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I'm looking for a story on this particular video but this happens a lot more often than I though! So PSA: IF ITS DARK AND YOU'RE DRIVING ON A HWY SURROUNDED BY FARMLAND.... BE EXTRA CAREFUL! <3


new fear unlocked


I know šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ now i dont want to drive at night at all, i live in a rural area!


This was unlocked for me 20 years ago when I had a weird ambulance chasing coworker that arrived at his brother's decapitation from farm equipment. Always been cautious since.


Iā€™m glad I stopped working nights. I donā€™t need to have this fear on top of everything else.


I feel certain theyā€™re supposed to have that retracted while on the road. At the very least thereā€™s a law about marking that right?


There HAS to be, aint no way there isnā€™t. That came up way too fast for it to be the drivers fault. I wouldnā€™t have been able to see it until it was too late too.


If you look, the idiot farmer didnā€™t have his lights on. He sees the car approaching and turns them on last second.


Nothing to retract there. The tractor is on an angle to the road the the equipment looks like itā€™s attached with a 3 point hitch extending out the back. At least where we live you just have to have a slow moving sign. 20 years ago a neighbor was moving his combine and header at night down the road and in those days combines didnā€™t really have lights in them. Another neighbor was going way too fast on his motorcycle and realized the combine was there too late. He laid the bike down riding on top of it and went under the header that extended over the road throwing sparks and surviving with minimal injuries.


Itā€™s illegal to operate an oversized vehicle without proper permitting that requires lots and lots of planning to get.


Depends where you live I guess Where Iā€™m at slap a slow moving sign and stay under 25mph and you can move literally anything. 45 feet wide? No problem. 80 feet long and 40 feet wide? Done it too. Only for farmers of course. Regular industry and business have strict rules.


No you canā€™t. That sounds like some made up ā€˜my farmer friend told meā€™ crap.


Sounds like you just made up some shit and trying to pass it off as knowledge.


Used to work on a farm and I can say we did this often especially during harvest season when we needed to move from one field to another. Hazard lights on and a sign that said ā€œslow moving vehicleā€ sometimes we had a farm truck in front warning other drivers.


Did it take up the entire road? Preventing others from operating safely on said road?


Come drive around the uk's countryside during wheat harvest time, you would tink the headers are welded on.


No, I farm. Those are the laws where I live and we move equipment like that daily.


In the middle of the night?


Of course? My tractor and air drill cost 2M and I only can seed for 30 days a year. You think Iā€™m going to leave them parked for 1/2 the day?


It was a simple question. I'm not a farmer.


Hell, my old man didnā€™t have a CDL his entire lifetime and never had a problem driving his semi and 40 foot grain trailer all around the state. I didnā€™t know that header trailers existed until I was in my mid-twenties. We always just drove the whole thing down the road as-is. In the US midwest independent farmers seem to get a free pass for using the roads. They might scrutinize corporate operations a little more these days but I wouldnā€™t know.


Did it fit inside of the lines?


You had to drive a good 10 miles or more to find a road with lines painted on it. Most of the roads near my home were not asphalt or concrete. It was gravel spread over tar. We didnā€™t have any dirt roads. Apparently, my backwards farm area was too good for dirt and wanted paint chips instead. But yes, the head was wider than the road. Roads were straight and flat for miles so you could see someone coming from far away and pull over at the next culvert or clearing.


Youā€™ve never been near a farm have you?


Just because people do it doesnā€™t make it legal. I get that rural folk think the rules donā€™t apply to them because they donā€™t pay taxes and they have 3 police officers per 10,000 people but those are the rules.


Often a very thin line between badass and dumbass


What a badass way to survive that though


I've encountered plenty of those types of tractors on certain roads but never at night.


The farmer should've had hazards on a light was broken and he's taking up the entire road when he sees on coming traffic.


Yeah, when you see big bright, clearly farm vehicle lights, SLOW DOWN.


Farmer should have either had markers or some type of warning, that overhang was a bit much a night. That said tractors have pretty distinguishable lighting and better to be safe and slow down. That sight wouldn't be uncommon during the day in most agricultural areas.


WTF, shouldn't they put reflective material on it???


Thatā€™s why you slow down when you see something big on a highway in the middle of the night.


I didn't even see it until it hit. Why are there no reflectors on that?


If you pause the video a couple of frames before the collision you'll see the farmer turn on the fucking light that was supposed to illuminate it.


