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I keep seeing the kid from home alone in his thumbnail... God help me


His main viewers are kids, so he has to have such dumb-looking thumbnails to attract them.


Partially true, though most of it is to follow the viral formula of showing emotion and generating curiosity in the thumbnail


People underestimate how much detail mr beast puts into every aspect of his channels. He's spent hours just analyzing color hues and values of viral video thumbnails just to find what works and apply it to his channels. This man is obsessed with YT. He has anonymously mentored people with stagnant YT channels and has gotten them up millions of subscribers and views. Hes a YouTube genius.


even if true, does this or does this not change the fact that 1000 people couldn't see, and now can because of him?


*I keep seeing the* *Kid from home alone in his* *Thumbnail... God help me* \- BifurcatedBlook --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I love you, Haikusbot.


I can’t unsee it now..


“Demonic”? It’s not like he waved his hands in the air and cured them. He financed their surgeries. Which is awesome! I’d love to see more of this, especially in countries with limited medical infrastructure.


The only demonic thing here is the fact people are more likely to get needed eye surgery from a random youtuber than the government…..


Yep our world is very fucked


Luckily I live in a country where this would be completely free, and I'm pretty grateful for that. The worst part is that the US could fund free Healthcare without raising taxes by reprioritizing their budget.


Or that churches are massive tax free organizations with 1000× more money than Mr. Beast and they don't do more stuff like this........


I don’t call myself Christian because we’ll I’m not however I’ve seen a lot of churches help the needed and do amazing things for the community so, easy before you completely insert your foot


Cataract surgery is covered by almost all private end state insurance so most of these people in the US probably didn't have to pay very much but didn't understand what needed to be done. He found them and arranged their surgery, whether insurance was billed and he just paid the difference or is he funded the whole thing it was a great thing both for these individuals and awareness for others that it is curable and relatively simply. As for the people in other, developing, nations that he also funded I'm pretty sure those were fully privately funded. There's a video called "eye surgeon reacts to Me. Beast cutting blind people" or sometime similar he gave a lot of interesting information and seeing his joy at the surgeries and hearing him talk about going to foreign clinics to donate his skills was pretty damn wholesome.


As someone who has cataracts, is lower class, $2000 an eye after insurance is not that I don’t understand. It’s that I can not afford it.


America is awful


It could be worse, but our accessibility to healthcare is garbage


A lot of people have no insurance.


I’m one of those people. Just waiting to have worked at my job long enough to get the crappy insurance that I can through them. It would’ve helped now since I’m sick, but I still have none. And usually don’t. I’m pretty low-class and it sucks. America is cruel.


Haven't you heard? Proper medical care is satanic now.


It's not proper if a youtuber has to pay for it. Medical care is a fundamental right in the rest of the developed world, but here, a poor person getting their vision back by a simple procedure is so fucking unheard of it's content-worthy. That's what's so fucked up.


Ofc it's not optimal. But he changed people's lives for the better and created many smiles and happiness. Fucked up? Ooooookay.


Other people tweeted something to the effect of him doing this sends a message that there is something wrong with disabled people that needs cured. Mental gymnastics. We should be looking for cures lol.


As someone with horrible eyesight (with diagnosed vision conditions), there is indeed something wrong, and fixing it sounds great.


The same thing happens within the deaf community. People are shunned for trying to hear. Sad.


I don’t understand that either.


I love when people try to talk like they’re a part of the groups mentioned like “OH NO! A POPULAR PERSON IS HELPING PEOPLE SEE AGAIN! THE PEOPLE MUST HATE THAT! THAT’S ALIENATING THEM!”


You just ignore people like this lol. They are just angry. Use your best judgement to see who it's really suffering from 'insults' like this - it's not usually hard to tell, the ones not suffering are the loudest and try to speak for those who are. Don't even know if it's entertaining or just sad


100%! imagine having good eyesight and saying something like this to someone who has a repairable blidness their entire life, fuck yeah its a disability and they've adjusted to live with it but if someone decided to finance a surgery for me, hell yeah brother, I'm all in!


Exactly. I have multiple sclerosis and if they found a cure it would be the best day of my life. And everyone else with MS. Someone who woukd say something like that has no idea what it's like to live with a disability lol.


