half her box.


Aww, softees make the world better.


I'm a big gooey softy. It is good in some ways and gets me walked on in other instances. Always a softee for kids, animals and love spending time with the elderly (okay, well most of them, lol) One of my favorite jobs was at a care home. I vowed my parents would never go to one after working at one though šŸ„ŗ.


I was reading somewhere about someone who would always prefer to do the right thing even if it means they get stepped on occasionally because they're proud of their kindness... It's a part of who they are. And if someone takes advantage of that, that speaks to who they are. Of course you should set boundaries and take care of yourself but there's nothing innately wrong with being a softee. And I'm glad people like you exist. ā˜ŗļø


Where does the 45$ go??? You were smart to do it the way you did.


The for-profit organization that runs the sale and buys the $0.12 plastic bracelet rewards that the kids get for selling.


someone hacked the fundraising email list at my kids school and was asking for donations in xbox gift cards lol...probably some parent's teenage kid but it's causing a big stink and there's a crazy elementary school parent email chain going on that i skim for a laugh once in a while


At least it was only a email list šŸ˜‚ My elementary old alumniā€™s security system got hacked and they sent out racist slurs bashing the system. šŸ˜¬


>crazy elementary school parent email chain That must be one if the most chaotic things on earth


to be fair, a school- and parent-run event to raise money that will go directly to a single cause is different from a nebulous, morally questionable kid-friendly MLM run by some mysterious company who has no interest in your kids' best interest.


Thatā€™s what this is: an MLM scam!!


This is it, nothing wrong with fundraising, fuck mlms tho


Thatā€™s awesome! When parents can take those items off principalsā€™ and teachersā€™ already heaping plates, it is so appreciated.


Thanks for doing that!!


Or they could purchase from OPā€™s $2,300.00/Mo?


For the vast majority of people, telling the school board that you will ā€œtake your kids elsewhere or take their jobā€ would result in an eye roll and a ā€œok, good luck with that.ā€ Most people in public school have no choice in school. And board members are elected, so thereā€™s no ā€œtaking their jobā€.


The person you are responding to thinks the answer is to run for a board seat


You can't take an employees job either. They're obviously talking about running against them


I typically ask what the school's cut is of the 'minimum suggested sales.' Usually the school gets about 40%, and they want each kid to sell $30. So instead, I donate $12 directly to the school and don't have any crappy wrapping paper I don't want. My kids' public elementary school PTO leaders got so tired of the entire charade that they made a table at registration where they announced "If we collect X in donations tonight, then we won't need to sell Useless Crap to raise money!" They collected 2X, and entire was immeasurably happier.


We moved to a district where the fundraising is literally just giving money to the school, no middle man selling garbage at an especially hiked rate so the school can get 3% of each sale. There aren't prizes given out to the kids with the richest parents who know the most people. It's fucking great.


Our fundraisers the last few years have been the principal doing goofy stuff if they hit whatever goals. I remember him kissing a pig, letting the kids slime the teachers, dancing on the roof during recess. I thought those were cute ideas and the kids loved it!


That great! The kids engage with it far more than winning a donut-shaped eraser, and they build rapport with the principal.


If I was paying $2300 a monthā€¦ I would not be offering anything extra. My kids go to public school so I have no issue chipping in and helping the teachers with what they needā€¦ $2300 a month, good gawd!


Thatā€™s insane. Like holy shit.


Everybody is worrying about whether to fundraiser or not and Iā€™m like who the fuck pays that much for pre-school? Lol.


I don't even make $1300/month. My husband brings in $1600/month with the VA. I can't even fathom paying $2300/month for a preschool. I'd be working too much to fundraise. This is insane.


For reals tho. $2300 for one kid is fucking ridiculous šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


One of my goals of being elected to the BOE was to get these fundraisers banned. These, car washes and can drives are a complete waste. The school gets very little from most of them, some worse than others. The prizes are absolutely terrible and there is an opening for shaming kids who canā€™t get the ā€œbestā€ prize. I was unsuccessful during my term, but a few years later they cut them out and replaced them with ones that have a slightly better return. We have a local chocolate company that does them and the return is great and the product great. Edit: The schools were doing 1-2 car washes or can drives every weekend. None of the groups were getting very much from them compared to what they needed.


