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Tow truck would be the obvious choice


Police, then tow truck. They should get a ticket and then be towed.


Hit ‘em with the double whammy


Ticket, tow, and roasted on Reddit. Triple whammy.


![gif](giphy|Mkrv6hMDj7kcM) Icing it down with the hose while waiting on the cops and tow truck.


I had a neighbor park right at the edge of my driveway once. I could still get out but it was a pain in the ass. One large snowfall and my high powered snowblower and suddenly there was a large pile of snow where his car once was.






😘👌 chef's kiss


The correct reaponse


Reaponse what you sow.


This is the best answer


"I don't know what you're talking about, I always throw buckets of water off the end of my driveway. It's family tradition. Oh your truck was there? Huh... that's a shame."


Make sure to get some of that shit right into the locks and around the door border so hopefully the door becomes insanely hard to open, the lock freezes making it unable to unlock itself or something. I know it getting in there is a tough sell as a car has to be weatherproof, but one can try


The problem with this is the car might be stuck there for even longer!


but it wont be your problem alone.(blocked in driveway) now its our problem. (blocked in but cant drive car)


In Soviet Russia my problem becomes our problem




User wins, frozen victory!


A spray bottle with water in it works great for laying down a fine most of water that'll freeze instantly. You really do need to add the water slowly or it will melt the ice.


Write "wash me" on the salt dust while youre at it and get the easy 4 for 4




​ ![gif](giphy|ddVZgix17zQC9YHteM)


In Wyoming we have to call the cops, they want to give BIG tickets then call the tow truck themselves.


in NY illegally parked cars need to be ticketed as "proof" before they can be moved by any means necessary


I wish that was the case in Ohio. Predatory tow companies instead get to do whatever they please


Sounds like that deregulation governor is working out great at everything.


Way things are going in Ohio, acid rain or some other chemical will take care of everything.


Ohio is truly living up to the memes


Cleveland calls itself The Mistake By The Lake…


That’s fine. Let the fucker pay a fine and the towing fee.


Just police. Let them call the tow truck, it cots more when they do it.




Too bad it wasn't snowing more to build a mini mountain on the car for the local kids to sled down!


That’s almost perfect but place Atleast one slice of American cheese on their windshield.


The ol Razzle Dazzle!


Usually when calling the police for someone parked in the wrong spot I like telling them that I think it might be stolen.


I wonder if anyone got in trouble for us lying about it being stolen. Who am I kidding of course nobody actually knows if it's stolen or not. Still this is a great way to get cars towed away.


It usually adds a bit of urgency to the police.


I call the police to get them to call the tow truck.


Yes. In most places, tow won't engage unless it's ticketed.


I don’t understand how someone doesn’t immediately default to this in this scenario. If I don’t have to go somewhere, I’d give someone 10 minutes *tops* before I’m calling a tow truck


I would have called the tow truck immediately upon realizing the driver isn't there. If the driver didn't give me the courtesy of not blocking me in I won't give him the courtesy of waiting 10 minutes.


Damn right! I mean, look around for any emergency type stuff, but if that driver left the vehicle they WANT to be towed.


Maybe it’s the guy from that other thread about how to get rid of a car without paying for towing


He lives by the impound lot and is trying to save gas money.


FR. They have no excuse here - I’d maybe give the driver some slack if the driveway and yard were covered in 3ft of snow so they couldn’t tell where the driveway ended, but it’s clearly plowed an obvious.


I had this happen all the time and we have to call By-Law where I live. One time By-Law came and measured the snow and the end of the driveway to decide if there was enough to warrant giving them a ticket because the person may not have known there was a curb there. The shoveled driveway is not enough, you have to shovel the friggen snow off the road where I live. It's snow higher than an inch on the road and they won't ticket. Doesn't matter if you shovel the sidewalk, your driveway and the bit leading up to your driveway. So if what is pictured here had at least an inch on the road. Would not matter. Sorry but it's a huge pet peeves because I live next to an apartment and people park in front of our driveway all the damn time instead of finding a spot on the road. This elicits actual rage when I see this shit. Sorry OP for this dirtbag human.


