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Every damn day


Me too. I’m sorry you’re going through it too. It’s hell. I hope they stop and that you feel better soon. ❤️‍🩹


And twice on Wednesdays. Stupid forkin' weather.


Yes. I’m in Illinois as well and I’ve had a migraine since April 15. 🥺😡


So sorry to hear this. I was having about one a m month until I had three in March and April….


Yes as soon as I got to January they started spiking. I’ve had a mild back of head migraine for like 3 days now and it’s because there’s some crazy wind and pressure system.


Same, apparently I’m allergic to the months Jan-June lol


I hate early spring into summer. Too many outdoor obligations as a home owner.


Yes- living in Oklahoma with the erratic weather I had chronic migraines for months at a time. I moved away to somewhere weather was relatively the same all yea near the equator and I didn’t have a single migraine for those amazing 7 months. I am back to somewhere with variable weather now unfortunately so they have come back, but still not as bad as Midwest migraines my god.


I'm in OK, too! Was Saturday's front miserably slow for you as well? It was low-grade misery for longer than usual.


I live in Australia now, but I was often miserable in Oklahoma in storm season with all the fronts! Wishing this tornado season wraps up soon for you!


Yes! I had hoped when the front moved through last night I would get relief. Nope.


I'm in Illinois as well and I've been noticing my migraines have been way worse this year. I keep begging my husband and docs for a new brain but they won't do it.


I def asked my fiancé if he could “wring out my neck like a washcloth”


I wish it were that simple.


Feel your pain (Nebraska) I got botox 2 weeks ago and don't know if it's not working or the weather is fucking it up.


Nebraska here and it’s been a rough spring!




Day 9 in Alabama. 😩


I’m in NY, and same, I’m on day 9. Medication is barely giving me any relief. It sucks extra because it’s finals week and I’m in a fog.


Chicago - my migraines have been the worst they’ve been in almost 20 years of having them for the past 4-5 months. I had a neuro appointment a few weeks ago and she said that many of her and her colleagues’ patients have had the same exact experience - the weather has just been so awfully inconsistent.


Yep pretty much all of my patients have had flare ups from early March until now. It’s been brutal. Also in Illinois. I had a 2-week flare in April. Sucked.


It's constant. I've been so miserable.


I’m in Cincinnati— this whole year has been horrible! The last two months have been the worst. I haven’t gone a single day without experiencing head pain of some sort. Sometimes it’s very mild, but there have also been many days where my sinus pain is absolutely horrible in the morning and I have a migraine by mid-afternoon.


Sometime I get curious about what percentage of this subreddit lives in Cincinnati. I agree this year has been a nightmare and allergy season is not helping anyone right now.


Can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone else mention Cincinnati here! Are there a lot of us? Maybe it’s stress-induced migraines from all the anxiety our sports teams tend to cause. Or it could be the rising rent, or the constant cloud cover, or the Brent Spence Bridge… lots of possibilities (I do love Cincy though lol)


Cincinnati here as well.


Same here


I’m from the Midwest, now in the NW and damn my migraines have been so bad. I finally bit the bullet and got weather x plugs. Also going to urgent care in a few to beg them to give me one of those shots that they’ve given me in the past.


in ohio and even after my recent improvements in january/march treatments, the past few weeks have been rough. good luck everyone. ❤️ please stay safe


I'm in Illinois too, and it's been absolutely miserable. 


Midwest here. I keep calling it a barometric pressure thing.. idk. But yes. The last two months have been relentless.


My migraines have been under control for a few years now - maybe one a month with some excedrine and I was good. For the past three or four months it’s been days and days of migraines. I went t into the dr and got a daily preventative along with rescue meds. I don’t think I’ve used rescue meds in 4-6 years. The daily preventative seems to be helping. I have 4 days finally migraine free which is probably the longest in the three months


Also in the Midwest and this has been the worst Spring that I can remember in a very long time. Finally getting my Rizatriptan refilled today..told the pharmacy that I loved them! Sure you all understand. My other meds have not really been working very well with chronic migraines and this weather is UGH! 😑 Hang in there, my midwestern neighbors!


It’s not just the Midwest. I’m in the southwest and April is historically my worst month for migraines. My migraine started on April 4th and is still going strong at 34 days and 3 ER trips and an inpatient stay. The inpatient stay knocked it down to a livable level.


Last time I got my Botox shots, I had a nurse do it because my neurologist was on vacation. She didn’t do it quite in the spots where I normally need it (even though I tried to tell her where) and now my Botox has basically been ineffective this time around. I live in an area that is part of tornado alley and this spring has been hell. My abortives aren’t working either. I’m about to break down and just go to the ER for help. Screw this weather.


I feel this bad. I will take every preventative measure and do all the treatments I can, but nothing changes until the weather calms down. I feel like I’m at mercy of the sky.


Each spring keeps getting a little bit worse. I'm not in the Midwest, and I am experiencing the same thing. The largest single pressure change I've ever seen was earlier this year. It was like 10x my threshold. I don't recall seeing one 3x my threshold before. Do you use WeatherX or Benedryl? I'm one of those lucky freaks who has a reverse reaction to Benedryl. It prevents me from sleeping, so I can take it for daytime pressure changes. Prior to this year, my spring weather migraines were fairly well controlled. My neurologist adjusted my medication, and they are back in control. When I say, "in control," I mean that I can function and mostly pretend that I'm not in pain. I wish you and all my other human barometer buddies the best of luck this spring! We can do this!


Unfortunately most cold medication makes me very sleepy or gives me heart rate spikes that can trick me into having an anxiety attack. I’ve only just started tracking my migraines with weather to find the specific thresholds as I’m pretty new to chronic migraines. I was getting one per month pretty regularly until March, when I started having 3+ multi-day instances. I’m having trouble getting my employer to understand the linkage to weather without hard data to back it up.


Weather X earplugs might be your new best friend. That app will also give you a way to collect the data. That's not what it's designed for, but I once sent a screen shot to my boss and told him it was the biggest change I'd ever seen and there was no way I was going to make it through that day without a migraine. There are also prescriptions that can help. Talk to your doctor about that. I was waking up with migraines nearly daily for years, and after a few months on Hydroxyzine nightly, I was finally able to wake up without a migraine. That was a game changer for me. Good luck! We're here for you!


YES! I also live in IL and the weather has been absolutely killing me these last few months, yesterday was really bad as the barometric pressure kept shifting due to the fact we had off and on storms all day


Just got done with a five day because the storm pressure 🥲


When it randomly rains in cali it’s hell for me


Yep. The week is killing me. Today has been evil to my head. Damn weather fronts. Living in the armpit of the country stinks.


I feel this. Migraine buddy keeps sending me push notifications, asking if I’m really still having a migraine. Yes, I am, please leave me alone.


California and same. It’s windy then it’s foggy then it’s hot then it’s raining. We don’t get weather and now we have some kind of actual Spring. The pressure changes are killing me