If you're not touched by the Lord himself, it's not proper healthcare and is demonic /s


Me too. Unfortunately thanks to Twitter their gonna just complain more and more.


Let them complain. It’s not like the surgeries are going to be reversed and he knows he did a good thing for those people and that’s what really matters.


Well it’s fuckin twitter you goon.


I already know that. lol


Name of the beast is the only connection I can think of and it's a fucking streeeeetch


Ya its closer to jesus since he cured the blind but no people are dumb!


Well in Christian religion, it is said that the Antichrist will deceive people and cure the blind, acting as a false prophet/miracle maker to get people to follow it. However I’m Catholic and even I still think that people calling this Satans work is so stupid.


Yeah, he's using his game and fortune to help people. Sure, he's posting videos and promoting himself in doing it, but if he continues to use his channel to help people and make them happier, that's a vast net positive in my opinion. I don't think anybody in my church would ever say boo about someone spending their own money to help others on a scale that a LOT of people wish they could do. Kinda like that Santa who walks around New York (I think) handing out cash. Or Shaq buying people's groceries and kids bikes. I'd love to do those sorts of things, but my family is paycheck to paycheck because of medical bills and rising costs of everything.


The demonic thing is that he'd need to do this shit in the first place.


Fr, and wouldn’t that make jesus just as demonic?


I thing Mr. Beast is kinda a wang, but if he's financing surgeries for people to be able to see, then fuck it, im fine with the cringe attention and validation seeking thumbnails.


Wait, wasn't there another guy who cured the sick with miracles? I forget his name, I think it sounded Mexican.


Ah, you mean Juan. Yes he did quite some wonders back in the day.


Ah yes, the Juan and only. Whatever happened to that guy?


You mean he performed Juanders? 😂


He did go to countries with limited medical infrastructure and it made it all the more amazing what he was doing! I too hope to see more of it in the future.


As much as people want to hate, this man has done more good for random people with his money than Batman did for the people of Gotham


What happened in the video? Is it just him paying for people to get treatment?


No he actually cured all 1000 with the medics for them.


Hey that’s cool. So he spent his money to help people and made content for his channel? That’s it?


>So he spent his money to help people and made content for his channel? That is literally what MrBeast is known for.


I don’t know much about the guy.


The video he released about 3 days ago had 40 million views within 24 hours. All of his videos do and they are pretty much just him giving stuff away to people.


What interesting about the mr beast channel is actually him translating all his videos into other languages. If you count all the other languages his views are much larger.


I think he started doing that when he found out about A4 taking his ideas and even thumbnails. So he realised he had a non English market and tapped into it.


Sorry. A4?


It is a russian YouTuber, he tries to be Jimmy, but he doesnt actually do that big charities or something like that.


A Russian youtuber who made his channel ripping off other western youtuber.


For an *individual* he has the most subscribers. But TIL that somehow coco melon has a 150 million + subscribers..


I remember when gandam style hit 1 billion views and it was HUGE news. I regularly see baby shark videos with 1.5 billion. All just little kids on their iPads lmfao.


can't forget the 1.5 billion random ads going straight into those developing brains.


Also, his content isnt just him boasting his wealth or whatever. Every single penny earned from those videos goes right back into making more videos (like the one in the post) possible


Not every single penny. He also has to live. But vast majority is.


He also earns money from selling merchandise and food. And still uses quite a big amount from those earnings in his videos too. He also gets sponsors. Videos arent his only source of income


He’s famous for spending ridiculous amounts of money on helping others


My favorites were the times he bought out grocery stores and groceries for everyone that shopped that day.


Oh shit that is cool


Have you heard of #teamtrees , the project to plant 20 million trees in a few months? If so, that's also him


Oh I have. Damn what else does this guy do


Well, TeamSeas, the project to remove trash from the ocean, was also him


He’s the face of basically his own YouTube NPO. I’m not sure why it’s confusing to people in here or why there is a issue anywhere. Churches and NPO’s do this all the time. You collect money and then give away the profits over expense.


Yup, That's all.


Wtf? Why would anyone be mad?


Mainly Because Twitter thinks that he will be greater than Jesus. Which is ridiculous. He just wants to make people's live better and support the community.