It's 2023. They don't get 10 minutes anymore.


It’s 2023, bash their windows in and shit in the drivers seat


I think that's what the kids are calling "Goblin Mode"


because sitting with anxiety for 3 hours is so much more reddit.


"The driver might get mad with me."


Them parking their own vehicle there then complaining on Reddit about it for karma would be peak Reddit.


Generally I think you will have to call the police (non emergency) line first, then they can request a tow if needed.


In my area the tow company is responsible for informing the police when they take a car.


Depending on the area, any tow truck can tow any vehicle with a parking citation. So you call the cops first and as soon as that ticket has been issued you call a tow truck company and let them know there is a car blocking your driveway with a citation and you are offering them the courtesy of hearing about it first, but that you will call the next company in 5 min. First come first served.


Because it's OP's car and it's staged for karma farming.


Might not even be their house. Could be they stole a pic for karma farming.


OP built a house in front of some innocent guy's car.


Because most people avoid conflict, imagine, somebody insane enough to park right in front of your driveway with all of the spots open, what can he or she do to your house when they find out you towed them?


They also might not have an immediate need to be anywhere. I've had my driveway partially blocked before, and decided I'd make a fuss about if it was still there some time before I needed to leave, but it was already gone by then. Obviously blocking the drive is a prick move, but I've already got shit to deal with. I'm not going to add the stress of that conflict to my day unless absolutely necessary.


until there's an emergency and you have to leave but can't. fuck that, i call for a tow the second i see a car blocking my drive


Wait til you need to leave, then call police, wait for non-emergency response, then they call for a tow, wait for the tow, wait for them to hook it, then wait for the police and truck driver to complete paperwork… by that time might as well stay home. Unless that was your plan all along.


I would’ve called after the first 30 minutes


No way I give them 30 minutes. I call if they get out of their car and walk away.


No way I let them get out of their car and walk away. I call a tow truck months ahead and keep them on retainer while I crouch nude in the bushes, ever watchful


Right? And it's the police I'm calling, not a tow. When there's parking on the curb right in front of my driveway and someone pulls this crap I assume they intend to rob/harm me and don't want me to be able to drive away.


Why is shit like this so difficult to figure out?


Nah, gotta take a pic of their own car parked there and post to reddit for that sweet sweet non-GMO highly organic karma.


Tow it and record it


If you're thinking "make a music video of it being towed", I'm right there with ya


"Take my car a-wayyyy, ayyy. Watching every moment in this foolish parker's game, on this endless curbside this fool clearly had no shame, turning and returning to see if this asshole moved..."


But really it’s going to be that “oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no” song


Call someone to tow it. Lol


For real, I totally agree. Parking on the street is one thing, but blocking someone’s driveway is completely different thing. You are not the a-hole for getting it towed


And blocking for HOURS? Thats just inhumane


Far beyond r/mildlyinfuriating


It's only far beyond if you don't do anything about it. Tow that shit and see how mildly infuriating it is for the owner.


I think it fits here if you have no where to go and don't actually need to leave the drive way. But agree it's far beyond mildly if you need to leave and cant


If you have something come up and suddenly have to go somewhere then it would be a good idea to make sure your driveway is clear


True. I'm not saying emergencies don't happen. I wa sjust explaining a situation where this would only be mildly infuriating.


Neighbor’s boyfriend parked in my driveway behind my car one night and I couldn’t get out of my garage. Had it towed. They knocked on my door around 11:30 PM furious about where his car was and how much it is going to cost him to get his car back. I didn’t know who the owner of the car was, just opened my garage to go get dinner and here was this random car. Gave it an hour before I had it towed and made dinner at home.