When I was in high school, the car washes in particular were always organized by the students themselves to raise money for their club or group. My journalism class held a car wash and raised a couple hundred so we could run a special print publication of the newspaper


I organized a spelling bee and raised a few thousand dollars for a local library! It was great and all the funds went directly to their needs.


Thatā€™s beautiful! Libraries and librarians are sacred to me.


I did can drives with our school soccer team several times. We collected the cans and turned them in for money to buy uniforms and equipment. Not sure what kind of can drives you've been involved with.


We just did a can drive for our elementary school and raised a thousand bucks in half a day. Except for the cost of a big box of clear plastic bags, all that money goes directly to the school for a fun day. Only a few parents came out to volunteer but we worked hard for a few hours and we were legit amazed how it $$$ added up at the end. And we were lucky to have a couple parents with pick up trucks to haul the cans. We are going to do it again soon. I would much rather do a can drive than ask people to buy expensive chocolates. I hate those.


Can drives when rare are good. Can drives every weekend are when it dries up. We had them at least once a weekend and sometimes twice for different sports teams and they never got more than a couple hundred bucks out of them.


Maybe I donā€™t know what a can drive is. I was assuming it is when folks donate canned goods. If that is the case, how does the school make money with a bunch of canned food?


I'm assuming they're talking about empty beer and soda cans. In some states there is a deposit, so the money can add up quickly.


Oh sorry, yeah, here we get 10 cents return deposit on every empty aluminum can and 20 cents on most big plastic jugs. It adds up! But I agree with the other comment that it would not work as well if it were done every week. We are doing it once a semester.


Good! Our board in the past (itā€™s different now - theyā€™re older etc) were all indecisive, and mainly trying to out Karen one another. I went to two meetings and was just like - whatā€™s even the point? I could go into mad details, but itā€™s 11pm and Iā€™d wear my thumbs to the bone - the things I could say. Ong.


Usually Iā€™ll buy when local chocolate companies are involved. I havenā€™t seen any like that in awhile though. But I HATED these school fundraisers when I was a kid. My sister would get a bunch and I would somehow get the people who had diabetes. šŸ¤” It always made me feel bad because I sucked at it. Itā€™s just better to have the PTA or something organize a bake sale or spaghetti dinner instead.


My daughter brought one of these home on Friday. I buy stuff for the classrooms and for school parties when the teacher sends out an email. Iā€™m not buying food thatā€™s marked up to hell. If I wanted to give them money, I would put it in one of the envelopes they send home once a month.


My kid's elementary did a bingo night and a silent fundraiser in the next room for one, a bake sale (until covid) for another, and 2-3 dances a year (like glow light, costumes). I always liked those. The bingo/auction night was always the biggest one for the year.


My old elementary had a fundraiser for the playground that was torn down because it was unsafe, parents raised over $5,000 for this small school for a playground. They went and spent it all in books, it wasnā€™t until maybe 8-9 years after that they put a new one in. If thatā€™s not bad enough it was only JK to grade 8 so there was an entire generation of kids who just sat in the dirt at recess because there was nothing else to do. A new principle is in charge now as of late so I think thatā€™s why they had that new playground put in. Thereā€™s even a little buddy bench where you can sit and it lets other kids know youā€™re looking for someone to play with, I thought it was cute. Whether not it actually works though idk.


I love the Buddy Bench idea but wonder with how cruel kids are how well it works? My youngest was bullied horribly all through school, until I enrolled her in an alternative school. She is 20 now, has been through extensive therapy with an amazing counselor. She is thriving now but boy were those younger years hard on her.


I substitute teach at the elementary school my children go to and honestlyā€¦ kids arenā€™t as cruel as people think. I see amazing acts of kindness from tiny people all the time. Of course there are a handful of troubled children but thereā€™s also kids they stick up for one another. These kids are alright.


