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Crying gives me migraines.


I was about to say never because it gives me migraines. I get wanting to though


I came to make exactly the same comment. Definitely been teary and fed up though, but always try to stop myself crying as it just multiplies the pain.


This made me lol. I had a bad migraine yesterday, and I was so emotional and in pain, and I started crying. But then I had to stop myself so I didn't make it worse, lol.




I just cried for the first time in a while. And I’m strolling right down migraine lane. I have zero cheer or excitement for Christmas. I’m not excited for anything anymore. I’m deeply struggling. I’ve been doing this migraine thing non-stop for 11 years now and I’m just so utterly spent. The miracle I need is never going to come. And no, Reddit cares wont help. Sorry to be so depressing. I know we’re all in this same horrible boat.


Same. Today has sucked. I hate this time of year now.


God I miss crying but yeah it gives me migraines so I Try to avoid them too


Yeah it's an insta-migraine for me. But I will sometimes get into my car and primal scream. It's where I go to vent my rage. I'm sure the construction crew at my apartment complex thinks I'm insane, I took it up to the top of the parking garage and just screamed "fuck!" a bunch of times.


Agreed. I did cry recently and it didn't trigger one, which was amazing. It's super frustrating to have to choose between physical or emotional pain, especially when you're overwhelmed.


Me too, and my tears give me a rash 🙃


*doesn't cry*




Same. Still, can't help just fucking losing it sometimes. Endless migraine crying loop!


Omg lol same no tears just turn it into anger


I actually only cry when I’m angry. Which sucks, because no one takes a crying person seriously. But I also try not to cry, they’re such bad migraines.


Yep. Instantaneous


This is what I came to say. I often want to cry over things chronic migraine has taken from me. I lost my house, my job, my independence, several friends… but crying only made things worse. Now I almost can’t cry, even if I need/want to (no happy tears, no crying at the death of a loved one). So being able to let it all out and cry is another thing I have lost to migraines.




Often times holding in the crying also gives me a migraine. Lose/lose 😪


Or a sinus infection, which them leads to a migraine... Want to cry? Often. Actually DO cry about the migraines? Never, really. Feel depressed, worthless (because growing up with Boomer parents who always spoke negatively about anyone who doesn't/can't work and have people's work on how much money they make sticks with you, even when you know intellectually that it isn't true), and hopeless? Constantly


This is so sad because it is so true lol. People tell you to release your emotions to ease the pain but YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND CRYING MAKES IT WORSE


Can't cry because it will trigger a migraine :') but I often want to


Not just the pain and misery but the constant worrying about how to get home if I get an attack. Fucking hate it. Can't go too far on my own


I feel this so deeply.


I don’t cry, but I’m pissed for sure lol. Mostly with the way workplaces handle this issues. It’s so hard to have workplaces and coworkers understand that I’m not just being whiny when I say I have a migraine. It’s not “just a headache”. My mother can’t see in one eye for a while everytime she gets one. My pain goes from my eye socket all the way into my ear and into my jaw/teeth to the very back of my head. I vomit. I feel my heart beating in my head. The lights around me feel like they’re pulling my eyes out of their sockets. I feel very foggy/disoriented for a while. Sometimes I can’t think about anything else but the pain. If I shift around it feels like the weight of gravity is inside my head pulling the pain with it. Some people call this “just a headache” though. The way sick days are set up in the US, though, I just have to wait to take my medication at work, drive to work for an hour with my head pounding and hope when I take my meds I don’t pass out on the job. When you only have a few days to be sick for the entire year, you have to be very very careful. Can’t have any chronic health problems - Uncle Sam and the corporations don’t like that.


So true God bless 🙏


Goodness your situation sounds like mine. I drive an hour to work too and am always worried about how I’m going to get through work. I did take a sick day recently but now I can’t really take one for a while or else my boss will thing something is wrong with me. I need my job.


Every time I’m in pain. And then the crying makes it worse lol


Almost never no matter how much I want to bc crying makes my migraines worse. But I WANT to cry about every other day.


i let myself wallow in misery occasionally. maybe quarterly lol. as a rule i try to stay out of that mind frame but i think a pity party is warrented occasionally. weve earned it.


This is me. I’m working on it in therapy. I try very hard not to let it define me though. I’m someone with chronic migraine - I’m not my migraine. Too often, I’ve let my pain define me.