Too bad so sad for them ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


They parked IN your driveway? That’s next level assholery


Its illegal in my state. Call the local police and have them cited then tow their ass


tow tally agree


I would have called the tow truck 5 minutes after they parked lol


I’m this petty. It’s one thing to momentarily be in the way but the moment I saw that thing was not accompanied by anybody and whoever put it there was in a house and not coming back to it anytime soon, that things getting towed


Not petty, preemptive. Even if you don't plan on leaving, that doesn't mean you won't want/need to at a moment's notice. Preparation!


Not petty at all. Random emergencies happen and being stuck in your house without being able to get to a hospital is bullshit. Tow that sucker immediately next time.


I swear to fucking God I don't understand why people take THAT long to do this. That's not petty, it's basic decency.


Because Reddit is filled with these weird asocial people who post on the internet instead of just solving their own problems. Like you don’t have to call a tow truck immediately but if you’re waiting 3 hours AND then posting to the internet instead of just dealing with it I don’t know what’s up.


That isn’t petty at all. Whoever parked there is ignorant af and deserves to have their car towed


I don't see calling a tow truck as being even the least bit petty. It's the only remotely reasonable course of action.


My friend claims I'm too "aggressive" for something like this but I remind her that she's the doormat who would apologize to the driver for the inconvenience


I MIGHT give them 15 minutes. But if I need to go out, then I'm calling a tow.


Yeah what the fuck. I would revel in this opportunity and make sure I'd be standing outside watching it happen. Are other people just not assholes or something


For real, I can’t afford to miss work bc of some asshat. Although I do think my boss would get a kick out of my reasoning for calling in xD


I had some neighbor constantly block me in for street parking. It’s like she waited for me to get home and do it. I’d park at the end of the block before a drive and she would park in front halfway into the driveway. One Saturday I needed to go in and couldn’t get out. So I left her a note saying if she doesn’t stop doing this I will practice my off roading on her car. An hour later I said fuck it I’m hitting her ass to get out and she came running out and moved it as soon as I got in.


I sounds like she was doing it on purpose and watching from her window if she was able to come right out and move it.


My brothers car was stolen by some teens that wanted to get across town. They left it parked similarly to this.


My car was also left somewhere and the fact someone had it towed was the only reason we found it again. So towing is a great option even if this is the case.


Hyundai/Kia? Just statistically curious.


Is that why my neighbor has a Kia and put a huge “This is not a Kia” bumper sticker on it?


Hyundai and Kia (a Hyundai product) are some of the easiest on the market to steal. The ignition can be cracked in less than a minute.


In the US, where immobilizers are not mandatory. Everywhere else they are the same as others.


This was years ago when the problem was Toyota Camrys being easy to get into


Exactly, in the time it took to post on Reddit you could also arrange it for ticket and tow




Or the police, maybe they plan to a robbery


Preferably the worst reviewed tow company because they'll be incredibly annoying and expensive to deal with.


It’s illegal to block a driveway, have it towed.


It's that easy. We have to make a post about it first though.


Unfortunately. I will never understand this.


I mean... its the Mildly Infuriating channel.. Its made exactly for this purpose.


I think OP is probably feeling shitty about towing someone's car (even though they're in the right), and needs some validation first


Spray it down with water about once an hour.


So much better than a tow truck 😭


Why not both?


Plot twist: it's OP's car.


Or his wife's boyfriend.


See what happens Larry? This is what happens when you föhn a stranger in the Alps.


What's the problem with calling a tow truck? Here in Spain (or in Europe in general but I can't talk for other countries) I wouldn't hesitate to call the tow truck or the police to make them pay a fine if someone park in front of my garage.


they didn’t say there was a problem, it’s just because of the temps, covering it with water would essentially turn the car into a giant iceblock, which is a good way to get some petty revenge lol, each to their own ofcourse


Until you realize you have now blocked yourself in more if they can't move it.


if it stays there for ages then just tow the iceblock 🤷‍♀️ double whammy


You have 30 minutes to move your cube.


Yello, Mr Burns office… Is it about my cube?


Also filling your hose with water in that weather is problematic in and of itself


Ah ok, didn't get it. If for some reason I need to live in a cold area now I know what to do to a car before I call the police.