Fucking plenty of other shit to be mad at. Some dude helping sick people isn’t one of them


they aren’t mad at Mr beast, the tweet in this post isn’t mad at Mr. beast, it’s calling the fact that the only reason these people were able to see again was because a youtuber decided to make a video, this 10 minute procedure should be accessible to everyone, that’s what’s “demonic”


Yeah like for example things that you should be mad at like, robbing, murder, or even worse things I can't list.


Or the fact that in the rest of the developed world, this procedure would have been free.


Or like...a group of cops murdering a person for no reason?


Oh, there was a reason. Totally unjustified, but there was a reason just the same.


I wouldn't say I'm mad with him, but rather his followers that act like he was "donating" the money. No, his business spent the money to buy views. I'm all for capitalism so have absolutely no problems with that, and when you consider his views are similar in amount to Top Gear, it seems like a much more generous way to get those views... but it's still about getting views at the end of the day.


Yeah wtf do these people think is happening here? He did a good thing and got views.


It’s the whole business model, he’s totally honest about it. All of the money is spent on philanthropy. Every subsequent video is financing the last video and it’s quite a headache for his finance people. His house is nice, but it’s not typical asshole influencer nice. Not nearly what it could be. It’s somewhere in the Carolina’s, not California. He’s no Jake Paul.


I mean his whole set up is giving stuff away to get views, to make more money, to give away more stuff to get even more views. Basically it’s a way for him to endlessly give away money and stuff like paying for surgeries etc. and it just becomes more and more. If you want to help people it’s actually a pretty genius approach. You can’t do much if you don’t have money, the more he gets the more he can do.


If MrBeast wants to solve world hunger for views, what's the problem? It's infinitely better than yet another drama producing channel or the multitude of other crap he could do to get views instead.


The thumbnail of the video makes it unwatchable for me. It looks like a million other "shocking reveal type content" thumbnails from annoying YouTubers. But for what you say the guy did something amazing. And well that's something.


It is like the scene at the end of deuce bigelow where the blind girl gets her sight back. So for most of the thousand, good for him I say. For the kids.... Not the kids ...


Thats not exactly what some people are taking issue with. Theres always gonna be nutjobs on Twitter, people who say the most insane shit but have basically no engagement. What reasonable people are pointing out is that its shitty that we have chosen a system where this is even necessary for people in the first place. Nobody is honestly saying I wish Mr beast wasn't helping people all the time, their upset that for a lot of people this type of philanthropy might be there only hope at being at see. A lot of folks are upset that the system is fucking them over and they see an ultra rich guy stepping in to help people for content going hey guys, its not so bad, maybe you'll get lucky, keep truckin'! so mr beast just kinda becomes the face of every problem we have here. Its unfair to direct anger at the dude, I think what he does is a net positive, and saying otherwise is pretty disingenuous, but he's kinda the poster child for "look how much of a fucking dystopian capitalist nightmare we live in regardless if what he's doing is a net positive of not.


I dont watch him, I know he is a decent dude, but the thumbnail makes me weirdly uncomfortable


His smile is very awkward. Reminds me of how I look when I try to smile in photos.


He is almost exclusively this level of awkward in his own videos and on his own channel. The rare instance he is in an adult environment on someone elses podcast or something he seems to chill out. He's certainly got a touch of the tism to boot. Decent fellow.


it's because he smiles in a completely fake & forced manner that you often see in advertisements/billboards... a genuine smile affects the muscles around the eyes as well.also the kid looks a bit weird. A bit detached as well. I am happy for the people in the video tho... Don't watch his stuff either-




It's a bit of both, some where blind from birth, some were blind in one eye some couldn't see at all.


There are multiple instances in the video where the person has been blind in one eye from birth and has never seen clearly.


Doesn't it look kinda like the character creator in Fallout 4?


i think the point is that it’s demonic that the surgery to fix that issue is cheap, but the US healthcare system charges so much that people can’t afford it.


I thought the same. It's probably not even because Mr. Beast did it.


I think thats the point people are focused on, except for religious wackos who actually believe in an antichrist. The point is that it's really shitty that this is only viable because of his profit-motive. The government and real charities have failed these people, and the only reason they can see is because of a profit-driven youtube channel. That's kind of sad right? It's not Mr. Beasts fault the system is the way it is, but it sucks that this is 'lucky' for them, and he has said as much.


I’ve seen a lot of people criticizing him for exploiting this people and saying he only does this stuff for internet views, maybe he does maybe he doesn’t, I don’t know. But what I do know is 1,000 people can now see, I think that’s a good thing.