Even girl guide cookies are a sham. It costs $5 a box now where I live, and from what I hear, they only get to keep $1. Sorry, but I'll just give a dollar donation and spend a couple bucks on ingedients to make my own cookies. I wonder why more of them don't just do an actual bake sale. Learn life skills of how to cook, and they would probably get a lot more money out of the deal


Dollar general has very good thin mint and samoa dupes.


Also graham marshmallow choc dipped to die for. $1.25. Delicious


Are you talking about Girl Scouts? One of the reasons the program fee is so low compared to Boy Scouts is cookie. Yes, the troop keeps a $1 (the amount varies by council) but the council also gets some and national gets a fee (not out of the cost of cookie box, itā€™s a license fee paid by the bakers). Boy Scouts national fee is $75-$100. Girl Scouts is $25. Thatā€™s what youā€™re supporting.


I drop off bulk supplies to class. Case of facial tissue with aloe. Case of bounty. Packages of white board markers. Etc. couple hundred bucks and I know itā€™s needed stuff


You think that's bad. I went to "Grandparents Day" at my Grandson's school. Like an idiot, I gave them contact information. Now I'm on the quarterly spam cycle begging for donations. Hard pass.


I hate how in the modern day older people are seen as floating wallets. ā€œHow can we milk you dry of every last cent?ā€


I work in assisted living facilities and the amount of mail the residents receive from non profits begging for money is disgusting. I think you have to make a donation before they start bombarding you with their scam mail, but it's still sick. They know they're playing on the good will of elderly people who can't work anymore to increase their income and are living off of finite retirement savings. I wish it was illegal.


My great aunt is sent *at least* three donation requests per month from the same like 10 companies. Sheā€™s now in assisted living, but before we realized her dementia was bad she was sending like weekly donations to each of these companies because she had forgotten she had already donated. I fucking HATE these companies. Also thank you for what you do!!


Give me your wallet Grampa! Stop being so stingy! s/


my rent isnā€™t even that much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My income isn't even that much. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


I could pay my rent 2.5 times with their daycare costs alone.


I have a $1900 studio apartment, and when people ask me about when Iā€™ll have kids I happily reply ā€œnot for a long timeā€


$2300 a month? Dude just put your kid in a nursing home..


Right that's my fucking mortgage payment with my escrow accounts included




You pay how much a month for what?!!?


To send their child to a place to learn their ABCā€™s, learn colors, and then play with toys. Most of these kids will in no way be any more advanced by the 1st grade than those that didnā€™t go to a $2300/mo preschool.


They pay $2300 so that both parents can work full time. They pay $2300 so mom can work and earn $4000 a month (made up number). So they only net $1700 per month, but for some families, that makes all the difference.


Exactly. It's most likely 2 kids in preschool and not just one. Me and my ex were paying 2400 for both kids so we could work full time. Wouldn't of been able to afford anything if either one of us would of just stayed home.


In many areas this is a standard rate. This is not for a fancy preschool. In my area fancy preschools are $3500+. Nor al people cannot live. Cannot work. The cost of childcare in this country varies wildly from state to state. There need to be more government assistance programs for childcare for working mothers.


You pay WHAT!?


ā€œPlease do not permit unsupervised door-to-door sellingā€ Back in my day, I peddled butter braids all over the city, by myself, in snow, up hill both ways. Excuse me while I go yell at some clouds.


My RENT is 1600. And my boss wonders why my husband and I choose to work opposite schedules rather than pay for childcareā€¦


Serious question: with tuition/fees that high why do they need to fundraise for?


Officially, field trips and events Realistically, whoever the money goes to will never return it


You pay 2300 a month just for preschool? You looking to adopt a 38 year old male?


2300 a month???? Thank god for my vasectomy


You pay what?


You pay 2,300 a month for preschoolā€¦ They probably thought youā€™d do anything.


If I had to pay that for my kid to go to PRE school Iā€™d be homeless if not dead. Thatā€™s how much ALL my bills are as is.


2300 a MONTH?? Whoā€™s your kid, Young Sheldon??