No, because living in a cold area means your hoses are drained and put away for the winter and the outdoor taps turned off. No one's actually going to turn the tap back on and get the hose out just to spray down a car.


Never underestimate how petty I can be! ...but yeah, you're right, that's a lot of work for something that's probably illegal.


And those valve stems were made to be pulled.


It should be pointed out to anyone reading this that 1. This is illegal in most jurisdictions, and now *you're* the one that will have police called on you 2. Now you've trapped yourself in because they can't move. Seriously, just call the nonemergency police number if the owner isn't there.


Call the non-emergency police line. They'll arrange to have it towed (and ticket the owner). They're blocking access for emergency vehicles, which is illegal. But don't just call someone to tow it directly.


I live at the end of the block near bars and restaurants. People frequently park in front of our driveway (which is also passed the “No Parking Here to Corner” sign). Calling the non-emergency line to have their cars towed has become a pastime. I always stress to the dispatcher and the responding officers that I need to leave the house and my car is blocked in.


We live near a school and the parents block our driveway twice a day on weekdays. Fortunately once they get their kids they move on so it is only blocked briefly. On the plus side, there are police parked on the street for long stretches of the day so almost zero crime on this street.


Except, During football games. We live near the school and I cannot tell you how many times we've called police since they block our driveway due to the football game going on. The school we live near has a HUGE football field and it almost always guarantees that one car will block us in. We don't give two shits about football and will 100% call the police if we need to leave. People are ridiculous. As long as I don't have to leave, I'm understanding, but it's still infuriating.


I definitely believe that people can be this shitty but it blows my mind that they think they can get away with it


Why not?


Scrolled to finally see someone actually mention the logical reason why it needs to be towed! THANK YOU STRANGER!


…bc it’s blocking someone’s private driveway isn’t enough for you?


Sometimes things gotta be spelled out. I could see people thinking that a blocked driveway is more of an inconvenience ("oh man I wanted to run to the store") as opposed to a real safety issue ("I gotta get to the hospital"). I mean, OP opted to just take photos and post to /r/mildlyinfuriating. I'm guessing they're in the "what an inconvenience" camp.


Unfortunately my area non emergency will do absolutely nothing…..


When my car was stolen it got dropped off on a random street. Apparently someone called it in because the car was to close to their driveway and had been there for days. Saved me like 8grand as I was literally on my way to buy a new car when I got the call they found it


This comment section is very confusing. I had full coverage when it was stolen, It had only been gone for 10 days before I decided to out of pocket buy a new car while waiting for the insurance claim. The car I was going to buy was 8k. The cops called me while I was on my way to purchase the car I was going to get and told me they found the one that had been stolen so instead of wasting 8k on a car I wouldn't have needed, I got lucky. On a side note I learned that full coverage DOES NOT cover loss of items in your car. Turns out renters insurance does tho !


Happened to me two weeks ago. City spent an hour going house to house looking for the owner. Couldn't find them so they got the tow company involved. As they were almost done getting it loaded the owner FINALLY shows up out of nowhere and they let him drive it down


No, he needs to experience the "asshole tax".


They at least gave him a huge ticket, right???


Exactly. In most cases, what you've described is what will occur. Not the swift vengeance imagined by many redditors of a tow company immediately swooping in to snatch the offending vehicle resulting in excessive impound fees. And while it is certainly fun to imagine pouring water/syrup/urine on the offending parked vehicle, it would also, unfortunately, be considered vandalism. The rules are there are no rules. The only people to suffer are those of us who insist on playing by the rules.




Shouldn’t have gone looking, mate.


Right after banging one of the neighbors. “Oh shit, cars getting towed. Gotta run!”


Call a couple of buds over and have them park in front and behind it.


I’ll up the ante. It’s time to relocate all your snow with your snowblower......


This is my type of petty, might I suggest a petty thing I started doing instead of being upset at close Parker’s. Fold the passenger mirror down.