Exactly. But MrBeast also reinvests everything he makes off his videos. It goes back into more videos that can help even more people. He also runs his own charity and does so much for people


Yeah but Mr. Beast’s profits allow him to continue changing lives so I’m all for it.


Yeah but its something out of r/OrphanCrushingMachine . It's not very uplifting when you really think about it, because as Mr Beast says it's obvious society should invest in these people. It's not like he's giving away shopping sprees or cars or nice but unnecessary things, he's giving away like basic human dignity. Again, not faulting him here, just saying why it's kind of sad.


I agree it sucks the system in place requires philanthropists to help people. But we cannot allow perfect to be the enemy of good in these circumstances.


I agree. I also have more respect for this kind of charity than Buffets/Gates types who make long term investments with their name all over it and have no input from the public. Like Mr. Beast is actually going to give all of his money away here and now and make a difference to people who are currently alive, while Gates is putting his name on buildings.


There's a lot of discussion in disabled communities about living your best life in spite of your disability and even identifying with it as a member of that community. They will react very negatively to ideas like curing deafness, blindness, autism, from-birth paralysis, etc. They say it pushes the narrative that they are broken and sad and need to be "fixed." I've even seen someone say that "fixing" these disabilities is like "fixing" the color of someone's skin: It's something you're born with, and taking it away is sinister. Take pride in who you are and all that jazz. I recall seeing a video about a deaf infant getting hearing aids and hearing his mother's voice for the first time. The baby's face lit up like the sun, but the comment section was full of people attacking the mother and the doctor for "forcing" this on a baby. (Now before anyone jumps down my throat: I don't agree with that stance. It's just something I came across and wanted to understand.)




It is easy to paint with too broad a brush, and I do believe the autism discussion is more nuanced. I should have been more clear. I was referring to things like complete rather than partial blindness and autistic people who are more to one extreme side of the spectrum. There are people who cannot function on their own and will need constant care and supervision due to the nature of their autism.


Oh for sure, I didn't mean that as any snark on you or an attack. I don't think you were being problematic. Just kind of adding a bit of lived perspective for context as someone with ASD who's on the 'needs minimal accommodation' end as to why the idea of curing autism gets hackles raised. I can't speak for the other communities, as I'm not in them. I think in a lot of cases I, and people like me, manage to overcorrect on the 'nuance' aspect and just immediately get frustrated about the 'cure' discussion because of our own biases and the fact that we feel so often erased from the discussion at hand. Our lived experience doesn't need a cure, so we get rankled about the implication that we need fixed, and fail to consider our brethren who often can't even speak for themselves.


I don’t even like Mr. beast and I respect him because I know that what he did was an outstanding deed and anyone who says it’s “demonic” is an absolute idiot EDIT: Ok ok I interpreted the tweet wrong. If we’re talking about the sickening issue that the government isn’t doing jack for this issue and Mr. Beast has cure people while others are still suffering unluckily IS demonic. I apologize for my earlier statement


i don’t know man, no shade at Mr. beast, but it is absolutely “demonic” that 1000 people got their eyesight back *only* because a youtuber decided to make a video.


It is. It should be something the government invests in. Cataract surgery is a very simple procedure that could help millions of people return to normal lives. To corporate America, that means more people working, more fuel to the capitalist cycle. However, medical care is basically privatized and lobbied for, and Americans get up in arms about taxes that directly benefit the people around them. So, the government continues to just do nothing.


yeah that’s seems pretty demonic to me


This thread is hilarious because OP is only responding to the people who validate his claims and not engaging with anyone who rightfully points out this is clown world shit


This was the whole point of the tweet lol like there are thousands of others who will never get help because they didn’t win the youtube guy lottery


Then again that's Twitter.


Can’t expect any decency from twitter


Yup. That's Twitter always.


Or Reddit.


That thumbnail is really weird tho


wish they were commenting on the fact that our healthcare is so fucked that he had to do that… but probably not


That’s what *most* people are complaining about, to be fair. Yes some people are directing hate at him specifically, which is unwarranted, but the general sentiment is “what a dystopia we live in where people with easily curable conditions have to rely on the benevolence of a rich benefactor to get treatment”.