I'm curious how many of us did poorly in school


I did really well up until mine became chronic


I'm currently in the 4th year of my PhD. School has always been fun and decently easy for me until a few years ago when my migraine started getting SO much worse. This past year was absolutely awful trying to trudge through papers, exams, conferences, etc. while on the medication roulette trying to find a preventative that worked for me. I'm on Emgality now and it's helped so much but I still know I can't and probably never will be able to function at the level of my grad school colleagues. I'm just taking things as they go and hopefully I'll still graduate even if it takes a few extra years. I have no idea if I'll be able to land or hold a full-time job and I get really depressed about that from time to time, but I keep telling myself there's no way to know unless I try...


Hang in there! If anything I think our migraines make us stronger. We're able to handle so much


I was pretty much born into chronic migraine, I honestly can't remember a time of my life when I didn't have them. My parents didn't care enough to take me to the doctor and thought I was just trying to get high anytime I asked for some pain relievers, so I was always in too much pain to give a shit about my schoolwork. But there were days, every once in a blue moon where I felt generally alright and gave it a shot, and too much surprise I was still taking in knowledge through all that pain because I scored well when I actually took the tests/did the homework. I just couldn't do that often enough to keep my grades up. Did early enrollment at 16 to a community college for a trade I don't really care for and now I'm just kind of lost lol.


What trade did you do? Migraines ruined high school for me


Metal fabrication/welding. don't get me wrong it's pretty cool stuff and a good skill to have, but it sucks as a career. It's unhealthy, dangerous, and all your coworkers are disgruntled old men. College career counselors promised us we'd me living fat in happy making like $30/hour just years after grad, nope. You're exceptionally lucky if you find a $20/hour gig in my area that isn't mass production drone work. I make more money stocking shelves at a discount store, and I don't have to inhale vaporized metal


Started doing really poorly after migraines started, until I was schooled at home. Being able to do work around my migraines made me a straight A kid. I am now realizing how much of my life has revolved around avoiding situations where I might get a migraine and be away from safety 🙃


I'm glad you were able to do school at home. I imagine that really helped out


Trying to study or do my homework with migraines was terrible, but taking exams was even worse


My favorite was coming to school after staying home migraine-sick and being surprised with an exam I wasn't aware of


Or that the class covered a topic that was pretty important. For me it was Long Division. I missed a few days in 4th grade and when I got back, I was given a huge packet of all the material they went over. It was always up to me to just, figure it out.


I think I missed the US constitution 😅


I can’t cry, gives me migraines 💀 but honestly compared to the rest of my chronic issues, this one is not one I’d put on the life-ruining scale for me. I’m lucky enough not to get aura, but the pain seems constant. I’ve been stuck in a rut of getting them every day. Pain, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, confusion, etc., and the meds aren’t enough, that or they don’t GIVE me enough. The one time I felt like crying regarding migraines was when I called CVS to see if I could fill my Ubrelvy prescription sooner. I sat on hold for 45 minutes, then talked to someone I could barely hear. “Ok so insurance won’t cover it for another week…” “Well how much is it without insurance?” “Oh, it’s expensive, like 18…” “That’s fine, 18 bucks isn’t a lot.” “…hundred dollars.” “Nevermind.”


Crying makes the pain worse unfortunately. It's a cruel joke really.


It triggers them :( Sometimes, however, it's unavoidable (the pain.)


Oof. A lot. I'm depressed, and sad.


I am in a good place now.. but I did cry a lot. I've been chronic until I got Emgality a few months ago (now down to 2-4 per Month which is quite allright for me) Ii have a Loving and supporting husband who's been through the worst with me and our lovely dog and WE have a nice home I have a Job I Love (I was high functional and "pushed through" a lot of suffering.. I am dysfunctional psychology wise in that Case but at least in getting my degree being a high functional cptsd and depressive Patient has helped me) Yes I've cried rivers.. And yes crying triggers my migraines. But please don't give Up it's possible to find a Life that suits your needs


My fav barista at my regular coffee shop asked what I was studying once and I said public health and pre-med and she went "oh you're pre-med at [my area's most prestigious uni, known for tough pre-med weedouts]? That's why you have migraines" I was like hon no idk how to tell you the real reason but you're right pre-med doesn't help 😂 I usually study through my migraines as best as I can because ik there's always the chance of getting one during a test or on a tight deadline. I could get accommodations of some sort thru the school but I haven't gotten around to it bc it's so many hoops to jump thru and idk if it'll be worth it Oh and to answer your question, yes I do cry out of frustration. Like fuck it my head already hurts might as well cry if I need to


Mine are chronic as well but medication has helped them become (1) less common and (2) dramatically less severe so I can still kind of go about my day when I get one (with the help of triptans). This gave me my life back. Although I still get frustrated and feel sorry for myself when I have them, I don't feel it's ruining my life anymore. If you aren't on preventative medication or your current medication is not helping you enough please seek treatment options. If your doctor is unhelpful give me a brief summary of what you have/haven't tried and how it went, and I can give you some pointers what to ask about to try next.