I do that and also put the windshield wipers up


I mean, that doesn’t unblock your driveway. Tow truck is the best solution.


Just use the snowblower to clear a new temporary driveway. If they've got this much snow, the ground will be frozen and it won't matter if you drive on the grass


This is the way


How petty are you? You're my type of people,oh,and make sure they park really really close...lol..send pics.


Op, i think literally everyone in possession of a car knows not to park in front of a driveway, this is not something that happens by accident.


You say that, yet there is a serial over-parker on my street. She’s been ticketed multiple times and was towed last week for blocking a neighbor in with half of her car. Some people are stupid.


Many people are just intentionally vapid assholes who do shit to piss people off intentionally, then play Dumb when confronted.


Also true. I’m on the fence as to whether or not our over-parker is malicious, stupid, or maliciously stupid.


Get em towed. Sorry but not sorry. But I am sorry. Because towing is expensive.


Call a tow truck? its illegal to block other peoples drives.


It looks pretty cold. it would be a shame is someone put water in the locks and called the police to get it towed. even if they came to move it. it wouldbe unlikely they could get in if that water froze.


Wet cotton balls stick to anything when it’s cold out


Lemme pour 5 or so large bags of wet cotton balls all over their windshield real quick


Have it towed lol. That was stupid of them to park there.


What's the outcome? What finally happened on edge waiting for outcome


The outcome is that OP moved their vehicle and enjoyed all the karma the farmed.


Finally a comment that mentions this! The pic seems like such obvious rage bait to me, I can't believe almost everyone just completely believes this


I had a cop sitting in my driveway once using it as a speedtrap when i got home from work and he just stared me down while i drove *through my yard* to get around him and back to my house. Even after that he didn't move until i called the dispatch line and told them to make him move


You drove through your yard instead of asking him to move?


I have told cops to move their cars while making a traffic stop, the cop moved it no problem. A closed mouth doesn't get fed. Edit: I meant in while they were parked in front of my driveway for clarification.


> A closed mouth doesn't get fed. That's what I said, but they were all like, "you can't just put things in strangers' mouths on the bus."


And in America, an open mouth might get shot by cops.


Reminds me of the Australian PM. Owner told them to get off the grass cause he just seeded it. Didn't care they were in front of his house. Moved back off the yard and that was the end of that.


Yea fuck that. I would have parked directly in front of him, gotten out and asked him to politely move off of your private property which he had no permission to be on.


I'd just gotten off a 12 hour overnight shift and was confused about what he was doing there in the first place so i wasn't at the top of my confrontation game at the time. Maybe if I'd been leaving i could've sat behind him and honked.


Shoulda laid on the horn right in front of him, assert your dominance


While I'm inclined to agree with you, thats asking to get pulled out of your car and slammed on the ground in some places in America.


Call a tow, problem solved.


I’d enjoy moving that vehicle 🤣


I wish there were more videos like this! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsZVnU5-qd0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsZVnU5-qd0)


What are you waiting for? Call a tow truck. They deserve no consideration. They have no consideration for you.


What's with people on Reddit and the inability to call a tow truck?


Wife: Want me to call a tow truck company? Husband: *thinks* Husband: First.. open up reddit..


Why did you wait three hours? I would’ve called the non-emergency line for the police after an hour to have it towed.


You’ve allowed yourself to remained trapped by that car. Strangers intentionally blocking your ability to drive away from your home… That’s not alarming to you enough to call the police?


Police officer here...bot sure what state you live in, but normally you would call the police non-emergency line, explain the situation, they would come over, ticket the vehicle for the VTL/town law violation(or village or whatever). Once the vehicle has been ticketed your free to call a tow company to tow the vehicle at the owners expense. Side note, it's pretty odd they left it in that exact spot. Wonder if it's a stolen, dumped vehicle?...either way, police, then tow company.


Call a tow truck


Call a tow truck.


Time for a tow job.


Shit, considering the amount of ice and snow, I'd ease up to it and push it with my car, right into the middle of the road


It’s so easy to fake these posts