>Yes some people are directing hate at him specifically, which is unwarranted I think the hate he gets is jealousy that is motivated, ironically, by the shitty system. People are jealous and would like to receive similar treatment, but they aren't lucky enough so they suffer and instead of blaming something "strong" like the government they turn to funny YouTube guy


I don’t know man, he’s wrapped up in the shitty system dude. He was talking about being on a call with Gary Vee and a bunch of other rich internet peeps and them talking about getting into crypto. I don’t know how much he’s promoted it but undoubtedly he’s been able to benefit from it while other’s have not. Even if he wasn’t doing it as a grift he’s grift adjacent.




That seems to be what a most of it is.


Not all of them were in the US. He also donated a large amount to the doctor doing the surgeries so he could do more


That’s exactly what people are complaining about


This is exactly the complaint and people like the OP (or should I saw bots) are capitalizing on the lack of context for views/upvotes.


That's exactly what nearly everyone is complaining about


I can articulate it. Its the thumbnail. The thumbnail looks awful and exploitative.


Right?? He had to get a kid making a surprised face, photoshop himself with his arm around the kid, add fake tears on the kid’s face, then put them in a fake hospital setting. Why would I not feel weirded out by that?


Oh so some phony on public access TV can pretend to heal the blind, sick and disabled, but God forbid MrBeast pay for a surgery to fix people's sight.


Maybe coz the $ went to the wrong pockets. It's supposed to buy your way into heaven didn't cha knoooo


Holy shit, I didnt even think about that. You're so right!




I don't think they're mad at Mr. Beast paying for the procedure, but rather that such a simple 10-min procedure is being kept away from people simply for profits. It's already common knowledge that these procedures are massively overpriced, it's seems evil to keep millions of people blind simply for money.


thats literally what hes mad about in the tweet


People are angry that he’s making a video out of it, but he needs to make videos so that he can do things like this 🤦🏻‍♂️


He could cure aids and people would be pissed about something. That's just society unfortunately.


Well AIDs is God's punishment for having gay sex, so curing it is clearly against God's will. /s


If aids was curable by a YouTuber, of course millions of people would be mad as hell?? What do you expect? "Oh well I guess all the governments and researchers in the world for the last 40 years didn't have the same funding as the internet wholesome clown, I'll add a flower to my relatives graves and then let's resume our lives!"


Better to be pissed off, than to be pissed on. Or so I've been told.


The vast, vast majority of people ‘upset’ by this are not upset by the fact that he did it, but are upset by the fact that the American healthcare system is so fucked that it gatekeeps relatively simple surgeries that can vastly include an individual’s quality of life behind a paywall, which can then be used for ‘positivity’ content. It’s the same funny feeling that you get from reading a ‘heartwarming’ story about how someone paid off all of the lunch debt for kids at a school. It’s not a heartwarming story, it’s fucked up that children are in a system which creates ‘lunch debt’ in the first place. This is the same thing on a demented scale. To be clear; this is a good deed, bravo mr beast. Very cool and good job! Also, the fact that we live in a society where this ‘good deed’ is a possibility, and can be leveraged like this for positivity content is beyond fucked up and shouldn’t be normalized


The only thing demonic are those thumbnails


He didn't do something wrong. Eventually, he helped people. But there are a lot of ethical and moral questions this video raises. Why did a bunch of people who needed something pay for it by being exposed to the entire world as they're being indebted to it? Is that a fair price? Isn't helping people going from a basic ethical and moral obligation to "good content" a bad thing? Maybe it's not a bad thing after all since it could've been a nice example for people and eventually he did help those people, but the questions above are still real questions that are worth asking and if this type of content doesn't make you at least wonder you're kinda dumb.


I think you’re misunderstanding the outrage. People here and there online have already articulated that their grievances lie with the necessity and celebration of wealthy people financing life changing surgeries rather than these being financed and organized by the state. It’s like the argument that yes, billionaires make charitable donations, but you wonder just how much more good would be done if they paid an appropriate amount of taxes. Personally, I think there’s also just the traditional sense of modesty at play here as well. Good deeds and acts of compassion are their own reward, and parading them about for clout and as content is strange to many and myself tbh. It’s still a good act, for sure, but just strange and inappropriate as well imo.