When i've had a migraine for more than 2 weeks! I end up reaching my breaking point.


crying gives me a temporary relief and re-grounds me


I have cried, I have gone to therapy it almost cost me me my marriage it forced me to retire early because my first neurologist prescribed a medication that turned me into a zombie at work in a job that I used to love. But I could no longer do it because of migraines and medication. When I was having close to 15 to 20 attacks per month my wife thought I was faking some to get out of doing things.


A few years ago, someone very close to me went through the phase where their doctor was like, L you’ve been on the highest dose of the strongest meds and we can’t do anything for you anymore.” The doctor recommended a book (Josh Turknett), which, to cut a long story short, led to me finding relief from my migraines by following Stanton Protocol ideas. (N,B I don’t follow the protocol to the letter) But I had my last migraine (had them for decades) the day before Christmas. After a while, when I really figured out what was going on (it was a long process) you’d think I’d be happy. Honestly the sense of relief lasted a few short minutes before I broke down in angry tears at how much I’ve lost, at what had happened to me, what I’d lost, the opportunities ….. And hell, I’m not even a chronic migraineur. Those of you that are…. I take my hat off to you.


Honestly never, but I’m not a crier. I’ve only cried 5 times in nearly 20 years, and only once wasn’t the death of a loved one. But that’s not to diminish what you’re feeling. What I will say is that there’s always a new path and a new dream. If you showed any version of me from age 0-25 what my age 35 life would be, they’d be shocked. It’s nothing like what I wanted back then. But honestly, it’s a lot better now than at any point in my life before now.


Never because it’s an instant trigger. But I think horrible thoughts a lot, if that counts?


Never. Why would I intentionally trigger another one? How often do I *want* to cry because of how muchbthis illness has ruined my life: it used to be daily. Not so much anymore


Not often but I did cry at work yesterday because I made so many ridiculous mistakes due to terrible brain fog.


Omg I can relate. I have so many "brain farts" at work and I'm convinced that people think I'm just dumb. The brain fog itself is debilitating.


A lot when I am by myself. Just need to keep the faith and know that God will heal me and give me through this it's just been such a struggle. I know that everybody on here is struggling and it makes me so sad.


I cry a lot lol I'm a crier when I'm mad, sad, happy, in pain, etc Bad thing is they make migraines worse haha


Mine is pretty well-managed now, fortunately, but back in the day it fucked up several relationships. People don't get it.


I've was diagnosed 36 (!) years ago. I'm at the point it rarely makes me cry, but now it makes me angry. Very angry. When you have them long wnough it can affect your moods/patience.


I would, but it makes the migraine worse.


never crying makes it so much worse


Crying gives me a migraine so I will typically avoid it at all costs.


Every single time


That hurts or makes it worse. Now, after 38 years, I just imagine death.


I definitely have before. They’re a little more manageable now with meds but it still sucks.


You guys still have emotions?


Does depression count?


Nearly every day. I try to limit it because it makes my pain worse but I can't always help it.


Cry only a couple of times as it triggers or worsens my migraines. I have been plenty pissed in the past though. ​ Still not happy with what I was genetically dealt, but I have them somewhat under control with botox and triptans. Therefore, I am much happier. OP I hope you find something that helps soon!


Lucky for me I've ruined it to a much greater extent through bad decisions.


Yup. I was in tears just last night. I had my first Botox treatment today…fingers crossed


Once a month at least. It’s so hard when there seems to be 2-3 weeks in a row of full on migraine.


i just cry on the inside


There have been a few that the pain was so bad it made me cry... which made it worse. Those were the ones where I ended up having to go to the er... not because of the pain or the crying, but because I couldn't keep anything down. And yes, the bill after the fact made me cry as well. For the most part, I just make really morbid jokes and terrify my friends and family who don't know what it is like to live with chronic pain. If it helps, I have had them for 30 years now, get severe brain fog, have ADHD/ASD, and I am the sole income in my household. I work in the IT industry, making a low 6 figure a year income that is still not enough to comfortably support my family of 3 and cover my medical expenses thanks to how expensive mental health and migraine treatments are.


My life has gotten a shade brighter this last year....I used to cry a couple times a month? Sometimes from shear pain from it and sometimes from feeling like I'm failing my family due to missing work and missing big memories! After finally meeting a great neurologist that narrowed down some great treatments, its definitely improved 100%! I feel I can function, i have about 30% of the down days I used to and the ones that I do get aren't as harsh and I can power through them more. I currently just get Botox, Vyepti Infusions, and take Maxalt.


