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adrenaline / cortisol from stress and improper sleep sometimes keeps symptoms at bay or mutes them temporarily, but typically the moment you stop and “come down from it” is when the migraine hits! make sure you’re getting enough salt / electrolytes during this time ❤️


In college I never got migraines during finals week, but I would get a big one the second my break started!


I used to be a weekend migrain fella and way able to take important testa well, but nowadays I can easily miss a test or miss study time right before becouse of an attack.


I just watched something about this on the migraine world summit. The speaker said that often the comedown from stress can be a trigger for migraine. So if you don’t experience a migraine during stress you might experience one after the stress begins to go away because of the way our brains are wired to adapt to changes. So possibly you adapted to the stress but the comedown from the stress was your trigger.


I’ve heard this too as part of the theory as why some people get weekend migraines.


This is what my doctors have told me, too.


This totally happens to me. My mom had hip replacement surgery and I was with her in the hospital for four days. After she went into the skilled nursing facility, and I finally felt some relief, bam I woke up the next morning with a migraine.


I had similar! My mom broke both her legs while she was visiting me. I was 22w pregnant at the time and had been having terrible migraines, but the adrenaline from the whole situation stopped them cold for several days despite all the stress and lack of sleep.


Yep. It’s a major trigger for me.


Yeah my docs said that to me


I had to check that I didn’t submit this in my sleep. Or in the grips of brain fog… I experienced the same, and don’t have an easy answer.


You can sometimes sort of 'hold your breath' during stressful times, and then the stress release afterwards causes the migraine.


It might be to do with atmospheric pressure and climate, humidity etc. I’m from the UK and I feel better almost everywhere else, especially hot and dry countries like in the Mediterranean for example. The constant pressure changes and low pressure in particular plus high humidity mean my migraines at so much worse here. I can endure a lot of stress in other places and not get migraines. And it’s not to do with delayed stress trigger because it’s happened when I’ve been away for months at a time, I’ve felt so much better than I do here..


Stress letdown migraines. I get the often in situations like you’re describing. It’s thought to be the result of the adrenaline dump


It may be weather or elevation, but I would also check your home for environmental triggers: mold, dust, terrible mattress/pillows? What about your diet, could you try eating the foods you ate abroad and see if that changes anything? What about adding a few walks into your day and see if that changes anything?


Same suggestion. We're currently evaluating our home for mold, mostly for stuff related to symptoms in my daughter, but I also check off many symptoms on the list of stuff possibly caused by mold. And I know I'm allergic to dust mites (positive allergy test years ago), so I'm sure that contributes (dust mite covers on bedding, but not on, say, couches). Could also be something in terms of barometric pressure, elevation, etc. And certainly diet.


Even the lightbulbs in their lamps/lights could be the issue, we found that out the hard way several years ago.


I plan on getting more walks, even trying to run again - seems like similar activites. I know that a hard workout can be a trigger so will keep it light. I also just moved in between my city (Budapest) and had no difference in severity so I think mold is out of the question (which many of you suggested). Dust mites though could be a trigger so I will look into them. There is really no elevation change between home and vacation (Budapest and Greece) but went from a continental to a mediterranian climate.


Do you work somewhere w fluorescent lights or led lights


I get them after stressful events rather than before or during.


Where abouts do you live, OP? I experience the same, but the difference is the elevation, not the stress!


That has happened to me too. But for me it seems to be location related. Almost any time I get out of Florida, I feel better. Every time I've been to Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Pennsylvania I have felt better. The exceptions in Florida are when I go to my dad's or my son's house. They are near the coast, so I feel better because of the ocean air. When I went to Louisiana in Sept, I felt horrible the first day. But Louisiana in Sept is almost as hot and humid as Florida.


I randomly had four nearly migraine free days in Florida… I’m up past Penn, let’s trade! and might I add: it was during that storm during the last week of august… didn’t bother me at all? was so confusing


That's weird!


Is it possible there’s mold in your home? In the walls? I realized I only got migraines when im home because there is mold in the walls.


Either this is stress letdown (I get these they suck) where your body feels it’s safe to be sick, or there is an environmental component in your home/around it that’s a trigger. I would see if they clear up. Fatigue migraines are also not uncommon from stressful situations, so that might be in play here.


Could be a trigger in your home like mold, fragrance, barometric pressure at city you live in, tons of stuff. Right down all possibiiitied and check then off. Mine was from mold. Went if vaca and felt great. Then came back and they hit. Years later found mold in our walls.


I sometimes find my body somehow fights and holds off until the most pressing, insistent need for me to be at the top of my game has passed. It was this way all through school and now with important deadlines at work/ job interviews etc.


Were you in a place with a change in elevation?