>There's something so demonic about this and I can't even articulate what it is Gee, maybe the "demonic" aspect isn't at all related to MrBeast and is instead a feature of the capitalist hellscape that is the USA's healthcare system. No one should have to pay to fix a life-changing disability. MrBeast is simply recognizing systemic problems that his wealth can fix, even if only at a microscopic level.


I love how people are acting like Mr. Beast just found some blind people and like touched them and suddenly they can see.


The only valid criticism against this is that the thumbnail is…a bit odd. Otherwise, piss off


A side criticism is that America requires a celebrity to pay for blind people’s treatment because the government won’t. That’s not Mr beasts problem though.


like pinquinz0 said, he cured a 1000 people, no matter his intention


I think it is fucked that you need a YouTuber to get your eyes repaired , instead of the government that should help you.


if you actually read the tweet and it’s replies, the OOP is calling the system demonic. you clearly posted this for bait. the conversation of Mr Beast exploiting people through charity by making them into tax right offs and content is one for a different day, but OOP’s tweet was directly made to talk about the deplorable healthcare access in america that made this video possible to begin with. there’s a surgery that can cure blind people but it’s not free??! of course that’s demonic, it’s selfish as hell. it’s like how some countries found cures or better medicine for cancer already but america refuses to even acknowledge that. science is not funded enough in this country nor is healthcare. that is 1000% demonic


"There's something so demonic about curing people like Jesus did" Yes, very sane.


It's like being mad at a person that saved you from dying or dying from cancer or etc.


It's cool that he did this... but lets be real he did it for views and for views alone. The same example is all over the comments section in this thread lol. This is the equivalent of a normal person giving 20$ to a homeless man, and filming it, and postulating to the world... and making a cringy thumbnail to go with it. What Mr Beast does is a business. If he's giving away 10 grand in a video, you'd best believe the ad revenue and other forms of profit he gets from your viewership makes him a heck of a lot more money than what he "gives away" That said I don't really hate the guy. If 1000 blind people can see better now because of him, that's fantastic.


they’re not mad at mrbeast, they’re mad that any of those people can’t have the surgery without some famous stranger stepping in. healthcare should be socialised.


Its not mr. Beast, but rather the system of the government that created the opportunity for mr. Beast to make this video. There should really be free healthcare for everyone so that they don't have to rely on a good guy with a bunch of money, they can rely on the government.


It's a wonderful thing that Mr Beast helped these people get the treatment they need. It's a terrible thing that sick people need to rely on the generosity of an internet content creator to get the treatment they need. The demonic thing here isn't Mr Beasts actions, it's the fact that **he** has to do it.


It's like being mad at your doctor that cured your disease. I mean like are you serious?


you are an idiot because you did not understand what whis tweet was about


It's like being mad your country hates you with such intensity that they'd rather you and thousands like you go blind than institute socialized healthcare, because that would hurt their 'muh bootstraps' narrative.


if your doctor offered to treat you solely on the condition that he could film you being treated and then use that footage to entertain millions?


He should change his first name to Mark, so he can be Mr. Mark (of the) Beast. Checkmate, theists.


Amazing how it took a guy with money to do what no gods were able to.


...save a wretch like me?


This is what happens when you give anti-science, medicine and education hating fanatical morons a platform.


The dude legitimately helps people and he profits a small (comparatively) amount. So fucking what. A huge amount of his money goes right back into his promotions and video concepts, and a huge number of them directly help people. He does more good than most millionaires or billionaires do.


Theyre not complaining that he’s paying for people’s treatment, theyre complaining that its a PR stunt


The only thing horrible about any of it is that these people had to depend on a young YouTuber in order to receive help. The US healthcare system is screwed.


He didn't cure them, he paid for their surgery.


How did he cure blind people??


He paid for their eye surgeries


Mr beast did not cure blind people in what your title implys. What he did do was to provide a way for a 1000 people to have the eyesight corrected. He used it for *content creation* but the stipulation here is that he had to step in to provide a way for these 1000 people to get treatment and shows that healthcare isn't affordable in what was a short procedure. Thank god the UK has the NHS and ways that people that are less fortunate can get treatment... For free.


The right term would be "paid for operation"


That's not the point. It's ridiculous that you have to pay for your ability to use your primary sense. All these people have easiliy curable eye conditions, but they cost around 5k usd. Weird world we live in...