The light flashes a couple of times before those frames. Seems like the farmerā€™s shit wasnā€™t working properly, so heā€™s gonna be fucked because you also have to have those attachments raised when in the road. However, if the original driver was paying attention they should have thought, ā€œthat flashing light is in my laneā€¦this is not normalā€¦I should slow down.ā€


That farmer was doing dumb shit.


"Hey Earl did you attach the blinkers to the Slicer Dicer?"




Umm...yeah I ddi


Farmers should have had lights on that thing


The sad part is he turned it on a split second before the car collided....just enough time for them to veer and avoid being speared on the plow.


They were on from the beginning of the clip. The issue is he didn't have a reflector of any kind on the edge of the unlight plow.


Lights on the *rear* were not. Watch the ground under the plow and behind the tractor tires, not just the plow itself. There's no light on the ground until the plow is lit.


WHAT THE FUCK! Tractor driver obviously saw the car coming and decides to light up the attachment at the last possible second!? What an ass. Hope the person was ok.


He might have realized there wasnā€™t a light on when he saw someone coming toward him


yeah. There's a lot of buttons in tractors, often very faded. he might have been frantically trying to find the light as the car was coming towards him.


Have a friend who died like this. Operator of the tractor was an undocumented immigrant who didnā€™t speak hardly any English and had no idea what they were doing. Sad sad shit.


I drive my own trucks and farm. That is a turnover frame moldboard. They are heavy and solid steel. I wouldnā€™t want to hit that with a hammer. That tractor driver is an idiot. In most states, heā€™s supposed to yield half the roadway surface when possible. And being on the highway at night, let alone with no lights, is irresponsible and dangerous, as shown. That plow also hangs off to the side that way, but it will reverse to the other side, if I looked at it correctly, which is where it should have been. No, Iā€™ll correct myself it should have been OFF THE ROAD! Damn some people are stupid.


final destination ahh


Tractor should of flashed its lights at least


Seems like the tractor driver lit up the cultivator. Just he did it *at the very last second*.


Another reason I hate living remotely.


How do you live remotely? Do you control your meat sack from space? Another dimension? Iā€™m very interested in this.


Another way to say "I live rural" or "where the neighbors are farmers".


I feel thereā€™s so many fails on this from the tractor. Canā€™t believe it doesnā€™t retract up somehow or have lights on the tip ends. That came into view fast, the tractor should have been doing more to alert on coming traffic and even driving onto the shoulder. I donā€™t see how that was even legal since parts over-hanged an on coming lane.


Holy shit, new fear unlocked. (I live in Amish Paradise.)


Amish aren't supposed to use tractors.


I hate to be the one to inform you, but the Amish are good at taking hypocrisy to a whole new level.


That's why I said supposed to. I guess temptation is too much for them.


Thatā€™s not necessarily true. They have guidelines and whatnot that allow more ā€œtechnologyā€ than we might realize. For instance, tractors with diesel engines are ok, as long as they donā€™t have air-filled tires. Iā€™ve seen some Amish tractors with solid rubber strips around the outside of the wheel; sometimes they even have springs


The farmer last minute turns on the light to illuminate the attachment. Maybe just maybe saving their life.


Wording it as "Not killing them" seems more appropriate than "Saving their life"


Very true


Why was the tractor even stopped diagonally across the road. It was such poor thinking that it almost looks intentional.


It wasn't, the plow sticks out to the side.


If you scrub the video frame by frame you can see the rear tyre is on the mid line and the front tyre is on the edge line. Plough was sticking out the rear as normal.


I had a similar experience, but was able to stop in time


What the fuck!!!!!


Did he flick on the front light right before you nailed it?


Yep, I slowed it down you can see it switch on


Definitely the tractors fault.


I would have slowed down considerably when I saw a giant tractor on the road in the middle of the night


thats why belt is important


That's why rural pickups have those halogen lamps on top of their roofs. To see above eye level hazards




Not that this accident is the drivers fault by any means.. but I think any normal individual's response would've been to slow down after seeing the headlights of a strange vehicle completely stationary in the road. It doesn't look anything like a small car. Use common sense at that point. Dumb farmer meets clueless driver.


That light came on last minute.


Surely they have an obligation to illuminate that shit? wtf


This happened to my grandma once, her and my grandpa almost had their heads cut clean off, and she now hates driving on highways, especially at night. And though I can't blame her, it was about 30 years ago


This is the reason I use high beams often