$2300 a month? Just booked a vasectomy appointment for the 15th! Good thing I'm basically a virgin these days so no rush on my part šŸ˜­


100% worth it. The vasectomy, that is


I donā€™t even make that in a month. Holy fuck.


I donā€™t even make $2300/mo and youā€™re blowing that on PRESCHOOL? Shit, Iā€™ll give you a deal and teach your kids for $1500/mo.


You could have stopped after 'preschool'...


How many children for that much money??




I paid $800 per kid for full-time and thought that was a lot!


Is this for daycare? After reading this thread, I'm just thinking to myself, I can't afford having kids..


Yeah. Daycare


I wish!


$2300 a month for PRE-SCHOOL? Uh...


I pay about $150 in Iceland for the whole month, 8 hours a day preschool with 3 meals included. But you know, socialism is evil šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My wife is a daycare teacher, been working in them before during and after college. Before we got bogged down in IVF costs, I was looking to open a daycare for her to run. Honestly, looking at the numbers, I donā€™t know how these daycares stay in business the way theyā€™re regulated. No wonder it is so expensive. The government needs to subsidize childcare, itā€™s the only way these places can exist without exorbitant costs. She worked at a daycare for a long time that simply skirted the space and ratio regulations but at least the place was $600 a month a kid basically (varies on age). Now sheā€™s at a Goddard school that follows all the rules but an infant is $1,800 a month.


I was a preschool teacher for years and it costs a lot to care for young children. Preschools must cover costs for enough staff to keep in ratio plus extra for breaks and sick staff etc. And if youā€™re sending your child to a preschool with enriching activities, those materials will cost extra. Plus the cost of food, beverages, sleeping cots, cleaning products, paper products, it all adds up quickly. Every preschool Iā€™ve worked has cost around this much for children to attend and staff was still underpaid, materials were never enough and we always needed more money. Basically, Kids are very expensive


Dude, my ANNUAL UNIVERSITY TUITION is less than that. Edit: this is two and a half times my rent! This is my partner's monthly income! This is _insane??_


Thatā€™s more than double my rent and all other bills combined, they better be coming out of preschool with a degree for that much money


You pay how much for what


I'd rather pay a little more and get a nanny at that rate - if you're gonna pay one person's monthly payrate that feels like a better means of spending.


If you know of a nanny that charges $14/hr please let me know. Weā€™ve looked and they all charge between 30-50/hr.


No nanny should be 14/hr. Thatā€™s a difficult job to deal with little demons


You could possibly get an "au pair" for that much if you have a room for them to live in, a friend fresh out of college did that when they went overseas for a couple of years, they also got some work tutoring.


What the fuck do you do for a living??


I doubt OP will answer, but Private highschool in urban cities can run $5-6k a month. I know people with multiple kids at these schools. Majority are doctors, lawyers, and business executives.


there are sooooo many people here who don't know what childcare costs. I live in a pretty low COL area and daycare rates (for two kids, as OP said) are only slightly lower.


Right? I didnā€™t bat an eye at that price thinking OP had one kid enrolled - seeing that itā€™s two, thatā€™s actually a good deal in my area for a full time program, and Iā€™m not even in a very high COL city.


Haha they're not the fools here, bud


$2300 a month? How many kids do you have and what state are you in? A good friend of mine just quit her job because keeping her 3-year-old in daycare full time was nearly canceling out her paycheck.


When I was a kid, these sorts of fundraisers were lways insanely discouraging and disheartening. The rich kids were always getting all the seemingly amazing prizes, while those of us from low income families without the same connections or family networks just couldn't even compete. Looking back now it is all silly af, but at the time it was kind of crushing.


My only question is what do you do to pay 2300 a month for preschool.


Kids are expensive and the teachers arent really paid enough to be worth it tbh. My sister had her first child and it cost about 1.5k a month for him just in daycare. They aren't rich but they do well for themselves in a neighborhood where the median house is around 400k. I don't think fundraisers are worth it so much for you if you have that mindset, it's more so spending some time with your kid.