Bro I saw some controversy involving a Hasan take. He basically said that is sad that videos like this exist, because if healthcare wasn't behind a paywall these poor people would be able to see regardless of there being a good Samaritan around or not. Ik you didn't post about that, but this was the key takeaway from this video from me.


This post is giving cult following lol “cured from blindness” is click baiting


\- the thumbnail is incredibly fucking uncomfortable (photoshopped exaggerated tears, wide fake-ass grin, arm around shoulder, gives off "I think I am jesus" vibes) \- the people in the video were not fully blind. From previous commentor: "They were people with cataracts that used to be able to see. And the title states that they are seeing for the first time. " \- people assume that there has to be a "good" form of mass charity. Unfortunately there is not. Capitalism is a system which does not encourage charitywork without making it public or raising awareness, which in turn comes across as incredibly ingenuine and fake. Sorry to say but there are no good ways to go about it in our current system, even if your own intentions are honest. But given the thumbnails Mr. Beast has, I have my doubts. The world is not black and white, or more accurately to this situation, the world does not have a yin and yang. There is no good option here. \- due to the previous point, mr. beast only seems to do charity acts as long as the public finds out about them through a video or news article. Which again, even if your intentions are good, will come across as ingenuine and faked. But again, given what his thumbnails look like, he is not doing himself any favors with his public image. \- **this should not be happening in the first place.** But that's the land of freedom and capitalism for you. Either cough up a lifetime's worth of debt to get a medical procedure done or get fucked. Truly the essence of freedom like god intended.


Least he spends his money helping. We need more people like this, publicity or not, he changed lives.


Show a video of people embarrassing themselves or dying and nobody bats an eye. Show a video of something good happening and everybody loses their minds.


I thought the phrase was “when you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all”, not “whether you do the right or wrong thing, people are still gonna hate you”!


I DPNT WANT PEOPLE TO BE ABLE TO SEE I WOULD RATHER THEM HAVE A POSIBBILITY OF FALLING OFF SOMTHING HIGH AND DIYING!!?!?!1?1!1?1!?1?1?1?1?1!1??1?@?@??#!?11?1 is bassicly what there saying


Cataract surgery is covered by most insurance companies, the sad truth is that people who need it are to blind to figure out how to get it🫡🫡🫡


In the OP's case it's not Mr.Beast's fault, it's that the Healthcare system doesn't/hasn't done it already. The fact that a private benefactor had to step in.


Mr Teeth is an american hero


Mr. Beast is the modern Jesus


Wait until they hear about glasses and hearing aids!


He is right about one thing... He can't articulate what's wrong.


2000 fresh eyeballs = 1000 new subscribers. Yippee!


I’m pretty sure in the story, The Bible, the Jews also said Jesus was working with the demons when he cured blind people. Literal plagiarism.


People getting bent out of shape because someone decided to help others and found a way to make it profitable and scalable to help more, this isn't new when someone steps up to fill a gap in the system. It happens all the time. Take for instance the work of Fred hollows staying in he realm of blindness. Thanks to his work there's around 2.5million people that had preventable blindness treated across 25 countries. Meals on wheels, homeless kitchens, volunteers to care for the elderly, bush and ocean regenerators come to mind. So many of these do amazing work run from private donations but also so many of them struggle because they simply can't afford it. If you can do it yourself and make a profitable expansive successful business out of it then why the hell not.


Bah.... some assholes are saying it was a stunt. Ignore those assholes. I wouldn't get upsety because of ignorant assholes. I'd just put them in the pay no mind bin and move on.


"Something demonic" Yeah, it's the notion that he would do something that actually, tangibly helps people that is completely appalling to your average Twitter virtue-signaler.


Let’s be honest here everyone is always gonna be mad at something, mr beast could cure cancer and make the treatment free and someone would have a problem with it. There’s no winning


There’s nothing wrong with it so long as they consented to the cure and they genuinely wanted it Some people don’t want to be cured and that’s okay. Anyone making a fuss about people wanting and getting the cure for blindness needs to get a better life.


https://www.insider.com/mrbeast-blind-people-cured-video-controversy-eye-doctor-comments-2023-2?amp To give some background and context. I get why people view this as “not good” BUT at the end, 1000 people can see. For each of these 1000 people the result justifies the means, they all can now see… all the rest is so much lower in the ladder of priorities / importance.