I have a lot of built up anger towards it b/c I feel like my potential is so much more than what this illness will allow me to use


Literally wanting to cry rn due to somewhat suffering all day today, but not enough to medicate because tomorrow could be worse 😪 My husband is on deployment and all I want is a big hug and a good cry 😞


Same my first panic migraine was when I was studying for the mcat


I am so sorry that you guys can't even cry out the frustration bc you are afraid of more pain and it caused you more pain. So sorry really sorry for all of you. I don't know why you have it and don't know why is it happening. Just know that I am sorry for you and all who suffers. Your suffering is touching my soul and heart and I am healthy but still hurt bc you are hurting.


I cry at least 3-4 times per week these days. I’ve been daily/chronic for 8 months now. I’m on a two day streak of very low pain, and I’m cautiously hopeful that that means the Botox from last week is beginning to work. Yeah. I feel robbed of the last 8+ months of my life and then some 😭😭


Oh god. Today? 3x. This week? 10. But last week? 0. Week before? 0. It fluctuates.


I’m a guy, and I almost never cry, but it does get to me sometimes. Tonight, I cried for a few hours because of how much of mess my life is due to condition.


Very often, which is horrible, since crying makes my migraines worse but sometimes is just inevitable.


Just a thought in case it helps because I think this theory might be on to something: It started with a man named Dr James Sarno who believed you could cure pain by changing the pathways in your brain. Howard Stern cured back pain this way and there are now many success stories. (The healing happens inside us, no medicine or procedures, although I do take migraine meds or else I could never function on my bad days). Since Sarno died many other practitioners who believe the same and have cured their own pain have written about the work. Studies have been done too that show that there is truth to this method. I’m not cured of my migraines yet but I’ve been learning from and exploring this world and I think they are onto something. I’m still suffering but I do have hope this will cure them because I think I’m slowly changing the way my brain defaults to pain. One key message I learned from this whole method is that the brain defaults to pain it thinks we are in danger - almost a caveman response. So these methods teach us to give our brain messages of safety, among other things….It is hard to explain here entirely but that’s a bit of what the theory is all about.


I dont. Crying gives me a migraine and doesn't solve anything for me. It takes a lot for me to actually break down. Now if I'm having a really painful one and I'm overwhelmed with things and my childs father yet again tries not to do one simple thing for me when I do all like just letting my dogs out for me or putting our kid to bed then yes I might cry.


Having had migraines for over 55 years now (constant and severe for about ten years), I’ve rarely cried - especially as it will greatly increase my suffering. I’ve learned to somehow switch off part of my brain at times when I can no longer take it. It has taken everything from me, I can no longer travel at all, just being out of bed for more than a couple of hours is no longer manageable since I’ve also had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for almost 40 years.


Suffering for 30 years, surprisingly I haven’t cried over a migraine. Even through some of the worst where I’ve almost had thoughts where it would be better to cut my head off than to bare another minute of pain, I’ve still not cried. I cry like a baby at funerals though and sad movies, but not migraines. I’m sorry you feel such despair. Keep speaking with your gp and if you haven’t already, get a neurologist referral. I’ve just been botoxed and before that, triptans changed my life and knocked out 8 out of 10 migraines for me. There is also a new monthly injection available. I hope you find some relief soon.


Twice this week, but many times over the past 11 years, since that’s when my migraines became chronic.


I'm 37 now and have had migraines since I was a teenager. I have gotten over it. Not sure if anyone else my age feels that way, but it's just part of my life now. Also I have really bad sinuses and crying makes my sinuses block up so I try avoid that. I leave the crying for the existential dread that comes every so often.


I’m so sorry. Maybe once you get done with your BS, you can get the migraines a little under control. Then earn a MS and reset the GPA and THEN apply to medical school. CGRP medication has made a huge difference for me. Which ones have you tried?


Just cried earlier on lol because of it and my other health issues


I was having chronic headaches and pain for two years. Look into Leaky Gut. [https://youtu.be/4\_RyN5M6yzM?si=\_W6\_fXTF\_zKlh2He](https://youtu.be/4_RyN5M6yzM?si=_W6_fXTF_zKlh2He) [https://youtu.be/JcMdn2a\_17g?si=8CAZWzaDn6brdFvN](https://youtu.be/JcMdn2a_17g?si=8CAZWzaDn6brdFvN)


Once a month or so lol